Laboratory work number 1 study of uniformly accelerated motion. Study of uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed. Personal subject tasks

This presentation, pptx format, consists of 16 slides, contains animation of the experiment; detailed work progress; contains test questions; questions of knowledge actualization, homework (textbook by A.S.Pyoryshkin); table and formulas for calculating acceleration and instantaneous speed.



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Social network of educators website Presentation for a lesson in grade 9 Author: Aprelskaya valentina ivanovna Physics teacher MBOU "SOSH" № 11p. Ryzdvyany Stavropol Territory Laboratory work No. 1 Research of uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed

Study of uniformly accelerated motion without initial velocity Purpose: to determine the acceleration of the ball and its instantaneous velocity before hitting the cylinder. Laboratory work No. 1, grade 9

We repeat What is acceleration? How is the acceleration vector directed? In what units is acceleration expressed? What motion is called uniformly accelerated? What equation is called the equation of motion?

Repeat How is the projection of displacement calculated for uniformly accelerated motion? How is the projection of displacement calculated at V o \u003d 0? How to calculate the projection of the instantaneous velocity vector? What is the formula for calculating the instantaneous speed at V o \u003d 0?

Homework. Textbook: A.V. Peryshkin, E.M. Gutnik. Physics Grade 9 Repeat § 7 (moving with uniformly accelerated motion), - retelling; § 8, p. 31 to repeat the formulas, definitions from § 1 - § 6; prepare for a physical dictation on the topic: "Kinematics of uniform and uniformly accelerated motion" 09/23/2014 Writing down

Work No. 1. Measurement of the acceleration of a body with rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion Purpose: _______ (formulate independently) Equipment: _____ (describe, standing on the table) 09/23/2014 Prepare

We carry out in the following order 1. Assemble the installation according to the figure, mark the initial position of the ball

Execution order 2. Putting the ball on, measure the time of movement before colliding with the cylinder, write it down.

Execution order 3. Measure the displacement module, write down. S

Procedure 4. Without changing the slope of the gutter, repeat the experiment

Procedure 5. Enter the measurement results into the table, calculate the average value of the time Experiment No. Displacement module, m Motion time, s Average motion time, s Acceleration, m / Instantaneous velocity V \u003d at, m / s 1 2 Experiment No. Displacement module, m Motion time, s Average time of movement, s Instantaneous speed V \u003d at, m / s 1 2

Procedure 6. Determine the acceleration by the formula 7. Calculate the instantaneous speed by the formula V \u003d at Note. Since V о \u003d 0, then cp cf

We write down 7. Conclusion on the purpose of the work, taking into account the error in measuring physical quantities Note. Instructions for calculating measurement errors on page 2 71 of the textbook

Control tasks for the collection of problems A.V. Peryshkin. Physics. 7 - 9 Option 1 Option 2 No. 1425, No. 1426, No. 1432 No. 1429 Solving 8. Complete control tasks

Thanks for your work!

Sources of information Printed materials 1. A.V. Peryshkin, E.M. Gutnik. Physics grade 9, - M, Bustard, 2012 2. A.P. Rymkevich. Physics. Problem book 10 - 11 grades, Bustard, M. - 2012 And Internet resources. 3. Picture. Question mark. http: // 4. Picture. Reading emoticon. / 5. Picture. Call from the lesson.\u003d3603&topic\u003d27 6. Picture. Ball and gutter. http: //

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Movement of the body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. No initial speed

Movement of the body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Without initial velocity The movement of the body in rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Without initial speed ...

Presentation "Moving a body in a rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Without an initial speed".

Presentation "Movement of a body with rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Without initial speed" ....

Laboratory work for grade 9 "Research of uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed"

Laboratory work for grade 9 "Research of uniformly accelerated motion without initial velocity". Scanned from Kikoin's old textbook. Processed. Not all schools still have this ...


Objective: calculate the acceleration with which the ball rolls along the inclined chute. To do this, measure the length of movement s of the ball for a known time t. Since at uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed

then, by measuring s and t, you can find the acceleration of the ball. It is equal to:

No measurements are taken with absolute precision. They are always produced with some error associated with imperfection of measuring instruments and other reasons. But even in the presence of errors, there are several ways to make reliable measurements. The simplest of them is the calculation of the arithmetic mean from the results of several independent measurements of the same quantity, if the conditions of the experiment do not change. This is what it is proposed to do in the work.

Measuring instruments: 1) measuring tape; 2) metronome.

Materials: 1) gutter; 2) a ball; 3) a tripod with couplings and a foot; 4) metal cylinder.

Work order

1. Secure the chute with a tripod in an inclined position at a slight angle to the horizon (fig. 175). Place a metal cylinder in the bottom end of the trough.

2. With the ball running (along with the metronome beat) from the top end of the chute, count the number of beats of the metronome until the ball hits the cylinder. The experiment is convenient to carry out at 120 metronome beats per minute.

3. Changing the angle of inclination of the chute to the horizon and making small movements of the metal cylinder, ensure that between the moment the ball is launched and the moment it collides with the cylinder, there are 4 metronome beats (3 intervals between beats).

4. The movement of the ball along the inclined chute is uniformly accelerated. If we let go of the ball without initial velocity and measure the distance s traveled by it before colliding with the cylinder and the time t from the start of motion to the collision, then we can calculate its acceleration using the formula: Calculate the time of the ball's motion.

5. Using a tape measure, determine the travel length s of the ball. Without changing the slope of the chute (the conditions of the experiment must remain unchanged), repeat the experiment five times, achieving again the coincidence of the fourth beat of the metronome with the impact of the ball on the metal cylinder (the cylinder can be moved a little for this).

An example of a job.


Record the conclusion of the work performed.

Lesson number 3

Motion relativity

Objectives:To acquaint students with the Law of "Speed \u200b\u200baddition".


Personal subject tasks:

To form the cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students;

The conviction in the possibility of knowing nature, in the need for the rational use of the achievements of science and technology for further development human society, respect for the creators of science and technology, attitude to physics as an element of human culture;

Subject tasks:

Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in physics in practice, solve physical problems for the application of the knowledge gained;

Metasubject tasks:

The formation of skills to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms, analyze and process the information received in accordance with the tasks set, highlight the main content of the read text, find answers to the questions posed in it and present it.

Work plan:

Organizational stage.

Knowledge update.

Our robot recognized:
Laboratory work 1.

Study of uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed.

Option I.

Purpose of work: to make sure that the motion of the bar is uniformly accelerated and determine its acceleration and instantaneous speed.

In this version of the work, the nature of the movement of the bar along an inclined plane is investigated. Using the device shown in Fig. 146 a of the textbook, it is possible to measure the moduli of the vectors of displacements made by the bar in time intervals 1X, / r 2 /, / sv - 3/1, ..., 1 n /, counted from the moment the movement begins. If we write their expressions for these modules of displacement vectors:

О / 2 а а2 / 12 22 а3 /, 2 З2

2d2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3

Ar1 amy n2

2 2 2 then you can see the following pattern:

5,: x2: s: ...: w 1: 22: Z2: ...: L2 1: 4: 9: ...: 2-If this pattern holds for the displacement vectors measured in the work, then this is will be proof that the movement of the bar along the inclined plane is uniformly accelerated.

An example of a job.

Task I. Investigation of the nature of the movement of the bar along an inclined plane.

O 1 0.04 o 800 0.10 0.12 o o 00 o 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 oo hh o o o

A O el G

B 3 mm x, 7 mm l-4 15 mm

15, -24sh. 24 1 mm, I mm

6 36mm 50mm x65mm x9 82mm

U 102mm M and 126mm 1ЛГ 5 146mm

102.5 1mm 5 1mm

I 170mm I T 5.4 198mm TC 227mm :: 7

1mm, 1mm 5.1mm

From here we find:

X: 2: x3: 5,: a: 56 1N m: n: 12:!: U - 1: 3: 7: 15: 24: 36: 50: 65: 82: 102: 126: 146: 170: 198 : 227. This pattern is not very different from the theoretical pattern for uniformly accelerated motion. Thus, we can assume that the movement of the bar along the inclined plane is uniformly accelerated. Task 2. Determination of the acceleration of the movement of the bar.

The acceleration will be calculated by the formula: a -.

/ 1о 0.2s; о102mm 0.102m; а1-1 5.1m / s2.

/, 5 0.3 s; .5 227 mm 0.227 m; a, 2227m w 5\u003e 04 m / s2.

5.m / s2 + 5.04n / s25,

Task 3. Determination of the instantaneous speed of the bar at different points in time and plotting the dependence of the instantaneous speed y on time /.

The value of the instantaneous speed will be calculated by the formula: V a. I - 0.1 s; V 5.07 m / s2 0.1 s 0.507 m / s. I 0.2 s; V 5.07 m / s2 0.2 s 1.014 m / s. I - 0.3 s; V - 5.07 m / s2 0.3 s - 1.521 m / s. Graph of dependence of instantaneous speed V on time I. V, m / s

Additional task. Plotting the dependence of the x brueck coordinate on the time /. o 0. o 0, xXO Zk1 1,2,3, ..., 15.

Option 2.

Purpose of the work: to determine the acceleration of the ball and its instantaneous speed before hitting the cylinder.

The movement of the ball along the inclined chute is uniformly accelerated. If we let go of the ball without initial velocity and 1gdm-rnm the distance traveled by it 5 to collision with the cylinder and the time from the start of motion to the collision, then we can calculate its acceleration using the formula:

Knowing the acceleration a, we can determine the instantaneous speed V by the formula:

An example of a job.

Metronome beats n Distance V. m Movement time L s Acceleration a -g-, m / s G Instantaneous speed y a /, m / s

3 0.9 1.5 0.8 1.2


I 0.5 s 3 1.5 s; about -12. 0.8 i / s2; 0.5s2

V 0.8 m / s2 1.5 s -1.2 m / s.