Professional standard of the head of the educational organization. Professant the head of the educational organization accepts suggestions. Which contains professional standard

Professandards for teachers 2017year - a new phenomenon in the Russian labor law. We will see that specifically the state plans to introduce in this area and for which pedagogical professions will be the professional standards from the beginning of 2017.

Objectives of the introduction of a teacher's Ministry of Professandard

From June 2016, in Russia, the introduction of professional standards - documents describing in detail the level of qualifications, which should have each of the employees listed in them. As of May 2017, standards approved for more than 35 areas of activity - and in the first place among them is the scope of education.

The reason for the introduction by the Ministry of Professional Standards was the unsatisfactory provision established in determining the qualifications, which should have employees in those areas that the state pays special attention. The norms acting before the adoption of the professionals have only advisory nature and are not always applied in practice. In addition, some of the descriptions of professions in the field of education were approved more than 20 years ago and simply do not correspond to the current situation.

One of the ways to correct the situation, which has happened now, the state and personally, the President see just the approval of common standards for those who work in the Pedagogical region. Introduction of professorists for pedrattlers will solve several questions at once:

  1. To determine exactly what kind of qualification should have a teacher.
  2. Provide the desired training of future workers in this area.
  3. Notify teachers about the requirements that will be applied to them.
  4. Attract teachers themselves, educators and teachers to raise education in Russia.

General characteristics of professional standards for teachers

In general, the professional standard of pedagogical workers is a document on which it depends:

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  • the possibility of a particular person to work in the pedagogical sphere;
  • wage amount;
  • the procedure for calculating the experience;
  • determining the size of the pension;
  • pedagogical career planning.

In a word, the teacher's professandard is a document that not only establishes the basic requirements for the training of the teacher, but also gives the general definition of the activities that this worker leads.

In general, the professandard is a framework document and, if necessary, complemented by the requirements approved in the regions, taking into account local characteristics. In addition, the internal standards of educational institutions may also contain additional requirements for the pedagogical worker.

Project Professional Standard of the Teacher of 2013, Professandards of Pedagogical Workers 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017

Development of professoring for teachers began long before the date of their planned implementation. The first of the approved projects in this area was a general professandard, which determines the profession, "teacher". He was adopted in December 2013.

This document establishes a list of employment functions for teachers, educators and teachers with a partition to several categories:

  • pre-school education (for children under 7 years old);
  • primary education (1-4 classes);
  • basic education (5-9 classes);
  • average (up to grade 11).

In this case, we are talking about teachers working in the field of general education, which has the right to count on every child in Russia. Vocational education is described by separate regulatory documents.

In 2014, no professandards for pedagogical workers were taken, in 2015 the Ministry of Agriculture approved 3 professional standard at once:

  • for a psychologist's teacher;
  • teacher working in the field of additional education (both children and adults);
  • teacher engaged in professional training.

Since July 2016, the professandards have become mandatory, however, an exception was made for teachers - for representatives of this profession, the obligation to use professandards dated 01/01/2017.

Content and structure of the completed professional pedagog standard

All professorities are developed by a single layout, which was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 147n dated 12.04.2013. According to this order, professional standards for any employees, including teachers, must consist of the following parts:

  1. General characteristics of the profession. It is indicated here exactly how the profession is called what particular activities are carried out by workers engaged in it, as well as its classification according to OKVED and OKS.
  2. Functional card. This section describes those functions that are included in pedagogical activities.
  3. Characteristics of labor functions. Here, each of the generalized labor functions (actually areas of activity) is described in detail with the requirements of the teacher's qualifications. Also here is also described knowledge, skills and specific types of actions that the teacher is carried out, an educator or teacher.
  4. Information about developers organizations.

The concrete filling for each of the professandards depends on what specifically the pedagogical profession it is drawn up.

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Professandard of the head of the educational organization accepts suggestions

  • 3402
  • 17.02.2017

The Firo website presents the current version of the professional standard "Head of Educational Organization", refined based on the results of comments received from the expert community and federal executive bodies. Comments and suggestions are accepted.

The need to develop a professional standard for the management of the educational organization (pre-school educational organization, general education organization, a professional educational organization, educational organization of higher education, the organization of additional education, the organization of additional professional education) is caused by many factors. In particular, in the recent decades in the management of educational organizations in the management of educational organizations of project management. Nevertheless, the work of many managers and today is built at an intuitive level within the framework of the so-called "manual management", the explanatory note to the document says.

The need to develop a professional standard of the head of the educational organization is related to the requirements of Article 51 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, which determines that candidates for the position of the head of the educational organization should have a higher education and comply with the qualification requirements specified in the qualification directories in accordance with the relevant posts of educational organizations and ( or) professional standards.

Currently, the requirements for the qualifications of educational organizations are described in two sections of a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees (EKS), while the description of posts has ancase, which makes it difficult to use, both in the field of labor relations and in education .

In contrast to the qualification characteristics presented in the EX, the professandards describe activities, not the positions and, accordingly, establish the requirements for the formation and experience of the work necessary to carry out generalized labor functions (OTF) and labor functions (TF) in them incoming, and not To occupy a position.

The problem of professional standards is not new for international practice, is noted in the document. Analysis of Russian and international professional standards similar professional activities has shown that in the United States and most European countries under the professional standard it is understood as a detailed characteristics of the measured requirements for the results and quality of employees of their functions within a specific type of professional activity (profession), expressed in terms of competencies. For example, there are three types of professional standards in the USA: a code of professional ethics containing instructions of an ethical nature, the Code of Qualification Standards, containing indications regarding the experience and level of education necessary for work and the Code of Professional Activities, containing specific instructions for performing a particular work. A vivid example of professional standards governing the achievement level are national qualifications of vocational education and training in the UK (NKPOO), which are framework qualifications for all specialties and industries.

From January 1, 2017, a decree on the introduction of professional standards applied to all employees who perform their direct responsibilities in educational institutions of Russia will enter into legal force.

It is quite natural that certain requirements will also be presented to the leaders of educational institutions, but they have not yet been approved, and exist in the draft version. And this automatically means that they can change. According to analysts, the main difficulty in drawing up professional Standard The head of the educational organization is, in various institutions (schools, kindergartens, colleges, etc.) there are a wide variety of competencies, which should also be taken into account when drawing up a formal document.

Why do you need a professional standard of the head of the educational organization

According to experts, this document can be attributed to the most controversial in modern Russian history. The fact is that he began to be developed back in 2013, but due to certain thorough reasons for his adoption and approval was constantly postponed.

At the moment, there is no final data as to when the document will officially come into force. However, given the fact that pROFSTRANT. The teacher will begin to be officially used in the regulatory documentation from January 1, 2017, many analysts expect that the requirements for the leadership of educational institutions will be finally formed to this term.

Initially, the requirements for the governments of educational institutions were the usual recommendations that could not be paid attention to. But, since July 2016, this documentation will gradually be introduced into a domestic education system, and in the near future it will become mandatory not only for institutions submitting to government agencies, and for structures under the control of individuals.

See also:

The very appearance of this documentation is not surprising. The fact is that many ETKS standards, EKS, etc., which have earlier, are already incompatible with modern realities and are outdated. This led to the fact that they simply do not reflect the current situation in the field of education. Often it is possible to face the problem when conflicts arise regarding people who put in the chapter of the educational organization, but the competence of which in these issues causes tremendous doubts.

According to many domestic political figures, education is a sphere where state control should be present at all stages of education. And an important element of this control is to determine the requirements that are nominated to those people who fulfill their professional duties in this area.

In order to change the situation in the field of education, and a project has been developed professional Standard . The head of the educational organization must comply with all the requirements specified in the document in order to be able to fulfill their duties as a guideline. In addition, at the official level, this standard will secure specific labor duties and management skills that any chief of organization in the field of education should be owned.

Separate attention is paid to the functions that should be clearly executed in accordance with the requirements of the current legislative framework. By the way, according to many experts, it is this question that causes the largest number of disputes, since the competence of the heads of educational institutions of various types in essence have a lot of differences, which must be displayed and fixed.

Nevertheless, already now there is a preliminary version of the professor of the head of the organization in the field of education, which soon has every chance of becoming a formal document, mandatory for all. However, there is no formal information about the final date of adoption of the standard, and therefore we can expect that the document will be finalized.

Experts argue that the adoption of this document will solve the mass of problems in the domestic educational environment. Which in recent years began to manifest itself most actively. It is expected that the approved standard will help achieve the following key tasks:

  1. Qualification skills of managers will be enhanced, which will certainly affect the quality of management of the educational institution in a positive line.
  2. All educational organizations will be under state-free state control, which will help to quickly solve problems arising in this industry and prevent critical situations.
  3. Russian education will rapidly develop in all directions.
  4. A qualified leader will be able to significantly increase the qualitative indicator of education, achieving the maximum interaction of all participants in the educational process.

Which contains professional standard

Since the professional standard of the manager has not yet been approved, at the moment it exists in a template form, approved in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 147n. dated 04/12/2013. After his adoption, the project was not edited, and currently has the same appearance and structure.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Labor, the standard must contain several key parts:

  • Common data. It indicates the classification of a profession on the OKS and OKVED codes, as well as the specific type of professional activity is determined;
  • The main functionality. This part indicates specific functions that managed by managers, but this list has a generalized view;
  • Characteristics of the functions of the head. This section is a kind of continuation of the aforementioned item, however, here in a more extended and refined version, specific requirements for key functions of the official are indicated;
  • Information on the organizations, institutions and structures that were engaged in the direct development of the document, until it was noted at the highest legislative level and approved as a project document on the orders of Mintrud No. 147n. dated 04/12/2013.

In accordance with the fixed standards, the first section of the document includes the official name of the position (head of the educational institution) and the list of objectives that the official should achieve. It is worth noting that this section for managers of various types of institutions of different types is almost the same, and differs only by OKVED encoding, in accordance with which the activities of the managers can be divided into several groups:

  • Code 85.11, corresponding to the head of the institution of pre-school education;
  • Code 85.12-85.14, which is used for general education institutions (primary, secondary and main);
  • Code 85.21, related to medium vocational education (colleges, colleges, etc.);
  • Code 85.22.1-85.22.3, presented for institutions providing higher education;
  • Code 85.23 - regulating training specialists higher qualifying skills;
  • Code 85.30, considering vocational training;
  • Code 85.41 corresponding to additional education;
  • Code 85.42, according to which the conditions are determined to obtain an auxiliary education that helps when performing major professional duties.

The second and third section of the professional standard of the Deputy Head of the Educational Organization (as well as for the direct supervisor) are essentially complementary. Here special attention is paid to specific functions that will be entrusted with an official dealing with the management of the organization.

Generalized functions are presented in the following form:

  1. Direct tasks that must be executed when managing the organization.
  2. Events and actions relating to the professional development of the institution in order to provide more high-quality educational services.
  3. Competent management of all resources (both material and intangible), which are on the balance sheet of the organization.
  4. Tasks, thanks to which will increase the quality and importance of research, scientific, educational and production activities within a particular institution.
  5. Active interaction with state and municipal authorities, foreign educational institutions and other counterparties that are faced with the activities of the educational institution.

As for individual labor functions, given the difference in the competence of the governing lineup in a particular institution, they are considered separately. However, here there are conscancy characteristics to whom the teacher must be configured to afford a guidance position. This is about:

  • Mandatory presentation of a diploma on completed higher education on the profile;
  • About the passage of training;
  • Participation in the work of special programs aimed at raising qualifying skills and skills (no less often than once every three years);
  • The presence of scientists of degrees, published scientific and research works (for the leading composition of universities).

In addition, these sections also provide for the official names of the governing positions. At the moment, they are fixed 4 - heads, director, boss and rector. However, controversial moments often arise on this issue, so analysts do not exclude that in the future this list can be supplemented before the professional standard of the head will be finally approved at the All-Russian level.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the introduction of a professional industry will help modernize and improve the Russian educational system, which will have a positive effect not only on the qualifying skills of pedagogical personnel and managers, but will significantly increase the quality level of the system as a whole.

In this way, professional standard It will make a positive effect on the development of Russian education, and will enable the state to control the activities of those persons who occupy senior positions.