How to find strong motivation tips. Do without relying on motivation. Reasons for loss of motivation

Any serious matter - almost like a crime - needs a motive. And if you need to, but you don't want to, you need to want it! And finding motivation, a driving force, is not difficult. You can be inspired by the experience of our heroes, who once wanted ...


When in social networks slender friends post photos of them in swimsuits or miniatures, and under these images young people leave enthusiastic comments, it hurts me soooo. Women's vanity does not sleep! " (Marina, 22)

For me, a real kick-ass was the viewing of wedding photos of a friend with whom I was a witness. Such gorgeous photos, and ... such a terrible me. I thought: "If on professional shots that the master retouched and embellished, I look like this, then what am I really?" And my other friend lost 28 kg in a year! She could, so I can! " (Diana, 23)

I dreamed of losing weight, but still could not get myself together. Until somewhere I read the phrase "A woman is the face of her man." I thought about it. She looked in the mirror. And she said to herself: "How great is the face of my man eaten up!" And that's it, after 18:00 I don't want to eat anymore, and if I suddenly want to, I immediately remember this phrase. This is such a strange motivation, but, you know, it works! " (Irina, 27)

The man left to pay his debt to the Motherland, and in the first months of service he threw off 25 kilograms. And we ... ended up in the same weight category. For some reason, it suddenly became so offensive (or enviable?). I took up myself and also lost weight: not by 25, however, but by 10, but nevertheless. Let him be proud of me. " (Alexandra, 24)

How many times have I bought tight dresses, convincing myself that I will lose weight. But they hung in the closet, having gone out of fashion. Everything changed when I read an interview with Marisa Miller. We are the same age, but my stomach is far from her perfect abs! I started jogging in the morning, gave up candy in the evenings. The result is already visible. " (Elena, 32)



According to the rules of feng shui, in the money zone in our apartment there is a red wallet, and in it there is a stash in large bills. While it is there, there is money in the house. Remembering this golden rule, no one encroaches on the stash. And as if by itself it turns out to save and replenish the contents of the red wallet. " (Maria, 31)

It is better for me to be inactive in money matters. Leaving home, I only take money for transport and lunch. For groceries I go with a list and the amount for the planned purchases. Or else I am sending my husband, he will not take too much. And most importantly - no carts so that there is no temptation to fill it. So my motivation for saving: in order not to waste, avoid temptations. Works!" (Anastasia, 25)

I was determined to save up for a trip to France. Having received a salary, I did not withdraw all the money from the card - I left 5000 rubles on the account. Next time - another 5. When the amount increased to 30 thousand, I realized that its "roundness" for me is a guarantee of savings. Spend just a little, the number will not be so pretty! So I am saving up without breaking the magic of even numbers. " (Love, 24)

Congratulations , expensive!
Thrifty Englishman John Sargison for the 43rd year in a row gives his wife the same new year card... So he saved about a hundred pounds (about 5 thousand rubles). The postcard that John bought in 1967 was quite expensive at the time. The man wrote his congratulations in pencil and sent to his fiancee Sandra. A year later, John erased the old text for his beloved (she had already become his wife) and wrote a new one on the same card, again in pencil. Since then, this card has come to Sandra Sargison every New Year... Several years ago she followed her husband's example. I bought a postcard and wrote my wishes on it in pencil ... I wonder what motivation the Sargison couple have?

There is a story on the Internet about a talented programmer who came from the provinces to conquer Moscow. He did it. In just three years, he has achieved impressive results despite the lack of higher education and connections, among other things. He says that for the first two years he ate exclusively the cheapest millet porridge. Now on his desktop next to the computer there is always a cup of millet groats. As a reminder: if you do not work, you will return to this diet.



Author's method: After looking around the apartment, I realized that it was time to deal with the mess. I needed motivation. And I found her! Every time when bad thoughts came into my head or I wanted to say impudence to someone, I threw one unnecessary thing out of the house. It turned out that I had a lot of them. Lots of. As a result, I did not quarrel with anyone, but at the same time I put things in order.

I don't like to clean up. Because, if I get down to business, I do everything conscientiously: the result is half a day killed for cleaning, my strength is at zero. But it is doubly annoying that the husband is in no hurry to help. And he offers it only when we are expecting guests, especially his friends or family. By the way, he has a big one. And I found a solution: I introduced family dinners into a tradition. These days, the spouse turns on the vacuum cleaner without reminder. Isn't it motivation? Everyone is happy, the apartment is clean. "(Polina , 27)

Regime, to-do list is not mine, unfortunately. But I found a way out! I made a lot of cards, where I wrote down unloved, but obligatory things: dusting, washing the refrigerator, ironing the clothes, sorting out the closet ... But I also made cards with pleasant activities: make a face mask, call a friend. I pull out one of the cards every day without looking. This is my assignment for the evening. You never know which one you will pull out and what you will do - an intrigue. And since I'm curious, I drag the card with interest, and then I complete the task. Household chores are no longer annoying. "(Anna , 28)

P.S. A girl I know, an HR specialist, told me about the method used in one company: for each successful deal or project, an employee is awarded a bright souvenir medal. Having typed a dozen, they can be exchanged ... for a cash bonus. Of course, everyone has different medals, but it is important that we ourselves do not forget to give them to ourselves.

Daria Shtykova

Karen had a day off, she felt overwhelmed and completely exhausted. You will remember days like this - the only thing you want is to crawl back into bed.

Karen is a busy, ambitious single mother. As much as she wants to finish everything early and rest, she still has to cook dinner and read to the children before bed. Sometimes it is difficult to find the strength for this. And some duties and affairs are so unpleasant that it is difficult to find motivation to perform them in principle.

Pay attention to your thoughts

We plunge into self-flagellation and procrastination. When we are unproductive, it is easy to slip into endless self-criticism. Karen herself does not notice how she begins to think how lazy and stupid she is. “I’m a terrible mother who doesn’t even have the energy to cook normal food and read to children before bed,” she thinks.

Such thoughts are drawn into a vicious circle: lack of motivation leads to the fact that we begin to scold ourselves for procrastination, and as a result, we feel even worse.

By scolding ourselves, we do not increase our motivation.Often it seems to us that we should be tougher to ourselves - so we will do more. When we fail to meet expectations (ours or someone else's), we usually begin to blame ourselves and slide into self-criticism. A hard attitude towards yourself does not add energy.

But where to start is with self-compassion. Stop and admit that you have a lot of difficulties to overcome. Whether you are suffering from depression or just having a bad day, the pain you are experiencing is real.

Motivation comes from action, not vice versa. Therefore, you should not sit and wait for the desire to do something wake up, force yourself to start

We feel overwhelmed, overwhelmed, or apathetic at times. Be kind to yourself as you would be kind to a friend who is going through a difficult period in life. Recognize that it is normal to feel tired, overwhelmed, or apathetic at times, and your value as a person is not just about productivity.

Most are afraid they won't get anywhere by being too gentle with themselves. However, accepting yourself is not the same as feeling sorry or digging into your problems. By showing self-compassion and acknowledging the fatigue you are experiencing, you can free yourself from the flow of negative self-hypnosis that contributes to unproductiveness.

Be kind to yourself

In a state of apathy, do not criticize yourself, but be kind to yourself. Self-compassion will add motivation. After all, a joyful, happy state increases efficiency. Yet most of us are motivated by action, not the other way around. Therefore, you should not sit and wait for the desire to do something wake up, force yourself to start.

What did Karen do? After a hard day, she wanted to collapse on the sofa in front of the TV. She scolded herself for what a bad mother she was, for so often ordering fast food delivery instead of making a full dinner.

In a state of apathy, do not criticize yourself, but be kind to yourself

Because she scolded herself, the desire to cook did not appear, she only felt shame and her own "inferiority".

To begin with, Karen had to replace self-flagellation with self-compassion. She began to tell herself something like, “I'm not lazy. I work full time and have two children. It's hard work. It's okay if I order pizza sometimes. It doesn't make me a bad mother. "

She admitted that she came home from work tired and exhausted and needed a good rest. Now, when she comes home, she takes a hot shower first and then devotes 10 minutes to meditation.

Karen was gradually moving towards her goal of making a healthy dinner every day. To begin with, I was limited to salad. Over time, I began to cook more and more, and in those days when there was no such opportunity, I did not blame and did not shame myself for it.

Takeaway - To motivate yourself, start with self-compassion and gradually work your way towards your goal.

About the expert

Sharon Martin,psychotherapist, her website.

A topic that I especially love is the psychology of achievement. For me, in the process of achievement, the most interesting thing is the very process of movement and how you change in this process. Each of us has our own miracle potion, our own individual formula for success, thanks to which we achieve important goals for us. And you can understand it in practice, examining yourself.

What motivates you, gives you drive, energy? What, on the contrary, undermines faith and makes you sadly lag behind? What, in principle, motivates you to move towards goals?

In order to help ourselves and others to understand our "super-mix", in our courses we create a research platform where we and the participants set a goal and move towards it step by step throughout the month, studying our motivation along the way and finding more and more new solutions for your formula.

Traditionally, just a couple of weeks after new beginnings, the decline in motivation began. And this is where the fun begins. What mechanisms of self-motivation to connect? How to give yourself a "magic pendel"?

And universal pills “for everything” do not work here, our task is to find, to understand what drives you, which allows you to achieve significant results, which stimulates you to mobilize forces and make a decisive leap forward, to complete the project. And this formula is different for everyone. And the task of the course is just to find this magic formula.

I'll tell you how it works for me. And at the end of the monthly cycle, I will share our general conclusions and results.

Previously, as an addicted person, I always got down to business with passion, connected all my resources and ... quickly burned out. Worried, threw the case on the back burner and, at best, returned to it in six months, a year. Then, in the process of self-examination, a solution came.
The beloved "Theory of small steps" has become a panacea. Introducing a new habit into my life, I use my rich experience of stepping on the "rake" and my formula.

In the beginning, as always, I get down to business on a grand scale, and when motivation disappears, I don’t quit, I just slow down, but I don’t despair and, most importantly, I don’t stop. Every day I continue to walk and let it take a little step, let me devote 5 minutes to my habit. It is especially important at this stage not to lose momentum, not to stop, and thus the habit, albeit 2 times slower than that of others, but is instilled. Regularity is important in any habit. And I will always find 5 minutes a day.

For example, let's take the same sport. For the past 15 years, all my diaries for annual purposes have had an ambitious goal: "To bring sport into my life")). But the matter did not move beyond 2-3 shock months in the fitness club. And even when life itself forced me to go in for sports, through a serious illness, there was no motivation. The understanding that something big and important had to be done scared and the mechanisms of procrastination and postponement were activated. And there was already a trailer, there was a feeling of guilt, insecurity and other "gremlins" that devour us from the inside. What helped? Exploring your motivation.

So, when introducing habits, my introductions are as follows. It is always important for me:

- quickly see the result,

- an interesting, exciting process, otherwise I will give it up),

- so that the habit does not take long.

Decisions: If the result is important, you need to constantly sum up intermediate results, keep a diary of achievements, praise yourself, celebrate, give yourself gifts.

If an interesting process is important, you need to constantly feed the lesson with new interesting knowledge, look for new alternatives, and learn.

If it is not possible to devote a lot of time: Do it in small blocks of 5-30 minutes.

Thus, my system, which has been formed over the course of a year, now looks like this:
When I do not have trainings and have the strength, I go to the gym 3 times a week.

When I had trainings, I found an alternative. I downloaded Runtastic programs to my phone and do push-ups and squats every other day. Why haven't I jumped off yet? The program clearly shows your results, your progress, goals are constantly increasing, and you constantly feel an increase in strength and energy. Well, it's fun to do push-ups, touching the button on the screen with a sound with your nose).

When I feel unwell or tired, I go swimming in the pool for only half an hour. And again, I set myself goals: 20-30-40 pools, different kindsso as not to get bored.

To see the results, I measure volumes with a centimeter and keep a measurement plate. Progress is visible.

And in order to be inspired, when my hands are completely discouraged, I do every six months "Medass", a complete analysis of the body composition in honey. the office of the fitness club. There you can see the true results of your labors. When your indicators are already entering the green zone, muscle mass grows, and fat mass goes away, pride and inspiration increase.

Thus, I close my main motives: the result, an interesting process, time saving).
But this is in my case.

So, in order to achieve goals and not give them up half-way, in order to introduce any habit, you need to carefully study your motivation.

To make it easier, you can try this algorithm:

1. Think about your past achievements that you are proud of. When you set goals and achieved them. Answer the following questions:

- What then prompted you to act?

- What are your strengths that helped you?

- How did you get up after the falls? What factors were the "magic pendel"?

2. Highlight and write down your main drivers, motivators. These can be: interest, result, self-affirmation, status, competition, novelty, stability, team, risk, self-realization, etc.

It is enough to single out 2-3 key ones from your past and present experience.

3. Make your plan for achieving a goal / introducing a new habit, considering these motivators / drivers that will cover your dominant needs.

4. Test and refine your plan.

Collect your piggy bank. Explore your formula for success and apply it to your current goals!

Good luck and find your "magic potion"))!


Is motivation important or not? Studying the stories of successful people, men and women, we find that they are always motivated, their eyes are burning and their actions are full of enthusiasm, they can easily find what will inspire them.

Using motivation as their primary engine, they achieved success.
The motivation for your success, personal growth, happiness gives you the energy and the ability to do what others can, but will not do.

When you are inspired, you work harder, and the work is more fruitful and purposeful. If not, then day after day you "stomp" in one place, work, go to solve a series of everyday tasks, which are like mirages on the way to your goal.

Today we'll look at 15 ways to find motivation.

1. Dreams

Your dreams and daring goals should be written on a sheet, on a blackboard, on your phone, where you can see them all the time. It helps you focus on what you want, maintain focus, and protects you from the distractions that arise every day.

2 Attention only for today

We can get lost thinking about the future or regretting the past.

What's wrong with the fact that while you decide and want to be in a different place in life, someone else decides to do nothing?

If you really want to be successful, you need to know how to focus your attention only on the present.

Do what you can do at the moment: work on a project, complete the next goals and objectives, achieving the set, you motivate yourself. And you will do the same with your big life purpose and dream.

3 List of three tasks.

Don't try to write down a lot of assignments. Of course, we want more tasks to be completed, but there should be three. Concentrate on doing them. When they are completed, only then can you move on to the next one.
Too many people pay attention to the little things and just can't figure out what to focus on.
What's happening? They are overwhelmed, lose motivation, and fall out of hand. If you are focused, you stay active, get more done, and get things done much faster.

4 Discipline and motivation

Discipline is boring, but necessary. Through discipline, we gain freedom. Once you are free, you can find what makes your life better simply by removing limitations from your life. When you are focused and only do what needs to be done today, nothing matters. There should be discipline practically every day.

When a journalist asked two-time champion Steve Nash, "How often does he miss training?" The athlete replied that never, if I miss one, I will have a reason to miss the next. If you are lazy and distracted by failure and regret. Then, most likely you will be left with nothing.
Be successful, do what successful people do. They remain disciplined. T. Roosevelt said: "Do what you can with what you have right now."

If discipline never ceases to be associated with the word boring, then I propose to find a little positive in everyday worries, below is a video about this. Sometimes it is.

5 Your environment will help you find.

In your environment is there something that might motivate you? Surround yourself with images that motivate you. Keep your space clean. Does clutter really clutter our mind? It has a depressing effect on space. Make your work environment the way you want it to be. Spend some money on a good table or item, but make sure your workplace inspires and motivates you.

This is where the magic happens. This is where you should be most of your time. Make sure it affects you positively.

6 Affirmations.

14 Diary.

Over the course of one week, while taking notes of the work done, take notes of when the level of motivation and level of performance was highest. Match your important tasks to a time when your motivation was high. This will clarify the situation. When your mind is clear, when the road is visible, it is great motivation.

15 Win your psychological battle.

In his book Think and Grow Rich, N. Hill describes the battles that take place in our minds. “The thoughts that fill our mind should help in the journey and not distract from our path.

How can I control my thoughts? You cannot control the flow of thoughts that comes, but you can control which thoughts to pay attention to.

Fill your mind with creative, positive, and ambitious ideas. Let go of your fears and worries. They do nothing, but push away from the desired.

You've just read 15 rules to help you find motivation.

But these rules, with a different approach, can become only recommendations, which, as usual, are rarely followed, so let's give a little experiment, try to select at least one item and carry it out for a week.

Then see if your life changes in the better sideand can you ultimately find motivation?

Elena Vetstein

Where to get motivation. Ghost search problems

Motivation is the driving force behind our achievements and life results. The search for an answer to the question of how to find motivation hides a true desire to learn how to manage oneself.

But lack of motivation is not the problem itself, it is just a consequence. The roots of lack of motivation lie in a number of reasons that we often do not want to discern.

Let's take a closer look.

The first reason. Meanings and priorities

Do you already know what is paramount in life for you now? And what will be important in 5, 10, 20, 50 years? What is important in youth, what in old age? What priorities are going through all the time intervals? And the main question is: do they correlate your daily activities with the results that are of paramount importance to you?

One of the most important reasons for lack of motivation lies in the fact that we are perfectly aware that our lifestyle and daily activities do not provide our meanings and priorities in any way. We want one thing, but in fact we do what does not lead in any way to what we want. And we understand this falsehood, but we still walk in a vicious circle.

My friend is raising her son alone. In questions about what is important for her in life, the relationship with her son is in the first positions. At the same time, frequent business trips are forced to regularly leave the child for a day or two for friends and acquaintances, not to see children's problems, not to control the situation. It seems that the temporary lack of control does not bode well for anything special, but gradually the current situation spills over into an uncontrollable channel.

The boy began to cheat, lie, manipulate his mother. Maternal attempts to interfere with what is happening from time to time are haphazard and quickly end, because other problems constantly come to the fore. Child-parent relations are getting worse, and nothing portends a change in the situation.

Another common case. We dream of a good job or our business, but we devote ourselves to an unloved business. We live the scenario "Monday-Friday, weekend", constantly waiting for motivation to act, but we are constantly outside the source.

These are examples of constant self-deception, when we are inspired by some ideas, but we constantly implement completely different ones. We live as if the wrong life, hoping that it will still be.

Here in this “wrong” life there is no drive, so there is no motivation, there is a desire to somehow survive the next day.

There is only one way to find motivation in such a situation - to turn to your inner ones and check. When we know exactly what we want from life and what achievements we expect from ourselves, when we consciously move along the desired path, the problem of finding motivation does not arise!

The second reason. Inaction

The fact that motivation comes in action or is born in action has long been proven by the proponents of the activity approach - the great Russian teachers L.S. Vygodsky and his followers.

Probably, many noticed how long they were looking for ways to solve the problem without starting the activity (the solution itself) and how quickly the problem was solved, as soon as they started doing it.

Let's say you have to important presentation... Throughout the week you are running different ideas in your mind, postponing the action itself, looking for excuses that there are not enough thoughts to get started. But as soon as you start to do (create) in practice, fresh thoughts appear, new ideas are born, but there is not enough time for a brilliant implementation.

In general, it is very difficult for an intellectual to step over the line between deliberation and direct action! Therefore, many ideas are postponed and then forgotten, without waiting for the motivation to implement them.

For everyone who suffers from the problem of dominance, the solution is to change the pattern of behavior: forget that there is such an option “ » ... After all, there are only two choices - to do and not to do. If the decision is made to “do”, you need to proceed immediately to implementation, without waiting for motivation and inspiration. They will come in action!

The third reason. Not knowing how to love what you do

To love means to give oneself to the work to the end, not saving "for later" the potential of one's capabilities. When in work on any business all possible resources are used to achieve a result, one feels excitement, a surge of strength.

We noticed how, when working with a notoriously difficult project, you quickly get involved in the work, feeling the drive from the process itself. Laziness and apathy go away.

It's another matter when the upcoming work is understandable, sometimes even familiar. We often do not want to perform these actions, postponing until later, or doing it in power saving mode. Such "slipping" makes you lose, slow down. Hence the feeling that additional motivation is needed, although the real reason is half-strength work, which is not interesting and unimportant to our brain.

One more fact. Intrinsic motivation is a good indicator of self-organization. If you are used to external motivators (executive order, monetary reward, someone's approval) and experience internal motivation problems, then yours leaves much to be desired.

Intrinsic motivation is a huge force, a powerful engine that allows you to live at high speed. Its main source is life in harmony with oneself. This simple idea is that your way of life, deeds and actions obey the inner meanings and priorities, not only globally, but also locally, each step correlates with. Otherwise, you live in a mode of self-deception, covering up your unwillingness to continue this theater of the absurd with a search for motivation.

Elena Vetstein.

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