Cover for a passport with your own sewing hands. Description of work step by step. PHEED DESCRIPTION OF MASTER CLASS

PVA glue and adhesive pencil;

Stamped pad and stamps;

Threads and sewing machine;

Ribbon-lace, semi-massive;

Acrylic paint and glitter.

We take dense paper that we will use as a basis. We supply the passport and cut out. Find with the help of a line with a middle and bend in half.

Cut from designer paper in front of and back. I have three segments, because for the front side I will use two.

The third rectangle is cut in the drawing, try on the main paper.

Stamped pad Toning all the edges.

Stamp the corner of the cover.

We select additional segments of paper for the decor, the inscription "Passport" print on the printer (if there is no stamp, like me))). Edges Tinging.

The inscription is glued with a pencil with a tight paper, like the base. Exactly cut, again toning.

We glue the segments, inscription and lace.

From the same tight paper, cut the curls with scissors (or if they eat on the Big Skot) and toning them.

Partially glue, take all the blanks, fold them and go to the sewing machine.

We flash around the edge, you can several times (I have been folded twice). If the sewing machine allows, make decorative seams at the request.

Here we have the face and back cover.

We glue the remaining curls and toning them to your taste.

Thin brush slightly applied acrylic paint Gold colors.

Also chaotically add a glitter. We glue semobusins.

We give all the beauty to dry well and put in a transparent cover to be better preserved during use. Everything is ready!

Every person should have things very personal and necessary. Such things can be attributed to the passport. This document occupies an important place in the life of people, he is with you every person. To save a paper thing for an integer, a cover is needed. And I want to be not a simple, but the original one. So the cover on the passport made by your own hands will good option For original gift near man, especially if you make it from the skin.

For such a work, only a sewing machine and a bright head. With the help of such a machine, you can make embroidery on the skin, it turns out interesting. The main thing to challenge the idea of \u200b\u200bincarnation into the life of such a product.

The technique of creating a passport cover do it yourself

You need to first download the passport template, take the skin, seer, knife and ruler.

On the skin to circle the downloaded pattern, put holes.

Cut drawn billet. Shell make holes on the billet.

On the skin you need to apply air conditioning and wipe over.

Gently sew all blanks. Crop thread and decompose everything in cells.

Stylish cover for the chief document is ready!

Mastery Fashionable Cover for Passport

Very interesting type of work in the Scrapbooking technique. Such a cover looks very rich and interesting. The master class is offered to the help of needlewomen, thanks to which they can make a cover on the passport, and with their own hands, in the technique of scrapbooking. No special materials for such work.

Cook the paper, a translucent cover, white cutting from cardboard, semi-cubs, hydrangea flowers, printed word passport, glue, ruler.

First, measure the cover and measure the measurements from the paper to cut the right rectangle parameters. Rectangle in half bend.

A strip of pearl paper in five centimeters to handle a composter. If it is not, you can use curly scissors. Cut the desired piece. Fold the strip in half, the fold line must be a clear. Inside glue bilateral tape and glue.

Decorating the top. Details need to be thought out so that later the beauty of the beauty fit into a transparent cover did not succeed. Cut word passport with separate paper. The Word itself is optional to print, you can use a stamp. It is sold in specialized departments for scrapbooking. The edges of the rectangle to handle special inks and give time to dry.

Blank fasten on the basis. Cardboard cutting of white color to smear with glue and fix in the right corner below.

On top to plant a flower blue and on top of it a white floral blank.

To decorate all the half-semen: the first attach to the middle of the flower, the rest in the frame with the word passport.

Insert all the ready-made craft in a transparent cover and you can turn off the original cover.

Tissue case as a gift for the closest

This gift is suitable for men. They are very difficult to surprise with something or, but the cover on the passport made from the fabric with their own hands is perfect for the gift to representatives of the strong half. Such a simple thing will always remind of a native person.

For this craft, you need to prepare a silk cut, doublerin, lining fabric, matches or lighter, oblique beyk, rhinestones and a transparent cover.

From the scheme to create a pattern for a passport. Power supply should be around a centimeter. Product dimensions Thirty-five and a half per sixteen centimeters. From Dubleryrin, the workpiece cut without spaces the size of thirty-five and a half by fourteen centimeters, and from the lining nineteen and a half per sixteen centimeters.

Iron put off the offstand of a silk with a dublerin in a sweep mode. The edges of natural silk is better to sing, rather than burn. Fold the foundation with a lining face. Start the details horizontal side. It is necessary to retreat from the very edge near the centimeter. Vertical edges will be subjected to face with the front side. Remove the workpiece, freeze and join the iron.

Now the foundation is folded on the cover, moving about eight centimeters. Align the edges horizontally and sweep, see it from face. Thread hide inside. Beautifully will decorate the top of the cover with rhinestones with glue. They need to put it and stroke a hot iron. Just work through the fabric. Be sure to edge must be treated by oblique baker. She will give the work completed and decorate the product. Its color must match the color of the main fabric.

Today we will make a cover for a passport in a soft binding without a special decor, we will use only brothers.

For the basics we use a dense cardboard. I have a blank for a photo album, but they lie very long and I decided to put them into consumption for the passport covers. I cut the cardboard in half and I got 14 cm by 9.5 cm.

I also cut the root. My root is obtained on sides on a centimeter and in the middle - half a millionth.

I will glue it to the adhesive pencil, but first you need to cut off the corners.

And now we glue these two parts to the root.

The basis for the passport is ready and now you will need a cloth as well, I always use a synthetic tubon, but this time I decided to use a white dense felt.

Fabric take self-adhesive. No longer working with her - I like it very much. For example, these covers are made precisely such self-adhesive fabric. She is very dense and feel stunning. I like it much more than ordinary cotton fabric.

We glue to the outer side of the basis of two-stage tape

Put this side the basis for a piece of felt

Click cut off with scissors

We glue the basis of the fetal side to the self-adhesive fabric.

She covered with a cloth and now I will flash on a typewriter. Of course, with synthesis, it is much thicker than with such a felt, but it is also good. Although with a syntheps, after all, I like much more.

I laid the whole cover on the sides and now I need another part of the fabric to close the middle.

Before proceeding from the inside, first it is necessary to place a cover. To do this, I will use one fraternity.

Another decor will be a rubber, which is closed by a passport and beads dressed on it.

So that the gum keeps, I will make a hole hole and install the champs.

Now we sell a rubber on the outside, and on the inside, we glue on the glue-gun.

Go to the inner design. To do this, you will need two segments from scrap-paper. In the width and length of 2-3 millimeters less than the basis.

You also need two strips of 5 cm wide from a transparent cover folder for courses. A passport cover is inserted into these pockets.

These strips we drink on the typewriter to scrap paper. So that the pockets do not slide, on the edges we glue them to transparent bilateral tape. After firmware, the tilt of the threads are glued to the tape.

Internal cover glit on transparent glue moment

For the accuracy of the gluing, we climb the cover with stationery clamps

Cover ready!

This technique is good because here you can combine and make a wide variety of combinations of both the color range of paper and fabric, and combine accessories and decorations for scrapbooking

Scrapbooking - the art is unique. Having tried to place a postcard or a memorable album in this original way, I want to plunge into amazing world Unusual in his simplicity of needlework.

Simple English words "SCRAP" and "Book", which means "cutting" and "book", filled the life of fans of creativity by many ideas for creating luxurious products. Do you think that the manufacture of original accessories is the lot of professional masters? Nothing like this, because each of them began with scratch, mastering a new occupation for himself. Let's try to reveal a few secrets and make your own hands cover on a passport in scrapbooking.

A little alphabet

Basic bases are the right way to success in any business. The history of unusual design techniques is rooted deep into centuries, but its popularity does not fade from it. Scrapbooking is not just albums for photos, postcards or passport covers. Scrapbooking fills the meaning of each product, makes it possible to inhale life in the subject, transfer bright emotions, without words to tell about your feelings.

Materials for work

For work, you need a lot of fantasy, creative mood and a small set of tools that are about to take care in advance:

  • Paper cutting mat. Special mats with a convenient markup and self-healing surface will be faithful assistants in the process of creating products.
  • Wands for scrapbooking. They will be needed for such an interesting process, like a bigka - application of grooves on paper.

If there was no special tool for bigs at hand, experienced masters recommend using a teaspoon with a blunt end.

Holding the lines, it is not necessary to put it on it so as not to break the paper. Under the bottom you can put linse or cotton fabric.

  • The stationery set, which consists of PVA glue, several scissors, paints, pencils, markers, ruler.
  • Furnitura. Ribbons, lace, buttons, rhinestones and beads - all this is useful in the process of decorating products.
  • Special tools. Such devices like curly holes, pencils, sponges, stamps and stickers make it possible to create various effects that give the product of elite originality.

Master Tips about what you need to buy a newcomer

The army of fans of fascinating occupation grows every day. That is why manufacturers of goods for needlework and creativity constantly offer something new, surprising newcomers and experienced craftsmen.

Ideas for passport

Passport - mandatory document for each citizen. But the times, when boring and monotonous covers for an important document were a strict norm, have long been awaited in the fly. Today you can and need to demonstrate good taste, Decorate life, pleases yourself, friends and close to unusual things. Not only girls love to surprise each other, competing in originality.

Options for passport

Men also love luxurious and unusual accessories. You can make an original cover for a passport in scrapbooking, and the master class (MK) will help to figure out the nuances. We offer some interesting and original ideas For a passport cover with your own hands, even a newcomer is available in scrapbooking. Several general tips:

  • It is desirable that the design is sustained in a single topics and is dedicated to a certain event.
  • Use not only flat, but also bulk decor.

It is the volumetric details of the decor in the design are distinctive feature Scrapbooking. Otherwise, the product simply resembles the applique.

  • Follow the master classes algorithm, but not afraid to experiment, giving a special product charm.

We offer some interesting scrapbooking lessons to decorate the cover for a passport.

Variety of covers

Passport cover of a real man

Each man will be happy to such an unusual and useful gift. And so that the cover for the passport has an original, but concise design, we will need:

  • Litters of scrapbook brown shades, a set of pastel paper.
  • Finished pictures with a retro car and clock.
  • Wooden and pearl beads and semi-dasy.
  • Acrylic stamp for the inscription "Passport", cutting from brown paper in the form of a leaflet.
  • Transparent cover.

Also comes in handy in the work of the scotch bilateral, line and pencil, glue and needle with thread.

Brown paper for pastels and will become the basis. Measure the standard size, focusing on the document itself in the deployed form, cut out a smooth rectangle. In the middle of the vertical line, as if divided by a rectangle in half, carefully bend like a book. From scrapbooks cut out two rectangles, which we will decorate. At the top of one sheet, glue a picture of a retro car. In the middle sheet wrapping the reps ribbon, fastening it from behind. In watercolor paper, we put a stamp with the inscription "Passport", arbitrarily cut and treat the edges with golden ink. With the help of a sewing machine or a simple manual way, we flash a picture, tape and inscription. Metallic suspension sewn to ribbon. Both parts of scrapbooks apply to the base and gently sew. Arbitrarily decorate the cutting sheet and beads. Ready job Insert into a transparent cover.

Passport cover can also be given, it will be very useful and original gift manual manufacture, since you invest in such gifts love, your kindness and sincerity.

Such a stylish male cover will be the best gift to a friend, beloved and colleague.

Leather Cover with Credit Card Sections

Passport Cover for Guys and Men

Exclusive Cover for Woman

Monotonous factory execution of covers brings boredom. A stylish passport cover with your own hands is always a relevant and useful gift.

Scrapbooking allows us to create basic necessities that can also be used as a gift or souvenir

What is needed for work?

  1. Pastel paper beloved bright shade.
  2. Two sheet scrap paper size 20 * 20 and the third sheet with an arbitrary pattern.
  3. Acrylic stamp with finished inscription.
  4. Picture with floral motif.
  5. Pads with ink (bordeaux and black).
  6. Transparent cover.
  7. Fig punch for comb.
  8. Cut off the reps tape.
  9. Waxed laces in tone.
  10. Lace, metal suspensions, beads, buttons.

Creativity - the work is painstaking, but invariably exciting and interesting:

  • To begin with, we draw on paper the basis, circles a passport in the deployed form. We split in half exactly in the middle.
  • Preparing scenery. From scrap-paper cut out two rectangles.

Ribbons that remain from cropping scrap paper should not be thrown away. By separating the edges of the figure hole, they harmoniously complement the cover decor.

  • On the sheet of simple paper, the inscription "Passport" inscription, cut it arbitrarily.
  • Decorating the front side. We glue the floral motif and inscription, decorate lace. In the middle by turning the reps tape, decorate beads. Each element can be seen on the sewing machine.
  • Elements of scrap sheets glue to the base and gently flash around the edge. Cord can tie a bows and glue the face with a glue gun.

Finished work is necessarily inserted into a transparent cover to prevent abrasion of paper and not damage the decor.

Master class on creating a cover for girls and women

Multiple tricks

The success of any event depends on small nuances and secrets. Not all MK will reveal scrapbooking - no exception.

There are several tricks in decorating the cover for a passport:

  • To give the softness and volume of sheets, the sheets can be laid with a subtle fleece.
  • So that the cover is pleasantly closed, you can glue magnets on both sides.
  • If a cloth is used for the decor, it is better to overcover it, so the cover is better holding the form.

We make a cover for a passport, as it is this document that is almost always with us and requires careful circulation.

The rule that needs to follow in the scrapbooking technique strictly is a tidy.

Important! Stains are unacceptable, sloppy processed angles or non-accurate edges.

The master class will tell about the basic rules and foundations following which, you can create a stylish cover for a passport with your own hands for every taste.

Master class for creating a passport cover with a soft root

Scrapbooking is an interesting process that will help reveal the designer's talent. Remember that you need to create with pleasure!

To make a textile cover on the passport, you will need a cardboard density 200g / m2, scrap-paper, purple office paper, cotton fabric in a cell and flower, lace, decorations, PVA glue, adhesive pencil, transparent polymer glue, scissors with figured and straight blades, tool for raging, line.

Carton Cut the rectangle with a length of 20 cm and 13.5 cm width.

To correctly calculate the size of the rectangle, measure the parties of the passport (in this case, 9x12.5 cm). Double width and add to the resulting number 2 cm (9cmx2 + 2 cm \u003d 20cm). Add 1 cm to height (12.5 cm + 1cm \u003d 13.5 cm)
Make a bigure of the fold line, and two lines on both sides of the fold line with a mixer of 2 mm.

Checkered cloth and cut out a rectangle from it with a 2 cm sides greater than the side of the cardboard rectangle. In this case, 22x15.5 cm.

Apply a thin layer of PVA glue. Stick the fabric to the cardboard, leaving the bending allowances. Cut the diagonal of the fabric angles.

Generate and glue to the lubricated glue PVA cardboard upper and lower fabric sides.

Make sure that the fabric does not fit on the corners, and the joint was inserted into the junction. Excess fabric can be trimmed with manicure scissors.

From the outside, the angle must also be neat.

From the plaid fabric, cut a rectangle with a length of 13 cm and a width of 5 cm. Generate 1 cm and start up the short sides of the rectangle.

Stick fabric to the inside of the cover.

From paper for scrap-buking cut out two rectangles 9x12.5 cm.

For the formation of pockets from the same paper cut two rectangles in size 5x14.5 cm.

Cut two angles of long rectangles. To do this, from the edge of the short and one longer side, step by 1 cm and swipe the lines. From them, retreat 2 mm and spend parallels that are needed to create a bulk pocket.

Generate and glue your pockets to the boots.

For gluing, use the adhesive pencil, which, unlike PVA, does not cord paper. Stick paper blanks to the cover. Here you already use PVA, but apply it to paper, but on the cardboard blank.

The final stage is the cover decoration. Cut from the fabric to the flower, cut a rectangle (a), fold it diagonally (b) and round the base of the resulting triangle (B). As a result, it turns out the petal.

Make 7 more petals. Overlapping one petal to another, form a flower, periodically flashing a middle.

To complete the flower, enter the round button and a button in the shape of a heart.

Stick to polymer glue of doves and chain.