Informational resources. Foundation for reference publications Fund of Official and Regulatory Editions

The library fund is over 300,000 copies. documents.

Types of funds according to the documents contained in them:

  • book;
  • newspaper;
  • magazine;
  • audiovisual materials and electronic resources on CD-ROM;
  • dissertation abstracts;
  • dissertation.

The formation of the library fund is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the formation of the Fund of the Library of the Ural Institute of Management of the Ranjigsis.

The Book Fund is organized by a systematic principle with the allocation of large thematic complexes:

Educational literature on all academic disciplines in accordance with the working curricula of the Academy

Scientific literature in the following sectors of knowledge:

  • Social Sciences
  • Culture. The science. Education
  • Natural Sciences
  • Health. Medical sciences
  • Art
  • Philological sciences in general
  • Linguistics
  • Technics
  • physical Culture and sport
  • Bibliographic manuals. References

Fiction and literary criticism (Russian, foreign prose, poetry, literary criticism, etc.)

The periodical publication fund is organized by the thematic principle, taking into account the timing of public storage:

  • Newspapers (storage until 3 years)
  • Constant Storage Logs
  • Long-term storage magazines (up to 10 years)
  • Temporary storage magazines (up to 3 years)

Fund of the electronic reading room

Foundation of theses

All the theses are protected or presented to protection in the dissertation council on the protection of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Sociological Sciences D 502.009.01 at the Ural Institute of Management of Ranjigs.

Thes are stored in the reading room (K.203) and are issued only to work in the reading room.

Photocopying - exclusively with the permission of the chairman of the dissertation council.

Reference and search apparatus (SPA)

The library's reference device (SPA) is consigned from the catalogs and card files, the fund of reference publications and bibliographic manuals.

Card directories and files are located on the 2nd floor, in the lobby of the library. Card file of book-related disciplines is in a reference and bibliographic department.

Working with a consolidated electronic catalog is possible on any computer connected to the Internet.

The reference and bibliographic manual foundation is in the reference and bibliographic department and in the reading room.



  • Alphabetical catalog
  • Systematic catalog


  • Contains bibliographic entries for editions since 1996, stored in the basic foundations of the library, as well as all editions stored in the Foundation of the Library of the Institute's Library.
  • The consolidated e-catalog contains bibliographic entries for publications stored in the libraries of the city, including in the library of the Ural Institute of Management of Ranjigs

The alphabetical catalog (AC) reveals the content of the entire library book fund. Bibliographic entries in AK are located in alphabetical surnames of individual authors, names of collective authors (more than 3) or title publications.

To the alphabetic catalog should be handled if:

  • known by the author of the book
  • it is known to title books (if she has more than 3 authors) or a collection

The library alphabetic catalog consists of two parts:

I. Alphabetical catalog of publications until 1960

II. Alphabetical catalog of publications since 1960

The systematic catalog (SC) reflects the content of books and brochures and is intended to search for thematic requests. The SC is a library directory in which bibliographic recordings are located by industry in accordance with the library-bibliographic classification system (BBC).

BBK is a classification information and search language with structural elements in the form of auxiliary tables of typical divisions.

The main divisions of the library-bibliographic classification (BBC) used in the organization of a spa library

  • 1 Nearby and Interdisciplinary Knowledge
  • 2 Natural Sciences
  • 3 techniques. Technical science
  • 4 rural and forestry
  • 5 Health. Medical sciences
  • 6/8 Public and Humanities
  • 60 social sciences in general
  • 60.5 Sociology
  • 60.6 Statistics
  • 60.7 Demography
  • 63 History
  • 65 Economy
  • 66 politics. Political science
  • 67 State and Law. Legal sciences
  • 68 Military Case. Military science
  • 70/79 Culture. The science. Education
  • 80/84 Philological sciences. Fiction
  • 85 art
  • 86 religion. Mystic. Freewin
  • 87 Philosophy
  • 88 Psychology
  • 9 Literature of universal content (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, bibliographic manuals)

Card file

  • Card Book Security
  • Card file editions Rags and regional academies of civil service
  • Card file of abstracts of dissertations
  • Card School of Journal Training Subscription
  • Card file of federal laws of the Russian Federation
  • Card file of the laws of the Sverdlovsk region
  • Systematic certificate of articles (SCS) - not conducted since 2001

To the thematic search for information about articles from periodicals are used:

- Consolidated SonsenSus Omnium Catalog (Bibliographic search in the catalog - "Analytical")

Summary database of the project "Interregional analytical painting of articles" (Mars) (work with the Mars database is possible in the electronic reading room)

  • Card for artistic works published in journals- until 1995
  • Card file of artworks published in literary and art journals
  • (Foreign Literature) - until 1995
  • Review card - until 1990
  • Card serial publications - until 1990
  • Card file Editions of Moscow State University, LSU, AON at the Central Committee of the CPSU - until 1991
  • Card file of abstract magazines (RF) - until 1992
  • Card file of abstract collections (RS) and reviews - until 1992
  • Card file editions for official use - until 1991

In the walls of the Russian State Library there is a unique collection of domestic and foreign documents in 367 languages \u200b\u200bof the world. The volume of all funds exceeds 47 million storage units (as of January 1, 2018), about three million particularly valuable publications and other documents.

Funds are divided into publication categories and are available in the corresponding reading rooms. In addition, more than 1.3 million documents are digitized and included in the RGB electronic library. Also available hundreds of thousands purchased by the library for our readers are also available.

With the electronic library documents and you can work on computers in the reading rooms of the RGB, and some of them are available from any computer connected to the Internet.

Central Main Fund

Volume of the Fund: more than 32 million storage units
Coverage period:

The Central Main Fund is a universal collection of books, magazines, ongoing publications, documenses for official use. Contains print publications in Russian, in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia and foreign languages \u200b\u200b(except oriental). More than 200 private book assemblies of domestic figures of science, culture, education, prominent biblies and collectors of Russia are of particular value. Among the most significant - Collections of N. P. Rumyantsev, P. Ya. Chaadaeva, A. F. Weltman, A. S. Norova, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna.

Central Reference Bibliography Fund

Volume of the Fund:
Coverage period: from the XIX century to the present

The central reference bibliographic fund, which has a universal part and sectoral submets in its structure (sections), contains a significant assembly of bibliographic pointers in Russian, the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation and foreign languages \u200b\u200b(with the exception of Eastern). It also includes modern abstract publications, domestic and foreign encyclopedias, dictionaries (terminological, linguistic, biographical, biobibliographic), directories, guidebooks, calendars. All this rich content is presented on different media of information, such as printed publications (books and serial publications), microfosses, electronic publications and databases.

Central Offline Foundation

Volume of the Fund: more than 60 thousand storage units
Coverage period:from the end of the XIX century to the present

Includes current print publications in all branches of knowledge (except for legal sciences, music, library science, bibliographers and bonquies, oriental linguistics) and domestic journals on technology, agriculture and medicine (2017-2018).

Foundation of rare and valuable publications

Volume of the Fund: more than 300 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the XV century to the present

The Foundation is formed on the basis of a collection principle and consists of a number of subject-book and possessive assembly. It is structurally divided into submets, taking into account the chronological and linguistic signs of the materials of the materials in them. The Foundation is widely represented by the old-line domestic editions of the XVI - the first quarter of the XIX century, foreign editions of the XV-XVII centuries, the books of later periods (selectively). In addition to books, there are brochures, flyers, newspapers, magazines, notes, cards, albums. Mostly there are publications on traditional carriers (in the form of individual samples there are copies, printed on unusual materials - felt, traffic jam and others).

Foundation of Isaida

Volume of the Fund: about 1.5 million storage units
Coverage period: from the XVII century to the present

The main fund of iszdaniy is a meeting of domestic and foreign documents in the format of sheets, albums, books, optical CDs. Albums are most significant. Their range is extremely wide - from circulation editions to collecting selections. They give the concept of a variety of visual materials - engravings, photographs, reproductions, posters, postcards, and so on.

Fund of Official and Regulatory Editions

Volume of the Fund: About 2 million domestic and 450 thousand foreign documents
Coverage period:

The Fund includes official regulations on legislation and law; Official regulatory production and practical publications. To ensure comprehensive user service to the Foundation, the most important systematized publications of legislative acts of pre-revolutionary Russia are also included. This is a "full meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire", "Code of Laws of the Russian Empire", "Meeting of legal entities and orders of the government" and other publications of domestic legislation. The Fund also has a collection of institutions, public and socio-political organizations in Russia and the USSR (1857-1991). In addition to the mainly created and constantly replenished the entry fund.

Fund of current periodic publications

Volume of the Fund: about 58 thousand storage units
Coverage period: Current year for newspapers and the last 2-3 years for magazines

The central auxiliary fund of current periodic publications is completed with current domestic journals and newspapers. It includes: a fund of periodic publications that are in public access, and magazines that are in the stock report on current periodic publications.

Russian abroad literature fund

Volume of the Fund:
Coverage period: From 1917 to the present

The collection of literature of Russian abroad RGB is a unique phenomenon, which reflected in its fancy the fate of paradoxes and drama of modern Russian history, twice in a century, radically changed the face of the country.

The main fund includes books, magazines, newspapers of Russian abroad, foreign books and magazines about Russia, domestic publications about Russian emigration, the microform "Rossiki" on the rights of the original, editions on electronic media (CD) in Russian abroad.

Foundation of military literature

Volume of the Fund: more than 614 thousand storage units
Coverage period:

The main fund, formed on the basis of the book collection of the Library of the General Staff of the Russian Army (1811-1917), consists of a number of thematic meetings on military management, regimental historiography, Russian military clothing, etc. The Fund stores rare reference documents, among which " Memorable books "," List of generals for seniority "and" List of captains of army infantry for seniority. " The specialized closed ownership collection of the famous Moscow Bibliophile A. M. Makarov has an increditative value.

Network Deleted Fund

Volume of the Fund: more than 308 thousand storage units
Coverage period: From the end of the XIX century to the present

Includes e-books, magazines and newspapers in Russian and foreign languages, as well as reports, company profiles, images and other types of documents.


Volume of the Fund: more than 40 thousand storage units
Coverage period: From 1991 to the present

The Foundation includes text publications, audiobooks (speaking books), audiopects, guidebooks on museums and architectural monuments, courses on foreign languages, textbooks, methodical materials, self-training systems, simulators, workshops on various university disciplines and school subjects, practical guidelines, manuals, reference books for specialists in various fields of knowledge, conference materials, applied systems of automated design, design and modeling and others.

Foundation Microform

Volume of the Fund: About 3 million storage units
Coverage period: Microfams on editions from the XV century to the present

The main fund is structurally divided into submensities of books, periodicals, newspapers, dissertations, taking into account the chronology of shooting publications on the microfam. He has about 3 million units of storage in Russian and foreign languages. Partially represented publications that do not have paper equivalents, but correspond to such parameters as value, uniqueness, high demand.

Foundation of literature "For official use"

Volume of the Fund: more than 700 thousand storage units
Coverage period: Since the 1920s to the present

The Fund includes literature with a restrictive vulture "for official use" on various disciplines, for example: the author's abstracts, books and magazines on technical and chemical sciences, agriculture, forensic and criminology, military sciences, etc., population census tables 1950-1980 x year

Foundation manuscript

Volume of the Fund: 610 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the VI century n. e. Until now

The main fund is a universal meeting of written and graphic manuscripts in Old Russian, ancient Greek, Latin, Slavic, Western European and oriental languages. It contains handwritten books of secular and spiritual content, archival collections, personal (family, generic) archives, archival funds of various state, church, private institutions and public organizations. There are Funds of Peter I, M. I. Kutuzov, P. A. Rumyantseva-Zadunaysky, G. R. Dervina, A. S. Griboyedova, M. Yu. Lermontova, F. I. Tyutcheva, V. O. Klyuchevsky and others outstanding figures of Russian history and culture. The unique part of the meeting is the monuments of the Slavic and Old Russian Book Culture.

Foundation of cartographic publications

Volume of the Fund: about 250 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the XVI century to the present

The main fund contains atlases, maps, plans, card readers, globes, cartographic works on microns and optical disks. There is a large array of plans of settlements, land possessions, estates, as well as cards reflecting the administrative and territorial division of areas and regions.

The fund contains both the atlases of the book form and leafy. A variety of printing performance and forms of representation are characterized by cards - on sheets and on fabrics, walls in rolls and on cards, folding, embossed, stereographic, in the form of postcards and calendars. There are special cards for the blind. The collection includes text, graphic, illustrative applications to cartographic documents.

Foundation of music and sound recordings

Volume of the Fund: more than 480 thousand storage units
Coverage period: notes - from the middle of the XVI century to the present; sound recording -from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present.

Domestic and foreign music publications, recording (records, magnetic ribbons, audio and video tapes, CD, MP3), music literature (monograph, reference and bibliographic publications).

The main fund of notion publications includes domestic and foreign notes in the form of one-volume and multi-volume notebooks, sheets, albums, postcards, calendars, posters, as well as mixed type books, in which the tight text is the main one. The Fund comes publications with the text in Russian, other languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation, foreign languages. The music foundation includes original documents, copies (including facsimile), documents on micro and electronic media, including applications to printed publications.

Literature Fund for Library Scientation, Bibliographic Science and Book

Volume of the Fund: 170 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the XVIII century to the present

The Fund includes Literature on Library and Book, as well as on related knowledge (issues of computer science, culture, archival, science, sociology), encyclopedias and general reference books, language dictionaries. Book publications in Russian and foreign European languages \u200b\u200bare widely represented, as well as in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia, CIS countries and the Baltic States. The Foundation includes journal, ongoing and leafy publications, specialized newspapers, databases and documents on electronic media. Access to network resources is provided. A separate collection highlighted the publications of the Russian State Library.

Foundation of domestic book exchange

Volume of the Fund: more than 300 thousand storage units
Coverage period: From 1830 to the present

The Babe exchange Foundation, which is part of the RGB exchange funds subsystem, is universal in content and chronological characteristics. It is formed from double and non-core documents excluded from fixed funds RGB. These are books and brochures in Russian and foreign languages, periodicals in Russian, documents on the CD-ROM.

The foundation is designed to redistribute among libraries, other non-profit organizations (gift), and sales (sales) organizations and individuals.

Foundation of literature in eastern languages

Volume of the Fund: more than 900 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the XVI century to the present

The main fund includes domestic and most significant in scientific and practically foreign publications in 230 languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Asia and Africa. These are books, magazines, newspapers, ongoing publications, individual categories of cartographic, musical, isoproduks and speech records (on CD and DVD carriers).

Foundation Gazeta

Volume of the Fund: About 697 thousand storage units
Coverage period: from the XVIII century to the present

It has a large-scale meeting of domestic newspapers in Russian, newspapers in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia and the countries of near abroad, in foreign languages \u200b\u200bof European countries. It includes active demand newspapers: Moscow (central) and regional; working copies of microfilms of dilapidated and especially valuable publications; Directories and general encyclopedias.

The most valuable part of the Foundation is Russian pre-revolutionary newspapers 1801-1918 (more than 5000 titles) and publication of the period of the first years of Soviet power for 1917-1922 (more than 4,000 titles). Collections were allocated from the collection of Russian domestic publications: "Russian newspapers of civil fonts. 1801-1830, "Zemsky newspapers. 1866-1918 "," The newspaper of the period of the first Russian revolution. 1905-1907 "," The newspapers of the first years of Soviet power. 1917-1922 "And others.

Foundation of theses

Volume of the Fund: more than 1.1 million names
Coverage period: From 1944 to the present

The main fund contains domestic doctoral and candidate dissertations in all sectors of knowledge, except for medicine and pharmacy, and the author's abstracts (mandatory copies of the dissertation originals from 1951 to the present; microforms of dissertations made in return of originals 1944-1950; mandatory copies of the abstracts of candidate and doctoral dissertations, In addition to the abstracts of the vulture of "chipboard", since 2015).

Fund of the RGB Department in the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

Volume of the Fund: 4.6 thousand storage units
Coverage period: From the XVI century at the beginning of the XX century

The RGB Department in the Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center was created in 2013 to store the Schneerson collection - the Book Assembly of the Family of the Hasidic Movement Khabad, the center of which was located in the town of Lubavichi. The library began to form in the life of the founder of the Schneurur of Zalman from Lit from the end of the XVIII century and was going until 1915. After the revolution of 1917, the collection was nationalized and transferred to the Rumyantsev Museum, later renamed the USSR State Library named after V. I. Lenin (now RGB).

Directory. - SPb.: Profession, 2007. - 664 p. - ("Library" series).
The first reference publication about working with electronic documents, catalogs and collections. It characterizes the regulatory and technological requirements for the search, acquiring, description, accounting, the use of electronic information sources. Considered issues of information security of the electronic part of the funds - storage conditions, backup, access authorization. The possibilities of creating electronic collections, virtual help services, electronic document delivery services, use of remote access resources are shown.
The manual is intended to managers and employees of public libraries, will be useful for students of cultural universities and library colleges, as well as a wide range of electronic collections in institutions and enterprises. Author.
List of accepted cuts.
The list of abbreviations of the names of the institutions and organizations mentioned in the text.
General view of the electronic document.
The content of the concept of "electronic document".
Properties of electronic documents.
Typification of electronic documents.
Technological features of electronic documents.
Media electronic information.
Value properties of electronic documents.
Unique electronic resources.
Development trends of electronic resources.
The main varieties of electronic documents.
Electronic periodicals.
Documentary databases.
References and Factographic databases.
Electronic textbooks.
Web sites.
Electronic libraries and collections.
Electronic libraries.
Electronic collections.
Electronic catalogs and guidebooks.
Electronic catalogs: creating and use.
Electronic consolidated catalogs.
Electronic bookstores.
Industry electronic resources.
Electronic information resources in the field of law.
Electronic information resources of the economy.
Electronic information resources Pedagogy.
Electronic information resources in the field of fiction and literary studies.
Electronic information resources of non-humanitarian fields of science and practice.
Legal basis for creating and using electronic resources.
Legal protection objects in the Public Library.
Copyright and related rights in the processes of using information technology.
Software used.
The inclusion of publications and collections to the library electronic fund.
Network information resources.
Internet right.
Ensuring the availability of information and copyright.
Forms of the author's treaty.
The main regulatory requirements for the work of libraries with electronic resources.
Technological bases of working with electronic resources.
Technology of libraries in the electronic environment.
Search for information.
General problems of information search.
Types of search engines.
Facalization tools for the search for electronic documents.
Trends in the development of information and search engines.
Completion of electronic resources.
Modeling the electronic document fund.
Electronic resource market.
Informational support for picking.
Packing technology.
Registration of contractual relations. Licensing.
Analytics and synthetic processing of information.
Cataloging of electronic resources.
General Bibliographic record scheme.
Features of the formation of a bibliographic record for electronic resources.
Corporate cataloging based on automated library information systems.
Bibliographic description of network electronic documents when drawing up lists and references.
Annotation and reference of electronic documents.
Indexing electronic documents.
Systematization of electronic documents.
Accounting and storage of electronic documents.
Accounting electronic documents.
Storage of electronic documents.
Management of electronic publication funds.
The main directions and forms of management of electronic publications funds.
Information Security of Electronic Library Resources.
Reference bibliographic readers in the electronic environment.
Resource Base of Reference Bibliographic Services of Local Users.
The composition of the resource base.
Creating a reference and bibliographic fund of network resources in the library.
Forms of submission of electronic reference bibliographic funds.
Estimation of reference bibliographic library funds.
Online reference bibliographic service.
Tasks for servicing remote users.
Asynchronous and synchronous maintenance modes.
Virtual reference services.
Reference expert systems.
Perform complex queries.
Electronic delivery of documents.
Information service readers.
Organizational framework for working with electronic documents.
General characteristics of auxiliary technologies.
Professional skills of the kit.
Training of library staff.
Forming a team to work on the project.
Development of a library informatization strategy.
Extrabudgetary financing of informatization projects.
Implementation of an innovative project.

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Electronic creation and use in public libraries r azn about in and dn about ej e l k tn o n y x d o k u m e n y e b and b l and o tech and and ko l l e kz and and t ex n o l o glav about you with el e cork o n y m and d o c u m n t m and u p ore and e f o n dm and u l e c t tr o n n y x and zh and n y s p r a v oh o -b and b l and about gr and f and ch e c o e ABOUT B C L S W M I V A N E H I TATE LEE A NO SR E D E T K G - JIW M L, I "RTK / IL KN * CA. rjwt, ^ # m ^ f "WK ✓ 11 g I ^ i< 1.4, c 3 - Bibliographic record BIS - Library Information System I\u003e 0-Bible Description of the NSS -virtual Reference Service of Untils - State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information GSNTI - State System of Scientific and Technical Information to -Standanutual Education LiveJournal Journal of CJSC -Ruced Joint Stock Company and Bo - Information and Bibliography Department of the IBC - Information Library Center 11CC - Information and Cultural Center 11II --- Information Need III 1C - Information and Search Engine IIP-Informational-Search Language IIIP-Informational Resource K11A - Classifier of Legal Acts PDA PCD Personal Personal Computer Kunb - Edge Universal Scientific Library l SUT -KAL computing network L H-Region 710-Ringuistic provision of MBA - Interlibrary subscription ml Magnetic Ribbon MPK - International Patent Classification MU - Municipal Establishment MI [BS-Memorial Centralized Library System 11B - Scientific Library by them - Research Institute II But - Research Division 11IOCR - Research Works and Experienced Works of Nir - Research Work 9 Electronic Documents NMO - Scientific and Methodical Department Hiik - National Patent Classification NGO - Scientific and Production Association NTI - Scientific and Technical Information NEB - SCIENTIFIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY OKR-APPTO-DESIGN DEVELOPMENT OF OX - All-Russian Standards Classifier 0 0 0 - OUB Limited Liability Company - Regional Universal Scientific Library OE - Mandatory PC copy - Personal computer Software software - search image of a PPP document-Pack of application programs PR - subject heading of the FCPI - Public Center for Legal Information PEVM - Personal Electronic Computing Machine RVB - Russian Virtual Library of RJ - Abstract Journal of SBA AT SBO-PLABIO-Bibliographic Service SB - Reference Bibliographic Foundation SVT-Customer Computing Technology SI - SIGNAL INFORMATION SIF-PLAVODY-INFORMATION FUND SK PBM - Consolidated Catalog of Public Library of Moscow SCBR - Consolidated Catalog of Russian Library Media - Media SG1A -Poysk apparatus of the ATP -Prachochny legal system of the DBMS - the database management system TU -Technical conditions of the WCC-information center FSUE - Federal State Unitary Enterprise UDC - Universal Decimal Classification FL - Federal Law FEB - Fundamental Electronic Library of CBS - Centralized Library System 1P "B - Central City Library Idi - CDC Business Information Center - Center Business Book I (Days - Center for Business and Legal Information TsKB - Central Collection of TsNTI Libraries - Center for Scientific and Technical Information CPI - Center for Legal Information 10 List of Abbreviation Names of Institutions and organ Nizations. .. EB-Electronic EDD Library - Electronic Delivery of Documents EG - Electronic Journal EI -Electronic Edition EIR - Electronic Information Resource EC - ECC Electronic Catalog - Electronic Local Lore Catalog ENI - Electronic Scientific Edition ER -Electronic EC Resource - ECE Electronic Serial Expert System ESK ESC -Electronic Consolidated Catalog EU -Electronic Tutorial I CSA Signature CSA - CAMBRIDGE SCIENTFIC ABSTRACTS (SO -INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION (International Organization for Standardization) OCLC - Online Computer Library Center (Online Computer Biblio Therny Center) Oras ON-LINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOG SCI - Science Citation Index STM - Science, Technology, Medicine List A BBREVI ATUR NAMEMENTS COMMUNICATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS, UPE OF YANUTS X V T EK Swise Association - Association of Regional Library Consortiums 1\u003e AN - Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1\u003e 1sh - Library for Natural Sciences RAS IGBIL - All-Russian Kaya State Library of Foreign Literature. M.I. RUDOMINO NIMI - All-Russian Institute of Internal Affairs Information Viniti-Wiserskiy Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences Hi IIKI -Vservation Research Institute of Classification, Terminology and Information on Standardization and Quality BI1TIC - All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Center NIS - World Organization Intellectual property NS - Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Garf - State Archive of the Russian Federation Givz - State Information and Computing Center 11 Electronic Documents GMC - Chief Interregional Center of GNPB-Personal Scientific Pedagogical Library. K. D. Ushinsky GPIB - State Public History Library of the Russian Federation GPTB - State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Russian Federation of GPTB SB RAS-Government Public Scientific and Technical Library for the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and ML and Institute of World Literature. M. Gorky RAS Ini about N - Institute of Scientific Information on Public Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the ISO - International Organization for the Standardization of IFLA -ounted International Federation of Library Associations and Cergaki Agencies - Kemerovo State Academy of Culture and Arts MGPU - Moscow City Pedagogical University of Moscow State University - Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova Mguyk - Moscow State University of Culture and Arts M & F and - Moscow Engineering and Physical Institute MIC - International Information Center for Libraries, Publishing Houses and Book Trading IEC - International Economic Committee of NIPistatinform - All-Russian Research and Design and Technological Institute of Statistical Information System NTC "Informregistr" - Scientific and Technical Center "Informregistr" NEKON - National Electronic Information Consortium RAS - Russian Academy of Sciences of RAO - Russian Academy of Education RBA - Russian Library Association of RGB - Russian State Library of RGBI - Russian State Library for Art RSDB - Russian State Children's Library of RGNF - Russian Humanitarian Foundation for Scientific Research RSPU - Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen (St. Petersburg) RGYUB - Russian State Youth Library RCP - Russian Book Chamber of the Republic of RM BC - Republican Medical Library and Information Center of the Republic of Tatarstan RN B - Russian National Library RosinformSresource - Russian Association of Information Resources of Scientific and Technical Development Rospatent - Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Paged There and Trademarks Rosstat -Federal Service of State Statistics of the Russian Federation 12 List of Abbreviations Names of Institutions and Organizations ... RF F and - Russian Fund for Fundamental Research RH "GU - Russian Chemical Technology University. D. I. Mende Leie Sztu - North-West State Correspondence Technical University TET SG16GPU -Sm. RGGU (St. Petersburg) SG16STU - St. Petersburg State Technical University SPbSU - St. Petersburg State University SPBGUKA - St. Petersburg State University Erostet of culture and arts SPSUEF - St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance FAPSI - Federal Agency of Government Communications and FIPS Information - Federal Institute of Industrial Property 1U PB -central City Public Library. V.V. Mayakovsky TsNSK - Central Scientific Medical Library of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences ARL - Association of Research Libraries (Association of Scientific Libraries) RLG - Research Library Group Preface Reference Edition Dedicated to working with a huge array of electronic documents - their Search, processing, accounting, snoring and use in Bib Lyotek. Content, it continues the preceding reference books of Bib Liotekar, bibliographer, an information officer1, which reflect significant changes in the life of libraries related to the use of modern information technologies. Only the first generation of guidelines and standards for typing, descriptions and accounting of electronic documents has been created in the country. The current experience of domestic libraries in the development of information electronic resources requires continuous generalization. Therefore, in the work on the reference book, employees of various libraries and universities took part. The authors from Novgorod, Oren Burga, Moscow, St. Petersburg analyze the state of the electronic part of the funds and projects of more than 300 publicly available libraries. Employees of CGPB them. V. V. Mayakovsky conducted special survey, as well as in detail the development of the electronic document fund in the center of business and legal information in the dynamics of its development in 11 years. The changing list of electronic editions of this fund reflects the most complicated solutions of the packages about the acquisition or refusal of individual sources, helps to see their significant assortment to perform a wide range of readers' requests. There is an overview of the electronic local lore resources of Russian libraries. For operational needs, the application "100 practical councils" for reference books was prepared, as well as major terms and useful tables, which will make it easier for the development of new technological techniques. In particular, an electronic assistant "Internet navigator for the configuration" is proposed. Theoretical aspects of working with electronic documents are submitred to the minimum amount of the first section: many questions are still very controversial, will soon find the status of a slim theory in the changing world of network communities. From the proposed materials you can see that modern collaboration of the library has already assessed the advantages of the gift of the XX century-to-speed search and operational network access to remote arrays of multimedia information. The library community is clearly aware of the negative user properties of computer-readable information, seeks to reduce their influence on the reader's audience. Using the information 1 bibliographer's guide. -3-E ed., Stram. and add. / Scientific ed. A. N. Vaneev, V. A. Minkin. -Spb.: Profession, 2006; Librarian directory. -3 edition, not a rebel. and add. / Scientific ed. A. N. Vaneev, V. A. Minkin. - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2005; Directory of the information worker / Ed. R. S. Gilarhevsky, V. A. Min Kina. -Spb.: Profession, 2005. 14 Preface Technologies does not reduce the status of the intellectual profession of the BIBILAR library, but allows it to strengthen and enrich it. For the first time, the library experience in the field of library, reference books of local and remote users is combined: creating a virtual reference service, electronic document delivery, electronic archive of certificates of certificates; Organizations of business information centers and media libraries; Preparation of guidebooks and digests of the local press. In the electronic environment, it is simply and quickly to provide an external document to the reader, but the processes of selection of documents on substantive and high-quality criteria, descriptions and systematization, the length of electronic documents are becoming more complex. The largest section of the reference is devoted to the most important technological issues. The authors of this section of la - innovators seeking to facilitate public libraries adapting to new working conditions with "hybrid" (mixed) funds. The section is assembled for tagging useful material about specific topical issues of recruitment, processing, accounting, storage, electronic resources analysis. Peter Waters, a well-known specialist in the field of preservation of documents, a member of the rescue work of many funds, called the XX century "black hole information": a huge part of the data is lost, destroyed or has become inaccessible due to software change. The special section presents materials on information security. Electronic strengths of storage, backup, authorization of the cost of PA et al. The library today becomes an active creator and publisher, lighting its electronic catalogs, local lore collections, whether, pointers, reviews, reviews . In this regard, the bibliographer's librarian for the first time enters serious legal relations with a wide range of persons and institutions. Dakci managed not to find non-lawyers, but library workers who have undergone the difficult path to master the issues of copyright and related rights and library. While there are no unambiguous recommendations in the section, but there are no legislative acts in the Sa Mich of Legislative Acts. The main thing is a wide range of legal sites for libraries of any type. The section was very difficult, conditionally named "Organizational Basics of Work with Electronic Documents". It includes "supplied" technologies - search for extrabudgetary funding for informatization projects, the placement of electronic resources of the library in the network, n many others. The editorial office deliberately refused the complicated option of presenting these issues: knowingly creating a barrier in their development is unlikely to forestry. As a rule, significant recommendations are proposed in a fairly simple form: experienced employees will use an additional impact of management and computer technology. This publication can not yet fully name the help of reference to EM - this is the first summary of useful information about working with electronic document 15 electronic documents of the cops. The editorial office found it necessary to preserve many copyright ideas, as well as the emotional style of presentation in certain sections (in particular, the news of the electronic resources in the field of fiction and article, a professional approach to information retrieval issues). The editorial office also apologizes for unintended mistakes, it is possible to disabilities, lost email addresses. The work on the directory allowed to allocate sustainable trends in the OS libraries of electronic resources: the "peaceful coexistence" of the electronic and printing issues will continue, and the definition of a "hybrid" library entered into an international lexicone will suffer from unnecessaryness. The libraries will take more and more active participation in the creation of electronic documents and their own collections. Strengthens the subordination of all library processes quality of user service. The following generations of readers will be significantly different in informational behavior, and in the circle of requests to Bib Lyotek. In this regard, electronic training materials, interactive guidebooks, the creation of remote users, centers for social protection, consumers, consumers, employers, and others, etc. The publication is designed to managers and employees of public bibli-tech, will be useful to students. Culture universities and library colleges, as well as a wide range of electronic collections in institutions and enterprises. In a professional library life, there is an intensive work on the problems of informatization of libraries, their innovative experience is widely revealed. The editors thanks each of the participants in the difficult innovative life in libraries. The authors express personal gratitude for the useful tips and saturated publications to the leading scientific employee of the recruitment department of the IIO * Strange Literature of the RGB IT. N. Litvinova, leading Russian specialists in library science and bibliography A. N. Vaneyev, prof. SPBGUKI, I. G. Morgenishtern, prof. Chelyabinsk State Academy Mii Culture and Arts. A serious indicator of active work with electronic resources of personal libraries is the "Guide to local lore resources on the Bib of Lyricate Sites", affordable on the network (pH b, HTTP RBA: // www / ir / index.htmt). Its compilers thank the employees of the RN B Editor N. M. Balatskaya and Web Masters V. A. Chernousov for helping to systematize the material, placement and updating of the resource, but most importantly - all local historians who have created such wonderful and variety of electronic collections on their library sites. 16 Preface Sincere appreciation is addressed to the leaders of the CGPB. V. V. Mayakovsky - 3. V. Thalova, O. Yu. Ustinova and M. V. Konyukhova for organizing and conducting a study on the use of electronic re surses of public libraries of St. Petersburg, as well as specialists of Orenburg and Veliky Novgorod. The team of authors with gratitude will take reviews, comments, concrete recommendations of colleagues, will definitely take them into account in further work. Reviews and wishes We ask you to send at the address: 191002, St. Petersburg, A / I. 600, Publishing House "Profession" or by e-mail: [email protected] Ra Zd ate 1 Generally her understanding of the electronic report Contents Concept "Electronic Document" In the active work of libraries with electronic materials in an international library practice, a multiple electronic document, promising possibilities for their processing, storage and use are continuously underway. Methodical solutions of different levels are on-line, industry, for individual types of libraries. In Russia, the basic concepts for the profession are defined in sectoral and inter-sectoral standards (GOST 7.83-2001 "Electronic publications. Basic views and weekend", GOST 7.82-2001 "Bibliographic per letter. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules of compilation" and Dr.). The following phrases are introduced as the original for the library profession: "Electronic Information Resources", "Electronic Document", "Electronic Edition". The concept of "electronic information resources" is the concept of "electronic information resources", and frequent varieties of electronic documents are called "electronic due to Denmark", "E-Book", "Electronic Journal" and other resources that do not have a close type in the form of printed documents are indicated without defining " Electronic "- web site, page," Live Journal "," Chat Session "and others. The boundaries between them are very conditional, and a long time, the coenses and the content of these terms will be referred to by experts. GOST 7.82-2001 "Bibliographic recording. Bibliographic description of electronic resources "standardizes in the Professional BANK COST CONCEPTION OF ELECTRONIC INFORMATION RESOURCES as the resources controlled by a computer, including those that require the use of a perifemic device connected to a computer. Electronic resources are electronic data (information in the form of numbers, letters, symbols, or combinations thereof), electronic programs (sets of operators or subroutines that provide certain tasks, including data processing) or a combination of these species in one resource. In accordance with existing gtales, electronic resources, depending on the access mode, the local and remote access resources are separated. Electronic publications are typed on the following features: 18 Section 1. General view of electronic document distribution technology; the nature of user interaction and electronic publication; presence of printed equivalent; Nature of basic information; structure; periodicity; way of presenting information; The purpose of the electronic publication. The first standards of standardization of the status of an electronic document was predicted by the Federal State Scientific and Technical Center "In Formregistr", which was developed by GOST 7.83-2001 "Electronic publications. () Dongner views and output ", which has the status of interstate. The main goal of the GOST -FR-ordered the provision of output data in electronic publications similar to the printed publications. Requirements of library-bibliographic processing, accounting for the Fund in the coming years to keep the "electronic document" by the main work of the term: "The document on a machine-readable carrier, for the use of which the means of computing equipment" (GOST 7.83-2001); "A document in which information is represented in electronically digital form" 1 (F s "On Informatization Information and Information Protection"). Electronic documents previously called "machine-readable", "digital" documents, "computer files" are a relatively new, diverse, but very quickly developing different visibility of information products, for which fixation on a particular carrier does not always act as an explicit distinctive feature. Electronic documents can be represented on physically tangible discrete but feuds, such as optical disks, or actually have an exceptionally digital form in Internet information arrays, in relation to which the concept of "carrier" itself is used very conditionally. The distribution database can be stored on some multiple servers of various institutions and countries. Modern electronic documents can be fixed simultaneously in several formats, on many media, including printed transmission. An essential for the library remains a sign of targeted to a kument that limits the scope of its distribution in society. Libraries work with electronic documents intended for wide or local use in society. Given the results of the discussion of the above and other definitions, the electronic document "can be understood as a substantively connected in 1, the definition is given by the already canceled FZ of 1995. In 2006, the new FZ" On Information, Informatization and Information Protection "has entered into No Definition of Electronic Document 19 Electronic Documents The formation intended for use in society and fixed in electronically digitally form. More stringent requirements are presented to the characteristics of those documents that are classified in the electronic publication group. GOST 7.83-2001 results in the following definition: "Electronic publication -Electronic dock MENT (electronic document group), which has undergone editorial and publishing processing, designed to spread unchanged, having output." Unfortunately, the requirements of the editorial publishing under the cooking, the invariance of the text and the constancy of the quantitative characteristics are edited for the greatest part of the Internet resources. For this reason (with a publicly definition) can be recognized as editions of fully electronic versions and analogues of print publications - dictionaries, encyclop dii, magazines certified databases. Due to the dynamic of computer technologies for the preparation and dissemination of information, more detailed definitions gradually lose such signs as a format, semantic code, sign nature, the immutability of the content, the target and reading appointment of the document, its quantitative characteristic, etc. In particular, V. N. Ageev, "The electronic publication is the process and the result of the organization of the author's work of any sign nature into an information product on a digital carrier by a method that allows its long-term storage and races in a constant form of an unlimited circle of users through a computer environment" 1. Despite the attempt to characterize the document through its authorization, the integrity ("work", "result"), in this interpretation also a straight analogy with the definition of traditional print publications is given. In particular, publications on paper have a complete form - their content cannot be changed, and the edition process includes the full cycle of editorial and publishing, during which the appearance of the document is being formed in accordance with the rules adopted. The content of the same multiple of Internet documents is continuously changing, and the process of their placement in the network often does not ensure the passage of editorial procedures: each owner of the Internet site is the publisher. Signs "Long-term storage", "unchanged species" are achieved in the library only by transferring an electric document to a local carrier-ottical, hard disk, etc. The sign "Unlimited range of users" for the Internet edition of the Actuette Lena provided if in the library There is a corresponding permission to hold the author of copyright in the form of a license agreement (see subsection "Copyright and related rights in the process of using electronic techno"). Thus, the definition of electronic edition does not fall into the overwhelming number of WEB resources, among which the "elementary particle" serves a VEB-Page-Document with a static or dynamic construction of 1 Ageev V.N. E-book: a new product of social communication. - M.: World of KN., 1997. -230 p. 20 I "A HOD 1. A general idea of \u200b\u200bthe electronic document, which is equipped with a unique address (URL). To designate electronic materials on the Internet, the term" electronic warning resource of remote access "is used. It is it used in the biblies of the network Documents according to GOST 7.82-2001. If the description of electronic documents on local machine-readable carriers no longer causes major difficulties, then with the electronic resources of removable access, the situation is different. This situation is due to several reasons. Communication of resources. The network has completely new different variations and communicative formats that accelerate mutual information. In our way, in addition to the usual textbooks, the magazine "IIIH and newspapers, VEB documents, messages in forums, news cops with guest books, emails," Live magazines "(w G), oriented on dialogue, interaction, discussion of problems. Due to the strengthening of the communicative start in the electronic environment, dictionaries, encyclopedia are collectively created, relations to events are formed. They are combined with a digital form of distribution - most of them do not exist for printed versions. This causes distrust of them as a duration of a length of storage and use, despite the considerable interest of librarians to many of these sources of operational information. Dynamics of resources. In addition to its initial "virtuality", the Internet documents are extremely changeable. This applies both to their location and to the content. The document in the World Wide Web remains unchanged no more than six months. At any time, its address (URL) may change, the content is updated or it is forever removed from the server. So you | Okay Mobility of the Network Documentary Massif creates serious difficulties in bibliographic accounting, description and quoting of VEB resources. Integability of resources. The complexity of the characteristics of the Internet resource (nor is that most often they are presented not separate documents with cops, but their heterogeneous groups that are combined on web sites, portals, search engines, in large-scale information systems. Nonlinear character of a specific document It is manifested in the organization and maintenance of additional links between its parts, lines with the mass of single-month documents, with heterogeneous sets of electronic devices of cops based on hypertext links and full-text search on a specified user. As a result, the text is endowed with additional quality, and for network documents is provided and automated for the birth of such link links. Due to the violation of the one-dimensional order of the text, multidimensional display of an object on the network appear, with the unity of the knowledge fragments about the object through the links on the references. The enhancement and active manifestation of this property are observed, the elements of which were laid already in the ancient world in the form of notes to texts, subject and other auxiliary pointers to the book, as well as systematic and other electronic documents of catalogs in libraries, etc. Of course, links listed may be rated, distort the status of knowledge about the object, require methods and skills of their quick viewing and analysis, but this explicit and technologically supported tendency to integrate knowledge about the object generates in arrays and more complex-substitutes-effects in the form of non-revolutionary processes in development Tii knowledge, the emergence of unexpectedly useful knowledge, instability, irregularities of changes in the medium of electronic information, lawful sometimes effects, etc. Support, diverse design of resources. Connecting text, from the bright, animation and graphics, or mapping materials, the creators of the UP pop up the use of documents, increasing difficult to measure them at the end, "Ergonomics" of the document. There is a creative diversity in the design of electronic documents, and the concept of "design" comes far beyond their appearance, including a wide range of tasks in finding the optimal placement of information and navigating in it. At the same time, most sites do not have today the prescribed GOST title screen, which is defined as "one of the first electronic edition screens (or a special system screen) containing output." On the Internet, our own rules for the design of title pages were formed, to which the requirements of the GOST 7.83-2001 are weakly applicable that COPs gives additional difficulties in the description, the definition of the author's insecurity and reliability of such sources. Thus, the overwhelming majority of remote access documents do not satisfy the requirements of GOST 7.83-2001. Obviously, Internet resources are in the formation stage. At this stage, it is difficult to talk about sufficiently well-established rules for the submission of electronic documents, including the observance of general approaches to the design of interpetitive publishers. For library practice, such signs of electronic publication are most important as the independence of information from the carrier, which allows re-sewing problems of their long-term storage; Converting data when changing hardware and software. In order for the document to be attributed to the class of electronic editions, it must have certain signs: an independent design, the presence of a set of formal signs, on wheels to carry out its unambiguous identification; information on the responsibility for the publication (individuals or legal entities) with the preceding editorial and publishing cycle; compliance with standards and formats adopted for this type of publication (publication); the presence (or possibility of assigning a unique standard number in accordance with international requirements; Introduction to the public appeal in the dissemination forms adopted (publication, publishing). 22 Section 1. General view of the electronic document of electronic document properties The properties of the electronic document can be differentiated by several levels: generic properties common with a class of computer-readable documents; specific for all electronic documents; Private properties for certain types of electronic documents. The generic properties of the electronic document can be attributed to the iconic nature of the message; the presence of material carrier; The "block" structure under which a certain organization of text, factographic and illustrative materials is understood. For example, the structure in the book is expressed by the form of the Code, in the electronic magazine -scregnation headings, in the database of fields, etc. The most common system for organizing texts of electronic docks cops is now files (group of files, directory). According to S. I. Sithweak, the file as an electronic document is a separate static pseudo-material object with individual specific attributes1. The file organization allows you to provide when stored in the library the relative stability of the form of an electronic document of the cop, indicating the date of its copying, but after a few minutes the network may appear in the network. It is not about choosing the "Ka Nonic Text" or the infinite replacement of an early document on its new Persia, and that these documents can be identified only on the full date and size of the file with immutable technical parameters - format, font, etc. increasingly used Such a quantitative characteristic of the Inter-resource as "Number of independent screens". The structure of the electronic document is gradually becoming complicated, simultaneously, but about flying its use. Hypertext technology, clustering of data documents, websites' maps -New forms of material organization, identification of the structure of the document. As a subclass of machine-readable documents, electronic documents have such signs and properties as: the inability to use outside the technical means of their creation and the work of the work; availability of general media for a group of documents; the need for coders for fixing and transcoding to reproduce the content; The ability to repeatedly record various texts on the same carrier. The specific properties of the electronic document are still disclosed for sure, but as the main characteristics, the following can be called: 1. Lack of rigid content binding (text) to a specific matted carrier. Migration of messages from one carrier to another without 1 sevenieves S. I. Electronic document and documentation of information as objects of legal regulation / / informatization and communication. -2002. -№ 2. - (6 0 -6 9. 23 Electronic documents of any changes, and at the same time the possibility of the existence of the same text in various formats. 2. The existence of the "matrix" of a document in an unresponsible manual form (as Digital Codes) other than its playback on the screen of the MO Nutortor. 3. The possibility of direct multiplayer access to the document. 4. The presence of a common encoding system (binary code) is the same to fix documents of any sign system (text, sound, images, graphics). It is this property that underlies multimedia documents1. 5. Principal ability to focus in one document Many forms of messages (text, sound, image, including dynamic). 6. The possibility of multiple crustion of the source text, applying various methods for fixing and playback. 7. The presence of a unified media for all types of "texts". It is necessary to separate the most important trait inherent in a certain part of electronic documents. The name of "interactive," is the possibility of user intervention in its text and the structure, the product at its discretion of the stuffing of the material and the addition of added2. This feature appears at the user when transferring a document to a local media, or the NRI has external editing functions, dialogue. In addition, the author can make changes to any second to his document, even if it has all the signs of the electronic publication, placed on the network. In this regard, it becomes fundamental to the question of whether its unchanged is an indispensable attribute of electronic publication. For traditional publications, this was not questioned (not in vain in the biblies described as identifying parameters, quantitative characteristics are indicated), and for the electronic edition on the CD-Carries, an arbitrary change in parameters is also impossible. But in relation to interactive documents, technical obstacles are practically absent - thetext can be changed repeatedly, is supplemented, moved with a change in format and addresses, recreated. 1 "Electronic publication, in which the information of various nature prevents equal and interrelated to solve the developer for cottages for cottages, and this relationship is provided with the relevant programmatic services to you" (GOST 7.83-2001 "Electronic publications. Main types. Weekend. . Officer. - Minsk, 1999.) 2 "Interactive electronic editions - electronic publications, parameters, content and method of interaction with which is directly or indirectly installed by the user in accordance with its interests, goals, level of preparation, etc. based on information and with the help of algorithms defined by the publisher "than the requirement of editorial and publishing training, the invariably of the text and the constancy of quantitative characteristics (GOST 7.83-2001" Electric Ronic editions. Main types. Weekend. "- ed. Officer - Minsk, 1999 ). 24 Section 1. A general idea of \u200b\u200bthe electronic document in this connection for certain types of electronic documents (mainly network) is characterized by the presence of the stages of the life cycle, under which a consistent set of static states of a document differing from each other at least one of the properties of the document ( File name, format, etc.). The library can take your own typical decision on the length of the storage of the initial and intermediate versions of the document or maintain only its last content. A private technical feature of network electronic documents is a possible violation of its integrity in the course of transmission over the MOGICAL channels. Technical failures are possible, as a result of which it must be re-transmitted to the curve. All electronic documents can be used only with the help of software, but the criticalness of the influence of this factor is not ODIKO for their use. Some of them are sufficiently "Clatformone-dependent", i.e., may be adequately perceived by practicing ski on any computer. But to work with other documents requires a set of special applications, beyond which an electronic document is not able to function. An equally important characteristic is the practical failure of the dissection of some electronic documents from the software shell and common arrays (for example, in the database). A special feature of electronic resources placed on a separate commissioner or server is the lack of an individual carrier for the ways from documents. Specific properties of the electronic document also serve as special conditions for its functioning, which are implied, along with the physical storage of the material carrier, providing software support to the currencies and the presence of relevant hardware for their adequate application. Ensuring the safety of electronic documents, it is necessary to solve four groups of tasks: protection against viruses; protection against unauthorized access; prevent the loss of data and changes (distortions) of the text with each principal update of computer technology; Saving the material medium itself (see the information security of electronic resources libraries). Prior to the inclusion in the funds of publications on computer-readable carriers of the library, while maintaining the financial basis of the publication, ensured the possibility of reading texts. However, the life cycle of the electronic publication (like any computer-readable document) almost completely depends on the degree of adequateness of the forms of its presentation with modern technical capabilities. Electron documents prepared in the shell with a specific presentation of the content, the life cycle is associated with the viability of the skin itself. If it does not develop and is not supported, the electronic document is difficult to use, save or restore without additional effort. 25 Electronic documents The rapid development of computer technologies may represent a serious problem for libraries in the future: experts believe that with the cessation of the production of computers of an existing class, after 25 years there will be serious difficulties with the extraction of information from the modern editions of us. Consequently, with respect to electronic documents, the preservation should be understood as ensuring the possibility of reading text by ways and means adequate to the present time. Along with the physical preservation of the media, it should be about supporting the research institutes in relevant mode (in accordance with the technical and program funds at the level of the unchecked standards in force at the time of the request). Thus, with respect to electronic documents, it is necessary to provide for a guarantee of adequate reproduction of the text out of dependence on changes in hardware and software, which in the field of computer technologies are changing at high speed. In the area of \u200b\u200btheir safety, several problem points or risk areas can be distinguished: not durability, the rapid appearance of new machine-readable media; obsolescence of hardware and peripheral devices; Fast Software Changing, incompatibility of some platforms, shade out of the formats of submission and dissemination of information (simultaneously with the advent of new). The generalized understanding of the distinctive properties of electronic to kaytera allows, when deciding whether to recruit library funds by electronic documents, to include in the number of selection criteria for the following characteristics: compliance with the electronic document the main standards of the publishing process and the availability of information about responsibility. The purpose of the document for long-term use - to objects there is inappropriate to attribute resources for which the content of the content is determined by the date of receipt or reading (for example, currency courses, current stock quotes, price list, rolled shopping sites, etc., if the library does not accept a special solution On the inclusion of them in the Fund). The independence of the document is the possibility of its use (read) without contacting other documents or software, as well as the possibility of its cataloging within the framework of the existing library-bibliographic tradition. Accordingly, the libraries should develop clear recommendations to make the necessary electronic documents from top-level objects (site, portal). Completion, unchanged document - dynamic resources (database, forum materials, etc.) can be the objects of the acquisition in the substantiated situations, if the storage unit is individual static fragments (archives and reports of the database with their fixed state at a certain point in time); If the value of the resource is exceeding the economic cost of the electronic document, and its use is supported by the library software and hardware environment, etc. In other cases, it is necessary to consider an episodic or regular access to them from the library and readers of the library Conditions defined by the license agreement. Suitability for long-term storage, which is determined by the use of formats based on international open standards, the possibility of separating data from programs, and in cases where it is impossible, data storage only with programs using open codes. Technological parameters, including: structural characteristics, such as completeness of the document (fragment - whole); The presence of a fixed non-sensitive relationship with other documents. They can be critical for users, the EU Lee Pr "and their violation (partial copying, the absence of a program, which is reproducing, and others), the document loses in fully or partially its functional properties, and non-critical to the full view of the document; s data representation (used code Pages, Formats, Class Formats); ■ S Type of Resource: Static (completed or unfinished); Dynamic (replenished or updated). In modern conditions, it is impractical to allotment such a sign or selection criterion, as the conditions for access to resources: free (free) ; requiring user registration; commercial (paid). Conditions of DOS TUpa is extremely changeable, and the solution of issues of using or borrowing electronic documents is often the nature of a bilateral agreement on the terms of exchange of information, mutual stands, donation, etc. Typification of electronic documents. Electronic documents. It is customary to divide into two large groups depending on the method of them Aspations, access modes: local access documents include documents recorded on separat (porteble, removable) media (CD-discs, DVDs, etc.) with information recorded on a separate physic medium, which must be placed by the user In a computer.) These documents that exist as separate objects are called sting, off-line, off-line (OFF-Line). Most of them can be considered electronic publications with a complete base, since they have not only a complete internal structure, but also many other formal signs: circulation, weekend, redundancy on liability, etc. 27 Electronic documents Local electronic edition - The publication intended for local use and produced in the form of a certain number of identifying instances (circulation) on portable machine-readable media. In the future, in relation to them, we will apply the generalized name - docks / publications on CDs or CD-editions. The electronic resources of the remote (network) access are dynamic, or online (Dynamic, On-Line) documents stored on any computer (group of computers, server). The main feature of these documents is their placement on a common basis (hard disk of the computer), in other words, they are documents without individual material carrier, are associated as rules, some multiple references with related documents and search engines. As synonyms, the terms "Interactive Documents / Learning", "Internet Editions", or "Network Documents / Edition" are used. These resources include information resources posted in the global Internet, and in local networks - departmental, corporative and private (intranet). Information resources Internet are a combination of information technology and databases that are available through these technologies. Traditionally, the website of the Swiss La Boratoria atomic Physics (CERN) is considered "the beginning" of the Internet, where the technology of the World Code WWW ^ was born (see the "Technological Features of Electronic Dock Ments" subsection), currently the Internet is a community of separate networks of different scale having common access points - search engines. Solly networks are relatively independent and can develop according to their own laws and rules, while remaining part of the overall structure, including components such as server, website, page. The concepts of "server" and "site" are often identified. The site is considered a more private element: thousands of independent sites can be on one "server". However, it happens that one site serves several servers, for example, the situation with Microsoft Network Representation. Page - Delivered hypertext documents, which in the cumulatively may compose a single "body" -site. When working with it, you can drive one or more pages: page - the minimum element of the WWW information structure. The site is a logically completed information structure consisting of one or more pages. The server is connected to the network. The computer on which can be placed both sites and other structures - for example, FTP archives. Internet information resources include: FTP File Archives; Database www; portals. 28 Section 1. General view of the electronic document File archive system FTP is a distributed depository of various data accumulated over the past 10-15 years on the network. In FTP archives, you can find press releases, books on various branches of knowledge, etc. FTP is the second of the basic services and protocols (File Transfer Hotocol protocol). FTP servers, unlike WWW, are just file archives on a remote computer. You can work with them in the same way as with the arrays of your own computer, - using a conductor or other program to work with files (file manager). About the accessories of a network address to this service shows the AbbiPutrition F T P: / / Information V / Tr-archives is divided into three categories: Secure information, the access mode of which is determined by its own delta and is permitted but a special agreement with the consumer; Information resources of limited use, t. e. Ranice time resources or time of action when the user can work with the current version of its own peril and risk, but no one will support it; Freely distributed information resources (Freeware). These resources include everything that can be freely obtained on the network without special registration. The archives are used to solve various tasks, for example, to conduct a number of regulatory documents. Distributed Hypertext Information System WWW - WORLD WIDE WEB, "WORLD COUNT". It is with this, the youngest server of the Internet, working libraries using a page or a site of which "unknown organization, creating your own website. WWW is a system of" pages "containing text, graphics, and sometimes - and sound files, video images. I" Lbot With WWW-pages, you can with the help of a special program about the view -Bauser. For example, both Internet Explorer. The feature of the system is to use hypertext links, which make it possible to view the materials in order to choose them with a well-meter. The initial version of WWW was a distributed hypertext (an extent that allowed to switch from one text document to another by selecting the links, the built-in and text of the document. User interfaces of this technology make it possible to choose the material of interest by pressing the manipulator button on the word or field i of the RDFICAL Picture. Universal Addresses System Allows you to specify almost all Internet information resources. In www7, there is a directory system that allows you to navigate the network, execute remote programs. The main task of the WWW server is to provide user access to the BD II "I" ML documents. Currently, the functionality of the Server ROM has expanded Beyond simple references of documents for clientiiii queries. Typical for modern servers are the following functions: 29 Electronic documents maintaining a hierarchical system of documents; control over access to information from customers; pre-processing of data before answering Tom on request; implementation of interaction with customers and other servers in mediator mode; Implementation of embedded or interaction with external search engines. The database of the server (or, as it is also called, WebSite) is part of the file system, allocated to host HTML files. For any database OP, the concept of a storage unit is reduced, the minimum object to which you can contact from outside or get as an answer to the request. The standard storage object in the database c ^ Ilu-server is an HTML document, in addition, many servers support combined storage objects, created in some cases from several files or generated programs "on the fly". You can select the following objects: The WORLD WIDE WEB BD page is a dynamic information object that is displayed by the user when accessing the information re Surs WWW 1 1 0 to the universal identifier of this resource (URL, IP) or network address. The virtual page appears only at the time of calling the client to the server and physically in the server file system does not exist. In this case, the document of the document conversion commands are included in the document's body and file descriptions. Upon request, the server appeals to its database and returns the viewing program to the required infor. The accessories of the network address to this service shows the HTTP Fixes (denotes the hypertext document transmission protocol (.Hypettext Transfer Protocol)) and www. Sometimes the prefix H TTP: // in the addresses of the opus of the cabin. Then the network address acquires a more compact and convenient view: Portals are powerful information systems that provide both gray visis (email, forums, designers of personal pages) and its own content (news, weather data, financial indices, talogo and heading). Moreover, all these various resources are associated between the battle not only with the general interface and references, but also a single search system for example, for example, a portal "Kirill and Methodius" ( The first and director of May is an important part of the portal -Onemy Megaencyclopedia, which has increasing hundreds of thousands of articles from a series of individual electronic encyclopedias ( The complex structure, the scale of many network sources of information, including search engines, only conventionally allow them to call them by electronic documents. For this reason, more often they are denoted by the combination of "Internet resources", "metadata". It is important to take into account 30 Section 1. General view of the electronic document. The presence and continuous replenishment of the circle of electronic resources that labor is identified as a single document, for example, game sites, and from textual - "live journals", news tapes, " Chats ", etc. With the development of computer technologies, the division of" online "and" off Launovy "documents are becoming more and more conditional - the archives of the network abilities (most often magazines) are distributed on CD media and again can be available on the Internet. On the other hand, a number of editions published on the optical CDs have network updates. The Internet allows AK to toalize information recorded on an optical CD, earlier than the following electronic edition will be prepared. For example, the Firm "Kliosoft", which has released a four-volume (on four discs) "of Russia's history: XX century", on its website provides updated and supplemented information. The Information and Publishing Center "Statistics of Russia" You will allow periodic publications and collections in print form, provides them with network access and CD media. Multimedia textbooks from the date of "Multimedia Technology and Distance Learning" goes on the CD-ROM, which are available both in the local network of institutions and through the Internet version. In an independent variety, electronic publications of combined distribution are allocated, i.e. editions that can be used both in the form of local and as a network document. The most famous classifications of network electronic documents are MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extention), the classification of the Metadata of the Dublin Kernel, as well as the most common classification of MARC document documents in the library. The MIME specification was developed for email, but with WHB-technology's hoping was widely distributed. The MIME RIM scheme allocates the actual data type (for example, text), its some varieties (for example, smooth text), as well as one or more of their pair of meters (for example, type of encoding \u003d ASCII). As a subtype, the source of information is usually indicated. Further development The classification of electronic resources received also the tank decisions of the expert group of specialists of many countries, known as the "Dublin Metadata Core". They highlighted several types of metadata, indicators, rules for their identification and characteristics are proposed. In almost case of cataloging of documents, the libraries most often use the classification of resources presented in MARC format. Both table 1 provides the main divisions of these classification schemes. 31 Electronic documents Table 1 Classification schemes of electronic sources of information: Basic divisions of MIM E Dublin kernel M Arc Text Software You 1. Text (smooth, placed, HTML) 2. Most of the object (mixed, alternative, parallel, multi-flyer 3. Message (hourly, external, on RFC822). Nettext objects 1. Image collection. Set containing items data. And the non-formation is presented in a specific structure (for example, lists, tables) event. Little, restricted in time phenomenon and an increase in time. Resource, initially presented to serve for a visual representation other than the text of an interactive object. The object of this type requires interaction with the user in order to be understood, executed or implemented a bathroom service. The system that performs one or more functions for a finite user software. Computer is a program in the original or compartment referred code that is suitable for installation on another audio machine. The resource is originally intended to serve for sound performance. For example, an audio CD, speech or sound sound. Resource, Initially, before putting words to read (the image of the text also belongs to the text) A \u003d Text Materials, W JPEG, TIFF) 2. Audio (Basic, Way) 3. Video (MPEG, QuickDRAW) 4. Applications (PDF , PPT, MSWORD) printed; B \u003d text materials, handwritten; with "Musical Partita Rye, Printed; d \u003d musical scores, handwritten; E \u003d cartographic faces, printed; / \u003d cartographic marals, handwritten; G \u003d projection and video deeds (Cinema Films We, Films, Slides, Film Materials, Vi Decapix); I \u003d sound recording, non-mud; j ■ \u003d sound recordings, m-tan; to - two-dimensional graphics (illustrations, drawings, etc.); / "Electronic resources (programs, database, etc.); T \u003d information on not how many media (for example, a book with application programs on the disk, CD, etc.); r \u003d three-dimensional artistic objects and realities of GOST 7.83-2001 "Electronic publications. The main views and weekends of the Dénia offers the classification of electronic editions, to a large extent composed by analogy with printed products (Table 2). 32 Section 1. General view of the electronic document Table 2 ON DISHINES OF THE DIFFERENCE OF THE ELECTRICAL EDUCATIONS TO L ASSI F and K a substrate signs divided in the standard of varieties of electronic x editions of the nucleus of the printed equivalent ■ SEKTRON ANGONE OF PRINT CITY: Electronic Edition, in OS a new reproducing corresponding printed edition (arbitrariness of the text on pages, illustrations, references, notes, etc.); S Independent electronic edition: Electronic publication that does not have printed analogues The nature of basic information s text (symbolic) electronic edition - an electronic issue containing predominantly textual information, presented in the form allowing inventive processing; S Fine electronic edition - an electronic edition, with mainly electronic samples of objects, raised as holistic graphic entities, presented in the form allowing viewing and printed reproduction, but not allowing to be treated (to the visual editions include facsimile, as well as texts in formats , not to letting the hustle processing); The sound electronic edition is an electronic publication containing a digital representation of sound information in the form allowing its listening, but not intended for the printed platter; S Software product - an independent, alienated product, which is publishing the text of the program or programming programs or in the form of an executable code; ^ Multimedia electronic edition - electronic edition, in which information information of various nature is present equally and interrelated to solve the tasks defined by the developer, and this relationship is provided with the relevant programs of 1imcnoe II. Related ^ Official electronic edition - electronic publication, public on behalf of state bodies , institutions, departments or public organizations containing materials of a normative or directive nature; S Scientific Electronic Edition - an electronic publication containing information about theoretical and (or) experimental studies, as well as scientifically prepared for the publication of monuments Kul Tours and historical documents; / SCIENTIFICAL ELECTRONIC EDUCATION -Electronic publication containing information on theoretical and (or) experimental studies in the field of science, culture and technology set out in the form available to a non-specialist reader; Zack. 991 33 Electronic documents Continued Table. 2 to l Assi F and to the test signs Target Purpose The technology of distribution allocated in the standard of varieties of electronic x publications s production and practical electronic edition - an electronic publication containing information on technology, technology and the organization of production, as well as other areas of social practice designed for specialists of various qualifications; S Regulatory production and practical electronic issuance - electronic publication, containing rules, rules and requirements in different areas of production activities; S Educational Electronic Edition - an electronic publication containing systematic information of the scientific or applied character of the Republic of Armenia, set forth in the form, convenient for studying and teaching, and designed for students of different ages and degree of training; / Mass-political electronic edition - an electronic issue containing the work of common-political thematics, a campaign and propaganda and intended readers' circles; S Reference Electronic Edition - Electronic Edition, containing brief information of scientific and applied nature, located in the order convenient for their quick finding, not intended for solid reading; S electronic edition for leisure - electronic edition containing publicly available information on the organization of life, a variety of amateur creativity, various types of hobbies, computer games; ^ Advertising electronic edition - an electronic publication containing outlining attention to her attention information about Delios, services, activities in order to create demand for them; S An artistic edition - an electronic publication, with holding its works of fiction, depicting art, theatrical, pop and circus creativity, the works of cinema, museum and other information related to the sphere of culture and non-scientific research / local electronic edition - electronic publication, designed for local use and produced in the form of a definite number of identical instances (Circulation a) on transferable Mashaned media; S Network Electronic Edition - Electronic Edition Available on a noticeable unlimited range of users via telecom universal networks; S Electronic publication of the combined distribution is an electrical edition that can be used both as a lio and as a network 34 Section 1. General view of the electronic document End of Table. 2 to l Assi F and to adequate features selected in the standard of varieties of electronic x editions nature of interaction ^ deterministic electronic edition - electronic edition, interaction of parameters, content and method of interaction with which the user Lena Lena publisher cannot be changed by the user; and electronic s non-administered (interactive) electronic edition - elevation throne edition, parameters, content and method of interaction with which is directly or indirectly installed by the user in accordance with its interests, purpose, level of preparation, etc. based on information and using algorithms defined from the gathering frequency ■ s non-periodic electronic edition - electronic edition, you exit walking once, not existing; ^ Serial electronic edition electronic edition emerging over time, the duration of which is not in advance Lena, as a rule, numbered and (or) dated production (volumes), having the same title; The periodic electronic edition is an electronic edition, extending after certain intervals, permanent numbers permanent numbers (you started), which are not repetitive by content, similarly decorated with numbered and (or) dated issues that have the same title; S continued electronic edition is an electronic edition, you are walking at undefined periods of time, as the fusion of a material that is not repetitive by the content, one-dimedly decorated with numbered and (and l and) dated releases that have a common title; S Renewable electronic edition - an electronic edition, leaving through certain or undefined intervals in the form of numbered or dated issues having the same title and partially repeated content. Each release contains the remaining relevant information and completely replaces the previous structure, one-dimensional electronic edition - an electronic edition released on one machine-readable carrier; S Multi-volume electronic edition is an electronic edition, consisting of two or more numbered parts, each of which is represented on an independent machine-readable carrier, which is a single integer in content and design; S Electronic Series is a serial electronic edition, which includes a set of volumes, combined with the overall design, themes, target or reader, emerging in the same type of design 35 Electronic documents Obviously, the first experience of the domestic classification scheme for electronic editions is standardized. It greatly facilitates the transition of libraries to working with electronic documents, but artificially brings the streams of printed and electronic documents. Many specialists offer their own classification schemes, discuss separate segments of the electronic environment (work V. N. Ageev, A. B. Antopolsky, O. V. Barysheva, V. A. Voyla, R. S. Gilyarovsky, O. N. Ku Lush , N. N. Kushnarenko, I. G. Morgenshtern, Ya. L. Shreiberg, etc.). A very detailed classification of electronic resources (documents and services) is provided in the book of A. I. Bashmakov and V. A. Starych1. When comparing the proposed classifications it is easy to make sure that they differently structure the area of \u200b\u200belectronic documents (resources), as well as allow the base of division bases. All this causes significance difficulties in the practical definition of types of electronic resources. Publications on CD carriers, as well as printed, are more vague, can have reprints, leaving releases. Network electronic editions can be static and dynamic. The latter, in your opinion, can be divided into updated and replenished. Upgradable documents, with all transformation, you retain your name and author / publisher, but not content, for example, sites or news tapes. With that purpose, the fact of updating the electronic publication can be compared with reprint, but without saving the previous version or carry out an analogy with a print edition with removable sheets. Replenished electronic documents also have analogies in a print environment in the form of cumulative publications. However, the electronic document at a certain stage of its existence (sometimes quite a long-term) is possible to be considered as a manuscript in the process when a constant change of text occurs. An important characteristic of the traditional edition is information about the author or responsibility, which has not yet become an obligatory attribute of INTER NO-editions. If we talk about the ratio of an electronic document with printed analogue of Gom2, then you can select two types: the original electronic edition and on the second edition (reprint, reprint, republishing). The original electronic publications include the following types: an original electronic document that does not have a printed analogue, or, otherwise, a document of electronic origin; The electronic publication, which is based on the scanned text with functionality, implemented in EL 1 Bashmakov, A. I., Starykh V. A. Systematization of informational resources for the field of education: classification and metadata. - M.: Foundation "European Center for Quality", 2003. -384 p. 2 This also applies to manuscripts, recording, works of art and other special objects. 36 I "Pzder 1. A common idea of \u200b\u200bthe electronic document of the throne environment, comments and other applications, an example of which the project" Memory of Russia "or CD-edition" Ancient Mark of Siberia "; Computer Original-McGeg for Printing Book; Annex K Print edition; digests, cumulation, collections, convolts, created on the basis of both neat publications and documents of electronic origin. As a reissue, it is often an electronic representation of the neat publication, obtained as a result of scanning. In this case, the interrelation of 1 the original source may have a different character ; The electronic edition fully corresponds to the original (which is achieved by its representation in gradic formats); has "inherited content" (the format of the publication implies the complete preservation of the text, but not the image of the printed publication); pains the essential features of the original source. Characteristics of the attributes of electronic editions on CD carriers does not prevent u. The same difficulty, since, as was shown earlier, their identical information is practically equal to the chatanium book painter. Gradually becomes possible enough fully and adequate (MSSAIA electronic documents, an example of which the main software can serve | C Dublin kernel1: the name (name under which the resource is known); Creator (author, compiler); publisher (person responsible for quality, legitimacy and doubt the resource); date (creation or availability of the resource); resource type; format; identification international numbers; source (reference to the source from which a specific document has been retrieved). Compare these positions with a standard bibliographic description, which is considered sufficient for Identification of any printing issue, we will get the opportunity to talk about the fundamental consistency of IN printed and network electronic documents. In an electronic environment, there are almost all types and trins of publications | a particular degree of severity of the main signs. The distribution itself | | The wounded form of electronic editions is currently are shaded on optical computer Acts - CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read Only Fo R Memory). Optical CDs are a material carrier on which any content can be recorded (see Subsection "Carriers | To "Ktronic Information"). From the very beginning, they were placed in essence, 1 elements of the Dublin kernel are listed partially. See TechNOLI Famining Features of Electronic Documents. 37 Electronic Documents. ■ Finished publications having almost all familiar attributes - Title, publishing house, year of publication, circulation, etc. At the first stage, these were mostly dictionaries, reference books, bibliographic databases, as well as software. Like the printed, electronic editions on with £\u003e -OnTeers can be one languid and Multi-volume, but the breakdown on the volume does not always occur by the Holding. Quite often one of the disks acts as a technological or software application to the main thing. Currently there are many complex publications, where the text material is published as a printed publication, and illustrative The material is located on an attached optical CD. Currently, there are almost all kinds of publications on CD carriers, with a significant prevalence. Denmark multimedia e-books, among which about 80% make up games, children's educational and educational publications, directories, dictionaries, training programs. From the point of view, the contents of the CD-edition as a whole repeat the structure of the traditional book on current (of course, while not reaching its volumes and coverage). Among them are something that can be called collections of works, annual and perennial sets of newspapers and magazines, interactive fairy tales and much more. From the point of view of functional and intended purpose, network electrical editions can be attributed to: individual works (original and electronic reports of printing publications), collections (including conference materials), databases and sites. Regarding the issue of legality to consider all sites as a publication is a scientific discussion. The essence of the problem is their complex hierarchical structure. Actually, a resource that is legitimately interpreted as an independent document can be located on any country of the site. On the other hand, sites are known to be a definable edition (encyclopedia or magazine), a collection of electronic publications and a whole electronic library. The database, according to some specialists, do not fit even into the widest understanding of the book, since each database is a separate information system, which is a software package with a set of data (records, documents). Classified database in accordance with GOST 7. 70-2003 "Description of databases and machine-readable information arrays." The library workers, mainly, with the following database varieties: bibliographic and abstracts (containing bibliographic for pisis about documents); Documentary full-text databases consisting of separate documents; Reference database of factographic nature containing text fragments, factographic data on the object. As is known, the database may be mono-object (for example, bibliography) and the ololyobjects (say, the database of the Ministry of Emergency Situations38 Section 1. A general understanding of the electronic document of the Russian Federation contains descriptions of emergency situations, equipment lists, personalities and much more). There is a clearly pronounced tendency of COP Denmark and Mixed Data Banks, which combine all species of information about the object, including full texts of publications about them. In the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Nravach" databases are equated with collections (from the point of view of copyright), which makes it possible to approach their acquisition, taking into account the general policies of the formation of funds. An independent class of electronic information resources are geo-information systems (GIS), having a multilayer hierarchy structure of information tied to a geographic map (topograms). GISIs have specific software, special functionality, technology of formation and use, own with tartan, etc., and therefore, their production is allocated to a separate area of \u200b\u200bgeoinformatics. However, in theoretical terms there is an indisputable analogy between GIS and traditional cartographic publications (atlas). The main issue is the following: whether it is enough for the inclusion of GIS to the objects of the acquisition along the same model as traditional cardo graphic publications. While the practice of recruiting electronic libraries gives a negative response to this, which is primarily associated with a special function; and the GIS. Thus, in modern library practice, three approaches are used in the identification of Internet objects: on the basis of a direct analogy with the source material (book, magazine, etc.); Based on the reduction, i.e., consideration of Internet publications in the framework of the books of a gaprit tradition (magazines, books, albums, musical collections, etc.); Based on the most important functional signs of each object. The technological features of electronic documents on the species diversity and the properties of electronic resources affect techno logical factors. This means that when working with electronic documents, the library staff should develop the main formats of data representing, to observe significant changes in their assortment. From a technological point of view, significantly how electronic documents are created - by manual input, scanning, borrowing from other sources; With which software and technical means, for what purposes, etc., all this affects the structure, encoding and filling of electronic documents, determines the possibility (necessity) of POPs 39 Electronic Denmark Documents and Storage of Intermediate and Insurance Copies. Types of media may matter to organize electronic resources. Among the main factors affecting the features of electronic documents of the cops, allocate: linguistic means -Etandart records - Formats, codes, etc.; channels and data transmission protocols; information indexing tools; System search capabilities; Used bd control systems (DBMS). In the process of developing information technology, electronic documents, you partially retain the properties of traditional documents with the simultaneous appearance of their new characteristics. The first machine-readable documents for libraries in our country were created already in the early 1960s. In the process of solving the problem of mechanization and avtomatization of the information search: arrays of bibliographic recordings on chapels, perflectors and magnetic media for searching for information on requests (experimental studies and discrepancies under the leadership of A. V. Sokolova, S. A. Sbitneva, L. S. Kozachekova, etc.). The world information experience summarized the book A. I. Mikhailova, A. I. Black, R. S. Gilarhevsky "Fundamentals of scientific information" (1965), to Toraya introduced into scientific circulation, all fundamental ideas in the field of information support and was translated For many languages. For the younger generation A. V. Sokolov and A. M. Sorkin in the well-known edition "I want to know everything!" In 1964, the development of civilization from creating writing to the "e-machine" and "Teleknig" was shown. At the dawn of automated information technologies, when the use of electronic computing equipment was associated, above all, with auto Mati

The modern stage of development of libraries is characterized by changing the main priorities of their activities. Functions of information centers with electronic databases and ensuring the use of world information networks are added to the traditional tasks of safety and attachment of the Book Fund. Intrabillert technology and library user service forms are changed. Today, the configurations are the task of developing a fund for the formation of the Fund, in which the acquisition of various types of documents will be combined. Creating at the places of modern confession concepts is one of the main strategic directions for improving the formation of library funds.

In the sowb. V.G. Belinsky main internal regulatory documents reflecting the Fund's Management Policy are "Regulations on the SUNB Fund. V.G. Belinsky "and" Theatic-Typeyological Profile of the Packing ". In these documents, on a par with printed publications, a place in the general library fund and for electronic resources is determined. The regulatory documents reflect the principles and criteria for the selection of electronic documents, the position of their acquisition into the library fund due to the budget of the Sverdlovsk region is enshrined. Completion objects in the SUNB. V.G. Belinsky are funding-forming electronic documents: on removable media, network local, networks remote (obtained in temporary use by subscription).

The basic principles of the acquisition are common for both traditional and electronic documents. At the same time, there are features of the acquisition (selection criteria) for electronic types of documents.

Formation of the Fund of Electronic Documents on Removable Media (CD, DVD)

The acquisition of this type of documents is carried out by the department of recruitment and accounting of funds with the participation of specialists of the department-fund-holders. As the main selection criteria, the maintenance of the document, its scientific, cultural and historical significance, target and reading purposes, information capacity, are traditionally preserved. The criteria for the distribution of electronic editions to the funds - features used in the organization of printed library funds. The main part of the proceeds is sent to the specialized fund of the electronic resource department. The funds of other departments (local history literature, periodicals, literature in foreign languages, musical notional literature) include publications included in the zone of their responsibility.

A large practical experience of working with this type of document allows you to note their low demand: the number of requests coming from the users of the electronic resources per year does not exceed 10. In our opinion, documents on removable media against the background of the development of new information technologies are morally obsolete. The information quickly loses with the relevance, there are serious difficulties with its extraction, receiving operational access to it. Therefore, the acquisition of these documents is currently selectively (Table 1).

Formation of the Fund of Network Local Documents

Profile of recruiting Sunb Foundation. V.G. Belinsky determines the general policy of forming the Network Local Document Fund and the specific parameters of the Fund (the object of the acquisition, the content of the Foundation, the restrictions on the chronology, language, etc.). Sources of the acquisition of the Network Local Document Fund are digitized print editions from the Library Foundation and the documents received from copyright holders. The implementation of each technologies is carried out in accordance with the package of regulatory and technological documents and contracts concluded with the library. Digitization can be made at the request of the SUNB divisions, on the proposals of copyright holders, on orders of third-party organizations, on projects for creating digital collections, at the request of readers and subscribers. Accordingly, the selection criteria exist for each category. Serious difficulties today arise with documents in electronic form, which the authors want to give the library. Often it is just text on a flash card, without publishing data, without a guarantee that this is the text of the author-donor. What criteria in such cases should the documents be selected in the electronic library fund? There is no specific and clear answer to this question, so each separately taken library is trying to solve this difficult task independently.

Work on the translation of documents to the electronic view in the library began in 2009 with the digitization of the pre-revolutionary periodicals of rare and local lore funds. First of all, the newspaper Ekaterinburg Week was digitized from 1879 to 1896, rare books of a musical and music department, as well as more than 200 books that are not subject to copyright.

In 2012, in the framework of the FTP project "Culture of Russia" for the National Electronic Library, the digitization of the "Assembly of Leggings and Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation" was launched. In 2014, within the framework of this project, the "Mining Journal" was digitized from 1885 to 1917.

Most of these documents today entered the SUNB electronic library fund. V.G. Belinsky ("Electronic Library of Belinka",, which began to be created in 2014 the electronic library consists of thematic collections, including pre-revolutionary and modern books, newspapers, magazines, materials of local history and library conferences. The library is in the formation stage and is actively replenished.

Formation of the electronic library fund is carried out by the Center for the Creation of Electronic Copy of Documents, the Package Department, the Funding Council. EB documents have two copies: user (in submission format) and archived (in storage format).

All documents of the Archival Fund are recorded: A single document is recorded in the register of digital copies, one document is recorded, each disk is equipped with a label with the current number, the recording date of the disk and the inventory number of the electronic document. Today, the Network Local Document Fund is more than 10 thousand copies.

Formation of the Fund of Network Remote Documents

The acquisition of this type of documents is carried out by specialists from the Department of Electronic Resources and Literature Division in Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bwith the participation of specialists of the Fielder Specialists and the Technical Support Department.

Funding subscription The last three years is kept at the level of 1 million rubles, which averages 20% of the total budget for subscription (Table 2).

The criteria for the distribution of network documents of remote access are the signs used in the organization of the Library Fund System. As a rule, access is made to all computers of the library. In some cases, access can be provided to a limited number of computers; At the same time, the basic part of the documents is issued in the electronic resource department, the units of the library are selected for the rest, for which themes are most relevant, species composition or other characteristics of the package document.

Network remote documents serve as a significant addition to the Basic Library Fund. Since the Library Foundation is universal and diversified, when working, we try to present a wider species composition of documents: books, periodicals, dissertations and dissertation author's abstracts, legal and regulatory and technical documentation, etc. The main subscription package is formed and keeps at one level over several years. In 2014, the package included 25 databases in Russian and five databases in foreign languages, which generally accounted for more than 11 million documents.

When the Network Remote Documents Foundation is completed with the main selection criteria, as well as during the recruitment of traditional resources, are the content of the document, its scientific, cultural and historical significance, target and reading destination. The additional criteria for selecting electronic resources are also taken into account: technical aspects of use, functionality and reliability, support for the resource provider, delivery terms, licensing, etc. All this is reflected in the recruitment profile of the SUNB. V.G. Belinsky.

A number of important aspects should be allocated when the Fund's network remote documents are completed.

1. The uniqueness of the documents. Lack of analog printed publications in the library fund.

A visual example is the resources of the electronic library of the dissertations of the Russian State Library and the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin. With all the desire, the regional library has never had and cannot have in its Fund printing options for these documents. And even such difficulties as frequent technical failures in the work, the absence of the ability to create a copy of the document in electronic form, the obligation to register a user, a limited number of user places, do not affect the decision to subscribe to access to these resources. Since 2003, the Library has opened a virtual Reading Room of the RGB, and in 2014 - the electronic reading room of the presidential library.

Unique, in our opinion, are electronic archives of the Pravda and Izvestia newspapers provided by IVIS. Subscribe to these resources gives library the opportunity to provide our readers an electronic archive of the Pravda newspaper from 1912 to 2013. and newspapers "Izvestia" from 1917 to 2013 Although these documents are present in the Library Fund, but there are lacuna, there are very poor quality specimens. The archives are equipped with a convenient search engine, so the information in search of which when working with printed numbers of publications used to spend days and hours, now can be found in a few minutes. Attracts and flexible pricing policy (combined model, one-time payment of the archive and annual access to the current content). Such resources are very valuable for regional libraries.

Reference and legal systems of companies "Consultant", "Garant", "Code", including regulatory, regulatory and technological information, reference books, magazines, books and much more. A huge array of documents, prompt replenishment, convenient intelligent search - all this makes such bases indispensable for our readers.

2. Replacing printing publications to electronic should be "beneficial" library.

The process of replacing printed versions by electronic individuals for each library. When replacing the traditional subscription to electronic regional libraries, it is necessary to be very careful because they are entrusted to constantly storing the maximum full library fund.

The first documents from which our library refused in traditional acquisition, became abstract vinity magazines. In 2002, the library replaced the traditional subscription to the ryndi vinity to the electronic, much more convenient for users and favorable for the library financially. Shopping model - fee for the use of individual materials, i.e. The viewing fee has become an arguing factor in the period of underfunding libraries. For these same criteria, we refused to recruit patent documents, replacing the traditional access to the electronic database FIPS. For 12 years, our readers have access to these resources in electronic form.

An effective option, in our opinion, was to subscribe to access to the resources of the National Electronic Library. A large number of documents in open access, benefits to public libraries, access to archives was weighing arguments during subscription. For three years, we annually extend the subscription for 49 journals of the Academizdat Center "Science". Under the terms of the contract, the archive of magazines will be available for 10 years, and then the magazines are supposed to be placed in free access, so it was decided to abandon the traditional subscription to these magazines. Another example. In 2014, Inform Culture abandoned the release of printed current bibliographic pointers for culture and art, and the library was issued a subscription to electronic version of these documents.

3. Compliance with the well-thought-out balance between electronic resources and traditional.

Today, the complete replacement of printed sources is difficult, primarily due to the lack of sufficient constant financing. The libraries are often afraid that funding for a subscription can be reduced, then will have to abandon any other electronic resource. Accordingly, the fund will be lacquers that are very difficult to restore. The library will remain without electronic, and without paper editions. In order not to be in a similar situation, our library, making a decision on a subscription to the electronic library of the Publishing House "Grebennikov", retained a traditional subscription to the most asked publications.

The same principle is observed with a subscription to the Rubricikon project resources: we annually prolong the access contract, but at the same time paper options for reference books and the encyclopedias of the library continues to buy.

Ensure access to all necessary resources is impossible, new resources and new users' needs are constantly appearing. The user is important confidence in constant access to electronic information. An example of such stability for us was cooperation with Ivis, which lasts for several years. Today, in our opinion, it is one of the largest Russian companies - distributors of electronic databases of periodic publications of universal subjects. Wide topics, the depth of the archive, full compliance of the printed version, the possibility of simultaneous multiplayer access, reasonable prices - all this is an indisputable argument when choosing the IVIS company. In 2014, the library was signed for eight databases. Of the 300 magazine names that are available to us by subscription, 70, we continue to receive and in the printed version (as a rule, these are the most asked publications, according to the statistics of the periodicals department).

Collaboration with EBS

For the regional library, the main criteria when choosing EBC are the versatility of its foundation, the ability to receive copies and the cost of a subscription.

Most systems are created by publishers, therefore, in our opinion, the theme of electronic libraries is one-sided. In addition, EBC is primarily calculated on libraries of higher educational institutions, the fund is mainly educational, very little scientific and applied literature. In addition, a good scientific publishing house knows the price, respectively, the cost of access to EBC is very high.

Based on the practical experience of working with remote network documents, it can be argued that today there is not enough scientific, technical and industrial literature, and the bases of publishers and aggregators mainly include the publication of humanitarian and socio-economic orientation. At the same time, in 2013, the category of readers of "working specialists" in our library amounted to 57%, so we are interested in accessing resources providing requests for this category of users.

Often, electronic resource aggregators, in particular periodicals, there is no efficiency of publishing electronic publications, which should be an advantage of electronic periodicals. The library is not always beneficial for a batch subscription: many publications remain unclaimed. A package subscription is undoubtedly expanding the information capabilities of the library, however, the library pays for access to a whole block of publications, some of which is not a great interest to users. If the library makes several batch subscriptions, the option is not excluded when the same log or book will be duplicated.

In the choice of EBS, we have no constant preference. We subscribed access to the EBC "Bookfond", the University Library online, in 2014 collaborated with EBC Each of them is good in its own way, but each has any parameters that do not suit us.

It should be noted that today the EBS owners have an understanding of the situation in regional libraries: Special subscription models are being developed, among which is the acquisition on request, the possibility of batch acquisition for branches of the library network and the form of remotely connected readers from the house.

Problems and prospects

It is impossible not to affect the problems of recruiting electronic documents of municipal libraries using the example of libraries of the Sverdlovsk region.

According to the report on the state of library service of the population of the Sverdlovsk region in 2013, from all municipal libraries of the Sverdlovsk region, only half has access to the Internet. The main documents in the funds continue to be printed publications. According to the results of the survey, which was conducted among municipal libraries on the recruitment, libraries from electronic documents are completed only by publications on removable media. The only exception is the TsGB of Nizhny Tagil, which has a subscription to access to the EBC "LAN" and "LITRES". 20 CBS Access to the resources of the company "ConsultantPlus", four libraries - to the resources of the Garant company.

Over the past three years, the number of documents purchased by municipal libraries on removable media has decreased. In the largest libraries, it amounts to no more than 3% of documents on paper carriers. These are mainly reference editions, fiction. The main reason, according to the configuration, is the low demand for this type of documents.

At the same time, in our opinion, most of the municipal libraries are not yet ready to work with electronic documents. The electronic resource market is not focused on municipal libraries.

According to the majority of respondents, regular funding is needed for the completion of network remote documents.

Recruitment of budget distribution policies are required - on the direct purchase of documents for the Fund and to pay access to electronic resources.

There is a need to create regional recruitment programs for libraries, collective use of electronic resources based on a centralized subscription. Today, only the corporate interaction of libraries will be able to resolve the issue of high-quality recruitment of municipal libraries, operational provision of resources to our users.

In connection with the expansion of the electronic resource market, it is very difficult to navigate in the flow of proposals from publishers and aggregators. The packages have a great need to hear a professional assessment of a resource (professional estimates rating, collecting and analyzing electronic resources, etc.).

A serious step forward for the libraries was the adoption of the document "The procedure for accounting for documents included in the library fund", where the first time is clearly marked by the status of electronic documents, which will undoubtedly affect the quality and service performance and efficiency efficiency.

With the advent of electronic resources in the library, printing editions did not become less in demand, so the main task in the recruitment of the Fund is to find the right balance between various types of media and provide the user with the most comprehensive amount of quality information.

When studying special literature, preparation of the report, lectures often arise to find, check or clarify various facts, terms. For this, it is necessary to use almost all types of publications, but most convenient - reference editions.

Foundation for reference publications is a part of the reference bibliographic apparatus of the library, including 3 groups of materials: legislative materials, reference editions, reference funds.

Group 1 - Legislative materials include universal and thematic collections of laws, decrees, decisions and other legal documents adopted in the Russian Federation. For example, "Meeting of Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation."

Group 2 - includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, calendars, etc.

3 Group - Each Library Collects Fund for Help, is a meeting of copies of previously performed written bibliographic references.

Let us consider in more detail 2 Group - References. Currently, they are increasingly published on CDs.

1. Universal encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries.

The universal encyclopedia is a one-volume or multi-volume reference publication, comprising in generalized the formation of basic information on all branches of knowledge and practical activity set out in the form of short articles located in alphabetical or systematic order. In encyclopedias published articles-certificates, articles reviews, interpretation articles. In the articles of the first two types there are many references to print works, lists of basic literature on the topic of the article are attached. Thus, encyclopedias can be used not only for the purposes of factamic, but also bibliographic search.

Among the universal encyclopedia are the most famous "Big Soviet Encyclopedia" (BSE), its 3rd edition (1969-1978) in 30 volumes contains more than 100,000 articles (1st ed. 1926-1947; 2nd ed. 1950-1958, in the modern period of the BSE annually produced on CDs). Since 1957, the BSE Yearbook is published. Yearbooks are built uniformly: 11 sections reflect the most important events of the expired year in our country and in other countries: the activities of international organizations, conferences, meetings, sports competitions, etc. At the end of the volumes are brief biographical references about outstanding public figures, scientists, writers, information about the winners of various premiums. Reference apparatus is created for encyclopedias. By the 3rd edition of the BSE, an alphabetical nominal pointer was released, including about 100 thousand surnames.

Universal encyclopedias also include "Small Soviet Encyclopedia", "Big Encyclopedic Dictionary".

From the pre-revolutionary most commonly obtained: "Encyclopedic dictionary" F.A. Brokhauza and I.A.Fron (1890-1907), "Encyclopedic Dictionary" of the Association of Brothers A. and I. Granat (7th ed., 1910-1948 GG.), "New Encyclopedic Dictionary" Granate brothers.

In large libraries there are universal encyclopedias of different countries of the world ("British Encyclopedia", French, etc.).

2. Special encyclopedic editions.

The concept of "special" unites sectoral and specialized in any sign of encyclopedia and encyclopedic editions.

Industry encyclopedias, depending on the target and reading destination, sometimes form industry systems consisting of large (full), small, popular encyclopedias and yearbooks. An example of such a system: "Big Medical Encyclopedia" (BME), "BME Yearbooks", "Small Medical Encyclopedia", "Popular Medical Encyclopedia". These editions are adjacent to the encyclopedia sub-separations ("Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia"). The large sectoral encyclopedias include the "Soviet historical encyclopedia" in 16 volumes (1961-1976), "Philosophical Encyclopedia" in 5 volumes, "Literary Encyclopedia", "Music Encyclopedia", "Pedagogical Encyclopedia", "Technical Encyclopedia", "Chemical Encyclopedia, "Agricultural Encyclopedia", etc.

There are personal encyclopedias - Shevchenko Encyclopedia, Lermontov Encyclopedia.

3. Reference books. Contain brief information of scientific or applied nature, located in the order convenient for their quick finding. Reference books are very diverse on topics, volume, structure and appointment.

Statistical reference books (Integrated and industry) contain digital information that characterizes different parties to the life and activities of people. For example, "Russian Statistical Yearbook", "People's Economy of the Primorsky Krai in ... year," "Trade in Vladivostok".

Scientific reference books Focused on specialists (and students in the specialty), for example, "Certificate of Chemist", "High Mathematics Handbook", etc.

Production reference books Designed usually on engineers, workers. For example, "Directory of Engineer-Builder", "Driver's Handbook".

Popular reference publications Promotes the achievements of science and production, culture and art. Satellite references are distributed, "Question and Answers" reference books. Popular reference publications are guidebooks (by cities, commemorative places), exhibition catalogs, calendars-yearbooks.

4. Dictionaries.

There are: linguistic and intelligent, terminological, biographical, two and multilingual.

Linguistic, lexicographic and other dictionaries are created to present the vocabulary and grammatical standards of the literary language ("Specographic Dictionary", "Punctuation Directory" D.E. Tental), interpretation of words and expressions ("Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language" in 4 volumes V.I. Dalya, "Dictionary of the Russian Language" S.I.Oghegova, "Brief Dictionary of the difficulties of Russian language", "Dictionary of contractions").

Large reference interests are written dictionaries in 4 volumes in 4 volumes), etymological, phraseological, synonymous dictionaries ("Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language" Z.E. Lakexadrova), Antonyms, Omonimov, Paronimov, Neologisomes ("New words and Values \u200b\u200b"), archaisov, anthroponymic, dialectic, frequency, phrasebooks, etc.

Terminological dictionaries are used not only by experts, but also those who are engaged in self-education. There are also two and multilingual terminological dictionaries.

Biographical dictionaries contain information about the life and activities of various persons.

Test 6.

1. BSE is

a) universal reference edition

b) special reference edition

2. How many volumes in the 3rd edition of the BSE?

3. From which reference publication can be found about per capita income in 2005?

b) statistical reference book

c) economic dictionary

4. In which dictionary, do we clarify the correctness of writing any word?

a) intelligent

b) linguistic

c) Terminological

5. "Higher Mathematics Handbook" is a reference book:

a) production

b) scientific