Professional standard for managing documentation. Professional Standard for Manager Professional Standard Management Organization

The innovations of Russian legislation in terms of the formation of professional standards make it easy to facilitate the procedure for selecting candidates for specific posts. In particular, the professor of managers are designed to form the necessary list of requirements for managers in the form of knowledge and skills that will allow competently manage the workforce.

Characteristics of professional standards

Based on Art. 195 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a professional standard is a specialized standard that includes a list of necessary professional characteristics, on the basis of which an employee will be able to execute labor functions imposed on it, occupying a specific position.

This legislation segment began to be developed back in 2013. However, the standards were regularly adjusted and modified, which led to their final implementation only in 2016.

Since 2016, a number of government agencies, as well as posts designated in the document, should be guided by Professandard for a particular industry in their activities.

For commercial organizations, professatory professionals are advisory. They can be used to compile job descriptions or business agreements with employees. At the same time, it is legitimate to make local standards, based on the original text of the standard. To do this, you need to attract a professional lawyer or independently deal with this manager. The main requirement is the consistency of the formed document by the labor legislation and the provisions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

The scope of application of such documents is the labor activity of employees of the organization. The text of the standard describes such employee requirements:

  • the need to have the relevant positions of knowledge and skills;
  • compliance with a specific qualifying level.

Professional standards are developed, based on the industrial industry. So, the professandards for directors and subordinates are the same. The main differences are in accordance with the two categories of workers (executives and employees) of various qualifications. For an ordinary employee, the specified level will be lower than that of the managers. Among other things, this provision also defines higher requirements for experiences, knowledge and education.

Features of Professandard Deputy Director

It is important to note that there is no separate professor for the deputy director. This is due to the fact that such a position largely repeats the same functions and responsibilities as the head of the company. However, in a number of standards there is a mention of deputies. So, from August 2016. Standards that are relevant to deputy heads are the following list:

  • Professandard No. 558 "Specialist in the field of procurement";
  • No. 559 "Personnel Management Specialist";
  • № 149 "Information Technology Manager";
  • No. 31 "Specialist in the Technological quality of products";
  • № 802 "Specialist in quality management in aircraft enterprise" and No. 704 "Specialist in the Office of Supplies in Avropower";
  • No. 581 "Head of the Organization operating in the field of sports".

Professandard directors of enterprises regulate the activities of both managers and their deposits. For budgetary institutions, they are mandatory to use.

All standards suitable for deputy director are based on a single template, which implies their identical structure:

  1. Common data. A description of the direction of labor activity is intended, as well as possible positions, based on the types of economic sectors governed by the standard.
  2. Functions of workers. The general list of employee functional duties is meant, while also refers to the level of qualifications for a particular position. Often, 5-8 qualifying levels are used.
  3. Detailed description of the functional duties of the employee. This section records the requirements for education and experience. So, for the deputy director, a higher education is necessary (bachelor), as well as work experience, on average, 3-5 years. The required skills and knowledge are also designated.
  4. Data on institutions involved in the development of the document.

Features of Professandard Director for Human Resources

Based on the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 691-N of 10/06/2015. Professant "Personnel Management Specialist" was approved. This provision provides for such positions:

  • personnel professionals;
  • heads of personnel units.

The main task of the personnel director is to ensure an effective employment process to achieve the goals in the interests of the enterprise.

Professandard assumes such requirements for the personnel director:

  • at least 5 years of employment on the managerial position in a similar area;
  • higher education and availability of certificate for additional training programs.

The main tasks that the personnel managers must fulfill are:

  1. Ensuring the operation of the system on operating management subordinates.
  2. Maintaining the necessary documentation and reporting on employees management.
  3. Providing strategic management subordinates.

Also for the head of the personnel department is characterized by the execution of such functions:

  • establish communication links between employees of the organization;
  • implement personnel management strategy;
  • adhere to the rules of etiquette when communicating with colleagues;
  • submit director of the company at various negotiations if necessary;
  • conducting estimates for subordinate costs;
  • nomination of their proposals for optimizing employees.

Features of the General Director's professor

Professandards are created for the employment industry. However, such a generalization is not relevant for such a profession as the Director General. It is impossible to withdraw universal rules and requirements for managing all economic directions in general. Therefore, a separate professandard for the Director-General does not exist.

An alternative regulating this profession is a list of professandards for managers of different industries. In particular:

  • professandard for the head of the organization operating in the field of sports;
  • for the management company's management company;
  • for the head of the chain of hotels or hotels;
  • for the head of the oil supply, etc.

All professor members are created according to a single template. The main information for general directors is contained in the third section of the document, which provides a detailed list of managerial functions. This section contains the following information:

  1. Names of posts that fall under the Regulation of the Standard. Here should be sought by "Director" or "General Director".
  2. Requirements required for such a position. In particular, information on the necessary education and experience is revealed. The directories are set to the requirement of higher education and advanced training courses, as well as work experience at least 5 years.
  3. Constricated managerial responsibilities. For example, keeping the documentation and drawing up the necessary reporting, as well as the preparation of production process optimization programs.

To determine whether the position of the head falls under the regulation of any professandard, it is necessary to find out the following information:

  1. Whether the scope of production activities fall under the regulation of professional standards.
  2. Does professandard have, relevant to the scope of activity, information about the work of the company's head.
  3. Do managers have any benefits or restrictions on the state.

If activities are an ordered regulations of the professandard, the head should be based on the provisions of the standard in future work.

Due to the fact that the management of educational organizations should be carried out by employees who have certain knowledge, have appropriate education and experience, at the federal level was developed certain standard.

Currently, the provisions of this standard are binding To comply with not only government educational organizations, but also private.

Standards for educational executives began to be accepted in Russia since 2013..

Initially, such documents were exclusively advisory and their main function was to determine the criteria for the selection of employees to senior positions, as well as identifying their compliance.

Currently, adopted and current standard is solved by its presence next questions:

  1. Determination of possible categories of employees who can be considered as applicants for senior positions.
  2. Detection of educational institutions, which are carried out by the employees who are not relevant to the adopted standard, and the adoption of measures to eliminate such a shortage.
  3. The definition of the basic functions to be performed by an employee who occupies a similar position.
  4. Improving the work of all educational institutions within the Russian Federation.
  5. Promoting the development of Russian education.
  6. Increased controllability in all existing educational institutions, starting with preschool and ending with the highest.
  7. Increased education rating of the Russian Federation by improving the process of training specialists.

Regulatory framework for 2018

According to currently currently legislative acts, a regulatory framework, which is the basis for the development and establishment of standards for educational organizations, is Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, it is worth noting such basic formulations:

  1. Employees who occupy the governing positions of individual spheres and the organization is permissible to apply state-scale standards.
  2. Reflected requirements and functions for each posts should not contradict the requirements reflected in qualifying directories.
  3. In the case of certain restrictions in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the fulfillment of labor duties in senior positions, the developed standards cannot contain data on their assumption.
  4. If additional issues or ambiguities arise in the content of professional standards related to senior positions, it is necessary to be guided by these qualification directories.

Professional standard standard, which defines the basic requirements for the manager, has next content:

  1. General data and information. This part reflects the name of the type of activity and the main purpose of the implementation of the manual in such a sphere. The code classification of posts on OKS and OKVED codes is also provided.
  2. Section called as "Function Map". It reflects the general concepts of the main tasks performed by the head of the tasks, which further on the text of the document are decrypted and reflected in more detail.
  3. Detailed feature of each of the functions. In this part, each of the reflected tasks previously facing the head and the functions performed separately is disclosed separately.
  4. Data on organizations that participated in the development of a professional standard to the moment he was adopted by the order of the Ministry of Labor.

Requirements for the head and its legal status

The basic requirements for which the head must answer next:

  1. Have a higher education.
  2. Pass on approved vocational training schedule.
  3. Conduct additional training on professional training programs approved at the federal level. The frequency of such actions is set as minimally every three years (no less often).
  4. When managing a higher educational institution to have a certain degree and title.
  5. Do not have restrictions on the right to engage in pedagogical activities.
  6. Have preliminary experience in posts related to pedagogy or belonging to the governing.

General information about the post

Depending on which organization will perform their duties, the head, the requirements for employees can somewhat different. In particular, separately stand out different categories of institutions:

  • pre-school education (kindergartens);
  • primary, secondary and basic general, general average (school);
  • professional;
  • undergraduate and specialty;
  • master;
  • training specialists of higher qualifications;
  • training prof. character;
  • additional for citizens of any age.

The Regulations on Professional Standard also indicate possible names of posts that managers may occupy:

  • rector;
  • director;
  • head;
  • chief.

Standard includes detailed description The functions performed, which is prescribed by the manager, depending on which institution he carries out his career. In general, the functions are reduced to the implementation of the general guidance of ensuring the development of the institution.

The head is also endowed with the authority of employment and dismissal, has the right to sign and approval of all internal documents and orders.

Also functions, the execution of which is required from the head of the organization are:

  1. Implementation of direct management organization.
  2. Taking measures within its competence to ensure the development of an educational institution.
  3. Resource management, which are part of the institution.
  4. Representing the interests of a particular institution, whose supervisor is an employee.
  5. If necessary, resolve issues with representatives of power, as well as institutions outside the Russian Federation, if we are talking about international cooperation.
  6. The implementation of functions to ensure research of scientific nature with the exception of schools and kindergartens.

Consequences from inconsistency

Due to the fact that the current standard adopted and currently is mandatory, it should be noted effectswhich may take place due to the inconsistency of the employee holding the position of the head reflected in the Document and Requirements:

  1. The Labor Code does not provide for non-compliance with the standard for consideration as grounds for termination of the concluded employment contract.
  2. In the event that the head of the institution does not have a sufficient level of permissible for a particular qualification organization, it can be dismissed. In order for a working leader to leave for positions, it is possible to pass a certain certification.
  3. In the presence of factors, which indicate a discrepancy of the head of the office, an employee may offer a transition to another position.

The master class within the framework of this professional standard is presented below.

The official instruction of the Executive Director of the Sample of 2019 is a document, clearly defining the appointment of this position in the company. On how to make the instruction manual of the executive director and what information is made to it, we will tell in this article.

Status of the executive director

Civil Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 53 provides for the admissibility of several managers who have the right to act on behalf of LLC without a power of attorney.

In practice, this rate is implemented by inclusion in the staffing schedule of several directors. The executive director often implements the operational management of society.

If information about the executive director is in the LLC Charter and the EGRULA, he is authorized to submit society in external relations, if necessary, confirming its powers by order of appointment to the position. In the absence of such information, representative office is carried out by the Executive Director only on the basis of a power of attorney or this manager does not commit actual / legal actions on behalf of the Company.

Accordingly, the first step in the development of the job instruction is to find out the status of the Executive Director in accordance with the LLC Charter.

Instructions executive director

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation found that if the implementation of certain works is associated with the provision of benefits, compensation, then these posts must comply with the names listed in qualifying directories, professandards.

In compiling the official instructions of the Executive Director, it should be paid to the fact that the said position is not provided for by the qualification directories or professandards (Art. 195.1-195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Special requirements for the level of qualifications, knowledge of persons adopted for this position, are not contained in other regulatory acts. In addition, the position of the executive director does not provide for the provision of benefits and compensation, which means that it is permissible to use this formulation in its name.

Important! In drawing up the job instructions of the Executive Director, it should be considered the fact that this worker will refer to the category of managers.

Art. 181 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation established a number of requirements in establishing employment relations with deputy heads, chief accountants. For the post of executive director, these norms are not provided.

In order for the requirements of the TC RF in relation to managers to apply to the Executive Director, we recommend specifying: "Executive Director - Deputy Head."

These actions will allow us to apply the rules for an employee:

  • about the urgent employment contract (Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • long-term probationary period (art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • additional bases for dismissal (Art. 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Functions of the executive director

The functions of the executive director are not unified and depend on the role that is assigned to this official in society. Most often to such functions include:

  • management LLC along with the Director General;
  • coordination of structural divisions of the Company;
  • performance of the production plan, sales plan, etc.;
  • transactions;
  • work with personnel: selection of employees, their retraining, etc.

Important! The executive director submits the Director-General, performs its orders and orders.

The Executive Director can carry out any other functions that the Director-General will determine for him. For example, he can control the work of accounting and chief book.

Official duties executive director

As a rule, the Executive Director performs the following duties:

  • constitutes a plan for the work of structural units;
  • organizes the execution of orders and orders of the Director-General;
  • performs individual instructions of the head;
  • establishes interaction between the structural divisions of the Company;
  • controls the execution of work plans by such divisions;
  • monitors compliance with labor discipline, informs the head about the need to attract employees to disciplinary responsibility;
  • controls the cost of society;
  • represents the interests of LLC in the authorities;
  • oversees the contractual work of the Company;
  • responsible for office work and the work of the office, etc.

The rights of the executive director

To implement the functions and duties, the Executive Director is usually endowed with the following rights:

  • independently make decisions within its competence;
  • distribute the work between your subordinates and ask them the result;
  • give their proposals to the Director-General to improve the work of the Company's divisions;
  • apply to the head of the involvement of employees to disciplinary responsibility or encourage them;
  • dispose of cash and property of the Company in compliance with the requirements of laws and charter LLC.

Note! As an employee, the Executive Director has the right to leave, the timely payment of salary and other social guarantees.

Responsibility of executive director

The Executive Director is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper performance of its official duties within the framework of labor legislation.

Note! The executive director is responsible for damage caused to society. Most often in the amount of middle monthly earnings (Art. 241 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

It can be attributed to full material responsibility:

  • if his position is in the list, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of December 31, 2002 No. 85, for example, when LLC works in the field of public cooperation, trade or domestic service;
  • if the damage was caused by deliberately, as well as as a result of the commission of a crime or an administrative offense (Art. 243 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Important! When these executive director are included in the EGRULA and it can represent the interests of society without a power of attorney it applies to it. 53.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. On it, losses caused by society can be charged with the guilty person.

If accounting is in submission of the Executive Director, it may be held responsible, for example, for non-payment of taxes (Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Output! Thus, the responsibility of the Executive Director depends on the activities that LLC is engaged in the circle of the director's responsibilities and on whether information about him is included in the register.

Sample Instruction 2019

The document under discussion is approved by the head of the organization.

The executive director's job description consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions including:
  • job title;
  • subordination scheme;
  • the procedure for appointing a position;
  • the imposition of powers to another person in the absence of the executive director;
  • the level of knowledge that the person should have appointed to this position;
  • the list of documents in their activities is guided by the employee.
  • Functions performed by the Executive Director.
  • Official duties that include a complete list of labor functions required. The specified section is recommended to compose together with the head of the enterprise.
  • The rights that the executive director possesses.
  • Responsibility to be assigned to the person when they fulfill their duties.
  • The job description of the Executive Director is drawn up taking into account the requirements of the current labor legislation with the transfer of clear powers of the specified person. No additional requirements for the current classification directories and professorists to the person appointed to this position were not established, therefore, it is permissible to issue such a document with regard to the charter and existing local regulatory acts of LLC.

    Since 2015, there has been a professional standard "Specialist in organizational and documentation management of the Organization".

    It describes generalized labor functions and the corresponding names of posts (see Table 1). Each position is defined:

    • necessary education and experience,
    • the composition of skills and skills,
    • puttingable labor functions with detail up to action.

    Table 1


    Professandard for specialists and managers in the field

    The following for our sphere was the professional standard "organization documentation specialist" ,. It provides special education For those employees who manage the documentation (see Table 2): minimum - undergraduate or additional professional retraining in! See Table 3.

    Who is who?

    When professional standards were developed and implemented in subject areas "Jurisprudence", "Accounting", "personnel management", then employers, and educational institutions did not arise any questions than the corresponding worker should deal.

    Over the past 20 years, in the framework of resource management, employers have realized that personnel are an assets of an organization that can increase the efficiency of business and the profit of the organization. The activities of the active and professionally cohesive community of personnelov also contributed to the fact that the heads of personnel department were quite successfully turned into personnel directors, deputy heads of organizations.

    And modern administrative director (managers, chiefs of business management, etc.) must focus on the implementation of providing economic functions, at least in understanding the majority of organizations' leaders. Only in large commercial structures, managers, indeed, execute managerial functions: manage documents and information that are an intangible asset company.

    And this professional activity relatively recently received the official name " document Management", Which secured the dictionary" Document Management. Terms and definitions "(M.: VNIIDAD, 2013) and GOST R 7.0.8-2013:

    Fragment of the document


    GOST R 7.0.8-2013 "System of standards according to information, library and publishing. Discovered and archival business. Terms and Definitions"

    1. Customs Production: Activities for Documentation, Document Management, Operational Storage and Use of Documents.

    2. Documentation support (management), DOU: Activities, purposefully providing documents management functions.

    3. Document management: Activities ensuring the implementation of unified policies and standards in relation to the organization's documentary fund.

    Associated with the main but not synonymous The term "Document Management" remains Terms "Documentation Management" and "Customs Production".

    The next step (determining the specific work functions for the scope of documents) made a professional standard to which this article is dedicated. At least he was called upon to clarify.

    Business management should be included in the structure of the organization as a division responsible for management documentation, but business Manager (Document Managing) becomes the leader, the manager who forms and is responsible for implementing the document management policies. It is not by chance that the standards of the ISO of the new series 30300 subject area (function) "Document Management" refer to the responsibility zone of the organization's management (top management). However, while such an approach is not perceived by the leaders of most organizations and, unfortunately, does not find an understanding of personnel directors.

    DEPROFESSIONALIZATION OF CERTIFICATION SERVICES AND THE GENERAL LEARNING OF THE ROLE OF THE DOCUMENT IN THE EPECT OF Informatization can become factors that prevent the introduction of the main ideas of the professional standard. To this, you still need to add disadvantages made in the process of its development, as well as the imperfection of the relevant educational programs.

    The managing documents (as a manager) must have the same basic competences in the field of management, like other managers:

    • forecasting (without it is impossible to strategic management and policy formation);
    • planning (for consistently implementing policies in its subject area);
    • operational management (decision making);
    • control and regulation;
    • personnel / personnel management (professional qualifications of an employee can evaluate only a specialist of the same industry, and not just a personnel manager);
    • resource management (all available species and categories, the main of which are information and documents).

    These basic competencies must be reflected in educational programs of training and retraining (the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of educational institutions and educational and methodical associations), as well as in job descriptions The relevant managers in the formulation of specific labor functions (this is the zone of the responsibility of employers).

    What gives professional standard?

    Currently, professional standard is addressed primarily. educational institutions - Universities and institutions that are accredited, solve the tasks of developing new educational programs in connection with the information society development strategy in Russia, form additional professional education programs to prepare / retraining experienced practitioners working in the field of document management without special education.

    Based on professional standard professional competencies assessment centers The sets of estimated materials will be developed to confirm the qualification level of employees (in the order of personal initiative or in the direction of the employer and at its expense).

    Professional standard is designed to unify and lead to a single and sufficiently high level of professional training of modern specialists and managers in the field of work with documents and ultimately strengthen the prestige of the profession.

    Management of organizations (top management) It should be understood:

    • its legislatively established responsibility for documentary and archival funds entrusted to them organizations;
    • that the professional managing documents is actually a trustee of the first leader and its "right hand". And in the total sea of \u200b\u200binformation, only documents that need to be managed to have legal force, record management decisions and the history of their development, capture the history of the organization, the management of it, property ownership, are not "pieces", but the most important intangible asset, because Perform the function of proof!

    Every office work officer It may consider a professional standard as a tool that allows you to strengthen the prestige of the profession and increase self-esteem. When interacting with the specialists of other industries, it is necessary to gradually move from the role of "service personnel" to the role of a "qualified specialist", which communicates on equal.

    For personnel services Professional standard is the basis for determining the specific requirements for the qualifications of employees, to determine their labor functions. On its basis, the search for candidates for positions in the office work, their training and advanced training, motivation and certification, development and construction of career, etc. (Usually enshrined in personnel management policies). In addition, in professional standard, generalized labor functions in the field of document management are identified in accordance with the all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information, which is convenient for analytics and drawing up the necessary reporting.

    And specific lists of the work performed, the necessary skills and knowledge allow and personnel service and managers of structural units Develop job descriptions / Service job regulations, use employees in accordance with their specialty and qualifications, i.e. Effectively manage existing labor resources.

    Professional standard can be applied as an organization's development improves, it does not require the mandatory and immediate renaming of posts, processing of the organizational structure and staffing schemes! It shows the prospect of the development of those functions that are formed in the field of work with documents.

    Qualification levels

    Names of posts in professional standard are named as "possible names of posts, professions", i.e. Making some mandatory changes to the staff schedule is not provided. Indicators used in it qualification levels regulated by the order also. If the previous professional professor considered the 3rd, 5th and 6th qualifying levels for our field of activity (see Table 1), the new standard continues to consider the 6th level and proceeds to higher 7th and 8th levels Qualifications. For each qualification level, appropriate authority and responsibilities, skills and knowledge, functions needed, the required level of education (see Tables 2, 3 and 4), which should be taken into account during the appointment process, certification and career construction are defined.

    To properly understand the main requirements of the professional standard, it is necessary to relate them to the requirements of the Order of the Minthouse.

    In a small organizationWhen the office workshop is not created, the 6th qualifying level document can work in the status of a whole service and carry out all the functions in the Dow region that this company needs.

    The head of the office workshop that is created in large organizationsIt may well raise the question of the subordination of its division to the first leader, because Issues of strategy and policy management policies (which is determined by the 7th qualification level) are in the responsibility of the first person of the organization.

    And managing deeds corporation / Holding It may well build his manager career as the head of the 8th qualifying level, which is also required for other organizations' leaders in accordance with professional standards in other areas of activity.

    To achieve each qualifying level in the field of document management practical experience is needed work, but the ways to achieve the relevant qualification level established by the order of the Ministry of Labor provide for also mastering profile educational programs (See Table 3).

    That is why the opinion was found that the professional standard is now primarily intended for educational institutions that should form a new single field of competencies. And already the consequence of this will be a fracture in the public consciousness regarding the specialists of our sphere - we manage not "paper", but a valuable intangible asset organization (documented information).

    Table 3.


    Labor functions in the field of document management and their use in job descriptions

    A description of labor functions in professional standard is represented in the form of tables in which:

    • first generalized Name of Labor Functions (by the way, each of them is fixed their possible names of posts and qualifying levels - shown in Table 2),
    • next, each generalized labor function "cascaded", i.e. divided into a set of components its specific labor functions (see Table 4);
    • for each specific employment function listed their labor Actions and necessary for their implementation knowledge and skill (See Document Fragment Further).

    This structured information will greatly facilitate the development of job descriptions by specialists and managers in the field of document management! How can this be used, we will show further in Example 1.

    Table 4.


    But it is necessary to borrow the wording from the professional standard with understanding:

    • specific labor functions are very small degree harmonized with the established qualifications requirements (see Order of the Ministry of Labor on Qualification Levels);
    • in specific employment actions, there are sometimes outdated formulations that do not correspond to modern approaches and technologies of DOU;
    • in addition, basic management competencies are not reflected in the labor functions: starting with forecasting, planning and ending with resource management and even risk management (all risks are subject to documented - this implies the risk management policy and the same compliance with the document management policies).

    So, taking into account the necessary edits and, depending on the situation in a particular organization of the formulation of labor functions, enshrined by a professional standard, can now be used if necessary in the process of processing job descriptions of specialists and managers working in the field of document management:

    Table 5.


    Now we will show on the example, as, pushing out from the wording of a professional standard, you can improve the description of the employment function in the job description. And we will try to add ideas that document management is special management function! Globally professional is aimed at this (it offers such names of posts as manager Documentation I. deputy Head of the Organization In this subject area), however, the formulation of labor functions in it, this idea could not be fully implemented. Fill this space.

    Fragment of the document


    Description of labor function No. 3.1.1 in the professional standard "Specialist in the management of documentation of the organization", approved. Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 10.05.2017 No. 416n

    Example 1.

    Labor actions for the labor function "Development and implementation of local regulatory acts on documentary documentation management"


    In the wording of 6 specific employment actions (marked 2 in the document fragment above) for the labor function "Development and implementation of local regulatory acts on management documentation (digit 1 in the same table 4) We recommend adding a managerial aspect, the experience of the best practices and modern Terminology. Therefore, labor actions in the job instruction is better to record so (an equivalent options are written through oblique features from which you can choose more like):

    • compliance control local regulatory acts of the organization of the current legislation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of document management / document management;
    • monitoring the terms of action
    • methodical manual application local regulatory acts of the organization in the field of document management / document management;
    • development and coordination of projects local regulatory acts of the organization in the field of document management / document management;
    • development of an identification and classification system local regulatory acts of the organization in the field of document management / document management;
    • making decisions on broadcasting methods / Development of the broadcast system / publication local regulatory acts of the organization in the field of document management / document management.

    Because the documentation management should apply to documents of all documentation systems that are formed in the organization's activities, the specialist can perform the following modern and necessary functions (both independently and under the guidance of the Chief Services Service):

    • development of rules and regulations for the creation, coordination and approval of local regulatory acts of the organization;
    • development of electronic templates and electronic forms to create local regulations (by types and species);
    • formation of the database of local regulatory acts of the organization.


    In the process of developing, the professional standard was not widely discussed in a professional expert community, so his approval did not cause an explosion of interest both by the part of the personnel services and on the part of the office work.

    This new standard was developed (as well as the previous professional industry) under the leadership of the National Association of Office Specialists and Administrative Workers. Among the developers of this standard there are 7 organizations, and only 2 of them belong to educational institutions: RGGU and college of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In the development participated 2 commercial companies (LLC), performing functions of certification centers, which in terms of antitrust laws can be characterized as a manifestation of "interest."

    In conclusion, we emphasize once again that we should be a grateful professional standard for the introduction of new (recommended) posts and other important provisions.

    The development of any standard for the management of documents is a new and difficult thing, especially in the conditions of a failured understanding of the subject area, which has not yet finally formed.

    Document management implies and management of archival documents, documents in electronic form, the introduction of information technology. Therefore, when formulating the relevant labor functions is necessary as specifying employment actions specialist in the field of document management and differentiation of its responsibility zones with interacting units. Unfortunately, this is not enough in the new standard.

    Now Rosarhiva and RGGU specialists with the involvement of industry experts are actively developing the following professional standard - for archivist. It can be assumed that, as part of the harmonization of professional qualifying requirements and labor functions, proposals will be formulated to make changes and the professional standard analyzed by us.