Music scene on February 23 at school. Scenarios for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland ★ (February 23). Scene about the police

This small sketch is designed for only 2 people, so it is quite relevant for setting in a small group. It should also be included in a more diverse program with games, competitions and amateur numbers.

On the way there is a soldier, stops.

Soldier: Eh and for a long time I go. Tranched, it would be necessary to relax. When the soldier is one, he himself commander. Now I myself and ink: "Shave!" And I sit on the pencil, eat a pobe.

Soldier sits down, eats a pie.

Soldier: Well, it seems, I rested. Forces scored. Now again on the road ... But I feel something is missing. What?

The soldier looks around. On the tree branch jumps forty.

Forty: Hello, Soldier, Sokol My Clear, gilding a foot, I will say the whole truth, which you are missing. Give me a penny.

Soldier is looking in pockets. Fits a coin worth of 10 rubles and gives forty.

Forty: Oh, give a lot, falcon!

Soldier: Yes Minor money soldier to wear hard. Yes, and I read somewhere that Soroki love to collect brilliant items. So it's you for the collection.

Forty: Thank you for this. Now I will say what you lack, - mood!

Soldier: But where will I take it on the road?

Forty: See, flowers grow, take any, so the mood and will rise.

Soldier (watching) -. Here Rose, carnation and chamomile, what to take?

Forty: Take a rose, it is the most beautiful. With her even on the ball!

Soldier: Rose is very important!

Forty: Take the carnation. She is strict, her jacket can be in a loop.

Soldier: Do not tell me about the jacket, from this mood at all go down to zero!

Forty: Take chamomile, she, like a small sun.

Soldier (looks): Yes, your truth, forty, chamomile is so charming, our field. Take the chamomile, and the mood will again take their combat position. On the chamomile and you can pay for good luck! After all, for a soldier that the main thing? Luck!

Leading: Three girls under the window were marked in the evening ...
1st girl: Quickly get married, tired of girls straight!
2nd girl: Just for whom I would get to go out!
3rd maiden: I would go for a businessman, as for the stone wall! He loved B Mom's son-in-law, just where to take it?
1st girl: Well, I probably would have come out for the sailor! And while he swam in the sea, I would live, not knowing grief!
2nd girl: Seafarers now do not, it's just a rarity! Would go for the military - strong, extraordinary! I would be happy with a guy strong like a rock.
3rd maiden: We marked, the girls ... Grumbled all the guys, on the sofa it would lie, but only in Tanchiki play!
Leading: Oh, this youth, all of you marry intense! In the conversation, let me get out? I know, where there are guys! Not one, not two, not three ...
Maiden: Choir: Where is it?! Speak !!!
Leading (Shows men sitting in the hall): Look here here: here guys even where! Do not warriors - so what? Each thing is good and good! By the person on the sister ...
1st girl (runs up to one of the men): Chur, I take it!
2nd maiden (runs up to another): I liked this one!
Zya Maiden. (By the third): I smiled here!
(Maiden together): All guys are good, straight holiday for the soul!
Leading: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is the holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, bold, stubborn and self-confident. So let's congratulate them away from the bottom of my heart ..

Leading: Boys, dads and grandparents,
Happy holiday your male!
You are good, smart, strong!
We want to congratulate you!
You are always guarding our happiness,
We do not submit evil.
Slah in Life, Tr u you are dreaming -
All that we were light!

Meet! of our smallest participants!

(Chastushki - elementary school)

Like girls are good

Tried from the soul!

Congratulations - the highest class!

Here is such a first class!

Leading: Today is not just a february day. Today is a special day. And we congratulate our men: fathers, sons, brothers, classmates.

A good soldier is distinguished not only by dexterity and strength, but also by the mind and smelting. This we will check now. Let's see how you know how to guess riddles.

This part of the army has a concern,
And all because because it is called her ...? (answer: infantry)

With them will pass kilometers of the way,
They are only in help, yours ...? (Answer: Boots)

He shoots the same thing as Karateta beats,
And the name of this soldier will be ...? (Answer: Tanker)

She is always with you, hanging at the machine,
It happens and toy, but still ...? (answer: grenade)

Everyone says she is a fool
And it will be only ...? (answer: bullet)


There is no breakup on the horizon,
And opened in the sky umbrella.
After a few minutes it dropped .... (parachute)


Without acceleration, it takes off, the dragonfly resembles
Departed in flight
Our Russian .... (Helicopter)


At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries the service secret. (Border guards)


Who walks on the parade
Ribbons behind their backs
Ribbons are clogged, and in the detachment
No girls none. (Sailors)


Sailor you can become
So that the border is guarded
And not to serve on earth,
And on the military ... (ship)


All hard riddles guess,
I was surprised, the mood was raised!
Now I propose to dance,
Pope will now be "ladies" to invite!

(Dance "Father and Daughter")

Still snowball in the winter sparkles
Still still cut the creaking sled,
But with each morning Sinitsy Sin
It becomes gentful and longer.

So, February is almost already completed.
Increasingly, we hear the cheerful drops.
And the ice river is now not so durable,
And the snow blizzard is not terrible to us.

(Grade 11, Song)

You are the heroes! You are in our class
As on the front every day:
Rod in the attack once over
Our skip and laziness;
But towards the Terrible Build
Teachers get up again ...
You give up we are without a fight!
From the twenty-third of February!

(Grade 10 - "Oh God, what a teacher!"

You broke into life our unexpectedly

By changing our reality.

Thoughts flicker as photo phones

Cross run without a breather

It all started from the first class,

Then in the second also with the in.

You are a wizard, you are on another planet,

You are from our dreams!


Oh, God, what a teacher!

Favorite our head,

And we want five from you,

Not twice, not twice!

Not enough everyone in the light of good words

To describe our love

And in the morning we run together all to you,

You are - as time, treat all sorrow!

We know our love - mutual,

You are so beautiful and loved by us,

You are a wizard, you are on another planet,

You are from our dreams.


You are Joni Depp and Brad Pitt in one bottle

You are cooler than van ladies, Schwarznegher and a stall,

You are wizards with another planet,

On all questions you know the answers!



Man be a difficult task.
Put in life the goal, and, noted fear,
Go under the roar of donkeys, outpipes giving passing,
Yet seeing - "Sky in the clouds"!
Appreciate a short term released by nature,
I. In the difficulty of any, be able to own themselves.
"Only that kinda of life and freedoms,
Who every day goes for them to fight! "
Be able to find love. And in it one, beloved,
See the tenderness of women of the whole earth.
And it is necessary to educate the Son worthy.
Triple more beautiful if the Son is three!
I want to wish now good luck,
Health to you, and let the fate store.
Yes, to be a man - a difficult task,
But height and honor, those who decide it!

Leading: What should be a real man? What is he? We have an answer to these questions .. Attention on the screen!

(baby mouth)


In a male wonderful holiday,

On the day of strength and glory of the country,

We wish you strong happiness,

Great Russia Sons!

Meet - Nigmatulina Gulmira, Grade 8!(verse "Play boys in war)


What men are there in the world?
Men babies and eternal children
Men-lovers of chic and gloss,
Gourmets and those who are used to have appendations
Male fools and men with brains,
And even there are men with horns.
Men rich and without coins
Men that in life did not hear "no",
Men who are waiting for the ideal
Men who do not remove from the pedestal,
Men halans and scoundrels,
And in general ... Men are all well done!

(Grade 11, Song)


Man, he is in the matter of any - head,
Everywhere he is a senior by rank.
All young people in life more than once and not two
Exam pass on a man.
Grow, come up with every flaw,
Love their loved ones and school;
Always be reliable supporting friends
Defender of the weak floor.

(Scene "Boys Eyes of Girls")


Although Surova is sometimes a life, you are strong if
And for yourself, you will soon open the reliable way.
Do not survive the mind, and live, go ahead,
With success, always friends and on the way
Success is more like your catches, be healthy,
And you will comprehend the essence of love and life essence.

(5, 6th grade song)


I wish on this day beautiful
Smaller shaving foam,
Which is given so love
On February 23.

I wish you money, and more!
With them calmly in the soul;
Health strong, live longer,
Machines more in the garage.

Let all you wish
In matters, let God help.
Let the positive bring people
How this nice poem.

(Grade 8, Song "I am a sailor, you are a sailor)


You are the most important man!
You are dad, no more words
And this holiday is your forever!
Defender you, from trouble fence!
Good luck let go with you
And let you have enough strength
After all, every day - harsh battle
Be very happy, dad, cute!
(Grade 9, Song)


Congratulations to you, Men,
From February 23!
What is your whole strength?
Guess, ka, friends!
Power - in your eyes gentle,
In cute trembling words
And in solutions of successful,
In good righteous matters.
We wish we good luck
And brilliant victories.
Smile to us more often!
Happiness to you for many years!
(Teachers, Song)


Let you never served yet

You are persistent, strong, noncain,

Eye zork and hard hand

Defender future debris!

After all, if a war is to

Add fire to our house, ruin,

You won't stand aside -

Mother defend, sister, girlfriend!

And to win again

You be healthy, smart, vigorous,

Learn diligently on "five"

And do more sport!


Why do we need men?

- They are needed to give the surname to our children. You can not imagine what this is aware that the surname of your beloved man, like a piece, children's favorite goes.

To entertain us! So to live slander.

Our past is connected with them, our present and our future.

They have cool T-shirts that they share with us if we ask.

They need us to warm. Our hands are often cold. Men are an excellent warmer. You can't buy such in stores, you will not find on another planet.

To give us gifts. Without it - boring.

On the car to rolleya! And we bought cars!

So that the computers should reflect, or the system to rearrange them. We are rarely understanding about it.

So that we were talking about coming and love!

Take care of us, men!

The final song "Take care of my heart"

"Boys, ahead!"

(Scenario of the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day")

For school children

Purpose: in the game and power rivalry, to identify creative, physical abilities of children, identify the winner of the competition program; develop activity, imagination of children, enrich the vocabulary; Continue to work on the cohesion of the children's team, to educate love for the homeland, its armed forces.

Equipment: posters with congratulations, drawings of children, greeting cards, attributes for contests.

Holiday travel:

1st presenter: Dear guys, guests! Today we gathered here to meet our public holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day. Probably you guessed that this is the holiday of all military. It was on February 23, 1918 a law was signed on the creation of a special army's special troops in our country to protect our homeland from the attack of enemies. Our army has passed a nice path, protecting the world and peace of Russian citizens.

And today, the Russian army, using super-modern rockets, airplanes, tanks and other types of weapons guard our borders from enemies.

You, Future Warriors! You, who served the rather served, is dedicated to our holiday ...

1st girl : On the winter day, frosty and transparent,

On the heads, ships, in the shelves

We celebrate the feast of the Power of Grozny,

Shield and sword compressing in their hands.

2nd girl : We celebrate this date

With a dream about happiness for everyone.

The harder the feasible soldier,

The fact of the child's laughter.

3rd girl : Guarding the birthplace of beloved

Native army stands.

In battle for the happiness of man

She is a reliable sword and shield.

1st boy : Our army is native

And brave, and strong

Nobody threatens

She guards us.

4th girl : And today you will save dawn

From someone else's evil fire

Missing rocket

And hearts reliable armor.

2nd boy : We are still all student,

And walk like soldiers!

We will serve in the army

We will keep homeland.

So that we always

Good in the world live.

Song "Brava Soldiers"

1st boy: I'll be a bold tanker,

I will hold your tank everywhere.

2nd Boy: I am my rocket formidable

The goal is lost in the sky star.

3rd boy: I guys certainly

I will be a pilot of the military!

4th boy: I am a fearless captain

Float across the oceans.

5th boy: I want to be an officer,

To go to the attack first!

6th Boy: We will serve in the army!

We will keep homeland!

So that we always

Good to live in the world!

Song "We are the army of the people"

2nd presenter: And now it's time to compete with our boys in strength, dexterity, skill. They will go to the army, will become soldiers. It is not easy to train military wisdom recruits. The soldier must always be ready to stand up. Now our wellms will demonstrate it.

Decision by teams, selection of the commander

Competition "Military Form of Soldier"

Two teams participate. During the relay, one of the team members. Participants alternately bring him boots, shirt, belt, cap, automatic, stool.

1st presenter: And now you will need to be especially attentive. The following task is to deminate the field.

Contest "Defection Field"

On the floor two circles, the checkers are scattered in them. With tied eyes you need to collect checkers. Who will get more. Participate by one representative from the team.

2nd presenter: Defender of Motherland! How proudly sounds these words! The defense of the Fatherland is the debt of every citizen, the honorary duty of each man. As future soldiers and commanders, you since childhood should be able to keep the word, be brave, courageous, noble and kind. From each of you in the future depends on how to be our army.

Song "Boys"

1st presenter: Military discipline obliges every soldier to steal the difficulties of military service. For this you need an extraordinary power of the Spirit. A healthy mind, as you know, in a healthy body. Therefore, sports is an integral part of the daily life of a soldier.

Competition "Strip of obstacles»

All team members need to pass the bar of obstacles. At first, it was turned through the bench, then sprinkle under the chair, and the final moment is to go through the hoop. Wins the team first completed the relay.

Competition "Tunnel"

Prickly under chairs put in a row for each other, nothing is ass. Who will cope with the task faster. The whole team is involved.

Competition "Whoever happens more"

Participates one representative from the team. Whoever moves it more times.

2nd presenter: They realized which soldiers needed in the army. And now for boys and all guests, the girls prepared a chastushki.


Although the boiled, even liver,

And without salt, Presno.

Without boys in our center

To live is not interested!

If the dragons are,

Then the boys will save us:

All dragons will be discrete

On pieces will be separated.

Vidic looked at night

Second-grader Vova,

And in the morning I choked

At the lesson at school.

How many twice two -

Sits Lesha, marries.

Seen counting machine

In the head breaks.

It is impossible to tear out

Geno from the pillow,

And you have to shoot

In the mornings of the gun.

To school, as if in the rear of the enemy,

Yarik made his way.

Nothing that was late

The main thing - got.

I look like you sit

At the next room.

In February, congratulate you

And me are you in March.

In the girls in our center

Curly curled.

And boys in our center


1st presenter: Our boys not only sing and dance can, they differ in courage, dexterity, resourcefulness - the qualities that are needed in the army. And now you need to perform combat tasks.

Competition "Get to goal"

Command participants must throw a grenade (small ball) in the ring (lying on the floor). Which team has more accurate hits, ta and won.

Competition "Nodes"

Participate one person from the team. On a long rope to tie, who more, nodes. Then to unleash them.

Competition "Running in bags"

The whole team is involved. Participants, putting the bag, overcome the specified distance. All participants must pass the relay, helping to wear a bag to each other is allowed.

2nd Host: Sing, Soldier, Sing

About the path of the soldiers'

Sing, soldier, sing

About service combat.

Sing, soldier, sing,

At least you are tired

Sing, soldiers, please

And the halt was given.

Song "There is a soldier in the city"

1st lead : We continue our indicative teachings. You all know that the army is always a good appetite. Now the time to breakfast has come for a strict soldier schedule.

Competition "Soldier's Porridge"

One person from the team participates. You need to drink juice from bottles with nipples. Who quickly.

Competition "Outfit in the Dining Room"

Clean one potato. The participant is issued a knife, potatoes, bowl for waste. Who is faster, and most importantly gently cope with the task.

Holiday of all men

And no matter which of you

What kind of chin

After all, in the family one thing to you:

Husband, father and brother,

And for the Motherland - Defender,

Army soldiers ...

Song "On Border Guard".

1st presenter: Easy to serve as a soldier, if he knows that his beloved girl is waiting somewhere. Waiting for writing letters. A photograph of her soldier is always in the pocket of gymnasters, on his chest, at the heart. And the last our contest is called ...

Competition "My Dream Girl"

Participants are issued balloons of different shapes: round, oval, heart-shaped, marker, scotch, wigs. It is necessary with the help of these materials to create a girl of your dreams.

Summing up the entire competitive program.

Rewarding (postcards, prizes, medals)

2nd presenter. Well done boys! You today showed yourself from the best side. I want to give you these medals, let them chocolate, but after all, it is precisely the medal for courage. The most valuable reward for a soldier.

1st lead : Neither children nor an adult war need!

Let it disappear from our planet!

Let peaceful stars burn over the world!

And friendship does not know borders and obstacles.

2nd lead : We want to live under a peaceful sky,

And rejoice, and be friends!

We want everywhere on the planet

Wars did not know the children at all.

Song "Russian guy"

Song "One hundred days before order»

1st lead : Once again all of you with a holiday! We wish you health, and let the sky above Russia and the whole world will be blue and clean.

February 23 - a holiday, which is celebrated by all age categories of citizens. In all offices, schools and even kindergartens are preparing congratulations for existing and future defenders of the Motherland. At the same time, the mandatory element of the holiday is the scenes on February 23 (funny). There are many options for their production, the main thing is that the participants' game is sincere.

Defender of the Fatherland Day - Holding at School

Among the many holidays on February 23 refers to one of the most beloved at school. For girls, this day is a reason to congratulate your little men, once again demonstrate their talents in singing and dancing during the celebration. The boys have the opportunity to feel like real defenders and once again feel pride for their belonging to a strong floor.

(Very short fur coat, army heavy boots and caps are an image of a representative of the frontier. On a leash, it should pull the tiny toy peel).

- And finally, at the end of our parade - heavy artillery! This is our extreme measure against the enemy, which falls on his knees at one glance at her. Meet!

(The girl comes out, on her chest, she has a sign with the inscription "Sex bomb." It is dressed and painted at a discretion, but the brighter and bolder, the better).

- Dear Men! Join our rows, let's guard your homeland together! Choose troops in which you want to serve and come to their representatives to record.

Such cool scenes on February 23 will decorate any holiday and become the best gift for men.

Mini Scene "Agrippina"

The celebration scenario does not necessarily include long scenes requiring a difficult formulation. An excellent surprise for colleagues will be mini-scenes on February 23. They consist of short dialogues and do not require long preparation.

On the stage there are several soldiers who wear outfit. These are recruits, which are checked on the speed of equipment. The commander, passing along the rank, sees a little boy, who just drowned in the sheel. Immediately a terrible question:

- What's your name?

The soldier from the fright lost the gift of speech, silent. The commander, even more angry:

- I ask you how to call, your mother!

Soldier frightened:


Military change of seasons

Scenes on February 23 for adults should be necessarily funny. For example, they will enjoy all, and those who did not serve, and former soldiers.

On stage, several servicemen. Before them stands Major, near the captain. Major refers to the composition:

-Tanovaria, autumn has already come, and the trees are still green. So, go there, tear off the green leaves and tie yellow. Follow!

Deployed, leaves. Captain, looking displeased after:

- It was completely crazy ... Bring, untie ... Rota, listen to my team! Run to the warehouse, take yellow paint and work!

Scene about the police

Scenes on February 23 for adults can be on the police theme. After all, they are constantly guarding our peace.

On the stage, the table followed by the investigator and suspect.

Investigator: Well, now we will take your fingerprints (pushers the fingers of the suspect in the paint). Then we press them here (puts on a sheet of paper). Now here (presses to the arms), here (to the knife) and here (to the keys). That's great!

Suspected: So can I be free?

Investigator: Already hardly.

Scene "Police in the Forest"

On the scene of Shirma with the image of the forest. Near two policemen. The next dialogue sounds.

- Silence what. Only birds sing. By the way, who is this, woodpecker?

- Not, Owl!

- Yes, what kind of owl. Tether.

- What is this aunt?

- Well, who then?

- Well, this, like him .. And, here! Holder!

Girls Shirma, there is a man behind it.

- Oh, I spoke, the throat! We ship it.

Scene "And men are hysterical"

Scenes on February 23 from women help once again show men, as they appreciate them, love, and most importantly, understand.

The husband sits in a chair, watching TV. The wife enters.

Husband: I urgently need a new shirt!

Wife: Why?

Husband: And you look at what I'm sitting!

Wife: Well, in a shirt ...

Husband: shirt? Do you call a shirt? Won, Max of 34 Wife bought a shirt, that's what I understand, shirt! And new trousers, by the way! And I? I even get out of anything!

Wife: But, Sunny, I can not ...

Husband: ah, so, yes? I knew that you don't love me at all! Enough! I'm leaving for dad!


And at school, and in the office you can thus spend a holiday, giving a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions. And finally, you can hand out small thematic souvenirs in memory of this haul evening.

At any school evening dedicated to the holiday of the Day of Defenders of the middle name, in addition to traditional congratulations and gifts, as a surprise from girls or friends, as well as to make an interesting eyeliner under a competitive program or entertainment number, musical or theatrical scenes will always be useful.

Z.basement collected scenes by February 23 for schoolchildrendifferent ages that fit into the program of this holiday well

1. Scene on February 23 for schoolgirls "Three girls under the window"

(Sit three girls in Russian-folk costumes)

Leading: Three maidens by the window[

Locked in the evening ..

. 1- Ya Maiden: Quickly get married

Tired of girls straight!

2nd Maiden: Just for whom

I would not go out!

3nd Maiden: I would go for a businessman,

As for the stone wall!

Loved bammy son

Only where to take it?

1 Girl: Well, I'm probably

Would send for the sailor!

And while he swam in the sea,

I bought, not knowing grief!

2nd Maiden: Seafarers now there is no,

It's just a rarity!

Would go to the military -

Strong, extraordinary!

I would be happy

With a guy strong like a rock.

3rd Maiden: We marked, girls ...

Crushed all the guys

On the sofa b to lie

Yes Football to admire!

Leading: Oh, this youth,

All of you marry insertion!

In the conversation, let me get out?

I know, where there are guys!

Not one, not two, not three ...

Maiden. (Choir): Where is it?! Speak !!!

Leading (Shows young people sitting in the hall):

See what:

Here guys at least where!

Do not warriors - so what?

Each thing is good and good!

By the person on the sister ...

1st girl (Shows one of the guys): Chur, I take this!

2nd maiden (Shows another): I like this!

Z - Maid (in the third): I smiled here!

Maiden.(together): All the guys are good,

Right holiday for the soul!

Leading: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is the holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, bold, stubborn and self-confident. So let's congratulate them away from the bottom of my heart, and the path to the heart of men lies - you know - through the stomachs! (Girls invite everyone to tea drinking or banquet)

2. Scene for junior schoolboys "Bogatyry".

(Perhaps this scene will become the basis as "thirty-three heroes", written for graduates of kindergarten)

Leading: Do you know, of course, who defended our Russia in ancient times, who are the heroes of Russian epic?

(Children answer).

Song "Bogatyr our power", music. A. Pakhmutova, verses N. Dobronravova.

Ilya Muromets is included with a spear and a sword. Own room, gets up in the center.

Ilya Muromets:

I am from the city, from Murom.

From the village of Togo Karachar.

And call me Ilya Muromets

(gives off a bow).

I stood for Russia for many years and winters,

Do not regret strength and time.

To Russia never, at all times,

To fight, it was no one to ruin.

And who remembers the names of my friends, what did you fight with me for Rus-Mother?

(Children answer: Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich!)

Ilya Muromets:

That's right, so they are!

To the music includes Alyosha Polovin and Dobryny Nikitich.

Alyosha Popovich:

I am Alesha Popovich named, from the Rostov of the Great City. And Comrade My - Dobrynya Nikitich!


Gathered once the prince Vladimir Standard-Kiev Bogatyuries on the feast and the handrailus gave.

Ilya Muromets:

I - in the field with enemies fight.

Alyosha Popovich:

I have to give the prince to collect.


And I sent a tribute to the sea to conquer.

Ilya Muromets:

To fulfill all the orders, we must be strong, dexterous and brave.

Well, brothers? Show our Silhole Bogatyr?


And do not see if, warriors, on our good men and beauties!

Ilya Muromets:

With pleasure.

(Children along with herors play games and contests).

Ilya Muromets:

So do you all come among you, deal your show ready? Get out friendly, brave! (Call 5-10 people each in their team).

The bogatyri is carried out by the competition "Deluchet", which consists of 3 tasks:

1. The task of the participants is not to exchange any word or sound, in the rank, respectively, descending the size of the shoes.
2. The participants tying their eyes. Without seeing, they must be lined up in the rank of growth.
3. Each command depicts a functioning mechanism (for example, a machine, vacuum cleaner, computer), and all team members must be involved.

Winners of the Bogatyri handed sweet prizes and diplomas of "Deliva".

3. Scene on February 23 for high school students "Bogatyr and Snake Gorynych".

(Scene to show in costumes and with a good mood).

(Ilya Muromets stands the Duma thinks to him Snake Gorynych about three heads ...)

Zmey Gorynych: Ilya Muromets, are you knowing that we have guys, today is the holiday - February 23?
Ilya Muromets: This is you Mountain Patzan, and I am a man - the defender of the Motherland.
Zmey Gorynych: Ilya, can I stand here too .. with you, I'm looking for ...?
Ilya Muromets: Wait until ..
Zmey Gorynych: Something quietly ..., can call enemies, yes, we are so cooled ...
Ilya Muromets: The enemies, these are those who themselves come, yes evil creative, and the contrary - the opponents ...
Zmey Gorynych: Ilya, and you know, I've become a vegitarian ... now only cappist eat ..
Ilya Muromets: So what?
Zmey Gorynych: Fouring ... Ilya, maybe let's go to the village, there girls walk ...
Ilya Muromets: Married me ...
Zmey Gorynych: And what do you want you to give you on February 23?
Ilya Muromets: Binoculars so that the country watched, from afar, saw ..
Zmey Gorynych: And I also want binoculars ...
Zmey Gorynych: Won see someone runs - the enemy probably ...
Ilya Muromets: Yes No, this eleventh grades run to school of their guys to congratulate ...
Zmey Gorynych: And something run somehow in the lining ...
Ilya Muromets: So cold ...
Zmey Gorynych: Won see exactly the enemies !!! And Coloring Combat ...
Ilya Muromets: Yes, these are girls from the 10th grade, the school is running, also elegant such ...
Zmey Gorynych: Ilya, what are they doing there at school?
Ilya Muromets: Concert...
Zmey Gorynych: Yes, then I also take a break ...
Ilya Muromets: You look there ...
Zmey Gorynych: Of course of course...
Ilya Muromets: Oh, SMC, write, I was invited to the holiday, how do you not respect .. I will go ...


4. Scene

On stage three girls.

Girl 1: Well, let's give? (everyone wondered)

Girl 2: No, why do we have something to give them every year?!

Girl 3: Do they give us?

Girl 2: Mimosa and Alpen Gold is not a gift, but mockery. Moreover, we have this "International Women's Day", i.e. For all women. And they have "Defender of the Fatherland Day." And who of them served?

Girl 1: Yes, guys were lucky in life. In clothing and shoes you can walk until it breaks, and not before the appearance of a new collection.

Girl 3: Manicure can be made free and teeth.

Girl 2: Belly is not a reason for depression, but a sign of masculinity!

Girl 1: To calm the nerves do not need to be recorded to a psychotherapist, you just need to go through the carburetor.

Girl 3: If you came to work not in the same thing and yesterday, everyone understands that you have a birthday today.

Girl 2: Do not know how much bread, cheese and sausage costs, but at the same time you have all this at home.

Girl 1: Canning can be opened with a knife. Then take the crumb, scramble into the oil - everything is ready dinner!

Girl 3: Girls, oh well. That we pounced on them. By the way, to be a man - not only the "pros", but also hard work.

Girl 2: For example?

Girl 3: For example, when buying sneakers, you need to choose such a style to then in the theater, and go for my birthday (all knowing everything).

Girl 1: And what will we do with the gift? As usual: shaving foam and lotion?

Girl 2: No, if a man in a cosmetic bag is a bunch of accessories - it means something is wrong with him, but if one toothbrush is a brutal kid. Give them toothbrushes.

Girl 3: And most importantly, our love (Draw in the air of hearts).

5. Music Scene on February 23 "How my mother accompanied me"






Call Commission. In the corridor of the military registration and enlistment office, a long queue, consisting of future defenders of the Fatherland. The queue is moving slowly, somewhere in the tail between two Conscripts Vasily and Eduard conversation arises. In a s and l and th - a simple Russian guy from the depths, and the u d u a r d is a representative of the advanced youth, the son of rich parents.

Edward (referring to Vasily):Well, bro, what do you think will take you into the army?

Basil: The doctor said: "Healthy, like a bull!"

Edward: And you "mow" did not try?

Basil: Yes, every summer koshu, already tired already, so I decided: it is better to go to the army for two years, relax.

Edward: Right! I think so too! What is your name?

Basil: Vasya.

Edward: And me Edward. Listen, Vasya, and where do you work?

Basil: Yes, in the club Music Circling.

Edward: Cool! I also work in a nightclub DJ. And who have any ancestors? In the sense, parents do what?

Basil: Father - Brigadier.

Edward: Brigadier? My father also has his own brigade. Listen, and he goes under anyone?

Basil: Under the chairman.

Edward: Something I did not hear about this authority. Listen, and my brother is still there.

Basil: And I have it, he grabs cows and chicks.

Edward: Yes, you! My brother also grabs tverskaya chicks. And how are you on a personal front? Chuvich, in the sense, there is a mare?

Basil: There is! Only she recently barely walks.

Edward; Why?

Basil: Yes, I drove her! And recently he also beat a whip.

Edward: Well, you maniac! And what did your relatives dismiss you? Probably with grandmas problems.

Basil: Well no. I have never had problems with grandmothers, they love me.

Edward: It's good when cabbage is, by the way, where are you keeping it?

Basil: In the bank.

Edward: That's right, so more reliable, now so much of any goats divorced, which are on someone else's greens of a junk.

Basil: Yes Yes! We had one such a goat!

Edward: Why was it?

Basil: Yes, we scored him with my father.

Edward: How to scored?

Basil: So, scored on meat.

Edward (frightened): On meat? Well and family!

Basil: Listen, this queue seems to never end. And I already hungry, maybe we go somewhere?

Edward(in hysterics): Not! Do not! Only not me! Save!

Eduard runs away. Vasily in bewilderment remains one in the tail of the queue.

Basil: And as soon as these psychos in the army take?

8. Scene - a monologue on February 23 for schoolchildren - "Cusar dating site"

(A high school student comes to the scene, sitting on a laptop and at the same time talks on the phone with a friend)

Scene voice:It is no secret that schoolchildren are now owners and creators of many sites, who have a hobby, who has the first attempts to do business ... Scene about one mountain administrator dating site.

Healthy, well, I made a site ... dating, no one walks ...
- What do I do? Every day I go, I look - no one is registered ...
- Why add yourself to yourself? And then the people immediately come to the site? Will get acquainted? Business you say ...
- Well, okay, let's try ... I write, strong, muscular, handsome ...
- And what to add a photo?
- anyone?
- I added photos of Tarzan
- Let be?
- And now ... Added ... Girl ... Here is a link look (pretends on what sends)
- Yes, I do not know who it is ....
- What is the sands in a concert costume?
- Well, okay I still add ...
- Watch! Someone came to the site, writes something ...
- Wow, want to meet ... with me .. (is reading) I Paris Hilton - added a photo ...
- Now I will write that I also liked it ... And, let him still tell me ...
- That writes?
- writes why so many mistakes in every word that I had in Russian ...
- I answered him that in Russian bad ...
- Noticeable - writes, in each word several mistakes ...
- I wrote to him that it was so familiar with American women ...
- Oh, see someone writes ..
- Girl writes.
- That writes? Writes that I am a stifferant one ..., and wrote a muscular handsome man ... But I'm not guilty, maybe in the photo Tarzan in childhood?
- I read one post and everything ...
- In the photo of the military .... with whom it he wants to meet ...
- What does, writes, waiting for me to the military enlistment office for a medical examination, in spring in the army.
- No, pleased, just did not expect that through the Internet ... I ... AGENDA ... I will send ...