The most cheerful script for children. Humorous mini sketches for men and women. Best Funny Scenes for a Cheerful Company

Scene "Emergency Class Collection"



Kolya and Tanya - pushing students.

Their classmates.

Teacherb Well, that, my dear, again we have a CPC scale: Kolya and Tanya came up to change, and I had to unwind them from each other, otherwise this fight ended tragically. How will we live on to live?

Student. And let them ask them.

Teacher. Let's ask. (Pointing a look at Tanya and Kolya.) I ask.

Tanya and Kolya come out, turning away from each other.

Student. Well poured cat with a dog!

Tanya. You yourself are a cat ...

Kolya. Not a cat and a cat ...

Student. They are also called!

Schoolgirl. They just did not have time to cool. Won still couples!

Student. Maybe with water to pour?

Schoolgirl. Or put in the refrigerator?

All laugh. Tanya and Kolya are also beginning to smile.

Teacher. Well, Kolya is already smiling, he also came to himself. Kohl, please, please, my own deed itself.

Kolya. What about me? Tanya The first began to call upon!

Teacher. Suppose. Well, who was the first to finish? (Kolya silently lowers his head.) Who guys?

Pupils. The one who is smart.

Teacher. Azbutny True ... But, it can be seen, the smart among you did not find two, as well as educated too, unfortunately.

pupils. Yes, you do not worry, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, grows. This is not the first time.

Teacher. It is clear that not in the first. And when will be the last one?

Pupils. They just have such characters.

Yes, how to find a braid on a stone ...

Well, right roosters!

Teacher. And yet I would like to hear something from them. Well, roosters, smile! Wider, wider!

Schoolgirl. Tanya, show teeth!

Teacher. You neighbors, go home from school together. And behave somehow not in neighborhood. Not good. Well, do you tell us anything in your justification?

Tanya. Do not say. (Winking Kola.)

Kolya. We do not say in our justification, but sing. Only the first start you will be, as always!

The song is executed on the motive "Do not tease dogs, do not chase cats" (Music E. Blischkin).

Sings Tatiana.

If a fight suddenly broke out in our class,

Then the instigator - I, the main Zabjakka.

All scold me, everyone gives advice,

ME will understand in no way, they will not understand in any way -

It is useless!

If we have in class

Were all obedient

Then believe me, Nikolay,

Then believe me, Nikolay,

It became very boring!

Sings Nikolai.

If Tatyana dries a long tongue

Naturally, I will not be silent.

Forward, friends, this shame to listen.

Cock-ka you need ears!

Although she is she,

In general, good,

The disadvantage is one,

The disadvantage is one:

Very clown.

Sing a duet.

We are talking without end our head:

It would be time to grow up with me to follow,

But in our head all the vortices are launched,

There is no forecast for now, they will appear soon.

Grow up - and then

We will be smarter

And over his stupidity,

And over his stupidity

Let's laugh!

Teacher.Only very good, good people can laugh at themselves. I hope the conflict has been exhausted.

Scenario "Birthday Day"


Anton is a birthday boy, his classmates.

A group of children in the cap appears on the scene, with clown noses, with gifts in their hands. They sing: "Happy birthday you!". The culprit of the celebration in the "Star" costume (a cape, covered with asterisks, on the head of the rim, decorated in the center), is focused on it.

Children. And now we invite the culprit of the celebration on the "magic chair". (The birthday room sits on the chair, the children are overtaken by his semicircle). Today Antoshka has - "Star". So, I forgot everything bad, we speak only good.

Children. Anton is smart, erudite. He reads a lot, and therefore it is never bored with him.

Birthday boy. I have a house five volumes of Encyclopedia. I read them all!

Children. Antoshka - King of jokes. He knows a lot of jokes, jokes, with him always fun. He knows how to raise the mood.

Birthday boy. By the way, guys, here's a new joke. The princess is jumping on the swamp, and in the side of Strelagit. Oncoming frogs are horrified: "You, princess, what, killed?" "" Also, you also say, "the princess is embarrassed and happy adds happily. - This is a Vanya's offer to me! "

Children. Well, we say: you will not get bored with him!

Girl. Anton, you are generous and responsive. Guys, he will remove the last shirt and give a comrade. Anton, rent?

Birthday boy. What, right now? (Begins to unbutton buttons.)

Girl. Well what are you, what are you! I figuratively expressed.

I like how Anton treats girls: standing behind them, skipping forward, serve upper clothes. Like a knight! Anton, you are a real man!

Birthday boy. These are still flowers, berries - ahead.

One of the children. I liked Anton, as you danced on a disco.

Birthday boy. Yes, I can even better!

One of the children. Anton has excellent artistic features! When he played in the scene of the nightingale, all the audience was given by laughter. And when I played a cat Basilio ... (laughs.)

Birthday boy. I realized what you mean. (Shows the Basilio Cat bow and how I grabbed radiculitis.)

Children. Anton, you are such a simpaty, you have such a cool hairstyle! And you yourself are such an appetizing, like a gingerbread!

Birthday boy. Well, I, of course, not that Cruise. Although something in common with us is undoubtedly there. (Enough hands for both cheeks.) Oh, guys, I think "Star" disease began!

Children. Is it not contagious? And how does she manifest?

Birthday boy. Dizziness.

Children. This is from compliments.

Birthday boy. Heartbeat.

Children. It is from praise.

Birthday boy. It seems to me that I'm growing up. (Gets up on the chair.)

Children. His great "star"! Nothing, now gifts will begin to give - go down from heaven to Earth. (Choir.) Anton, AU!

The birthday girl comes to himself, sits on the chair.

Children line up and give gifts.


To have a hairstyle

There should be a comb in pocket.

This ball is infamous,

Just fly away yourself!

My modest gift will rate then

Looking with the grandchildren photo album.

And now our joint musical gift.

The dance "Gypsy" is performed. Birthday, not withstanding, starts at dance.

Children. And now proceed to the main point. Gifts are presented - we will pull the birthday officer for the ears! (They surpage it.)

Birthday boy. A-A-A-A-A-A! (Running, everyone runs after him.)

Scene "On the value of the regime"


Lesha, Lenya, Andrei - Pupils, their classmates.

Rings a call to the lesson. Children stand near the party. The teacher is included.

Teacher. Hello! Sit down. Today in the lesson we will talk about the value of the regime. Mode is a clear routine of the day. The correct implementation of the regime, the alternation of labor and recreation improves performance, is involved in accuracy, the person disciplines, strengthen its health.

Guys, do you all perform the regime moments?

Children. Yes!

Lesha.And I even re-fulfill!

Teacher. Well, well, tell me ...

Lesha. Well, for example, according to the regime, you need to eat four times a day, and I take eight. Or: For a walk in the fresh air, it is relying three hours, and I walk six.

Teacher. You have us, Lesha, a big joker. I hope this is your next joke. Otherwise, with such a situation, you can grow big lazy.

Lesha. I joked, Elena Andreevna!

Teacher. Morning charging, wash, rubbing a wet towel helps to move away from sleep, cheer up. Who is accustomed to the regime, he even wakes up without alarm clock and never falls into school. It's late to go who does not go to bed at the same time. (Andrey yawns, apologizes.) If the breathtaking student flies into the class after the call ...

The roar of the door is heard, Lenya breaks into the class.

Lena. Sorry I'm late.

Teacher. We see it. Explain to us, Lena, why are you late all the time? Here, for example, only this week you are late on Tuesday, on Thursday and today.


On Tuesday led the bed -

I could not wake up on time.

The day before yesterday I forgot my portfolio,

It was a banana -

I had to return.

In their mistakes figured out

Today I wanted to come

But broke too much

And by the school flew.

V. Lukin

Teacher. Sit down, you are woe. I advise you to work on your day of the day.

Andrei yawns loudly, apologizes.

Teacher. We continue the lesson. Now I will introduce you to autotraining. It is necessary in order to rest, switch from one thought to another, relax. Sit more comfortable, close your eyes, try to imagine what I'm talking about.

"Morning. I open my eyes, swaying. The gentle rays of the Spring Sun make their way to my room. I get up, I approach the window, spread the curtains. A fabulous picture appears in front of me: Pure sky pure sky, tender young greens glare glances. I feel how spring heat is bottled all over the body. It is calm and joyful on the soul, calm and joyfully. Spring, spring is poured into my body. "

Open your eyes.

Andrew (It does not wake up, snoring, screaming in a dream). Do not, please, do not! Do not beat me more! I give up!

He pushes a neighbor in the desk, he wakes up.

Andrew(coming to itself). Yesterday I went to sleep at three in the morning. On TV boxing showed - a duel between Valuyev and Klitschko.

Teacher. Here is a clear example of non-compliance with the day. (Call.) Maybe the call will wake you finally. Rest.

Scene "Change"


5 couples classmates.

Children form a circle of couples chatting among themselves, which gradually rotates.

1st steam.

- "I run", "we run",

"You run" and "you run."

You are the verb time to me

Brothers, tell me!

The times of verbs I.

Lit indefinitely.

But what is this change -


2nd steam.

In the class of boy

Just angels with us

But on the change -

Not boys, and special forces!

That's for sure. How to come together -

Sparks roll out of the eyes.

We need a fire extinguisher

So that the class not caught fire!

3rd steam.

- Yozh, hedgehog, hedgehog, heels ...

You do not know the pades!

You seem to know:

"Cinema" with "coat" inclined!

4th steam.

My buddy - Wunderkind:

Chinese studies

On football and dancing walks

Poems he composes!

I do not know how to dance

And poems i don't write

Airplanes are not glue,

Behind football does not follow.

I do not know how to sing bass

And from clay is not leping,

One class -

5th steam.

All day I was doubtfully built:

Why, Crank, did I teach this rule?

Why did I understand this rule?

"Five" still did not put me.

Well, why do you need a "five"?

You really crank.

For example, my score -

Locking such "Troyak".

About wise Elena

I will tell you, brother.

Tell me. Listen to fairy tale

I will be very happy.

She was beautiful:

Smile - Clear Sun,

Spit - Wheat Ripe,

And the handle is snow-white.

But the girl was upheld

Wisdom to learn:

And day and night for the point

Corpel over Nauchoe ...

And made a humpback,

Krivoy, shortcut.

Beautiful blockerel

Your name is now wrapped:

She warms her cheek beets

And nose smears powdered ...

Like a stick, became skinny

From the reading forehead frowning ...

And said Khmuro:

What a fool I am!

Rings a call to the lesson.

Note. The scene uses the verses of the following authors:

S. East. "I can't dance ...".

V. Leukin. "All day I was doubtful ...".

A. Usachev. "She was beautiful ..." ("I wisely worry about Elena, the former beautiful").

And various holidays, in addition to the numbers of artistic amateur activities, which vividly manifests the vocal and dance talents of classmates, merry stages, theatrical presentations and scenes are especially popular.

We offer script comic school scene "Honored Assessment", written on the reasons of the story of Konstantin Melichan (thanks to the author!). Such a scene can be shown at any holiday: the day of knowledge, the day of the teacher, March 8 or prom.


Mary Ivanovna teacher (name can be any)

Pupils (Guys better call their own names, in this scenario, the names are conditional. They may be greater, or less)

School Scene Scenario

Maria Ivanovna: Denis, where is the hijachari winter?

Denis: They roame under the snow.

Maria Ivanovna: Interesting observation. Lera, what do you know about crabs?

Lera: Crabs ... (waiting for tips) These are such fish ... Similar to crayfish!

Maria Ivanovna: Sit down! Julia, what class does a crushes spider belong to?

Julia: To the class of cruciferous!

Maria Ivanovna: And our Julia has all the flowers on the mind! Where do hamsters live? Kirill!

Kirill: In the pet store!

Maria Ivanovna: What are you saying?!!!

Includes horns

Maria Ivanovna: Well, and why are you late for this time?

Rogov: I accidentally fell in a puddle, I returned home to change clothes, and at the same time ... and there was someway.

Maria Ivanovna: And how was it? Sit down, you are my grief! Well, since we all gathered, listen ... Rogova! Taught?

Rogov: Taught.

Maria Ivanovna: Start!

Rogov: Aloud?

Maria Ivanovna (Grozno): Rogs!

Rogov: You have a wonderful smile!

Maria Ivanovna (conciliatory): Well, well, horns, tell.

Rogov: Hairstyle you are always so neat! Not what I have.

Maria Ivanovna (confused): Thank you.

Rogov: Bluffs you have beautiful, to your face.

Maria Ivanovna: I understand correctly, you did not learn lesson?

Rogov: Blame, did not learn. I don't hide anything from you ... Of course, with such a job experience! You, Mary Bath, how much already at school with such as me, suffer?

Maria Ivanovna: Oh, horns, horns! Tell me, where to fly the bird for the winter?

Rogov: There!

Maria Ivanovna: Well, sit down. Troika!

(Refers to the class): Well, since the horns with us would distinguish so, I will ask everyone. Now you will spend a blitz poll with you. Anya, what benefits do ants bring?

Anya: The ants protect fruits from the caterpillars, and the people then collect them and can be preserved.

Maria Ivanovna: Who knows why some birds fly south?

Fedya: And some, probably too lazy!

Maria Ivanovna: Watch, our Fedor woke up! Where do whales live? Well!

Choir: In China!

Maria Ivanovna: Well, you have today in impact: the further, the more interesting! How do pigeons breed? Rogs!

Rogov: Pigeons postpone the testicles, and then dumplings get out of them.

Maria Ivanovna: Well, that not the cabbage rolls! Sit down, dove ... Julia, what are the reserves?

Julia: Reserves are places where animals rest from people.

Maria Ivanovna (passing by class): Is it really? And I did not know! Where would I find a reserve for teachers? Kirill, what do you know the bones of the skull?

Kirill (waking up): Windy, dark and poddle cars!

Maria Ivanovna considers a note selected from girls.

Rogov (says to Fedor - Special Patch): There is no secret: hang this kimikore noodles on the ears about the eyes yes blouse, she will relax!

Fedya: Quieter you will hear!

Rogov: Nonsense! Not drifting, she will not hear for two meters and Ramstein!

Maria Ivanovna (sires): Now listen to Rogov.

Rogov: You already asked me ...

Maria Ivanovna: And I ask you on the old topic. Tell us about ...

Rogov: You have a wonderful smile ...

Maria Ivanovna: What else?

Maria Ivanovna: Closer to the topic!

Rogov: Figure you like a top model!

Maria Ivanovna (doubt examining his figure): So you, it means you don't know anything!

Rogov: You are just like Messing, you see everyone, you know everything! And what did you go to school? The nervous system is yours because of those like me, spoil. Tomorrow is a holiday: you would go to the spa, and you warm your health here! And even better - to the sea, poems read, a good man to meet!

Maria Ivanovna: Well, sit down, horns. Troika...

Scene "Whose help is better?"


Alina, Polina, Evelina - King's daughter.

King (daughters). Today I went through our palace and just came to the horror: a full confusion! Books are lying on the floor, shoes - on the windowsill, and clothes - on the beds! And everywhere - candy candy! And so I decided to make a cleaning today. And I want to ask you: how will you help me?

Alina. I'm how I will help. When you start cleaning, I turn on the player and put your favorite plate "Everyone can kings." With this cheerful song you will instantly make cleaning!

Pauline. And I better turn on the TV. There will show the transfer "Visiting a fairy tale." I will watch it carefully and retell you all. And you fabulously quickly remove the entire palace!

King (with a sigh referring to Evelyn). What do you turn on?

Evelina. I turn on the vacuum cleaner. No, first I will shift all things in its place. Then take a broom and let's notify all the garbage. Then I will remove dust with a vacuum cleaner. After that, a damp cloth is a look of window sills and all furniture. And when it becomes clean everywhere, we will all sit together and will watch TV.

King. Well, now I learned that I have only one real assistant!

Scene "At the doctor"


Before the doctor's office is a student with a briefcase. He is indecisive.

Student.What to do? Go or not go? And suddenly will be expensive? No I'm not going. Yes, and the control? No, you have to go. Was not! (Pulls out a towel from the portfolio, binds to them. Then he knocks on the door.)

Doctor. Yes, yes, sign in!

Student (enters). Can?

Doctor(Something writes, then stops writing, looks at the student). Come in, come in, sit down. What do you complain about?

Student. On very poor well-being.

Doctor. Specifically, what hurts?

Student. Head. Stomach. Ear laid. I don't hear anything and I do not understand anything. Then, this is, dizziness, pressure and heartbeat.

Doctor. The temperature is?

Student.There is, there is! Thirty eight and eight. Or forty four and four. I do not remember.

Doctor. Clear. Do you remember your last name?

Student. No, I do not remember ... I forgot.

Doctor. And the name also forgot?

Student. Yeah. And patronymic. Because the head hurts.

Doctor. And in what class do you study, and at what school - also forgot?

Student. Class ... It seems the sixth "Yu". And the school was completely forgotten.

Doctor. Okay. Open the widdle of the horn and say: "A-A-A".

Student. A-a-algebra.

Doctor. What is "algebra"? Control, what, today?

Student. No, tomorrow. Oh, no, I do not remember.

Doctor. MMM yeah. (Looks at the student over the glasses.) Very difficult case! You can't walk to school. There will be a week two sit at home.

Student (Admitted). At home?

Student. What about English?

Doctor. It is impossible!

Student. And geography?

Doctor. In no case!

Student. And you can go to the cinema?

Doctor. Didn't I say? Be sure! Twice a day - in the morning and after lunch!

Student.Many thanks!

Doctor. On health! Everything. You can go.

Student. Bye. Oh, and help?

Doctor. What a certificate?

Student. Exemption from school. You did not give me!

Doctor. Ah, liberation. No, unfortunately, nothing will happen!

Student. Why?

Doctor. How I will write to you a certificate, if I don't know your name, nor the surname, nor the school in which you study!

Student. Oh, I seem to begin to remember.

Doctor. Well done! How is the surname?

Student. Cotes.

Student. Vasya! That is, Vasily Egorovich.

Doctor. Very good, remember now class, school.

Student. Sixth "B" class, school number twenty five.

Doctor. Now I remember the algebra.

Student. About which algebra?

Doctor. About the same, on which tomorrow is the control. Remembered?

Student. Remembered.

Doctor. Wonderful! See how you quickly recovered! And even no reference is no need! Or do you need? Add to school director number twenty-five?

Student. Not necessary.

Doctor. Then bye. Kotikov Vasily Egorovich. Yes, Chalm is not forget to remove, she does not go to you!

The student removes a towel from his head, leaves.

Scene "Grandmother and Grandchildren"


Two grandmothers.

First grandmother. Hello, my baby! Let's go for a walk in the park.

Second grandmother. What are you, I still didn't do lessons.

First grandmother. Which lessons?

Second grandmother. Now it is fashionable to do lessons for grandchildren. That I want to try, although it is probably short-tag.

First grandmother. Why is it a shortage? Yes, I do all my life for my grandchildren. If anything - ask me, I have a lot of experience.

Second grandmother. Well, if not difficult, check, as I learned the poem: "At Lukomorya Oak green, the golden chain on the oak volume ..."

First grandmother. So good.

Second grandmother. "... And during the day, and at night the dog is a scientist ..."

First grandmother. What else is the dog?

Second grandmother. Well, I do not know what kind of breed he has, maybe Doberman-Pinscher?

First grandmother. Yes, not a dog, and the cat is a scientist! Understood?

Second grandmother. Ah, I understood, understood! Well, at first I will first start: "At Lukomorye Oak green, a gold chain on the oak, and the day, and at night a scientist's cat ... with a car goes in a grocery."

First grandmother. What awnings? What is a grocery? Tell the poem again.

Second grandmother. Oh, I still have so many lessons! One grandson in the sixth grade, and the other in the first. His teacher asked for a cash desk to bring.

First grandmother. What cash register? From the store, or what? You do not let me in this matter!

Second grandmother. Well, what's the store? Cashier is the alphabet. Okay, I will do it myself, and you help solve the problem.

First grandmother. So ... (takes the textbook, reads) "... Two pipes are connected to the bathroom ..." Remember to solve the task, you need to imagine a good idea what it is said about it. "Two hands are connected with a bath ..." - Did you introduce?

Second grandmother. Yes, yes, introduced.

First grandmother. "... through one water strengthened, through the other is poured." Introduced?

Second grandmother. Presented! (Running.) I presented-ah!

First grandmother. Wait! Where do you run?

Second grandmother. Water pours out! Maybe the whole floor fill.

First grandmother. Calm down. In fact, water is not poured. This is stated only in the task! And now tell me when the bath is filled?

Second grandmother. Night will be filled. They themselves said - the water is not pouring ...

First grandmother. Bye. You will get to the hospital. And I still have no homework: you need to spend the experience of botanic - growing beans.

Second grandmother. Ah, yes, yes, I remember, you took me beans.

First grandmother. Yes, something does not grow this bean! Seen, poor-quality ...

Second grandmother. How low-quality? Well, do people good! You can say, the beans torn off myself - took out of soup.

First grandmother. Wait for the weather, how is the soup? This is me, coming out, grown boiled beans? Thank you, Iced ...

Second grandmother. Well, I did not know why you need beans, do not be offended!

First grandmother. What do you think, if we and continue to learn from you and then, we will study, maybe some estimate will we put?

Second grandmother (whisper). Between us, she was already set.

First grandmother. Yes? And what evaluation?

Second grandmother. "COLE"!

First grandmother. What is such a bad assessment?

Second grandmother. For what we do not do our own business.

First grandmother. Adults are doing everything for the guys, and then surprised: "Oh, they grow up to the Belarusians! .."

Old women go.

Scene "Enchanted Letter"


Denis. One day Alenka, Bear and I played in the yard. The case was before the New Year. We were brought to the courtyard to us. She lay big, shaggy and so tasty smelled frost, that we stood like fools, and smiled. And suddenly Alenka said:

Alenka. Look, on the Christmas tree, cheeks hang!

Denis. And we rolled and rolled!

bear. Oh, die with laughter! Cheek!

Denis. Well gives: cheeks!

Bear. Five years old girl, and says "Sads". Oh, I can not! Oh, I feel bad! Oh, water! Let the water rather! I'm fainted now! (Falls, laughs.)

Denis. Oh, I even started to go from laughter! IK! IK! Umna, now, probably! Girl for five years already, I will soon marry, and she is cheeks!

Alenka (offended). Did I say that correctly! This is my tooth fell out and whistles. I want to say "Sads", and I have "Sads".

bear. Think! She fell out to the tooth! .. I had three things left and alone rushes, but I still speak correctly. Listen to: Drain! What? True, great? Honey! I can even sing:

Mihak Kosolapoy

In the forest goes

Hallings collect

And in his pocket puts.

Alenka(screaming). A-ah! Wrong! Hooray! You say "Khimychy", and it is necessary - "Savy"!

bear. No, it is necessary - "Hydies"!

Alenka. No, "Savy"!

Bear. No, "Hays"!

Alenka. No, "Savy"! (Opportan.)

Denis.I was so laughing, which was even hungry. I'll go home. Fucks! What are they so arguing, since both are wrong? After all, this is a very simple word. No "cheeks", no "husks", but briefly and clear: "Figy"! That's all.

Based on the materials of the newsrone "Yeralash"

Scene "Parent Help Day"


Anton. Mum.

Three classmates Anton.

Anton appears on the scene. He erases dust with a rag, sweeps the floor with a brush, dancing at the same time and singing: "My babe, I miss you ...".

Mom enters the top clothes, freezes in place.

Mum.Anton, what happened?

Anton. Nothing happened, Mom. Let me help you undress. (Helps to remove the jacket.)

Mom enters the room, notes that wiped dust.

Mum. You wiped dust? Himself?

Anton. Himself.

Mum.Tell me honestly, Anton, what happened?

Anton. Nothing happened.

Mum. Are they called to school?

Anton. Not...

Mom goes around the room, notes that the floor sweeps.

Mum. Did you run the floor? Himself?! Incredibly ... (applies a hand to the forehead, checking whether she has the heat.)

Anton. Mom, do not worry. I wash the dishes, and did the lessons.

Mum. Made lessons ... I beg you, Anton, tell me, what happened? (Grabs for the heart, sits on the chair.)

Anton. Well, I say you: nothing happened! The doorbell is distributed. Consider three children.

1-y.. Good evening! How was the day helping parents?

2nd. Guck, cleanliness, order. Dust wiped, floor dried up ...

3rd(opens the magazine). Check mark! (Put a tick pencil.)

Anton. Parent assistance day, parents help! Here, look, to what a person brought your day to help parents! (Shows mom.)

Children observe from all sides mom.

1-y. (vigorously). Valerian! Water! (Things drops.) 23, 24, 25! (Gives mom to drink.) To what everyone's nervous moms have! It was necessary to first explain that this is just one day and tomorrow everything will be still!

Scene "PPO kitten who did not know how to read"


Yasha - kitten.

Once a cat Murka, Yashina Mom, said the kitten:

Murka. It's time for you, Yasha, learn to read.

Yasha. I'll have time!

Murka. Nothing to be lazy. Right now and let's start. Sit down, I will show you the letters.

Yasha reluctantly sits down.

Murka. Let's start with the simplest letter - "O". (Shows the letter "O".)

Yasha. Some kind of circle ...

Murka. Yes, it looks like a circle. This letter is called "O". Repeat!

Yasha.This letter is called "O". And in what words is this letter?

Murka. In many. For example, in the words "Cat" and "Cat". (Shows cards with words written on them.)

Yasha. And in the word "kitten"?

Murka. And in the word "kitten" even two letters "O". Look. (Shows a card with a written word.)

Yasha. See see! Two mugs! And three? Three letters "O" happens in words?

Murka. Sure. There is such a good word - "milk". (Shows the card.)

Yasha. Truth! Whole three mug! And in the word "ice cream" there is this letter?

Murka. There is. And also three. Look. (Shows the card.)

Yasha. Good word! And in two ice cream, it means that six letters "O". And in three ...

Murka. Do not say nonsense! And in general, we do not have arithmetic now! Today everything. Go to walk!

Yasha. What a good letter! And it happens in the best words! And the most delicious!

Yasha is suitable for Shirma, on which the sign hangs with the inscription: "Caution! Angry dog!"

Yasha. What a beautiful sign! And three words are written on it ... And in the first word whole ... times, two, three, four ... wow!

Four letters "O"! Blimey! Probably here something is very tasty or pleasant! ..

The kitten looks behind the screen. From there he heard a deafening bark. Yasha pops up because of the screen, breaks the plate and runs to his mother.

Murka (Seeing the excited Jasha). What's the matter? Why are you so wise and all trembling? What happened?

Yasha. Mom, I walked, I saw a fence, a beautiful sign was hung on the fence), three words were written on it, and in the first word there are four letters "O"! I thought that there should be something very tasty or pleasant ...

Murka. So! I understand everything! That's what happens when you can't read! Do you know what is written on this tablet? "Caution! Angry dog!".

Yasha. Yes, it is written correctly, the dog is really evil ... You know what, mom, let's learn the remaining letters!

Scene "game in words"


Petya - Son.

Two boys are one older, another shame - go on stage, sit on the chairs. In the hands - pictures and pencils.

Peter. Dad, draw me something.

Dad. No, we will draw in turn and at the same time play in words.

Peter. Like this?

Dad. That's how. We will invent words to some letter and depict these words drawings. Take, for example, the letter "P". I start. (Draws a portfolio, shows.)

Peter.Clear. And I paint ... (draws a locomotive).

Dad. Well done! Locomotive as a real! And I came up with this ... (draws and shows the belt).

Peter. And the belt is impossible! He is not on the letter "P"!

Dad. And this is not a belt, but the belt!

Peter. You have come up with! Then I paint ... (draws and shows the cat).

Dad. And the cat can not, it is not the letter "P"!

Peter. And this is not just a cat, but a gun!

Dad. Oh, you, slyty! Okay. I paint ... (draws and shows a portrait).

Peter. Who is it?

Dad. This is no one. It's just a portrait.

Peter. Great. And I paint ... (draws and shows Uncle).

Dad. Who's that?

Peter. This is no one. It's just passerby.

Dad. Well done! And I draw a parrot. (Draws and shows.)

Peter. Healthy! And I paint penguin. (Draws and shows.)

Dad. Look. (Shows the boy shown in the drawing.)

Peter. Who is this? If the boy is not considered.

Dad. You did not recognize? After all, it is Petya, that is, you!

Peter. Now I found out! And I paint ... (draws and shows Uncle).

Dad. Who is this? If uncle, then it is not considered!

Peter. You did not recognize? This is dad, that is, you!

Dad. Now I found out. And I came up with. (Draws and shows a woman.) This is our mother. I painted it, because she is a teacher and teaches singing.

Peter. Healthy! And I came up with! (Draws and shows the calendar.)

Dad. The calendar? Why?

Dad. Right. And on this day we will prevent her ... (draws a gift and flowers).

Peter. A gift is understandable. And flowers? They are not the letter "P" ...

Dad. So what? All the same mom will be nice!

Birthday, it's not a sad holiday at all, as it comes in all the famous song, Igor Nikolaev. A very funny event, especially when you paid it to prepare quite a bit of time. Entertaining guests will help you with funny productions and mini sketches for your birthday, especially since we will gladly share your knowledge with you, as well as experience. After reading our recommendations, you as a professional lead you can please our loved ones and friends prepared by you, entertainment program.

Views and mini scenes on the birthday of a man or a woman

Humorous games and contests, great set. No need to break your head in order to come up with them yourself. Enough to go online, on holiday sites where you can choose what you like. Our comic scenes are suitable on the anniversary and any feast. But I want to draw your attention to how to properly organize the procedure for showing scenes as an event is held.

Let's remember that any holiday has:

  • opening part (arrival of guests)
  • official-to-ass part (congratulations, gifts)
  • anxalte part (dancing, entertainment)

It follows from this that it is necessary to select funny scenes and settings based on this order.

Stopping and sketches for a birthday for the opening part of the holiday

Even the meeting can be organized very fun. Recall such an example as a meeting of "bread, salt". The owner meets his guests with jokes, says cheerful booms, giving off a piece of bread or cake.

Birthday script "Meeting with guests"

Host or hostess, and better with the whole family, having dried caps, funny caps or masks, meet the guest at the door, reading greetings:

Meeting of Guests "Bread-Salt"

We do not miss today
We dance and sing
We celebrate the holiday today
And guests are calling!

Hello, guests are called!
Hello, guests are welcome!
You wish you healthy
We offer some tea!

Then they treat the visitor, dress on it a festive cap, inviting you to meet the next one to come together with them. Imagine the surprise of guests from such a meeting! Honestly, you will still have a boring wait until everyone gather, turns into fun entertainment for everyone. And you can also ask for a newly arrived, tell the interesting rhyme or dance and only after that take it into a funny company meeting.

Of course I would like to remind you a funny scenario, beautiful, Gypsy production "Guest meeting dear"

To do this, you need to prepare colored scarves, guitar or tambourine in advance (music instruments can be cut out of cardboard or girlfriend). Buy a bear mask, hats, thereby setting up guests from a meeting, a whole show with dancing, dressed up and engaged in the newcomers in the presentation.

Look all my friends
Sings Gypsy soul.
A friend native came to us
Wire him with a mountain!
We will sing and dance
Holiday fun to cope!
We came to us, came to us,
Our friend is cute, do-oh-horn
Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up!

I want to say that using the meeting templates of the guests, which we led to you above, you can arrange a production for your holiday, practically any topic. They will suit both adults and children.

And so, we have met guests. Let us turn to the officially feast part of our holiday. Guests are grayly sitting at the tables, periodically getting up, declare toasts, give gifts. I think it is the most "boring" transmittance time. It's time to arrange a shake. Little music scene with the participation of guests will be what it is necessary.

Short scenes and performing for official-to-ass

I believe that for this part of the evening, musical productions are very suitable with the minimum number of participants (from 1 to 3 people), since most of the guests are not yet ready for active actions, mostly all behave passively.

Musical, interactive number-greetings with changing clothes, for example:

  • in Serdyuchku
  • in Alla Pugachev
  • in Gypsy

Guests at the festival

Do not forget, to such scenes you need to prepare props, as well as musical accompaniment

But believe me, your efforts will not pass unnoticed, but on the contrary will make freshness and revival to the atmosphere of the holiday.

Another option is to rent special jokes - costumes for such productions. Although I personally advise you to order a professional animator. He will accurately surprise your guests, and you will save you from unnecessary trouble.

The number of scenes in this part of the holiday can be determined in advance by the number of guests invited, you. For every three toast - one scene (just a recommendation from your own experience). Then your guests are not exactly bored.

Birthday script for intermission parts

Now let's go to the main, active part of the event. After the guests were founded, got drunk, ride the fresh air, it is time for funny mini-scenes on birthday, for women and men. In addition to the dance, we suggest you play with guests in a contact fairy tale. It will allay your guests. Do not forget to remove this "fun fun" to the camera. Subsequently, making a video, you can enjoy with friends, memories of your holiday.

As we have said, scripts, fairy tales and scenes, there are many online, choose, I do not want. Of course, the more costumes, the props, and the most importantly acting persons, the more interesting. We give an example of a fairy tale, familiar to everyone since childhood. This mini scene can be played on the birthday of at least a woman, at least a man.

Contact Scene "Repka" for the birthday

Fairy Tale "Repka" in action

- Dear guests, enough chew pies yes bone.
Let's entertain and have fun fun.
I want to tell you a fairy tale
About how grandfather repka SALED,
Yes, a little belly did not tear.

This fairy tale for children and adults. Well, the first thing we need "repka", it should be big - predict (chooses the biggest guest. You can wear a rim with green leaves, but it will be funnant to look, a pot of small flower)

- Here it is, the turnip feed! And now I need a grandfather, let him be a hundred years. (Choose from the male half. For props, you can use an old hat, beard).

- Yes, and we need grandmother, only let her be young (choose a grandmother, using a female table. Props - apron, glasses, rolling).

- Well, that people, listen to the Coca was turnover. Here the grandfather goes, though old, but well done, with a beard of the shelle. But there is one trouble, he is lazy. It will come out in the morning, one balalaika him Mila. Sits on Zavalivka all day, yes spitting on the woven. (Guest at this time, performs movements: strokes the beard, plays on the balalaica, spits).

- But the grandmother sailed, young in the soul, and on the view - Karga. It goes, swears, for all the legs clinging (acting role, performs movements: it stumbles, threatens to someone with a fist).

Now all words will always be pronounced by the leading before the actor, and he in turn will repeat them with expression and gestures)

Grandmother: - What are you doing something you can't do?

Grandfather: - And I'm too lazy, your leg in the wint.

Grandma: - Well, the old stump go back to plant, my wealth increase.

Host: - Eh, grandfather got up, but he went to plant a rep. I came, put in the ground, I walked on top, yes ago I went (the actor repeats all the actions on the text).

Host: - Consider friends, so all summer passed! The sun shines, the rain goes, our beauty rolling is growing, and the grandfather sits on the balalaika plays and does not blow on the mustache. He came again grandmother, angry, evil, teeth creaks, bones crack, swears!

Grandma: - You che, the old stump is sitting again, you look at me, better go to the turnip look.

Host: - Grandfather got up, bludgeed, turned his beard and went to the garden, watch a turnip. Look, she is great, the circle is large, in the ground, it sits not to climb not want. He ached around, yes, let's vote on the mind called.

Grandfather: - Grandma come out, bring their bones!

Host: - That and the grandmother goes, his bones bears. Came, looked, loudly said said:

Grandma: - Here is this turnip !!! (grandma breeds hands from surprise)

The presenter appeals to the guests: - Do not pull out the turnip. Who should I call?

Guests: - Granddaughter

Host: - The right granddaughter. But the granddaughter goes, shakes the grivy, that's what the girl is urban (you can choose the granddaughter in the play of the play, the girl is well suited for her. Requisites - a wig with bows or braids).

Granddaughter: - Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather da Baba: - to help pull back.

Granddaughter: - And give candies?

Grandfather da Baba: - Let's give.

Host: - The granddaughter came closer, yes, how they sneak:

Granddaughter: - This is repa !!!

Host: - Do not pull out threesome. Who else should be called?

Guests: - Bug!

Host: - That's right, bug! Here it is a tail waving, there is no painful.
(props - rim with dog ears)

Bug: - Gav-Gav. Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather da Baba: - Pulling the repkah.

Bug: - And give a bone?

Grandfather da Baba: - Let's give.

Host: - The bug went closer, yes the hands spread.

Bug: - That's repa!

Host: - Do not pull out anyone else you want to call?

Guests: - Cat.

Host: - Yes, friends, of course a cat. The most beautiful, very cute. Here it goes, purr, yes sings. (Props of rim with cat ears)

Cat: - meow-meow, Mur-Moore. And here I am all good. Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather Yes Baba: - Pull out the repkah.

Cat: - And give milk with sour cream?

Grandfather da Baba: - Let's give.

Host: - Cat came up closer, herself under his nose:

Cat: - That's repa!

Host: - Yes, that's done, even the cat did not help. They decided to go home with the whole family, dinner, sleep, but sideways. Like, they will throw strength, then we will beat the repka. (Everyone is departed to the side).

- Well, while the whole family slept, the Maaalny mouse came on the field. (Mouse should choose a man of the biggest or birthday man)

- I saw the mouse of repka, as squeaks:

Mouse: - This is a repka! Such a repka is needed.

Host: I took the mouse on the hands, dragged to my mink. (I take the mouse to the side).

"And the whole family returned to the garden and sees that there are no repka.

All actors together: - And where is the repka?

Host: - Yes, the pros ... oh slept, you are repok. You can not get out of the garden without difficulty. Yes, yes ... but no morality, if only there was a delicious lunch. But you are very lucky, our mouse is very kind, she will definitely share. (It turns out the mouse, takes a repka). That's a fabulous end, and who listened to well done!

In these words, you can ask everyone to pat and declare photos.

I think dear friends, you liked our scenario, drinking games and scenes. In the future, we will post a lot of interesting things on this topic. I would like to say only one, mass games, scenes for congratulations on your birthday, only a positive will be added on your holiday.

At entertainment events, in educational institutions, funny scenes for schoolchildren most like the audience. The need to put such scenes may arise at school KVN, a class hour or competitions for the showrooms of artistic amateur activities. What about whom to talk in scripts for schoolchildren? Of course, about exactly the same students, duals, honors, teachers, class teachers.

Surely schoolchildren will be interested in putting a couple of such scenes. After all, it is very easy to play yourself.

Scenario of a funny scene about schoolchildren "Two"

This scene contains an instructive plot for schoolchildren about the importance of homework. In a funny production, several students of junior or middle classes participate. They perform the following roles: Kolya Pethekin - Dweller and Hooligan, Sasha Gavrilov - his open friend, Vitya Melnikov - a round excellent student, two girls-schoolgirls.

Props for scenes: School desk with chairs, wooden board, large buttons.

So, on the stage there is a party. Two girls run away. For them popping up the pursuing Kolya Pethekin with a plastic tube in his hands.

Girl 1 (screaming):
Stop Pleetkin!

Girl 2:
PETECHKIN, stop! To whom they say!

They are trying to hide from Pethekin at the desk.

PETECHKIN (selflessly spits pieces through the tube):
And I will spit! And I will spit! La-Lyal! How fun me!

Girl 1:
We need to be informatics, and not to dissolve.

Girl 2:
And then you, Kolya, today in the lesson, computer science will ask, and you will get a twice!

(Both schoolgirls run away.)

PETECHKIN (stops to spit):
Informatics? That's right, the teacher promised to call me ... what to do? A, I will try to resort to the help of a friend! (Calls.) Sasha! Gavrilov!

(Leaves Sasha Gavrilov.)

What do you, Kolya?

I need to write a computer science with someone. Maybe you will help your friend?

I would be glad to help you, but you understand what is a secret: I did not do it myself.

Eh, problem! How to be something, eh?

Do you know what?


You have a Melnikov.

He will not give.

And you somehow sharpen ...

(Appears Vitya Melnikov with a notebook. He has an exemplary appearance, he wears glasses.)

ABOUT! Melnikov! (Echidific.) Excellent!

Kolya Pethekin, Dweller and Walk! Gerasim, why are you drowned muh?

I'm not Gerasim, I am Nikolai.

Melnikov (with an expression sings on the motive of the melody from the film "Great Father"):
Why did Gerasim drowned his mu-mu? She lay, did not interfere with anyone! (Proudly leaves.)

PETECHKIN (after the departed Melnikov):
Oh, you, Did you tease? Well, here I am a teach. You will write to me and computer science, and all my life ...

Gavrilov (rubbing hands):
Will it work for medicines?

Not! I will be afraid! (Takes out a piece of a wide wooden board from behind the riding.) This board will help me to deceive him. Only you, Sanya, I have to help in this business.

Well, what should I do?

Confirm all I will talk. (Sticks the board under the sweater, presses to the chest. Screams for the scenes.) Hey, Melnikov! Go here! Melnikov! I'm telling you! Come for a minute.

(Comes out Vitya Melnikov.)

Melnikov (proud):
What do you need, Pethekin?

That's what, Victor, I have a business for you.

What do you have to do with me?

The most friendly. Recycling, eh? Do not give a man to the abyss. Let me write off computer science.

A-A-A, here you are talking about. Do not even hope.

PETECHKIN (solemn bass):
Victor, then get ready for death! No I do not Kolya Pethekin, and I know who? Do you know? I am a terminator!

Melnikov (dismissively):
What? You completely went crazy, yes?

Not. I just came from the future, out of 2069. And I came with Miss ...

What Miss?

PETECHKIN (whisper):
Not with Miss, but with a mission. (Kolya straightened and calmly continues.) Yes, I came with the mission.

Melnikov (Pugty):

I have to destroy you, as you know the computer science well. And after many years you will be so good to know her that you will write a computer virus that will destroy all computers on the planet ...

Melnikov (Starting from fear):
But I do not know how to write viruses ...

Teach in the future. And no one can cope with him, because you will program high artificial intelligence to him. And no one can solve the algorithm of his actions, because you do not give off anyone. Therefore, no one can fight with him.

In general, "Asta La Vista, Baby"!

(Pretends that he throws the trigger from the machine, and accepts a militant pose.)

Melnikov (Running):
Oh, do not! Meach me. I have a mom and a little brother ...

To spare

Gavrilov (questioning):
Maybe we will spare?

And I want to ask, what feelings do you feel, feeling yourself by the terminator?

Power and power in the whole body. (Offers.) Here's hitting me in the chest ...

Melnikov (strikes the board hidden under the sweater):
Oh! (Curved pain.) You like a bulletproof! And why do you have bad assessment on physical culture?

I pretend.

Well, do you see how, somehow different?

I see perfectly, and in the dark too. Here ask me any question.

Well, let's say ... (thinks.) How are you?

PETECHKIN (pretended, shakes his head):
And before my eyes, as in the monitor of an invisible computer, several options for answers appear. The first option is "Fool himself", the second (reads a dishwasher) - "How are you, how are you, I shaved the egg!" Third - "Not your mind is a matter."

And what will you choose?

PETECHKIN (solemnly):
Fool himself!

Melnikov (offended):
PETECHKIN, are you for what I called me?

And this in the future you call me a fool, so I already answered you. That is what I am invulnerable.

So you, Melnikov, give you to write off? And then the terminator will destroy you.

Pethekin (fierce):
"Asta La Vista, Baby!"

Do not, do not go away! I will give you computer science.

And mathematics. These science are interrelated ...


Melnikov (gives honor):
So exactly, Comrade Terminator.

(Pethekin waves his fists in front of Melnikov's nose, demonstrating her muscles. Girls appear behind their backs. They put on the button of the button.)

Girl 1 (Spectators):
Pethenkin pieces spoiled. So we will revenge him.

Girl 2:
Here we will teach it! Let's leave the buttons on the chair. Let him sit! (Both girls run away.)

Now I'm how to sit on the chair! (Plunges on the chair, immediately jumps and yells.) Ah!

Haha! So you need, little chocolate! (Run away).

So you are not iron? (Takes away from if, because of the sinuses board.) Oh, here you are like! I will not write off! Himself must do lessons! (Goes out.)

Eh, Kolka, we'll have to do the next time the homework itself.

Funny Scene for Schoolchildren "On Classroom"

Cool hour is the perfect place to produce this funny scene for schoolchildren. Moreover, the class teacher can personally participate in it, but his role can play any schoolboy.

Active persons on the scenario: Class Manager (CR); Alekseeva and Fedotova - glamorous blondes, schoolgirls-laughter; Semenov - a typical excellent student, bore; Nikitin and Vovan - blunt schoolchildren hooligans; Samoilova - Skalebannaya, with a candy on a stick, eternally late fellow student.

Scene begins. The classroom comes to the class.

So, so come in. (All except self-sized.) What, and that's all?

Yes, you, no, of course! (Samoilova comes.) Now, now everything!

And this is from all class? Where else are 18 people? Can anyone explain where everything is?

Well, if you take into account the address of each, walking speed, relief and force majeure circumstances, then 47% already at home, and another 53% on the road.

Yes, this and the physius is clear that they left, the question is why they left?

Well, if you take into account the nature of the majority, the number of lessons today and force majeure circumstances, then 100% scored on a class hour.

Okay, Semenov, Alekseeva, Fedotov - this is understandable, decent students, and you have come Nikitin? And a friend led to him.

Well, if you consider ...

Semenov, silent!

No, I just wanted to say that in no case ...

So, Semenov, here's a book, read, outline. So, nikitin, what fate are you here?

And with Wovov, I just cut the light, you will not play the computer, you will not see the telly, here we are from idleness and came.

And I really are very interesting to cool problems.

Well, Nikitin, you are seriously unlucky that you have cut your light! Tell me, why, are you on Thursday in the toilet fire extinguisher checked?

So, we were told that when Ignorant, we need to immediately extinguish with a fire extinguisher.

Yes, it is necessary to stew.

So where did you think that something burns?!

Well, the smoke smelled.

Yes, smelled.

KR (shouting):
As if you do not know how smoke I smell in the toilet!

Are you talking about it? No, if someone wanted to do it, I called me.

Yes, he would call him.

Kr (waiting):
All clear. To you, Vova, I have no complaints, only the question for Nikitin, and what does a schoolboy from another class of another school on our class hour?

And, I said, we got out the light, and Vovan also had nothing to do, so I took it to have fun, my friends need to help.

To entertain! Well, the disciples went. Now to the other others. Samoilova, not bad. There is no bobbies, there is no triple, four too ... there are no estimates! Samoilova, when you start to go to school. What are you sick this time?

I am in the encyclopedia of diseases to the letter "g" reached. I have a headache.

I would say that you have inflammation of tricks, but this is how Nikitin says, Bayan!

(Class applauds.)

You still "IMHO" and prevented a bear "to learn and everything will be in the shock.

I read, I did not know, and you know, I think that considering ...

Do not take anything to take into account, we must generally try to learn less, answer, give the floor to other students ...

Yes, but this is from one point of view, here psychology says that ...

There is only one way out. On the seeds another little book, read, outlines.
So, let's quickly, we have only 15 minutes before seeds read, you need to hurry.
Alekseeva and Fedotov also received complaints! You are talking at every lesson!

Yes, we are just on the topic.

Yes, of course on the topic. (Giggle.)

And laugh at the lessons.

Yes you!

In no case (giggle.)

Draw in notebook!

Well, if only this drawing notebook (and both are broken by laugh. All perplexed look, like "what to laugh?")

(Passing, showing that it is time for them to stop) actually in the notebook in chemistry.

(Scratching the head, thinking that it is to lie.) So these are drawings.

Yes, okay, what's there to be, the chemist is such a dream, he allows us. (Laugh again.)

Okay, there is little time left, seeds are already reading, so tell me who will do the wall newspaper?


I think Nikitin with my friend.

And why are we?

Well, so you have cut the light, here you have nothing to do.

And I generally from another school.

Never mind. You yourself said that you are interested in cool problems. Besides, friends need to help. Watman in the closet. I will go, and Semenov soothe yourself.

To prepare these funny scenes for schoolchildren, you will not need a lot of time. The words learn very easily, and somewhere can even improvise. By the way, such humorous scenes are well suited for the summer camp. Before the selection you can have fun and recall your studies at school.