Joking contests for the new year. Contests for the new year - fun and fun for a large company. Congratulations on the alphabet

New Year competitions

New Year's competition<Лепим снежную даму>
If it is snowing on the New Year's Eve on the street, then guests can be offered to play on the street. All players (it is desirable that these are men) should be divided into several teams, each team gets the task to blind a snowy woman, not a snowbank, namely a woman. The team wins the team that has turned out the most charming and unusual snowy woman with a beautiful figure. For example, even women's clothing, etc. can be used to decorate such a woman. Such a game can be offered to women, but they will have to sculpt the man of their dreams whom they want to meet next year. New Year's contests on

New Year's contest "Pins"
For this New Year's fun, several pairs will need, preferably married couples. To both pairs need to tie the eyes, then take on five pins, and pinch them on clothes. Now the competition begins: the same couple wins, which the first will collect all the pins from each other's clothing. All this happens under slow and romantic music. But in the end, the same couple wins, which the first will understand, in what the trick, and this catch is that, let's say, on the clothes of girls, as mentioned, fighters five pins, but on the clothes guys four. Before the participants in the competition will understand the meaning of deception, they will long feel the body of the second half in search of the lost fifth pins. From the audience, it looks pretty interesting. New Year's contests on
Pair participate. Men become near the rack on which there are glasses with "drinks". It must have no help to drink the contents of wine glasses without hands. As soon as he does it, he raises his hand. On this team, his partner standing at the opposite rack, too, without the help of hands, carries a man a snack in the form of cucumber. Who will drink and eat earlier everyone, he won.

Balloons in favorite since childhood. I will reveal the secret, how fun to remember childhood. Each participant binds the ball to his leg and choose a partner with the same ball. And both are trying to burst each other's ball. New Year contests without flaking balls and explosion laughter? It is impossible to allow! Only fun!

New Year's competition<Алфавит>
The owner of the house, in which the guests should celebrate the new year, disguises in Santa Claus's clothes, and when all guests gather at the table, reports that he has for every small present, but he gives the gifts only to educated people. Now Santa Claus offers to play alphabet. He calls the first letter - a, and the first player must come up with a phrase associated with New Year's congratulations, which begins on the letter A, for example, says:<Айболит передает всем свои поздравления!>. The second player speaks the letter B:<Будьте счастливы> And so on according to the alphabet, with each player who invented the phrase is given a souvenir. It becomes very funny when the alphabet comes to the letters, g, p, s, b, b.
New Year's joke<Коробка с подарками>
For the new year you can arrange such a small joke. At the end of the room, where you will celebrate the New Year, put the box that has the top, but the bottom is not. The box can be wrapped with a beautiful ribbon and write on it "Happy Holidays", and fill the box you need confetti. It is important that the box is delivered to a high place, you can even on the closet. When a person enters the room and he is told that a gift for him is on the closet, he, naturally, removes the box from the cabinet, and all creates confetti.

New Year's competition<Наряди ёлку>
For the game you will need several tapes, tinsel, garlands (depending on how much players will be). The Christmas trees in this case will be women \u003d). Women in one hand hold at one beginning of the tape or garlands, and men without touching their hands, take one end with her lips and wrap their lady with garland. The winner will be the couple who "Christmas tree" will turn out to be more beautiful and good, or who will turn out faster.

New Year's competition "Mittens and Buttons"
Several pairs are called. Male players are issued fat winter mittens. Their task is to faster the larger number of buttons on a shirt or a bathrobe, which is put on top of the clothes of their partners on the game.

Competition of New Year's wishes
We invite 5 participants, everyone should call one new year's wishes in turn. Who wakes up more than five seconds, he lost.

There are small pieces of paper in the hat, on which one word (Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Everyone takes turns to take note of the hat and executes the song - be sure to New Year or winter, in which the word written on His leaves!

New Year's contest "Movement"
Each player gets some name, say, cracker, lollipop, icicle, garland, needle, lantern, snowdrift ... driven by all in a circle and asks various questions: - Who are you? - Clapper. - What is the holiday today? - Lollipop. - What is it with you (showing on the nose)? - Soselka. - What drips with icicles? - Garland ... Each participant must answer any questions with its own "name", with the "name" can be inclined accordingly. Assigning questions should not laugh. Who laughs - drops out of the game and gives his phanta. Then the tasks are drawn for phantas.

Mask, I know you
Leading dresses a player mask. The player sets different questions to which the answers receive - Tips: - Is this an animal? - Not. - Human? - Not. - Bird? - Yes! - Home? - Well no. - She caches? - Not. - Cracks? - Yes! - This is a duck! Guessing as a prize is awarded and mask itself.
"Festive outfit". I offer ten minutes to become designers. The task is performed in a pair. The first participant holds a roll of toilet paper on his hand, and his partner with his left hand unwinds the roll and let the paper on the first participant, creating an outfit on it. Any New Year competitions, and even more so, it is better to take on video or make a photo.
"So cute".
Cute ladies sit down men on the chairs and dress up in the jacket, bows and clothespins. Men should not resist. After 5 minutes, the most elegant man is chosen. The winning lady invites you to a white dance of any man.

"Favorite leg".
The ladies sit on the chairs in a row, remove the right shoe. Men tie their eyes, they must guess their girlfriend on the leg. But when the eyes are tied to, leading quietly raises into a female series of one man, who also removes the right shoe. Guess what will happen from all this.
Contest poems
You can prepare in advance cards with the rhymes of the future New Year's congratulations (toast) and distribute them to guests (including school children) at the beginning of the evening. RIFM Options: Grandfather - Years Nose - Frost Year - There is a third - Millennium Calendar - January results Competition are summarized at the table, or when presenting gifts.

New New Year's Competition "Snowball"
The repurchase of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus bag can be furnished as follows. In a circle and adults and children transfer a specially prepared "snowball" - from cotton, or white cloth. "Com" Transfer and Santa Claus sentences: Snowball we all ride, to "five" we all think - once, two, three, four, five are a song to you. Or: Do you read poems. Or: You dance to save. Or: to make a riddle of the riddle ... the bought the prize comes out of the circle, and the game continues on.

New Year's competition "Christmas trees are"
We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the woods of the Christmas tree we grow different, and wide, and low, high, thin. That's if I say "High" - Raise your hands up. "Low" - squat and lower hands. "Wide" - make a circle wider. "Thin" - do the circle already. Now play! (The presenter plays, trying to confuse children)

New Year's contest "Telegram Santa Claus"
The guys ask to call 13 adjectives: "thick", "red", "hot", "hungry", "sluggish", "dirty" ... when all the adjectives are recorded, the leading text of the telegram, and inserts the missing adjective on the list . Telegram text: "... Grandfather Frost! Everything ... Children look forward to yours ... arrival. New Year is the most ... holiday in year. We will sing for you ... songs, dance ... Dancing ! Finally comes ... New Year! How I do not want to talk about ... study. We promise that we will receive only ... Evaluations. So, open your as soon as the bag and give us ... Gifts . Regarding you ... Boys and ... Girls! "

New Year's Competition "Dancing with the Ball"
Each pair is given on the ball. They put the ball between themselves and, holding the body, dance with each other. At the same time, the ball is forbidden to touch the ball. Very fun and fun will be used for this contest musical passages of different styles and pace. It is better to start with a slow dance, for the participants it will seem easily, but the most funny in front of the -rd-n-roll, Lambad, Polka, folk dances, this will be a real test.

New Year's contest "Who is the last?"
It takes 5-6 participants and a glass of one less than players, as well as drinking. Guests are getting around the table on which there are wine glasses. Include music, guests start running around the table, when turned off - participants are enough for winegres and drink content to the bottom. Who remained without a glass, he drops out. Etc. The most important thing is that a glass has always been smaller than playing. The winner will be one of the two remaining who will drink the last winery.

Simple and funny New Year's contest "Rorsty
Santa Claus asks the competition participants to wear empty match boxes on the nose. It is necessary, exclusively with the help of facial expressions, without helping your hands, remove the boxes.

River from wallpaper
Has Paul put on the wallpaper track. Women are offered to spread their legs wide, go through the "stream" without sleeping the legs. After the first attempt, it is proposed to repeat the "walk along the stream", but already blindfolded. All other future participants of the game should not see how it is held. Having passed the rod with blindfolded eyes, and at the end of the way, removing the bandage from his eyes, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (a man is placed on the wallpaper after the task is made, but the bandage from the participant's eyes has not been removed). Woman confused. The second participant is invited, and when everything repeats again, the first contestant from the soul laughs. And then the third, fourth ... fun!

New Year's contest "Prize from Santa Claus"
Two participants stand against each other - in front of them in a chair lies the prize. Santa Claus believes: once, two, three ... hundred, time, two, three ... to be left and so on. The one who proves is attentive and the first will take the prize when Santa Claus will say - three.

New Year's contest "Magic Bag Santa Claus"
All participants are in a circle. Santa Claus is located in the center. He has a bag in his hands. The contents of the bag are known only to it. In the bag a variety of things. It may be panties, Panama, bras, etc. All anything, the main thing that they were funny and gigantic sizes. Music turns on, everyone starts to move in a circle. Grandfather Frosting a bag of any of the participants. He must quickly get rid of him, pass it to someone, because if the music stops and he will be with him, he is a loser. Next follows the punishment. In this case, it is that Santa Claus unlock the bag, and the loser, without looking, pulls out the first thing that came from there. Then under the homeric laughter of the gathered puts on this subject on itself - over clothes. After that, everything continues. The loser guest is dancing in a new outfit. Music again stops and now the next participant who has a bag at this time, trying on a new suit.

New Year's Competition "Compliment Snow Maiden"
Santa Claus invites men to participate in the competition. Santa Claus should put a match on the eyelashes man, and he, in turn, must say the compliments of the Snow Maiden. Who will say more compliments, until the match falls, he wins.

New Year's competition from the Snow Maiden
I will tell you the story of one and a half dozen phrases. Only I say the word "three", the prize immediately take! One pike we caught, considered that inside. Fish shallow saw, and not one, but as much as ... five. The guy has been eager to become an Olympic champion, look at the start not the fuck, and wait for the team: "Once, two ... Marsh" When you want to remember the poems, they are not a bang to late night, but about themselves to repeat them, once, and Better ... seven. Once the train at the station I had to wait for three hours. Well, friends, you have taken the prize. I put you a rating "five".

New Year's competition "Competition with glasses"
Guests at speed ride a festive table, holding a glass of the leg behind the leg. The longer the leg of the glade, the better. Who survived all the fastest and did not break the contents - the winner.

New Year's Competition "Motelkers"
To the waist of 3 girls bind ribbons. Girls wound the ribbons on their waist. Men participating in the speed to twist the ribbons on their waist ... who is faster and careful - wins, and deserves a girl's kiss.

"Christmas story"
14 people participate in the competition. Preparation: on paper the roles are written:
- Curtain
- Oak
- Voron
- Cabanchik
- Cabanchik
- Cabanchik
- Snegir
- Snegir
- Snegir
- Santa Claus
- Snow Maiden
- nightingale - robber
- horse
- Ivan Tsarevich
The presenter comes out with the cap, where papers are with roles and offers participants to disassemble roles. Next, the presenter tells the fairy tale sustained below. Participants perform actions in accordance with the role. (All impromptu.)
Scene №1 Curtain went. Oak stood on the clearing. Kakaya, flew raven and sat on the oak. Held a flock of cables. Flying a pack of claropes. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden walked on the clearing. The curtain went. (Participants leave the scene.)
Scene №2 Curtain went. Oak stood on the clearing. Kakaya, flew raven and sat on the oak. Held a flock of cables. Flying a pack of claropes. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden walked on the clearing. The nightingale robber pops up and takes the snow maiden. Santa Claus calls for help. The curtain went. (Participants leave the scene.)
Scene №3 Curtain went. Oak stood on the clearing. Kakaya, flew raven and sat on the oak. Held a flock of cables. Flying a pack of claropes. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden walked on the clearing. The nightingale robber pops up and takes the snow maiden. Santa Claus calls for help. On horseback, Ivan-Tsarevich fans. Santa Claus shares grief with him. Ivan-Tsarevich beats with a straw-robber and beats off the Snow Maiden. Everyone is happy. The curtain went.
The lead with each new scene accelerates the pace of fairy tales.

"Question answer"
The rules of the competition are very simple. To begin, the following questions and answers must be applied on the cards of the same size. It is advisable to use dense paper or a thin cardboard. There should be two identical decks: in one - questions, in the other - the answers. And then everything is simple. Mix every deck thoroughly and put in the table of the table. The first player takes a card with a question and reads her neighbor. He takes a card with the answer and reads the answer out loud. Then the question asks already answered his next neighbor and so further in a circle. Even when watching the list below, you can imagine what coincidences can be here. What for example is: "Do you like to swim naked? - On Saturdays, I have a need. " Or: "Tell me, do you like me? "When I'm drunk, and I'm always drunk!". Just sit down, it is desirable: a guy - a girl - a guy - a girl. Since when two guys sit nearby, all questions like: "Do you like me?", "Do you like to look into my eyes?" And even "what would you say if I kissed you now?" They come across exactly these guys (repeatedly verified on their own experience). And what they come across this answers, it's at all "Mind not comprehended."

This competition should please all the guests. Everyone participates. Each of the participants chooses a closed card, in which a role defined for him is written. Within a few seconds, the participant thinks out, in which posture and with what emotions he will show and play his role. The host takes the camera and the show begins. In turn, representing the participant and the role dropped him, the photographer makes a couple of pictures of the actor or actress. If you can see the opportunity to immediately look at the big screen, using a flash drive or then send each of the guests from the postcards. Sample roles:
- tired deer;
- Depraved Snow Maiden;
- Chinese, suffering from obesity;
- Ebony playing the drum;
- Baba Yaga with hangover;
- Smiling beaver and so on.

Not without me

The competition lies in the fact that every question of the leader each participant is responsible for their name and surname. As a result, it is possible to calculate all the purses, villains and hooligans. Questions may be the following nature:
- Who caught the car from Michael Jackson? The first participant gets up and calls his name and surname, for example, I, Vitya Petrov;
- Who ate all the sweets from the vase?
- Who saw the wing from the president's aircraft?
- Who was the garlic today?
- Who is sitting here without panties?
- Who will die from the hangover tomorrow? etc.

Tosset Soul

The essence of the competition is that each of the participants take turns and appears by name, and then says the phrase "My friends, I wish everyone ..." And adds three words to that letter to which his name begins. It will be interesting to see how the guests whose names are turned off, whose names, for example, Elizabeth or Yuri, because at "E" and Lee "Yu" do not so much that you can wish.

New Year's bustle

Guests are divided into two teams of 5 people. The first participants are at the same distance from their teams, which, in turn, wait for their first participants near the tree. So, by the "Start" team, the first participants receive on a bottle of champagne, put their bottles between the legs and are sent to their teams. When arrived at the place, the first participants transmit a bottle of the second that should open champagne, the second participants transmit an open bottle of the third, the third spill champagne on 5 cups, the fourth participants quickly utter the phrase: "They say - under the New Year, which is not wished, everything It will always happen, everything always comes true "and only after this phrase participants in the teams drink champagne, and the fifth participants take an empty bottle of champagne, put it between the legs and carry back, where the first participants started. The fastest team is the winner.


Guests are divided into teams of 3-4 people. On the "Start" team, each team should write its decoding - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, for example, kind, only, spiritual, cute, prudent, Russian, responsible, winter and brave, gentle, natural, brilliant, smart, joyful, charming , Sensitive, sociable, angelic cute. A team that is faster than everyone and creatively decipheres New Year's heroes will receive a prize.

Bucket Snowman

For this contest it will take a small bucket (bucket under water or a simple child, but not very small). For each participant, leading in turn is put in a bucket of any subject, for example, mandarin, candy, teaspoon and similar items (not heavy and not large). Each participant in turn closes his eyes, turns the bucket, putting it on his head as a snowman and must guess the subject that is located there. Which of the participants gave more objects, he will win.

Letters of Santa Morozu

Each participant receives a stack of leaves and converters, as well as a handle. According to the "Start" team, the participants write on their leaves the phrase "Santa Claus, give me ..." and complement one in any word, then put a leaf into an envelope, lick it and sealed, after which you get to write the second request on the second leaf and package it in the second envelope. Who in 1 minute will be able to pack more of his desires in envelopes, he won.

New Year's ass

Participants are divided into pairs. All pairs are in the same pope pose. On the resulting "niche" of each pair put the same amount of mandarin, for example, 5 pieces. On the "Start" team, all pairs should reach such a position as soon as possible in such a posture before the finish line, without being lost at the same time with his Mandarin. A couple that finishes first and delivers all tangerines, will become a winner, and its participants will receive the title of "the most elastic and friendly ass".

Shine Christmas tree

Each participant receives the garland of the same length. According to the "Start" team, each of the guests turns into a Christmas tree - he must wrap the garland in a circle and faster to join the outlet. Who is the first, he won.

The new year is not far off, the time of ubiquitous corporate events is nearing. And at home, many companies of friends will surely want to diversify their vacation games. And now it's time to choose contests for the new year 2020.

Remember: what is ideal for a small group of vacationers is not at all suitable for a large corporate party. And at home you can afford more than in the same restaurant.

In small companies, it is worth preferred to those competitions for the New Year, which imply the inclusion of all those present so that no one is missing. Yes, and take 5-7 people in one contest is not so difficult.

Take care in advance by prizes. Even an adult man wants to get some physical proof of his victory. Let it be the most common candy, tangerines or simple souvenirs with a symbol of the year. At the end of the evening, participants may consider who collected more prizes. This is also very fun.

New Year melody

For this contest, several identical bottles will be required, in which the water is poured into different levels. It turns out a kind of musical instrument. Bottles are exhibited on the table, and guests are offered using a regular spoon to fulfill any New Year's melody on these bottles. The one who, by the general opinion, the extrepete is most like a melody.

Anecdote with beard

Each person in the company is in turn begins to tell some joke. If someone from the rest says that he knows this anecdote and really continues him, then the storytellor is put on a cotton beard. Wins in the end, by whom "Beard" are shorter than all. And the "bearded" itself can be appointed by Santa Claus.

Find a Christmas tree

Another very fun competition for the New Year. To do this, you will need to purchase a car flavoring in the form of a tree. They usually have a very strong, specific smell. It is hiding somewhere in the room, and guests should find the subject by smell.

Hold snowflake

In this competition, a little wool will need again. It is necessary to make a kind of little and light snowflakes. It should be possible to keep the air flow on the weight. Snowflake throw up, and participants must blow on it from below, not giving falling. Wins, naturally, the one whose snowflake will later fall to the floor.

New Year's gift

In this competition, 3 people can participate at the same time. The sexuality of the participants does not matter. One of the three put in the center of the room. He will be a New Year's gift. Two others are bred along different directions from the "Gift" and tie their eyes. One is given in the hands of the ribbon, he must touch the gates to the touch. The second also to the touch should be untied.


This competition is designed for a pretty warm company. On the floor put a paper canvas long, but not too wide. The roll of standard wallpaper is ideal. Further, women are offered to overcome the "river", not to sleep legs, that is, to go through his two shores, spreading legs wide. For the first time, women try to do it with open eyes, the second time - with closed.

Moreover, when the first of them overcomes "Rouh", the rest should be outside the room. When a woman finishes the test, but have not yet untied her eyes, one of the men present will be launched on the "rodёk".

Woman unleash her eyes. She sees a man and naturally embarrassed. Now the next woman is invited to participate. The first sees how the contest actually passed, calms down and laughs.

I have in pants

This is just the rare case when the benefits can bring ordinary newspaper headlines. Journalists are now especially competing in originality. Cut the most unexpected and put into the envelope. Further, this envelope is started in a circle. Each participant takes one heading and says "And I have in my pants ..." and reads the title from the pulp.

New Year's contests for a small company in the restaurant

In this case, there are features. Funny contests for the new year in the restaurant can be quite movable, but not too much to damage the furniture and dishes. Therefore, you should not use all those present in contests at once. It is better to attract 2-3 people. Contests are also welcome, allowing you to have fun without leaving the table. In this case, you can even have fun where there is no special agreement.

Congratulations on the alphabet

Offer guests in turn to congratulate the gathered and say toast, but not just so, but by alphabet. The first one speaks to the letter "A", the second - on "b" and so on. The most cheerful, naturally, begins, closer to the end of the alphabet, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe letters "y", "s", as well as a solid and soft sign. The winner is the one whose congratulations or toast will be the most fun.

In the original it is supposed to a contest with a butaforsky, drawn pie, on each piece of which are written or painted predictions. So, drew a penny foreshadows wealth; heart, of course, love; Envelope - News, Izvestia, and so on.

You can conduct a contest with a real pie, in each piece of which such prediction is hidden. Divination and predictions invariably enjoy success. People always want to know what is waiting for them in the future. And even if the fortune telling is comic, it gives a lot of pleasure


The ideal competition for the new year in the restaurant. First, guests will not have to get up anywhere, secondly, it is quite fun and interesting. Remind guests the plots of several famous fairy tales, offer to choose for yourself one and retell, but slightly changing the genre. It may be a detective, thriller, love romance. If you wish, you can spend several rounds, changing fairy tales and changing genres. In each round, the winner is selected by the author of the most interesting version.

Two oxes

Two participants are selected. They put back to each other, they are tied with a rope rope on the strife manner. Before each participant, a chair or table with a prize is set at a distance of several meters. The task of participants to drag the opponent and grab your prize first.


For this cool competition for the new year you will need some kind of gentle product: jelly, cold, soufflé. The task of participants to eat their portion as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks. This competition is good because it does not imply getting up from behind the table, pretty leaned for both participants and audience.


Another "sitting" competition. Each participant is given a handle and a paper, where it should write down all the New Year's dishes, for example, the letter "H". When the lists are ready, the participants alternately read them. Wins one whose list is longer.

You can slightly upgrade this contest. Participants do not constitute the preliminary lists, and simply in turn call their dishes. Cannot be repeated. Who makes it difficult to answer - leaves. Wins the latter. This competition awakens appetite very well, and it is convenient to spend it, for example, between snacks and hot dishes.

New Year competitions for corporate events

Corporates usually suggest the presence in one place of a large number of people unfamiliar among themselves. It is here for the first time employees of various departments that in ordinary life cannot contact each other in ordinary life, and then they are all entrusted at all. Therefore, contests for New Year's corporate standards should unobtrusively bring people. Here in the course of team entertainment, steam contests and the like things.

Chief Accountant

On the poster, the communities draw various cash bills in a variety of currencies. Banknotes should be recognizable. The task of participants to recalculate the bills starting with the first and ending the latter. Moreover, all currencies should be considered at the same time: 1 ruble, 1 dollar, 1 euro, 2 euros, 2 dollars, 2 rubles. One who wins the one who never betrays.


Since under corporaterates most often remove a separate room, here you can usually afford and mobile contests. For the "Diver" contest, two pairs of flippers and two binoculars will be required. Participants go to the start of two, wear flippers, take binoculars and, looking at him from back the parties, try to overcome the distance as soon as possible. It is quite difficult, so it is not worth making a distance too long, and even more difficult, with a lot of turning and obstacles.

Baba Yaga

In meaning, it looks like the previous one. Participants put one leg in the bucket, and hold it with hand. In the second hand they give a mop. Baba Yaga in a stage with a lady is ready. It remains only to find out which of two (three) more advantages and faster.


Good also for New Year's corporates, team contests. For example, the next one. Participants are divided into 2 teams and each of them is handed a ball. First, the teams open a new planet, that is, the resulting ball is inflated. And then take markers in the hands and begin to settle this planet. That is, draw on the ball in the inhabitants. When the allocated time ends, the presenter considers the inhabitants on both planets. The team wins with the largest population.

Spoiled Phone and Association

Do not forget about old good, tested games. For example, spoiled phone. Participants sit down in a circle or chain, depending on the capabilities of the hall. In principle, you can play it without leaving the table. The first participant whispers to his neighbor's ear. Usually advised to do it quickly and unintelligible. But in fact, no matter how you utter a word, there are many people who heard him not like this in a long chain. The whisper does not contribute to the intelligibility of speech. As a result, you need to compare the initial and final word.

The game of the Association is not too different from the "phone". In this case, the participants do not repeat the heard word, but they say neighbor their associations: Santa Claus - Gifts - holiday, and so on.

The main thing is that the suit is sitting

This competition is better to spend closer towards the end of the evening, when the guests have already slightly drunk, acquainted with each other and are ready for truly fun contests. Pre-prepare bag with various funny clothes: boots, scarves, brazers, family pants, diapers for adults, vitro, glasses with mustache and so on. The participants of the competition sit in the circle, and the bag with clothing is transmitted in a circle while the music sounds. When the music silences, the person who has a bag, without looking, takes out one thing from there and puts on himself. The winner is announced on whom the least "competitive" clothing. However, by the end everyone looks fun.


Participants are again divided into two teams and distribute them 8 inflated balloons. Each team has its own color balls. For example: red and blue. On the balls are written with a marker of the letter so that the word "snowman" in the end was obtained.

From these 8 balls, other words can be made. This will deal with teams for speed. The presenter sets questions, the answers to which you can lay out from the specified letters. The point earns the team that will quickly cope with the task. Wins a team that scores more than the opponent.

Paper dress

In this competition, participate in pairs. The task of a man is to create a dress with toilet paper for your model. You can not use anything except paper. But with her you can do anything: twist, plug, tie into the bow. Contestants are removed in a separate room, then the girls go out and demonstrate outfits. Please note the model must go into it. Winners choose viewers.

The brightest and long-awaited holiday of the year deserves to show fantasy, consider the celebrations and contests who will like invited guests. To diversify this holiday with fun entertainment, we present you the most interesting and cool contests.

Contests for the new year 2020 for a cheerful company, the most cool

Read on Gubam

In order to spend this competition, two people and headphones in which music played. You can throw a lot or define another way who will be the first to wear headphones. The second person must ask questions that the first does not hear due to playing music, but he must give an answer to the question that could be read. In most cases, a person will certainly be mistaken. After some time you need to change people in some places. Win the one who will correctly understand the essence of the question.

Melting snowball

The whole company should stand around and under the passage of music to throw each other a ball made of synthesis. Only each at this moment must represent that this is a snowball and if he has been kept in his hands for a long time, he melts, respectively, it needs to be conveyed to the following. And the faster it will be done, the better. When the music stops, leaves the participant with the snow in his hands. The game continues until one person remains, who will be the winner. Despite the fact that the game is simple, it creates a merry atmosphere very quickly.

Balloon dance

For the competition, 5-8 people will need and the same number of balloons. To the left foot of each participant, an inflated balloon is tied, and he needs to burst the ball on the leg of the opponent. Wins the one who my whole ball will remain on the leg.

Vinaigrette from dance

To participate, you need to invite 3-4 pairs and give a task to diverge the diverse directions in dancing, under pre-prepared musical slicing. Other people in the company need to be very closely watching dancing, and after determining the winning pair, which coped with the task better than the rest. Especially this competition will be especially fun if the participants are familiar with dances.

Place for toys - Christmas tree

The back leg should be adjacent to the foot of the next girl. Two trains that depict guys should be moved from opposite sides, and the first car is a boot, inside of which a glass is located. The task of the guys at the meeting in the middle of the metro branch to reproduce as luck as possible. The task of the competition is not to determine the winner, but to raise the mood. For this reason, prizes should be given to both guys. And girls express gratitude for participation.

Fishing in the new year

You need to prepare toys for trees made from wool and something type of fishing rods, on the line which should be a large hook. Volunteers need to hang a toy on the hook on the tree, and then remove. Win the one who is better to cope with the task.

New Year's song

For the competition, 2 commands will be required, you can recruit more commands. The main thing is that in each team there was an equal number of people. After the teams are collected, the lead must say the name of the song to the New Year's topic, and then dictate the text. Following the text, each participant must choose a noun for himself. Then to execute a song in which everyone plays a role. The team defeats the song better and funnier.


Competition will require commands, each should have 2 people. The number of commands may not be limited. One team member will play the role of mummy, and the second to create a mummy. The second participant is given a roll of toilet paper, its task as best and faster wrestling the first participant of the team. The team defeats in which the mummy was ready faster and better. This competition is funny, because the toilet paper is not a durable material that will rush in the process.

Crocodile on New Year's theme

This competition applies almost at all fun events. The purpose of the volunteer is to portray some character or subject without using words. You can use gestures or actions to show the rest that or who is depicted. Due to the fact that the theme is New Year, then the words should be New Year. Wins one who guesses. But because Winners can be a lot, as a prize, you can hand out candy. And nice and fun.

The person who pointed out the inconclusive reason is considered to be a loser and must drink a glass of alcoholic beverage, preferably strong. The game is performed until only one person will remain on board, which will be the winner.

Masquerade Show

Before the competition you need to prepare attributes. It should be a variety of clothing than it is absurd of its kind, the more interesting the outfits will turn out. The number of participants should be determined by the number of suits placed in the bag. At the command of the leading participants, take turns out of the bag on one thing and put on themselves. The competition ends when not a single thing will remain in the bag, and the winner becomes a person whose outfit looks original and fun.

Contests and games will help raise even the worst mood. The festive and fun atmosphere will recreate, in which everyone feels not forced.

"On this page offers you merry and funny New Year's games. These entertaining games, for sure, will be useful to you when preparing holiday events for the new year. I am pleased to include them in your New Year scenarios for adult parties or corporate events. And let your holiday will remember for a long time!

New Year's games - funny, funny and comic

Game "hang toy on the tree"

You need 6 wishing to help bring the Christmas tree in order. Here you have Christmas toys. But do not think that it is so easy, now we will cover your eyes, you will twist you to lightly confuse. Your task, hang toys on the tree, or not on the tree ... The winner will be considered the one who hangs the toy on the tree and the one who finds the most cool and extraordinary place for the toy, for example - the ear of a woman. ATTENTION, START! To make confusion in the ranks of the players, women can stand on the way of players. Going game.

Game "candy"

For a whole year, you performed all sorts of orders of your immediate bosses, and now please fulfill my comic orders. To simplify everything, I have already prepared the phantas. (These are small leaflets of paper with execution orders. If possible, you can change them, or add any one)

Apologizing to the neighbor (neighbor) and achieving his (her) forgiveness.

Kiss a neighbor (neighbor).

Sing very militant song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Admit to love for traffic police gestures.

Explain the "blind" neighbor (neighbor) that you are very hungry.

Image with neighbor (neighbor) Othello.

Drink on Brucershaft with the boss.

Image of the flight of an eagle.

Give (if you can) your neighbors on a penny.

Picture a child lost at the station.

Pictures of the traffic police inspector stopping the car.

Say a compliment to colleagues.

Tell me the solemn phrase "I sit the fourth day at the table and drink."

Pictures of dawn in the village, after the haymaker.

Image like you eat last year's tender.

Pictures of the President of Russia.

Explain our eyes or facial people in love with a neighbor (neighbor).

Offer a toast and congratulate everyone with the anniversary.

Image awarded or at least a medal for special merit.

Try to persuade a neighbor (neighbor) drink drink (wine, champagne, vodka, juice, etc.

Snow woman.

Participants are divided into teams of 2 - 3 people. Each team gets a few balloons, scotch, scissors and markers. The task of commands is to make a snowbabo from the balls. The winners chosen by the audience receive prizes.

Dragon Tail.

Participants are becoming each other and hold the player's belt in front. The purpose of the first player in the chain is to catch the last player. The chain should not break.

Cheese on a rubber band.

A piece of cheese (100 - 150g) is attached to the gum (100 - 150g.) The rubber band itself is fixed on a taut horizontal rope. A total of 2 - 4 pieces of cheese, and a couple of participants (preferably the opposite sex) are caused to each of them). The task of players is to eat cheese without hands. Who will eat faster, he will win.

Jump in the New Year.

Leading on the floor spreads a bright tape or rope and offers participants along it. On one side of the rope - the old year, on the other - the new one. Participants need to jump into the New Year. Who will jump on all?


Several participants are called. The presenter shows them two positions:

1 - right hand holds a lobe of the left ear, and the left hand is the tip of the nose;

2 - Right hand concerns the tip of the nose, left hand, holds the lobe of the right ear.

Through a cotton lead all participants must change one position to another. The pace of cotton slowly increases. Wins the one who will perform the right movement longer.

Song chorus.

Participants choose a well-known song and start singing with her choir. By teammate: "Quiet!", Players shook and start a song about themselves. After some time, the presenter gives the team: "Loud!" And players sing the continuation of the song out loud. In most cases, while singing to themselves, players are changing the pace, and after the team "loud!", Everyone sing a swirl and the game ends with a laugh.

Theatrical competition.

The wishing to contestants are issued cards with the task they are performed without preparation. We must walk in front of the tables like:

Woman with heavy bags;

Gorilla on the cage;

Sparrow on the roof;

Stork on the swamp;

Chicken in the yard;

Girl in a narrow skirt at high heels;

Watch, guarding food warehouse;

Baby, just learned to walk;

The guy in front of an unfamiliar girl;

Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Baba Yaga

Restafe game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, as a mop. The participant gets up one foot in the bucket, the other remains on Earth. One hand he holds a bucket for the handle, and in the other hand - a mop. In this position, you need to go through the entire distance and transfer the stue and the next one.


The presenter invites two or three pairs of participants, but a man and a woman is necessarily. Each pair must be played by scammers from the Golden Key fairy tale - Fox Alisa and Cat Basilio. One in each pair - Fox Alice, the other - Basilio Cat. Which of the players will depict the cat, and who fox decide the participants themselves. The estimated fox should bend one leg in the knee and hold her hand. The cat tie his eyes. The task of participants is to overcome in this position a distance to a certain point and back. The pair of "dowing" before the finish line becomes the winner and gets his prize - "Golden Key".


Guests are divided into pairs. In each pair - a man and a woman. The task of each pair - joint efforts without hands to deploy and eat candy, which will give a presenter. Couple made it first, wins.

Long hand.

The presenter invites several participants. Each player is issued a glass with vodka. It is necessary to put a container with alcohol from its legs to the floor. And the participant himself must take a step as far as possible from a glass. The task of players is to get your glass, without going from the place and not touching the floor with your hands and knees.

Whose ball is bigger?

There is an unlimited number of players. Leading to everyone distributes not an inflated balloon. The task of the team players to inflate the biggest ball. The whole joke of the competition is that the balls are bursting at inflammation. Wins the one who inflates the biggest ball and it will not burst.


Leading invites several couples - men and women. Each dancing couple holds between the foreheads of an apple or orange. First, slow melody sounds, then the character of music changes from slow to fast. In the conclusion of the dance, the presenter offers participants to steal the dance "Apple". The task of dancing is to keep the apple or orange throughout the dance. That couple, which drops this subject from the competition drops out.