Professional standard of the head of the educational organization. Functional map of the secretariat

Due to the fact that the management of educational organizations should be carried out by employees who have certain knowledge, have appropriate education and experience, at the federal level was developed certain standard.

Currently, the provisions of this standard are binding To comply with not only government educational organizations, but also private.

Standards for educational executives began to be accepted in Russia since 2013..

Initially, such documents were exclusively advisory and their main function was to determine the criteria for the selection of employees to senior positions, as well as identifying their compliance.

Currently, adopted and current standard is solved by its presence next questions:

  1. Determination of possible categories of employees who can be considered as applicants for senior positions.
  2. Detection of educational institutions, which are carried out by the employees who are not relevant to the adopted standard, and the adoption of measures to eliminate such a shortage.
  3. The definition of the basic functions to be performed by an employee who occupies a similar position.
  4. Improving the work of all educational institutions within the Russian Federation.
  5. Promoting the development of Russian education.
  6. Increased controllability in all existing educational institutions, starting with preschool and ending with the highest.
  7. Increased education rating of the Russian Federation by improving the process of training specialists.

Regulatory framework for 2018

According to currently currently legislative acts, a regulatory framework, which is the basis for the development and establishment of standards for educational organizations, is Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, it is worth noting such basic formulations:

  1. Employees who occupy the governing positions of individual spheres and the organization is permissible to apply state-scale standards.
  2. Reflected requirements and functions for each posts should not contradict the requirements reflected in qualifying directories.
  3. In the case of certain restrictions in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the fulfillment of labor duties in senior positions, the developed standards cannot contain data on their assumption.
  4. If additional issues or ambiguities arise in the content of professional standards related to senior positions, it is necessary to be guided by these qualification directories.

Professional standard standard, which defines the basic requirements for the manager, has next content:

  1. General data and information. This part reflects the name of the type of activity and the main purpose of the implementation of the manual in such a sphere. The code classification of posts on OKS and OKVED codes is also provided.
  2. Section called as "Function Map". It reflects the general concepts of the main tasks performed by the head of the tasks, which further on the text of the document are decrypted and reflected in more detail.
  3. Detailed feature of each of the functions. In this part, each of the reflected tasks previously facing the head and the functions performed separately is disclosed separately.
  4. Data on organizations that participated in the development of a professional standard to the moment he was adopted by the order of the Ministry of Labor.

Requirements for the head and its legal status

The basic requirements for which the head must answer next:

  1. Have a higher education.
  2. Pass on approved vocational training schedule.
  3. Conduct additional training on professional training programs approved at the federal level. The frequency of such actions is set as minimally every three years (no less often).
  4. When managing a higher educational institution to have a certain degree and title.
  5. Do not have restrictions on the right to engage in pedagogical activities.
  6. Have preliminary experience in posts related to pedagogy or belonging to the governing.

General information about the post

Depending on which organization will perform their duties, the head, the requirements for employees can somewhat different. In particular, separately stand out different categories of institutions:

  • pre-school education (kindergartens);
  • primary, secondary and basic general, general average (school);
  • professional;
  • undergraduate and specialty;
  • master;
  • training specialists of higher qualifications;
  • training prof. character;
  • additional for citizens of any age.

The Regulations on Professional Standard also indicate possible names of posts that managers may occupy:

  • rector;
  • director;
  • head;
  • chief.

Standard includes detailed description The functions performed, which is prescribed by the manager, depending on which institution he carries out his career. In general, the functions are reduced to the implementation of the general guidance of ensuring the development of the institution.

The head is also endowed with the authority of employment and dismissal, has the right to sign and approval of all internal documents and orders.

Also functions, the execution of which is required from the head of the organization are:

  1. Implementation of direct management organization.
  2. Taking measures within its competence to ensure the development of an educational institution.
  3. Resource management, which are part of the institution.
  4. Representing the interests of a particular institution, whose supervisor is an employee.
  5. If necessary, resolve issues with representatives of power, as well as institutions outside the Russian Federation, if we are talking about international cooperation.
  6. The implementation of functions to ensure research of scientific nature with the exception of schools and kindergartens.

Consequences from inconsistency

Due to the fact that the current standard adopted and currently is mandatory, it should be noted effectswhich may take place due to the inconsistency of the employee holding the position of the head reflected in the Document and Requirements:

  1. The Labor Code does not provide for non-compliance with the standard for consideration as grounds for termination of the concluded employment contract.
  2. In the event that the head of the institution does not have a sufficient level of permissible for a particular qualification organization, it can be dismissed. In order for a working leader to leave for positions, it is possible to pass a certain certification.
  3. In the presence of factors, which indicate a discrepancy of the head of the office, an employee may offer a transition to another position.

The master class within the framework of this professional standard is presented below.

Included in the number of documents that need to be used in cases established by labor legislation. We'll figure it out what this professional standard represents and that it includes.

What is Professional Standard Secretary of the Head?

The process of preparing and approving professional standards has been lasting for several years. Initially, these documents were carried out the same recommendation as the qualification directories of the EKS (for specialists) and the ETKS (for workers' professions). However, since July 2016, the situation has changed: new articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation have entered into force, and now professional standards have gained the power of regulatory acts.

To the number of other documents of this kind refers and professandard secretary. It is a formal description of the labor functions executed by this specialist, as well as an indication of what kind of knowledge, education and experience are required for each of them. In addition, in Professandard, there is information on the encoding of the work of the secretary for the occupation (OKS) and types of economic activity (OKVED). This information may be very useful for statistical accounting.

Describing the qualifications required from the secretary, the professandard thus serves several goals:

  • Unifies the requirements for the secretaries. As a result, it becomes easier to determine what exactly the employees should be engaged in this position in different organizations.
  • Specifies guidelines for a professional education system. As a result, various kinds of educational institutions or courses preparing secretaries can immediately focus students on what they actually need in employment.

What parts is a professional Secretary Standard?

Like any other documents of this kind, Professandard No. 447, approved for the secretaries of managers, has the following structure:

  1. General information about the form of activity and its main goal.
  2. Functional card for secretary activities.
  3. Characteristics of individual professional functions assigned to this specialist.
  4. The listing of organizations participating in the preparation of the professandard.

And now consider the content of the main sections, with the exception of the latter, more.

General information included in the professandard

First section professandard secretary of the head Includes basic information about what specifically the secretary should be engaged. In particular, here are:

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  • registration number on the general registry of the professor and the code;
  • the name of the type of activity ("Organizational and Documentation Support of Management of Organizations");
  • its main goal (ensuring management and the introduction of new developments in this area);
  • classification in the OKS and OKVED.

Functional map of the secretariat

The second section is a functional map, that is, a description of the generalized labor functions with specific obligations included in them. For each of them, the professandard establishes the necessary level (or sublayer) qualifications required from the employee. Levels are encoded according to the system adopted for professional standards, depending on the complexity of the function - from 3 to 6.

Professandard establishes the following generalized functions for the executive secretary:

  1. Organizational support of the organization as a whole.
  2. Documentation support.
  3. Ensuring the activities of a particular person managing the organization.
  4. Analytics and administrative support of this person.

Functions are listed in ascending order of complexity and required qualifying levels.

Characteristics of individual functions

Each of the generalized functions is declined to a number of more specific, it is their description that the third section of the professandard is dedicated. So, for example, the function of organizational support of the company as a whole includes:

  • receiving phone calls and their distribution to recipient employees;
  • work with visitors who came to the organization;
  • coordination and provision of the organization's work.

However, this is not all. The fact is that the structure of the professandard provides that in addition to the overall enumeration of functions for each of them, it is indicated which particular employment should take the secretary. In particular, the above-mentioned function on coordination and ensure the following types of actions:

  • maintaining movement logs and employee tracks;
  • coordination of labor of couriers and drivers;
  • mapping references on travel and routes.

At the same time, for each specific function, it is further indicated that the secretary must be posted for each volume of knowledge and skills. These volumes intersect for different functions (for example, knowledge of business ethics is almost always required), but thanks to this structure of the professional standard it is easy to understand what it is precisely possible from the secretary in various cases.

In addition to the characteristics of the functions, the third section of the Professer has another necessary feature - in it, the following information is additionally indicated for each of the generalized functions:

  1. On the possible names of posts that secretary can occupy.
  2. On education requirements.
  3. On the necessary work experience.

For simple functions from the secretary, only secondary education and training program is required. However, starting with a generalized function to ensure the activities of the head, the professional industry provides for higher education not lower than undergraduate (although the average professional) is allowed. But for the analytical and administrative support of the choice, there is no longer: the secretary in this case is obliged to have only higher education.

As for the necessary experience, then for the secretary, providing the organization as a whole, it is not required. But in the case when he performs the duties of the head assistant, the requirements are tougher:

  • for the function on organizational and documentary support of the head, an experience of at least 2 years is required as a secretary;
  • for analytical and administrative support - for no less than 3 years, however, there are enough work related to the area in which the organization works.

Names of posts Professandard establishes the following (in ascending order of qualifications requirements):

  1. Administrator.
  2. Clerk.
  3. Head Secretary.
  4. Assistant leader.

Possible names should be taken into account when drawing up a staff schedule and paperwork documents. Professandarts for the secretary since 2016 Becoming mandatory, and their observance in cases where this is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, will be monitored. The discrepancy between the names can be considered as a violation.

From January 1, 2017, a decree on the introduction of professional standards applied to all employees who perform their direct responsibilities in educational institutions of Russia will enter into legal force.

It is quite natural that certain requirements will also be presented to the leaders of educational institutions, but they have not yet been approved, and exist in the draft version. And this automatically means that they can change. According to analysts, the main difficulty in drawing up the professional standard of the head of the educational organization is, in various institutions (schools, kindergartens, colleges, etc.) there are a wide variety of competencies, which should also be taken into account in the preparation of an official document.

Why do you need a professional standard of the head of the educational organization

According to experts, this document can be attributed to the most controversial in modern Russian history. The fact is that he began to be developed back in 2013, but due to certain thorough reasons for his adoption and approval was constantly postponed.

At the moment, there is no final data as to when the document will officially come into force. Nevertheless, given the fact that the teacher's professandard will begin to be officially used in regulatory documentation from January 1, 2017, many analysts expect that the requirements for the leadership of educational institutions will be finally formed to this period.

Initially, the requirements for the governments of educational institutions were the usual recommendations that could not be paid attention to. But, since July 2016, this documentation will gradually be introduced into a domestic education system, and in the near future it will become mandatory not only for institutions submitting to government agencies, and for structures under the control of individuals.

See also:

The very appearance of this documentation is not surprising. The fact is that many ETKS standards, EKS, etc., which have earlier, are already incompatible with modern realities and are outdated. This led to the fact that they simply do not reflect the current situation in the field of education. Often it is possible to face the problem when conflicts arise regarding people who put in the chapter of the educational organization, but the competence of which in these issues causes tremendous doubts.

According to many domestic political figures, education is a sphere where state control should be present at all stages of education. And an important element of this control is to determine the requirements that are nominated to those people who fulfill their professional duties in this area.

In order to change the situation in the field of education, and a draft professional standard was developed. The head of the educational organization must comply with all the requirements specified in the document in order to be able to fulfill their duties as a guideline. In addition, at the official level, this standard will secure specific labor duties and management skills that any chief of organization in the field of education should be owned.

Separate attention is paid to the functions that should be clearly executed in accordance with the requirements of the current legislative framework. By the way, according to many experts, it is this question that causes the largest number of disputes, since the competence of the heads of educational institutions of various types in essence have a lot of differences, which must be displayed and fixed.

Nevertheless, already now there is a preliminary version of the professor of the head of the organization in the field of education, which soon has every chance of becoming a formal document, mandatory for all. However, there is no formal information about the final date of adoption of the standard, and therefore we can expect that the document will be finalized.

Experts argue that the adoption of this document will solve the mass of problems in the domestic educational environment. Which in recent years began to manifest itself most actively. It is expected that the approved standard will help achieve the following key tasks:

  1. Qualification skills of managers will be enhanced, which will certainly affect the quality of management of the educational institution in a positive line.
  2. All educational organizations will be under state-free state control, which will help to quickly solve problems arising in this industry and prevent critical situations.
  3. Russian education will rapidly develop in all directions.
  4. A qualified leader will be able to significantly increase the qualitative indicator of education, achieving the maximum interaction of all participants in the educational process.

Which contains professional standard

Since the professional standard of the manager has not yet been approved, at the moment it exists in a template form, approved in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 147n. dated 04/12/2013. After his adoption, the project was not edited, and currently has the same appearance and structure.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Labor, the standard must contain several key parts:

  • Common data. It indicates the classification of a profession on the OKS and OKVED codes, as well as the specific type of professional activity is determined;
  • The main functionality. This part indicates specific functions that managed by managers, but this list has a generalized view;
  • Characteristics of the functions of the head. This section is a kind of continuation of the aforementioned item, however, here in a more extended and refined version, specific requirements for key functions of the official are indicated;
  • Information on the organizations, institutions and structures that were engaged in the direct development of the document, until it was noted at the highest legislative level and approved as a project document on the orders of Mintrud No. 147n. dated 04/12/2013.

In accordance with the fixed standards, the first section of the document includes the official name of the position (head of the educational institution) and the list of objectives that the official should achieve. It is worth noting that this section for managers of various types of institutions of different types is almost the same, and differs only by OKVED encoding, in accordance with which the activities of the managers can be divided into several groups:

  • Code 85.11, corresponding to the head of the institution of pre-school education;
  • Code 85.12-85.14, which is used for general education institutions (primary, secondary and main);
  • Code 85.21, related to medium vocational education (colleges, colleges, etc.);
  • Code 85.22.1-85.22.3, presented for institutions providing higher education;
  • Code 85.23 - regulating training specialists higher qualifying skills;
  • Code 85.30, considering vocational training;
  • Code 85.41 corresponding to additional education;
  • Code 85.42, according to which the conditions are determined to obtain an auxiliary education that helps when performing major professional duties.

The second and third section of the professional standard of the Deputy Head of the Educational Organization (as well as for the direct supervisor) are essentially complementary. Here special attention is paid to specific functions that will be entrusted with an official dealing with the management of the organization.

Generalized functions are presented in the following form:

  1. Direct tasks that must be executed when managing the organization.
  2. Events and actions relating to the professional development of the institution in order to provide more high-quality educational services.
  3. Competent management of all resources (both material and intangible), which are on the balance sheet of the organization.
  4. Tasks, thanks to which will increase the quality and importance of research, scientific, educational and production activities within a particular institution.
  5. Active interaction with state and municipal authorities, foreign educational institutions and other counterparties that are faced with the activities of the educational institution.

As for individual labor functions, given the difference in the competence of the governing lineup in a particular institution, they are considered separately. However, here there are conscancy characteristics to whom the teacher must be configured to afford a guidance position. This is about:

  • Mandatory presentation of a diploma on completed higher education on the profile;
  • About the passage of training;
  • Participation in the work of special programs aimed at raising qualifying skills and skills (no less often than once every three years);
  • The presence of scientists of degrees, published scientific and research works (for the leading composition of universities).

In addition, these sections also provide for the official names of the governing positions. At the moment, they are fixed 4 - heads, director, boss and rector. However, controversial moments often arise on this issue, so analysts do not exclude that in the future this list can be supplemented before the professional standard of the head will be finally approved at the All-Russian level.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the introduction of a professional industry will help modernize and improve the Russian educational system, which will have a positive effect not only on the qualifying skills of pedagogical personnel and managers, but will significantly increase the quality level of the system as a whole.

Thus, the professional standard will have a positive effect on the development of Russian education, and will give the opportunity to control the activities of those persons who occupy senior positions.

Thank you for your previous answers to our questions - these answers are helpful to us in the work. From July 1, 2016, professandards are introduced. Please tell me whether the head of the head (director) of the educational organization (secondary vocational education) is approved? Before you ask this question, I viewed on the website of the Ministry of Labor already approved professandards, and there did not find the desired. At the same time, there is a project of this professandard 2013. Please help clarify the situation with this professandard, because The director requires a clear answer from me: whether it was approved officially (and if so, what are the requisites of the order of the Ministry of Assemble on Approval - the number and date) trade director of the educational organization of secondary vocational education? Thanks in advance.


The answer to the question:

Indeed, the approved professor at the head of the educational organization is currently not.

Do not miss: Home article month from expert practice

5 main delusions about professandards.

  • pedagogues and other employees of educational organizations (, Art., Act of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ). Professandard "Pedagogue" January 1, 2017 ().

Pedagogical activities can be engaged in persons who have the appropriate and respond to the qualification requirements specified in qualification directories or (,). In determining the qualification requirements, the employer has the right to use both qualifying directories and professandards. Such clarifications are given in.

General requirements for educational census of the pedagogical worker are established in a single qualifying reference book approved.

Requirements for the qualifications of the head of the educational organization under the above reference book: higher professional education in the areas of training "State and Municipal Management", "Management", "Personnel Management" and work experience in pedagogical positions at least 5 years or higher vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of state and municipal management or management and economics and Work experience on pedagogical or senior positions for at least 5 years.

Persons who do not have special preparation or experience of the work established in the "Qualification Requirements" section, but with sufficient practical experience and competence that perform qualitatively and fully assigned official duties, on the recommendation of the Attestation Commission, in order of exception, may be Appointed to appropriate posts as well as persons with special training and work experience.

Details in the framework of the personnel system:

1. Answer:How to apply professional standards

Appointment of professandarts

What are professional standards for what are being developed

A professional standard is a qualification characteristic that an employee needs to fulfill its position (). The standard can be developed for a certain position or profession, for example, for the welder, teacher, and on the types of activities in which whole groups of related positions and professions include personnel management, media, finance specialists.

Standard development

How to develop professional standards

The development of professional standards is a large comprehensive task that is being implemented gradually. Mass professional standards began to assert in 2015, and in 2016-2018 this work continues. Among the first were approved the standards of the teacher, social worker, programmer, the welder.

A complete list of approved standards is given in a single directory, divided by industries.

Development of new documents occurs in accordance with the development of professional standards for 2014-2016 approved.

Employers have the right to participate in the development of projects of professional standards (rules approved). To do this, you need to send a notice to develop a project to address [Email Protected] (FGBU "Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance"). The recommended sample notification is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Minthouse of Russia. In addition to the notification, the employer submits the next set of documents to the Ministry of Affairs of Russia:

  • project Professional Standard;
  • explanatory note to the project;
  • information about organizations participating in the development and coordination of professional standard;
  • information on the results of the discussion of the draft professional standard with representatives of employers, professional communities, trade unions and other interested organizations.

When developing a professional standard project, you must be guided by the following documents:

  • On the rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards;
  • to develop a professional standard approved;
  • approved;
  • In order to develop projects of professional standards approved.

Within 10 calendar days from the date of the proceeds of the professional standard of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

  • informs his developer about rejection or the adoption of the project for consideration;
  • places the draft professandard adopted for consideration, on the site for public comment;
  • direct the draft professandard into the relevant federal executive authority, which implements regulatory and legal regulation in the relevant area of \u200b\u200bactivity, which prepares its comments and proposals for the project.

The term of public discussion is no more than 15 calendar days from the date of posting a professional standard project on the site. The federal body sends his comments and proposals for the draft professionard to the Ministry of Finance, and for 15 calendar days from the date of its receipt within 15 calendar days.

After that, the Ministry of Internal Affairs directs the draft professandard together with the results of its consideration by the federal authority and the outcome of public discussion in the National Council on Professional Qualifications. The National Council conducts an examination of the document and directs the relevant expert opinion to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. At the legislative level, such an examination was not fixed. In practice, the meeting of the National Council takes place with periodicity once in one or two months, that is, about so much time is the expertise of projects of trade fins.

During the seven calendar days after receiving the conclusion of the National Council, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia decides on the approval or rejection of the draft professional standard and informs about the adopted decision of the developer of the professional industry.

Such rules are provided in the rules approved.

On average, consideration and approval of the professional in practice lasts about three months (rules approved).

Information on approved professional standards is made to a special registry, the procedure for creating and maintaining the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (rules approved). Information on approved by professional standards, the Ministry of Labor of Russia sends to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia within 10 days after their entry into force in order for their provisions to be taken into account when developing federal state educational standards of vocational education (rules approved).

Projects of professional standards can be developed both at the expense of own funds of the employer and at the expense of the federal budget based on the state contract concluded in accordance with the Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ (paragraph, rules approved). For example, a list of projects of the professor of the Federal budget developed at the expense of the federal budget.

Update Prof.

Question from practice: how often professandards will update

As needed.

Changes to professional standards will be made in the presence of substantiated proposals or changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Make changes to the professandals will be in the same manner as approved. Such clarifications also give specialists of the Ministry of Labor of Russia in letters of April 4, 2016 No. 14-0 / 10 / 13-2253.

Application professandarts

What organizations are obliged to apply professional

Employers are required to apply professional standards in part:

  • names of posts, if the performance of work is connected with. In these cases, the name should be specified in accordance with the approved professor or qualifying directories (). If an employee is entitled to an early retirement on the list, and the name of the post in Professandard does not correspond to the name of the post in the list and qualifying directory ,.
  • requirements for education, knowledge and skills. That is, if the requirements for qualifications, which is necessary for the employee to fulfill its employment function, are established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws or other regulatory acts ().

So, qualifications requirements, in particular, are established for the following categories of workers:

  • aviation personnel, carriages of aircraft (Art., Air Code of the Russian Federation);
  • lawyers ();
  • auditors (Art., Act of December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ);
  • drivers of organizations that carry transportation by road and urban ground electric transport ();
  • psychiatrists, other specialists and medical workers for the provision of psychiatric assistance ();
  • major architects ();
  • glavbukhov in open joint-stock companies, insurance organizations, non-state pension funds, joint-stock investment funds, management companies of mutual funds and other organizations whose securities are allowed to appeal at bidding, government bodies of state extrabudgetary funds, including territorial ();
  • headsBukhov credit and non-credit financial institutions ();
  • state civil and municipal employees (,);
  • workers employed on underground work ();
  • employees engaged in works with chemical weapons ();
  • workers employed at work, which is directly related to the movement of transport ();
  • mediators ();
  • doctors and pharmacists ();
  • scientists ();
  • notaries ();
  • management bodies and employees of a professional participant in the securities market, a clearing organization ();
  • guards ();
  • teachers and other educational institutions (Art., Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ). Professandard "Pedagogue" January 1, 2017 ();
  • prosecutors ();
  • employees in the field of state procurement within the framework of Law No. 44-FZ C (, the law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ);
  • employees of the field of professional counseling, professional selection (selection), psychodiagnostics and correction (provisions approved);
  • leaders of the Risk Management Service, Internal Control Service, the Internal Audit Service of the Credit Organization (et al.);
  • welders (approved);
  • employees of the internal affairs bodies ();
  • employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia ();
  • rescuers ();
  • veterinary professionals ();
  • specialists and officials of insurance organizations ();
  • interns of notary, notary assistants (Art., Fundamentals of the Russian Federation on the notary approved);
  • bailiffs ();
  • judges ().

Accordingly, if according to the specified positions or areas of activity, professandards approved, the employers are obliged to comply with them, including the qualifications requirements.

For example, from July 1, 2016, all audit organizations, as well as individual auditors - employers are obliged to apply. The specialists of the Ministry of Finance of Russia in) are indicated. This means that organizations in which there are posts of pedagogical workers can delay over it until January 1, 2017. Similar recommendations contains.

Also before January 1, 2017, the contract service worker or the contract manager may have a professional or additional professional education in the field of placing orders for the supply of goods, work, the provision of services for state and municipal needs. And from January 1, 2017, they must already have a higher education or additional vocational education in the field of procurement. This is stated in Article 38 and Article 112 of the Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ. Similar explanations are given by specialists of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

The deadlines for the compulsory implementation of the professandards as well.

In other cases, if the requirements for qualifying by law are not established, the professandards continue to be a recommendatory.

In OKVED, a hierarchical classification method and a sequential coding method were used. The code of groupings of economic activities consists of two-six digital signs. Its structure can be represented as follows:

Xx - class;

The employer also, taking into account the specifics of the activity, can expand the list of employment actions in individual posts, professions, specialties compared with the list provided for by Professandard on the relevant labor functions. For example, due to labor functions and employment actions from other generalized labor functions of one professandard or employment functions from related professandards. In this case, the employer determines the compliance of the employee with the requirements for education and training, to the experience of practical work and the special conditions of admission to work, including, taking into account the provisions of the professor, which provide for these employment.