Profession geoacologist. Profession ecologist. Pros of the profession of ecologist

Geoecology is a comprehensive science at the junction of ecology, geology, geochemistry, biology and geography. In some cases, geoecology is defined as a complex applied discipline, which differs from biological and corresponds to geographical or geological disciplines. The main task of geoecology is to study the changes in the life-supporting resources of geospheric shells under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, their protection, rational use and control in order to conserve


Geoecology is a comprehensive science at the junction of ecology, geology, geochemistry, biology and geography. In some cases, geoecology is defined as a complex applied discipline, which differs from biological and corresponds to geographical or geological disciplines. The main task of geoecology is to study changes in the life-supporting resources of geospheric shells under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, their protection, rational use and control in order to preserve the current and future generations of people of the productive environment.

Ecologist specializing in geoecology can realize himself not only in production, in private or state corporations and companies, but also in scientific and educational areas. Graduates may be arranged for the following positions: an environmental engineer, a school teacher or university, a researcher and others. There is also the possibility of continuing training in the magistracy and graduate school with the subsequent protection of scientific dissertations.

Today, the ecology has become an essential profession from which a lot depends on, including work on predicting the natural and prevention of man-made disasters. Environmentalists are engaged in environmental protection and rational environmental management, such as:

  • environmental rationale and examination of projects;
  • environmental law;
  • assessment of the state of natural resources and environmental monitoring;
  • problems of ecology of cities;
  • geochemistry of landscapes;
  • evaluation of environmental impact;
  • environmental marketing and management;
  • environmental audit;
  • economic assessment of natural resource potential;
  • determination of economic damage from environmental pollution;
  • environmental management;
  • environmental education and education.
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Employment and salary of graduates of the undergraduate of universities in Russia in the specialty "Ecology and environmental management"

The share of employment graduates 69.22 %

average salary 23 097 Mean

The program "Geoecology" is implemented within the framework of the specialty Ecology and environmental management. Information is provided for graduates of universities in Russia, who graduated from the undergraduate in the specialty "Ecology and environmental management", based on the Pension Fund of Russia's Pension Fund to payments to graduates of 2016-2017.

Russia is a huge country with rich natural potential. Its economy is focused on the extraction of combustible and ore minerals. In addition, forest, soil, biological and water resources are actively used. This type of economic activity has a negative impact on the environment. And, it means, and leads to a deterioration in the quality of life of people.

The preservation of fragile natural balance and resources for future generations is engaged in environmental. People of this profession are designed to provide a dynamic balance between natural natural processes and human economic activities.

Currently, specialists in the field of environmental protection are becoming more and more in demand in the labor market. Therefore, in the staff of almost every modern industrial enterprise there are ecologists.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this profession? How much does an ecologist earn for such a necessary and responsible work? Are there any benefits and bonuses to stimulate ecologist labor? What size of pension provision is waiting for environmental protection experts in old age?

Professional duties

In order to acquire the post of ecologist, you need a higher profile education. Today this profession can be obtained in many leading universities of the country, for example, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Higher School of Economics, as well as in educational institutions of chemical, geological and technical profiles.

Ecologists work in mining, construction, environmental organizations, in enterprises of mechanical engineering, energy and petrochemical industry, in health facilities and administrations of municipalities and various laboratories.

Specialists in the field of environmental protection have a wide range of responsibilities. So, on their shoulders, first of all, the need to develop an environmental policy of the enterprise and strict control to fulfill all its requirements.

The ecologist is obliged to conduct constant control over compliance with all rules and norms of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, to participate in the conduct of the environmental impact of project documents, technological processes of production and industrial equipment. Evaluate environmental hazards and risks during the production process.

In addition, its obligations include interaction with permitting and regulatory authorities. As well as the ability to draw up reporting on the implementation of planned activities for the protection and recovery of the environment.

In order to fulfill its work fully, the ecologist must clearly present its actions in case of freelance situations and accidents in the industrial production process. Another important task of environmental specialists is to increase the environmental literacy of all employees of the enterprise and the initiation of environmental protection measures.

Nature Protection Specialist needs to know and apply methods for environmental monitoring in its activities.

What affects the size of the salary of the environmentalist

The magnitude of the salary of the environmental depends on several components:

Experience and qualifications

Young professionals without work experience are offered a place with a salary of 16-20 thousand rubles. Moreover, the number of such vacancies is less than 1% of all offers. 50% of employers are ready to provide work to environmentalists, whose work experience is 1-3 years. They are ready to pay 25-80 thousand rubles. And specialists whose experience over 6 can count on salary up to 110 thousand rubles.

Place of work

The Environmental Protection Engineer of the leading drilling company Siberia earns a month 60-118 thousand rubles. When a specialist of the same level operating in the leading company on environmental support for the construction of various facilities, such as the Olympic, can count on wages in the amount of 40-80 thousand rubles. And the ecologist of the poultry farm receives only 25 thousand rubles for its work. monthly.

Also on the size of the salary of the ecologist can affect the position and scale of the project being performed, the work schedule.

Additional bonuses and benefits

As additional bonuses for environmental protection professionals, employers offer:

  • full social package;
  • delivery to work and from work for service vehicles;
  • providing uniform, as well as its washing and ironing;
  • premiums on the results of completed projects;
  • payment of mobile communications.

Environmental engineers working as a watched method can count on:

  • 3-time hot food in the dining room at the expense of the company;
  • organized free accommodation in the watch city at the facility;
  • paid flight to the place of work and on the intervachty vacation.

How much does the ecology of Moscow earn

Moscow ecologists per month for their work are obtained within 12.8-150 thousand rubles. The average monthly earnings is 48-62 thousand rubles, which exceeds the average salary of specialists in other regions of the country and the average salary of all categories of workers in the metropolitan region. The need for ecologists today in the capital is low, about 470 vacancies.

Employers are ready to pay environmental protection specialists 47-67 thousand rubles. per month. Proposals with maximum wages - 100-150 thousand rubles. Make up about 0.5% of all vacancies.

The magnitude of the salaries of eologists of other Russian regions

Analysis of salary indicators of ecologists of different regions of Russia indicates that on average, employees of this profession earn 28-33 thousand rubles per month. This corresponds to the average salary of workers in the country's economy.

As statistics shows, the need for ecologists today as a whole in the country is low. In total, in Russia, approximately 470 vacancies with average salary suggestions are open to Russia - 30-50 thousand rubles. per month. Most of the free jobs, about 10%, are accounted for at the enterprises of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the Northern capital, environmentalists are waiting for a salary of 28-46 thousand rubles.

The highest earnings offer Ecologists Employers Irkutsk 39-118 thousand rubles. IN Magadan, Novosibirsk and Sakhalin Specialists in environmental protection are ready to pay 41-53 thousand rubles. Nizhny Novgorod, Kemerovo and the Republic of Tatarstan - 25-36 thousand rubles. Ecologists Tyumen and Republic Sakha may expect salaries in the amount of 21-70 thousand rubles. The lowest income has specialists Saratov and Volgograd 10-20 thousand rubles.

Thus, the average monthly salaries of environmental engineers in the regions of Russia are 27-28 thousand rubles. This is about 10% lower than the average income of workers in the country's economy.

How much do environmentalists earn abroad

American environmentalists have the highest salary, their average monthly income is 5.5 thousand dollars (330 thousand rubles), which is almost 10 times higher than that of Russian colleagues.

Ukrainian Specialists of environmental activities for their 7 thousand hryvnia (15 thousand rubles), and their kazakh Colleagues - 100 thousand tenge (20 thousand rubles). Ecologists Belarus 700 Belarusian rubles earn (21 thousand rubles).


Based on the indicators of average salaries of ecologists, it can be assumed that the average size of the pensions of these specialists is in the range of 11-12 thousand rubles.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education (necessarily profile "environmental safety"); experience in a similar position from one year; Knowledge of the modern regulatory and legislative framework for labor protection; knowledge of safety requirements for industrial equipment; Presence of a diploma for retraining or courses on from and TB.

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education (engineer - ecologist); Experience in a similar position from 3 years; Experience in conducting linear objects; Good knowledge of the current environmental and environmental legislation of the Russian Federation; Knowledge of the system of environmental standards and standards; Experience of participation in the conduct of environmental and sanitary and epidemiological examinations of expertise of the suspension, pre-project and design materials; Confident PC user; Development experience of project documentation (PDV, VAT, SPZ, PNOLER, Passports of hazardous waste, EIA, MOOS, waste management regulations); - Experience of maintenance and receiving a positive conclusion of GGE and GEE.

Requirements for the applicant:

Profile Education - Experience in a similar position is obligatory - knowledge of existing regulatory legal acts in the field of ecology - Experienced PC user (Word, Excel)

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education is a higher chemical or technical. - Experience - at least 3 years in a similar position. - Knowledge of equipment, appliances. - knowledge of regulatory acts and requirements.

Salary: up to 25,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience in developing environmental project documentation from 2 years; Experience in developing projects Pnotrr, PVD (preferably), waste passports; Accounting procedure and compilation of environmental statements; Knowledge of the mechanism of coordination and expertise; Program Program Programs (Working with Integral Programs); Ability to work with regulatory documentation; Higher education: Ecologist, Ecologist.

Salary: up to 43500 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher profile education (ecological, chemical, chemical and technological, geochemistry, soil science, agrochemistry, etc.). Have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe basic concepts of environmental and sanitary-hygienic rationing (MPC / CHEK for soil and water, hazard class); Responsibility, attentiveness, accuracy, the ability to rationally organize the performance of the workflow. Confident PC user.

Salary: up to 38280 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

The presence of profile higher education; Experience of at least 6 months; Knowledge of basic provisions, acts, guests, SNIPs, Sanpinov in the field of OOS, guidelines for the development of regulatory and permits; Knowledge of the order and deadlines Drawing and passing reports in the field of the OEO; PC knowledge; Knowledge guarantor and \\ or consultant +; Knowledge of the Software "Module of Natural User" Knowledge MS POWER POINT

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience from 1 year

Salary: up to 62,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: Higher (preferably with specialty Ecology and Natural Supplies). Similar experience of at least 3 years in the post of ecologist. Knowledge of regulatory documentation for environmental protection. Experience in construction organizations is an advantage.

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Requirements of regulatory documents on environmental protection and engineering and environmental surveys; Methods and methods of sampling of environmental components, in particular, methods for conducting studies of soil horizons, soil searches, soil sampling rules; Methods of laboratory agrochemical studies of soil; AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, Acrobat, Paint and other graphic programs for preparing cartographic material (soil card); Regulatory documents for registration of reports on engineering surveys and project documentation; Higher education; Experience from 1 year; Driving license Category V. Communicability, responsibility, endurance, self-learning.

Salary: from 45,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Excellent Knowledge 1C 8.3 "Managing Trade" Experience in this section from 3 years Confident PC user: 1C 8.3, MSOffice (Excel, Word, etc.), knowledge of the rules of accounting, storage, material values \u200b\u200bmovement and accompanying rules Documents on them ability to work with large amounts of information, attentiveness, operational, stress resistance

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education; PC knowledge (required); Ability to work with regulatory documentation; Pronounced desire to perform high level work; Readiness to work in multitasking mode; Responsibility, operational, activity, purposefulness, competent clear speech, the desire to evolve in the professional sphere. Summary Mandatory with a photo. Driving rights category B (preferably)

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 150,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher profile education in the field of environmental protection. Knowledge of environmental legislation, especially in areas of protection of atmospheric air, protection of water bodies, waste management. Experience of successful interaction with regulatory authorities; Successful implementation of projects for the introduction of advanced systems and technologies in the environmental sphere in enterprises and production (including the best available technologies); Experience in enterprises related to 1 and 2 cassis of danger.

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher profile education; - Experience of successful work and employers' reviews.

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Good fulfillment of labor duties.

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education (engineer - ecologist); Knowledge of regulatory documents in the field of environmental legislation (rulings and legislative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation); Experience in environmental documentation: payments on PNOLR and PDV, reports into environmental organizations; Confident user MS Office.

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Knowledge: 1. AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, Acrobat, Paint and other graphic programs for the preparation of cartographic material and documentation collection; 2. Regulatory documents on registration of engineering surveys and project documentation

Salary: from 30,000 to 40000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Knowledge of legislation, fundamentals of chemistry and physics. Red diploma is desirable. The ability to work with people to achieve their goals. If you are active and understand that ecology is your calling, call!

Salary: from 45,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher Education Specialized: Ecologist, Ecologist - Good knowledge of PC, Basic Programs (Word, Excel) - Work skills with a regulatory framework - Interaction with laboratories - Driving rights category B

Salary: up to 50,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher profile education; Experience from 1 year; Required knowledge: environmental legislation; Content of projects; Specificity of reporting in MSK and in MO. Knowledge of programs: "Module of the Natural Supervision", a program for the preparation of the inventory of waste.

Salary: from 45,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Similar work experience of 3 years; Higher profile education; Good knowledge of specialized programs (Waste Cadastastre, Module of Natural User), 1C: Document Management; Readiness for exit to meet with the customer.

Salary: from 70,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience in mining enterprises, higher education, environmental education is desirable.

Salary: from 35,000 to 45000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 43500 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Profile Higher Education Similar Experience from 3 years Confident PC User Availability Program Preparation Certificate: "Harvest I-IV Waste Management". Responsibility, Contracting knowledge of environmental legislation in the field of waste management, the protection of atmospheric air

Salary: from 40000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher profile education in the field of environmental and environmental protection; - Work on a similar position, in construction companies at least 3 years.

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher Profile Education Experience - at least 2 years in the development of environmental documentation Communicability, the ability to self-study Confident PC user, knowledge of specialized programs of the company "Integral" The experience of interaction with expert organizations is welcomed

Salary: up to 40600 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education in specialty Ecology knowledge of legislation in its field of PC- Confident user responsibility

Salary: from 28500 to 31000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher Special Education (Ecology, Environmental Protection); Experience as an ecologist at work as an advantage; Confident PC user (MS Office, Outlook, Internet); Preferably the availability of rights and personal car; Responsibility, mobility, high level of trapper.

Salary: from 45 to 50 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education. - Work experience by an environmental engineer from 2 years. - Knowledge of profile legislation of the Russian Federation. - Experience of self-development and coordination of environmental documentation PNULR, PDV, VAT, SPZ. - Experience in the development of project environmental documentation is obligatory - the experience of interaction with government agencies. - knowledge of the regulatory framework in environmental safety issues - knowledge of the composition of the necessary environmental (permissive) documentation in the enterprise

Salary: from 36,000 to 39000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher profile, or professional retraining; Experience of 1 year (desirable); Responsibility, care for details, discipline, skill work in multitasking mode. Confident user MS Office.

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 35,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience of at least 2 years old by customer search companies Confident knowledge of PC office programs Experience with contracts and primary accounting documentation Communicability Activity Skill and desire to work in the team Independence in the work of the responsibility and punctuality of the result, the desire to earn at the expense of the bonus Parts% pursuit of career growth

Salary: by agreement.

Requirements for the applicant:

Strictly higher education in the specialty Ecologist, preferably industrial ecologist Experience in ecology (as a leading specialist in developing environmental projects.) The ability to think systemically within the whole project, competent design and release of the project in accordance with the requirements of different customers, competent written and oral speech Significant personal experience in the development and coordination of projects - EIA, PNOLR, PDV, PDS, SZZ, etc.; Knowledge of special environmental and graphic programs: AutoCAD, CorelDraw, MapInfo. Experience in environmental audits. Knowledge of the basics of environmental management is welcome. Particularly welcome personal and professional relations in the agrees. Knowledge of the mechanism of coordination and expertise must. Experience with clients, the experience of compiling estimates to environmental design.

Salary: from 40000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher professional education in the field of environmental and environmental protection. Knowledge of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation. Knowledge of norms and work on labor protection and safety technique.

Salary: from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher, incomplete higher or secondary special education; PC knowledge (required); Ability to work with regulatory documentation; Pronounced desire to perform high level work; Readiness to work in multitasking mode; Responsibility, extension, activity, purposefulness, presentable appearance, competent clear speech, the desire to develop in the professional sphere. Summary Mandatory with a photo. Driving license category B

Salary: from 35,000 rubles .. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience in the specialty - at least 4 years. Higher profile education. Knowledge of current legislation in the field of environmental, regulatory and methodological documents on environmental protection, systems of environmental standards and standards, environmental monitoring methods, industrial environmental control. Experience with controlling organizations in Moscow. Confident PC user. Knowledge of the program "Module of Natural User", Moscow Waste Cadastre.

Salary: from 40,000 to 70,000 rubles .. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher Environmental Education - Experience in the development of project environmental documentation is required! - skill work in a team, readiness for a large work

Salary: from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles .. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education in the field of ecology - experience in the field of ecology from 1 year - competent speech, negotiating skills - stress resistance - the ability to work in a team

Salary: up to 45,000 rubles .. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher Profile Education (Ecologist, Labor Protection Engineer) - Experience in a similar position from 1 year is desirable - a confident PC user (Knowledge of 1C is desirable) - knowledge of environmental legislation, rules and norms of labor protection, existing environmental monitoring methods, the procedure for conducting environmental expertise

Taking into account the constant change of the state of the environment, regularly occurring natural cataclysms and more and more people's care about himself, the profession of ecologist is coming out on one of the first plans for relevance. Working by an ecologist, a person must have a large volume of knowledge and skills taken from other sciences - chemistry, physics, ecology, engineering, etc.

Extremely popular, when building a residential or industrial facility, now are environmental reviews of air, water, soil. This work is attracted by ecologists-technicians who conduct such research.

Ecologist's salary depends on various factors, but first of all it is necessary to understand what is for the profession and how much money equivalent corresponds to the functions performed.

    • At construction and production sites (engineer-ecologist). Engaged in the safety of these objects, is looking for options for environmental solutions. It considers the level of carbon dioxide in different areas, looking for poisons in exhaust and drains, controls the sanitary situation. Most often is an employee of an enterprise that is also focused on building and various chemistry sectors.
    • On objects related to nature of nature - national parks, reserves, reserves, timber zones, etc. Here, it may be necessary for the skills of professions related to the features of flora and fauna. As well as the love of nature and the absence of allergies on animals.
    • In the field of medicine (for example, an ecologist-laboratory, ecologist-chemical). Forensic medical examination often requires the skills of knowledge of environmental features.
    • In administrative management bodies (environmental departments under municipalities).
    • In educational institutions (, ecology teacher).
    • In insurance companies - here it is necessary to analyze possible environmental risks, for the consequences of which companies will have to pay insurance. In this case, the ecologist should know the foundations of the economy and law.
    • In charitable foundations. If the Fund decides to allocate money on a project associated with the environment, an ecologist should find out: whether real help is needed and whether to invest money.
    • The young profession "Ecolog-Urbanist" is a person whose specialty is to create projects of new cities. This uses various biotechnology and the latest ways to control the ecological state of natural objects. Such cities are already building in, developed fears of Asia and Europe.

Profession "Engineer Ecologist"

The main functions of the ecologist

  • Environmental projects, and control over their execution.
  • Conduct environmental experiments in laboratory conditions.
  • Records management.
  • Communication with verifying services or organizations that give permits.
  • Responsibility and coordination of employees in the case of emergency.
  • Constant self-education T. K. Ecology is a science that is constantly developing.

Basic professional competences of the environmentalist

  • Have knowledge in the field of basic natural sciences, ranging from geography and ending with physics.
  • Know the basics of engineering and drawing design.
  • Be able to safely conduct chemical reactions and examination.
  • Working with computer programs.
  • Know the basic methods of environmental observation.
  • Teamwork skills.
  • Knowledge of environmental legislation, guests and decrees.

More details about the profession engineer-ecologist in video:

Advantages and disadvantages

Cons of the profession of ecologist:

  • Sometimes it is necessary to work with harmful substances.
  • The elimination of environmental accidents is associated with risk.
  • Not always enough patience to work with documentation.

Pros of the ecologist profession:

  • The possibility like y, travel.
  • Close to nature.
  • In the presence of skills and experience - good salary.
  • Professionals in the environmental sector can expect a simplified emigration procedure in the United States and Europe.

What salary of ecologists in Russia and abroad

Factors affecting the salary:

  • The region in which work is carried out for especially polluted territories, such as the Chernobyl zone, is usually allowed.
  • Position, experience and service life. Payment is very much depends on the post. The least receive techniques and laboratory technicians. The biggest salaries from environmental engineers.
  • In the metropolitan regions, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, salaries are always higher, but in this case it does not always work because in remote areas where the working conditions are much severe, salary more.
  • Scale and scope of work.
  • Ecologist depends on the public or private structure it works. The ecologist has just received a diploma on state objects will receive a little - about 15 thousand rubles. But at the same time, it is most realistic to make a career and acquire connections. In the commercial spheres pay more - 20-50 thousand rubles.

More details about the profession of ecologist in an interview with Professor Yu. S. Chuikov:

Middle Ecologist Salary in Russia: Comparative Table

Most Popular Summary in Ecology

It's no secret that the state of the environment is deteriorating every year. Only recently the public began to closely monitor the situation and urgently introduce various laws. There is an erroneous opinion that a modern ecologist simply advocates for the preservation of nature. But in fact, this specialty requires a large technical base, knowledge of not only biology, but also chemistry, physics, engineering and project affairs.

The ecologist in a broad sense of the word is studying, identifying and minimizing the human and natural factors that affect the environment. He not only studies the negative moments of human activity, but also tries to overcome them, develops techniques for this. Today, no construction, especially in the field of industry, does not begin without obtaining the results of the environmental impact assessment. This is the responsibility of the environmental technology.

Where the ecologist works

Before you know what kind of salary of the environment, it will not be superfluous to understand whether it is possible to get a job in such a job as it's just that, in general, what is the demand of the profession. Another 10-20 years ago, such a position was rather unusual. Today, the engineer or ordinary environment is working:

  1. In construction companies.
  2. In environmental organizations, for example, in forestry.
  3. In the field of health.
  4. In municipalities.
  5. In the production of any scale and kind of activity.

But the duties of the ecologist are the following:

  • development of environmental policy at the enterprise and at the same time full control of its observance;
  • development and preparation of environmental documentation;
  • interaction with various verification organizations;
  • interaction with organizations that give permission to a construction site or other actions affecting the environment;
  • organization of action in the event of non-standard situations, for example, accident accidents;
  • improving the knowledge of the staff in the field of ecology.

The laboratory technologist can also work in the laboratory, conducting experiments and research in order to identify the degree of pollution of water, air and other environments, obtaining various cleansing compositions and so on.

Requirements, or how to become an ecologist

Ecologist is a serious profession, leading great responsibility to a specialist. It is comparable to any engineering specialty. Therefore, often future professionals receive exactly such education, for example, an environmental engineer, a chemist engineer. Along with the peculiarities of the environment, students explore the basics of design, engineering and drawing case, learn to understand the technical documentation, receive experience in the field of processes and devices. A good ecologist must have luggage knowledge and in chemistry, because the same gas release into air or disinfection of water is chemical reactions.

Ecologist is obliged to meet such requirements:

  • have higher education;
  • own a computer and some environmental programs;
  • know the environmental documentation and the main provisions of the examination;
  • possess the engineering warehouse of the mind.

For senior positions, for example, in Gazprom, a person will take a person only with experience in the laboratory or in another organization that deals with the issuance of permits. It is also necessary to know the methods of environmental monitoring and well understand their essence.

Does the profession have risks and cons

Many who are a little familiar with the profession are afraid that she is pretty risky and dangerous. This is due to the fact that in some cases it is necessary to work with harmful substances, participate in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at work and so on. But in fact it is not always so. A huge niche of specialties is held in the office, in working with documentation and calculations. But if you work, for example, directly on the object or in the laboratory, then yes, there are risks. They minimize due to the clear consequences of the instructions and the implementation of safety standards. In addition, for any harmful conditions according to the law should pay extra, which ultimately affects the salary.

Salary of Ecologist

The amount of payment for this specialist will very much. This is influenced by the office, its type, its type, and the person works in a private or state organization. A laboratory assistant is considered to get less than an engineer. But then the length of the years is also taken into account. It is logical that the head of the ecological laboratory, which works in it for 10 years, will get more than an engineering engineer who only came to the plant. Most specialists receive in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major industrial cities. This is due to the large number of industrial facilities, the overall pollution of nature in these places.