The concept and types of interest in professional activities. Professional activities and its characteristics. Types of mental activity

Methods Direct I. methods indirect impact. The first group includes mainly administrative, and the second - economic funds regulation.

Administrative management methods The economy is quite numerous and varied. They are applied at the level not only central, but also local authorities. To administrative methods There are also various norms and standards that are at the junction of the economy, technology, ecology. In a market economy state regulation It is carried out mainly on the basis of economic funds. These include budget and tax and monetary policy, accelerated depreciation, state Programming and forecasting, use as control levers state Property, Foreign Economic instruments.

Monetary policy is carried out under the leadership of the Central Bank of the country. It is aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the monetary circulation and the monetary system of the country, non-inflation economic growth, deterrencement of unemployment, alignment of the balance of payments.

Basic tools Monetary policies are:

· regulation accounting rate (or refinancing rates);

· Establishment and change in the size of minimum reserves that financial and credit organizations are obliged to store in the Central Bank;

· Central Bank operations in the securities market. Budget-tax policy is carried out under the leadership of the Ministry of Finance and is reduced to the purposeful activities of the state on the use of the tax system and state expenses for the implementation of the goals of socio-economic policy.

The concept of professional activity. Structure and organization of production

The process of targeted transformation, the improvement of reality and person itself is called activities. Generalizing the activities peculiar to all people, let's call the main: communication, game, teaching and work. Human labor can be professional and non-professional (hobbies, hobbies).

Professional activities are human activity in their profession and specialty in a certain sphere and industry. From how a person is ready for his professional activity depends on his success in work. Professional activities can be viewed as a component of the labor - the main activity of a person.

Professional activities perform certain functions (see the scheme).

Professional activities always pursue a certain purpose and provides for a solution to specific tasks.

For example, the purpose of pedagogical activities is to ensure a certain level of education of young people (general, primary professional, secondary, higher). The tasks of pedagogical activity are training, upbringing and versatile development of the personality.

Professional activity is characterized by the features inherent in it: a specific situation, working conditions and recreation, object and subject of labor.

Successful mastery of professional activities primarily depends on the presence of the necessary knowledge of this profession and practical experience. It is mistaken to be mistaken to professional activities without prior theoretical and practical training. For example, can we say that a person repairs his car or wiring is engaged in professional activities? Of course not. Do not own rational techniques, skills, skills and knowledge, he will not be able to eliminate a malfunction as soon as possible, qualitatively and reliably, without exposing the risk of himself and others. Any of us will agree that the work will be performed better in all criteria if a person who knows the case and professionally working in this area (electrician, auto mechanic, etc.) will take it.

Professional activities have appeared with the emergence of commodity-money relations as a result of the exchange of goods and services. Prior to that (with the domination of the natural economy), the product was only on the satisfaction of the manufacturer's needs. It happened due to the fact that there was no division of labor. Everyone knew how to do everything "gradually". This is a contradiction and led to a gradual division of labor, the development of professional activities.

In the professional sphere of human activity there is continuous improvement, but at the same time different people are in different ways achieve professional goals. Some strive to achieve an ideal in their work, others act in the execution of certain professional norms and regulations.

The success of making professional activities depends on the motive of the choice of this profession, the professional orientation and conformity of the personality of the employee chosen by him. In addition, in any professional activity there are health restrictions.

Professional activity is closely related to the technological culture, as the converting activity is the basis of any type of labor. Therefore, the higher the level of technological culture, the more successful will be professional activities.

In the distant antiquity, the main labor distributor was nature. Geographical and climatic conditions determined the nature of classes for the tribes and their individual members (raise bread, to hunt on wild animals, grazed animals, etc.). The initial division of labor was based mainly on the biological features of the members of the team (male and female work).

During the decomposition of the primitive bureau, the branch of farming from farming is first occurring, then crafts, trade. In the early stages of the slave-owner, mental labor stood out into a special environment of activities, and as a result, some people began to carry out intellectual, creative and managerial work, to engage in art, while the share of others got the exhaustive, often deprived of any creative content of physical work. Thus, the division of labor between people on their social situation came to replace the natural selection.

An articulated workshop has become the next stage of the division of labor. At first there were artisans-universal, which independently performed all the production of products (dishes, guns, clothes, etc.). The crafts began to differentiate a number of partial operations, strictly agreed with each other, appeared manufactory, and behind them - plants and factories. A "private worker" comes to the place of artisan-wagon, performing only one operation, but it is more productively. Labor specialization has occurred.

Labor specialization is a form of public division of labor. It is expressed in such an organization of production when individual people perform only certain employment operations in the process of making any product.

Specialization of labor is necessary in labor activity and is due to the fact that in the process of labor, a person dealt with certain objects, instruments and techniques of labor, in accordance with the work of its labor activity acquires specific features.

Specialization acts as a means of developing productive forces and contributes to the growth of labor productivity.

The development of a large machine industry meant the transformation of an employee from the main figure of production in the appendage of the machine.

In the conditions of the Scientific and Technical Revolution, under the influence of complex mechanization and automation of production processes, the change of labor is carried out, requiring an employee of mastering several professions (specialties). The change of labor gradually displaces the division of labor.

Forms of labor separation characterize the method of organizing the process of professional activity of people. The following scheme reflects the currently existing form of division of labor.

Mental work is work, in the course of which a person spends mainly its intellectual efforts, in contrast to physical work, in which muscle energy is mainly consumed.

Sectoral specialization - This is a division of labor by industries of the material (industry, agriculture, transport, construction, etc.) and intangible (science, education, trade, medicine, etc.) of production.

Subject specialization is a division of enterprises on the produced homogeneous products (automotive factory, sewing factory, sausage shop, etc.).

Value specialization is the production of individual parts and parts of the finished product (for example, the products of the ball bearish plant, the products of the carburetor plant, the products of the tire factory, etc.).

Stage (technological) specialization is the implementation of individual operations, parts of the technological process (for example, the release of blanks for machine-building enterprises on cast plants, the manufacture of yarn for weaving factories in spinning factories, etc.).

Functional specialization - specialization in features that perform people in production (engineering and technical workers, employees, junior service personnel, etc.).

Professional specialization - differentiation of workers by profession or specialty (turner, accountant, economist, etc.).

Qualification specialization - the creation of divisions of employees within the professional group depending on the level of their qualifications (discharge, class, category).

Specialization of labor in various sectors of the economy has its own specifics. For example, in agricultural production, the following forms of specialization exist:

□ zonal when any specific industries are dominated in individual areas and regions;

□ intercourse - the creation of individual farms (livestock, field-forming, etc.);

□ input - among brigades, departments, farms, links;

□ Intra-industry - separation of agricultural sectors for more specialized enterprises.

The concept of professional activity, specialty, positions The main object of the psychology of labor is professional activity. The study of the subject of labor will depend on what value is invested in the terms "Professional activity", "Profession", "specialty", "Position", etc. Psychology of labor should determine the specifics of the object of their research, as professional activity is studied by other sciences. In particular, E.A. Klimov notes that "in the phenomena of the profession, the events that are the subject and general, and social psychology are pronounced. The solution of any practical task in the field of labor psychology is based on the understanding of the characteristics of a particular professional situation, the content of the person performed by the person.

The concept of "work" is inextricably linked with the concept of "profession". Work- These are socially necessary human activity, requiring efforts to achieve certain goals, results. Task (task)- Unit of Labor, which involves the execution of employment actions. Professionin the broad sense of the word - this is the area of \u200b\u200bpublic division of labor, which creates certain products with a consumer value; the workshop itself, its originality; Required professional qualifications and level of employee competence; Awareness by the person of his belonging to the professional community (professional identity). The following values \u200b\u200bof the notion of the profession are distinguished (by E.A. Klimov).

1. Profession as a community of people engaged in close problems and leading approximately the same lifestyle. The standard of living may vary from professionals with varying degrees of success, but the basic value system from representatives of this profession is approximately the same, which allows them to talk about some of their colleagues as a more or less specialist.

2. Profession as the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of force is associated with the allocation (and clarification) of the object itself and the subject of professional activity. It also solves the question of what spheres of life a person can realize himself as a professional.

3. Profession as activities and the field of personality manifestation. Often they forget that professional activity allows not easy to produce some products or services, but above all it makes it possible to implement your creative potential and creates conditions for the development of this potential.

4. Profession as a historically developing system. Naturally, the profession itself varies depending on the change in the cultural and historical context, and, unfortunately, situations are possible when the initial sense of the profession can significantly pervert.

5. Profession as a reality, creatively formed by the subject of labor itself. This means that even the cultural and historical situation (epoch) is not a total dominant, since much depends on specific specialists. It is they who must determine the place of their profession (and their personal "mission") in the public system, and not just perform the work "according to the instructions". It is thanks to specific specialists that this science and this practical sphere are developing. The true greatness of this or that professional is determined by how much he managed to promote the development of his science not so much "thanks" to the current circumstances (and socio-economic conditions), how much "contrary to" these circumstances. The ideal option of creative self-realization in the profession is the situation when an employee even adversely knows how to use for benefit.

Labor subject- This is a combination of things, processes, phenomena with which the subject in the course of activity is practically or mentally interacting. Farm products- A combination of guns that can enhance human opportunities to recognize the features of the subject of labor and affect it. Working conditions- System of social, psychological, sanitary and hygienic and physical characteristics of activity.

Internal characteristicactivities involves a description of the processes and mechanisms of its mental regulation, its structure and content, as well as operational means of its implementation.

Specialtyspecified in the profession. Profession is a group of related specialties (for example, a profession is a doctor, a specialty - a physician; profession - teacher, specialty - teacher of mathematics; Profession - psychologist, specialty - teacher-psychologist). The specialty is also understood as a kind of professional educational program in an educational institution.

Qualification- This is the level of professional skill. Traditionally, formal qualifications expressed in officially fixed discharges, classes, titles, categories, and real qualifications, i.e. The level of skill that this person can really show. Often, the obligation between the real and formal qualifications of a particular employee underlies many industrial conflicts. The term "qualifications", on the one hand, denote the requirements of the profession to the knowledge and skills of the employee necessary to fulfill labor tasks. On the other hand, qualifications are a characteristic of a person mastered by special knowledge and skills. The normatively specified content of the specialist qualifications is determined in the state standards for its preparation. The person who has passed the course of vocational training and received a document on its successful completion, acquires a certain qualifications. For example, the Qualification of the psychologist is indicated in the diploma of a psychologist's specialist. Psychology teacher. Thus, qualifications characterizes a set of special knowledge and skills that can be purchased in the process of vocational training.

People can be in different extent to be competent in relation to a certain circle of responsibilities. Allocate the following types of competence: a) special (professional) competence the ability to perform professional challenges at a high level; b) social competence - possession of a person with communicative skills, the skills effectively work together; c) Personal and Individual Competence possession of personal self-regulation, self-development, counteraction of professional deformation of the individual; Ready for professional growth, personal success personality (A.K. Markov).

Positionit is more blurred and confused concept, so it is more difficult to give it a definition. For example, sometimes under office understand the type of leading work. Sometimes the position coincides with the understanding of the qualifications (senior, junior employee). An understanding of the position as any fixed work and profession with a clearly defined part of official duties has been more common.

Allocation and consideration of the concept labor postand its structure is important to clarify the production meaning of individual professional activities. The employment post is deprived of a certain concreteness, multidimensional, different and multi-receiving systemic system education, the main components of which are: goals, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe result of labor; a given object of labor; labor system; system of professional duties; employee rights system; Production environment (subject and social working conditions). For example, the postman's workplace is determined not by its specific place (table and chair) in a particular room, but a whole system of various conditions that ensure the fulfillment of its main responsibilities (and not just "denying" on a particular chair and in essence imitation of work). Labor posts in the organization as much as people work in it.

    Labor post in the organization and its components.

Labor post in the organization and its components. Allocation and consideration of the concept labor post And its structure is important to clarify the production meaning of individual professional activities. Labor post - ϶ᴛᴏ deprived of a certain concreteness, multidimensional, different and multi-discovered systemic education, the main components of the Kᴏᴛᴏᴩ, will be: goals, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe result of labor; a given object of labor; labor system; system of professional duties; employee rights system; Production environment (subject and social working conditions). For example, the workplace of the postman is determined not by its specific place (table and chair) in a particular room, but by a whole system of various conditions that ensure the fulfillment of its main responsibilities (and not just "denying" on a particular chair and in essence imitation of work). Labor posts in the organization as much as people work in it. .

    Psychological structure of professional activities.

To date, in the psychology of labor, there are two main ways to solve the problem of psychological analysis of activities. The first one is conditionally indicated as structural morphologicalparadigm of the psychological analysis of activities (A.V. Karpov). According to this approach, the main structural component of activity is, and the organization of activity as a whole is interpreted as a hierarchy of actions of actions of different levels of complexity. The second approach is the so-called functional-dynamicparadigm (A.V. Karpov); Being more modern and perfect, based on the next primary position. Activities for their exceptional complexity cannot be based and is not based on any one component, such as action. It implies the need for several high-quality heterogeneous psychological components - units, which are naturally interrelated among themselves and form a holistic psychological structure of activity. This structure is dynamic, and its operation is the process of activity. These approaches are not mutually exclusive, but rather complement each other.

In the course of the first (structural-morphological) approach, the activity takes the level structure, it is the most detailed in the psychological theory of activities A.N. Leontiev. According to this theory, activities are built on the basis of a structural and level principle, which is specified in two main provisions: first, the overall structure of activity is formed by qualitatively different levels, forms of human activity; Secondly, these levels are hierarchically coented and form a holistic system. There are three main levels of organization activities: the level of operations, the level of action and the level of autonomous activity. The second of them is the level of actions, occupying a central place in the overall structure of activity, is most important for understanding the psychological characteristics of the activities and its structure.

Act- This is the main unit of the structure of activity, which is an arbitrary activity, which is aimed at achieving a conscious goal. S.L. Rubinstein considered the action of the "genuine unit", the "cell", the "cell" of human activity, in which all the main psychological features of not only activity, but also the person in general, are most clearly and bright. He pointed out that in action as a "cell" of activity, the primitives of all sides of the psyche are presented and that all parties psyche act in the relationships in which they really exist in reality.

The ultimate goal of any employment is to obtain some useful (and for a given person, and for society) of the result. But this goal is achieved in stages, by solving private tasks. An element of activity aimed at performing a simple current task is called action. A more detailed analysis makes it possible to decompose the effect on the components of its working movements (in the case when it comes to motor actions). With this examination, the action acts as a system of certainly organized movements (hands, feet, full body). The factor organizing movement into the system (into action) is the task.

Human activity can be described as a system of consistently performed actions. Sometimes some actions are performed in parallel, i.e. At the same time. It should be noted, however, that the activity is not a simple amount of elementary actions. The ratio of actions in the structure of activity is more difficult. In the process of its execution, there is an association and dismemberment of actions, transitions of one action to another, their transformation, and the like. The action is characterized by high dynamic and plasticity. Each of them is formed in the course of activity. The same action person can perform in different ways. The method of executing each subsequent action depends on the results of the previous and specific activities. In the process of activity, one way or another manifests the creative abilities of a person.

Action as a unit of activity structure has two features. The first of these is that any action has a goal, but its goal is necessarily not coincided with the common goals of all activities. Specific forms and methods of activity of the subject are directly determined not to the goals of all activities, not the needs and motives of its subject, but the objectives of individual actions and the conditions in which they are implemented. The second main feature of the action consists in its aware, arbitrary character. The property itself is the property of their own activity, it is precisely due to the fact that there is a discrepancy between the goals of action and activities. Thanks to the property of awareness, the action retains and reproduces all the main psychological features of activity as a whole (focus, arbitrary, objectivity, activity, permissibility, adaptability, systemality, etc.).

Unlike psychological actions operationsrelated not with those or other aware of the objectives, but with the conditions for their achievement. At the same time, external and internal conditions should be distinguished. External conditions are the system of objective parameters of the medium in which one or another purpose is implemented. Internal conditions are a combination of those resources (knowledge, skills, competence, etc.), which has a subject. If the combination of external and internal conditions is such that it is necessary and sufficient to implement a particular action, then it tends to automate and translated into an unconscious level of regulation. The action presented without the properties of awareness translated on the automated level of regulation is a psychological operation. And vice versa, if the conditions (both external and internal) are complicated, the already formed operation can not only, but should be destructed, translated into a conscious level, i.e. Transform into action.

The highest level of activity structure - actually activity- ON A.N. Leontiev based on the fact that this level is not related to the goals and the more not with the conditions of their achievement, but directly with the personal motives, with the system of its dominant needs. According to this theory, activity as such is allocated on the basis of the criterion of having any independent specific motiva. Motive and activity - the mutual concepts, unmotivated activity simply cannot be. The motive of activities is directly related to its subject and is determined by it, due to the property of the object of activity. It is considered as the main property; Repeated activity, as well as unmotivated, can not. Activities only seem to be impossible, the study of activities requires disclosure of its subject.

According to the second main approach (functional-dynamic), the psychological structure of any activity forms a steady, constant set of its main components. All of them are objectively necessary for the implementation of activities, and their totality is indicated by the concept of an invariant psychological structure of activities. The main components of the invariant structure of activity are motivation, target formation, information framework of activity, anticycle (prediction) of its results, decision making, planning, programming, control, correction, as well as the operational image of the object of activity, the system of individual qualities of the subject and a set of performing actions. Taken in statics, i.e. In those structural psychological formations that provide them, these components are the main "bricks" of activity. But taken in dynamics (ie, functioning) they are the main regulatory processes of the implementation of activities (more on regulatory processes, see 2.1).

Human labor activity, like any other activity, proceeds from certain motivand aims to achieve certain goals. In the general sense, the motive is something that encourages a person to activities, and the goal is what he seeks to achieve as a result of activities. When it comes to motives, there are some subjectively experienced motives to activities. For a subject, the motive acts as direct motivating force, the cause of activity. At the same time, the source of the motive is often seen in thinking, consciousness. However, the actual basis of the person's motive is needs(i.e., objective necessity) is its need for substance, energy and information. These needs are somehow reflected in consciousness. The motive is conscious, i.e. Reflected in consciousness, the need.

The goal of activity is the perfect, or mentally represented, its result. The relation "Motive - the goal" forms a kind of "vector", guiding human activity (B.A. Duskov, B.F. Lomov, etc.). This "vector" significantly affects the flow of mental processes (perceptual, mnemic, intellectual), included in the activities, mental states and the dynamics of human performance. In the course of life, each person is formed a certain system of motives, one of which become dominant, and others are subordinates. A specific system is also formed the goals that a person in front of him puts.

Information about the current state of the subject to which the action is directed, as well as the external conditions in the form of its subjective image. The perfect specialized reflection of the object being converted in the action (subject, process, phenomena), folding in the course of the implementation of a particular action and the subordinate task of this action, is called operatively(B.A. Duskov, etc.). Operational image and acts as the main regulator of action, ensuring its adequacy subject, instruments and working conditions. It is due to the operational image that the individual movements of the organs of the human body are organized into a single system - action. The operational image is formed during the processes of receiving and processing information and at the same time it is a factor that guides their current and organization.

An important role in the regulation of actions belongs feedback signalscarrying information on the result of the action performed. These signals are included in the operational image, adjust it. Therefore, the mechanism of regulation of action is a closed system that includes the processes of receiving and processing information, making solutions and feedback signals that occur when performing action.

Everything that was mentioned above applies primarily to the so-called external actions - actions through which a person converts real objects (moves them in space, separates and connects them, etc.) and which are available directly observation. But any human labor activity includes internal, mental (performed in the mind) action. Internal actions are formed on the basis of external as a result of interiorization, while the structure of external action is exposed to a specific transformation. Internal action is rolled and generalized. The decisive role in the process of interiorization belongs to the word, in which the essential properties of objects (and phenomena) are recorded, as well as methods of operating both the subjects themselves and information about them. The essential condition of the interior is the communication of a person with other people.

Operating with words and other iconic systems makes it possible to solve a certain class of tasks in perfect terms (without referring to material objects and operating with them). It is in the internal plan that a person's activities are formed.

In labor activity, not only the interiorization of actions, but also their exteriorization, i.e. Transformation of internal actions into external.

Thus, the mechanism of mental regulation of human activity has a complex structure that includes several levels: the level of sensations and perception; level of representations; The level of the hard processes. The first level applies to individual actions, it provides mainly regulating external actions, compliance with this particular action by these specific conditions, subject matter and tool labor. The second level also applies to internal actions: the generalization and panoramic of representation (secondary image) creates the possibility of varying the techniques for performing actions and their transfer from some conditions to others. The third level relates mainly to internal actions (to a mental activity plan). Due to the fact that there are general and significant relationships between phenomena (their patterns), this level provides the ability to predict the course of events and planning activities as a whole. In real employment activities, the listed levels of its regulation perform in an inseparable unity.

The neurophysiological basis of activity is the functional system. Her theory was developed by Academician P.K. Anocyne.

Formation of an image of an object is associated with forecasting (anticipation) changes in the control object. Prediction is an integral component of any purposeful activity. If working conditions make it difficult to predict events (which sometimes happens), it leads to a violation of activities: to errors, failures, delay in performing actions, improper actions, etc. The mismatch between the goal and promptly determines the direction of finding a solution, in the course of which hypotheses is extended, their assessment and decision making. Usually this process proceeds in terms of internal actions. Deciding is inextricably linked with the formation of a plan or program of activity. However, such a program is usually not a tough unambiguous system of prescriptions, and performs in a generalized form; Depending on the specific conditions of the path of its "sweep" may be different. The activity program rather represents the subtask system than a detailed list of all the elements of the action (driven moves). The image of the result formed by feedback is merged with the way. When coincidence, it is believed that the goal is achieved, the task is made. If the cycle described above, the cycle described above is repeated.

Main types and types of professional activities

Under view of activityA.V. Karpov proposes to understand specific professional activities, which is characterized by the specifics of the subject, conditions, content and requirements for it. A number of similar species in one or another are combined in types. So, Karpov clarifies that joint activity is precisely type (and not the type) of activity, since it has a general specifiable sign (the presence of one, but several corrugated subjects), but at the same time includes a huge number of specific species.

In addition to the many species and types of activities, there is another maximum differentiation of all types of activity into two main class. The first includes all types and types of activities in which any objective reality, any external object, any object or a totality, are acting as their direct subject. The items of all types of activity of this class are deprived of animation, these are material objects. This class, which is indicated by the concept subject objectprofessions covers a huge number of specific types and types of labor activities, it is most widely represented in the current division of labor and at the same time is the most traditional subject of consideration in labor psychology.

The second class includes all types and types of activities, the direct subject of which is an animated entity - a person. This kind of activity includes, for example, the activity of the head, teacher, physician, etc. This class is indicated by the concept subject-subjecttypes of activity. It is subject-to-subjectness and types of activity that are characterized by the greatest complexity and the greatest significance for the public division of labor. They are significantly richer in content, especially psychological, but are much more complex in terms of their study, and therefore are investigated to a substantially lower. Modern labor psychology should be a psychological discipline that studies the subject-subject type and activities.

Useful for psychologists is the classification of professions by sectors of the national economy. This classification is multipurpose, it is the basis of economic and technological criteria. Knowing about the belonging of a particular profession to some industry, a psychologist may present the nature of the labor product, the type of technologies used, the degree of danger of the profession at risk of occupational diseases and injuries.

Quite general, although important, is the division of activities on individualand joint. Joint activity is implemented in contrast to the individual collective subject, i.e. Two or more people having a common goal. Other essential signs of joint activities are spatial and time aboute is a fraction of the participants of the activities, role-playing and instrumental differentiation of participants on certain objectives, the presence of a control (organizing) component - leader or manager.

Maximum general is the division of activities on externaland internal. At the same time, under the external understands all types, types and processes of activity, which are accompanied by the objectified manifestations of its performing components - movements, actions, expression, communications, etc. Internal activities are deployed in the intraxihic plan. There is a genetic connection between external and internal activities, since the second is formed in the process of ontogenesis on the basis of the first through the interior mechanism.

Activities also accepted to divide on performerand management. The first is characterized by the fact that the subject of labor directly affects its subject, although in contact with other subjects. The second (management) usually does not provide for such a direct impact, but it necessarily implies the organization in one subject of activity of other people, as well as the hierarchy of their coented. Management activities are activities to organize other activities (A.V. Karpov).

From a practical point of view, it is advisable to differentiate activities depending on from conditionsher execution. On this basis, activities in comfort, normal, permissible, paraward, and extreme conditions are distinguished. Depending on the change in the conditions, the so-called psycho-physiological price of activity, its tension, as well as the result parameters varies significantly.

In an applied attitude, V.A. Karpov, is the separation of activities on directand indirect(remote). In the first case, the subject of labor directly affects the subject and just as directly receives information about its condition. In the second case, there is no other: information about the subject of labor is provided to a person through mediated links (in the form of signs on the scoreboard, consoles, indication devices). The person also does its impact on the subject of labor, but through certain authorities. The most characteristic example of mediated, remote activities is the activity of the operator.

Known classification of professions for vocational guidance of schoolchildren, developed by E.A. Klimov. In it, professions appear as multi-receiving objects. The characteristic of a particular profession is determined by a combination of features selected from a certain set in four levels. The first level combines the types of professions on the subject matter of labor (H - man, n - wildlife, T - technique and non-fat nature, z - sign, X - artistic image). In accordance with this, five types of professions are allocated: "Man - man", "Man - Nature", "Man - Technique", "Man - Sign", "Man is an artistic image." The second level represents the classes of professions, combined on the prevailing goal of labor tasks (P - converting, g - gnostic, and - survey). The third level is the detachments of professions classified according to used equipment used (p - manual, M - mechanized, and - automated, F - functional). Finally, the fourth level combines groups of professions under the working conditions and their requirements for human (b - living conditions, O - Outdoor work, N - Unusual working conditions related to the presence of factors of harm to health, danger, M - special requirements of the profession to the moral qualities of the subject of labor). Analyzing a specific profession on the specified grounds, it is possible to compile its "formula".

V.E. Gavrilov offered to break every type of professions on subgroups, taking into account goals, tools and working conditions. The first type includes the so-called society professions: medical care; Education and training; household service; information service; Protection of society and the state. The second type includes technomonomic professions: creating, installation, assembly of technical devices; operation of technical means; Repair of technical devices. The third type combines the biomic professions: study, research and analysis of the status and living conditions of plants and animals; Care of plants and animals (their cultivation, reproduction); Prevention of diseases of plants and animals, the fight against pests and causative agents of diseases, treatment of sick. Fourth Type - Signonomic professions that operate with texts in native and foreign languages; with numbers, formulas and tables; with drawings, cards, schemes; Sound signals. In the fifth type, arctic professions are combined: creating, designing, modeling artwork; reproduction, manufacture of various products according to the sketch, sample in a single instance; Reproduction, copying, reproduction of artistic works in mass production.

Seminar 6.

Topic: Problems of Professing and Trading.

    Types of psychogram.

    Principles of professionalization.

    Professing schemes.

    Labor analysis levels.

    Professional guidance, professional, vocational training and certification of personnel.

    The concept of "professional", "psychogram", "profession module", "Profession Formula".

The concept of "Professional", "Psychogram", "Profession Module", "Profession Formula" Description of professional activity is the first and most important stage of any research in labor psychology, it is based on the comprehensive study of it and a certain systematization of data. Such an integrated method of studying and describing the content and structural characteristics of professions in order to establish the peculiarities of the relationship of the subject of labor with the components of the activity (its content, means, conditions, the organization) and its functional support was the name of the profession. The main result of the professional as a method is to compile a professional (for more details, see 1.4) a specific professional is developed by a specific scheme and to solve certain tasks. In the process of developing a professional on the basis of the descriptive-technological characteristics of the profession, professionally highlights professionally important qualities (PVCs) for this profession.

An important part of the Professional is a psychogram, understood as the allocation and description of the qualities of the person necessary for the successful implementation of this work activity (PVC) or impeding its successful implementation (anti-opt). The content and volume of the psychogram depend on the purpose of studying the profession. As such, professional selection, vocational training, rationalization of labor and recreation, professional orientation can be advocated.

The following types of psychograms distinguish (V.E. Eagle).

1. Psychogram drawn up for professional goals, includes two groups of requirements: a) the requirements that define non-compatible and necessary PVCs and should be placed in any average employee; b) the desired requirements that determine the possibility of achieving a high level of professional skill. In addition, the psychogram of this kind must contain a list of psychological contraindications, i.e. The characteristics of the personality that determine the inability to this profession.

2. In contrast to the specified type of the psychogram in order to rationalize production trainingensures focusing on those PVCs that are amenable to significant development in the process of exercises as the profession mastering. A special role is acquired by a comparative analysis of the activities of an experienced specialist and the dynamics of the formation of a young worker. Such an analysis implies the allocation and comparison of psychological structures showing the degree of compliance of the process of forming a young employee to the requirements that are presented to professionals with extensive experience.

3. Specificity of the psychogram in order to optimize labor and recreation modesit is to detect the most labile mental functions, the dynamics of which serves as the indicator of weak points in the organization of labor.

4. The most broad way to its content is a professional (psychogram) in order to careityyouth, since it assumes the presence of a wide variety of knowledge about the profession. The composition of this type of professional is recommended to include two complementary and interconnected parts: the main intended for youth, and an additional, designed for teachers, workshops of production training, etc.

Based on targets and tasks, for solving those or other descriptive systems of professions, E.M. Ivanov allocates the following types of professors: a) information professors intended for use in professional and vocational guidance work to inform customers about those professions that caused interest from them; b) approximately diagnostic professors that serve to identify the causes of failures, accidents, low labor efficiency and are compiled based on the comparison of the real work of a given person or a working group with the required samples of the organization of employment; c) constructive professors who serve to improve the ergatic system based on the design of new samples of equipment, as well as the training and organization of the work of the personnel himself; d) Methodical professors intended for the selection of adequate methods of research of the ergathe system, i.e. aimed at reflection and the subsequent organization of the labor of the specialist itself, which makes up a professional description of the specific work; e) diagnostic professors, the purpose of which is the selection of techniques for trade assembly, placement and retraining of personnel (for example, the organization of work under the scheme for the preparation of an analytical professional, where the profession is first investigated on the regulatory, technological and "bureaucratic" levels, and then all this is translated into The language necessary for the successful work of the PVC for which the corresponding psychodiagnostic techniques are selected).

Dictionary dictionary

modern Russian vocational education

The relevance of the creation of a dictionary is due to the need to describe the processes of updating the conceptual-terminological apparatus of vocational education of modern Russia, which reflect significant changes that are in the most professional education. At all levels of education, the introduction of educational standards ensuring a competence approach, the relationship of fundamental knowledge and practical skills.

A compataluation approach, as the methodological basis for educational standards of a new generation, creates conditions for more efficient management of professional education and ensure compliance of professional training in labor market requests. Such an approach implies the wording of learning goals through competencies, in demand in the professional activities of the modern employee.

Quests with a dictionary:

  • educational institutions of vocational education; their administration;
  • regional education management bodies;
  • developers of professional educational programs based on the federal state educational standards of the new generation and as part of the organization of corporate training; advanced learning adults;
  • developers of professional standards;
  • regional employment services;
  • real and potential foreign partners of the Russian system of vocational education;
  • employers;
  • students.

Sources of the dictionary were intelligent dictionaries, glossary, Anglo-Russian Words, published over the past ten years, as well as the vocabulary and encyclopedic literature of an earlier period. Based on the comparison of the interpretations and definitions of terms, the methodological positions of the competence of the competence approach were given to the definition of the terms of the first issue. The maintenance of dictionary articles was also influenced by an analysis of the experience of developing a national framework of qualifications, professional standards and educational standards of vocational education.

In the structure of the dictionary allocated four thematic groups:

Structure of vocational education

Organization of educational process

Quality of professional education

Professional education and scope of labor



Labor, labor activity (English:labour.) The expedient activity of people to create material and spiritual benefits necessary to meet individual and social needs.

See Professional Activities, Professional Training, Profession, Specialty.

Professional activity Labor activity requiring vocational training carried out within the framework of the objectively established division of labor and revenue.

See Labor, Labor Activity, Professional Training, Profession, Specialty

Type of professional activity 1) certain methods, methods, techniques, the nature of the impact on the object of professional activity in order to change it, transformation

2) a set of labor functions requiring mandatory training considered in the context of a certain sphere of their application, characterized by specific objects, conditions, tools, character and results of labor

See Labor Function, Professional Activities, Professional Training, Object of Professional Activities, Competence, Competence. Professional competence, basic professional educational program.

Profession (specialty) (English: occupation; Profession)Publicly recognized as a relatively sustainable type of human professional activity, which is determined by the division of labor in society.

The terms "profession" and "specialty" are traditionally used in Russian as synonyms if functions according to a particular specialty cover the entire sphere of professional human activity. However, the term "specialty" can be used in a narrower value - "type of occupation in the framework of one profession" (engineer-builder, instrumentsman, doctor-therapist)

See Professional Activity, Type of Professional Activities

Object (subject) of professional activity The phenomenon, the subject, the process to be impaired in the process of employment.

The terms "object" and "subject of professional activity" are considered synonyms in professional activities related to material production, these concepts should be divided into an intangible sphere related to scientific research, creativity, etc. In this case, the concept of the object is already the concepts of the object and is associated with the properties or relations of the object, whose knowledge is important for solving professional tasks.

See Labor, Labor Activity, View of Professional Activities

Area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity A combination of professional activities that have a common basis (similar or close appointment, objects, technologies, incl. Labor equipment) and involving a similar set of labor functions and appropriate competencies for their implementation

See the type of professional activity, an object of professional activity, a labor function, competence.

Labor function A set of interrelated actions aimed at solving one or more tasks of the labor process

In different sources, you can meet other definitions of the term "labor function". In this value, the concept of labor function is used in professional standard and is associated with the concept of professional competence in federal state educational standards of vocational education, since Actions that make up the labor function in a professional standard, mean the employee of certain skills and knowledge, as well as the willingness to apply them.

See Labor, Labor Activities, Professional Activities, Professional Competence.

Qualification (employee)
(English:qualification) 1) Readiness to fulfill a certain type of professional activity

2) official recognition (as a diploma / certificate) development of a certain type of professional activity

See Professional Activity, Profession (specialty), Competence, Labor function, Competence, Qualification level, diploma / certificate

Diploma / Certificate (English:diploma./ certificate.) The official document confirming the qualification of the employee and the right to occupy any position, to deal with certain activities;

official confirmation of the end of the educational institution of vocational education (with appropriate qualifications) or advanced training courses;

certificate of assigning a scientist.

See Qualification

National Qualifications System of the Russian Federation (English:NationalQualification" s.System.of.Russian.Federation.) The National Qualifications System of the Russian Federation (NSC RF) is a complex of interrelated documents that ensure the interaction of vocational education and labor in order to improve the quality of training of workers and their competitiveness in the Russian and international labor market. The basis of the National Qualifications System of the Russian Federation is the National Qualifications Frame. The NSC RF may also include industry qualifications frameworks, professional and educational standards, a national system for assessing the results of education and certification, uniform for all levels of vocational education mechanisms of accumulation and recognition of qualifications at the national and international levels.

See National Frame of Qualifications of the Russian Federation, Qualification, Qualification Level Descriptor, Qualification Level

National Frame of Qualifications of the Russian Federation

(NRK of the Russian Federation)

(English:NationalQualification" s.Framework.of.Russian.Federation.) A generalized description of qualifying levels and basic ways to achieve them in Russia. Used as a tool for pairing waters of labor and education.

In international practice - system and structured levels of recognized qualifications. As a rule, the sectoral, national and international framework of qualifications distinguish. With the help of the qualifications framework, the relationship of learning results is measured and the ratio of diplomas, certificates / certificates for education and training is established.

See National Qualifications System of the Russian Federation, Qualification, Qualification Descriptor, Qualification Level

Descriptor (qualifying level) (English: Descriptor) A summary description of the set of requirements for competencies, the nature of the skills and knowledge of the employee of the relevant qualification level of the NRC of the Russian Federation. Requirements are differentiated by the parameters of the complexity of the activities, responsibility and latitude of the powers required in it.

See Qualification Level, National Frame of Qualifications of the Russian Federation

Qualification level (English:qualifications.level.) Structural unit / stage of the national qualifications framework, characterized by the combination of requirements for competencies, the nature of the skills and knowledge imposed on the employee and differentiated by the parameters of the complexity of the activities, as well as the responsibility and latitude of the powers required in it.

See Qualification Level Descriptor, National Qualifications Frame of the Russian Federation.

Qualification Level (employee) The degree of professional training of the employee to fulfill a certain type of professional activity.

The higher the level of professional education of the employee, the more general character has this concept, the harder class of the solid professional tasks and is wider by the spectrum of labor functions.

See qualification, qualifying level, vocational education, labor function.

Compact (Analogs: Category, Class) A sequence in the tariff qualification system of Russia, which determines the level of employee qualifications.

See Qualification Level, Qualification.

Professional Standard (PS) (English:professional/ occupationalstandard.) The document revealing from the standpoint of employers' associations (and / or professional communities) is the content of professional activities within a certain type of economic activity, as well as the requirements for the qualifications of employees.

See Professional Activities, Qualification.

Competence (English: Competence)The ability to apply knowledge, skills and practical experience for successful work.

See Labor Activity, Professional Activities, Competence, Qualification

Common competence The ability to act successfully on the basis of practical experience, skills and knowledge in solving tasks common to many types of professional activities.

In different sources it is possible to meet different approaches to the classification of competencies and different names and definitions. In particular, as inaccurate synonym for the term "common competence", the term "general cultural competence" can be considered.

See Labor Activity, Professional Activities, Type of Professional Activities, Competence, Qualification Level

Professional competence The ability to successfully act on the basis of skills, knowledge and practical experience when performing a task, addressing the task of professional activities

See Labor Activity, Labor Function, Professional Activities, Type of Professional Activities, Competence, Qualification

Competence (English: Competency, Competence) Having a person competencies for successful work activities.

See Labor Activity, Professional Activities, Competence, Competence, Professional Competence, Qualification

Federal State Educational Standard A regulatory document that determines the set of requirements for the results of the development of the main educational program, its structure and terms of implementation.
Professional learning results (preparation) (English:learningoutcomes., outputs.) 1) General and professional competencies corresponding to a certain level of education and qualifications.

2) socially and professionally significant characteristics of the quality of graduates of educational institutions of vocational education.

See total competence, professional competence, level of qualifications, vocational education, vocational training, vocational training

Control of learning outcomes (English:process.of.quality.control) The process of comparing the achieved learning results with the specified

in order to ensure the quality of training student.

See learning outcomes (preparation), vocational education, vocational training, vocational training

Assessment of learning outcomes (English:quality.assessment) The procedure for determining the compliance of individual educational achievements of students and graduates of professional education to the requirements of consumers of educational services.

See learning outcomes (preparation), vocational education, vocational training, vocational training

Professional education (English: VOCATIONAL EDUCATION)1) An organized process of mastering certain types of professional activities, ensuring the development of socially and professionally significant personal qualities.

2) the result of this process (person's preparedness to a certain type of professional activity confirmed by a certificate or diploma on the end of the relevant educational institution of vocational education).

See view of professional activities, diploma / certificate

Professional education (English: Vocational.Training) The organized process of mastering the competences necessary to perform certain employment functions.

See competence, overall competence. Professional competence, labor function

Professional training (England: Vocational Educationand.Training) 1) organization of training professional personnel. Various forms of professional education

2) an accelerated form of development of professional competencies required to perform certain employment functions (The value corresponds to the meaning of Art. 21 Ch. 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

See Professional Competence, Labor Function, Vocational Education, Vocational Training.

Professional Education Program (Educational Professional Program) 1) A specially organized targeted process to achieve the specified results of vocational education (training, preparation) of a certain level and focus.

2) Complex (set) of documents that determine the content and organization of this process.

Educational professional programs are divided into basic and additional.

See learning outcomes (preparation), vocational education, vocational training

Basic Professional Educational Program (OPOP)

(in higher vocational education synonym - the main educational program)

1) a specially organized targeted process to achieve the results given by the Federal State Educational Standard of Vocational Education, taking into account the type and type of educational institution and the needs of students.

2) a set of educational and methodological documentation, which includes a curriculum, working programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that provide education and quality training of students, as well as training and manufacturing practitioners, calendar curriculum and methodical materials providing the implementation of the relevant educational technology (Art. 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education")

The main professional educational programs are aimed at solving the tasks of consistent increase in professional and general education levels, training specialists of relevant qualifications (Art. 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

See learning outcomes (preparation), vocational education

Approximate basic professional educational program A recommendation document, on the basis of which the main professional educational program of the educational institution of vocational education is being developed.

The approximate basic professional educational program is developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of vocational education by profession / specialty and corresponds to the structure of the OPOP given in it.

Authorized federal state bodies provide development on the basis of federal state educational standards or federal state requirements of exemplary basic educational programs, taking into account their level and focus (Art. 14 law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

The components of the approximate main professional educational program are exemplary training discipline programs, a professional module. it D.empimits of a recommendation character having a similar structure; They are based on the relevant programs of the educational institution of vocational education.

See academic discipline, professional module, basic professional educational program, educational discipline program, professional module program.

Professional module Part of the vocational education program (learning), providing for training students to implement a certain set of labor functions that have independent importance for the employment process.

It may be part of the main professional educational program or an independent program with a mandatory procedure for certification of the graduate qualifications upon its end.

See Labor Function, Basic Professional Educational Program, Qualification

Professional module program A document determining the results of training, criteria, methods and forms of their assessment, as well as the content of training and requirements for the realization of the professional module.

See Professional Module, Interdisciplinary Course, Practice

Section of a professional module Part of the program of a professional module, which is characterized by logical completion and is aimed at mastering one or more professional competencies.

The section of the professional module may consist of:

From the interdisciplinary course or part of it (if the practice in the module passes concentrated);

From the interdisciplinary course or part of it in combination with practice (if the practice of the module passes dispersed).

See Professional Module, Professional Module Program, Interdisciplinary Course, Practice, Professional Competence

Interdisciplinary course The system of knowledge and skills reflecting the specifics of the type of professional activity and ensuring the development of competencies in the passage of training practices within the professional module.

See Professional Module, Section Professional Module, Practice

Practice (production) Type of training sessions used to master learning competencies in the process of independently performing certain types of work necessary for professional activities in the conditions as close as possible to it.

Depending on the professional orientation, the production practice is called pedagogical, nursing, etc.

There is also a term "curriculum", under which they understand the type of training sessions used to master the initial professional skills in the context of training workshops, laboratories, bases, etc.

Both curriculum and production practices can be carried out in parallel with theoretical classes (dispersed) or in a specially dedicated period (concentrated).

See interdisciplinary course, section of a professional module, competence, total competence, professional competence, professional activity

Academic discipline The system of knowledge and skills reflecting the content of certain science and / or the field of professional activity, and aimed at ensuring the implementation of the main professional educational program.

See Basic Professional Educational Program, Professional Area

Program of academic discipline A document determining the results of training, criteria, methods and forms of their assessment, as well as the content of training and requirements for the realization of the study discipline.

See academic discipline

Minutes of the meeting of the Presidium of the Expert Council on Professional Education at FGU Firo from 11.12. 2009 No. 10; Reg. Review number 638 dated 15.12. 2009

This term can also be attributed to the thematic group "Quality of vocational education"

The term can also be attributed to the thematic group "Vocational education and scope of labor"

The concept of activity plays a key role in labor psychology as a scientific discipline, performing a number of essential functions. First, it is activities, more precisely its main type of labor activity, is the main subject of labor psychology.

Thus, the concept of activity performs the subject function with respect to the psychology of labor. Secondly, the concept of activity has not only psychological content, but is an interdisciplinary category, since the activity is studied in many sciences (economics, sociology, philosophy, etc.). By virtue of this, through this category, the knowledge of a number of sciences is synthesized, which makes it possible to allocate the integrative function of the concept of activity - the generalization function of scientific knowledge. Thirdly, it is the psychological content of individual activity that is a kind of quintessence of the all-labor process, and many of the most important psychological patterns manifest themselves in it the most fully, relief and holistic. In this regard, the activity performs an important methodological function, objectively speaking not only by the main subject, but also a peculiar means of studying the most important generalicular patterns. In "Fourth, activities have another important feature: it is characterized by two sides of the ^ outer (observable, explicit) and internal (hidden from direct observation, implicit), objective and subjective. They, not identifying in content, however, are naturally interrelated, which makes it possible to disclose the psychological content of its external manifestations and psychological research in the

51 ^ * "P ^! SIKH / UP! JapR

scrap. Thus, the activity performs the methodological function.

In order to compile an adequate idea of \u200b\u200bthe content of the concept of activities, it is necessary to take into account some additional, also very characteristic of its features. So, one of the interesting features of the majority of the most important psychological concepts is that they are not only psychological, but have the status of general scientific concepts and even interdisciplinary categories. The category of activity, along with other fundamental psychological concepts - consciousness, personality, behavior, communication, and others, is a vivid example of this. Activities are subject to the study of many sciences: philosophy, sociology, economics, engineering disciplines. In general, activities are an individual form of the existence of social relations, it characterizes a way to include a person in an existing system of division of labor. This philosophical definition is specifically specifically specified in each science studying activities, and the need for the synthesis of knowledge obtained in it is denoted as the principle of complexity in studying activities. A key role in the complex, interdisciplinary study is played by psychology.

Another common for the fundamental categories of psychology feature is that they are represented by the first glance quite clear and understandable, familiar and ordinary. A typical example of this is an activity. Everyone is clear what work, work, occupation, etc. In fact, it turns out that, the simpler it seems the concept, the more difficult it turns out to be in its real content.

Undoubted the specifics and basic functions of the concept of activity as a psychological and general scientific category, we turn to a more detailed consideration of its psychological content itself.

Currently, there are a lot of different definitions of activities, including psychology. One of the most successful, according to the authors of this publication is the following definition of activities: Activities are a form of an active attitude of the subject to reality, aimed at achieving consciously set goals and related to the creation of socially significant values \u200b\u200bor the development of social experience. The advantages of this definition (there are many others) consist not only in its sufficient completeness, but also in the fact that it reflects the most important psychological properties of activity, so consider it in more detail.

From a logical point of view, it is possible to determine something - this is to sum up under some more general category, as well as indicate its differentiation feature. In the reduced definition of a more general category, with the help of which the activity is determined, the general substance concept of relations is determined. It is the synthesis of the entire system of human interactions with the world; Includes rationalistic, emotional, and interpersonal, and many other aspects. The most common nature of the concept of relationship, allowing to overcome the shortcomings of rationalistic definitions of activities, simultaneously creates the basis for reaching all its real aspects, as well as all types of activities, its types and even classes.

Activities are not only one of the forms of relationship, but this is a very peculiar form of a relationship. It has two main specific features. First, this is the ratio of productive type, by definition involving some result. However, it can be represented not only in the form of any product (products, values, etc.)\u003e But in the form of mastering of certain knowledge, skills, other forms of social experience. Thus, this definition indicates the presence of three main types of activities: the actual labor, gaming and educational. Secondly, activity is such an attitude that is regulated by a conscious goal as an ideal way of the future result. The goal acts as a system-forming factor of activity, i.e., the main criterion to determine its content, structure and dynamics. And this is the most important difference between human activity forms (for example, from

pulsive, involuntary activity). The content of the activity is determined not by the needs of a person as such, but the purpose (the manufacture of any pro

'Etc.). Why

Does not coincide

53? LL what it acts. There is an important activity phenomenon - the phenomenon of discrepancies of the needs, the motives of a person with the immediate goals of its activities.

Two discussed specific features through which the activity is determined to disclose the basic generalityological properties (attributes) of activity. On the one hand, these are already marked properties of activity, productivity (effectiveness), awareness, social conditionality. All of them are precisely the attributes of activity as such, since it is due to its psychological nature and persist in all its types and types. On the other hand, there are also other, also the most important generalicity properties of activity: -

objectivity of activities for the transformation or development of a certain "external * * relative to the subject of the object, which is allocated to them as a subject of its purposeful activity; -

adaptability, i.e. the ability of activity to flexible restructuring and transformations when changing the external and internal conditions of its implementation; -

systems, according to this property, activities appear not in the amount of its components, and their organized integrity. At the same time, it is especially important that activities as integrity arise such new properties that there are neither its individual components or their simple amounts - the so-called system quality activities. It should be emphasized that the activity is one of the most complex systems currently known, due to its knowledge, and its study should be carried out on an adequate methodological basis - the principles of a systematic approach.

Thus, it is the system of activity that causes the existence of two main plans - external (subject-effective) and internal (actually psychological). The external is revealed much better and more fully than the inner, at the same time is not in the strict sense, the subject of actually psychological study, but acts as auxiliary, although extremely important for him. Without consideration of the objectified content of labor activity, its psychological study and understanding can be impossible. In this regard, there is an important problem formulated in the direction of the psychological analysis of activities: the optimal proportion of the external - objective characteristics of the activity and the characteristics of its internal - actually psychological content. Such a proportion is established on the basis of compliance with the two most important generalsheological principles. The first is the principle of the unity of the psyche and activities, according to which the external and internal components of the activity are unprofitable integrity and must be interconnected by each other. The second is the principle of the two-stage psychological study of activities. According to him, the analysis of activities should include two stage replacing each other - analysis of its content and analysis of its psychological mechanisms. The first stage is connected with the characteristic of the objective content of the activity, the second - with the analysis of the subjective, actually psychological content. These principles are currently peculiar imperatives and ask the general direction of studying any activity.

The external characteristic of activity (primarily professional) is carried out through the concepts of the subject and object of labor, subject, conditions and means of activity.

The subject of labor is a set of things, processes, phenomena with which the subject in the course of activity is practically or mentally interacting.

Whether goods are a set of guns that can increase human capabilities to recognize the features of the subject of labor and to influence it.

Working conditions is a system of social, psychological, sanitary and hygienic and physical characteristics of activities.

The internal characteristic of the activity involves a description of the processes and mechanisms of its mental regulation, its structure and content, as well as operating

funds of its implementation.

The property of the system of activity as the most generalized, the integrative characteristic makes it possible to better understand and the subject of its psychological study. Since the activity is an extremely complex system, then its mental regulation should be similar -

55 complex, comprehensive, multidimensional. By virtue of this, the subject of psychological study of activities is not any individual research plan and not even their totality, but, essentially, all psychological issues, but taken in its "activity dimension". The psychology of activity is the psychology as a whole, refracted through the specificity of the content and structure of activity, therefore, the subject of psychological study of activities is the psychological components that encourage, direct and regulate the activity of the subject and implement it in the performance actions, as well as personality properties, through which this activity is implemented .


Klimov EA. Psychology - M., 1998.

Leontyev al. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. - M., 1975.

Lomom V.F. Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology. - m., 1984.

Rubinstein see Basics of general psychology, - M., 1946.

Shadrikov in D. Problems of system genesis of professional activity. - M., 1982.

Questions for self-test 1.

What are the main functions of the concept of activities in psychology? 2.

What are the main psychological features of professional activity? 3.

What is external and internal professional work plans? four.

What is the property of the system of professional activity? five.

What are the relationship between general psychology and psychology of labor when studying professional activities?

Themes of abstracts 1.

scientific problem.

2 The main psychological properties of activity. 3.

Interrelation of psychology and other B & CK in studying activities.

Professional technology

Professional activity - This is a labor activity for a certain profession and a specialty, requiring a combination of special knowledge, skills and personal qualities.

Human work can be a professional or non-professional (hobby, hobby, work in free time, love). Therefore, professional activities are part of labor activity.

Professional activity performs certain functions, the main of which are the following:

Division of labor - Specific for each historical era system related species and forms of labor activity.

In distant antiquity, the main labor distributor would be La Nature. Geographical and climatic conditions determined the nature of classes for the tribes and their individual members (raise bread, to hunt wild animals, grazed animals, etc.).

The initial distribution of labor was based on the base on the biological features of members of the team (male and female work).

During the period of decomposition of the primitive combined system of sleep, there is a branch of cattle breeding from agriculture, then craft, trade. At the dawn of the slave building, the mental labor is separated from physical, and as a result, some people concentrated in their hands theoretical and managerial activities, classes, etc., while only the exhaustive, devoid of all creative content remained, physical work .

Thus, the division of labor between people on their social situation came to replace the natural selection.

The next stage of the division of labor was the manufactory first were artisans-universal, which independently performed all the production of products (dishes, guns, clothes, etc.). The crafts began to differentiate a number of partial operations, strictly agreed with each other. In place of the artisan-universal The "private worker" comes, performing only one one by exploration, but it is more productively. Labor specialization has occurred.

Labor specialization - Form of public division of labor. It is expressed in such an organization of production when individual people perform only certain employment operations in the process of making any product.

Labor specialization is the necessary moment of work and is due to the fact that in the process of labor, the person deals with different objects, uses various tools and techniques of labor, in accordance with his labor activity acquires specific features.

Specialization acts as a form of development of produced forces and contributes to the growth of labor productivity.

The development of a large machine industry meant an employee's rotation from the main figure of production in the appendage of the machine. The separation and specialization of labor led to the "division" of the person himself, the dismemberment of its livelihoods, that is, to the allocation as an independent, lifelong functions for the person, the parties of the activity, which only in unity make up its content as a result of this, each individual will be closed in the field highly specialized activity and becomes a "partial" person.

Therefore, the task of the "partial" worker was to be replaced by a comprehensively developed individual for which various social functions essentially replacing each other ways of vital activity (K. Marx).

In the conditions of the scientific and technical revolution, under the influence of the complex mechanization and automation of production processes, the material basis of the division and specialization of labor is changing.

Currently, there are the following forms of division of labor:

Physical work - work, in the course of which a person spends mainly its physical efforts.

Industry division of labor - This is a division of labor by industries of the material (industry, agriculture, transport, construction, etc.) and intangible production (science, education, trade, medicine, etc.).

Subject specialization - This is a specialization of enterprises on the manufacture of homogeneous finished products (automotive factory, sewing factory, sausage shop, etc.)

Value specialization - production of individual parts and parts of the finished product (for example, the products of the ball bearish plant, the products of the carburetor plant, the products of the tire plant, etc.).

Stadium (technological) specialization - Performing individual operations, parts of the process(for example, the production of blanks for machine-building enterprises on foundry plants, manufacture of yarn for weaving factories in spinning factories, etc.).

Functional - This is a division of labor on the functions that people perform in production (engineering and technical workers, employees, junior service personnel, etc.).

Professional - This is a division of labor between employees depending on the profession or specialty (turner, accountant, economist, etc.).

Qualification - This is a division of labor between employees within the professional group, depending on the level of their qualifications (discharge, class, category). The separation and specialization of labor in various sectors of the economy has its own specifics. For example, in agricultural production distinguish the following forms of specialization:

Zonal specialization, when any specific industries of production predominate in separate areas and regions;

Specialization of individual farms;

In-house specialization among brigades, branches, farms, links;

Intra-separable specialization is carried out by dividing the agricultural production to more specialized.

The separation and specialization of labor was an objective basis for the emergence of professions and specialties. These concepts should be distinguished.

Profession - labor activity, limited due to the division of labor, requiring special knowledge and experience and ensuring the conditions for the existence of an individual.

Specialty - a narrower area of \u200b\u200bthe application of the physical and spiritual forces of a person in a framework of a particular profession

Profession unites the group related specially stones. For example, the teacher's profession includes specialty teacher physics, teacher of mathematics, history teacher, physical education teacher, etc.

In addition to the profession and specialty distinguish the concepts of office, career.

Position - The official position of the employee, which is provided for by the staffing schedule, determining his duties and pay. With an increase in position, the responsibilities of a person are increasing, and, accordingly, labor payment. In modern conditions, an official call is called a quarry

There is a need to classify professions and specialty.

The reasons:

A huge number of professions. Currently there are more than 40 thousand professions and specialties;

The constant change in the world of professions (about 500 professions annually disappears every year);

The difficulty of obtaining knowledge about each individual about the formations.

There are various ways to classify the professional, that is, their distribution according to certain features:

1. By the first letter of their name in alphabetical order, it is possible to use such a classification for the purposes of professional self-determination when you know the name of the future profession.

2. According to the nature of the work of the profession, it is possible to divide into two groups, mostly physical and mainly mental labor. But now on this basis, it is difficult to classify professions, since there are differences between professions of mental and physical labor in connection with automation and mechanization of production.

3. By sectors of the economy profession are located on affiliation to any industry: industrytransport, trade, etc. The classification of professions on this (the sign is conditional, since there is an inter-sectoral profession (mechanic, driver of vehicles, etc.).

4. In terms of the level and nature of the required classification: highly qualified, qualified, unqualified, unqualified professions.

There are other types of professions of professions. All of them are little suitable for a person choosing a profession, since they do not fully take into account the requirements of the profession to a person. Currently, the classification of professions of academician EA is most popular and successful. Klimova, which is shown in the following table:

Classification sign
Allocated categories
Labor subject
Types of Professions: "Man-Nature", "Technique Man", "Man - Sign System", "Man-Man", "Man - Artistic Image"
Labor goal
Professions Classes: Gnostic, Transforming, Exquisiting
Professions Departments: Manual Labor, Mechanized Labor, Automated Labor, Labor Using Functional Features of Human
Working conditions
Professions groups: work outdoors, labor in normal household conditions, work in unusual conditions, work with increased moral responsibility

Special sphere of professional activity isentrepreneurship under which it is understoodcreativehuman activity to create goods or services at the expense of own or borrowed funds in order to implement commercial ideas and profit . Entrepreneurship should not be understood as the desire to obtain large income, but as a way of thinking of an initiative person who quickly mobilizes its resources to organize production in a profitable field or industry. This activity is focused on the forecast of future demand, to meet the needs of people in products or services and as a result - to receive profits.

Professional activities always pursue a certain purpose and provides for a solution to specific tasks.

Objective of professional activity - This is an estimated result, providing the life and development of the personality.

Tasks of professional activity - These are the stages of achieving the goal.

For example, the purpose of pedagogical activities is to provide for young people of a certain level of education (general, primary professional, secondary special, higher). The tasks of pedagogical activity are training, upbringing and versatile development of the personality.

The main conditions for the effectiveness of professional activity are:

The right choice of a person profession in accordance with his interests and opportunities; .

The acquisition of the necessary vocational training (knowledge, skills, skills and formation of professionally important qualities);

Professional competence, under which the form of execution by man of its activities, due to deep knowledge and free possession of professional labor, as well as awareness of the compliance of this labor with its capabilities. Professional competence includes vocational training, skill, pupil and adequate self-esteem;

Professional skill, i.e. Mastering in perfect professional knowledge, skills and skills;

Professional creativity - the creation of a new, original product during professional activities;

Availability of necessary funds, mechanization and automation of production;

Scientific organization, high labor culture;

Compliance with safety regulations.