What to do if you are lost. What to do if you lose your job. Renat GarifzyanovRevelations of the Guardian AngelsWhat to do if you have lost the closest person

While you are in a foreign country, the main problem for you is the loss of your passport. Without an identity document abroad, you cannot go back. In order not to remain illegal in a foreign land, you need to contact several services.

1. Lost and Found

If the backpack with the documents was not torn out of your hands, you just left it somewhere and did not find it on the spot, there is a chance that the bag was given to the Lost and found department of the airport, or to the bus driver, or the waiter of the cafe. Accordingly, you should contact the same place to find out if the loss was found.

If bank cards also disappeared, it is better to block them at this stage, because depriving you of all the money is a matter of a few minutes for the attackers.

2. Police

If the bag was not found, it is obvious that it fell into the wrong hands. In this case, go to the nearest police station and explain the problem. If you do not know the local language, and law enforcement officers do not speak English, show your acting skills, show pantomime, draw what happened on paper, put on a puppet show - whatever to make you understand.

Your goal is to file a theft report and get a document that proves it.

According to the recommendations General recommendations Of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a document from the police is not mandatory for issuing a certificate of return to the Russian Federation. But its presence will facilitate understanding at the consulate.

If the confirmation of the application is in your pocket, there is one more thing. Thieves can appropriate everything of value and throw away the documents. Respectable citizens in this case often bring the found papers to the police. So ask what number and how often you should call to find out if the missing item has been found.

3. Diplomatic representation

With a police certificate, go to the consulate of the Russian Federation. Bring two photographs with you that are 35 × 45 mm or 30 × 40 mm.

The main task is to verify your identity.

If you have the inner one with you, there will be no problems. If he also disappeared, you will have to find two Russian citizens over 18 years old and with passports in hand, which will confirm in writing that you are who you say you are. If you are traveling alone, try looking for compatriots in groups on social networks and on forums. In extreme cases, consular staff, who are also citizens of the Russian Federation, can come to the rescue.

Any documents with photos and stamps will come in handy. True, the consular staff will need additional time to check them. Copies of internal and foreign passports will also not be superfluous.

As a result, the diplomatic mission will give you a certificate of entry into the Russian Federation, according to which you can return to your homeland.

With the certificate, you must enter the Russian Federation within 15 days. Then you will have three days to hand it over to the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

4. Airline

At the front desk you will be waiting for you with your passport. Therefore, contact the airline in advance and explain that circumstances have changed.

It is better to arrive at the airport early, as the airline employees may have additional questions for you.

Where to go in Russia

After returning to the country, you will have to go through the quest to retrieve all the lost documents. This can be done in several ways.

1. Portal "Gosuslugi"

Select the section "Life situations", then - "Are your documents lost or stolen?", And get access to the appropriate services. Then proceed in accordance with the instructions on the site.

2. Multifunctional centers

Here you can get duplicates of SNILS, OMS policy, marriage, divorce certificates, internal and foreign passports. You can sign up for the MFC via the Internet.

3. Specialized departments

For passports, you will have to go to the Migration Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your region, for SNILS - to the pension fund, for a driver's license - to the traffic police, for an OMS policy - to an insurance company.

Recover non-state documents such as a student ID or work pass through the services that issued them.

How to prepare for lost documents

Top tip: keep an eye on things, this will help you avoid all problems. But there is one more thing that can be done.

  • Write down the phone number of the embassy on a few pieces of paper and put them in your pockets so that the number is at hand. If a backpack and jacket are stolen, contacts of the diplomatic mission will be found, for example, in jeans.
  • Make electronic copies of internal and foreign passports, give them for safekeeping to the responsible comrade, who, in the event of an emergency, will be able to send them to you via the Internet.
  • Agree with your friends about in case the money is lost with the documents. With these funds, you can take a picture and get to the consulate.

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Renat Garifzyanov
Guardian Angels Revelations
What to do if you've lost your loved one

This book will change the way you think about death.

And about life ...

Renat Garifzyanov

On August 15, 2005, at 5.20 a.m. on the Moscow-Rostov highway, my fiancée Elena died in a car accident. The two of us were driving from Krasnodar to Moscow. Suddenly, the oncoming BMW turned sharply into our lane, there was a head-on collision of two cars.

The blow fell on the part of the car where Lena was sitting. She died instantly. She was 26 years old. I stayed alive.

The culprit of the accident was the BMW driver.

Everything happened exactly as the Guardian Angels once predicted.

To be honest, I didn't want to share this grief with readers. But after Elena's death, I quite often began to meet people who had a chance to endure the same tragedy - the loss of a loved one. There were more and more such people, letters from readers began to come with similar questions: a loved one died, why did this happen, where did the Angels look, could it be avoided, who is to blame, what to do next?

Previously, this part of my life passed somewhat apart from me. Rather, I understood that grief befell these people, expressed my sympathy, but I realized how intolerable this pain was only after I buried my closest, most beloved person.

All of us, the unfortunate ones who have lost their loved ones, are united by one thing - no one knows how to live on the STILL.

In an instant, the world around you changes so much that there simply is no place for the former happiness, joy and tranquility in it. How to live on is not clear. And the most important thing is that I don't really want to live, it makes no sense.

The worst thing: people who lost loved ones began to think that everything that had happened was not just that, it was a manifestation of God's wrath. No one can understand how and how they angered the Almighty.

Why were their loved ones and loved ones taken away from them, what is this punishment? Where's the justice? And if God exists, then why does He allow such cruelty and heartlessness? Why does He always take the best ones ahead of time? Where is there any logic here?

I must say right away: it was probably a little easier for me to survive everything that happened than to all other people. Because I believe in the existence of the afterlife, I believe in the immortality of the soul, because I have a connection with the Heavenly world through Lyubov Ivanovna.

The angels explained everything in great detail - why people die so early, what is the reason, what happens next, what is the meaning of everything that happened.

This book is primarily intended for those who, like me, have lost a loved one.

May God grant that after reading this book you feel better in your soul and your pain in your heart will calm down.

In previous books, it has already been said that from Heaven, a person's death looks completely different than from Earth.

It's like a sailboat at sea. If you look at it from below, from the bottom, you will see a gloomy wooden case covered with algae and shells; if you look at it from above, from Heaven, you see snow-white sails and slender masts, a bird flying over the waves.

Try to change the angle of view, raise your consciousness from depths to heights, stop looking from below at the bottom of the ship of your life and think that this is the whole ship. Take a look at the ship from above, understand its true size and real beauty.

I will add one more thing - all the events, all the people described in this book are real. No fiction, everything is strictly documented.

Chapter 1
It is impossible to pass by your fate

"You will recognize her by her eyes"


I've never talked about my personal life in books before. Everything was so good for me that I was afraid to jinx this happiness in some way.

Of course, I thought that someday I would tell the whole world about this, but all the time it seemed to me that it was too early.

Now that time has come.

In 1998, at one of my first meetings with Lyubov Panova 1
Lyubov Panova is a woman who can hear the voices of the dead, who can predict the future.

I asked an important question for me:

- What awaits me in my personal life?

Lyubasha perked up (she loves questions related to her personal life: emotions, love are her element). Twisting the coin over the mirror, she said:

- You will have an acquaintance with an extraordinary girl. You will be insanely happy.

I blossomed like a May rose. To be honest, I did not expect another answer, and for some reason I was always sure that everything would be great in my personal life.

I asked a clarifying question:

- How will this acquaintance happen?

This time Lyubasha twisted the coin on the mirror for a very long time, I even began to reflect on the topic that, probably, not all questions can be asked to the Guardian Angels. Finally Lyuba answered:

- The acquaintance will take place in the south. You will walk down the street, she will sit on a bench. You will see her, come up and meet her ...

For ten seconds I silently digested this message - some street, a shop, I walk, she sits ... Somewhere in the south. I asked a completely natural question:

- And how do I recognize her?

Lyuba answered instantly:

- They say by the eyes. You will feel it.

I thought even more. Everything is somehow too vague - you recognize it by the eyes ...

And suddenly I look in the other direction, suddenly I cannot at first glance determine that the girl of my fate is sitting in front of me, suddenly she turns away and does not look at me, suddenly she will sit with her back to me, suddenly I will walk on the other side streets or go for a walk on the wrong day ...

You never know what can happen! A million all sorts of "suddenly" can happen!

And then what?

Could something happen that many years later the Angels will say to me: “And you yourself are to blame. In such and such a year, you passed by the girl of your fate, looked at her, felt nothing and went on. What other questions can there be? "

It became incomprehensible to me - does my happiness really depend on such an accident as a successful meeting on the street somewhere in the south? Where is the guarantee that everything will happen exactly as the Guardian Angels say?

I decided to clarify:

- What if I pass by?

My noticeable excitement was transmitted to Lyubasha. She again began to rotate the coin on the mirror, then shortly answered:

- They say you won't pass by.

I silently looked at Lyuba, trying to understand the reason for such reticence.

Lyubasha shrugged her shoulders:

- They don't say anything else.

"She will have the character you want."

I started asking leading questions:

- How do I recognize her? How will it look, for example? What kind of character will she be?

Lyuba turned to the mirror again. The answer struck me with its simplicity and versatility.

- They say so - as Renat wants, so she will look. What character he wants, so he will be.

After these words, I was somewhat confused. In principle, a very competent and correct wish - indeed, I can only fall in love with a girl who is similar to the ideal image that has formed in my head.

But do such ideal girls exist in nature? And is it really that simple?

I continued to pry out:

- In which south will I meet her? The south is big. In what city at least?

- In Krasnodar.

- And when?

- After you write the first book ...

I thought:

- What's the connection? What is this - a contract? I’ll write a book, and for this they’ll kind of give me an acquaintance with a girl, and if I don’t write, then there will be no acquaintance ... So, what?

Lyubasha turned to the mirror again:

- They say there is no connection. Books on their own, a girl on their own. You will write a book anyway, and you will meet a girl anyway. This is your destiny. It's just that the order in life is this - first a book, and then a girl.

My brain was working at a feverish speed.

- No. Before meeting you, she will have no idea about books or about you.

Then I could not resist:

- Can't you just take and tell the girl's name, her age?

Again there was a long pause, Lyubasha conjured over the mirror, finally gave out:

- Usually They never say such things ... Her name is Lena. At the time of the meeting, she will be 22 years old.

The stream of my questions did not dry out:

- Do I have to feel it? Could it be that she recognizes me first?

- No. You will recognize her and you will approach. She will understand who you are only after a while.

I felt somehow uneasy. That is, it turns out that all the responsibility lies entirely with me. Somewhere in Krasnodar, in which I have never been in my life, on some street I will need to recognize my girlfriend at first sight.

Lyubasha, sensing my anxiety, said soothingly:

- They say that it is not given to everyone - to find love at first sight. But you will have it that way. At first glance, and nothing else. You can do it. They will prompt you at the right time.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew it. That is, at the right moment They will warn me in advance. Through Lyuba, naturally. Then, of course, you can be calm.

Lyubasha continued:

- They say that you yourself will feel a hint from Them in your heart.

I scratched the back of my head. Heart - it, of course, prompts a lot. Go just figure out which of these hints are correct and which are false ...

Okay, at least they said the name. And age. With such data, you feel more confident. Although, of course, she will not sit on the street with a placard: "I'm Lena." How can I determine which of the girls on the streets of Krasnodar is my one and only?

Not so simple

Acquaintance, however, did not take place on the street, but in my newspaper office in Moscow. But outwardly, the girl seemed to fit my beauty standards. Nice elegant blonde with a wonderful figure.

But there was one "but" ... The character of this girl to call ideal, in my opinion, would be a serious sin against the truth. She was too energetic, assertive, independent. She in no way aroused the desire to show her male care.

Just in case, I began to show interest in her - who knows, maybe I can't hear my heart well enough? Who can explain exactly how true love at first sight differs from temporary love at first sight?

Subconsciously, I felt that this particular girl was not my option. The more I got to know her, the more I became convinced that I was right.

Naturally, I asked the Angels through Lyuba about this girl. Lyuba conjured over the mirror and said:

- They say let him talk. His heart will tell him.

My heart told me that my fears were not in vain.

After some time, another acquaintance suddenly surfaced for me - of course, also Lena, again 22 years old and the corresponding appearance.

As ordered.

And again the Angels answered the same:

- Let him talk and listen to his heart.

The second time the prompts from the heart were easier to hear. That's not mine.

Then off we go. Contrary to all the laws of probability, for some reason only 22-year-old girls named Elena began to come across on my life path. Girls with other names in nature did not seem to exist.

Such a coincidence could not have been a mere coincidence. Angels have said more than once that nothing is accidental, every little thing matters.

Apparently, in this way they trained me, forcing me to listen to my heart every time.

Now it became clear to me why the Angels do not like so much to tell people the name of the future half. Imagination is played out so much that any owner of this particular name begins to seem better and more attractive many times over. It's easy to make a mistake.

"You will move from Moscow to Krasnodar and meet her ..."

In September 1999, Lyuba unexpectedly told me:

- Renat, the Angels advise you to move from Moscow to Krasnodar. It will be easier for you to write books there, and there you will meet your destiny.

To be honest, I didn't hesitate for a moment. There was a powerful conviction inside me that this was the way to go. For over a year now, I regularly communicated with the Angels, the work on the first book was in full swing, I knew that They could not advise anything bad.

I arrived in Krasnodar, rented a two-room apartment in the center of the city on Lenin Street (now Sobornaya). Then he moved all his belongings from Moscow.

The work on the first book, Inception, was already coming to an end (sorry for the pun). I lived only on this book, I worked on it day and night, I slept and dreamed of a new freshly printed volume with a blue cover. For me, moving to Krasnodar was quite natural.

To my surprise, ALL of my Moscow acquaintances were shocked by this act. If a person abandons the arranged life in the capital and goes to an empty place in the province for some unknown reason, then most likely the matter here was not without hypnosis.

When I was in Moscow on short visits, I saw surprise and pity in the eyes of my acquaintances. When I began to talk about fate, about the fact that an acquaintance with my beloved girl, loud literary fame awaited me, something akin to irony and regret began to slip in the eyes of my interlocutors.

I was later told that behind my back they began to call me a sectarian who fell under the influence of hypnosis.

I was just listening to my heart.

Together with me, my friend Sergei moved to Krasnodar (he had his own motives for the move - troubles in Moscow).

For his part, he also strongly believed in the predictions of the Angels. In the first days, when we went out for a walk on the streets of Krasnodar, he kept pushing me on the shoulder: “Look, there is a pretty girl. Could it be she? Take a closer look ... "

It should be noted that our tastes with Sergei regarding the girls differed quite a lot, so the options he chose did not cause anything but a smile to me. He liked girls who were energetic, independent, self-confident, leaders in life, on the contrary, I was attracted by girls who were calm and romantic. In the end I broke down and said:

- Seryog, I should feel my own version. It is me personally, and not someone else ... Nobody, except me, can know my fate better than myself.

In the first months of my life in Krasnodar, walking along the streets of the city, I carefully looked into the faces of all the girls I met, especially those who were sitting on the benches.

The heart was stubbornly silent and never even skipped a beat.

"You can buy an apartment in the city you want ..."

Meanwhile, things in Krasnodar did not go exactly as I imagined at the beginning.

I had to go through many difficulties. Having lived for a year and a half in Krasnodar, I already began to seriously think about returning back to Moscow. There is no trace of the original romantic mood. The more I thought about life, the more I came to the conclusion that my future is wholly and completely connected with Moscow.

Stay in Krasnodar began to weigh me down. When I asked the Angels through Lyuba: "What is my future, in which city will I live, where will I buy an apartment?" - then I got the standard answer:

- You will buy an apartment in the city in which you want ... And you will live there.

This vague answer did not satisfy me, so I kept on trying:

- Will I live in Krasnodar?

Lyubasha drove a coin for a long time, then answered briefly:

- They say no.

That is, Krasnodar in my life is only a temporary stop. I remembered how at the very first meeting with Lyuba in June 1998, the Angels answered the same question: "You will live in Moscow."

I didn't see the point of being in Krasnodar. The city is lovely, but very quiet and small by my standards. I really missed the metropolitan life.

I shared my thoughts with Lyuba that, probably, it would be better for me to return to Moscow, to a city close to me in spirit.

The prediction came true

On the same day, March 25, 2001 (I remember this date very well), Sergei and I walked along Krasnodar's main street - Krasnaya - and made plans for the future. We were solving the issue of moving to Moscow, discussing a lot of household details.

After the decision was made to return to Moscow, Krasnodar immediately faded in my eyes, became some kind of alien, foreign city.

Sergei and I walked down the street, not paying any attention to the surrounding girls. The mood was absolutely unromantic.

Unbeknownst to ourselves, we wandered into the Pionersky Park (the central park opposite the regional administration of the Krasnodar Territory). And when we passed along the side alley, I accidentally noticed two girls sitting on a bench out of the corner of my eye.

Something hooked me. The eyes of one of the girls seemed somehow special to me. More precisely, not even eyes - noticing me, the girl immediately looked away - I saw her face for literally a split second, but suddenly something fluttered in my heart.

Without slowing down, we walked past. After walking twenty steps, I said to Sergei:

- We must go to the girls.

- Which one?

- To our right they were sitting on a bench, did you notice?

- We must come. It seems she is.

- What are you? - my companion was amazed. - Seriously? Are you talking about that Lena?

He was surprised. In a year and a half of my life in Krasnodar, this was the first time when I so openly reminded him of that prediction and offered to approach the girl.

- Are you sure? Have you seen her before? We passed quickly, you didn't really see it ...

- I don’t know, Seryog, for some reason I’m sure it’s her. Let's come over.

We went back to the girls, sat down on the bench with them, and started talking.

The more I looked at her, the more I became convinced that she was my chosen one. I liked absolutely everything about her - her face, eyes, hair, lips, eyes, eyelashes. She kept silent, hid her eyes, was noticeably embarrassed, occasionally glanced briefly in my direction and practically did not participate in the conversation. Both were answered by her talkative girlfriend.

Before that, I had imagined this meeting many times in my mind. I thought I would see her - I will look closely for a long time, listen to my heart. When I understand that this is it, I will gather my courage and come up. Naturally, I will probably be very worried. Worry about if she likes me. Probably, in a fever I will carry all sorts of nonsense.

When a guy really likes a girl, then for some reason the usual ease in communicating with the ladies instantly disappears somewhere. When a young lady does not cause strong emotions, then you communicate easily, without problems.

Many times I imagined what I would say to her at the first meeting. I came up with various beautiful, as it seemed to me, phrases, words filled with a special, subtle, meaning.

In fact, at the right moment, all my homework was completely erased from memory. I sat next to me, silently admiring her unearthly beauty, and an extraordinary lightness and emptiness reigned in my head.

As it turned out later, when I first met, my future bride liked my restraint and calmness the most.

“My friend and I never meet on the streets. Olya, my friend, she is so fighting that she will instantly blow anyone away. And here, I don’t know why, we relaxed. You somehow approached so calmly, did not frighten us. "

Everything in life turned out not at all the way I imagined it to myself. I had only a couple of seconds to notice my fate, while we, without slowing down, passed by. After a few more seconds, I decided to return. He sat down next to her, not even thinking about what I was going to talk about now. He was silent, not because of his confidence, but because there was not a single sensible thought in his head.

Everything happened fully automatically. As if not with me. As if someone was prompting the right words in my ears.

- Your name is probably Lena?

Hearing my question, she turned in surprise in my direction:

- Yes, Lena. How do you know?

- I just like that name.

I was not even surprised at her answer. I would be surprised if she had a different name. And the age, of course, was appropriate - 22 years.

I was sitting on a bench and could not believe in the reality of what was happening. It turns out that the Angels described to me three years ago not some abstract supposed acquaintance, but this particular situation!

How is that possible ?!

I offered to get up, take a walk, everyone agreed, got up. When I took Elena by the arm, Sergei whispered in my ear:

- Do you like this one? I thought it was different.

All evening Sergei did not take his eyes off Lenin's friend Olya. She was just to his taste - energetic, combative, perky, seductive.

I smiled to myself - how much people have different views. No one can feel a kindred spirit for you. The world is so arranged that in any case you will have to seek your own destiny personally.

The next day I invited Lena to a restaurant. We spent the whole evening together, then walked along the night street, kissed at the crossroads, and cars drove around us, honking. We did not notice anything or anyone around us.

When at the first opportunity I asked the Angels about Lena through Lyubasha, I naturally received a standard answer:

- Let him talk. And he will listen to his heart ... - And they added: - If he wants to know for sure, for sure, let him go and look at Lenin's mother, and everything will be clear to him at once.

The mention of my mother alarmed me somewhat.

- What should I see there?

Lyuba threw up her hands:

- Do not speak. Let him go. He will see for himself, he will immediately understand everything.

Looking ahead, I will say right away: indeed, as soon as I saw Lenin's mother, I immediately understood everything. A sweet, calm woman, charming. Exactly the same as Lena herself. More precisely, Lena grew up the same as her mother.

In the future, for all the years of our life together with Lena, her mother never tried to get into our relationship, did not try to give any advice or at least somehow sideways to show her power. It seemed to me that she was even afraid to breathe in our direction.

This was exactly what I dreamed of.

Later, of course, I told Lena that our meeting had been predicted three years in advance. She was naturally surprised:

- How did you recognize me at once?

- You look like my ideal image.

- And what is this image?

I smiled:

- Tall, slender blonde with long hair!

Now it was Lenin's turn to smile.

- Do you even remember how I looked at the first meeting? I had brown hair, short hair, and I was wearing a coat and sitting on a bench. When did you have time to see all this in me?

I was even confused. Indeed, everything was so. In fact, at the first meeting, I, except her eyes, did not have time to see anything else. But that was enough.

Eyes say much more about a person than clothes and hair.

Now people most often write about a lost or found document on the Internet: on various sites and in social networks. Some are lucky, and they return the lost. However, the messages can be responded to by scammers who promise to return what they have lost, and having received a reward, they will disappear.

Therefore, many go to the police: in each department there is a kind of lost and found office where everything that people have found and brought is kept. But you will definitely have to contact law enforcement officers if your documents are stolen.


If your passport is stolen, then you need to go to the police, write a statement about the theft, get a notification coupon that you have accepted this statement, and with it go to the migration service. If the thief is found, then within the framework of the criminal case it will be possible to bring him a civil claim for damages associated with the replacement of documents.

If the passport burned out in a fire, you need to get a certificate of this from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Belgorod Region and go with it to the migration service.

If the passport is lost, then an application for its restoration must be written in the migration service. In this case, it will also be necessary to pay a penalty for loss - from 100 to 300 rubles.

To restore a passport, you must provide any available documents: a marriage certificate, birth certificate or a photocopy of a lost (stolen) passport. Even if there are no documents left, that's okay. If the passport was already there, as part of the lost case, the employees of the migration service will identify the person and issue a new document.

You also need to bring two 3 x 4 photos to the migration service and pay the state fee. 1.5 thousand rubles... A duplicate passport (i.e. the restored document will have the same validity period as the lost one) will be issued at the place of residence within ten days, at the place of stay (in another region) - within a month.

While the passport is being restored, migrants can issue a temporary identity card. To do this, you need to submit another 3 x 4 photo. A temporary ID has the same powers as a passport, so if you have lost other documents, it will help you recover them.

But if you lose your foreign passport, a duplicate is not provided, you will have to receive it again.

Military ID

To restore a military ID, you need to contact the military registration and enlistment office. Provide a passport or other identity document and four photos 3 x 4. If you are not 27 years old and have not completed military service, then you also need a medical certificate.

If a military ID is stolen or it burned out in a fire, you will not pay a fine, if you lost it, pay from 100 to 500 rubles.

The military ID will be restored for about a month (if you applied not at the place of registration, it may take longer). The military enlistment office will have to check the documents provided and make written requests to the military unit where the person served. There is no state duty for the restoration of a military ID.

Driver's license

To restore a driver's license, you need to contact the interdistrict registration and examination department of the traffic police with a passport or other identity document. The MREO has an all-Russian base, so the place of registration does not matter.

The state duty for the replacement of rights is 2,000 rubles, if you apply through the website of the State Services, then 1 400 ... After paying the fee and submitting the application, the certificate will be issued in an hour and a half - for the same period as the lost one.

If the validity period of the missing certificate is coming to an end, then you can go through a medical examination, present a medical certificate to the MREO and get new rights, as when replacing after the expiration of the period, for ten years.

There is no penalty for losing a driver's license.


The taxpayer identification number is restored at any inspection of the Federal Tax Service, regardless of the place of registration. You need to come there with a passport, paying 300 rubles of the state duty. A new certificate of registration of a taxpayer will be issued in five working days, while the TIN itself will not change: it is assigned once and for all.

Medical policy

To restore a medical policy, you need to bring your passport and SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account) to any point where policies are issued, regardless of the place of registration. On the basis of these documents, you will be given a temporary certificate, which will be the basis for the provision of free medical care.

The policy will be ready within a month. And it's completely free.


To obtain a duplicate of SNILS, you must contact any branch of the pension fund, regardless of the place of registration. You only need a passport and an application for a duplicate.

SNILS is restored on the day of treatment. The procedure is free.

Bank card

The main thing that you need to know when you lose a bank card is to block it immediately. This can be done through your personal account, by calling the hotline or at the nearest branch of the relevant bank. In this case, the online bank is not blocked. In addition, you can withdraw cash from your account at a bank branch.

It takes an average of two to four weeks to restore a plastic card. This service costs differently in each bank. Sometimes, when a card is restored, its conditions change.

Shop cards

Discount and bonus cards of stores are restored by name, surname, phone number and date of birth. And it's completely free. In this case, all bonuses that were on the lost card will remain.

Alexey Stopichev

Ecology of life. Children: One of the most dire situations for parents is losing a child. But she's not so scary if you ...

One of the worst situations for parents is losing a child. Unfortunately, in a big city or forest, this is a very real threat. But it is not so scary if both you and the child know exactly what to do in this case.

Volunteers from Search and Rescue Squad Lisa Alert have faced hundreds of lost children, and in their prevention sessions with children, they teach children about life-saving behaviors that all children need to know.

First and foremost: the child must remember by heart what his name is, his mother's (and preferably also his father's or someone's) phone number and his address. Check him from time to time - arrange a "pretend" exam or let him call you from a landline phone at your request - he will surely like this kind of entertainment. Another number that a child should know is 112.

What to do in the city

Discuss with your child different situations and teach him in each of them the correct algorithm of actions, and go through all possible situations,what will you do, if:

  • get lost on the street, in the store,
  • you leave alone by bus
  • if I go on the bus alone
  • if you go to the subway
  • if I go to the subway
  • what will you do in the forest?

In each of these cases, there are general rules and there are those that relate directly to this particular situation. There are two general rules:

  • the first - stay in place when you realized that you are lost (in a store, library, on the street), do not go and do not look for parents yourself;
  • second - know who you can turn to for help if you are lost.

Answer: only to three people:

  • to the nearest employee of this place, a person in uniform - a shop assistant, a security guard, a station attendant, a seller of the nearest stall, if this happened on the street,
  • to the nearest police officer,
  • to the nearest person with a child, preferably a woman.

Another general rule is a competent algorithm of actions:in any situation, realizing that you are lost, you must first stop, then look around - suddenly mom is nearby, and then call her loudly.

Some children are embarrassed to shout in a public place, because first we teach them not to make noise, and then we wait for them to call - it's a completely different matter! Explain to him that this is the very case when it is possible and necessary. Rehearse in the forest, shout together.

There are slightly different rules in transport: if the child left by bus or metro, and you stayed at the stop, he must know for sure that he needs to get off at the next station and, staying on the platform or at the stop, wait - you will come to him by the first transport. If it turned out the other way around and you left, then the first and main rule of the lost person turns on: stay put.

How to ask for help from an unfamiliar adult?If this is a policeman, then, of course, he himself will ask, will call the number of mom, dad or someone from relatives, he can be trusted, it is his job to help children in such situations.

But if is it someone else, you must be careful. If this person dialed the mother's number from the words of the child (not every adult will give a phone to someone else's child right away), then when he answers the phone, he must say: “Mom, password”. And your task with the child is to come up with such a password so that the child can understand for sure that it is you. It will not be superfluous if suddenly (God forbid, of course) they somehow call you when the child is not around, and they say into the phone in a child's voice: “Mom, it's me! I have a problem (there are many options), they urgently transferred the money there, "and then you will already say:" Son (daughter), password. "

It is very important to teach the child that if he turned to someone else's adult, he should still stay in place, no matter what that adult suggests. It is not at all necessary that the person to whom the child turned for help will offer him to go somewhere out of some criminal considerations - it may well be that he is sincerely ready to run around the mall with your child and look for you. However, your child should answer any suggestions: "No, I will stand here and wait for mom." If he got through to you, he should be able to describe the place where he is - the name of the store, the stop, the station that is nearby, and stay at that place, no matter what he is offered.

What to do in the forest

The most important thing in the case of a forest is that the child must be properly assembled there.If he already has his own mobile phone, this is almost a guarantee that you will quickly find each other with him. However, warn him that if suddenly he gets lost, this does not mean at all that you have to sit down and play on the phone: the phone is a chance that it will be quickly found, so the charge must be protected. Phones with which they go to the forest must be fully charged, it will be useful to have a spare charged battery and a wire from it.

Second - the child must certainly be dressed in bright clothes.The same applies to adults: if you go for a walk, pick mushrooms, ride a bike and so on, please do not wear colorless clothing or camouflage! This greatly complicates the search in the forest, especially a lying person. You should put something light in your pocket, for example, a handkerchief. It can be hung on a branch if you have to spend the night in the forest. The scarf can be replaced with a sock or panties - the main thing is that the fabric is not dark. Such a landmark will help adults to quickly notice the location of the baby.

Third, the child should have a loud and clear whistle with him.(He'll probably like this one especially.) Explain to him that he needs a whistle in case he gets lost. The whistle travels much further than a human scream. If you scream for a long time, the voice will sit down, and when the child hears his name, he will not be able to respond, and the whistle will always sound loud and audible.

Fourth and very important - the child should have a bottle of water with him,moreover, one should not drink it immediately upon entering the forest. The trouble is that 14 out of 15 children killed in the natural environment are found drowned. To prevent the need to go near water, give him water.

Fifth - let the baby have a chocolate bar in his pocket,also "just in case." This is a large and well-sustaining snack that can be eaten on the way out of the forest.

And again we recall the algorithm of actions.Explain to the child that his first action in the forest, if he is lost, is the same as in the city: stay where he knew he was lost... Next step - shout or blow a whistle (if there is no whistle, you can knock on wood with a stick) and listen to see if.

It is very important to explain to the child that he never, for anything, for any reason, did not come close to the water - even if it is hot, even if he is thirsty, even if he swims well, even if it seems that there is a road beyond the river, even if two children were lost and one of them began to drown, no matter how awful it is (unfortunately, it is not so rare for paired missing children, when one started to drown, the other tried to save and also went under water). If there is no adult nearby, you cannot approach the reservoir, period.

And another rule - you can't sleep in the forest. Children's sleep is very strong, and if the child falls asleep, it will be almost impossible to reach him. Explain that as soon as you realize that he is lost, then you, your friends, loved ones, neighbors and a bunch of strangers will start looking for him and calling him, and he will need to listen to respond when he hears his name. Therefore, if he was caught at night in the forest, he must choose a dry place and sing there, recite poetry, repeat the multiplication table, walk around, counting steps - whatever, but not sleep.

In order not to intimidate the child unnecessarily, explain to him that the "mysterious" night sounds in the forest are usually birds (especially often owls), small animals; that the animals will not attack just like that, but if it's scary, you have to make noise, stomp, clap your hands, knock on a tree with a stick to drive the forest dwellers away. The most dangerous animals in the current forest are foxes and hedgehogs. They spread rabies. therefore no animals should be touched... Even small and harmless ones. Even - and especially! - animal cubs.

And, of course, the child should know that no mushrooms and berries can be eaten in the forest - they will find him before he has time to get seriously hungry.

And something else very important: explain to him that any person, including an adult, can get lost, and if this happens, no one will scold him later: children who are looking for in the forest sometimes do not respond to a cry, because afraid of punishment. And explain that in the forest the rule “to address a person in uniform, a worker or a woman with a child” does not apply - any adult you meet will help you in the forest - and perhaps he is looking for you.

Also interesting:Necessary little things for the safety of children at home Lyudmila Petranovskaya: How to protect your children from harassment

Be sure to playfully repeat situations with your child when he is lost in one place or another, to make sure that he remembers the algorithm of actions. This can be done on dolls, on toys, you can repeat right on the street: “What will you do if I get on the bus now, and you don’t have time?”, “And if we now accidentally disperse in the park in different directions, what you will do?". Let him arrange an exam for another child, grandmother, grandfather. And remember that he forgets the rules and algorithms, so they need to be refreshed over and over again.published

Passport is the main identity document of a citizen. If, in the event of loss or theft, it falls into the hands of fraudsters, it threatens its owner with serious troubles, therefore, it is necessary to declare the loss of the passport and begin the process of its restoration as soon as possible.

The website's legal instruction will tell you what to do if your passport is lost.

What is the threat of losing a passport?

In addition to the red tape with the restoration of the document, which can take up to two months, there are other problems that can result in the loss of a passport. If the uncanceled document falls into the hands of fraudsters on time, then trouble is inevitable. There are a lot of options for using a lost passport by malefactors. They can apply for a large loan on your passport and in more than one bank. You will find out about this when, after a while, the collectors will contact you and demand to return the debt. The site has more than a hundred questions from citizens who have suffered from fraudulent activities using a stolen passport. A SIM card with the option of "talking on credit" can be purchased for it, and then this debt will be presented to the owner of the document by which the SIM card was purchased. They may also plant your passport at the crime scene, or even sell it to a similar-looking criminal who will use it, living under your name. Such cases also happen.

Loss of passport: first steps

To avoid the troubles described above, you must report the loss of your passport as soon as possible. If the passport was stolen, then this must be done at the nearest police station, where you write a statement on which a case will be initiated, and the passport is wanted. However, there is no need to wait until your passport is found and handed over to the lost property office or to the FMS department. The police will give you a notification coupon, with which you need to go to the FMS department at the place of registration, where they will cancel the lost document and issue a temporary identity card, starting the process of restoring your passport.

If the passport was lost due to carelessness, then you must immediately go to the FMS. If the department of the migration service is not working at the right time, you can also contact the police to record the fact of loss. To do this, you will have to give an explanation, in return for which you will be given the same notification coupon. It needs to be stored as long as possible. In case of trouble, this will be more proof that the passport was really lost, and you did not use it.

What documents are needed to restore a passport?

To restore a lost passport, it is necessary to submit to the FMS department a receipt for payment of the state duty on the loss of a passport (500 rubles) paid in Sberbank, four photographs measuring 35 x 45 mm on a white background, where the person will occupy at least 80% of the space, as well as an explanation of the circumstances of the loss ... At the passport office, you also need to take an extract of registration at the place of residence. In addition, it is necessary to provide copies and originals of all documents confirming additional marks in the passport: a certificate of marriage or divorce, a child's birth certificate, a military ID, an international passport. And finally, if the passport was lost due to carelessness, pay a fine of 300 rubles.

After submitting these documents to the FMS, you will be given a temporary identity card, which can be used during the restoration of your passport. For example, you can use it to buy plane and train tickets. The production of a passport will take from 10 days to several months, depending on who issued the lost passport and when. If the document was issued by the same department of the Federal Migration Service, which is engaged in the restoration, then the process will be fast, if you have to send requests to other regions, then the new passport will be ready no earlier than a month or two.