Nlp and the mission of the company. New section NLP Mission

Not only the personality determines its activity, but
and the leading activity forms a personality over time

from the activity approach of A.N. Leontiev

Less than 20% of people in Russia get satisfaction from the business they are doing - this is a sad statistic. In reality, it seems much less. Alas, often people choose an occupation by chance or on someone's advice, sometimes the main activity is not at all the choice of the one who is engaged in it. Or, over time, the activity that was desired several years ago now does not bring joy, has become mundane and boring. How are you doing?

After all, who you will become as a person and a professional in a few years depends largely on what you devote yourself to today. Imagine your next year in 2020 as a result of your current activities and life direction - how attractive are you?

Joseph Campbell, the great anthropologist, analyzing the history of the mythology of mankind, argued that a person at all times has a choice - there are three fundamentally different strategies in life:

The first is practiced by the majority - this is the standard sequence “school-university-work-family-children-position-pension”. Quite comfortable and right way to live not my life... By the way, we are not against the sequence itself, we are simply interested in life with motivation from the inside, and not "so that like everyone else."

The second - to live with the rejection of the "hypocritical morality" of society, despite and opposing it - is also practiced by many. Sarcasm and denial of the conventional, dissimilarity, against the tide, drugs and alcohol are just some of the options. This is sometimes very desperate and sincere way to live not my life.

The third - seems to us the most attractive, although defiant and difficult, a way to live own life... These choices, which have to be made every day, require inner courage, honesty, and wisdom.

Some will say: “Yes, in theory everything is clear, but where is this“ Hero's Way ”? What exactly should I do to find myself and my calling? How to address specific life tasks on this way? How can I combine it with the already existing conditions of my life: education, experience, loved ones and many other starting points? "

We have found effective tools to address these issues. With the help of these tools, we create our own way to live and continue to use them along the way. We also made sure that they work for a wide range of participants who have received this training and have seen impressive results. We want to live among those who are passionate about our business and happy peoplethat's why we created the Mission Doable training.

Quotes from reviews

“Life went on by itself. Somehow a loved one organized itself in life, somehow a move to another city was organized on its own, as a business is organized by itself ... The necessary information does the same - by itself. I'm happy! Thanks a lot" Galina

“The training has answered all the questions, the main questions are: Where to go? How? How to work on problems? How to create a productive state? I changed my attitude to problems. For me, this course is like a hand of salvation from the swamp into which I have driven myself. THANK Svetlana

“Now I know what I will do in the next 3 years to improve the quality of my life. ... My life has been filled with new meaning " Michael

“I am absolutely delighted with this training. ... He became useful to me personally. With the help of the New Code of NLP, I learned to make internal decisions directed outside, make wishes and program myself and the environment to fulfill them, I ask questions and suddenly !! I get answers " Daria

Tasks to be solved by the participants of this training

  • Create an attractive and motivating vision of your future for several years to come
  • Make a plan for moving towards this future
  • Find your "Calling" (maybe even several)
  • Reconsider life goals, making sure that they are really your own, and not someone else's (family, boss, parents, authoritative people)
  • Check and update your life principles and beliefs, sometimes limiting in movement
  • Heal trauma and integrate difficult experiences
  • Learn ways to enter a highly productive state: for acceptance best solutions in insufficiently defined conditions (lack or overabundance of information, doubts about its reliability); for creativity (in business, art, personal life); for effective learning
  • Master the tools for fast processing of negative emotions
  • Learn to use mastered techniques to independent work or work with clients
The participants also talk about the positive and light atmosphere that they take with them - we consider this a pleasant bonus :)

Training format

Two days: Saturday and Sunday, 11:00 to 20:00, with lunch breaks and coffee breaks.

The first day is devoted to mastering the techniques of the New Code of NLP, as well as working with past experiences and limiting beliefs, their transformation and integration.

The second day is focused on the future. We examine our preferences and values, talents and predispositions, connections with various systems and find the area of \u200b\u200btheir intersection. Based on the information received, we create a vision of the long-term future, then use the resources of the unconscious to clarify and create an optimal balance between different areas life.

As a result, we get: a step-by-step plan for moving into your true life, incredible internal motivation, a set of tools for independent work on similar tasks in the future.

Exercise Defining Your Mission

Analyze your life, note the patterns of success and failure, consider all the main areas of activity. Then make a forecast for the future, identifying areas for change. Then engage in goal setting, identifying subconscious values, setting development priorities. As a result, a plan of action will appear based on the highest values, needs, by and large, purpose.
Decide what activities you could do best.
Think about what prevents you from becoming more confident, getting rid of unnecessary fears, patterns of behavior that hinder you. Answer yourself why you haven’t taken on the task that you consider important and priority for yourself.
Here is one of the Defining Your Mission Exercises from the book Pro-fusion by Richard Ballstard.
Exercise Defining Your Mission is very important, as many are now doing other than their own work, simply killing time for a paycheck. Find your Mission, make the decision to prepare yourself for change, and a lot will change in your life.
The exercise is not easy, it is designed for several days.
It seems that you only need to complete 7 points of the exercise, but quality passage is possible only 1-3 points per day.
Still, try to be sure to do this exercise well, and you will get mini-enlightenment.
And, in the near future, you will be surprised to see how your life is changing for the better.
"Defining Your Mission"
1. Define for yourself three goals that you want to achieve in the next year.
For each of these goals, find out, “If I get this, what more important part will it be? Find a goal that unites all three of your goals.
2. Identify for yourself three people of different people, whose life path and activities you admire. Study their accomplishments carefully and find out what higher purpose these accomplishments serve. What do your chosen people have in common?
3. Find three different kinds activities that give you pleasure and indulging in which you "forget about yourself." In order to engage in such activities, you would not regret any money. What do these activities have in common? Write down everything you find.
4. Carefully review everything that you have written down. Describe your mission using words from your lists. Start like this "My Mission is ..."
5. What does your mission look like, sound like, and how does it feel? How does your mission relate to your family, friends, work, society, planet?
6. Imagine three people, each of whom can in one way or another serve you as an example of the implementation of your mission. What advice would these people give you if you decided to discuss your plans for the coming year with them? Take note of their advice. Choose only one goal, the achievement of which will contribute to the realization of your mission. Write down this goal.
7. What will you do next week to achieve this goal and fulfill your mission? What will you do today? Write down your advice and follow it

We learned much of the material in this book directly from Richard Bandler in a small workshop in early 1984. In that workshop, he taught us a number of specific techniques, most of which are included in this book. But more importantly, he demonstrated the tools of the craft: how to use subtle distinctions, specific questions and procedures for further research and discovery. Richard also often demonstrated without explanation, gave cryptic descriptions of what was happening, or dropped hints that brought us tantalum flour. While this often frustrated us, it also piqued our curiosity and encouraged us to continue our research. Since then, we have used the tools he taught us to explore some of those harrowing hints and develop specific techniques in sufficient detail so that other people can learn them more easily.

For more than three years now, we have been teaching this material in our Advanced Level Trainings on Submodalities. Much of this book has been compiled from transcripts squeezed out of many different training sessions. These fragments are woven and presented as if they happened in one training session, both to make your reading easier and to maintain a conversational style and form of live learning. We wrote other parts without referring to tapes or transcripts. For the most part, we do not specify which of us is speaking; after months of co-editing, we often don't know it ourselves, and it doesn't matter anyway.

In many ways, this book is a sequel to Richard Bandler's Use Your Brain to Change, which we put together two years ago. When we wrote this book, we assumed that readers had already read Use Your Brain and would have a basic understanding of basic submodal patterns. If you do not have this base, we strongly recommend that you purchase one before reading this book to get the most out of the techniques described in it.

We also strongly recommend that you read the chapters in this book in order. The sequence, or syntax, of experience is the main organizing principle in NLP, and the sequence of chapters in this book has been carefully thought out. Many of the chapters that follow assume that you have already read and understood the previous ones. If you read one of the latter chapters without the foundation provided by the opening chapters and the Use Your Brain book, it will be more difficult for you to understand the material deeply and completely.

There is an old joke that the human brain is "the only self-sustaining and versatile computer that can be created by unskilled labor." However, it is also a computer without an instruction manual. The techniques developed by NLP are essentially human "programs" - ways to organize your experiences - that can be learned; it is a cultural and social resource, like all other products of human creativity and ingenuity. The material we present here explores the mental organization that makes us who we are and provides the tools you can use to quickly change how you respond. This book joins over 30 NLP books published since the first was published by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in 1975. And this is just the beginning.

  • reasons for the excitement around the mission,
  • mission as part of economic reality,
  • functions of the company's mission,
  • how the mission is developed,
  • ways of broadcasting the mission,
  • role advertising agency in working with the mission of the company.

The reasons for the hype around the mission

Today's excitement around such a phenomenon as the company's mission is due to at least three reasons:

  • It's fashionable to have a mission. If, for example, my competitor has a mission, then I feel somehow uncomfortable without a mission.
  • Large western companies not only have their own mission, but can demand its presentation from your potential partner. Such cases do happen and often.
  • More and more businessmen and top managers receive professional education and begin to engage in strategic management.

These are just the reasons that lie on the surface. But there are also underlying reasons that are far from obvious. They are of an economic and psychological nature. In order to explain them, I would like to give a "geometric" example.

When we memorized the theorems of Euclid's geometry at school, we were honestly told that they are all true until we believe in the axiom "Two parallel lines on the plane do not intersect." If we stop believing in this, a completely different geometry begins with completely different theorems. There are axioms in modern economic sciences, but they, as a rule, are not recognized by either scientists or businessmen. But axioms can indicate the limits of application of a particular economic theory!

Many modern economic sciences and, naturally, business practice are built by default on the "axiom of production costs". Production costs are financial investments and the loss of the company necessary to maintain its production cycle. It does not matter what is produced: goods or services.

Usually only maintenance costs are taken into account and taken seriously production process... Once again I want to draw your attention to the fact that it does not matter what the enterprise produces: sausage, tanks or advertising services... From the point of view of the "purely production" approach and its supporters (the overwhelming majority of market participants treat them without even realizing it), communication between people within the company and communication between the company and the market should take place is free.

Communication is not recognized as a serious financial problem or, on the contrary, as resource... Almost all attention is focused on maintaining the production cycle. Within this worldview, the company's mission is not part of the production cycle.

Therefore, for the overwhelming majority of entrepreneurs, it remains an external attribute that is necessary to establish contacts with Western partners ("well, if they need our Mission, we will draw it for them, if they need anything else, we will buy it for them") or gives feeling of belonging to the club of the most advanced businessmen. And this is a good image.

And only a small part of managers and businessmen perceive the mission as management resource.

Mission as part of economic reality

According to my observations, advertising agencies often receive orders for the development of a mission for the reason that the client subconsciously considers it an element corporate identity, which helps him to promote the company or product in certain target audiences... At the same time, the mission means a short, effective slogan phrase. The reason why the mission is confused with a slogan is quite obvious - few people understand well what a mission is.

In order to more fully understand what a company's mission is, why it is needed, how it works (and, consequently, how you can make money with it), it is necessary to go beyond the production approach and the production thinking built on it. And this should be done not only by customers, but also by advertisers.
I will introduce several concepts from economics and NLP that will help us step into another economic reality and more systematically imagine what a mission is.

Transaction costs are financial losses incurred by the company as a result of poor-quality communication. Internal transaction costs are financial losses incurred by the company as a result of poor-quality interaction of its founders, managers, and employees among themselves. External transaction costs of a company are financial losses of the company due to poor-quality interaction with the outside world.

Map - this is mental model, which describes the territory, that is, objective reality. When making decisions about how to act, people and companies are guided not by objective reality, but by their own ideas about it, i.e. cards.

Basic NLP Assumption: a "map" is always different from the "territory" it describes. Each person or company has its own card, which differs from the card of another person, company.

The crisis- This is the result of a poor quality map that could not adapt to a rapidly changing territory.

Card mismatch and poor quality cards cause transaction costs. On the contrary, the successful development of a company can be seen as the result of an effective "map" of the company, with which it moves through the "economic territory".

Let me give you an example. Bill Gates was once asked how the unknown, small company Netscape could squeeze such a giant as Microsoft in the Internet market. After all, as you know, Microsoft in the fight against Netscape was forced to distribute part of its Internet programs for free, incurring serious financial losses.

Bill Gates responded that when Microsoft’s analysts asked the company to make a major investment in the Internet a few years ago, management didn’t find the argument convincing. That is, in NLP terms, in this case there was an internal transaction cost that cost the company hundreds of millions of dollars.

The analysts' cards and the management did not agree, they could not agree, and time was lost.
Let me give you another example. Remember Mayakovsky's poem "About Kuznetsk and the Kuznetsk people"? The builders of the city live under carts, cover themselves with matting. But there is no crisis at the construction site - on the contrary, a general emotional uplift reigns! This means that mentally (that is, in their maps) the workers are in the future - they see and feel their Mission (Purpose) - to build a "garden city".

Summarizing these examples, we can say the following. When top managers and businessmen start thinking in terms of transaction costs, they begin to see the financial losses that companies incur due to discrepancies in cards at different levels of management or because of poor quality cards. And accordingly, they begin to ask themselves the question: "How to reduce these losses or how to turn them into resources?"

The most important function of the company's mission is to strategically coordinate the cards of employees, managers, founders and thus minimize transaction costs.

Firm mission functions. How the mission is developed. Mission broadcast methods.

A company's mission statement is a document that is developed by the key people of the company.
In my practice, this is usually done during an "immersion" seminar that takes place over three days somewhere outside the city (so as not to get in the way of normal business).

This document contains an agreed vision for the future of the company that is developed by these people.
One of the models that is used to formulate the mission is the "neurological levels" model:

In this table, the lower lines describe the lower logical levels (everyday, concrete thinking), in the upper lines

Upper logical levels (strategic, ideological thinking). Mixing levels usually leads to anecdotal (or tragic) situations of people not understanding each other.

The document, which is called the "Mission of the company", includes three higher logical levels:

  • mission (hereinafter, to avoid confusion with the name of the document, we will call this level "mission"),
  • identification,
  • values.

Neurological levels are used not only to develop the missions of the company, but also for them expert judgment... A typical mistake that often occurs when discussing and developing a mission, and which is easy to detect and neutralize using this model, is an attempt to formulate the mission at the lower logical levels.

For example, we formulate the "mission" of our company as "making money." If a company has such a mission, specially developed or spontaneously formed, then we can easily predict the difficulties that this company will face: high transaction costs, that is, low efficiency in situations in markets where money has become "long", and non-price competition.

In such a situation, investments are usually required in areas that do not bring a quick financial effect. A company with a mission formulated as "making money" is simply not able to survive such a stage.

Such a company has low "emergency stability", which is especially dangerous in the unstable Russian economy. Employees of such a company in a crisis situation will save themselves, not the company.

Now let's look at an example of a competent mission structure that has been adopted in one successful company. Despite the seeming simplicity and ambiguity, this mission "works":

Mission: A lighthouse in the turbulent sea of \u200b\u200bRussian business.
Identification: Become an industry leader.
Values: highly qualified staff, customer care, high profitability, honesty.

If the company that wants to conduct advertising campaign, gave the advertising agency a similarly structured mission, then at least one direction of the company's information policy becomes obvious for the advertising agency: it is necessary to broadcast the elements of the mission with the help of creative solutions to the appropriate target audiences.

there is important property a real mission that helps in developing ads. From an NLP perspective, the company's mission is attractor... The term is borrowed from the theory of self-organization, from the point of view of which complex systems cannot be effectively controlled by simple actions, since they self-organize and live according to their own laws and are only partially subject to outside influences.

Attractor is the point around which the system organizes itself. The input of an attractor affects the choice of the development path, the behavior of the system, and largely determines its future.

From the point of view of NLP, the highest logical levels (Purpose, Identification, Values) can act as attractors.

The use of the Identity as an attractor and emergency management tool is beautifully described by Kipling in The Jungle Book. When a herd of buffaloes walks on Mowgli, which identify themselves as buffaloes, the human cub says: "You and I are of the same blood - you and I." And the buffaloes recognize him as their own and obey.

The mission of the company performs the function of an attractor, around which the "map" of the company self-organizes, with all potential opportunities and limitations, abilities, strategies, and options for action.

The company's mission is realized through goals, strategies, choice of areas of activity, job descriptions, work with personnel.
The mission is broadcast through internal and external PR, as well as through advertising, one of the parts of which may be a slogan.

The role of an advertising agency in working with the company's mission

  • to moderate the discussion of the mission among the key people of the company that orders the advertisement,
  • to literally process the draft resulting from the discussion,
  • further use the mission for creativity in advertising and PR.
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