ISP registration for this network. Internet - tariffs. Windows connection to the Internet

Each user for connecting to the Internet requires a computer, a browser (program to view web pages) and the Internet service provider.

I dare to assume that your computer already has (laptop, desktop PC, tablet, etc.) The Windows operating system includes Internet Explorer (it is also called the "built-in browser").

If the computer and the user's browser are in stock, it remains to decide on the Internet provider.

What is the Internet Provider

The provider is a company that provides access to the Internet.

It can be called ISP, which means Internet Service Provider. This can be translated as an Internet provider or better in Russian to translate as an Internet service provider.

This definition can be given:

Internet service provider (Internet provider) is a company that has a permanent communication channel with the network.

To take advantage of the capabilities of the Internet provider, you need to access one of its servers through which the use of the communication channel is organized.

Internet users a lot. Companies providing access to the Internet are much smaller. Therefore, only a small part of the "Shared Cake" is provided to each client, that is, some part of the total bandwidth of the communication channel of the Internet provider. What exactly part is depends on the type of network connection, as well as from the tariff plan - the more money you pay, the more quick access you get. Accordingly, the fastest access is access without restrictions or so-called unlimited access, but it is the most expensive.

The identification of each provider is carried out using the username (Login - Login) and Password (Password).

Consider how your computer and server service provider interacts. To do this, assume that you organized a steady connection between your computer and the Internet provider's server. In other words, you already use the services of the provider. Using special software (as a rule, browser or, it is also called, a web browser), you send from your computer to a remote provider server any request for receiving information (for example, a request for downloading this web page that you read now ).

The Internet provider server processes your request and transmits it to the necessary server of the Internet (the server on which the requested page is stored). It is on such servers that all sites, pictures, music, video and other data that you can view or pump from the global network are stored.

The server located in the global network (marked 3 in fig. 1) accepts a request from the server of your Internet service provider (figure 2 in Fig. 1) and, if it can provide the requested information, then transfers it to the server of your provider. The server of the Internet provider, in turn, redirects the results of the query results to your computer (figure 1 in Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 network use scheme

As a result of the execution of such a chain of actions, you either get the answer on your computer, that is, the necessary web page, or see the notification of the impossibility (for various reasons) to find the required Internet server or information on it.

As you can see, the Internet is difficult to arrange, but quite easy to use.

How to find providers

Different providers serve different areas and geographic regions. It is best to learn from your friends, neighbors and friends, as they are connected to the network and what they think about the quality of the connection provided by a specific provider. Learn also about the cost of services of each of the providers and select the one of them who most suits you (if you choose from anyone).

You can also find on the Internet thematic with user reviews about the work of a particular Internet provider.

Usually services are provided on a monthly basis. If you don't like something, then in a month you can go to another provider.

5 nuances when connected to the Internet

First nuance

The sequence of the stages of connecting and setting up the home network using the router (or without it) consists of the following 4 points:

1) Select "Your Provider" with which you are going to work and which will provide you with Internet access. Almost all Internet providers have their own sites.

On the site you have chosen internet provider Read:

  • with the requirements for equipment that should be on your part,
  • with features (limit or unlimited, speed, coverage area, other moments),
  • with cost
  • with the terms of granting (for free or for money, the monthly payment or immediately after the limit of the limit of the provided Internet traffic).

After that, you can contact the selected Internet provider, to clarify some questions if you have, and conclude an agreement with the provider to connect to the Internet and further maintenance.

When the contract with the provider is signed with you, then everything will do its technical support: the master will come to the time consistent with you, which is engaged in installing and configuring the Internet.

2) on the provider's website or by telephone hotline (or by phone of their technical support) specified on the site, read the rules for setting up the equipment installed on your part.

3) In the same place, see the rules for setting up your computers and gadgets so that they can easily have access to the Internet.

As a rule, modern routers are as follows that special settings of computers and gadgets are not required, but there may be exceptions.

4) Do not forget to regularly pay the service provider, and everything will work well. Possible incidents will be eliminated by the forms of technical support for the Internet provider.

For example, if you need a Yota modem as a provider, which is connected via USB to work only on one computer. And to access the Internet at the same time, several computers and gadgets will still need to purchase a router with the capabilities of Wi-Fi distribution. The modem and the Yota router will need to be configured by following the instructions attached to the modem and router.

On the part of computers and gadgets, the settings are not required. The operating system that stands on your computer, as a rule, does not matter to connect to the Internet.

Second nuance

The Internet Provider provides Internet access on a fee. But not always for connecting to the Internet, the PC user pays.

Sometimes you can get internet access for free, via Wi-Fi. Modern laptops and tablets support Wi-Fi connection. Therefore, when you find in the Wi-Fi zone, access to the Internet can be obtained for free without a password, or by the password that you provide as a client. This is possible at some metro stations, sometimes in a cafe, in hotels at the reception, in universities, etc., where the service provider provides the organization providing you with a Wi-Fi connection.

Third nuance

Providers can provide internet access with overnight billing, by volume of the downloaded traffic (incoming and outgoing), or can provide unlimited access. It is desirable to learn about such "nuances", more precisely, about tariffs Before you go online. Otherwise, at the end of the month, you may be unpleasantly surprised, seeing the submitted account for using the Internet access services.

Sometime I had the Internet for a month with a limit on traffic. It turned out once that this extreme volume was a bit exceeded. For this I had to make an amount exceeding the payment of the Internet for a month by 1.5 times. Since then, nothing remains to me, how to be very curious and attentive in relation to the tariffs of Internet providers.

Fourth Nuance

You can connect to the Internet in different ways. The slowest one is connected using a telephone modem and a regular home telephone line (switched method). It is better to use high-speed connection species, for example,

  • ADSL modem, significantly increasing the rate of communication on the telephone line,
  • connecting over the dedicated LAN line (for this, the provider must have a technical opportunity to "reach" this line directly to your PC),
  • WLAN connection to a mobile telephony service provider with a SIM card (for this your PC must have such capabilities, or you need to connect additional devices to it)
  • and etc.

However, high-speed Internet connections are not available everywhere. Unfortunately, the choice of a connection method is usually determined by non-personal user preferences, but the terrain in which you live, and the capabilities provided to you.

True, everything changes quickly, so after a while after connecting to the Internet, it is possible to be very surprised at how tariffs have changed and, accordingly, choose a more suitable tariff for themselves, or change the service provider to another, cheaper or better.

Fifth nuance

remember, that You pay the provider for one Internet connection. After setting up the home network, you can use the same connection for different computers, mobile phones, televisions and other devices that require connecting to the Internet.

If you have a "wired Internet", you can configure the Laptop to the Internet so that it will distribute Wi-Fi for other your devices, for example, for a tablet, for a smartphone.

Please vote!

Please take part in the survey "How do you go online?". You can choose several options.

In order to ensure the integration of regional scientific networks and networks of large scientific centers created in the framework of projects of the RFBR network infrastructure The Internet, as well as in order to reduce the costs of these projects to ensure interregional and international traffic in 1995, the access point and the routing assembly were organized, and an international land digital channel (64 kbps) was commissioned.

The access of regional scientific networks to the international communication channel and their trafficking with the main Russian networks is provided by the routing node. The scheme of the standard routing node of the RFBR is shown in Fig.18.10.

Fig. 18.10.

Along with the regional networks indicated in the scheme, 25 Moscow organizations are connected to the center of routing, including the Russian State Library (RGB) and the State Public Scientific and Technical Library (GPTB).

The routing center includes the equipment of the RFB, as well as equipment provided by IOH RAS, WORGTU, YURSU and CHGTU and acquired in the framework of projects performed in these organizations.

RFBR routing assembly has direct compounds (10 Mbps) with the Russian M9-IX network traffic exchange center and SMMM, through which traffic exchanges with more than 20 Russian scientific and public networks are exchanged.

In 1996-97 Router Center and the International Channel of RFBR used by 17 regional networks in Moscow, Vladikavkaz, Vologda, Voronezh, Queen, Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Penza, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Kemerovo, Ufa, Tver, Chernogolovka, Yaroslavl.

MSK-IX (Moscow Internet Exchange Computer Network Interaction Center)

Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "The Center for Computer Networks" MCK-IX "(the Russian Internet Traffic Exchange Practice) was established by the Russian Research Institute for the Development of Public Networks (ROSNIOSUR) in 2001 in order to develop the Moscow Internet Exchange project.

MSK -IX. It was organized in 1995 by starting from a single node organized at the Moscow International Telephone Station MMTS-9, today the Moscow Internet Exchange is a reliable, distributed system that includes ten equal points combined by high-speed highway. Thanks to the distributed structure MSK -IX. The possibilities for Moscow and regional providers for connecting to the IP-performance exchange system, as well as to obtain high-speed transit between nodes, are significantly expanded. MSK -IX..

Through M9 connected more than 80% of the Runet. Through MMTS No. 9, most telecommunication channels connecting Russia with the world also runs.

Net MSK -IX. It has 10 access nodes combined high-speed highways, which allows to provide high quality and availability of services MSK -IX. At the concentration points of telecommunications resources, including M9, M10, Kiaehouse and a number of other technological sites in Moscow.

MSK -IX. It is one of the largest European Internet Exchange by the number of connected operators and is included in the Association of International Traffic Exchange Networks - EUROPEAN Internet Exchange Association (EURO-IX).

Project MSK -IX. Started at the end of 1994, when the Moscow Internet Providers of the Demos, Realcock, MSU, NIIIF MSU, FreeNet, the Relarn Association, Rosprint came to an agreement to create a point of mutual exchange of IP-imaging. This agreement was caused by the desire of providers to exchange their traffic with each other directly, optimizing traffic routes, which significantly reduced both the time for transmitting network data packets and the loading of expensive international communication channels.

Initially, the traffic exchange point was elected an international telephone exchange MMTS-9, or M9, in which all Internet providers had a presence point, since all international and long-distance communication channels came to M9. Coordination of MSK -IX was assigned to the Russian Research Institute of Public Networks (RoseNiROs).

In 2002, MSK -IX was upgraded. Moscow Internet Exchange has become distributed by including 10 points connected by fiber optic technology cable Gigabit Ethernet:

  • OJSC "Central Telegraph";
  • Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • RNC "Kurchatov Institute";
  • Cable & Wireless Cis Svyaz Ltd.;
  • Central Communications Station of Russian Railways;
  • GP "Space Communication";
  • MMTS 9 and MMTS 10;
  • Enterprises Sonera Rus and Widexs.

In December 2004, the Russian universal telecom operator "Corbin Telecom" began implementing the project "Internet 2" in Moscow, one of whose distinctive features is data transfer protocol IPv6..

Internet services

Methods of using the Internet are determined by services provided by visitors, including traditional, special and new types of service.

Traditional types of service include:

  • email (e-mail);
  • teleconference (NEWS);
  • live communication ( chat.);
  • using computer computing and information resources in mode remote terminal (Telnet);
  • storage, Search and Sending Files - FTP (File Transfer Protocol);
  • WWW (World Wide Web) is a worldwide web (in its composition in July 1993. There were 130 host computers, and in June 1996.30,000).

Special service facilities include:

  • information system Gopher.;
  • information system Wais., leading search by keywords
  • wWW search engines;
  • bibliographic (dispatch) systems;
  • Archie. - FTP search engine;
  • and etc.

New types of service include:

  • systems for ordering goods over the network (flowers, pizza, air tickets, hotel room, etc.);
  • library systems
  • electronic publications of newspapers and magazines, blogs;
  • service representative offices of firms
  • commercial information systems on producers of goods and services, shares in stock exchanges;
  • and etc.

All those working on the Internet can be divided into two groups: those who provide various Internet services (Internet providers), and those who use these services (Internet users).

Education to use the Internet is mainly reduced to a common acquaintance with the Internet device, with the services provided by services, addressing resources, with the search for information in the WWW service and the basics of working with e-mail.

Internet providers in the composition of the services provided are divided into three groups:

  • providers providing access to the Internet - ISP (Internet Service Providers). An example is,, and others;
  • providers providing internet presence services - IPP (Internet Presence Providers)An example of which they can serve,, etc. The services provided by them include an email box and mail services, placement of the client's site on the service provider, various search engines , news, etc.;
  • Publishers of own materials - PCP (Private Content Publisher)which contain (i.e., develop and exploit) their information systems (for example,,, etc.), electronic stores, advertising agencies, Travel firms, etc.

ISP (Internet Service Provider)

ISP - This is an Internet service provider, i.e. organizations or individuals providing access to Internet (Hosting). Source of income ISP There are owners of local computers, which are provided with access to this global computing network. Through the available gateways, local users can access other global networks and thus get the opportunity to work on the Internet.

ISP Connected to the Internet constantly and have permanent IP-Press (IP-Press is part of the URL). The rest of users (customers) can connect to ISP Only at the time of work. IP addresses assigned to them ISP Each time connected, and when disabling - is selected and can be given to someone else. ISP It often provides its customers with remote access by commutable telephone channels (this is called "Dual-Up Service"). For this ISP Rens from a local telephone company phone numbers for which you can contact him.

ISP Sometimes it can provide (delegate) the hosting functions of a local computer (which at the same time receive their permanent ip -adress), for example, standing at home or at work, and to turn the local computer in ISP Lower level. In turn, the local host -EWM can delegate such rights to other local computers, which becomes a host provider (i.e. ISP) An even lower level (if it, of course, has access to communication channels - for example, through the institutional PBX). The chain of providers, differing in their IP Press: mesi .ru; ex. Mesi .ru; Stud.ex. Mesi .ru. etc.

Widely known Internet service providers are, for example, mTU .ru and

IPP (Internet Presence Provider)

IPP. - This is a provider that provides its customers with a presence in the Internet. It is also connected to the Internet constantly and has a permanent IP address. Unlike ISPIt does not provide Dual-Up Service type services. He can only post on its servers to publish other persons, advertising, websites, organize e-mail, etc.

IPP. After registering on their website, provide a name that will be the name of your mailbox (e-mail), and besides the name of your site, which is placed on the service provider.

For example, after registration on Mail.Ru, the mailbox [email protected] is provided. The address of your site will be:

This site name does not satisfy many users. The provider the site name looks different: http: // It turns out that your site has a name in a level III domain, and not somewhere among the directories IPP.. It looks sorry, it seems that you have your own computer with a constant IP address.

The most well-known providers of presence on the Internet are:

  • and others.

PCP (Private Content Publisher)

PCP is a publisher of own materials. It is a member of the firewall (service provider), which prepares information for posting on the Internet, places it, as a rule, on its computers and constantly updates it. At certain conditions, it permits to enjoy its materials to customers coming from the Internet.

This type of provider is very careful about its information, to the serviceability of your computer, and it can always be obtained by the most reliable, constantly updated data on the specialty chosen by him.

An example of this type of provider - (legal documents).

Unlike ISP, It does not provide Dual-Up Service services. The preparation of Internet providers involves the study of such disciplines as:

  • general course on the Internet;
  • technical support global computing networks;
  • programming on special algorithmic languages;
  • operating systems for global computing networks;
  • software global computing networks;
  • internet protocols;
  • tools for the study of global computing networks;
  • WWW programming on the client side;
  • WWW programming on the server side;
  • website development;
  • web design;
  • administer global computing networks.

Characteristics of hosting providers

The placement of sites on someone else's technical base is called hosting. Hosting is paid and free.

With a paid hosting, the composition of the services provided by the provider is negotiated:

  • the provider provides all: channel, computer, url -adress, site maintenance, etc.;
  • the provider provides an area for accommodating your computer, channel, URL, service, etc.;
  • etc.

With a free hosting provider provides the URL, place on its magnetic media, service programs for creating and servicing the site. But in return places its banner advertising on your site.

Hosting -Proners are characterized by:

    the technical resources to which include computers, communication channels, routers that define such a characteristic as the response rate.

    Site response speed is the characteristic of the provider, which is associated with the loading of its channels. For example, the provider has access to the Internet, connecting by radio channel with another provider having a satellite connection. The channel may be overloaded, and a great time may be needed to communicate with the Internet through such a provider. Large value also has a link of local computers with a provider (telephone channel, number of phones for connecting local computers and other);

    provided services that can be very specific. When choosing them, it is necessary to understand that the service gives you and what is required of you to use.

    For example, providing you with a service provider - and providing you with the platform to install your computer differ in that if you install your computer from the provider, then it does not have the right to touch it from employees of the provider (but in the contract you can specify that the repair of the refused computer is carried out by employees provider) - this is your computer, whereas if you are provided with a service provider, then it can be replaced with another without agreeing with you;

    provider software resources: Which operating system is used (80% of providers running under UNIX), which software is used for the WWW service (most often - the Apache server), which types of service are allowed and provided by the provider (for example, FTP and Telnet are often prohibited).

    Provider software resources are also characterized by software provided by customers (compilers, interpreters, DBMS, pre-installed scripts, control interfaces (wizards and patterns), etc.). This composition is very important to accommodate the site created by hosting -projder, as the provider may not refer to the company's products and not support the design of FrontPage and other extensions of the Windows operating system, and for the client, this software is the main one;

    provider Safety System: The user has a value for the presence of mirror servers, backup capacity.

    The mirror server is a duplicating server containing the same information as the main one. Such mirrors are needed to increase the reliability of the system and its bandwidth. Mirror servers can be installed in various parts of light in order not to load global computing networks. They have the same name, but DNS service sends visitors to the nearest of them.

    Reserve capacity is spare technical means that are in reserve (cold, warm, hot). If you refuse to any computer, the provider switches to the backup computers;

    technical Support Service, providing assistance to customers and clients with technical documentation for services provided.

Word the Internet (Internet) It comes from the phrase Interconnected Networks (associated networks), this is a global community of small and large networks.

Turning to the Internet, we use the services Internet provider. or ISP Internet Service Provider - Internet Service Provider).

ISP is an organization that has its own high-speed network, combined with other networks around the globe. The provider connects to its network of clients that become part of the network of this provider and at the same time part of all integrated networks that are internet.

At the heart of the unification of small and large networks (which the Internet is compiled) is a chain of contractual agreements. Each Internet user has a contract with a specific provider about connecting to its network. In the simplest case, this contract may look like a disposable access card containing all the necessary information for connecting the user to the local provider's local network: telephone number of the provider's modem pool, the user name and password for accessing the network. In turn, providers agree on connecting their networks.

We defined the Internet as Global Community Small and Large Networks. This definition concerns only the external phenomenon. More broadly Internet is an informational space., distributed among millions of computers all over the world, which are constantly exchanged data. The main task of the Internet is a connection. Communication 24-hour, highly reliable. In order to carry out such a highly reliable communication, a special Internet delivery technology has been developed.

In order to briefly explain what is the feature of the delivery of information on the Internet, compare it with the telephone network.

When you call the subscriber by phone to another region of the country or even to another continent, the system sets the channel between your phone and the subscriber's telephone. At different stages, the signal can be transmitted in different medium (copper wires, fiber optic lines, radio). But the link between you and the person you call is constant throughout the conversation, so the problems of any site of this line (for example, a wire break) will interrupt your conversation. At the same time, if the connection is normal, it means that the part of the network allocated to you is not available for others.

When you get a web page on your PC from a remote server, a completely different process occurs. The message is divided into separate portions of data - package groups. Each packet is sent to the destination for the most optimal way out of available paths. If some package is lost, the system sends it again. Therefore, even if some section of the network is impaired, it will not affect the delivery of the package, which will be directed along an alternative path. Thus, during data delivery between two users, there is no need for a fixed link.

This reliability of the Internet inherited from its prototype - network Arpanet.developed by order of the US Department of Defense. She thought precisely as a network, resistant to damage, for example, in the case of bombing strikes, and capable of continuing normal functioning at the failure of any part. The first computer message on Arpanet was transferred in 1969.

Initially, the network was used mainly in scientific projects. However, over time and commercial companies realized that the Internet was the possibility of communication with a huge audience of potential customers and buyers. Since then, the direction of e-commerce has become actively developed. The network has become not only a source of information, but also a huge showcase to order a variety of products.

The Link-UP-ISP Internet provider offers you a broadband Internet access service for the dedicated channel, as well as on Wi-Fi AC / AD wireless connection. Connection is carried out through the cable infrastructure and in the case of wireless connection through the infrastructure of access points.

Our network is based on suspended, underground and wireless communication lines. The connection is made using Ethernet and GEPON technology, an individual channel with 1 Gbit / s bandwidth is connected to each switch and base station. The main optical highways operate at a speed of 10 Gb / s.

In areas of service, apartments are connected free of charge with maximum efficiency. Tariff plans are designed to meet the most different needs and requests so that everyone can choose for itself the most optimal option. Subscribers are provided with technical support by phone, as well as additional services for repairing and configuring computers and network equipment.

Connection using Ethernet technology (FTTB)
(Internet in a multi-apartment building)

The connection includes:

1. Laying the cable from the equipment to the apartment of the subscriber. 2 0 meters of cable for laying around the apartment are provided, while laying the cable for the apartment is carried out by the user independently.

Name Speed Subscription fee
300 3 00 M.bit / sec. 12 00 rub.
200 200 M. bit / sec. 800 rub.
Maximum 100 meters bit / sec. 500 rub.
Neutral 75 Mbit / sec. 400 rubles.
Profitable 50 Mbit / sec. 300 rubles.
Home 25 Mbit / sec. 200 rubles.
White static IP address - 200 rubles.

FTTH technology connection
(Optics in the apartment)

The connection includes:

1. Laying the cable from the equipment to the subscriber's home (the cable and consumables are included in the cost of the connection).
2. Setting up software for networking.
3. Consultation on working with Internet access software.

Name Speed Subscription fee
300 3 00 M.bit / sec. 18 00 rub.
200 200 M. bit / sec. 1400 rub.
Maximum 100 meters bit / sec. 1000 rub.
Neutral 75 Mbit / sec. 800 rub.
Profitable 50 Mbit / sec. 600 rub.
Home 25 Mbit / sec. 400 rubles.
White static IP address - 200 rubles.

Wi-Fi AC Connection
(Wireless Internet in the Private Sector)

Types of services: Cost:
Connection using the usual subscriber antenna (up to 1 km, to 5 0 Mbps.) 5 000 rub.
Connection using reinforced antenna №1 (up to 3 km, to 1 50 Mbps.) 6 000 rubles.
Connection using reinforced antenna number 2 (up to 6 km, to 30 0 Mbps.) 7 000 rub.
700 rub.
Switch (splitter) 500 rub.
20 rubles. / meter
Is free
5 0 0 rub.
50 руб.
3 0 руб.
Name Speed Subscription fee
Maximum up to 100. Mbit / sec. 1200 rub.
Neutral up to 75. Mbit / sec. 900 rub.
Home up to 50 Mbit / sec. 600 rub.
- 200 rubles.

2. After inspection and positive response about the possibility of your connection, we automatically put you in the connection queue. Usually we plug new subscribers within 1-3 days after inspection. Also, after inspecting, our employees give a recommendation on choosing a set of connection.

4. When installing the equipment, our employees check the quality of the receiving radio module signal if the signal quality corresponds to 95-100% is a good result. If the signal quality is less than 95% - we will not be able to make your connection, as we will not be able to provide decent quality of the service provided. The quality of the signal depends on many parameters, your location, direct visibility of our base stations, interference (buildings, trees) between our base station and your home, etc.

5. How it looks like:

4. The actual speed of access from 30 to 45 megabits (at a tariff of 600 rubles. - up to 50 megabits). Speed \u200b\u200bcan fluctuate to a smaller or most side due to the technical characteristics of radio access technologies;

Connection using Wi-Fi AD technology
(Wireless wire in a private house)

Types of services: Cost:
Connection 8 000 rub.
Grand Protection for the receiving subscriber antenna 700 rub.
Switch (splitter) 500 rub.
Cost 1 cable meter (in case of an antenna for several families / houses) 20 rubles. / meter
Primary customization of the subscriber's computer with an internet connection Is free
Secondary configuration of a subscriber computer with an Internet connection 5 0 0 rub.
Repeated adjustment antenna 50 руб.
Crimp cable connector RJ-45 3 0 руб.
Name Speed Subscription fee
Maximum 100 Mbit / sec. 1200 rub.
Neutral 75 Mbit / sec. 900 rub.
Home 50 Mbit / sec. 600 rub.
White static IP address - 200 rubles.

Information for potential subscribers:

New Wi-Fi AD Wireless Technology (in Russian - "Wireless Wire") is the latest wireless fixed communication technology. By quality and speed, this technology is comparable to an optical fiber optic cable. The only drawback of this technology is a small radius of action. Connecting on this technology is possible to potential subscribers to 1 km in relation to our base station. Wi-Fi AD technology allows us to make a faster and quality service for our subscribers. On the map, which is located on the "Connection Zone" page of areas where it is possible to connect on this technology are marked in blue.

1. Initially, you need to apply for an inspection of your connection site so that our employees can visually inspect your home and check the area of \u200b\u200bthe direct visibility of our base stations. You can apply for an application by calling our technical support number 8-999-519-38-62.

2. After inspection and positive response about the possibility of your connection, we automatically put you in the connection queue. Usually we plug new subscribers within 1-3 days after inspection.

3. On the roof or the facade of your home will be installed by a radio module, with which you will receive our Internet on a wireless channel, and the twisted pair cable will be connected to the room, which will connect to your receiving device (computer, laptop, Router).

4. When installing the equipment, our employees check the quality of the receiving radio module signal if the signal quality corresponds to 95-100% is a good result. If the quality of the signal is less than 80% - we will not be able to make your connection, as we will not be able to provide decent quality of the service provided. The quality of the signal depends on many parameters, your location, direct visibility of our base stations, interference (buildings, trees) between our base station and your home, etc.

5. How it looks like:

Information for existing subscribers:

1. 1 year warranty for purchased equipment;

2. A set of equipment remains in the property of the Subscriber;

3. The real speed of the Internet can be seen on torrents, since torrent is a multi-threaded injection. I use torrents you can download your channel in the Internet multiple streams and see the real bandwidth. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that in torrents and similar download managers including browsers (Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, Internet Explorer) is displayed in megabytes and kilobytes. No need to be confused in the above programs of megabits with megabytes, kilobytes with kilobites;

Internet for business
(Connecting over Wireless and Wired Technology)


* For legal entities there is a flexible price policy, a legal entity can order a tariff plan based on its high-speed needs, the price of the tariff corresponds to the connection speed with the Internet;

** When ordering a legal entity of the tariff from 20 Mb / s. There is a free connection at the expense of the telecom operator, the equipment will be transferred to the subscriber for rent during the use of the service. Warranty on the equipment will also be valid for all the time of use of the service and, in the case of its failure, it will be proceeded / repairs due to the telecom operator;

*** For more fault-tolerant work of the Internet, we offer a rental service of optical fiber. Using this service, you take a lease of the optical fiber from our optical cable and connect your point directly from the central assembly of the aggregation of your area bypassing the secondary connection points. The price is per 1 km of fiber.

5 0 0 rub.

Crimp cable connector RJ-45 3 0 руб.

The connection includes:

1. Laying the cable from the pillar to the subscriber's home (the connection rate includes an optical cable, the GEPON prefix and other consumables).
2. Setting up software for networking.
3. Consultation on working with Internet access software.

Name Speed Subscription fee
Maximum 3 00 M.bit / sec. 30 00 rub.
Game 200 M. bit / sec. 1600 rub.
Neutral 100 meters bit / sec. 1200 rub.
Profitable 75 Mbit / sec. 900 rub.
Minimum 50 Mbit / sec. 650 rub.
White static IP address - 200 rubles.

For all subscribers :

*SMS notifications

Technical support

Trust payment

Night speed increase

Free service "Parental Control"

Email payment:
Bank card or Yandex money

* A few days before the end of the month, we always make a reminder of the monthly payment for the Internet access service in the form of SMS messages, as well as in the event of an accident or malfunction on our equipment, we always notify about the presence of problems within 20-30 minutes after their appearance.

For connections to the Internet We need an Internet service provider (ISP) and specific equipment:

  • Internet provider. Internet provider provides access to the Internet. Subscribe service provider can be also possible, for example, connect a mobile phone or other services.
  • Equipment. For high-speed connection, for example, on a digital subscription line (DSL) or through a cable, you need a DSL or cable modem. This equipment can be installed by the Internet service provider after a high-speed account account payment. If you are planning to configure the network to provide general Internet access to multiple computers, you need a router. To remotely connect, you must have a modem of the switched compound. Many computers are supplied with the already installed switched modem.

Windows connection to the Internet

To execute windows connection to the Internet should be launched Internet connection wizardwhich will help you configure the Internet connection step by step.

For this discover Control panels on the menu Start (Description is based on Windows 7)further in the section Network and Internet Select Internet connection and follow the screen instructions Internet connection wizard.

Note: If there is a connection to the local network (LAN), the computer may already be connected to the Internet. To find out this, open the browser and try accessing the website.

What eating an Internet provider

Internet provider - this is a company, providing Internet access Usually for fee. The most common ways to connect to the provider are on a telephone line (remote connection) and a broadband connection (cable or DSL).

Many Internet providers provide additional services, such as email accounts, web browsers and a place to create a website.

Recently, as a result of lower prices and high penetration, becomes increasingly popular wireless (Mobile) Internet access.