Opening a zero car wash business plan. How to open a car wash from scratch, what is needed for this? Where is it more profitable to open a car wash, how to open a point in the right place

Business in Russia. Guidelines for starting a business in the regions.
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* Calculations use average data for Russia

We do not pretend here to be a textbook and comprehensive presentation. Undoubtedly, there are several stages in this business, which it will be useful to know about for a beginner interested in the washing business. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a business plan, analyze it from all points of view, both financial and marketing, and outline the prospects for business development.

For reference: in the USA, it is considered that a business is a family business and it must be started for thirty years. This type of business itself is already about a hundred years old and it is not going to “leave the stage” at all, just like street dirt, of course. The next stage is the design of a car wash and obtaining all kinds of approvals and permits. First of all, you should thoroughly study whether the local population would object to being next to you. It is also useful to enlist the support of local public organizations having influence. Then the actual design work begins ... After you have brushed aside the paper monster, and this will have to "kill" a lot of time and money (see also other materials on our website), you will start building a car wash. The final stage is the actual opening of the car wash. The ceremony is often attended by all the local authorities who participated in the licensing and approval activities, as well as representatives of future corporate clients. Do not forget about the public figures who supported you - they can wash cars for free ... Thus, opening a car wash is, although it is joyful and honorable, but not at all as important as the previous stages of your work.

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If car washes experience a real customer boom in autumn and spring, as well as warm winters, then in the summer queues are mostly empty. The client goes anywhere to wash his car or does not wash it at all for a long time. The exception is people whose cars are covered with wax and they drive expensive foreign cars. How to get out of the situation when such a car wash brings only a decline? There are several answers. First, lower the price to the limit and diversify the number of services. You need to hold on to the client and then he will hold on to you, feeling your reliability. Secondly, in the summer everyone likes to sit in a cafe. Let a tent with beer and kebabs spread out next to your sink. While people sit and rest, someone will also want to have a washed car. We advise the most enterprising people to open a small eatery so that the profit from it flows into their own pockets. Also a useful thing in the neighborhood is a small auto parts store and even elements of your own car service, preferably on your own property. But it's already separate view business.

To profitably sell a car wash, you must show the future buyer all the advantages of your business in a particular this place. The equipment at your car wash must be in good working order (otherwise it will be bought only at the price of scrap metal), and it is also desirable to have a valid agreement with the supplier for the maintenance and repair of washing machines. A potential buyer should not have any doubts that his purchase will be worth the money. Bring him your financial documents, and thereby prove that the premises, buildings and territory of the car wash are worth exactly the money that you ask for them, taking into account some wear and tear. There should be no hidden hassles that a buyer may face after purchasing a car wash: for example, a protracted highway repair in the near future, strong competition due to the construction of a car wash from a neighbor car repairer or at a gas station.

The grand opening of the newly built car wash should first take place without an orchestra, but then in the presence of a commission, which includes representatives of the local administration, firefighters, employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station, environmental service, traffic police, etc. In total - 10-15 people together with the customer. They constitute the act of acceptance of the object. After signing the act, it is necessary to notify everyone about the opening of a new car wash and attract the attention of customers. This requires advertising (boards, announcements on local radio, etc.) that will inform potential customers about: the location of the new car wash, its opening hours, basic and additional services, discounts, etc. Compilers promotion it is desirable to come up with something to knock the client down with his offer. For example, apply a credit service system when concluding contracts with individuals or corporate clients

Car wash is a business.

Permits and approvals for the construction of car washes
Enthusiasts of the washing business say with one voice: the most difficult thing in organizing a car wash is obtaining permits. This procedure begins with the submission of a letter of petition addressed to the local chief for the allotment of a plot of land for the construction of car washes. Having received a preliminary "we will consider", a sketch of the project should be prepared, which should then be agreed with: fire inspection, sanitary and epidemiological station, municipal architects. The next step is a letter addressed to the chief city head with all preliminary documents attached to it. A response letter of permission for designing serves as the basis for obtaining an architectural and planning task. After that, the entrepreneur will have to, having taken the APZ in his hands, agree and develop in 30-40 organizations specifications project for water, gas, heat, sewerage, electricity, stormwater, telephone, radio, outdoor lighting. The developed project then passes examinations in: SES, labor protection services, nature protection, fire inspection, architects and state examination. If the project does not pass at least one instance, it will not be accepted. After the approval of the project, an act is drawn up for temporary or permanent ownership of land, land is allocated and a warrant for the construction of the facility is issued. According to the specialists-designers, here they will have to fork out (for the improvement of the city) in an amount equivalent to 25% of the cost of construction. It takes entrepreneurs from one and a half to two years to "go through the throes", starting from the moment of contacting the local administration until the moment the building is built. Usually design institutes for a small bribe (5-10%) they help to overcome all the difficulties, removing the headache from the customer during the construction of car washes.

car wash room

As in any other type of business, in the car wash business, a lot depends on the choice of location. It's no secret that car washes are ideally placed on the sides of busy highways and large city avenues where cars constantly drive. Many car washes are located at the entrances to the city, at customs and border posts. But too good is not good either. There are times when a car wash located near major transportation hubs suffers from excessive traffic. Potential customers are often just a bummer to wade between four-wheeled friends scurrying back and forth. Practice shows that car washes feel most comfortable at service stations, gas stations and car parks. For those who do not have enough money to build their own building for a car wash, we can recommend renting a suitable room at the ATP. Firstly, with the execution of permits there will be less hassle. Secondly, the location of the majority motor transport enterprises familiar to car enthusiasts.

Under sinks for cars and minibuses, there are enough rooms with dimensions of 6x10m. The construction of a sink of this size will have to pay approximately $18,000 to $21,000 - $300-350 for each "square". For the construction of a three-post car wash - five to seven times more. For all types of car washes, there are typical well-designed building layouts that take into account how the placement necessary equipment, as well as the arrangement of auxiliary and technical premises. A company that offers the construction of turnkey car washes must have several ready-made projects. Design and coordination are usually undertaken by those firms that build the facility as a general contractor. The term for preparing a working draft with approvals from the moment the permit is received is approximately six months - for new construction, for the reconstruction of facilities - the terms are shorter and depend on the specific situation. If the company undertakes the design, this is a guarantee that the car wash will be built without additional costs in addition to the basic estimate and just in time. The turnkey car wash construction period is approximately 2 months.

Business - car wash: the first stage of planning (example)

First of all, you should choose a place where you will be engaged in washing business. For example, it will be near a prestigious neighborhood. You have to estimate the duration of your business (at least 10 years, the Americans are planning for about thirty years) and you can start thinking of business promotion. Your car wash will provide customers with three services: exterior car wash, interior cleaning, and auto parts. Car washes have no competitors who are trying to offer high quality service for a reasonable price. Most try to compete on price. Your car wash's ability to provide high quality service, both in terms of wash and customer service, is based on the ability to find the best employees. Hiring the best employees is very efficient because it reduces the costs associated with turnover, etc. Hiring the best employees means giving them the opportunity to make sure that they are well taken care of by their superiors, and assuring their superiors that they, in turn, take care of their customers. Clients If we have chosen a prestigious microdistrict, then there are three main groups of clients: individual car owners, renters, and local entrepreneurs. The surrounding area is quite wealthy, 40% of the residents earn $10,000 a year. Hence, they have good cars and want them to look good. There are five different car dealerships within a few kilometers. Finally, there are many different local businesses that have company cars and this requires a clean look. Management Your car wash is located in a good location. By the third year, the business will have developed an annual net profit of $48,000.

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Many are visited by thoughts of opening a personal, profitable business. The main factor leading to the birth of an idea is the desire not to be subordinate to other people. The prospect of development seems simple, but there are many factors that can stop the process. Choosing a direction is the first thing a future entrepreneur faces. Learning how to open a car wash and make a fortune takes effort, nerves and time.

The relevance of opening a car wash

The relevance of opening a car wash is to increase the number of cars on the roads of the country. According to recent studies, the average family has about 2 cars. Every car owner loves their car and wants it to look presentable. Cars are washed regularly, and, as practice shows, most people prefer to carry out the procedure at specialized car washes. Many consider car washing to be a seasonal job. However, dust settles on cars in summer, road salt in winter, and mud in spring and autumn. So the season is all year round. The answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open a car wash is obvious.

With a manual wash, 4 to 6 cars can be serviced per hour. The average payment for washing the body is 300 rubles, vacuuming the interior - 100 rubles and dry cleaning the interior - 4500 rubles. Monthly income will be about $ 8,000. If you take away the cost of rent, staff salaries, technical needs, public utilities, it turns out net profit about 2000$.

Features and stages of opening a car wash

Convinced of future success and acceptable results, you should think about what you need to open a car wash:

1. Creation of a car wash project, in the event that construction is carried out. The project is required to obtain documents permitting the construction of a building, premises for work. It should indicate the plan of the building and the territory, the location of the equipment, its characteristics, the required energy capacities. Be sure to clarify the services from additional municipal services.

2. Find a place and a room. Main stage. The number of clients, their wealth and the businessman's profit will depend on the location. The best solution where to open a car wash would be a building near the road in a densely populated prestigious area, or at a gas station. The number of competitors is preliminarily provided. The fewer of them, the better.

3. Obtaining permission to open a car wash. How to open a car wash without its approval from the relevant authorities? No way. Required in the case of the construction of a building according to a pre-certified project.

4. Purchase equipment. For car washing, special high and low pressure equipment is used. Services include a pre-wash of the car with a spray of detergents softened with cold water under high pressure. After, with the help of brushes, washing is carried out with hot softened water and detergents. In order to wash off all reagents, ordinary water under high pressure is used. Glass cleaning is carried out with demineralized water under low pressure.

5. Purchase cleaning equipment. The car wash system, according to sanitary and epidemiological standards, is required to be connected to the treatment equipment, which will save on the water resources used, comply with the norms of environmental protection legislation.

6. Select staff. Alone, it will not be possible to turn plans into reality. Special skills from hired workers are not required. Basic knowledge of the mechanics of vehicles is desirable.

7. Services must be carried out around the clock in order to obtain maximum profit. This will require about 6 people and one foreman. You can hire students. Payment is set in the range of 20-40% of the work performed for a normalized working day and is divided among employees. More cars washed - more earned.

9. Open a car wash. The most enjoyable moment. Is it worth it to open a car wash without the presence of representatives of local authorities, acquaintances, friends at the opening? It is possible, but it will not bring starting popularity. For the purposes of the promotion, several officials' cars should be washed free of charge.

How much does it cost to open a car wash?

Having considered the stages of creating and opening a car wash, the desire to open this organization increases. But, no matter how beautiful everything is in theory, the need for investment Money nobody canceled. When asked how much it costs to open a car wash, there is a logical answer.

Rental costs are regular and depend on each specific case. The following one-time costs must be added to the lease:

  • High pressure water supply equipment, designed for one post - $550 - $1250.
  • High pressure heated water supply equipment - $1600 - $3100.
  • Waste water treatment equipment - $4500 - $6500.
  • Vacuum cleaner and washing vacuum cleaner - $350 - $600.
  • Compressor - $200 -$450.

Owners of car washes in our country prefer imported equipment. The main supplier of high-quality equipment that will last a long time is the German company Karcher.

In addition, equipment from Italian and Danish manufacturers is used. Domestic equipment is in demand only as a treatment plant.

Consumables include shampoos, polishes, chemical cleaners, engine cleaners, bumpers and rims. Monthly spending on maintenance of 25 - 35 cars per day will be about $300 - $400.

Important for starting a business

For beginners, when opening a car wash, the main difficulty will be the question of choosing a place to build a building, as it requires a lot of bureaucratic procedures related to coordinating complex issues and obtaining various permits from the relevant authorities. The process may be delayed and will require an investment of about 3 million rubles. For this business The best option would be to rent a ready-made premises.

An important point when deciding where to open a car wash will be taking into account SES requirements and authorities. Car washes are prohibited closer than 70 meters from residential buildings.

In the absence of the required amount of funds, a business plan should be drawn up, which will display all the profitability indicators of the enterprise.

If the preparation of the document is not possible, it is worth contacting the appropriate company. Based finished business plan apply to the bank for a loan and, with the funds received, get down to business.

With good results, a manual car wash can be supplemented with a tunnel or portal car wash. The expansion can be done by attracting investments, loans, which will increase the throughput of cars from 20 to 100 per hour.

How to create a profitable business and how to open a car wash became clear. The costs that will need to be made subject to all the requirements and norms will pay off after 4 - 7 months. When building a building, using the most expensive equipment, the payback period can be delayed by one and a half to two years.

New Car Wash Business Ideas

A person who starts a business must be not only smart, but also creative. You can use different methods to attract customers. This business has its tricks. For male drivers, a great option would be to carry out the washing procedure by beautiful girls in bikinis, and for female drivers, beefy men in swimming trunks.

Business in Russia. Guidelines for starting a business in the regions.
We are trusted by 700,000 entrepreneurs of the country

Wet business: opening a car wash

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Car washes are not a new business, but they are still in demand. Moreover, many experts say that this sector is currently experiencing another round of development. In particular, this statement applies to regional markets. So how do you open a car wash?

According to the calculations of foreign experts, there should be one portal car wash for every 50,000 people.
The initial boom in car washes has passed, but the market for these services has not yet been fully developed.

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Car washers offer almost the same “menu” and work with the same equipment. Most prefer the Karcher brand and do not want to know the other. Indeed, the equipment is of high quality and reliable, although not the cheapest. But it is widespread: the Russian dealer network of this German concern is well developed. As for other manufacturers, products of such brands as Istobal (Spain), WAP, Weidner, Wesumat, California Kleindiest (Germany), Ceccato, Comet (Italy), Carebridge (Great Britain) are represented in Russia.

In the whole country, 80% of the market is occupied by equipment of German manufacturers; the remaining 20% ​​are shared by Italian, Czech and Polish firms, whose products are inferior to German ones in quality and price.

Of the three main types of car washes, "moidodyry" confidently opt for manual-type car washes with high-pressure cleaners - they occupy 80-90% of the regional market. An extremely small segment (10-20%) belongs to automatic portal car washes, which is strange in itself: this service is very attractive to customers and highly profitable. Washers themselves say that drivers do not like "portals": they allegedly damage, scratch the car.

Meanwhile, car washes of this type are widespread in Europe, along with self-service points. The latter, by the way, are also completely absent in the regional market. Not to mention tunnel-type sinks.
Given the above features of the regional market, it is not difficult to figure out a way to “squeeze” into it. A trivial, but guaranteed winning option is to purchase a portal car wash, or even better, a tunnel-type car wash. That is, to make a name for themselves in a sector with little or no competition. The method is good for entrepreneurs who are not constrained in their means.

Another fairly standard solution is to increase the area of ​​​​the “auto-laundry”, that is, its productivity. But, betting on the amount of turnover, you need to locate such a car wash in the appropriate place: close to large highways in order to provide yourself with customers. Or look for a "wholesale" customer among large motor transport enterprises and conclude an agreement with him for the exclusive right to "wash". Departmental cars are washed regardless of the weather - they have such a rule.

Actually, the most profitable are only two types of sinks. The first type includes sinks with high productivity and a minimum range of services. These car washes bring maximum income on busy sections of roads and are designed for customers who value their time. On the other hand, the faster one car is processed, the more cars will pass through the car wash per day. The average service time for one car at such washes should not exceed 10-15 minutes. They are most effective, in particular, at the entrances to the city and highways connecting the sleeping areas of the city with industrial ones. Only automatic equipment is needed here - portal or tunnel washing - with a capacity of 12-100 cars per hour. And the use of manual labor is reduced to a minimum. Of course, the cost of wages are also decreasing.

The second, alternative option - high quality sinks and a wide range of services provided with low productivity. A set of them may include engine washing, interior dry cleaning, body polishing, interior rubbing and polishing, tire blackening (in particular, as a pre-sale preparation), etc. Such washes are designed for customers who specifically plan to spend a certain amount of time in exchange for quality , comfort and prestige. They may be located away from busy highways, but they must definitely give the client the maximum benefit. On these washes, manual equipment is used: first, the abrasive is washed off the surface with a manual apparatus, then it is wiped with a soft sponge, then wiped dry, and the master controls the quality of work. Accordingly, on sinks of this purpose, separate rooms for recreation and entertaining pastime of customers should be provided. It can be a cafe, slot machines, whatever! Everything is limited only by the imagination of the owner.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In Novgorod, car washes often operate in conjunction with a car service, or at least offer drivers all sorts of “side” services. In business, there is such a thing as "synergy". It refers to the additional effect of combining two or more related types of business. If a potential client needs to buy oil and a couple of parts, a broken spare tire is lying in the trunk, the car is dirty, and besides, he is not averse to eating, most likely he will choose the car wash where he can combine all operations, and not four different places. Even just stopping by to change a wheel, the driver often looks at the car wash for the sake of interest, assesses whether it will be convenient to wash the car here. Separately standing sinks are sometimes untwisted for six months. In most cases, the reasons for the failure of the car wash business lie not in its very unprofitability, but in the wrong approach to its organization. An original solution to a business problem that turns the routine problem of the washing process into a small holiday for the client will surely bring additional profit to the entrepreneur, which may turn out to be even greater than the income from “core” services.
Do you need advertising for car washes? There are different points of view on this issue. Of course, it is appropriate to place ads in the "automotive" media, distribute colorful booklets in crowded places and mailboxes.

It is always useful to come up with a non-standard advertising move to stand out. You must be remembered.
As an example, car washes that have recently become popular in Moscow and other cities can be cited, where customers are strictly prohibited from opening windows, doors, getting out of the car and ... touching the washer. This is explained simply - the ceremony of cleaning cars for the joy (and sometimes amazement) of clients is carried out by half-naked girls. It is not hard to guess that this car wash has no shortage of mostly male patrons. There is also an opposite example, when ladies from different parts of the city come to see the master of the ballet genre, which turns a car wash into a beautiful show. Of course, an overly conservative visitor may not appreciate your efforts. But for him there are many other "highlights". Offer, for example, a client to play "darts" (which is even easier - a target and darts) during a wash with the condition that if he scores a certain number of points, he will receive a small discount. In any case, you can be sure that rumors about the existence of an unusual car wash will spread quickly and far. And clients will drop in to you not only from adjacent areas, but also from more distant ones.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The threshold for entry into the "wet" business is about 10-15 thousand dollars. AVD washings pay off in 6-12 months, and it takes about 3 months just to get to know about the enterprise. Much more profitable, in his opinion, portal washing. But it requires much larger investments, since it costs from 40,000 euros and pays off in three years.

Much depends on the size of the production area, the number of cars that the car wash can serve per day. In Nizhny Novgorod, if a "car laundry" occupies 100 sq. m, then, according to experts, on average 15-20 cars pass through it per day. But, of course, each sink has its own indicators.

Since the cleanliness of the car costs the owner 100-200 rubles (the final price is made up of what services the client wants to receive, and strongly depends on the proximity of the "point" to the city center), the monthly profit of an average car wash can range from 4 to 8 thousand dollars.

Considering all of the above, the profitability of car washes, according to specialists practicing car washing, is at least 20%. In the best case, the bar of profitability can reach 40%. But the level of profitability is highly dependent on several factors, the main of which are the location of the sink, staff, vagaries of equipment, seasonality.

Of course, one cannot put an exclamation mark on the statement that the washing business is too dependent on the fickleness of nature. Yes, the autumn-spring crowds of cars at the car wash are replaced by relative summer calm. People go to rest, and do not mind washing the car on their own. But in the summer, as owners of car washes testify, customers come to vacuum the interior and do dry cleaning, in spring and autumn they usually do not want to spend money on this. In order to attract customers and maintain an acceptable flow of cars at the car wash, it does not hurt to do some summer discounts to expand the range of services to the maximum.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The most productive periods are spring and autumn. At this time, queues often even line up. And the intensity of visiting decreases in holidays and the summer holidays. Certainly one of essential conditions the success of the washing business is the right choice of a place for placing a sink (although even the most successful place in itself does not guarantee 100% success of the enterprise). It is believed that the most advantageous location for washing are highways at the entrances to the city, especially in front of traffic police posts.

In Nizhny Novgorod, this did not justify itself. It turned out that it is much more convenient for customers if the car wash is located near the road connecting sleeping areas with industrial ones, along which powerful streams move in the morning and evening. If the car wash is located in a “sleeping” area, then the client, in addition to washing the car outside, often uses additional services: interior cleaning, upholstery stain removal, panel polishing, engine washing, etc., up to tire blackening.

If you put the car wash on a too busy highway or at the entrance to the city, then the client here will be rather random, wanting only to wash the car and leave as soon as possible. Then it makes sense to arrange a room and select equipment that provides maximum throughput. This will increase productivity and avoid queues. But too good is sometimes bad. There are times when a car wash located near major transportation hubs suffers from excessive traffic. Potential customers often just “bummer” to wade through the stream of cars.

When choosing a room, it is important to pay attention to a good access to the sink, so that the road is tolerable, and you don’t have to look for it for half an hour. Also, practice shows that "car laundries" feel good at service stations, gas stations and car parks. Another option is to build car washes near hypermarkets, where a lot of cars gather on weekends.

Not the last factor influencing the profitability of the car wash is the strict selection of personnel. At first glance, it is not difficult to find employees for a car wash. Invite the first person you meet, and let him clean the car for a moderate fee. An no. Although no special education is needed to clean cars, experienced entrepreneurs prefer workers who understand cars. Energetic guys with "elementary automotive education" here is very welcome.

Some entrepreneurs were very satisfied by inviting girls to work. The natural "ambitiousness" of the latter is fully manifested at the car wash. But men are still preferable - the work is quite hard.

The issue of equipment security from the encroachments of home-grown "Kulibins" is also relevant. In particular, at automatic car washes, operators manage to underestimate the number of cars washed, causing considerable damage to the owners. Russian self-taught people quickly find the weak points of equipment, so it is better to purchase equipment that is as protected from hacks as possible.

Car washes, especially portal ones, suffer not only from the hands of personnel, but also from breakdowns of imported equipment, which is poorly adapted to our water. The failure of any unit or unit leads to paralysis of the entire washing post. And if the service company does not have the necessary large spare parts (which often happens), then they have to be ordered abroad.
A number of additional problems brings the owners of sinks and the harsh Russian climate. In cold weather, cars must be warmed up and washed only with hot water. Washers' expenses are also growing due to the need to purchase branded auto cosmetics. On the other hand, not every imported powder or shampoo is suitable.

Nadezhda Veselova, Sergey Pichugin
"Nizhny Novgorod Business Journal"

The stronger the spring is gaining momentum, the longer the queues for car washes become. And the more people who want to systematically wash their cars, the more often entrepreneurs begin to think about opening their own. own business in this domain.

So how much does it cost to build a car wash? What permits do you need to get for this? How much money will you need to invest and how much can you earn from it? Let's talk about all this in more detail.


It should be noted that experts predict a sharp increase in demand for this service in the near future. This is due to several factors. Firstly, seasonality, because it is known that in spring and summer, motorists often try to wash their vehicles. Secondly, with a general increase in the number of cars. Finally, the third factor is high profitability similar business.

In general, they are definitely worth doing. But before you invest your finances, understand in detail the types of car washes and decide what specifically suits you. The amount of initial investments and the subsequent "exhaust" will depend on the chosen format. There are three types of car washes: capital, collapsible and mobile. Let's consider each of the options.


To start a business, you need 5 million rubles or more. The peculiarity of this type is that the car wash is equipped in a large industrial building, and all kinds of systems and communications are connected to it. The payback of a car wash depends on in which part of the city you place your point, what will be the flow of customers.


The second type is a little easier. The car wash is equipped with two posts. Accordingly, the costs will be slightly less. Entrepreneurs who already have experience in this area note that two million rubles can be dispensed with here. This car wash has a slightly lower profitability than the previous type, but it does not require industrial hangars. Just a flat concrete or asphalt platform and thin-walled metal structures are enough, which are then sheathed with special sandwich panels.


This is the simplest possible car wash. Due to its mobility, it does not require serious investments. In case of an unsuccessful location, you can always move it to another, more profitable point. True, and the return will be less than from the previous two options.

How much does it cost to build this type of car wash? In order to become the owner of this business, you must have at least 1 million rubles. Most of the amount will need to be spent on a trailer, in which, in fact, the vehicle will be washed. The disadvantages of a mobile type car wash is that it is designed for only one car. And the advantages are that it does not require the connection of special communications.

And now it's time to decide which type to focus on. Compare your financial capabilities and expectations from the business you are starting. If you are still confused, then let me give you a little advice. We recommend starting with a collapsible car wash. It will require an average cost from you.

In case of urgent need, you can always move it to a new point. In addition, it is designed for two cars. You can only wash cars at one post, and equip the second one for trucks. Due to this, you can quickly justify your investment. You already know how much it costs to build a car wash of this type, so let's move on to the next points.

Choosing a place for business and collecting documentation

The success of almost the whole business depends on where your point will be located and how many posts you can place on it. Approach carefully this issue. Study and analyze the density of traffic passing by, the number of competing companies, the remoteness of your business from residential complexes, and a number of other factors. Ideally, you should open a point near the road junction, near the residential complex. As for the number of posts, then equip them at your discretion.

Now let's talk about documents. Land for business or rent or buy. If the land belongs to the state, we go to the City Property Management Committee and take part in the auction. If the site on which you decide to settle down belongs to agricultural land, you will need to transfer it to the category of industrial. This procedure also takes the form of an auction and can take up to 6 months. A stationary car wash must be approved by the department of architecture and urban planning of your city.

How much does it cost to build a car wash?

Let's just say it's not cheap. And given the fact that you are just starting to work, and you already have a lot of expenses, it is better to abandon this idea. It is much more correct to rent a room suitable for this business and equip it according to all your needs.

In this case, everything will be much more rational. To agree on the location of your enterprise, you must submit to the inspection authorities a document on the conclusion of an agreement for the lease of land or land; registration certificate legal entity as an LLC or individual entrepreneur, a copy of the sketch of the car wash project and a certificate of tax registration is required.

In the case of creating a business from scratch, it will be necessary to attach to this package of documents a permit from the city administration for the construction of a building, its plan, which must be agreed with the architecture department, firefighters and SES. And also you should have a conclusion from the Natural Supervision Authority in your hands. In addition, experienced entrepreneurs advise you to draw up and draw up a contract for the removal of garbage and solid waste, a certificate of the number of jobs and quality certificates for the equipment you have.

Opening a car wash is highly profitable and profitable business, using in great demand in any city, because the pace of car sales is constantly growing. Accordingly, the demand for car wash services will only grow. To open a car wash, an entrepreneur does not need any special knowledge. Another plus is that car wash services are not subject to certification.

Among the types of car washes, there are manual, portal, and recently mobile, or mobile washes have appeared.

In them, washing is carried out by workers, using systems that supply water under pressure. Hand washes are relatively cheap, and, oddly enough, people have more confidence in this type of washer. About 70% of all Moscow car wash services are manual car washes for 2-3 posts.

Due to the fact that the labor is manual, the throughput at such car washes is not high. However, the high quality of service and a wider range of services provided can make a manual type car wash a fairly profitable enterprise.

The list of services may be as follows:

engine wash,
interior cleaning,
body polishing,
rubbing and polishing the interior,
blackening of tires (in particular, as a pre-sale preparation), etc.

Such sinks can be located away from busy highways. They are designed for customers who specifically plan to spend a certain amount of time in exchange for quality, comfort and prestige. On these washes, manual equipment is used: first, the abrasive is washed off the surface with a manual apparatus, then it is wiped with a soft sponge, then wiped dry, and the master controls the quality of work. Accordingly, car washes for this purpose should be provided with separate rooms for customers to relax: cafes, slot machines, etc.

In car washes with low throughput it is quite logical to provide drivers Additional services, which sometimes bring income no less than the sink itself. A car service, auto parts store or tire fitting can work in parallel here.

PORTAL CAR WASHES they are a box in which a washing machine is installed - brushes, cleaning agent supply systems, etc. Portal car washes are much more expensive, but allow you to service many more cars in the same period of time. Accordingly, in order to provide yourself with customers, you need to locate such a car wash in the appropriate place: on the roads connecting the sleeping areas of the city with industrial ones, and at the entrances to the city. Or you need to look for a "wholesale" customer among large motor transport enterprises and conclude a washing agreement with him.

Practice also shows that car washes feel good at service stations, gas stations and car parks. Another option is to build car washes near hypermarkets, where a lot of cars gather on weekends.

High-capacity sinks are designed for customers who value their time, and are beneficial due to their high throughput. The list of services at such a car wash will be minimal. The average service time for one car should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Only automatic equipment is needed here - portal or tunnel washing - with a capacity of 12-100 cars per hour. And the use of manual labor is reduced to a minimum. Of course, the cost of wages is also reduced.

How much does it cost to open a car wash?

Count the rental costs (here you need to find out the data for a specific place) and add the cost of the equipment:

High-pressure apparatus for supplying water to one post - $ 500-1300,
high-pressure apparatus with heated water - $ 1800-3000,
used water treatment system - $ 4800-6600,
washing vacuum cleaner or vacuum cleaner - $ 400-550,
compressor - $ 200-250.

Owners of Moscow car washes prefer to work with imported equipment. Up to 80% of the operated equipment is from the German company Karcher. Italian and Danish equipment is also quoted. And from domestic equipment, only units for the technical treatment of used water are usually actively used.

To equip the post with an automatic portal car wash from Karcher, you will have to spend at least 100 thousand dollars.

The main consumables are shampoo, dry cleaning, polishing, cleaning the engine, rims and bumpers. You have to spend about $300 a month on them if 30-40 cars a day are serviced at the car wash.


In this kind of business the best option there will be a rental of ready-made premises, since the construction of such premises requires complex approvals and permits from various authorities (only about 160 approvals with the signatures of officials must be obtained). Yes, and the cost of building a car wash, including design work and connection to engineering networks is unlikely to be less than 3 million rubles, and this will significantly increase the payback period.

When choosing a place, you must also take into account the requirements of the authorities and the SES. Since the car wash works with large volumes of water and can affect the environment, there are increased requirements for such enterprises. For example, sinks cannot be located closer than 70 m to residential buildings. In addition, the direct discharge of used water into the sewer is generally prohibited. There is, of course, equipment with a closed water cycle, but it is much more expensive, so it is up to you to decide whether to use it or not.


Not the last factor influencing the profitability of the car wash is the strict selection of personnel. Experienced entrepreneurs prefer employees who understand cars.

If a car wash serves a lot of foreign cars, an irresponsible or careless employee can easily bring losses to the company: even at a manual car wash, you can accidentally damage the car body, and if it is a car worth more than $ 100,000, such a scratch can cost your company dearly.

Car wash work

As a rule, car washes work around the clock or in one or two day shifts. On a manual two- or three-station car wash in one box, two washer plus a senior usually work on all posts in a shift. Washers are paid piecework. Usually this is 20-40% of the daily revenue, which is distributed to the entire team of the shift. Mostly men are hired as washers, because this work in itself is physically quite difficult. At car washes with high-quality service, managers also work at a constant rate, who monitor the quality of the car wash and hand over the finished car to the client.

The most requested service is car wash. You can add washing of the bottom, wheels, engine, carpets, interior cleaning, dry cleaning, etc. to it. The final price consists of what services the car owner who came to the car wash wants to receive.

4-5 cars can be serviced per hour at one manual washing post.

Cost of services:
washing the car body - 100-300 rubles,
vacuum the interior - 50-150 rubles,
dry cleaning of the salon - 3000-6000 rubles.

Moreover, the price level does not depend on the location of the car wash, but on its prestige, which includes modern design, advanced washing technologies and quality of service.

How much can you earn at a car wash?

A manual car wash can earn at least $8,000 a month.

Approximately such a result can count on a two-man manual car wash, subject to daily maintenance of 35-40 cars. It is assumed that the premises and equipment are owned by the owner.

If you plan to rent a room for a car wash, then instead of renting a land plot, consider renting a room. According to various sources, the rent for a two-man car wash near a gas station can be up to 150,000 rubles. per month, but, according to experts, the revenue of such a car wash reaches 400 thousand rubles. monthly, completely covering the costs and still providing 100 thousand rubles. arrived.

The profitability of the washing business is usually not lower than 30%, and can reach up to 100% or more. The level of profitability is affected by the location of the sink, staff, vagaries of equipment, seasonality.