Geoecology to work. Profession ecologist. Does the profession have risks and cons

Ecologist (Ecologist's engineer) -an expert involved in the analysis of the situation and develop measures to reduce the existing and possible harm to nature. The ecologist reveals the causes of the cataclysms of nature and develops the possibility of reducing the impact of the human factor on the environment. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, chemistry, biology and geography (see the choice of a profession for interest in school subjects).

In the future, there will be an increasing place to occupy environmental conservation problems. In connection with the growth of emissions of harmful elements in the atmosphere, the problems of ecology are put on one of the first places. The demand for professional ecologists will increase, but also will increase the requirements for them. The ecologist's profession will become one of the most sought-after and important.

Environmentalists are trying to understand and explain, for example, why the lake dries out or its inhabitants die. They study the state of the earth, water, air, as well as the degree of exposure to industrial industries on people, plants, animals. Ecologists reveal the degree of pollution, analyze the causes and constitute a forecast of the situation in the future.

Ecology engineers are faced with the development and coordination of documents in the state bodies of environmental protection, which justify the environmental safety of various projects and industrial industries. Specialists in laboratories conduct a study of the cities of specific and basic pollutants in the air.

At the moment, qualified environmentalists are needed for conducting examinations when the construction of any residential buildings, factories, transport roads. Without a positive conclusion, none of the construction will begin work. Moreover, each enterprise should lead its activities under the close control of environmental engineers.

The study of the fundamentals of environmental management is especially important in connection with Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The World Trade Organization (WTO) plans to accept and implement in countries included in the WTO International ISO Standards, providing a unified global system of requirements for the quality management of services and goods. One of the most important world standards is ISO 14000. The subject of this standard is the Environmental Management System (EMS), the use of which makes it possible to effectively combine the economic growth of the company's income with preservation of a favorable environment. Knowledge of ISO series standards and their implementation in organizing mandatory requirements for future environmental.

Necessary professional skills and knowledge

  • be able to freely understand environmental legislation, standards and regulations;
  • knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, processes passing in the environment;
  • have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe procedure for conducting an environmental impact;
  • know environmental monitoring methods;
  • have computer simulation skills;
  • understand the overseas and domestic experience in the field of environmental protection;
  • be able to make the necessary reporting and environmental documentation;
  • possession of a foreign language (for the possibility of travel or work abroad).

Personal qualities

  • diplomaticity, flexibility, civilian courage (for challenging the actions of officials, authorities, government agencies);
  • internal discipline;
  • stress tolerance;
  • scrupulsiness, responsibility, accuracy;
  • accuracy (it is impossible to make mistakes);
  • analytic mind;
  • passion for wildlife, the ability to scientific creativity;
  • teamwork skills;
  • independence;
  • decency;
  • performance.

Pros and cons profession


  • obtaining moral satisfaction from the work done, due to the receipt of salaries through an improvement of the environment;
  • qualified environmentalists are popular among employers and this demand will grow;
  • graduates of universities already have some experience due to the passage of the necessary practices in the production, which contributes to the acquisition of useful dating and recommendations (this will simplify and speed career growth);
  • an environmental engineer who received the necessary qualifications can count on a fairly profitable place of work in the petrochemical, construction or energy sectors;
  • the profession of ecologist is international, which makes it possible to work abroad (this profession abroad is in great demand than in Russia);
  • the work of the ecologist is quite interesting and implies business trips.


  • low salary of environmentalists;
  • the ability to work in extreme conditions;
  • hazard for health, due to the need to work with harmful substances.

Place of work and career growth

Graduates Environmentally can begin their careers in state structures (for example, Rostekhnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources, etc.). In environmental organizations, in large enterprises, in municipal structures there is a regular unit of ecologist.

A young specialist usually begins his career from a technical assistant. Later he can become a coordinator and take up a certain direction. The next stage of the career development may already be the supervision of several coordinators.

In commercial organizations, environmental specialists have a higher wage, but the experience and qualification of the Ecologist engineer has great importance in the formation of a salary.

The highest demand for specialist Ecologist in industrial enterprises. However, you can also get a design organization that provides services to all sorts of factories, construction companies.

The main places of employment of environmentalists:

  • Research laboratories;
  • Environmental structures at the enterprise;
  • State structures, control and supervision bodies;
  • Environmental organizations;
  • Construction companies;
  • Plants and factories.

It's no secret that the state of the environment is deteriorating every year. Only recently the public began to closely monitor the situation and urgently introduce various laws. There is an erroneous opinion that a modern ecologist simply advocates for the preservation of nature. But in fact, this specialty requires a large technical base, knowledge of not only biology, but also chemistry, physics, engineering and project affairs.

The ecologist in a broad sense of the word is studying, identifying and minimizing the human and natural factors that affect the environment. He not only studies the negative moments of human activity, but also tries to overcome them, develops techniques for this. Today, no construction, especially in the field of industry, does not begin without obtaining the results of the environmental impact assessment. This is the responsibility of the environmental technology.

Where the ecologist works

Before you know what kind of salary of the environment, it will not be superfluous to understand whether it is possible to get a job in such a job as it's just that, in general, what is the demand of the profession. Another 10-20 years ago, such a position was rather unusual. Today, the engineer or ordinary environment is working:

  1. In construction companies.
  2. In environmental organizations, for example, in forestry.
  3. In the field of health.
  4. In municipalities.
  5. In the production of any scale and kind of activity.

But the duties of the ecologist are the following:

  • development of environmental policy at the enterprise and at the same time full control of its observance;
  • development and preparation of environmental documentation;
  • interaction with various verification organizations;
  • interaction with organizations that give permission to a construction site or other actions affecting the environment;
  • organization of action in the event of non-standard situations, for example, accident accidents;
  • improving the knowledge of the staff in the field of ecology.

The laboratory technologist can also work in the laboratory, conducting experiments and research in order to identify the degree of pollution of water, air and other environments, obtaining various cleansing compositions and so on.

Requirements, or how to become an ecologist

Ecologist is a serious profession, leading great responsibility to a specialist. It is comparable to any engineering specialty. Therefore, often future professionals receive exactly such education, for example, an environmental engineer, a chemist engineer. Along with the peculiarities of the environment, students explore the basics of design, engineering and drawing case, learn to understand the technical documentation, receive experience in the field of processes and devices. A good ecologist must have luggage knowledge and in chemistry, because the same gas release into air or disinfection of water is chemical reactions.

Ecologist is obliged to meet such requirements:

  • have higher education;
  • own a computer and some environmental programs;
  • know the environmental documentation and the main provisions of the examination;
  • possess the engineering warehouse of the mind.

For senior positions, for example, in Gazprom, a person will take a person only with experience in the laboratory or in another organization that deals with the issuance of permits. It is also necessary to know the methods of environmental monitoring and well understand their essence.

Does the profession have risks and cons

Many who are a little familiar with the profession are afraid that she is pretty risky and dangerous. This is due to the fact that in some cases it is necessary to work with harmful substances, participate in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at work and so on. But in fact it is not always so. A huge niche of specialties is held in the office, in working with documentation and calculations. But if you work, for example, directly on the object or in the laboratory, then yes, there are risks. They minimize due to the clear consequences of the instructions and the implementation of safety standards. In addition, for any harmful conditions according to the law should pay extra, which ultimately affects the salary.

Salary of Ecologist

The amount of payment for this specialist will very much. This is influenced by the office, its type, its type, and the person works in a private or state organization. A laboratory assistant is considered to get less than an engineer. But then the length of the years is also taken into account. It is logical that the head of the ecological laboratory, which works in it for 10 years, will get more than an engineering engineer who only came to the plant. Most specialists receive in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major industrial cities. This is due to the large number of industrial facilities, the overall pollution of nature in these places.

The ecologist's profession has many associated with environmental protection. In fact this is not true. People of this profession are studying the processes occurring in nature and complex relationships that exist in it. This science has a lot of branches and at the same time closely related to other disciplines, such as biology and chemistry. And the nature of nature of nature performs only a small particle of modern ecology. This profession, as, however, and any other, has not only its advantages, but also certain disadvantages that need to be taken into account before starting to work in this direction.

Profession of Future

To date, the profession associated with the environment is not too popular. But at the same time, it is believed that the demand for workers in this field in the coming years will rapidly increase.

An ecologist's technician is a specialist who depends on a fairly much in the enterprise, as it:

  • engaged in the introduction of small and waste-free production;
  • performs control over the quality of raw materials;
  • takes an active part in the operation of complexes that are environmental protection;
  • provides technological safety of production;
  • observes the production processes;
  • confirms the environmental safety of all projects.

Today, applicants who really would like to work in this field pushes mainly a relatively low salary, although this does not end the profession. But first things first.

The ecologist's profession will become quite relevant in a few years. That's why. Already today, no construction begins to develop without a positive conclusion of environmental impact assessment. Plus, the activities of any company should control the ecologist's technician.


The description of this profession looks pretty alive and is attractive for those who love nature and all that is connected with it. It remains only to graduate a higher educational institution. So, when admitted to this specialty, such objects will have to be treated as:

  • mathematics;
  • russian language;
  • chemistry;
  • geography;
  • physics;
  • biology.

But this list is not absolutely accurate. The items necessary for admission will depend on the profile. Today, find a university who would prepare ecologists, quite simple. And before starting to learn, the student can choose the most attractive discipline for himself, which will be basic. This aspect replenishes the advantages of this profession. Disposable, many future environmentalists stop on natural-scientific or technical education.

But learn will have long enough. At first, the student should graduate with the higher educational institution and get a diploma of relevant vocational education, after which he will need to enter graduate school or doctoral studies. Only so you can fully master the chosen profession. And so that the salary becomes higher, it is desirable to further undergo training in one or more international programs.


Now it is worth finding out the pros and cons of work. Is there career growth? So, an ecological technician or an ecologist's engineer after completing his long-term learning can be hired:

  • in one of the public services;
  • environmental organization;
  • to factory;
  • to the construction company;
  • to the research laboratory;
  • to the ecopructure on a separate object;
  • to the factory;
  • in control and supervision authorities.

As a rule, a specialist ecologist begins his career path from a technical assistant. For her, after a while, when a young specialist will complement his knowledge of certain practice, the place of the coordinator follows. At this point, the ecologist can choose any specific direction for itself. Further, the coordinator becomes a curator over several other coordinators.

If a specialist of this sphere will be engaged in work in one of the commercial organizations, then in this case its salary will be somewhat more than in budget enterprises. However, here the salary value largely depends on its experience and qualifications.

Already today, the most tangible demand for ecologists is observed at industrial enterprises, somewhat smaller - in design organizations. At the same time, each employer will require a specialist in this field knowledge of thematic audit, certification and management, as well as the ability to navigate in the legislative framework. Plus, the ecologist should understand the ecocormaties and standards, have deep knowledge in the field of biology, physics and chemistry, to know how expertise is being carried out.

In this work, the ability to draw up reports and have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe experience in nature conservation. If activities involve a business trip, then the employer will certainly require knowledge of foreign languages.

What are personal qualities necessary?

Obuving the pros and cons of work conditions, it will not be worth talking about what qualities it is desirable to possess a potential ecologist. Since in the process of activity, this specialist will face the need to challenge the opinions and actions of superior officials, it should be inherent not only to civil courage, but also flexibility, diplomaticity and, of course, stress resistance.

Ecologist's position involves very painstaking work, which will contribute to internal discipline, scrupulusity and accuracy. The specialist of this sphere should have an analytical warehouse of the mind and the ability to scientific activity. A real professional ecologist is always passionate about living nature, he knows how to work both independently and in the team.

Advantages of profession

Some advantages of this kind of activity were marked slightly higher. Let's talk about the merits in more detail and find out whether their list will exceed the disadvantages of the profession.

Ecologist does not just get a salary. As a result of its work, which is directed solely on improving the state of the environment, a specialist acquires great moral satisfaction.

The demand for ecologists is inexorably growing, and soon the professionals will be able to direct all their energy to commit a good deal, and from this nature will receive only undeniable advantages.

During training, many universities provide the opportunity to go through work in production, which simplifies career growth and makes it somewhat more rapid.

A qualified specialist with sufficient experience can count on a position with a very good wage and at the same time choose between the construction, energy and petrochemical industry.

They also write in the advantages that the ecologist is an international profession, which is already quite in demand abroad. And this is the expansion of the horizon, acquaintance with someone else's culture and mentality, with different people and distant countries.

Disadvantages of profession

It came to highlight and cons. The salary that most enterprises and organizations offer to specialists from this industry leaves much to be desired. In addition, with rather meager earnings, the ecologist is often forced to work in difficult conditions and endanger their own health. Often this is associated with laboratory studies, during which various substances and reagents are used. On this, fortunately, the disadvantages of the profession ends.

In fact, not everyone can decide to become a professional ecologist. It is enough to draw your attention to the pros and cons. Someone in these lists allocates convincing arguments to refuse this kind of activity, but those who, despite everything, seek to make their contribution to environmental protection.

Environmentalists explore the ecosystem and form estimates about diversity, behavior and population of organisms in ecosystems.

Ecologists also have other duties:

  • preparation of reports on environmental consequences;
  • preservation of habitats of living beings;
  • training in schools;
  • help in legislation;
  • research.

What are the income from specialists

Environmentalists usually work in environmental organizations, government agencies and charitable organizations.

They can work both independently and in teams, depending on the goals of their employers.

According to statistics, the average salary salary in Russia in 2017 is 30 thousand rubles.

By regions, the greatest is obtained in the Republic of Sakha and the Magadan region - 75 thousand rubles.

If you take into account the posts, average earnings are as follows:

  1. 80 000 rubles. - Chief Ecologist.
  2. 45 000 rubles. - Senior Specialist.
  3. up to 25,000 rubles. - Beginner without work experience.

Experts with 2-3 years experience can be calculated on large salaries, which have certificates and diplomas about obtaining additional education.

You should also have experience with different documentation: project, permissive.

The greatest environmental engineers get in such cities:

  • 43 thousand rubles. - Moscow;
  • 40 thousand rubles. - St. Petersburg;
  • 30 thousand rubles. - Tula.

The greatest demand for vacancies search sites in Moscow, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg and Tyumen.

Statistics in the world

Many are interested in how much environmentalists receive in other countries. Monthly salary in the world for 2017:

  • Belarus - 700 Bel. rub.;
  • Ukraine - 7000 UAH.;
  • Kazakhstan - 100 thousand tg.;
  • USA - 5.5 thousand dollars.

From which the income depends

How much does the ecologist earn depends on:

  • posts;
  • organizations in which it works;
  • experience;
  • scale of the project being executed.

What specialists are engaged

Most ecologists work in private and state-owned companies in natural resources.

They conduct environmental studies, provide substantiated assessments to different projects.

Others work with environmental issues.

They make quarterly reports, control garbage removal, prepare documentation for checks.

Distinguish specialty:

  • Engineer Ecologist. Works in private and state. organizations. It gives an assessment of the environmental consequences of projects being developed, introduces methods to eliminate negative consequences.
  • : Ecology-laboratory and their assistants conduct research in field conditions and in laboratories. The goal is to study the interaction of species and an external environment.
  • Educational establishments: Professors and researchers in colleges and universities.

Question of learning

Educational requirements for this position typically include a bachelor's degree in technical and natural sciences, such as:

  • biology;
  • chemistry;
  • soil science;
  • agronomy;
  • geography;
  • geology;
  • ecology and environmental management.

The environmental situation on the planet is constantly changing.

Therefore, employees in this field have to continue to study, undergo training courses, visit the relevant seminars.

For example, an environmental engineer should be aware of the legislation on the profile, Sanpina, orders and GOSTS.

You should also have a certificate of completion of the 112 hour training course on the handling of different waste.

Advantages of the profession:

  • possible business trips;
  • physically not hard work;
  • useful business for the planet.

Ecologist (or engineer Ecologist) is detected by the study and minimization of natural and human factors negatively affecting the environment. He explores any negative phenomena in nature, establishes their cause and methods of their prevention. Also without environmental impact and its positive result, no construction starts.

Considering the state of the atmosphere and nature in the modern world, the importance of the ecologist's profession is growing every year how the requirements put forward to the knowledge and experience of these specialists grow.

Places of work

The position of ecologist is in demand in environmental and construction organizations, in the field of health, municipal structures and large manufacturing enterprises.

Ecologist's duties

It is better to understand who such an environment will help the main job duties of this specialist:

  • Development of environmental policies of the enterprise and monitoring its observance.
  • Compilation of environmental documentation necessary to accompany the activities of the enterprise.
  • Interaction with environmental structures, including in the verification process.
  • Interaction with organizations that issue source-permits and agree on project documentation.
  • Organization of work at the enterprise in emergency situations or in the event of an accident at work.
  • Counseling Employees on Ecology.

Requirements for ecologist

The main requirements for the environment:

  • Higher education.
  • Knowledge of environmental legislation.
  • Experience in environmental examination.
  • Knowledge of environmental monitoring methods.
  • Experience with organizations that provide source-permissive documents and agree on project documentation.
  • Knowledge of PCs and computer environmental programs.

Also, given the possibility of traveling and exchanging experience with colleagues from other countries, an environmental engineer for work may need knowledge of written and colloquial English.

Sample Summary of Ecologist

How to become an ecologist

A person with higher education in such areas as agronomy, agrochemistry, biology, geology, ecology and environmental management can become an ecologist. In addition, you need to get postgraduate vocational education, including graduate school, doctoral studies and internship.

Risks profession

Ecologist periodically has to work with harmful substances that adversely affect its well-being and the body as a whole. In addition, work is possible in extreme conditions undermining the health and health of the specialist.

Salary of Ecologist

Ecologist's salary varies from 25 to 80 thousand rubles per month. In the presence of foreign business trips, the salary of this specialist may be higher than the specified amount. Project premiums are also possible. The average salary of the environment is 50 thousand rubles per month.