Alexander mamut yeltsin. Alexander Mamut: “I need a strong emotional involvement so that I love the job. Imagine, before you are the same age as the older children. What should they do: go to London, go to work, study

Mamut Alexander Leonidovich was born on January 29, 1960 in Moscow. Father - Leonid Solomonovich, Doctor of Law, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, one of the drafters of the new Russian Constitution. Mother - Tsitsilia Ludvigovna, lawyer.


In 1977 he graduated from the Moscow special school No. 17 with in-depth study of the English language, in 1982 - the law faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Business projects and banking

In 1990, he opened the law firm "ALM-Consulting" ("ALM" is an abbreviation of his last name, first name and patronymic), in 1990-1993 he was the managing partner of the bureau.

In 1993 he established commercial Bank Project Finance Company, where he served as Chairman of the Management Board until 1998. Then, in 1993, he became one of the founders of OJSC Seventh Continent, a retailer with a chain of stores of the same name throughout Russia. Until 1997, he was a member of the company's board of directors.

In 1998, he founded the ALM Development company, was its shareholder until 2001.

In 1998, the entrepreneur entered the civil service - he took the post of an adviser on economic issues in the presidential administration. In 1999, he became an advisor to the head of the presidential administration, Alexander Voloshin.

From 1999 to 2002, he was the chairman of the board of directors of JSCB Moscow Business World (MDM-Bank).

In July 2000 he became a member of the board of directors of the insurer RESO-Garantia. In the same year he was elected to the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

In February 2001, he became a member of the Council on Entrepreneurship under the Cabinet of Ministers of Kasyanov.

In May 2002, he became a co-owner of the Troika-Dialog investment company until 2005).

In 2005, the businessman acquired a stake in Ingosstrakh IJSC, was a member of the directors (2005-2006). In the spring of 2007, he sold his stake in Ingosstrakh

In 2005, as chairman, he headed the board of trustees of the experimental theater center for the new drama Praktika.

In 2006, together with entrepreneur Andrew Paulson, he created the Soup Company (SUP). A year later, Soup actually owned the LiveJournal service, and in 2008, the online newspaper

In 2007 he opened The Most restaurant-club in Moscow.

In June 2008 became a shareholder of OJSC Polymetal.

In 2008, he bought the investment company A&NN, a 100% stake in Euroset from Evgeny Chichvarkin and Timur Artemiev (in October 49.9% of Euroset were sold to VimpelCom) and also acquired the Pioner cinema on Kutuzovsky prospect in Moscow.

In 2009, he already owned a 61% stake in Spar Moscow Holding. In the same year, for a symbolic $ 1, he bought the Torpedo-ZIL football club, and also took over as chairman of the board of trustees of the Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design. It is considered the main sponsor of Strelka.


In 2011, he was among the shareholders of Nomos-Bank. In May of that year, A&NN Capital Fund Management Limited, controlled by the trust in which it has a stake, acquired the British bookstore chain Waterstone's.

In December 2012 - the sole owner (100% of shares) of SUP Media.

In April 2014 - the managing shareholder of the Rambler & Co group of companies (formerly the combined company Afisha-Rambler-SUP), he personally headed the group in the status of general director.

In December 2016, he became the sole owner of the Rambler & Co group of companies, having bought out half of the company from billionaire Vladimir Potanin for $ 270 million.

At the end of March 2017, he closed the deal to acquire the largest Russian cinema chain Cinema Park from Said Kerimov (son of Senator Suleiman Kerimov).

In April 2017, he became the owner of Formula Kino, which he bought from the A1 investment company, owned by Mikhail Fridman's Alfa Group and partners.

As of January 2018, he owns 100% of Vitalbond Limited, which 100% owns the A&NN Investments investment fund. The key assets of the latter, in turn, are:

publishing group "Azbuka-Atticus" (publishing houses "Azbuka", "Inostranka", "CoLibri" and "Makhaon");
Polymetal (6.54% belong to Vitalbond Limited and 3.52% are assigned to the investor's children - sons Nikolai and Peter and daughter Esther);
book and magazine printing house "Pareto-Print" (LLC "IPK Pareto-Print");
GLP Global Logistic (DJELPI LLC, logistics services);
group of companies Rambler & Co;
design and construction company "Shafran";
development company MOZAIK Development;
recruiting project Fynd;
Deliver (LLC "Web Logistics", cargo transportation in Russia).


Personal fortune

In 2008, he first appeared in the list of the richest people in the world according to the American magazine Forbes: then he took the 962 line of the rating, and his fortune was estimated at 1.2 billion US dollars.

For the past seven years, it has been steadily in the top 50 richest businessmen in Russia according to the list of the Russian-language version of Forbes. So, in 2011, 2013 and 2014 his fortune was estimated at $ 2,300 million (42, 45 and 42 places in the rating, respectively), in 2015 he was in 36 place with a mark of $ 2,500 million, in 2016 - at 37 positions ( $ 2,400 million), and in 2017 took 40th place ($ 2,500 million).

Family status

Widower after second marriage. He has five children: son Nikolai, twins Peter and Esther (born in 2013) and two adopted sons from the first marriage of his current wife Nadezhda Lyamina - Leonid and Dmitry Brezhnev (great-grandchildren of Leonid I. Brezhnev).

K: Wikipedia: Articles without images (type: not specified)

Alexander Leonidovich Mamut (January 29, Moscow) - Russian entrepreneur and financier.

With a personal fortune of 2.5 billion, in 2015 he took 36th place in the list of 200 richest businessmen in Russia (according to Forbes magazine).


  • - - Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSCB "Moscow Business World" (MDM-Bank).
  • - - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Troika Dialog Investment Company.
  • - - Member of the Board of Directors of Ingosstrakh IJSC.
  • - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the experimental theater center for a new drama "Practice", established by the Moscow Government on the initiative of producer and director Eduard Boyakov. The theater is considered one of the main experimental venues for contemporary drama.
  • - the creation of SUP, which in 2007 becomes the owner of the LiveJournal service.
  • - opening of The Most restaurant-club.
  • - the purchase by the investment company A&NN, headed by Mamut, from Evgeny Chichvarkin and Timur Artemiev, 100 percent of the shares of the Euroset company. In October 2008, 49.9% of Euroset shares were sold to VimpelCom.
  • - becomes the owner of the Pioner cinema (Moscow, Kutuzovsky, 21). After several months of renovation, Pioneer opens as an intellectual, arthouse cinema with two halls equipped with modern sound
  • - Alexander Mamut became the owner of 61% of the shares of Spar Moscow Holding.
  • - for a symbolic $ 1, Alexander Mamut bought the Torpedo-ZIL football club.
  • - becomes Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design, as well as its main sponsor. The aim of the Institute is to change the landscape of Russian cities. Strelka offers a free study program in urban studies and urban development at english language for specialists with higher education, a free summer public events program, by Strelka Press. The Institute also participated in the development of a model for the renovation of Gorky Park. In 2014, Strelka became the curator of the Russian pavilion at the XIV International Architecture Biennale in Venice, receiving a Special Mention.
  • - became a shareholder of Nomos Bank. He was also a minority (6.7%) shareholder of Otkritie Bank through Otkritie Holding.
  • may 2011 - A&NN Capital Fund Management Limited, a trust-controlled company in which Alexander Mamut has a stake, acquires the British bookstore chain Waterstone’s.

In December 2012, he became the sole owner (100% of shares) of SUP Media.

In April 2014, Alexander Mamut, the managing shareholder of the Rambler & Co group of companies (previously the merged company Afisha-Rambler-SUP), personally headed the group in the status of general director.

Is a shareholder of Polymetal with a 9.2% stake.

A family

Alexander Mamut is a widower after his second marriage. He has five children: son Nikolai, twins (born in 2013) and two adopted sons from the first marriage of his second wife Nadezhda Lyamina - Leonid and Dmitry Brezhnev (great-grandchildren of Leonid I. Brezhnev).

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  • - article in Lentapedia. year 2012.

An excerpt characterizing Mamut, Alexander Leonidovich

“Tell me, you can see…” He did not finish and smiled a painfully fake smile.

Returning to the regiment and telling the commander what the situation was in Denisov's case, Rostov with a letter to the sovereign went to Tilsit.
On June 13th, the French and Russian emperors gathered in Tilsit. Boris Drubetskoy asked the important person with whom he was to be numbered among the retinue appointed to be in Tilsit.
- Je voudrais voir le grand homme, [I would like to see a great man,] - he said, referring to Napoleon, whom he has always, like everyone else, called Buonaparte.
- Vous parlez de Buonaparte? [Are you talking about Buonaparte?] The general told him smiling.
Boris looked inquiringly at his general and immediately realized that this was a joke test.
“Mon prince, je parle de l" empereur Napoleon, [Prince, I'm talking about the emperor Napoleon,] he replied. The general patted him on the shoulder with a smile.
"You will go far," he said to him and took with him.
Boris was among the few on the Neman on the day of the meeting of the emperors; he saw rafts with monograms, Napoleon's passage along the other bank, past the French guards, saw the pensive face of Emperor Alexander, while he sat silently in a tavern on the bank of the Niemen, awaiting Napoleon's arrival; I saw how both emperors got into the boats and how Napoleon, having first adhered to the raft, walked forward with quick steps and, meeting Alexander, gave him his hand, and how both disappeared into the pavilion. From the time of his entry into the higher worlds, Boris made himself the habit of carefully observing what was happening around him and writing down. During a meeting in Tilsit, he inquired about the names of those persons who had arrived with Napoleon, about the uniforms they were wearing, and listened attentively to the words spoken by important persons. At the same time as the emperors entered the pavilion, he looked at his watch and did not forget to look again at the time when Alexander left the pavilion. The meeting lasted an hour and fifty-three minutes: he wrote it down that evening, among other facts that he believed were of historical importance. Since the emperor's retinue was very small, for a person who valued success in the service, being in Tilsit during the meeting of the emperors was a very important matter, and Boris, having got to Tilsit, felt that from that time his position was completely established. They not only knew him, but got accustomed to him and got used to him. Twice he carried out instructions to the sovereign himself, so that the sovereign knew him by sight, and all those close to him not only did not shy away from him, as before, considering him a new face, but would be surprised if he was not there.
Boris lived with another adjutant, the Polish count Zhilinsky. Zhilinsky, a Pole raised in Paris, was rich, passionately in love with the French, and almost every day during his stay in Tilsit, French officers from the Guard and the main French headquarters gathered for lunch and breakfast with Zhilinsky and Boris.
On the evening of June 24, Count Zhilinsky, Boris's roommate, arranged a dinner for his French acquaintances. At this dinner there was a guest of honor, one Napoleon's adjutant, several officers of the French Guard, and a young boy of an old aristocratic french surname, Napoleon's page. On this very day Rostov, taking advantage of the darkness so as not to be recognized, in civilian dress, arrived in Tilsit and entered the apartment of Zhilinsky and Boris.
In Rostov, as well as in the entire army from which he came, the coup that took place in the headquarters and in Boris had not yet taken place against Napoleon and the French, from enemies who had become friends. Still in the army continued to experience the same mixed feelings of anger, contempt and fear towards Bonaparte and the French. Until recently, Rostov, talking with the Platov Cossack officer, argued that if Napoleon had been taken prisoner, he would have been treated not as a sovereign, but as a criminal. Not long ago, on the road, having met a wounded French colonel, Rostov got excited, proving to him that there could be no peace between the legitimate sovereign and the criminal Bonaparte. Therefore, Rostov was strangely struck in Boris's apartment by the sight of French officers in the very uniforms he was used to looking at from a flanker chain. As soon as he saw a French officer leaning out of the door, this feeling of war, hostility, which he always felt at the sight of the enemy, suddenly seized him. He stopped at the threshold and asked in Russian if Drubetskoy lived here. Boris, hearing someone else's voice in the hall, went out to meet him. The first minute he recognized Rostov, his face expressed annoyance.
“Oh, it’s you, very glad, very glad to see you,” he said, however, smiling and moving towards him. But Rostov noticed his first movement.
“I don't seem to be in time,” he said, “I wouldn’t come, but I have business,” he said coldly ...
- No, I'm just wondering how you came from the regiment. - "Dans un moment je suis a vous", [This minute I am at your service,] - he turned to the voice calling him.
“I see that I’m not on time,” repeated Rostov.





Area of \u200b\u200binterest

Personal life


Parents: Father - Leonid Solomonovich Mamut - graduated from the Moscow Law Institute and defended his doctoral dissertation. Honored Lawyer Russian Federation... Alexander Mamut's mother, Tsitsilia Lyudvigovna, is also an experienced lawyer.

In 1982. Alexander Mamut graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow state university them. Lomonosov.

Until 1993. headed the law office "ALM" (ALM - AL Mamut).

In 1990. created law firm ALM-Consulting. Beginning business activities Mamut is considered to be 1990, when Alexander Mamut and Andrey Gloriozov invented and created the Imperial Bank. JSCB "Imperial" was founded on November 15, 1990, initially (until March 1991) was called "Business and Cooperation". It was created to serve fuel and energy companies. The main clients are Gazprom and LUKOIL.

1993 to 1999 Mamut - Chairman of the Management Board of the Project Finance Company (KOPF).

In 1994. Alexander Mamut, according to media reports, intended to engage in operations to pay off the Indian debt to Russia in the amount of $ 150 million. Then Mamut proposed his own way of paying off the debt - through the redemption of 6 billion rupees in rubles at a rate that was more than 5 times undervalued. However, despite the support of Alexander Shokhin, the Ministry of Finance and VEB did not allow Mamut to deal with debt.

Since 1998 Alexander Mamut is an advisor on economic issues in the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

Since 1999 - Advisor to the Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Alexander Voloshin.

Since May 1999 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Sobinbank.

Since August 1999 to September 2001 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of MDM Bank (Moscow Business World).

Since July 2000 - Member of the Board of Directors of the RESO-Garantia insurance company.

In October 2000. was elected to the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

In February 2001. became a member of the Council on Entrepreneurship under the Cabinet of Ministers of Kasyanov. 11 July 2001 at a meeting of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs introduced a draft of a radical reform of the banking system. Among the proposals of Alexander Mamut, the most acute were the division of banks into federal and regional and the limitation of the activities of state banks to the initially stated goals. He proposed to switch to a three-tier system instead of a two-tier system: the Bank of Russia - federal banks - regional banks. A federal bank (it is allowed all banking operations throughout the country, including correspondent relations with foreign banks) may become a bank whose authorized capital in the first year of operation will exceed 1 billion rubles, and in the future will grow to 3 billion. Regional (you can act only on the territory of a certain region) - only the bank, the authorized capital of which will reach 200 million rubles. The rest will lose their status as banks. In the summer of 2002. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Troika Dialog investment company.


After posted in October 2002. additional issue of shares of Ingosstrakh cFO "Basic Element" Tatyana Dubrovskaya claimed that "at least a third of its shares" are controlled by the chairman of the board of directors of Troika Dialog, Alexander Mamut.

In June 2002. Troika Dialog announced the completion of the deal on the management buyout of a controlling stake from the Bank of Moscow.

By 2005, when settlements with the Bank of Moscow are fully completed, Alexander Mamut will own a 10% stake in Troika.

According to Andrey Melnichenko, head of MDM Bank, Alexander Mamut is not, and has never been, a shareholder of MDM Group.

Alexander Mamut is ranked among the so-called "Family".


Alexander Mamut and Oleg Deripaska have a partnership. Since October 10, 2002 Deripaska is the owner of 17.8% of shares of the insurance company Ingosstrakh, at least one third of which is controlled by Alexander Mamut. Governor of Chukotka Roman Abramovich, Oleg Deripaska, Alexander Mamut and Yevgeny Shvidler presented the Public Fund for the Promotion of Russian Science, which they also created. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a fund came from Alexander Mamut back in 2000, and in December the fund was registered. The organization planned to help financially Russian scientists, both honored and beginners.

The first installment - $ 1 million - was made by Russian Aluminum and Sibneft. For a long time Alexander Mamut and Andrey Melnichenko worked together at MDM Bank. In 2001. Mamut left the post of chairman of the bank's supervisory board, then the press reported that the opinions of the bank's leaders differed regarding the banking reform actively promoted by Mamut.

Alfa Bank President Petr Aven and MDM Bank Chairman Alexander Mamut became co-authors of the banking reform concept.


Alexander Mamut, according to the press, does not personally take part in economic and political conflicts.

Area of \u200b\u200binterest

For a long time, Alexander Mamut actively promoted the idea of \u200b\u200bbanking reform in Russia. After he left the post of chairman of the supervisory board of MDM Bank, the press reported that Alexander Mamut intended to leave banking and go into politics, even wrote about his desire to become the chairman of the RUIE.

After being appointed chairman of the board of directors of Troika Dialog, Alexander Mamut told the Vedomosti newspaper about his intention to devote at least half of his working time to Troika.

Personal life

Married. Nadezhda's wife is the ex-wife of Andrei Brezhnev, the grandson of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Not indifferent to cars.

Alexander Mamut's wife Nadezhda Brezhneva gave him not only their common child, but also two of her own from her first marriage. Together with Nadezhda and her first husband, Mamut studied at the same school, but when the girl faced the question of choice, she preferred the grandson of the general secretary, Andrei Brezhnev. They say that the future oligarch always felt sympathy for Nadezhda, so he was upset by her then choice. Nevertheless, having lived with Andrei Brezhnev for a long enough time, and having given birth to him two sons, the woman turned her eyes to another former classmate.

In the photo - the wife of Alexander Mamut Nadezhda

This happened at a time when Andrei Brezhnev's affairs did not go very well, and Mamut was on the right path to prosperity. She left her husband and married Alexander Mamut. Nadezhda gave birth to Alexander Leonidovich's son Nikolai, but their life together ended in tragedy - Alexander Mamut's wife fell seriously ill and died, and he was left with three children in his arms. After the death of his wife, the oligarch no longer entered into a legal marriage with any woman, but he did not refuse a romantic relationship, and he preferred to have romances with married ladies.

In the photo - the failed wife of Alexander Mamut Alena Akhmadulina

Among his passions was the daughter of the famous director Pavel Chukhrai Anastasia, who parted because of Mamut with her husband Anton Tabakov. But the oligarch was not distinguished by constancy, and, leaving Anastasia, he plunged headlong into a new romance with the twenty-eight-year-old fashion designer Alena Akhmadulina. Thanks to her first husband, producer Arkady Volk, with whom she lived for seven years, Alena was able to achieve a lot. With the help of Wolf's extensive connections in show business, Akhmadulina's career developed quite successfully, and her models were shown on the Paris catwalks.

In the photo - Akhmadulina with her ex-husband Arkady Volk

But, the ungrateful Alena left her husband for the sake of a wealthier Mamut. They began to appear together at social gatherings, and they started talking about Akhmadulina as the common-law wife of Alexander Mamut. The oligarch showered his new darling with expensive gifts, took him to the most prestigious resorts. Alexander Leonidovich presented Alena with one of the most prestigious Moscow clubs, The Most, and built a three-storey boutique in the center of the capital. The connection with Mamut made her career even more successful - he helped her get several lucrative projects, including the development of the design for the Eurovision Song Contest. But the talent of the fashion designer, apparently, was strained, her things were selling very poorly, soon the oligarch realized that Alena Akhmadulina was not at all a genius fashion designer, and even great financial opportunities would not help her to become such. He lost interest in her, and no matter how hard Alena tried to become the wife of Alexander Mamut, she failed.
Also interesting.

Currently, there is no need for the personal participation of representatives of the business elite in the power structures. At the same time, they are in no hurry to completely withdraw from "state affairs", using this lever to lobby for their own interests. Power and business in Russia have been inextricably linked for more than ten years. A vivid confirmation of this is russian businessman Mamut Alexander Leonidovich, who could easily enter the corridors of the Kremlin of the Yeltsin era. He was called the gray cardinal of domestic business. Today he is considered the largest philanthropist, despite the fact that his personality is shrouded in veils of secrets, secrets and intrigues.

Almost every Russian has heard of the scale financial condition this mysterious oligarch, but what specific amount of money the millionaire Mamut Alexander Leonidovich is handling is not known to many people. Today he has already proved that capital can and should be invested not only in plants and factories, but also in the sphere of culture.

The businessman's entourage notices that he is endowed with such a rare and valuable quality as modesty, so he does not like to talk about his achievements in business to the press. Let's try to open the veil of this secret.


Mamut Alexander Leonidovich was born on January 29, 1960 in the Russian capital. His parents were experienced lawyers: mother Tsitsilia Ludvigovna took active participation in the famous Uzbek cotton business, and his father, Leonid Solomonovich, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation.


Little Alexander was lucky: he was sent to a special school with an English bias.

However, from childhood he showed his character, therefore, teachers often gave trouble, while not all sciences were given to him with ease. Nevertheless, he overcomes difficulties and after school decides to become a lawyer.

Studentship and the beginning of an entrepreneurial career

In 1977, he applied to the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, passed the entrance exams, and for five years gnawed the granite of science.

After graduation, until 1990, Mamut Alexander Leonidovich worked in one of the legal consultations in the metropolitan metropolis.

Having gained invaluable experience in legal practice, he decides to open his own company with an unpretentious name "ALM-Consulting". Soon, on an equal footing with businessman Andrei Gloriozov, he established a banking structure. At first it was known as "Business and Cooperation", and then its name was changed to JSCB "Imperial". His clients included such oil giants as Gazprom and Lukoil.

It was from this time that Alexander Leonidovich Mamut, whose photo had not yet been published in the media in the early 90s, began to gradually influence the state of state affairs in the country. In 1993, he is the head of the Project Finance Company KB. A year later, he becomes a member of the Committee on Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy under the Russian government.

The businessman himself believes that an entrepreneur who invited him to work at MDM Bank helped him to earn substantial money. It was with his submission that everything began to work out for Alexander Leonidovich, and after a few years he turned into a large and influential businessman.

Power structures are getting closer and closer

It was in the early 90s that Mamut began to be part of Yeltsin's inner circle, and such famous figures as Valentin Yumashev, Roman Abramovich, Tatyana Dyachenko made his company. Subsequently, it was rumored that he was a confidant of Boris Berezovsky.

Having the opportunity to influence the policy of the state, in the mid-90s, he wanted to help in settling the debt obligations that India had to Russia. However, VEB and the Ministry of Finance did not allow him to realize his plans.

In 1998, a businessman becomes a member of the Presidential Administration, while supervising economic development country. After some time, it is part of executive body OJSC Sobinbank.

Between 1999 and 2001, he leads supervisory board MDM Bank.

In 2000, he became a member of the executive body of the RESO-Garantia insurance company.

At the same time, he, with Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deribaska, decided to create a Fund for Assistance to Russian Science, and this is only the beginning of his business in the field of patronage.

In 2001, he presented to Russian industrialists and entrepreneurs a project to modernize the banking system, and a few years later he organized the merger of Atticus Publishing with the Azbuka printing house. As a result, a structure with printing equipment appeared - this made it possible to do more quality publishing. He now heads the Rambler & Go company.

Personal life

It should be noted that Mamut Alexander Leonidovich, whose personal life is remarkable in that he took a woman (Nadezhda Lyamina) as his wife, who was married to the grandson of the Soviet secretary general, was not a womanizer in his youth. He went to school with his first wife. Hope Lyaminu he beat off from the grandson of Brezhnev himself and soon married her. However, tragedy soon struck: Alexander's wife died of pneumonia. She left behind three children (two of them are adopted), whom he is currently raising. After some time, he became interested in a young model whom the businessman simply spoiled with luxurious gifts: what is the only pompous boutique in the center of the metropolitan city worth? These are the grand gestures Alexander Mamut is ready to make for love. "The second wife of a famous businessman!" - they said surrounded by the oligarch, meaning Alena Akhmadulina. However, later the businessman's feelings for the girl cooled, and he lost all interest in her. This is how he is, Mamut Alexander Leonidovich. Officially, he has no wife today.

How rich is the oligarch

According to authoritative printed publications, which include the magazine "Finance", its financial well-being is steadily growing. At the end of the year before last, he consistently held the fortieth position in the list of the richest entrepreneurs in Russia. Then experts calculated that he owns $ 2.1 billion.