An interesting young woman with a new year old woman. Ready, funny anniversary scenario (60 years old woman) at home, in a cafe, at work. Requisites and scenery

Any birthday (and, in particular, anniversary) is a wonderful holiday that can only cause a smile on his face. However, the more age, the worse it becomes to celebrate it, and to a greater extent it concerns women. The 60th anniversary can deliver many trouble to a woman, so the main goal is to organize everything so that the birthday girl felt the most well and comfortable on his own festival. It is especially important that the atmosphere of love and significance of this holiday reign in the air.

Congratulations on children

Our sweet mom, you are for us - the lighter all.
We wish you in life to accompany the success!
From the early years, you raised us, and no offense did not give
Transfer to us is very difficult all love through words.
You do not get old in our heart, there are always you - young.
There are no wrinkles, despite the year.
We are always ready for you to serve
You always defended us, it's time to return and return duty!
(give a memorable gift)

How much love, care
Give your beloved
Through life, adding, go,
Forgetting offense.
So let's, dear,
We will not fall behind!
Not a single feature
For sure, do not forget!

(All guests in a circle are wishing happiness to birthday and praise it)

And now, friends, let's
Fill glasses!
For the health of the jubileis,
You need to drink!

(pause on the meal)

Competition "Knitted thread"

Are there hands-up here?
I call you!
Competition Babushkin now
Openly declare!

Competition for everyone who wants guests. Each participant gets a ball of threads and a pair of knitting spokes. The task is to link the maximum thread in 2 rows in 3 minutes. Wins the one whose thread will be longer. You can turn on moving music. The winner gets a big motility of good knitting threads.

While in the country such workers -
All misfortunes will bypass us.
For ensuring all the strains,
Who will drink, darling guests, with me?

Competition "And the legs are rushing to dance"

Leading: It's time to stretch bones! I declare a competition for the best dancer. All those who wish are invited!

For this competition you need several steam. A few melodies of different genres should be selected in advance: Kadril, Lambad, Hopak, Waltz and others. For music, every couple is dancing a few seconds, and when the loss ends, you need to frost in a beautiful, suitable pose genre. The audience is estimated by the quality and hill dance and the beauty of the frozen pair. According to the results, a couple of winners is determined. They get the "best dancer" medals.

Soul shines fun and joy
When in the waltz twist, we do not rush!
So that dancing always our life filled,
Immediately drink i suggest!

Contest "Song-Antiphesna"

Leading: Do you like to sing? I am sure that you love. Today you can demonstrate your talent!

Everyone will be divided into two teams. The first remembers any song and sings a few lines from it. The second is trying to find a song opposite by the meaning of the composition of the first team, and also sing a few lines to not be too difficult, you can ask the topic and genre of songs or give conditions (for example, that in opposite compositions there are antonyms "White / Black", "Big / Small "," man / woman "and so on).
The heart is dancing and sings,
Hearing these songs.
So that we sang all year round,
Let's drink together!

Competition "Fishing Fish"

Leading: Let's still go! I invite several steams to fall in agility!
All those wishing are invited. Fish, which should be cut in advance from paper or cardboard, are tied to the ropes to the belly of the partner in such a way that the fish lay on the floor. When the music is launched, the pairs are circling in the dance, but this is not the only task. A partner must come to someone else's fish and break it, passing his own fish. You can cut figures from different colors to not be confused. The couple wins, which remained the last. They get a pack of liver fish and a brazing fisherman's medal.

No doubt no
In the victory of this glorious.
For many such victories
Please raise the glasses!

Game "Pold"

Want to earn crisp banknotes?
Rather, everything is in a circle, wealth is waiting for you!
Trust quickly you hand
They will serve to honestly!
Fun, joy and excitement,
Now tense you told
Let it sound a paddle laugh,
Wealth is enough here at all!

Those who wish are sitting in a circle and get a prize, wounded in several paper layers. Next, they pass it under the merry music in a circle. When music stops, holding a prize, a man unfolds one layer of paper and takes a banknote hiding under it. Next, everything is repeated until the paper layers are completed. Those who have underwent bills receive a "treasure detector" medals

Many of you became richer
Let it be so every hour!
Not only a wallet, but also
The soul is rich every.
For this, you need to drink
And the jubilee, and guests!

Competition "True or not?"

Leading: And now let's see who is better knowing our culprit of the celebration.

Those who want to divide into 2 groups. There are 2 stools in front of the groups, "True" is written on one, on the other "Lies". In advance, it is necessary to prepare several proposals relating to the biography of the conviction of the celebration. Half of them should be truthful, and half is false. Participants are divided in such a way that in each pair there was a person from the first team and a person from the second. Next pronounces one of the prepared offers. The participants of each couple leaning on the prompts of their teams trying to sit on the "True" chair, if the proposal is true, or to "lie", if not. Who has time to do this before, he gets one point. The team wins the team that scored more points.
Immediately visible, gathered
Only close friends!
The truth with you we learned
It is better not to say!

Competition "Buryka"

It's time for us and a cake to make
He is tasty and beautiful.
But from whose milk
Will we cream created?
Who is breeding milk,
So that the holiday went great?
This is a very simple question,
Of course, the cow!

Leading: Before you try the cake, it must be deserved. Probably many of you were in the village. So, they saw cows there and, for sure, they dreamed of making them. Today your dreams will be fulfilled! For this contest I need a man and a woman.

Conditions of the Competition: Milk Rubber Gloves per minute. Who at the end of the competition will be more reversible, he won.

What technique yes for that
Of course, the reward is waiting!
Now you need to think my head,
Cut to yourself a big piece!

(Festive cake make, pause on the meal)

Competition "Uncomfortable treat"

How to prepare grandmothers
Know all of us.
So our ... (Name)
Showed a class!
Treat, lovely
Today is a feast Mountain!
But forgot the forks we,
Nobody, oh!

4 people take part, a plate with ordinary pie is heard. As soon as the lead will give the deposit, the participants begin to have their own pies, but it is necessary to do it without help. The winner is the first coping with the task, he gets a big donut.

Leading: Here and comes to the end of our amazing holiday, filled with a ringing laughter, ringing glasses and wonderful songs. Let's finally drink for the holiday in the soul of our jubilee ever ended!

Beautiful greetings for a woman with an anniversary for 60 years

If your family will soon be celebrated 60-year-old women's anniversary, the culprit of the celebration of which is a beloved wife, a caring mother and grandmother, for sure you begin to think over the organization of the celebration of a memorable date. In order for the anniversary birthday to be remembered for a long time, it must be turned into an interesting event, avoiding banal gatherings at the table with excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages.

And now, finally, this long-awaited birthday is the best grandmother in the world. Naturally, the most pleasant childhood memories are often associated with her stay. Especially memorable are those moments when the grandmother tried to please us. What is only one of the memories about how morning awakening has come from the fragrance of lush buns and fragile pies. Of course, not everything was always smooth - sometimes it came from the grandmother for some pranks. However, even scolding us for our tricks, she still sourced good-dimensional and tenderness, and at that time I blinked.

Grandma always knows when and what to say, in what situation would regret, and in what kind of digest. And, pronouncing a congratulatory speech with a 60-year-old anniversary, do not forget to emphasize in it how much a grandmother means to you than you are obliged to all the wisdom that she trained you. And the fact that you grew up a good person, undoubtedly, there is her merit. On our site you will find a variety of congratulations with a 60-year anniversary for a woman who will help you express all the love and gratitude to your grandmother. When you choose your favorite granny, a suitable congratulatory speech with the anniversary, reinforce this preparation to be trembling and with love.

Only so you can show her your attitude. Gradually, the old grandmothers become more wounded and impressionable, for them in this life stage the most valuable is attention and care shown by grandchildren. Being in the elderly, they no less want to feel right and beloved. They should be aware that all their works related to taughtness about grandchildren were not in vain. Do you remember who postponed all your affairs to give you the necessary attention while the parents were not at home? Who secretly has picked up your little whims? Who told you interesting stories while you enjoyed the prepared grandmother dishes? Of course, the grandmother does not expect an expensive gift from you, she herself is ready to give all the best for your good. But sincere congratulatory words on the occasion of the celebration of the 60-year anniversary will be as impossible by the way.

Both the round date and ordinary birthday are a special event in the life of any person. The celebration of the anniversary must be taken seriously, however, in this situation all organizational moments depend directly on the age of the anniversary. Events are preparing carefully and in advance, and often with a special scope. Selecting a present for a woman in honor of the 60th anniversary attacked primary importance. If you are familiar with all invited guests, try on the eve of a delicate form to find out who made a gift and what congratulatory speeches will be pronounced to avoid repetitions. Gathering for the celebration of the anniversary, guests are also carefully prepared. Selecting outfits are recommended so as not to overshadow the culprit of the celebration. Congratulatory words are better to read by heart at all guests. In this section, we present to your attention various anniversary greetings that are suitable for friends and relatives, and for colleagues and bosses.

Spiritual congratulation in prose and touching poems

Anniversary becomes a traditional reason for collecting all close and native jubilers, colleagues and business partners, acquaintances and friends. Such an approach is due to the desire to organize a long-awaited holiday not only the most expensive people, but also personally.

Anniversary- This is not an ordinary event. In any case, this particular holiday is important for a separate personality and for the enterprise, firms, corporations, because it happens once in life. Often on the event dedicated to the anniversary, they hold a parallel with the passage of a certain period of life path. In this regard, it is not so easy to organize an anniversary. The main task of professional Tamada is an interesting postulation of the holiday.

Specialists of a serious company providing services for the organization of celebrations, firmly know what to pay attention to the preparation for the celebration of the anniversary first, namely:

The choice and rental of a suitable restaurant or other premises may be outside the city at a reasonable price for a banquet or bunting table. The place where the event will be held must be convenient for the customer and for its guests;

Ordering outlet restaurant service at any convenient place where a holiday will be held;

Development of scenarios, taking into account the individual or corporate features of the perpetrator of the celebration, the profession of the jubilee or specialization of the company. Different scenarios for the organization of the anniversary contribute to the presentation in the best light of the status and social status of the jubilee, his respectability with the bright allocation of his personality, interests, the circle of his friends.

Celebration of anniversaries You can easily compare with a wedding feast: a large number of invited persons, holding a holiday in a restaurant, Tamada and musicians, the subsequent expression of delight and memories, interesting and fun photos. Especially I want to surprise a woman-jubilex. Therefore, the anniversary congratulation on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of a woman should remain in her memory as a fun, beautiful, interesting event, at least until the next suitable case. Without turning a round date in "Summing up" at a certain stage of life, fill the celebration of the anniversary with a variety of surprises and surprises and for the jubilee, and for guests. Such a congratulation with an anniversary dedicated to the 60th anniversary, a woman will be remembered for a long time, as well as any jubilee, and guests.

Recently, many anniversaries celebrate their holiday outside the house, having fun on the whole coil. If you want to mention your anniversary so that it is remembered for a very long time, think carefully and prepare everything connected with the anniversary organization. An indelible pleasant impression will leave the scenario in verses dedicated to the anniversary of 60 years for a woman. An interesting scenario of the anniversary dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the anniversary is also. Thus, a carefully thought out and developed scenario becomes a pledge of a funny memorable holiday. Naturally, the key to the original approach to anniversaries, distinguishing them from ordinary sites at the table, is an extraordinary festive scenario, which is of interest to all those present.

Poems to the female 60-year-old anniversary should be selected by you so that they can be heard the reflection of the advantages of the jubilees, its life position and merit.

The script compiled in prose to celebrate the 60th anniversary can be developed with a small erotic bias, if you know exactly that it will not be offended by the jubilee and guests invited to them. In the absence of objections, funny congratulations and contests with erotic subtext may be appropriate. Only with proper compilation, the scenario of the anniversary can not be doubting the receipt of a funny exciting holiday. Smiles on the faces of those present and sincere laughter will be the best reward for this subtle organizational work. The "highlight" of professional Tamada is considered to develop such scenarios that will not be repeated on the holidays of other anniversaries.

Congratulations to a woman for 60 years in prose:

(Name of the jubileis)! With sixty years! In 60, it is already possible to say that a person has achieved a lot in life - to sum up a kind of result. You are a beautiful woman, loving mother and grandmother, faithful wife and wonderful girlfriend. And, undoubtedly, in life you have achieved a lot by creating such an excellent family. Be happy and loved, well-being, healthy and live for a long time! And these wonderful poems on the anniversary, as a gift on your birthday!

Congratulations in prose:

Multi-dressed jubilee! In this festive day for you, we solemnly congratulate you on the sixtieth anniversary and we wish you heartily with the whole of the health of the mental and physical, forces, spiritual equilibrium and harmony. Stay as an excellent and kind woman who gives your attention to others. And these verses dedicated to the anniversary, we give you today!

Congratulations on the 60th anniversary in verses:

You are sixty!
And you will not say so in the view:
Bodr and fresh, and all fashionable -
And so suddenly the anniversary!

Congratulations from the soul!
Be forever good,
Best of all in business and song,
It is easier for us easier.

You want to work with you
Sing, laugh, having fun
I want to dream with you
And no hours not to notice.

Happiness you carry
Although in a walk, at least in work.
There is a spark in you in you,
Gets all heat

Light, good fun.
Congratulations on Birthday!
Light Daily, Cake Carry!
Sixty candles lit!

In the staff holiday nice -
Our most important person
Celebrates anniversary!
Sixty rushed spring,
Autumn has come in life
With his grace.

Experience in life worked
And settled on Saturdays
Entertainment leisure.
There is still a fade in life:
Mother's heart - Usland,
When children come to the house,

Lead with his grandchildren -
Roads house from sounds
Laughter, noise players.
And this is happiness -
Take part in the game
Having dropped twenty-five nodes!

Let you happily live
Happiness is joyful
Autumn will be gold!
We wish on birthday
And health, and lucky -
In total, I want myself!

Scenario for anniversary

In order to write a good scenario for a female anniversary in connection with the 60th anniversary, it is necessary to prepare in advance. Preparation by our specialists undergo several stages.

The scenario focused on the anniversary in connection with the 60th anniversary in the home environment includes, first of all, decorating the room with alive flowers, paper applications depicting wildflowers, and posters. The choice of music is aimed at optimistic notes, the songs about the happy future, about dreams, a happy family and love will be appropriate here.

To begin with, experts are written off and constructed with the relatives of the jubilee and ask them to recall important and interesting cases from the life of the main heroine of the holiday. Based on them and the subsequent development of a 60-year anniversary script for a woman occurs. Some moments of life were staged invited with the participation of the jubilee, some were read as stories.

The next step is the thinking of the scenario of the festive event at home, taking into account the age of the jubilee. Therefore, the display of the life path of the jubilees becomes a natural moment in holding the holiday. However, it must be done so that it was interesting to everyone. A small presentation with photos shows a birthday boy from diaper before the anniversary. Each photo has an unusual background and funny signatures.

Jubilee script for women In the summer, it does not work out without a solemn presentation of colors. At the entrance to the banquet hall, guests with bouquets can become in two ranks and applaud when the jubilee appears.

The scenario of the anniversary celebrated by a woman in the summer can be developed and taking into account its in nature. This includes games and sports competitions allowed for all age categories present.

Considering that 60 years - This is not old age, but the honorary age and the solemn-pathetic notes are also entered into the scenario of the female anniversary. Usually our specialists ask the most younger in the age of relatives to come up with sincere beautiful congratulations in poetic form or prose and when they say everyone, in order to certainly sound a little sad, but, at the same time, very solemn music.

In 60 years old woman May not only have grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren. Modern youth of what will not come up with to surprise her beloved grandmother. Armed with a video camera, grandchildren and gravestones in a few weeks before the holiday went around all relatives and almost all familiar grandmothers with a request to tell something interesting about her on camera and express their wishes in honor of her 60th anniversary. Next, they joined the removed video with pieces of popular Soviet cartoons that like a grandmother, and showed it on a holiday. The effect was awesome: ridiculous, but at the same time the touching film struck all those present guests, well, and of course, the Jubiesta.

Best Birthday Scenarios

DOWNLOAD Scenarios of competitions and solemn congratulations on the anniversary woman .

Cool scenario for anniversary

Anniversary scenario for 60 years. How to celebrate Mom's Birthday

You can develop an anniversary scenario for your mom yourself. Who, how not you, know all its tastes and preferences?

The scenario dedicated to the Mama Jubilee should reflect only the best moments of her life, present the jubilee in the eyes of guests only in the favorable light, emphasizing all the advantages of the tireless worm, loving wife, caring mother and grandmother.

To instruct the compilation of the scenario for the celebration of the Mom's anniversary birthday can also be a professional toastmaster. At the request of the Brazda of the Board, the scenario dedicated to the Mama Jubilee can be given to someone from relatives or friends.

The scenario of the mother's anniversary, starting with traditional congratulatory speeches and presenting colors, gradually moves to a variety of interesting competitions, dancing, view photos.

Anniversary scenario for 60 years for mom

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Jubilee congratulations on birth for 60 years

Congratulations should not be boring and monotonous. They will delight the jubilee, if they will emphasize her attractiveness, liveliness, cheerful temper. Naturally, over the years she became a wise and experienced in various everyday situations. This combination allocates it among others. Consider this fact, choosing congratulations for a woman.

Congratulatory speechesabout the birthday prepare ahead. The painting at the table is ugly, when, when granting a word, he stands, and, blushing and palene, trying to come up with something suitable for this case or pronounces traditional short phrases.

Anniversary script to the 50th anniversary for a woman, as well as congratulations and poems happy birthday to the 55th anniversary you will find on our website. You can use them both in the original form and with the addition of something from yourself personally.

Carefully selected and learned by heart poems and beautiful prose will especially like the jumper if they take into account her tastes and preferences.

On the birthday of women Solemn and funny congratulations will be relevant. Surifying them can be coincided and to the presentation of the gift.

All congratulations on the 60th anniversary, which you will find when searching on our website are filled with only beautiful, full warmth and tenderness with words, wishes and positive things - only positive. Generously indoor the birthday girl on this day compliments, remembering that women really like it regardless of their age.

Choosing congratulations, do not focus on age, causing a woman with lightness and longing. After all, despite the fact that old age is no longer around the corner, she still wants to stay young.

An interesting, detailed scenario of the anniversary of a man of 60 years.

Wires retired. Scenario

Registration of the Hall

When making a hall, you can use posters:

Worked from soul

On Canara Hurry!

Work is good, and the pension is better!

Fill fuyster wine,

Young pensioner!

Don't pensions fear

After all, sixty - three times twenty!

Work is not a wolf, I will not run away from pension!

From work rest,

And your colleagues do not forget!

Let us ask today

For the health of the jubilee!

Holiday move

Leading: Good evening, dear friends! Did you get our places behind these luxurious tables? Is all the location of bottles with drinks and favorite snacks? Then you can start! .. The reason that gathered us here is known, I think everyone. And if someone was confused and forgot, I remind you: today we honor the jubilee, and not simple, but a special, deserved!

Plays a solemn march.

Leading: Everyone knows that the Constitution says: everyone has the right to work and rest! And for its sixty years, our jubilee has accurately deserved their right to rest. We will raise our first toast for this! Happy anniversary!

The passage from the song "My Year is my wealth" (from the repertoire of V. Kikabidze).

Leading: But we will be frank: Is this young man looks like this solid digit - sixty? Look at how much fire and energy, strength and badges are in it! He is clearly tuned to have fun before you fall, and I suggest all guests to start doing the same thing!

The presenter invites guests to pronounce their congratulations. The first jubilee congratulates his family, then close relatives.

The passage from the song "My Family" (from the TV program of the same name) sounds.

Congratulations from children and grandchildren

Hearts in the excitement knock

And in children, and in the grandchild:

Wound up in the house "Super-Star",

The head of the family is our jubilee!

In a new shirt he sits

And looks awesome:

And what you, guests, brought,

What gift groaned?

Perhaps fashionable coat?

Keys from a new car?

Or maybe the world cruise

Or some other whim?

And suddenly will give any reason

By the sea, the house is just a paradise?

Maybe yacht with sails

And the gold bracelet with the clock?

Or will give (e-mine!)

Collector's gun?

Dreaming is not harmful, everyone knows

Live without dream - uninteresting ...

I'm a friendly crowd

Froze in tension,

And our gift is simple:

Love and respect!

Solemn music sounds. The family hugs and kisses the jubilee. Add that the material gift is also attached to love and respect, and give it.

Leading: Ivan Ivanovich (the name of the jubilee), I just envy you: you have a stunning, cheerful and friendly family! And what else do you need a person for happiness? But! Sorry, an expensive jubilee, I will open your big secret ... Few people know that the jubilee has another family! Yes Yes! And this is no one else, as employees ... (enterprise name)! This team gave Ivan Ivanovich most of his labor biography, from this team and sent to a well-deserved rest! Do you want to remember how it all started?

Comic Tale "Collective"

On sheets of paper, different adjectives are written in advance, for example: funny, cheerful, promising, positive, intellectual, incendiary, strange, noisy, hot, complex, drunk. These sheets are mixed at the lead in a basket.

The host reads offers from text, making a pause where you need to insert adjective. At the same time bypasses guests with a basket so that they take out one word and substituted instead of a pause.


Many years ago came to the plant (company name) New employee Ivan (Yubilert Name).

He was very "green" and ***

And the team was big and ***

And the head of Ivan - very experienced and ***

And he gave the head of Ivan first task - a detail on the machine to make.

Ivan thought: with this I will cope, I am ***!

I did the day, two did - and coped!

Then he gave the head of Ivan the second task, more complicated - write a report.

Ivan thought: with this I also cope, I am ***!

The day wrote, two wrote - and coped!

And then the head of Ivan was given to the third task, the most difficult - the team to please.

Ivan thought: yes, it is difficult to handle it ... But I ***!

The day thought, two thought - and coped!

She covered the table *** for the team, bought wine *** Yes, sang a song ***.

And I understood the team that in front of him his own - *** and ***!

The presenter provides the word to employees.

Congratulations from the team

Employees congratulate the jubilee, give gifts and hand over a comic "labor book."

Congratulations from subordinates

Bosses we do not choose

It is not given to predict:

Someone is lucky

To whom - quite the opposite.

But we will complain sin:

In work strong you walnut,

And with you so pleasant work,

Your method is a gingerbread, and not whip!

All this was and passed,

Party time came.

Do not replace with anyone, alas,

Such a chef us like you!

To do not speak too much

His love is rush to give

We cordially accustomed to you

And say together: in good time!

Leading: As they say, in a good way, in a new life! There is such a custom: Before starting a new case, break the bottle of champagne on happiness. We will not break it, but I will arrange a salute from champagne!

Hands the anniversary with a bottle of champagne and asks him to open it with cotton and fill the glasses of guests.

When guests will drink, suddenly goes out the light, then it turns on again and jinn appears in the hall (they will need a chalma and a brilliant bathrobe to suit).

Genie: Oh noble gentlemen! Honorable public! Thank you! You saved me from age-old imprisonment in this bottle!

Leading (Guests): Friends, did our jubilee open a magic bottle?!

Genie: Oh yeah! How long I waited for this moment! From now on, Mr. Jubilee is my lord. Order, about the jubilee, I will fulfill everything! Do you want a lot of money and slave-beauties? Jubilee is replied.

Genie: To allow the money to be, here you are, my Lord, Magic Piggy Bank! Gives a piggy bank. If each guest puts into it along a magic coin, then very soon coins will be added threefold, and then insecto, and so on, about my lord!

Bypass guests, guests throw coins to the piggy bank.

Genie: Hold, my lord, we have gathered you ... and here and slaves! Enjoy! They know how to sing and know how to dance!

Slaves appear - three women dressed in bright oriental costumes. Slaves sing a song about the jubilee and dance.

Song of the jubilee

on the motive of the song "La La La" from the repertoire of Zhanna Friske

Allow this song to devote

Jubilear, without which it does not live,

Because you love all it

And it doesn't matter what the year was added,

Jubilee we have a man at least where

To him and youth far!


La la la la la la la la la

It's time to throw all things,

Do not hurry to work

Walk with friends from the soul!

La la la la la la la la la

Let there be dancing until the morning

And let the glasses will be raised,

After all, the jubilee is sixty!

Not a problem than to do in sixty:

Fish and raise grandchildren

And cultivate the dacha site ...

This is a pension, maybe it's paradise,

Execute anything - choose

Only the main thing, do not become a soul!

Slaves invite the jubilee to dance with them.

Song sounds "East - a thin case" (from the repertoire of A. Ukupnik).

Announced a dance break.

After the break continue to congratulate those who have not congratulated the anniversary.

The master thanks everyone for the warm words and provides the anniversary with a response word.

Leading: So, friends. Our newly minted pensioner congratulates and gifted gifts. Look, as he is pleased - to be a pensioner, it turns out, quite well! Do you know which routine of the day should be a pensioner? Not? Now learn!


11.00. Pleasant awakening and morning "dulling".

11.30. Coffee to bed and reflections on the joys of life.

12.00. Untiless lifting and water procedures.

12.30. Listening to weather forecast and easy walk through the park, loggia, room (you need to emphasize).


13.30. Complex lunch and a large digestion process.

14.30. Thoughtful reading of fresh presses, reference book on self-medication, detective about Dasha Vasilyev (need to emphasize).

15.30. Cooking for Saturday ride fishing, cottage, market (need to emphasize).


17.00. Visit of loving children and grandchildren.

17.30. Full dinner in a circle of loving children and grandchildren.

18.00. Educational conversation with children and calm intellectual games with grandchildren.

19.00. View evening news, favorite television series, "Dialogs about fishing" programs (need to emphasize).

20.00. Swinging in a rocking chair and thinking about tomorrow.


21.00. Evening "dullness" and viewing sweet dreams.

This is the routine of the day of the perfect, exemplary pensioner! Anyone who adheres to this routine lives long and happily, which and I strongly wish you!

Often, "adults" anniversaries are held at home. And this has its advantages. After all, guests on such holidays are no longer young, and it's only nerves and troubles somewhere. Therefore, if you decide to spend your anniversary at the age of 60, then here is an interesting scenario for 60 years a woman at home. This scenario will help you not to miss the table and have fun to spend another in the company of loved ones.

Do you go to the anniversary? Then read our ideas and advice on what to give a woman for 60 years. You are waiting for incredible ideas, and you just choose something.

And so, what to entertain guests? Of course games and contests.
The first game will help a little "terminate bones". You need to cook a stick or a small pole. As well as cards with different inscriptions: cleaner, singer, rod, conductor, animal trainer.
All cards fold in one bag. Which of the guests wants to participate in the competition, that at random takes out any card from the bag. And goes to the center. If a card fell out with a word: a cleaner, he shows under fun music with a stick or pole, as a cleaner is removed. If the word: singer, then the guest sings in a stick or pole. Etc. All this must be done artistic and fun.
After all guests define who became better and the prize goes.

Next, show a small scene for the jubilee. And this is not just a funny scene, it is a comic presentation of gifts. Gifts are sent from Siberia. So for the role of one who will give gifts, you need to find an actor. And still you need to prepare gifts in advance that will be handed.
And here is the text for the scene:

We go further and play a little more.
For the next game you need a "magic" hat that will read thoughts. And you need to prepare slicing songs for the game. You come to a single guest and put on his hat on his head. And at this moment some slicing of the song turn on. And this song will be the mind of the guest.
For example, cutting songs for men:
- I love the girls, I will collect them together!
- I'm going to live in London!
- In my head, my sawdust does not matter ...

And for women here are such songs:
- I want, I want, I want, Russian, Russian, Russian ...
- Take me soon, urged for a hundred seas ...

Also, instead of songs, you can include "winged" phrases from films and cartoons.
Watch the video below to understand how to spend this contest.

Next Competition for guests.
And it is not even a contest how much entertainment. Only you need to buy funny masks, false mustache, glasses on a stick, wigs and so on. Any cool things. All these things fold in one bag. Come to the first guest, and he takes out any item. Then he puts him on his own place and speaks toast or congratulations to the jubilee. It turns out ridiculous and interesting. And the photos will be all your life to remind you of fun.

And one more game with cards.
For the game you need to cook cards on which funny quatrains will be written. Guests take turns take out one card and read them.
Examples of poems for cards:
1. In secret you will say,
Pamela Anderson love!
And for what, I won't tell you
I'll show you better!

2. I'll tell you a secret,
Very much in the toilet want!
Let me go
And the trouble will not come!

3. I will tell you the secret,
At night I do not sleep at all!
To the refrigerator I go,
And eat all the food!

4. I'll tell you the secret,
Kolya Baskova love!
In the hands of the microphone take,
I sing his songs!

5. In secret, I will tell you,
I am pulling on the moon!
I look at her at night
I can not tear off!

6. In secret, I will tell you
I love very sweets!
Five minutes and no candy.
That's what I am sweet!

7. In secret, I will tell you
I do not like to swim!
I do not need water,
Very wet she!

These entertainment can be offered to their guests on the anniversary, which is celebrated at home.

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Description: Anniversary script on the 60th anniversary woman with songs by alterations, contests, riddles for adults. Cons of songs are attached.

/ Jubileeship exit for solemn fanfares. /

- Hello, dear guests and the jubilee! This table today gathered people who bind one huge, and fortunately, an existence: sincerely congratulates our expensive Lyubash with the anniversary of the anniversary (the name of the woman you will change to the right one).

We want to congratulate the anniversary,
Beautiful date - sixty ...
Success how much we have
But life do not turn back ....

Let joy, love you surrounds,
And happiness in your breath in your breath blooming.
Relatives favorite next to you
What is more important than this, my friend?

Although they rush the arrow
You will always be young for us!
You are good, day from day!
Do you want to drink now for you!
/ Pause for drinking /

This table has a man who surprises any life - her husband. It helped to keep them love, become the most close to each other. Husband and now wants to hit any, giving her the most real serenade.

On the motive "When spring comes - I do not know ..."

Where are the year fly - I do not know
And you are also good,
I burn with love for you,
My heart and soul!
With you so much

Leading: How great that the love of birthdaynica and her spouse not only did not fade, but finally broke out! Children, grandchildren - your turn congratulate your mommy and grandmother!

The song Alteration on the motif "You have one ..."

Children sing:

Mom we have one
It is humble, it is modest,
Gentle as spring
Lowned as the moon!


60 years! Sixty - everything just begins!

Leading: And now we will draw a small quiz. For this, our jubilee must fill out a small questionnaire in writing, and guests will answer the same questions orally. I define the most correct answers by the filled questionnaire. The opinion of the nameman is the law today, do not try to understand a woman!

Questions questionnaire:

1. What is the name of the Jubilee give yourself if at birth at her opinion would be taken into account?
2. What role would dream of playing movies?
3. How caressing does she call a spouse?
4. How was it called in childhood?
5. What needs a woman for complete happiness?
6. What quality appreciates in people?


According to the results of the quiz, guessing the closest answers receives "Order" "For Attention and Understanding" - presents the leading, and the birthday girl hands "Order" "Birthday Pet", whose answers she liked most of all, even if they were not like her.

"Order" is made of foil cardboard.

Leading: The mystery of the woman is not at all in beauty,
After all, ugly women do not happen!
The riddle is in the mind and in simplicity,
Which she conquers everyone!
And our jubilee is good,
Well, who does not agree with this?


Scene song on the motive "Oh, Wan, watch which parrots ..." Sing:


Well, where the girl is happy,
Which is celebrated sixteen?
Such a slender, beautiful
What can I eat and get corrected?



Lumms the jubileis and guests in a circle for fast dance. Music accompaniment of this dance - at the level of Serdyuchka (as an option - children's dance).

Ah, woman, you are 60 today ...
And it was 18 ... Only years 42 ago.
But the heart is also hardly knocking,
Love wants the world to cover all.


- Tired? And our expensive love is not! After all, there are so many strength and energy! Anyone will envy. And this is all because it is a very positive and kind person.
And in order to rest a little, I suggest to solve riddles.

Riddles about the anniversary

1. On the table it is worth
The aroma is captivated,
Vegetable, sausage,
The most cool! (Russian salad)


- All the riddles have solved, it means that you are not enough! We need to urgently correct, for the jubilee drink!
/ Pause for feast /

Competition for a comic toast for the jubiolesh

Prepare clean sheets in advance. Distribute them to guests. And give such a task:

- Dear guests, will hold such a game. It is necessary to remember and write down all the attributes of a rich and happy life.

- Limousine
- Villa


The text in which insert these attributes:

- Dear our love!
We wish you have the coolest ... so that you boast the most expensive in the world ... To share with us your best ...


But most importantly, be healthy, loved and happy! Because health, love and friendship are not for sale and not bought!

Song-alteration on the motive of Leps - the best day:

Five hundred thousand hours behind his back
Millions of planets over to you
But we wish you still live a lot.


It was a familiar fragment with a script. For the purchase of the full version with Music. Treki 4 pcs. Go to the basket. After payment, the material and tracks will become available for downloading on the link on the site, or from the letter that will come to your e-mail.

Price: 215. r uB.