Miniatures for children by March 8. Scene "Tsari now and then"

This scene is perfect for graduates who have decided to arrange a holiday at school.

Characters: Narrator, evil seller, Jurik and Vovik.

(Curtain rises, Yurik and Vovik appear)

- Hello my friend! What are you so sad?

- What are you so joyful? Did you bought a gift for my?

- Did you forget about international women's day?

- So he is not soon! More out how much time!

- Do you have one day, is it a time car?

- Moved! Now I stand and think that give your beloved.

- So I need to think, she will be angry, probably, if I don't bring anything to her. She for me on February 23 a whole five pairs of socks gave and a shaving foam!

- Oh, how lucky you! And I received a new-fashioned object as a gift, whose name can not speak, but about using at all silent. And here socks and foam!

- You know Jurik, envy is not good! He himself chose a blogger to himself, or how it is called there, in general, suffer now and do not complain. So, what are our options?

- I do not know what is usually given to such days?

- I bought my spirits last year, however, the smell was not very good, they only scare the mosquitoes, but it seems to be satisfied. Even the flowers brought her, and candy, only a few eat a few way along the road.

- I wanted to give her something special, individual, do you understand?

- Well, it is necessary to ask. My always says that she doesn't need anything to be spent on any nonsense, but I know what she means.

- I asked. She said to surprised her!

- Here is the task. Okay, went to the store, there will choose something.

(The curtain falls)

The narrator :
- They walked for a long time, did not visit one store, but still did not find anything suitable. Several stores were generally empty, for gifts need to buy on time. But, miracles still happen, and spent a few hours in search, our heroes hit one unusual store, where they met a very evil seller

(Curtain rises)

Evil seller (increased tone):
- Oh, some more pleased! And what do you need?

- What are you so unlucky? We generally came to the revenue to do, and you are outraged!

- Vovik, you are not nervous, maybe a citizen just mood is bad.

An evil seller:
- Bad mood? Yes, you know, what are you in the account today? I am amazed how you can forget to buy a gift for your beloved? I have already acquired and hid it 2 months ago. I generally had to sleep today, next to my half, salads had to crush, but no, even home came, for gifts! You do not have conscience!

- Dear, let's without nerves. Just tell me what you have? We need something to surprise!

- Vovik, wait, you see, it's so bad. Dear seller, we will pay well, tell me, what do you have interesting?

Evil seller (indignant):
- They will pay, well, of course, and who will return my time to me? Oh, okay, look, I have one speaking case for the phone. Imported, branded.

- How is this speaking case?

An evil seller:
- Every half an hour says compliments to your half, there is still a program of reminders and woven, very comfortable. Decide faster, take it or not, it's time for me to close!

- Vovik, let me buy this case? My just all such in social networks, all such in the likes, and he is simply necessary for her! And you still look like, let's see.

- Why do you buy it right away? My too, in the instagram sits, the cutlets laid out, by the way, very tasty!

- Vovik, well, I saw the first place!

An evil seller:
- So, enough! Tired! Now fulfill my assignment, and the winner will buy a cover, and I will finally go home, to crumble salads!

- Let's give your task!

An evil seller:
- To begin with, you need to squeeze 10 times, then make exercises to make! And then, all those unsportsmanlike!

- Let's go without physical education? Adult people!

An evil seller:
- Then guess my riddles, who reigns more, he will leave with a cover!

The narrator :
- For a long time our heroes broke their heads. Riddle behind the mystery, task for the task, for the competition. While the seller did not give up.

An evil seller:
- Okay, both are you good, so I will bring another case from the warehouse, let your ladies get ready!

"So, why did we do it all if we could buy and leave?"

An evil seller:
- And this is all so that you think about your halves, and they did not postpone everything at the last moment, because more beautiful women do not find anyone!

(The curtain falls)

The narrator :
So our heroes have ended with gifts. Appreciate, take care, surprise the beautiful half of humanity, give pleasant and magical moments, because when a woman is happy, she shines like a spring sunshine.

The material is found on the Internet. These scenes are often repeated in different scenarios, so the author is unknown. Thanks to those who invented these scenes. I think that many will like the material, because it is so difficult to find scenes for holidays, especially new and interesting.

1. Scene "Three Moms"

2. "Lesson of Mamov Studies"

3. Scene "Our mothers are best"

4. Scene "What happened? "

5. Scene "Surprise"

Scene "Three Moms"

Leading: Our children are so stubborn!

Everyone knows himself.

They tell them often moms,

But they do not hear moms.

Tanya under the evening

From the walk came

And the doll asked:

This includes Tanya, sits on the chair and talks to the doll.

Tanya: How, daughter, affairs?

Again, did you climb under the table, fidget?

Again promoted all day without lunch?

Go - ka dining, turntable!

Today I will dinner Vatrushka!

Leading: Mom's Tanyushina came from work

And Tanya asked:

Mom enters, sits on a chair near Tanya.

Mum: How, daughter, affairs?

Spent again, probably in the garden?

Again managed to forget about food?

Dining screamed Granny more than once

And you answered: now yes now.

With these daughters just trouble,

Soon you will be like a match, Hud.

Go - ka dining, turntable!

Today I will dinner Vatrushka!

Leading: Here grandmother, mom mom, came

And mom asked:

Granted grandmother with a stick. Sits on the third chair.

Grandmother : How, daughter, affairs?

Probably in the hospital for the whole day

Again for food did not find a moment,

And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.

It is impossible to sit without lunch all day.

I became a doctor. And all fidget.

With these daughters just trouble,

Soon you will be like a match, Hud.

Go - ka dining, turntable!

Today I will dinner Vatrushka!

Everyone eaten Watrushki.

Leading: Three moms in the dining room are sitting,

Three moms on her daughters look.

What do your daughters do stubborn?

All three : Oh, how difficult to be moms!

Scene "Mamos Lesson"

Solovyova N.K. "Eight Migratov Kaleidoscope"

1. - Who on a bench


2. – Who looked outside.

3. - Near grandmothers grumbled,

4. - Why we were silent.

Together: It was evening

There was nothing to do.

1. - Galka sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic ...

2. - here she said loudly Olya


3. - And I have a nail in my pocket, and you?

4. – And we have a guest today! And you?

1. - And we have a cat today

Born yesterday kittens

Kittens grew a little bit

And there is no saucer.

2. - And we welded kvass - it's time

Pope issued rights - these are two!

3. - And in fourth, our mother

Departs in Bangkok!

Because this mom is called a shuttle!

1. - Well, that, simple word,

Well, barks, what is this?

2. - And Ksyusha, for example,

Mom - Militiaman!

3. - And Sasha and Faith

Moms - Zooengerers!

4. - And Tanya Mom has a cook!

Mom cook, and so what?

1. - All the most important, cried out the nura

Mom Kolya - Distributor!

2. - Here, cool, distributor!

Mom Colin - computer?

3. - You yourself "Pentium" Palo!

Distributor is cool!

4. - Dasha asked here:

Is it bad to be porn?

Mom faith, Luba, Yura

She sews all sorts of figures.

1. - And Inna Mamam - a farmer

It's hard because, probably?

2. - And the Lena Former,

In the factory breed a bird!

3. - Nina Mama is a laboratory manner,

4. - And Sasha - graduate student.

1. - And Kati is an educator

2. - There is also a legislator!

3. - This is such a mother!

As a teacher straight!

4. - Cook cooks to us compotes

Together: It is very good!

1. - At the accountant - reports

Together: It's also good!

2. - Doctor treats us from Corey!

3. - There is a teacher at school!

4. - Moms are different,

1. - Moms are important!

Together: And yet - without our moms

How to be born to us?


It was evening

There was nothing to argue!

Our moms are best

Leading. Who was sitting on the ladder,

Who watched on the street.

Dima El. (holds a bag with chips),

Sasha playing (holds * Tetris "),

Maxim small painted.

It was evening

There was nothing to do.

Here drove the car.

The cat climbed into the attic.

Here told the guys Dima


Dima. And I have chips in my pocket. And you?

Olya. And I have clips in my pocket. And you?

Sasha. And we have a cat today

God gave birth yesterday.

Kittens grew a little bit

And "Kityetka" do not want!

Maxim. And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?

Seryozha. And we have a microwave. Deft?

Nat. And from our window

The market is all, like on my palm.

Every day I look and wait ...

Children's playground want!

Sasha. And we had a quiet hour - this time.

The pit is among the courtyard - these are two.

And fourth, our mother travels to Novosib tomorrow,

Brought goods Mom -

All to the market will invite.

Leading. Wova answered from the ladder ...

Vova. Mom entrepreneur? Cool!

Olya. But Masha, for example, Mom Militizer!

Sasha. And Mom Yulia, Mom Dima - saleswoman in stores!

Dima. And I have a simple answer - my mother's speech therapist!

Nat. All important ...

Leading. Said nat ...

Nat. Mom from a chickerel. Who makes you waffle? For surenot entrepreneur!Vova. And Alena and Ivan the accountants are both moms!

Dima. And Vali and Katya Mom at school teachers!

Leading. And Maksimka said quietly ...

Maxim. My mom is not a dressmaker, not a cashier,not controller, Mom is just a director.Leading. Responded the first Wow-

Vova. Mom - holiday?! That's cool!

Cook makes compote, it is very good!

In accounting reports, it is also good! The doctor treats us from Corey, there is a teacher at school.

Moms are needed,1! Moms are important.

Everything. Well, our moms All mile and more beautiful!

Scene "What happened? "

Don't mother upset

She really needs to help

In your corner to take

On the window of flowers to pour,

Porridge to cook dinner.

How can I do this?

Do not lie down and not sit down.

Unable to one.

Vitya boy diligently sweeps the floor, singing "grasshopper sat in the grass ..."

The door includes dressed mom, in his hands - bags, keys in the mouth.

Looks at the son of round eyes and, frightened with the keys, asks:

Mum.- Vitya, what happened?

Vitya.- Nothing!

Mum. - How nothing! Why do you sweep the floor?

(Vitya, singing "Grasshopper"): And because he was dirty.

Mom (undressing): Vitya, I beg you, tell me what happened?! The last time you let the floor, when you were delivered for the behavior, and the penultimate when they wanted to leave for the second year.

Mum (examines the room): - You and dust wiped?(Says it is surprised and frightened.)

Vitya (proudly and joyful):Winner!

Mom - myself?!

Vitya - himself!

Mom (frightened): Vitya, what happened? Say, what did you do?

Vitya (Fun shoots a cap and coat with her.): Yes, I say, nothing!

Just, it was dirty, I was removed.

Mom (suspiciously): And his bed, why removed?

Vitya - Just! I removed everything!

Mum (Ties with a towel and sits on the chair.)

Vitya, truth !!! What are me called to the school director?

Vitya - Do not be afraid, mom! All right.(Sit down opposite it). I did the lessons, and there was silent, and washed the dishes, and my teeth cleaned.

Mum. - Himself!?

Vitya. - Himself! Mom falls into fainting.

Vitya (frightened): Mommy! What's the matter? Now I will bring water to you.(Pours water. Knock on the door. Vitya opens. Three his classmates came).

Odnoklassniki. (Noting in the journal).

Well, Makeev! How did you get the day help parents? Removed apartment?

Vitya - Help the parents, 12p. !!! To admire !!!

Classmate - Lucy, first aid kit!

Lucy (Taking the first-aid kit): What are all moms nervous!(Dripping Valerian)… 19-20-21-22. How don't you shame, Makeev! How to bring my mother!

Could not say that this is just one day!

Mom raises the head interested.

And tomorrow everything will be old?

Odnoklassnik - According to the old one, according to the old one!

Mom falls into fainting.

Scene "Surprise"

  1. And what gift mom will we give in mom's day?
    There are a lot of fantastic ideas for this.
  2. After all, a surprise cook mom is very interesting!
    We knead the dough in the bath or buy the dough.
  3. Well, I am as a gift to my mother painting the cabinet with flowers ....
    Good b and ceiling ... It is a pity that increasing low.
  4. And now on the entire planet wishes, simple:
    All and adults and children - send smiles and flowers.
  5. So that there is no sadness so that there is no wrinkle,
    So that we do not notice the reaches that appeared ...
  6. So that children do not share to make moms do not be upset
    To fighter moms loved, we learned to "5".
  7. This holiday is nationwide notes all the people.
    And a huge planet with impressive holiday waiting ...
    Chukchi are waiting in the polar places, sailors on the ships.
  8. On the vecans Kara-Kuma, in warm sunbound,
    On the distant Amazon, Ile, for example, I will take ...
    No more expensive for the child as the holy word "mother."
  9. Today, mom weekend and pope decided to give.
    Only she was not allowed to enter the kitchen.
    We had a lot of affairs, worries and dance:
    Our soup escaped, the cake burned down, and we did not eat all day!
  10. Mom made a cake, I helped her a little:
    In the dough put cinnamon, poured mustard jar,
    Spank a spoon of lentils,
    In general, I did everything that could!
  11. You guys do not climb, I wash with my mother together,
    So that the trousers are cleaned and the shock was white
    True, I did not regret soap, I don't regret the strength.
    I became clean Panama. "Well, mom, look!"
    I am smiling mom: "I'm afraid after washing,
    I have to dwell holes! "
  12. And I got a top five, my mother gave a holiday,
    Mom embroidered a white collar as a gift.
    Paul I washed yesterday, dust I wiped out in the morning.
    We went for bread themselves, we will help you in everything!

Scene "fungus" (Boy of Too, doggy, kitty, 2 boys or 2 girls)

We all gift mom will not buy

Prepare yourself, do it yourself.

Tolya] (sits in the center of the hall at the table, Lepit).

I love my mother very much, her mushrooms are poured.

Yellow will take a little - for the mushroom there will be a leg.

(fits the dog)

The dog in the courtyard goes the game, laid down.

Won - takes off the ball up. Won - the horse rushes to drag.

Gav-Gav-Gav, let's go with me. Play with the defore.

Tolya will not go. Play yourself. Do not bother my friend!

I must make fungus for a cute mother

(Suitable kitty)

Queen boy, boy, play? New ball ride?

Tolya in the ball and I love to play, but now the fungus is poupe.

Tomorrow there will be a holiday Mom. Mom I will give fungus.

(A kitty takes a fungus and runs away, the boy catch up with her and selects the fungus. Sit down and sculpts)

Tolya, I spread the arms on the red cap.

(Suitable 2 boys or 2 girls)

1 Reb. Tolya, stick up. Together with us play.

2 reb And right now and dust, famously jerk heel!

Toly, everything, ready already fungus (shows). I get to you in a circle.

(Speaking a cat, doggy. Everyone gets up around the table and dance)


Reb: There are moms from the kids, there are mothers of animals. Now our guys

will show the scene on how many mama should be patient

rising his kids.

Reb: The evening floats in the forest,

Asterisks glow.

Son sown sings

Brown bear.

Major: a bump fell on the grass

Baju, Tsight, Silenka!

Son: I do not need a bump!

Reb: I buried my son.

Son: I do not want, I will not sleep,

Better I will go for a walk!

Major: Here you have fungi!

Bayube, son!

Son: I do not want mushroom!

Rela: Son a son.

Mom came out for the threshold,

Brought him a flower.

Major: Here's a flower.

Bayube, son!

Son: I do not want a flower!

Reb: Son sang,

Mom came out on the threshold,

On distant bumps,

Digid up honey

Whole deck.

Mom sings a song

Bear treats.

Son: How mighty honey,

Already an eye sticks out.

Scene "Lisukin Holiday".

Leading: "On the edge on the forest, the house is visible painted, it is not proteins. And not a beet

This house, chanterelle house.

Chanterelle holiday, women's day.

Lischka is working. Prepare her not too lazy.

Lysichka; "I, chanterelle, the ponytail of the redhead I will all treat the stove pie, meet guests. (Fox covers on the table)

Host: And here is the first guest in a hurry to the fox. .. The first friend, brown Mishek, Micheuk.

Teddy bear: "Hello, Lynonya, Fox! Happy holiday, you are the beauty!

(pulls out a gift to the jar of honey). He is fragrant, golden! Very tasty and thick.

Gives fox.

Lisa: "Thank you! Very glad.

Host: Here the bunny has risen. About Lisukhan Holiday Gray Handshedral.

Hare: "Hello, cute fox. Happy holiday to you. Beauty!

here is a carrot, then the cabbage borsch fire will be delicious!

Gift -The view, acceptance of congratulations!

Fox: You brought a whole garden, here vegetables for a whole year!

Wolf: along the path of the wilderness, the gray wolf to the fox hurries.

Wolf: Hello. Cute fox! Happy holiday to you, beauty!

Bunny, you do not be afraid! Bear, calm down!

I'm not angry, not angry at all! No one is seed from you!

On the gland, I collected flowers near the river!

And to a chanterelle on the track, I ran to the holiday (gives Flowers fox).

Fox invites Wolf to the table:

Well, thank you. I treat you, I, fragrant tea!

Host: And here is another guest in a hurry to the fox.

Running a bun.

Host: That's so miracle bun! Kolobok.Rumyny side! On sour cream, it is composed on the window, it is cold on the window! And today in the house for chanterelle, he is invited to the holiday!

Kolobok: Hello, Lononka.Lis! Happy holiday to you beauty!

Congratulations! Congratulations! And your gift, hand! (Gives fox jar with jam)

Fox: Hello, Hello, Kolobok! Kolobok, ruddy side! Come, sit and talk with guests! I don't eat more kolobkov! I eat honey carrot. jam!

All artists are built into one Lineshop and choir say:

We will have a holiday to continue, have fun dance.

Dance simple dance.

This small scene is simple in learning looks good.

Scene "3 Duckling" (E. A. Mukhina)

Lived 3 Duckling:

(Go out and bow the bell, chamomile and a feather).

What interesting names are ducklings. Who called them so?

Mom called us so much.


I am a bell, because I always sang a lot.

I am a chamomile, because it was always white, only the keyless yellow

And I always hit one feather.

I went ducklings somehow, once a walk and found a strawberry - an extraordinary, sprile strawberry. But the strawberry is alone, and the three ducks: a feather, chamomile and a bell.

Ducklings argue among themselves.

My strawberry! No, mine. My! No, mine!

Who is the noise here?

This is us. We do not know how to divide one strawberry at all?

Do you have one mother?

Girl (to the guys).

Guys, help ducklings. What do they need to do with the strawberry?

Give mom.

Ducklings give homemade mom-duck.


Thank you, my spots.

Takes a strawberry, it strokes each head, kisses in a cheek. Artists are bowing.

Puppet play "Gift Mom"

Necessary toys: Flowers, Hedgehog, Hare, Fox, Mama-Hedgehog.

Spring: Having lived in the forest an ordinary hedgehog spray. Every winter he slept for a long time with her mother in his forest house. And in the spring he woke up, went to the clearing and rejoiced the sun.

Hedgehog goes to the clearing.

Hedgehog: FR-FR ... Hello, Sun! Hello, spring streams! Hello, the first flowers!

Pulls the hare.

Hare: Hi, Hedgehog!

Hedgehog: Hi, bunny! And what is it in your hands?

Hare: This is my fresh lettuce leaves as a gift for my mommy.

Hedgehog: What is your mom's birthday?

Hare: No, Hedgehog that you! My mom has no birthday today. But don't you know that in the early spring there is a wonderful holiday on March 8?

Hedgehog: What is this holiday?

Hare: This is the holiday of all moms and grandmothers. And here I am my mom I carry a gift - these wonderful leaves. What do you give your mother-hedgehog?

Hedgehog: Oh, and I do not know ... I have no gift.

Hare: And you think of something! Oh, I hear someone's steps. I am afraid that this is a fox! I'm afraid of a fox, she can eat me. Well, nothing, my legs are fast, I escape from her! Goodbye, Hedgehog!

Spring: Bunny ran away, and Hedgehog thought. Soon the holiday, March 8, you need to make my mother. What to give him? But while he thought, a redhead fox jumped into the clearing.

Fox: Oh, I fled behind the hare, but did not catch up, he is very quickly running! And who smells here? Oh, this is the same hedgehog! Here is his me and eat! What yummy is a little hedgehog! Nam-Nam ... Hey, Hedgehog, now I'm not happy with you! Now only the teeth of the nadu, and eat!

Hedgehog: What should I do? I do not know how to run so quickly as a hare, and I can't run away from the fox.

Spring: Hedgehog was frightened. Who will help the hedgehog? And suddenly he heard someone's voices.

Flowers: We are hiding you, go here!

Hedgehog: Who are you?

Flowers: We - Flowers!

Hedgehog: hide me, please flowers!

Hedgehog comes up to flowers, and those as if shelted it. To portray it, prepare a grid tissue in advance with the colors embroidered on it, similar to that "grow" on Shirma. Spring quickly throws this mesh on the hedgehog, it would be much like that the flowers jumped into the hedgehog.

Spring: ran a hedgehog to flowers. And they are - once, and quickly sat on the hedgehog - like this. And the hedgehog turned into a flowering bush. Friendly fox, let's look for the hedgehog.

Fox: And where is it a hedgehog? Where did he go? Was here - and no! Only flowers on the clearing stayed! Probably, he ran away, I could not eat hedgehog. I will go to the forest, someone else will look.

Fox runs away.

Spring: I did not notice the fox of the hedgehog, he accepted him for the bustard of spring flowers. And so, when Lisa ran away, Hedgehog decided to thank the flowers for their help.

Hedgehog: Thank you, the flowers that I hid me from the fox. You are so beautiful! Please go to me home to congratulate my mother's eating from March 8!

Flowers: Of course, we would be happy. But we can not go - we have no legs.

Hedgehog: And I bring you to you! Right here, on my back, on my needles!

Spring: Run the hedgehog home, and on the needles the flowers were rapidly. Came ran to the house, knocked.

Hedgehog: Mom, Mom, come out! I'll congratulate you on the afternoon of the eighth of March!

The hedgehog cohes up so that it becomes like a bodie of flowers, and hedgehog leaves the house.

Hedgehog-Mom: What a beautiful bush colors grew up in front of our house! Only nowhere see my favorite son-hedgehog. Guys, did you see him?

Hedgehog (unfolding): So here I am, mommy! And all these flowers - for you! Congratulations on the holiday of March 8!

Hedgehog: Thank you, Hedgehog! I love flowers very much, but I love you most!

Music sounds.

The end of the performance.

Spring: Ah Yes Hedgehog, well done, Mom congratulated her mother, gave her a gift. Guys, what do we usually give for a holiday to our moms and grandmothers? Who will tell?

Children are published in the story of the next verse O. Vysotskaya.

Spring: Gift Mom

Buy not become -

Let's do themselves

1st: You can save her handkerchief,

2nd: you can grow flower,

3rd: You can draw the house, the river is blue.

4th: And even kiss my mother dear!

The teacher distributes to all children made them earlier on creative occupations of drawings-crafts for the holiday. Children run and give pictures with their moms or grandmothers sitting in the hall.

Spring (verse Z. Petrova): And although it is frost,

And drifts under the window,

But fluffy mimosa

Sell \u200b\u200balready around.

Droplets of sunlight

Sunny Summer Splashing

We are in the house today,

Darim Grandma and Mom,

Congratulations on Women's Day

Fairy Tale for Mommy

Has lived in the forest near the lawn, an ordinary hedgehog. Once an unusual adventure happened to him. See: Hedgehog came out on the lawn ... so ... and saw flowers.

FR-FR ... Hello Flowers, FR-FR ...

Good day-day ...

Good day-day ...

Good day-day-day ...

Please congratulate ... FR-FR ... My mommy with a holiday.

We agree, yes yes yes ...

Just how to walk there?

Suddenly a fox jumped out on the clearing. Here is so big. Here is so terrible. I saw a hedgehog and says:

What a delicious ... yum-yam ...

Meeting, Nam-Nam ...

Now I am AM-Nam!

Ai, FR-FR, I'm afraid! FR-FR ... Help!

Only the flowers were not confused, and quickly sat on the hedgehog like this: one ... the second ... the third ... Fourth ... Fifth ... That's how the hedgehog turned into a flowering flowerbed. Said, I looked for a fox of the hedgehog among the colors did not find and ran further. And when the hedgehog came home, his mother said:

What beautiful flowers, only where is my favorite hedgehog?

Then the hedgehog came closer, kissed mommy - like this ... and said:

And here, here, FR-FR, under flowers, FR-FR! Happy holiday!

Mom - Goat, Goal, Cow, Sheep, Dog, Choir (with conductor)

Requisites: masks or hats for characters; apron, basket, handkerchiefs, shawl, basket with wildflowers, nodules with apple, vastern, bone, jumping, house, Christmas tree, pencils

On the scene, the goat with his son - he sits on hemp, and his mother is going to the market (it is enthusiastic, gives the Son's skills.

Conductor (Says): Mommy goat often scold, often she left the house ...

Choir (sings):

Jumped the goat in the meadow, on the flowers right

Suddenly he froze on the run - Mom lost!

Kozlik: Oh, oh, oh! Oh oh oh! Lost Mom!

It looks around, crying. Comes the cow, collects flowers.

Chorus: He is not knowing what he jumped to a new mother, but he said:

Cow (indignantly): Mu!

Choir: aunt with horns.

Moo-moo-moo! Moo-moo-moo! I don't understand anything!

This little son frightened to me the whole meadow!

It goes unhappy. Goat crying, leaves the sheep.

He is scrapping on the grass, so my mother is like. But he told him

Lamb (excited): Be-e!

Choir: in white fur coat

Be, Be, Be! Be, Be, Be! Maybe it dreams of me!

Abandoned child, little goat!

He regrets him, gives an apple and leaves. Dog runs away

Goat rushed to strive for the most terrible mom, but he told him

Capacco (sniffing): Gav!

Choir: aunt with fangs

Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof! All in concerns I am in business! Do not go for me for me, and go to my home!

Pusks goat to the path, runs away. A goat sadly leaves for the Christmas tree.

Action at the goat house. She comes back with shopping tired, looking for a son. Crying, sits on the pennies.

Lost the goat, he died from Mom.

Lost the goat - he did not know the road!

Goat poor goat ...

Choir: Poor Mom. Mom is very sad

Goat (goes to viewers, sighing hard)

Lost son! He is probably tired! He is probably a production! Poor goat ...

Goat shoots Shawl and Ponuro goes to home. Sits on the pencil.

Choir: Poor Mom.

A kid runs out, my mother rushes to him - they hug.

I found a goat mom, we all glad for him,

after all, there is no more expensive mother in the light of anyone!

Kozlik (in the hall) Well, you, at least it is difficult for an hour, do not give up so here!

All artists are bowed.

Dramatic "Babushkina Assistants"

Ka-ka-re-ku! Woke up the sun

And shines joyfully in the window!

Ka-ka-re-ku! Pretty sleep.

Ka-ka-re-ku! It's time to get up!

(grandma leaves the house - adult)

Thank you, the cockerel, digested in time, friend.

I slept for a long time, but I'm waiting for me.

Need to wash the floor, dishes, melt fire oven,

Wash linen, stroke, delete dust, bake pie.

Who meets my beds? How to catch Sun1, here's riddles!

At first I will first sleep, the dough quickly notice.

After all, without cakes, everyone knows, people celebrate people.

(Grandma leaves, comes out mom duck - baby)

Granny granny. Varya-Varya-Kry! But the excitement of her in vain.

Although there are a lot of linen here, this work is for me.

Hey, ducklings, run away, and wash me help!

(Dance "Washing", hang underwear on the rope)

(Mom goes goat - baby)

Me-Me-Me, here, goats! Do not play with mom in hide and seek.

(Children's goats run)

Let's help your grandmother, the firewood in the barn we quickly lay down.

I want it nice to be so that she praised us.

(Children to music tolerate firewood to house)

Bottled from the soul, I am satisfied, kids!

(Mom chicken runs)

Ko-ko! I'm a chicken, running through the streets ..

I am looking for my guys, cute, little chickens.

(Chicken children run away)

Chickens (together). Do not worry, so we, what should you help you?

Grandma we will help together.

Here week, take, we will sweep.

(dance with sweatshops)

Vedas Suddenly, fed his dog's friend.

(a dog's dog appears)

Away from the road, Cockerel!

We are not afraid of you, I hung off the beak in the morning!

(The friend is frightened, runs away)

Vedas It seemed a cat gun.

Cat. Away from the road, Cockerel!

(Mom's chicken runs)

Again here you are clogs, everything can not be without a fight.

Better you take the leaves, the garden, the flowers are painted.

Cat and dog.

We will be friends with you, and with all in the world to live.

(Take waterboards, watered and run away, grandmother appears)

In the house ended the case: the floor washed, removed.

It became pure and beautiful, even the dough kneading.

(surprisingly breed hands)

In the basin lingerie lay and where did it disappear?

On the rope, here it is visible, it is hanging here for a long time.

Clean yard, politics beds. Miracles, some riddles!

How can I solve them? Who decided to help me?

(notes children)

It is you? Thank you, my little friends!

In this festive day, I baked a cake.

(takes out a cake on a tray)

You take, feel free to the holiday with my mother get sophisticated.

Stage "For Snowdrops"

2 girls. In the forest, we sewed to walk

And snowdrops to nail

Boy. Tin-Tin-Tin sinets

And snow under the vessel melts

Today holiday - Women's Day

And everyone knows about it.

Both. Need colors to us mums

1. Here's around the bushes

Do not grow flowers here?

2. And yura how are you?

I found an old bump.

1. I thought that in the forest of snowdrops is full

And they are not visible at all, isn't it hurt?

2. Who will show the Nm, where the snowdrops grow?

Bunny runs away.

Boy. Gray Zainka, wait, get acquainted with you.

Both. We guys dosochkolat

Help, bunny us.

Girl. For flowers, we came,

But they did not find them in the forest.

Boy. Maybe soon we came,

And the flowers did not bloom?

Bunny. Everything is in order

And it's time to bloom the colors.

I myself unacted

Fur coat sulling

Know, the snowdrop dismissed

In the snow ipbed.

Both. Bunny - Elegant,

Guys alarm

White snowdrop

Mostly show us.

Bunny. Okay, children, leaving

All I know, tell

And snowdrops forests

I will show you.

"Dance of colors."

Bunny. Now look how many snowfoots are mine!

Girl. What glorious flowers.

Rather. Jura, what are you?

Look, look, and there, and here,

In the forest, snowdrops bloom!

Both. On a farewell paw give,

For flowers, thanks, bunny.

Boy. Snowdrop, first bloom.

He woke up from heat.

So the sun shines brighter

And spring has already come

Revive sleepy forest

There will be many miracles in it!

Reply with quoting

Puppet play for kids

On Shirma appears Masha with pan.

Leading: Guys, see who it is? Yes, this is Masha! Masha, what are you going to do?

Masha: There will be a holiday and fun

There will be tea and treat

I am waiting for my grandmother


Hein prying

With carrot, cabist

With Kuragot Pupbugs

Will be very tasty!

Leading: And so that the cakes quickly baked, the guys sing a song.

The song "Pupies" Muses. Filippenko

Masha: what a good song.

Patty appears from the pan.

Oh? Who is it?

Patty: how glad I am! How glad I am!

Now the holiday of the guys

Granny rides


Masha: Tell us who are you so handsome?

Patty: I am a cheerful pate

Brookka I am a friend

I can not calmly wait

Right guests meet

Patty runs away.

Masha: Toropping Pie

Ran away from us

Cook tea with jam

For grandmother treat

Masha leaves

Leading: And ran the patty to celebrate the grandmother

Patty appears on Shirma

Fight, fled ... And to meet him ...

The hare appears

Hare: Hello Pattik! I will eat you!

Pie: do not eat me, hare, I'll sleep a song to you.

I am a cheerful cake

I have a ruddy side

Masha dough kneading

Delicious pie glare

I was baked in the stove

And the handsome called

I run to meet my grandmother


Hare: You are a beautiful fragrant

And the taste is so pleasant

I can not tolerate at all

I'll eat you

Pie: dear kids

After all, hares are all panties

Only leaf zadrocks

And the bunny will surely

Movement: Let's guys help the Pattop

Handles together ... (bring hands to mouth) Danche all ... (blow)

And there is no bunny!

The wolf appears

Wolf: Patty, Pie, I eat you!

Pie: I'm not afraid of you I am a wolf

Gray Wolf Teeth Click

Are you dogs afraid

And hunters back

Like dogs loudly

This all the guys know

Each Gav-Gav-Gav said

And the wolf ran away

Children are lit, and the wolf runs away.

A bear appears

Bear: Patty, Pie, I eat you!

Patty: Patties want to eat

That's what honor

I have a hurry to my grandmother

And with the guys friends

How to scare a bear?

How to escape from the bear?

Loves honey to live

Yes bites bees afraid

Help waters

And frighten the bear

Children are buzzing, the bear runs away.

Fox appears.

Fox: I'm not good chanterelle

Found the mirror

I look at it, I look

And I sing, I sing, I sing

La la-la ...

Remarks Pupbug

Oh, who is this?

Patty: I am a cheerful pate

I have a ruddy side

I run to meet I grandmother


Lisa: Oh, what are you pleasant

Ruddy, tasty, fragrant,

Come to me closer

Better I see you

Pie: I am a rosy pie

Brookka I am a friend

You do not figure me out

I am a guald baby

Although the Rumyan is fit and fresh

You are me, fox, do not eat

Fox leaves. Sounds music, enters the grandmother-fun.

Pie: Hello, Hello, Grandmother


I came to meet you

All want us to pay

Love babes sing always

Play with us?

Grandma: Yes! I am grandmother of all kids, came to the holiday to play with you and have fun.

Masha and the pie appears.

Masha: Hello, my grandmother


And I baked patties

I waited for a visit

Cabbage patties

Very, very tasty

Deliver grandmother!

Help, kids

And to the seagull you brought you

Sweet candy!

Reply with quoting


Educator: Sit, Baby, Row

Yes, listen to the lord

A fairy tale about Zabonka Stepu,

Balobnika yes notice.

On the edge of the forest - the house.

And there is a hare in him.

Together with a little son

Sheep, bunny-bowl.

Step (bunny): I help my mother,

Flowers watering!

Here is the work,

Mom, I take a walking hunt!

Bunny (Mom): Good baby, go,

At the gland take a walk.

Do not remove from the house,

And look, do not lose!

Step walks, towards a frog

Frog: Hello, Step! How are you?

What are you not going to visit?

Step: one can not walk ...

Frog: Step-time, frog-two,

We are with you, Stepashka, two,

We can take a walk on the will!

Educator: Friends ran into the forest,

Jump, jump, GalDyat.

Frog: Kwa! Dining to me!

BUY I, STUP, WHILE! (runs away)

Step: Oh, while I have fun,

I seem to get lost!

Where is my house? Where is mom?

Why was I stubborn?

Hedgehog appears

Hedgehog: Do not tremble baby, no howl,

Want, I'll go with you?

I'll show you the road

And I spend the house!

Step: No, you have a needle,

They are terribly slices!

Hedgehog leaves, fox appears

Lisa: What I see! Here is a bunny!

Poor little panty.

I'm a bunny deception,

To my mink you will be left.

What are you crying, my baby?

Why are you all trembling?

Step: I walked without mommies,

And lost the road!

Fox: we will go to the mink,

And at once I will find a mammy!

But, my friend is my nora.

Come in speedy, then

I'm you, rasipes eat!

Step: Oh, save! Help!

A bear appears

Bear: What kind of noise is in the wilderness?

It's you, fox-cheer

Bunny lured deftly?

Deceived, spent.

Fox: Do not destroy to blame,

I led a bunny to lisate.

Bear: You are lying all! You wanted to eat!

Fox: And what about you?

And I do not need a bunny!

Usal to your kids!

Lisa runs away

Step: Saved you Misha!

Take me home!

Educator: Bunny-Mom is waiting for a son ...

Bunny: What to do? Soon there will be a noise.

And my son disappeared. Bed!

Step: Mom, I'm coming here! (hug)

Educator: Here is a fairy tale we end,

And mom, children promise

Some we will not walk,

This is hard to know.

The program of school evenings dedicated to the holiday of March 8, traditionally include many beautiful and kind girls, mothers, grandmothers and teachers. Also prepare schoolchildren various concert numbers: songs, dances and, of course, scenes, which are usually comic, and therefore especially loved. In the elementary school of scenes, as a rule, devoted to mothers, in the elder - girls classmates.

Perhaps offered here scenes on March 8 for schoolchildren Create to compile a concert program or original congratulations.

Scene on March 8 for schoolchildren "how to congratulate girls"

(Based on "Three girls under the window ...")


3 boys



Necessary inventory: chairs, desks, poster, diary, handles, notebooks, books


Cosmetics, shoes on heels, jewelry.

In the scene, only boys take part, after each Council, a demonstration should be.

1. The first thing is the figure - it is necessary to keep yourself in the hunters, simply speaking. Nothing is.

2. Emphasize its individuality, with makeup.

3. Fascinating gait.

4. Clothes. Be extremely open (Tarle your shoulder, shifting a sweater)

5. Shoes should be elegant.

6. In intellectual competitions, all questions are responsible short and clear: Yes, no, it's not me.

7. You must have good vocal data. But it is not recommended to execute Ramstain, Rasmus, the ocean Elzy, etc.

8. Do not wear too much and too heavy decorations. Heavy earrings draw the ears and in old age they will be your knee.

9. For victory, you should not risk your health and make a lot of plastic operations to improve your appearance - it is better to go to school you scare there and it will be better than any suspender.

10. When entering the school models, do not run for the director and do not ask "Well, take me." The girl should know itself.

All this you can know in our model school "Grace".
You can finish the number you can congratulations for all girls

(Source: site

Staging-congratulations in verses.


Boy, Girl

Boy:Our call is terribly ringing,
I depart in the corridor ...
I have one girl
Take a conversation ...
- And my dad is a champion!
He walks to the stadium:
He throws up the Giri -
It will be the strongest in the world!

Girl: Although men and strong -
Does not know the furnace pancakes ...
You, men, shortness,
To educate you, teach
And parsley from dill
You can not distinguish!
By the way, who erases home?
God you talent is not given ...
TV "Consuming",
You go to the sofa!

Boy:From a man there is no sense?!
This is not a talent for us?!
Who nailed the shelf in the kitchen?
Receded in the kitchen a crane?

Girl: Borsch cook you reluctance
Do not fry the kitlet ...
You would go to work
Well, no longer any sense.

Boy:You, barbed zanoz,
Do not know us, men,
This is the case of tears.
And besides, without reasons ...
You say spiny words, Robust ...
Dad in the house head!

Girl:And mom in the house - Neck!

Boy:No, it is not necessary to solve in the dispute,
In the corridor conversation
Who is stronger and who is important ...
Just ... Mom all gentle!

(Source: website)

Scene by March 8 for schoolchildren "And in our yard"

( Author Kruglova ON)

The guys sing a song - alteration on the motive of the song from the K / Ma "Carnival Night."5 young men and 3 girls are involved

If you, frowning, come out of the house,

Remember that now a festive day!
What is ready to congratulate you any friend
Or even an unfamiliar counterweight guy!

And smile, without doubt,
Suddenly touches your eyes
And good mood
Does not leave more than you!

Youth 1.: Women's holiday!
Here is the reason
That's why we sing!
And cordially congratulations
We are all women with this day!

Everything: Congratulations! (throw balls in the hall, fanfare sounds)

A young man with a portrait of Yesenin comes to the scene and reads:

Youth 2: Shagana you are mine, Shagan!
There is a girl in the north too.
She is scary on you,
Maybe thinks about me.
Shagana, you are mine, Shagan!

On the other hand, another young man comes out with a portrait of Pushkin and reads

Junior 3: No, remember to see you,
Everywhere to follow you,
Smile mouth, eye movement,
Catch in love with
Hand you for a long time, understand
Soul all your perfection,
Before you in flour to dy
Pale and go out ... here is bliss!

The following reader comes out with a block portrait and reads

Junior 4: I called you, but you did not look around,

I tears lily, but you did not decline.

You wrapped in blue raincoat,

In the crude night you left home.

I do not know where the shelter of your pride

You, honey, you, gentle, found ...

I sleep firmly, I dream of your blue,

In which you went to the crude night ...

Read more reads with a portrait of Lermontov

Youth 5:Oh, heaven, I swear she was

Beautiful! .. I burned, I tremped,

When Kudrey, running down with chela,

Silk golden hand met his

I was ready to fall to her legs,

Give her will, life, and paradise, and all

The following reads (Portrait of Pasternak):

Youth 6:Love other - heavy cross,

And you are beautiful without sinks,

And charms your secret

Ripping life is equivalent.

The rustling of dreams are heard in the spring

And the rustling of news and truths.

You are from family such basics.

Your meaning, like air, is uncanyten.

Youth 1:Ah, how many gentle feelings
You in the heart called!
Oh, how many young men in those feelings died!
And we glorify you for all heartfers,
How cool that school brought us
With a beautiful half of the planet.
We will prank school all for it!

(The girl leaves (discharged, squeezed) by car, almost knocking down poets. Spring brakes. Girl rides and looks in the mirror)

Girl 1: The light is my mirror, say, and all the truth will report. I am in the light of all the nurses, all the rosy and whiter?

Mirror's voice: You are beautiful, no dispute. But take a little to the left. Fool, stand! Now the right. You're where to the red light ... brand !!! UHB, ditch ... You are beautiful, there is no dispute, but I have not seen the white light of anyone dumber you.

Girl 1: Ah well! Nasty toy! You no longer girlfriend!

The second girl comes out: (dialogue on modern jargon).
1st: Yuu, girlfriend!
2nd: Yooh!
1st: What are you talking yesterday at the Tus?
2nd: Yes, the ancestors of the brain ruptured. Notations again tried to suck. Yes, I'm drum.
1st: Well, what, today your bones are driving on the Tus?
2nd: Chew - holy!
1st: Then you dry, Chao!
2nd: Remensant. (Girls are called "poets" with them, but those refuse!)

Youth 1: Of course, see - hear it is funny to us.
Sometimes it is a terrible movie.
We observe part with the boys
And in the depths of the soul always
Dream, of course, about Juliet, that - (Juliet is coming out (girl in a beautiful dress)
Beautiful, gentle and simple! - (under the song "And in our yard" and all poets go for nonQ)


Sergey,Mom (Sergey)Barsik (cat), Ilya,Denis

On the stage - the unfinished, uneasy and chumaded guy in pajamas.
Going to the chair, removes something crumpled from him and patchless.

Sergey: Ma-AM! Today girls congratulate girls. Did you stroke my shirt?
Mum: Good morning, son. Stroked.
Sergey: Hey! Which one?
Mum: White.
Sergey: White?
Mum: White, white.
Sergey: And what was my white?
Mum: Of course, it was. Last year they bought. Do not remember?
Sergey: I do not remember…
Mum: You still dress her for a new year, remember?
Sergey: For the new year I remember. And after - I do not remember. And ... and she is white?
Mum: Of course, I was posts. You have been lying down under your bed - I found her nasil! Have you cleaned your teeth?
Sergey: Ah, so here she was! This Barsik dragged her there! (Throws a dirty shirt under the bed, puts on clean).Well, wait, now you will get me! Barsik! Barsik! Kitty Kitty Kitty! Go here! .. Again in the kitchen eats something.

It includes a fat Barsik. Chew.Barsik: What?
Sergey: Thick from here !!!
Barsik: (Goes out).
Sergey: Pig, not a cat ... Ma-AM!
Mum: What, son? Have you cleaned your teeth?
Sergey: Yeah. And Barsica too.
Mum: Clear! And the neck soyl?
Sergey: SchA, wash! (Takes the key).Barsik !!! Come here!
It includes a fat Barsik. Chew.
Barsik: Well, what?
Sergey: Chyu! .. yes nothing!
Barsik: Ah-ah ... so right and said. (Goes out).

The boy takes off his pants from the chair - also dirty and leaning.
Sergey: Ma-AM! And the new trousers stroked?
Mum: Stroked. And jacket.
Sergey: And what about me - there is a jacket?
Mum: Of course have. (The guy throws pants under the bed and grabs a jacket with a torn sleeve.)
Sergey: Well, then it will be a vest . (Remove the second sleeve).
Mum: What do you crack there?
Sergey: I'm charging it, mom!
Mum: A, well done, well done!
Sergey: At the Girl Today, the eighth of March, I prepared poems, now read, you hear? (Combed).
Mum: I hear! Good poems!

Sergey: What poems?
Mum: Which you cooked.
Sergey: Ma, what are you doing there?
Mum: I cook the cake, my son. You will come to congratulate the girls not with empty hands.
Sergey: Why Pie? I need flowers!
Mum: Flowers in the hallway. Money for lunch in bedside table.
Sergey: And portfolio?
Mum: There is also near. Call, open the door!
Sergey: This is probably guys from class ... (Interest tidy boys with flowers in their hands).
Sergey: Oh! Who?
Andrew: We need Sergey out of 9 - "A".
Sergey: I'm listening to.
Everything: Serega! Are you?
Sergey: Well, yes, I. What?
Denis: You do not know?
Sergey: Wait for the weather! I find out !!! We seem to be resting with you in the summer ... exactly - in the camp! ..
Denis: What summer? We are your classmates. Andryukha, Denis and Ilya.
Sergey: Very nice ... oh, that is ... guys, so are you? Well, you are frozen! Did not recognize…
Ilya: You look at yourself! ( Sergey rushes to the mirror, sees himself - combed and tidy dressed and fainting).
Mum: And here and the cake! Oh, Serious, you are so elegant - you can not know! Flowers did not forget?
Ilya: No, did not forget. Only I am not Serious, I'm Ilya. Serious woman is lying.
Mum: Seriously, I ask you, do not stand, please, in the hallway in clean clothes. Be patient to school.
Sergey: Mommy, I did not recognize myself! What will happen now?
Mum: Nothing, nothing, nothing ... Get used to!

Scene "Wonderful Mom"

Mom sits behind a laptop near the child stands and tells the poem, at the moment when the mother must say his corona phrase in the text of the poem, he shows her in his shoulder, Mom tears his eyes from the computer and says: "Without problems!" And again stuck in the laptop.
Not a problem I am a child,
I say this to all.
Even mom confirms ...
- True, mom? (Mom shoes)
- No problem!!!

I do not want to dare now!
Better I eat candy!
Smiling mom will say

(Mom shoes, mother zero reaction)
Mom will say ... (Mom shoes)
- No problem!!!

Brought four two,
And there is no top!
Mom is not silent, what do you say?
- Everything is fine? (Mom shoes)
- No problem!!!

In the house a terrible mess,
On the floor smeared cream.
I do not want to get used!
- Can I mother? (Mom shoes)
- No problem!

I know that such mom
I wanted everyone at once!
Connect to the Internet
And everything will be ... (Mom shoes)
- No problem!!!