Contests for the new year print. Games and contests with jokes to corporate. Have fun for the new year with colleagues. "Funny adjectives" game

Each participant in turn receives a card with a specific phrase, which will need to be portrayed so that the rest can guess what the participant has shown. Thus, the participant shows, the rest are guessing, then change to a new member until everyone tries to act as an actor. Exemplary phrases that may contain cards:
- Dweller at the board;
- Crying child who wants to eat;
- angry dog;
- Santa Claus brought gifts;
- dance of little ducks;
- Slip on the street, and so on.

And new year not new year

Children sit or stand in a circle. Santa Claus or lead announces that it is time to recall all the necessary things and objects that are elements of the holiday. In a circle, each of the participants in turn calls one subject. For example, hours, TV, Christmas tree, garland, Santa Claus, snow, gift and so on. A participant who cannot name the subject - drops out. Wins the one who remains the last word.

Secret for Santa Claus

The guys are divided into teams about 10 people. Each team becomes in a row one by one. The first participants receive a sheet - a letter whose information needs to be transferred to Santa Claus, for example, on December 31, in the evening, hares and proteins, deer and wolves, children and adults are waiting for you on the Christmas tree! According to the Start team, the first participants transmit information as they remembered the second participant in the ear, trying to do it quickly and not loudly, so as not to hear rivals and so on the chain. The team that is faster than the rest and, most importantly, correctly reports information to Santa Claus (that is, the last participant must say the source text of the letter), and will win.

New Year on one leg

All children stand at the tree and on the team of the host accept the post "Stand on one leg". The New Year's cheerful song and the guys begin to jump - dance on one leg without changing it. Who surrenders - leaves, and who will last until the end of the songs, he will win.

Happy New Year

The guys are divided into teams of 11 people, each participant is awarded on felt-meter or marker. For each team at the same distance are easels with Watman. Each participant must run in the bag, like a wolf in the cartoon "Well, wait!" Before the easel and write the letter to make the phrase "Happy New Year". So, on the "Start" team, the first participants jump in the bag to the easel and write by the letter "C", then jump back and transmit to the second participants relay, the second write the letter "H", the third - "O" and so on. A team that will graduate faster and write a "Happy New Year", and will win.

When it's cold outside

The guys are divided into teams of 5 people. Each participant must put on mittens. Each team receives the same puzzle sets (preferably with New Year's theme) to a small number of parts. According to the team "Start", the teams start folding puzzle in mittens. A team that will faster will cope with will win and get a prize.


Children stand in a circle, and to music begin to transfer the New Year's cap in a circle. When the music stops, a participant who has a cap in his hands, puts him on his head and executes the task of Santa Claus. Usually, children prepare poems or songs for grandparents in advance, so the linings are excluded here.

Rip out all needles

Two participants who tie their eyes, stand in a circle of fans. On the clothes of participants cling to 10 clothespins. At the command of the leading guys must help each other to be free from clothespins and as quickly as possible. Participate in turn everything will be involved, while the clothespins are cling every time in different places.

Satisfied answer

The presenter asks questions that concern New Year's characters and school subjects at the same time, and children respond and, the more intelligent and more interesting, the better. For example: How is a snowman connected with geometry? (It consists of balls). How does Santa Claus are associated with geography? (It flies around the world and gives gifts to children to each point, so I have to know the geography on solid 5). How does Snow Maiden connected with the Russian language? (She signs greeting cards for children and should do it competently). The more interesting the participant responds to such questions, the greater the chance of becoming the winner.

Running on a couple

Guests of the holiday are divided into teams with an equal number of man. Then the participants are divided into pairs. The couple becomes behind a couple in a number of their team. First pairs are handed one! A couple of boots. According to the "Start" team, one participant puts on the left felt booth, and the second is right and take turns take jumping forward on one leg to the tree itself, and then the reversal and back, transmit the relay and woven the second pair. It turns out that one participant in a pair jumps only on his left foot in Valenka, and the second participant is only on the right. The team in which running in felt boots will end faster and the first pair will again come first, will become the winner.

With the arrival of the first winter days in the head there is awareness that literally a few weeks will come the most long-awaited holiday of all 12 months - the new 2017 year. Before his arrival, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare on a whole list of items, so that the New Year's Eve not only looks beautiful and to eat breathtaking food, but also have fun of the marked time.

Usually on the eve of the celebration of the New Year of the house, this holiday 29 or 30 numbers begin to celebrate colleagues at work. In order not to turn this celebration into the usual absorption of food with festive toasts, it is worth come up with cheerful and interesting contests for the team.


One of the most interesting and fun games for the already drunk company adults. To do it, it is necessary that everyone become in the circle. The lead chooses one volunteer, which is included in the circle and with the words "I - Lunohod-1" and a very serious expression of the face begins to pace along its perimeter. And then it's about the company who drank. Who from this picture laughs first, the next thing is included in the circle and already says: "I am Lunohod-2." The game continues until then, while there is someone in a circle laugh.

The most cheerful contest "Rack"

For a New Year's jet company, a similar game is considered very suitable - the explosions of the laughter are guaranteed. For a similar competition, 7 participants are needed and 1 presenter. For each of the players, a sheet is issued on which his hero is written, and the words that will have to be used in the future game.

Rusta - slaps paloshes on his knees, after that applauds and says: "Both".

Grandfather - rubs his hands and sentences: "TEK-C".

Grandma - shifts a fist to his grandfather and says: "I would kill."

Granddaughter - (preferably a man of solid sizes), sticks his shoulders and says with a sigh: "I am ready."

Bug - Begins to intensively scratching the ear and senses: "The fleas suffered!".

Cat - shakes the back of the body and says: "And I myself am."

The mouse - looks at all the rest and regrettably says: "I got done!".

Now the presenter begins to read the familiar text of a well-known folk fairy tale, and heroes, having heard the mention of herself, read their text. For instance:

"I planted my grandfather (TEK-C) repka (both). Rose repka (both) big-pre best. He became a grandfather (tack-s) repka (both) pull. Pulls, pulls, can't stretch. I called my grandfather ("TEK-C) grandmother (killed) ...", etc.

The main fun begins at the moment when the skill of the words "Dedka for Rack, grandmother for the grandfather ...". A small advice: before the start of the "speeches" it is worth a "general rehearsal", so that the ready-made fairy tale is more impressive. Believe me, absolutely everyone will hold onto the stomach and laugh until the tears.

Guess who!

In this fun competition, 6 main "players" and spectators participate. Acting Character Distribute sheet with one of Nekrasov's most famous poems:

"Once upon a time in the cold winter time,
I came out of the forest; There was a strong frost.
I look, rises slowly to the mountain
Horse, WHO brushwash.
And, sincerely, in calm chinn,
The horse leads a peasant under the coat
In large boots, in the serve sheepskin,
In large mittens ... and myself with marigolds! "

As a supplement, a piece of leaf is written on:

  • verdict of the court;
  • recognition in love;
  • congratulations on the anniversary;
  • commentator football match;
  • notation to schoolboy from the director;
  • tempered at the sight of a child.

Now each of the participants must read the marked verse with that intonation, which is written on an additional leaves. But everyone else should guess what is encrypted on an additional leaves.

Grandma Egypt

To carry out a marked game, you must divide all of the two teams at the celebration of players. The captain of the newly excited team is chosen, which is awarded the main attributes of the competition: bucket and mop. At the same time, both participants must become a foot in a bucket, holding it with one hand, and at the other at that time there should be a mop. In such an outfit, the captains will have to "fly" to a certain turn and return back. The game is considered to be completed at that moment when the last participant of the team reached the finish line.

The most intelligent

Only women or girls take part in this competition. All of them before the start of the game you need to build a rear to the chairs, then tie my eyes. At this time, someone puts a variety of items on the chairs, after which you can take the participants to a similar "bed". Now cute ladies, with the help of the most important body of the fuss in their body, must understand what is on the chair. Believe me, under the merry music and a crumpled company, the laughter during such a competition will be above the roof.


Selecting the funny contests for the 2017 New Year for adults, it is worth paying attention to this version of the game. To hold it, it will be necessary to prepare in advance, for which we write on small pieces of bright paper jobs, twist them and shoves into the air ball. Now it needs to inflate and hand over to every year who arrived for the new year 2017 such a ball in one instance. Guest It is worth bursting this ball, find the task in it and, of course, perform.
Tasks can be the most diverse:

  • rock-n-roll;
  • sing a song about the new year;
  • to tell the poem, standing on the chair;
  • show how to beat chimes on New Year's Eve;
  • sew a few lemones without sugar;
  • very loud to call Santa Claus and Snow Maiden;
  • guess the riddle.

The main task of this competition is that the ball should be burst without help. Mock how fun will it be?


One of the most common and fun tasks for the jetty company. All participants of the feast should be divided into two teams, each of which should come up with some tricky word and make it a volunteer from the "enemy side". The same should show the rest of the participants of his team this word so that they can guess him. True, the showing must be silent, like a fish, and use exclusively gestures to demonstrate.

New Year's prediction

Such a competition is held at the end of the feast for those who "lived" to the sweet table. To hold it, it is necessary to buy or bake pie, cut it on the number of parts, how many guests should be on the feast, and lightly shove the miniature tube into each piece, with drawn prediction. It is for this picture that can be held a fortune telling, which is waiting for every 2017 present in the future.

List of predictions with decoding:

To find out your future, it is worth eating a piece of cake. True, it is better to prevent guests in advance that there is a small note in it so that someone does not swallow her to her. By the way, it's good when each of those present will independently choose a piece for itself so that the prediction and truth passed blindly. It is interesting to record the resulting divination on the video and then compare at the end of the year with a real result.

For a cheerful adult company, it is necessary to prepare as many diverse funny contests as possible, with which the new 2017 meeting will be remembered by each of those present for a long time. Happy holiday!

The most wonderful holiday in the year, the most magical. They guessed what is going about? Yes, of course, this is the new year 2017. But together with the joy and waiting for magic, he often delivers a lot of trouble. How many things should be done until December 31. And make a treat, and think about how to choose to celebrate, and the entertainment program for guests to make up. You also need to decorate a tree and an apartment, come up with that give your family and friends. It makes no sense to talk about it about everything in detail. In our article, it will be about how to be interested in holding a New Year's Eve so that it does not turn into boring gatherings. To do this, you need to arrange various contests for New Year 2017. We offer two types: for children and at the table (for big and cheerful companies). And the first not only for children. In these fun, the whole family can easily participate.

Children's New Year competitions 2017.

First, let's say that you can play all these games throughout the winter holidays.

All children get up in a big circle. Under the music you need to transfer each year a Christmas cap. As soon as the music is interrupted, the child who was in his hands cap, puts him on his head. He will need to task from the lead. The latter can dress up by Santa Claus. It will be better if for this competition children will learn poems in advance and songs on New Year's topics.

  1. Bags around the tree: a children's competition.

Two children participate in the game. They are issued on the bag. On the signal, the guys in the bags ride a tree in different directions. Won the one who will do it faster.

  1. Guess the hero of the fairy tales: a cool contest.

All children sit in a circle. The presenter offers each participant in turn to continue the name of the famous fairy-tale hero. For example, red (hat), Baba (Yaga), Snow (Queen). He who does not answer - drops out of the game. With the rest of the participants, the game continues until the final question.

  1. Air ball: children's games for the new year of the rooster 2017.

The number of participants is from two to four people. Each of them is issued an ordinary air ball. According to the signal, players begin to inflate them at the same time. The participant who will make it first wins. But the ball should not burst, otherwise - losing.

  1. Who will recruit snow: games for the whole family for the new year 2017.
Who gains snow: competition for children 2017

For this game, guests must be divided into teams. Snowballs can be made of cotton. Or buy special balls in the store, these are sold now. Also for holding this competition it is necessary to take large bags for garbage. They need to trim the lower corners, but so that the legs can crawl. One of the team members should climb into the bag made, and the rest of the signal begin to collect snowballs and put them there. The team wins the team that will be able to score a larger number of snowballs.

As a variant of this competition there is another

But for him you will need children's plastic vessels. Children will need to be divided into pairs. Participants must move apart from each other about 5 steps. One holds a bucket, another throws snowballs. The task of each participant is to catch as much snow as possible in its bucket. The couple is defeated, which in the final of the competition turns out to be more than the latter.

  1. Build a New Year's castle. Competition for young architects 2017.

The number of participants is from three to six people. Before you start, they should carefully consider the drawing of the New Year's Castle. Immediately, let's say that for this competition it will also be necessary to store in advance with several sets of plastic cups. Each participant is given this kit. Everyone is tied eyes. In such a form, "architects" are proceeded to work. Upon completion of the work contest, the jury consisted of other guests. Whoever finished the work and more accurately reproduced the drawing, he becomes the winner. Also, viewers can choose to choose the job you like. This member is awarded in this case by an incentive prize.

  1. Donies snow in a spoon

For this contest, two people are selected. Each of them should take a spoon in the mouth, in which the snowball is lying (from wool or paper). At the signal, children should run around the tree in different directions. Win the one who comes run faster and will not drop the snowball.

  1. The neighbor is better!

Competition, who will enjoy the Devor. Everyone get up around the tree in a big circle.

Host: "Children, do you have ears?"

Children: "Yes, there is."

Host: "Are your ears good?"

Children: "Very good"

Host: "Does your neighbor?"

Children: "And he is much better!"

Take each other for the ears and water dance. Gradually, all parts of the body are moved during the game.

  1. Ball between heads

For this competition, you will need two large rubber balls. The number of participants is 4 people (that is 2 pairs). The ball guys clamp between the heads and run in different directions around the tree. That couple comes running faster and does not drop the ball.

  1. New Year's song

Children's version of the contest "Third Extra". Rules are approximately the same. Chairs are put in the circle seats outward. But they should be one less than participants. Children lead a dance under the popular New Year baby songs. Leading is better to dress in the Snow Maiden. As soon as the song ends, all children should take their places. It is clear that one member of the chair will not get. This child becomes an assistant Snow Maiden. After each tour, one chair is cleaned. The game goes to the final.

  1. Take a snowman nose

For this competition, you will need to draw in advance on two large sheets of snowman plywood. Two people are chosen, they tie their eyes and give a shishke or carrot. Players are trying to properly attach a snowman's nose. Fans can help them with words (left, right, below, above). Wins the one who is the first to attach the nose to his snowman.

  1. New Year's bowling tournament

For this contest, the kegli needs. If there is no, then you can take ordinary plastic bottles. We will also need ordinary rubber balls. Competition can be carried out in two ways: either divide children to teams or individually. From the distance about five steps, each child should knock down as much as possible as possible. Keheli and bottles must be proceded in advance. And by the way, if older children can also be used basketball balls.

  1. Out of the hoop

For this competition, you will need an ordinary gymnastic hoop. Two people participate. In the hoop, you need to stand on one leg. The second each participant lays down the back. According to the signal, participants begin to push each other elbows. Wins the one who will be able to stay in the hoop. It is also possible to get up onto the second leg, otherwise the loss.

  1. Competition of carnival costumes

It is no secret that children (and small especially) adore to dress up. Why not have a contest on this basis? All children come for a holiday in the costumes of their favorite heroes. Condition: They must be made with their own hands. The jury is chosen, which will end up the best suit. But the outfit will have to imagine. It will be necessary to do this as follows: to portray that Hero, whose costume of a child smartly. You can sing a song about him, read some poem, dedicated to him.

  1. Felt boots

For this contest you will need large felt boots. They should also be high enough. Two people participate in this competition. In the signal, they run around the tree in different directions. One who comes running first and puts on both boots.

After that, we smoothly go to those contests that can be carried out during the New Year's feast. They can participate in them the whole big and friendly company.

  1. make a wish

Entertainment: Contests for New Year 2017 for the whole family at the table

For this contest you will need balloons. They should be as many as guests. On pre-prepared leaves, the whole company writes its cherished desires. Then every guest binds this piece to the bulb string. After the battle of the chimes, you can all go to the balcony or directly to the courtyard, the choir to pronounce the magic spell and release balls into the sky.

  1. And what lies in the black box?

For this competition you need to prepare a large box in advance. The presenter puts in it some subject. All guests take turns depict psychics and try to guess what lies in the black box. If no one can guess leading can give a certain amount of tips. The most artistic guest gives a prize. Well, the one who still succeeds to guess what is in a black box, receives this subject as a gift.

  1. Fortune telling about the future

For this contest you need to cook two caps or two small boxes. In the first one must put in advance the questions written, and to another - answers. Guests will be delighted! There may be coincidences. And there may be very funny and incomplete answers.

  1. Mastery from the balls

Each in your cheerful company needs to give a balloon (it must be inflated in advance) and a color marker (any color). The task of each guest is to turn the ball into something original and interesting. And by the way. It will be nice to give the following task. Make from the ball 2017 symbol - rooster. At the end, all the work is exhibited for everyone to review in the middle of the table. Wins the one whose work recognize the best audience.

  1. Hey, the people are honest! Check, but do not yaw

Free the table from food for a while. It must be put in the middle of the room. On the table you need to put all sorts of accessories (rings, brooks, bracelets, beads). It is desirable that they be with New Year's theme. But their quantity should be one less than the participants of the competition. Music is included (of course, New Year's) and the whole cheerful company dances around the table. But as soon as the music breaks up, everyone should grab any accessory from the table and put on themselves. Who did not get, he leaves the competition. But all the losers get a New Year's treat. Then again one decoration is removed. Competition passes until the final winner is determined.

  1. Snowflake: Competition for the New Year 2017 for the whole family.

Very fun will be at the table with the whole friendly company to cut New Year's snowflakes. In this case, feel free to take napkins, paper, scissors and forward! You can declare a competition for the snowfish of the most original design.

  1. Best New Year's toast: a cool and interesting contest for the new year of the rooster.

To carry out this competition, you must prepare cards with various abbreviations in advance. For example, housing and communal services, GAI, UN, MSU, RUDN. Everything that is enough fantasy. They all need to be folded into the box. Guests take turns pull out cards. The task of everyone is to come up with a short toast. All words in it should begin with the letters specified by the abbreviation. The author of the most original - the prize.

  1. Guess who you are

On separate leaves, all guests write the names of animals, objects, names and the names of famous people. In short, everything is enough for fantasy. The topic is better to discuss in advance. All leaflets are folded into the box. Each guest must pull one sheet and attach to my forehead (you can not read). Another can only ask leading questions. The winner will be the one who will be able to guess in less time.

  1. We decided to pick up the letters

For this contest, the whole cheerful company must be divided into two teams. Each chooses one letter of the alphabet (any). It is necessary to call the dishes starting with this letter. The team wins, which will call the last.

  1. Congratulations on the alphabet

Each guest in this competition should congratulate the rest of the New Year. But the toast should begin with a concrete letter. And letters are not going with a speed, but in order. The winner is the author of the most original toast.

  1. Sweet moments

All your friends need to be divided into two teams. For this competition, two chocolates are needed (one for each team). The task is as follows: each participant must bite off a piece from the chocolate and transfer it to a neighbor. But it is impossible to touch the chocolate with a sleeve. The team that will eat first becomes the winner.

This, of course, not all contests that can be held on the New Year's light. You can also come up with your contests. Happy new 2017!


The best contests for the new year 2017:

Not in vain, folk wisdom says: how to meet the new year, so it will be in the future. In the absence of desire, the next 12 months is in sleepy condition and sad, the New Year's dishes should be diluted with entertaining leisure. It is known that the rooster is playing and bully, so contests for the new year 2017 can be mobile and mischievous.

Ideas of competitions for the new year 2017 rooster for adults

For children, it is not a problem to come up with a game literally on the go, and adults surprise and cheer out more difficult. Universal contests are ideal for homemade sites:

"Cool". Participants may be men, women are unlikely to want to take part in such a competition, and spoil makeup. There may be up to 5 people who wish to be 5 eggs (less, by the number of players) are bare in front of them. Announce that 1 egg is raw, the remaining boiled screws. The goal is to split all the eggs and not to retreat, because with each proven egg, the voltage is rapidly increasing. The secret of this fun competition for the new year is that there is no raw egg among the proposed, and there is a chance to get out of the game.

"Homemade Santa Claus." Women are invited to choose their own grandfather Frost, whom it should be interesting to decorate with the help of improvised drugs: Christmas tinsel, garlands, toys. Representing creation is necessary verses, sayings, song.

Merry congratulations will make a kind of flavoring in a feast, if you prepare in advance. Text blank is taken with wishes, adjectives are obviously skipped. For example: "We want to wish in this ... New Year." The missed words are invited to insert guests - congratulations will turn out to be funny and very funny.

The statements can be organized according to the alphabet, offering those present to pronounce a toast starting with a specific letter: a, b, c. Wins in this competition for the new year for adult player who has invented the most fun wish.

Guests are divided into teams who are offered to find a way out of a difficult situation. It may be a plane, suddenly lost a pilot. Or the participant was in an unfamiliar city. Or after the crash, the company found himself on a uninhabited island. Opponents ask the tricky questions that should be responsible for humorous.

Merry New Year's fun will delight a rooster, so fantasy should be limitless. Aerial balloons are taken inside each positive with a comic task: to contact, depict the battle of the chimes, fulfill the dance, sing a song. Tasks are compiled by any to raise mood. The meaning of such a competition for the new year 2017 so that the year of the rooster passed with a laugh. Burnt balls are necessary without the help of hands, which complicates the task, increasing fun.

It will be worthwhile to check the erudition of guests, offering to call movies related to New Year's subject. The winner among adults will be the one who will remember the maximum number of art paintings dedicated to the Winter Family Holiday.

Adult games should not necessarily be vulgar, although there are participants who consider it quite acceptable after drinking alcohol. The purpose of the competition should be a good arrangement of the spirit, and not a large number of embarrassed and blushing ladies.

Contests for the new year 2017 Rooster for the whole family

Even in a narrow family circle, you can find a way to have fun at the New Year holidays and please the rooster:

Association. Ask for calling the New Year's Attributes: Snow, Gifts, Christmas Tree. Who will not be able to find a word, drops out of the game. The winner remains, remembered the greatest number of associations. The game is suitable for children of any age, if they already know how to talk.

At the beginning of the holiday, distribute the cards with the tasks that must be performed at a certain time. Merry moments will be remembered for a long time: as unexpectedly at the table dad bored, and the younger member of the family suddenly dug the song.

Make questions in advance that correct answers are usually available. The highlight of the competition is to initially respond incorrectly with the share of humor. It is advisable to play at an accelerated pace without giving time to reflections. What is wrong with the answer, the more laughter is called. For children, it is better to come up with light questions that small participants are not upset.

Two hands are done in the cardboard sheet, after which the figure is drawn to choose from. For children and adults, it remains a big secret that they draw, wins the author of the most successful masterpiece.

Contests for the new year must be mobile. Snowflakes are cut out of the paper by the number of family members present at the table. It is necessary to blow on the snowflakes, but the winner will be the one whose paper snowflake will fall on the floor of the latter.

The task is to imagine that all at the table - the Christmas tree. Lead calls words: wide, low, high, and participants must portray this Christmas tree. Who is mistaken, comes out of the game, and wins the most attentive among children and adults.

Competitions for friendly families are usually intended for an even number of participants. The couple hugs a partner with one hand, and the second remains "working". The task cut out a Christmas tree of colored paper: one holds paper, the second scissors.

You can mom for a while to entrust the role of the Snow Maiden, and the dad and children will tell her in turn of compliments. For children, it will be a great opportunity to say the mother of warm words, and it will be nice to hear so much flattering phrases in your address.

Some New Year competitions by the year of the rooster of the rooster will allow the auditorium in children. Parents fade them to the Christmas tree, asked to remember the number and location of toys on the branches. After that, the guys leave the room, and mom and dad change toys with places or clean. Returning children ask to say what has changed on a forest beauty.

New Year competitions for small children and adults can be carried out with musical accompaniment. Include a quick melody and transfer a small souvenir in a circle. The movement stops with the stop of music, and the one who will last the last game will win.

Children of all ages can be involved in contests, pick up the optimal option. This will allow them to appreciate the traditions of the family and transmit them to the next generations.

Neskual corporate. Ideas of competitions for the new year 2017 rooster for corporate party

The office does not always manage to learn colleagues better because of the intense labor chart. For this reason, most managers arrange corporate gatherings so that the team began to go and discovered in other new faces and parties. Just sit at the table, eat and maintain secular conversations, and on any other day, and the New Year holidays under the patronage of the rooster are simply obliged to become fun. A fun contests for adults will help in this:

Invited are divided into two identical commands. Opposite each of them are tray with an equal number of tangerines, and empty trays near the players. Each participant must run up to the tray, put a fruit in a spoon and convey to empty. It is important to keep the mandarin in a spoon, and the team will win, which will turn all the fruits faster.

Guests are divided into pairs (arbitrary). On men over clothes, a shirt is put on, on the hands of women - male gloves. Purpose: how to quickly fasten all buttons.

New Year's competitions 2017 must racify the rooster, so the task of adults will succeed in this matter. A variety of things are pre-put in a large bag: a bow, a cake, a scarf, a scarf, diapers, stockings, decoration, hats. The funnies will be the items, the funniest will be a competition. With different intervals, music is turned on, after which the players pass a bag in a circle. Music stops on whom, must pull out the object from the bag and put on himself. By the end of the game, the New Year's outfits will be originally supplemented.

Two teams are compiled from the participants. One invents the word and calls him only one opponent player. He must with the help of facial expressions and gestures to tell his team, what is this word. After winning the teams change roles. For children, this game does not represent complexity, but adults will have difficult because of complexes and grips.

Men can compete, inflation to the speed balloons. In this case, it is necessary to prepare for loud cotton, which will make burst balls.

Parno participate in the competition. Women should prepare a simple dish from the products from the table, after which they feed a male-partner to them. The couple wins, which quickly coped with the task.

As details, masks depicting the characters of the animal world characters. The participant closes his eyes, a mask is put on his face - and he should guess for the prompts of other guests who turned it into whom.

Guests take turns call those things that they would like to take a rooster with them. Words should begin with the first letter in the participant's name. For example, Paul wants to grab a stunning mood or coat. It can be a specific object or feeling, sensation, emotions. The winner will be the one who will call most of the items.

Participants separated by couples pack a gift. What's the catch? It is used in the competition only one hand of one player. A surprise is wrapped in a wrapper for a while and speed.

If children are delighted contests for the new 2017 the year of the rooster, entertainment and games at the table, which prevents adult to turn New Year's sites at the most real entertainment? Slightly a few amusement, excellent mood and self-confidence that the meeting of the New Year remembered for a long time.

New Year is the most beloved and long-awaited holiday for all the children. The kids begin to actively prepare for the celebration from the first days of December, as soon as snow falls. The kids write, teach the rhymes for the matinee and wait will not wait when the Christmas tree flashes magic lights. Adults also need to be prepared as not to disappoint the guys and have a good holiday.

As a rule, matinee and other fun are held in kindergartens, schools and cultural houses. Everything passes according to the approved scenario. Professional artists and animators are involved in the event, and all contests and quizzes are thought out in advance by the organizers. If you decide to arrange a children's New Year's holiday, you will need not only a good scenario and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden!

In the new year, children are waiting for active games and contests

You will have to prepare for boys and girls it is interesting and fun. After all, they waited for a new year so long! Arm yourself with a triple entertainment contests - and you will create a good mood in the company. In the selection of entertainment, be sure to take into account the age and individual features of children. Try to learn in advance about the interests and enthusiasms of young guests to choose thematic quiz.


All children get around the Christmas tree, are taken by the hands and under musical accompaniment leads a dance. When the word "Christmas tree" sounds in the New Year's song, kids need to stop and slam in your hands. When they say "New Year" - to wave a handle, "Wolf" - to faster with the leg. Keywords can be different, their choice depends on lyrics. A child who missed the "codow" phrase coming out of the game. The dance lasts 10-15 minutes. For the competition use 3-4 thematic songs. The most attentive participant wins.

Dress up a Christmas tree in a minute

Children are divided into two teams. Each group is handed over the box with, decorations and clothespins. For one minute, while the chimes are beaten (it is convenient to use the entry on You Tube), the participants must decorate ... one team member. We defeat those who will have time to use all the toys for the allotted time and more originally spend them on the Christmas tree.

Print nose Snowman

Draw a snowman on a large sheet of paper, and out of orange or red plasticine blind nose for him. Everyone can participate in the competition alternately. The contestant tie the eyes, spun it a bit and suggest a plasticine nose to join the painted snowman. The drawing must be attached to the wall in advance. And for those participants who will be able to cope with the task, prepare the reward - sweet carrot.

Prepare for participants and winners Sweet prizes!

Harmful flies

For this, a fun competition will be needed 10-15 inflatable balls of different colors. Divide children into two commands and give each identical number of balls. Then determine the balls of which color will become "harmful flies." They will need to get rid of them. At the command of the leading guys begin to transfer unnecessary balls to each other.

Divide the room for this fun. The game lasts 5-7 minutes, after which the lead announces its completion. Now you need to define the winner. They will be the team in which there will be less "pests". The prizes for the victory can serve the same balls if they are not involved in other contests.


The competition is suitable for children's entertainment for 6-10 years. Now all the guys love to pose for photos and videos. Offer them Casting with photographs for the role:

  • good Santa Claus
  • greedy Santa Claus
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden
  • sly Baba Yaga
  • evil Koscheya
  • the strongest heroist
  • capricious princess
  • cute snowflakes

List You can add your options. Laughter and good mood is guaranteed to you twice: the first - during the casting, the second - when the pictures will be ready.

Choose contests in which you can use all kids

Competition with chairs

Our grandmothers participated in this game. But today it is popular and fun kids. For the competition, you will need a certain number of chairs - one less than the contestants. Stools put in a circle, and participants will lead a dance around them to the music. When the song stops, everyone must quickly take place. The one who did not get the chair leaves out of the game. The number of chairs must be reduced each time on one.

Find boys

All guests take off one legs shoes and fold shoes in a large box. Then children take turns tie their eyes with a handkerchief and asked to find their shoes to the touch in the box. Wins the most tagged child. Especially fun when parents join the children, and the shoes of different sizes are mixed in the box.

Guess the hero

This competition will especially please the kids. Children sit down in a circle. Leading in turn offers the guys to continue the name of a fabulous or cartoon character. For example: "Crocodile ...", "Harry ...", "snowy ...". A participant who will not be able to answer, drops out of the game. The most erudite kid wins.

Gathers Snezhkov

Moving game for children of any age. Fuely to plastic buckets or packages and a large number of wool snowfall, white fabric or thread. Each participant is given a bucket. The presenter pours all snowballs to the floor, and the guys must collect as much as possible "snow", each in its bucket. The game continues until "snow drifts" will not be cleared. Wins the one who will have more snowfall than the rest.

Combine moving games with consistency contests

Competition for the best carnival costume

And I am pleased to come to New Year's matinees in the outfits of fairy-tale heroes and cute animals. Each child considers itself the most beautiful and elegant. But to become the best, insufficiently original clothes. You need to be able to "protect" your image! The child must show creative abilities: to perform a song of his hero, read his monologue or compose a poem about him. Organizers must prevent children about this competition in advance so that they can prepare properly.

Let's summarize

Good contests will be useful not only for the time of winter holidays. They can be arranged in other children's events. For victory in competitions, participants must be awarded with symbolic prizes - for this chocolate medals, sweets, tangerines, small toys, pencils, markers and so on.