TSMIT: Conditions for creating and supporting. TSMIT: Conditions for creating and supporting the requirements for centers

The center of youth innovative creativity (CMIT) is an open area where children and teenagers learn to embody their engineering ideas into functional prototypes. The main task of such sites is for free to train young people with new technologies: robotics, digital production, modeling, prototyping and work on machines.

Russian TSMITs are analogous to the famous international Fablab project, which initiated the Massachusetts Technological Institute (MIT). The project grew out of the university course of Professor Mit Neal Gershenfeld "How to do (almost) anything".

In Russia, the project to create a CMIT started in 2012 on the initiative of the public organization "Young Innovative Russia". His goal is to provide children and young people with free access to high-tech equipment for the acquisition of skills that will be in demand in the near future.

How to open TSMIT.

The discovery of the TSMIT can be compared with the opening of the center of advanced training or a creative club: you need to register a company, draw up the charter, rent a room, purchase equipment and ... Forward! The business plan may be simple enough. The main income articles are several:

  • performing small orders, such as prototyping, 3D printing or automation;
  • holding engineering school for children and adults;
  • mini production series of products.

Flow articles also easy to predict:

  • rent;
  • purchase of equipment, software and materials;
  • salary to employees;
  • taxes and a number of permanent costs.

The steps that must be done to open the CMIT do not differ from those required to start any offline business. Another question is, if we are talking about creating such a center in the presence of state support.

The project for the creation of the CMIT was supported in the framework of the program for the support of small and medium-sized businesses of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. According to this document, small businesses may apply for federal budget subsidies in the amount of ₽7 million.

Who gives subsidies

The project implementation subsidy can be obtained within the framework of the competition "Support centers of youth innovative creativity (CMIT). Applications for participation in the competition adopts the Foundation for the development of small forms of enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere (the Foundation for Innovation, or the Bortnik Foundation - approx.).

Who can count on subsidy

Legal persons corresponding to the criteria for attributing to the small business entity in accordance with Federal Law No. 209-FZ may be calculated to receive subsidies.

  • revenue size for the previous year excluding VAT does not exceed ₽800 million;
  • the average number of employees is not more than 100 people;
  • the share of third-party organizations in the authorized capital of the company is not more than 49%.

The company should be a member of the State Support Program of SMEs of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia to create or ensure the activities of the CMIT, or to act in the interests of the CAMIT already created, as well as to have OKVED 72.1 "Scientific Research and Development in the Field of Natural and Technical Sciences", or OKVED code 73.1.

The inventive project should not have other budget sources of funding during the entire period of project implementation using a grant and any other incomplete relationships with the Fund to promote innovation. The participants of the project themselves - individuals should also not participate in other projects funded by the Innovation Promotion Fund.

What to spend money

Subsidies of the federal budget can only be used for approved activities:

  • the acquisition of high-tech equipment (with a set of spare parts and consumables);
  • acquisition of electronic computers (information processing equipment);
  • purchase of software, peripheral devices, copying equipment;
  • communication;
  • financial support for educational projects and measures to involve children and young people in innovative activities.

Requirements for the centers

There are a number of requirements that the TSMIT must comply with:

  • the presence of own or rented premises with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 120 kV. m for equipment placement;
  • the presence of a standard set of equipment;
  • availability in the staff of at least two specialists who can work with this equipment;
  • availability in the staff of specialists who have experience with children;
  • providing open access to equipment;
  • availability of Internet connections and Internet portal.

In addition, the organizers of the TSMIT should provide its activities for 10 years from the moment of creation.

Standard equipment set

List of standard equipment equipment small: 3D printer and scanner, milling machine and laser cutting machine, cutting plotter. Healthcare equipment is also needed for the center of the center: computers or laptops, printers, scanners, phone numbers.


Polina Dyatlova, head of Fablab "Polytech" (Russia, St. Petersburg):

- In 2011, the Polytechnic University sent us with colleagues to internship in Fablab at the Architectural University of Catalonia (Spain, Barcelona). At about the same time, the TSMIT support program from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia opened in Russia. Our team took up the organization of such a center based on Polytechnic University and received the first grant from the Fund to promote innovation, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Government of St. Petersburg.

To popularize engineering creativity among young people, we will organize engineering schools, science weeks, intensives for applicants. We mainly receive financial support from Polytechnic University, as well as in the form of grants from funds and institutions of development, but there are commercial orders. In my own experience, I will say that the main thing is not to be afraid of anything, go ahead, check in practice arising design and organizational hypotheses.

Head of Fablab "Polytech" Polina Dyatlova on awarding Fabacacademy 2016

Gushegos Belika, Vice President Fablab "Lodz" (Poland, Lodz):

- Our formula of existence: remain independent of government grants and subsidies. The history of fundraising is rather complicated: 90% of the funds received during the last three years were collected at the expense of individual work with private funds. We also attract business to cooperate, conduct crowdfunding campaigns ...

The target audience of our center is DIY movement enthusiasts (Do it Yourself - "DIY"). We provide creative and innovative space (including equipment) for development and self-realization. In addition, we carry out courses on 3D modeling, programming, clothing design, and even welding.

3D printer Fablab "Lodz" for ZSP 20

TsMIT of Russia

According to RVK, today there are 226 TSMIT in 32 regions. In the most complete list, which is presented on the website of the TSMIT community and Fablabov of Russia, - 154 organizations. According to a study conducted by DocSourcing, 65 centers from this list have a current website or its own page in social networks, which presents minimal data on the organization, including address and contacts.

41 TSMIT from these 65 - completely non-commercial, that is, they do not receive any profit and operate at the expense of grants and sponsors. The commercial model of existence chose 24 organizations. Most of them holds paid courses and trainings, smaller - provides services: the manufacture of small batches of products, rental of equipment, squares, etc.

Below - a list of 65 most active Russian TSMITs:

UPD: five more TSMITs are listed, now there are 70





Arkhangelsk Center for Innovative Youth Creativity

Laser cutting, CNC milling, 3D scanning


3D printing, 3D printers, robotics, modeling

Fablab "Intercot"


Fablab "Eureka"

Programming, Electronics, Robotics, Biomedicine

TSMIT. "Creative Laboratory" Genesis " Dmitrov https://www.facebook.com/labgenesis.dm/ 3D modeling, electronics, robotics and remote control systems
TSMIT "Progress" Dmitrovgrad tSMITPROGRESS.RF. Radio engineering and electronics Arduino, 3D printing, 3D scanning, laser cutting and engraving, milling, plotter cutting, robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles

TsMIT "Polytech"

Robotics, Electronics, Web Programming, C ++ 1, Laser cutting and engraving

Laboratory robotics "Cosmoport"


TsMIT "Zhukovsky"

3D printers, laser machines, milling machines

TsMIT "Youth"

3D scanning, 3D printing, 3D modeling, laser engraving

TSMIT "Agency Innovation"

TSMIT "Design Factory"

3D scanning 3D modeling, 3D printing

TsMIT "Baikal"

3D printers, electronics and robotics

TSMIT "Digital House"

Robotics, Engineering, Prototyping, Animation, Sound Engineering, Painting, Journalism

Center for Youth Innovative Creativity

3D scanning, 3D printing

TSMIT "Composite"


TSMIT "Fablab Angar" Krasnoyarsk http://fablab24.ru/ 3D printing, laser cutting, engraving, milling machine, cutting plotter, ribbon machine, turning and rolling machine

TsMIT of the Republic of Tyva


TSMIT "Novator"

Training invention, rationalization, 3D modeling, prototyping, programming, robotics, laser cutting

Children's University of MPGU

Robotics, electrical engineering

Production base "3D ideas"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing

TSMIT "Bauman Fab Lab"

3D technology, robotics

TSMIT "Leader"

3D scanning, 3D printing, laser engraving, laser cutting, 3D modeling, design

TSMIT with Scientific Park MSU

3D modeling, 3D printing, 3D scanning, laser cutting / engraving, milling, prototyping

MIIT prototyping center

3D Design, 3D Modeling, 3D Scanning, 3D Print

TsMIT "Vertical takeoff"

3D Printers, 3D Pens, CNC Laser, CNC Milling

TsMIT "RoboSkArt"

3D Simulation, 3D Scanning, 3D Print

TSMIT "Russian Engineer"

3D Modeling, 3D Scanning, 3D Print, Design, Programming

TSMIT "Superlab"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing

Innovative Laboratory "Mouse Lab"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing, laser machines

TSMIT "Wisteria Lane"

Robotics, Avia Modeling, Automocoselization, Shooting, Architecture & Art, Programming, Transport and Space Systems, 3D Design, 3D Design, Web Design

TSMIT "Academy"

3D printing, 3D scanning, laser cutting / engraving, milling, prototyping

TSMIT "Bionik Lab"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing

TSMIT "Cube"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing, laser machines

TSMIT. "Robots and Gadgets" Moscow

What is TSMIT?

The centers of youth innovative creativity (hereinafter - TsMIT) is a network of city sites for technical creativity equipped with modern digital production equipment (3D printers, 3D scanners, milling, engraving and laser machines, hand tools, etc.).

Support TSMITs

For the purpose of supporting the TSMITs, the program of the city of Moscow has been launched for a subsidy for creating CMITs, which provides for the possibility of obtaining funding to implement a project to create and ensure the activities of the TSMIT. To obtain a subsidy, you must apply and pass the selection.

Completed selection:

Targets TsMITs

The strategic objectives of the TSMIT project are the creation of conditions for the formation of industrial industrial production in Moscow, focused on the use of new digital production technologies; development of new competencies of entrepreneurship in engineering technologies; Support for students' professional navigation in the innovative engineering and technical sphere by creating a logistical, information base for the development of innovative technical creativity and ensuring young people access to modern equipment of direct digital production for the implementation, inspection and commercialization of their innovative ideas. Thus, Moscow will be able to provide citizens wide opportunities for new employment, the development of a new type of business, involvement in the new industry.

The project has begun since December 2012, since 2015, the CMIT creation program is implemented by the Government of Moscow with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and Young Innovative Russia LLC.

By the end of 2016, the total number of TSMITs will amount to 45 organizations in all administrative districts of Moscow.


  • Organization and implementation of activities aimed at developing children's and youth scientific and technical creativity, including contests, exhibitions, competitions, seminars, round tables, excursions, master classes, leisure programs;
  • Participation in city-wide activities of scientific and technical and educational orientation;
  • Organization of training events, including circles, courses, educational programs, practitioners (internships);
  • Providing access to the equipment of the center to residents of the city of Moscow and organizations carrying out scientific and technical and innovation activities for the implementation of project activities, including mentoring project support from the Center's employees;
  • The implementation of development and other works (services) on the basis of the equipment of the Center for Organizations of individuals and organizations carrying out scientific and technical and innovative activities.

Target audiences TSMIT.

  • Schoolchildren, students;
  • Young entrepreneurs;
  • Townspeople.


  • Educational institutions and universities;
  • Industrial enterprises, technoparks, large corporations;
  • Institutions of development, government authorities.

Directions of TSMIT

Currently, on the basis of Tsmites, schoolchildren and young people acquire 3D programming and modeling skills, 3D prototyping, learn to work on various digital equipment, individually or as part of project groups to develop projects in robotics, electronics, IT technologies, industrial design, etc. . Focused on the conjuncture of the world market.

Specialization of the centers are: robotics, electronics, biomechanics, three-dimensional modeling and 3D printing, industrial, design, scientific toy, lighting, probe microscopy, production of equipment for prototyping (3D printers, etc.). Since 2016, new directions will appear among specializations: biomechanics, design of clothing, interior items design.

In Tsmites, first of all, students created under universities, students perform coursework and thesis under the guidance of teachers, during which original scientific and technical solutions are born and create prototypes of innovative products. In the future, the best projects may be filed with the program "Melnik" to obtain a grant for continuing development and subsequent commercialization.

As part of the support of young entrepreneurs, the TSMITs cooperate with the centers of the development of youth entrepreneurship created by MSU. M.V. Lomonosova, HSE, Mami.

To stimulate the birth of innovative solutions, special formats are applied by special formats - hakaton, competitions for the development of technical solutions based on cases from industrial enterprises and companies. Within these projects, students, developers of innovative technologies and business representatives, brings up a generation of entrepreneurs who can promote new technologies. In the process of scientific and technical activities of project teams in the centers, innovative ideas are born and prototypes of products are created, which have the potential for the transition to the startup.

The TSMITs are technical workshops for representatives of business incubators that can produce on the equipment prototypes of products.

In 2014 - 2015 At the initiative of the TSMIT teams, 10 Khakatonov was held, as a result of which more than 50 innovative solutions were developed, brought to the prototype stage. Many of them, after the revision and acquisition of commercial potential, will move to the startup stage.

In 2015, in the framework of the vocational guidance program and professional navigation, TSMIT visited more than 500 students who were able to get acquainted with the capabilities provided by the centers for technical creativity, developing their own projects. In the future, systematic work on the search, selection and involvement of students who have abilities for engineering, in innovative and technical creativity: work with participants Olympiad - TOR 20, organization of early professional testing, development and implementation of an interactive "map of opportunities where to learn and try" .

Between the Tsmitts and directors of educational institutions of Moscow, cooperation agreements are concluded, within the framework of which schoolchildren can learn how to work on high-tech digital equipment within the framework of additional education programs. In this case, a network interaction model is applied when children under the guidance of technical specialists of Tsmites and school teachers can work on the equipment equipment.

A very interesting article of the CAMIT Creator in Yekaterinburg is located on Habarakabe

What is TSMIT.

The center of youth innovative creativity (CMIT) is an open area where children and teenagers learn to embody their engineering ideas into functional prototypes. The main task of such sites is for free to train young people with new technologies: robotics, digital production, modeling, prototyping and work on machines.

Russian TSMITs are analogous to the famous international Fablab project, which initiated the Massachusetts Technological Institute (MIT). The project grew out of the university course of Professor Mit Neal Gershenfeld "How to do (almost) anything".

In Russia, the project to create a CMIT started in 2012 on the initiative of the public organization "Young Innovative Russia". His goal is to provide children and young people with free access to high-tech equipment for the acquisition of skills that will be in demand in the near future.

How to open TSMIT.

The discovery of the TSMIT can be compared with the opening of the center of advanced training or a creative club: you need to register a company, draw up the charter, rent a room, purchase equipment and ... Forward! The business plan may be simple enough. The main income articles are several:

  • performing small orders, such as prototyping, 3D printing or automation;
  • holding engineering school for children and adults;
  • mini production series of products.

Flow articles also easy to predict:

  • rent;
  • purchase of equipment, software and materials;
  • salary to employees;
  • taxes and a number of permanent costs.

The steps that must be done to open the CMIT do not differ from those required to start any offline business. Another question is, if we are talking about creating such a center in the presence of state support.

The project for the creation of the CMIT was supported in the framework of the program for the support of small and medium-sized businesses of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. According to this document, small businesses may apply for federal budget subsidies in the amount of ₽7 million.

Who gives subsidies

The project implementation subsidy can be obtained within the framework of the competition "Support centers of youth innovative creativity (CMIT). Applications for participation in the competition adopts the Foundation for the development of small forms of enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere (the Foundation for Innovation, or the Bortnik Foundation - approx.).

Who can count on subsidy

Legal persons corresponding to the criteria for attributing to the small business entity in accordance with Federal Law No. 209-FZ may be calculated to receive subsidies.

  • revenue size for the previous year excluding VAT does not exceed ₽800 million;
  • the average number of employees is not more than 100 people;
  • the share of third-party organizations in the authorized capital of the company is not more than 49%.

The company should be a member of the State Support Program of SMEs of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia to create or ensure the activities of the CMIT, or to act in the interests of the CAMIT already created, as well as to have OKVED 72.1 "Scientific Research and Development in the Field of Natural and Technical Sciences", or OKVED code 73.1.

The inventive project should not have other budget sources of funding during the entire period of project implementation using a grant and any other incomplete relationships with the Fund to promote innovation. The participants of the project themselves - individuals should also not participate in other projects funded by the Innovation Promotion Fund.

What to spend money

Subsidies of the federal budget can only be used for approved activities:

  • the acquisition of high-tech equipment (with a set of spare parts and consumables);
  • acquisition of electronic computers (information processing equipment);
  • purchase of software, peripheral devices, copying equipment;
  • communication;
  • financial support for educational projects and measures to involve children and young people in innovative activities.

Requirements for the centers

There are a number of requirements that the TSMIT must comply with:

  • the presence of own or rented premises with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 120 kV. m for equipment placement;
  • the presence of a standard set of equipment;
  • availability in the staff of at least two specialists who can work with this equipment;
  • availability in the staff of specialists who have experience with children;
  • providing open access to equipment;
  • availability of Internet connections and Internet portal.

In addition, the organizers of the TSMIT should provide its activities for 10 years from the moment of creation.

Standard equipment set

List of standard equipment equipment small: 3D printer and scanner, milling machine and laser cutting machine, cutting plotter. Healthcare equipment is also needed for the center of the center: computers or laptops, printers, scanners, phone numbers.


Polina Dyatlova, head of Fablab "Polytech" (Russia, St. Petersburg):

In 2011, the Polytechnic University sent us with colleagues to internship in Fablab at the Architectural University of Catalonia (Spain, Barcelona). At about the same time, the TSMIT support program from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia opened in Russia. Our team took up the organization of such a center based on Polytechnic University and received the first grant from the Fund to promote innovation, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Government of St. Petersburg.

To popularize engineering creativity among young people, we will organize engineering schools, science weeks, intensives for applicants. We mainly receive financial support from Polytechnic University, as well as in the form of grants from funds and institutions of development, but there are commercial orders. In my own experience, I will say that the main thing is not to be afraid of anything, go ahead, check in practice arising design and organizational hypotheses.

Head of Fablab "Polytech" Polina Dyatlova on awarding Fabacacademy 2016

Gushegos Belika, Vice President Fablab "Lodz" (Poland, Lodz):

Our formula of existence: remain independent of government grants and subsidies. The history of fundraising is rather complicated: 90% of the funds received during the last three years were collected at the expense of individual work with private funds. We also attract business to cooperate, conduct crowdfunding campaigns ...

The target audience of our center is DIY movement enthusiasts (Do it Yourself - "DIY"). We provide creative and innovative space (including equipment) for development and self-realization. In addition, we carry out courses on 3D modeling, programming, clothing design, and even welding.

3D printer Fablab "Lodz" for ZSP 20