Regulations on the program contest. All-Russian competition of educational programs, projects and methodological developments "Pedagogical Search". Expert Competition Commission

Valentina Petrovna Dryantsova
Regulations on the competition of educational programs

1 . General regulations

1.1. The present Position Determines the procedure for conducting competition in the nomination"Best educational program» MBOU DOD DOOTS "ORION"

1.2.. Competition is held in order to:

enhance the efficiency of activities and pedagogical skill of teachers of additional education;

support for teachers introducing innovative educational programscontributing to creative, intellectual, physical development of children, propaganda healthy lifestyle.

2. Participants competition

2.1. IN competition Trainers and teachers are involved education of DOOC"ORION"

2.2. The participation criteria is the following documents:

application for participation;

educational program;

reviews on program(internal and external).

3. Organization and procedure for conducting competition.

3.1. Competition held in three stage:

Preparatory Stage - October - 2014 (preparation of documentation, consultation with teachers, registration of an application for participation).

Basic Stage - November - February 2015 (Direct work with OP, Review registration).


4. Selection criteria

4.1. For selection of applicants competition Application criteria apply programs of applicantswith which you can estimate the importance of the results of the claimed programs For the establishment and system of additional education in general, Realistic implementation software events, performance of its implementation and prospects distribution:

a) integrity programs(clarity and clarity of objectives of the target and tasks, reflected in them programs; The relationship between goals and tasks with expected results content programs, forms and methods of training);

b) performance (availability in program educational results);

c) Methodical wornity programs(validity of the techniques used by the author; technical and didactic equipment programs(list of equipment, tools, materials and other learning tools; lists of literature);

d) controllability - availability in program expected results, criteria for their assessment and methods of verification; Technological mechanism of determination educational results;

e) relevance and practical significance programs.

5.1. The main components represented Programs:

a) the title page (indicates the type and view of the educational institution and the determination of the age of students; name programs, learning course name; view educational program; Stage education);

b) Explanatory note (the rationale for relevance, novelty and significance is indicated programs; specifying goals; leading theoretical ideas, principles and technologies on which this program; Role and place programs in educational Training route; justification of the selection of detention and general logic in the sequence of its study, including the disclosure of educational and extracurricular relations, interprete relationships);

c) thematic planning:

syllabus: List of sections with an indication of the number of lecture and practical watches, forms of control;

Educational-thematic plan: a list of topics and sections, the sequence of their study; time studying, division of activities and shapes, control points, types of control;

e) control device (control of control (by sections, topics): Requirements for knowledge, skills of students; monitoring forms and evaluation system);

e) methodical support for educational process: leading methods, techniques, technologies, organizational forms of education;

g) organization of educational process: Tutorial (name, authors); Tutorials; training supplies;

h) implementation conditions programs: List of existing and developed educational, scientific, methodological, didactic and logistical equipment programs;

i) literature necessary for development course: For pupil (learning); for teacher; mandatory, additional;

k) reviews on Program(external, internal).

6. Guide competition.

6.1 Preparation, conduct, summing up and analysis Competition Performs the Organizing Committee.

Organizing Committee conducts all stages Competition, approves the composition of the expert commission, provides informational support competition(informing participants with the procedure for conducting competition; Creating a data bank about participants competition; Preparation and placement of information on the website of the institution).

6.2 Expert Commission assesses programs, assessment results enter into (Attachment 1) and directs it up to March 25 of the current year by the DOCC Director "ORION" For approval.

6.3. Based on the list of lists, the director publishes an order to winners for awarding. Winner competition Gets the right to receive a one-time premium payment and honorable place on the Honor Board.

"Positive Master!"

1. Purpose:demonstration of the capabilities and potential of the children's game and the activities of game teams (associations) as the organizers of the social and significant leisure area.

2. Tasks:

· Analysis of the game heritage of the International Children's Movement, aimed at developing the positive qualities of the identity of children and adolescents;

· Summary of experience of using the game in the activities of public associations;

· Exchange the ideas of creating games, game programs;

· Promoting the establishment of creative ties between game teams, clubs and creative associations;

· Detection of bright creative individuals among participants in the competition of gaming programs;

· Preparation of a collection of gaming programs, forms and methods used in the preparation and conduct of leisure programs for children and adolescents.

  1. Terms and organization of the competition.

District stage The competition provides for the selection and record of game programs in the form of video materials, scenarios and written works, which are sent to the Organizing Committee of the Festival "Childhood without Borders" until February 25, 2014.

4. Competition participants. Children and young people aged from 8 to 18 years old can participate in the competition between the ages of 8 and 18 years old, or in the composition of children's (youth) associations, game teams, creative groups, in four age categories (8-10, 11-13, 14-15, 16-18 years) and three nominations:

· "World of Games" - a description of the games or game programs in which children played by different generations, or a description of games aimed at strengthening inter-flow ties. Competition participants need to provide detailed development of the game or a game program in print and on an electronic media with an application of photos, reflecting the course and main actions of players, participants' reviews;

· "Friends of the game" - collection of memories, impressions of the organizers of the Games, a description of family and courtyard games. Requirements Requirements: Description of game memories with ruled applications, if possible, with photos of participants in games of different years;

· "Game as a gift" - a description of games for children with disabilities developed by participants of children's public associations of today;

5. Special requirements. A detailed description of games or game programs must be provided in print and on an electronic medium with an application of photos that reflect the course and the main actions of the players.

6. Evaluation criteria.

· Social idea and originality of the description of the experience of the game heritage;

· Thematic orientation, compliance with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe competition;

· A variety of gaming techniques and principles used in creating games or descriptions of games;

· Visuality of presentation and design of competitive materials.

As part of the program "Fidget"

Regulations on the contest "Music box"

Topics:"Favorite composers", "My favorite music retro", "Memory of the Heart", "Romantic Mood".

1. The purpose of the competition:self-realization of children and adolescents by involving them in active creative activity.

2. Competition tasks:

· Detection and support of young talents;

· Formation of children and adolescents creative original thinking, careful attitude to their language, musical folklore;

· Education of artistic taste, an introduction to modern forms of art of the musical theater;

· Support and development of musical, poetic and song creativity.

3. Forms:musical, interactive musical performance (puppet, pantomime, miniature), show program, literary and musical composition, author song, folklore, choreography, instrumental music, etc.

4. Competition participants.Children aged 8 to 18 can participate in the competition, as well as children's associations and groups, schools, colleges, theatrical music studios, ensembles, choral groups, clubs at the place of residence, and others, in four age categories (11-13, 14-15, 16-18 years).

5. Requirements for work:

· Theatrical and musical productions can be created based on literary works (domestic or foreign). The duration of action is not limited. Possible performances on their own text.

· Themes and problem issues can be any. The main thing is to rely on creative, original thinking, author's finds, calling for good, friendship, love and careful attitude towards his homeland.

· In the formulation, all modern types and shapes of the stage design can be used.

· The festival organizing committee is provided with video recordings performed on DVD / VHS / CD.

6. Competition nomination:

· The best director;

· Best screenwriter;

· Best artist-designer;

· Best performer.

Criteria for evaluation

· Compliance of the idea of \u200b\u200bsetting the goal, tasks and subjects of the competition;

· Execution skill;

· The level of scenic culture;

· The originality of the idea;

· Entertainment of production;

· Emotional impact on the viewer;

· decoration.

Regulations on the "History of My Family"

1. The purpose of the competition:

· Conside the child's interest in studying the history of your family, the preservation of its traditions and customs, strengthening inter-flow ties;

· Demonstrate examples of interesting education experience in the family;

· To draw the attention of society to the role of children's organizations in the formation of the child's personality.

2. Competition participants.Family teams can participate in the competition.

3. Terms of the competition.In the framework of the competition, three nominations are announced:

· "Good can not be a remnant!" (In the competition, participants and stories confirmed by letters, family relics, photographs, etc.) take part in the competition.

· "Family in a pile, not terrible and cloud." This nomination includes stories and family stories about difficult times and as a family survived under these conditions.

· "Portrait of my family." This nomination provides for a demonstration of creative achievements of both family teams and individual family members (musical, theater, circus, pop, folklore, decorative and applied creativity, exhibitions of creative works and collections, etc.), hobbies, traditions, grandmother's recipes, Good advice and others.

By decision of the district jury, the best works are sent to participate in the regional festival "Childhood without borders".

As part of the program "Secrets of the native land"

Similar information.


about the All-Russian Competition

"Pedagogical Search"

In order to update the methodological support for educational activities, introducing innovative practices, increasing the pedagogical potential of general education organizations, pre-school educational organizations, organizations of additional education of children, in accordance with a single calendar of mass events for 2017 - 2018. The Center for Civil and Youth Initiatives "Idea" is held All-Russian competition of educational programs,projects and Methodological Developments "Pedagogical Search" (hereinafter - Competition).

1. The purpose and objectives of the competition

1.1 Detection and dissemination of the best experience of scientific and methodological support for the educational process in educational organizations;

1.2 Increasing the role of educational organizations in the formation of the child's personality;

1.3 Development of creative potential and improving the professional skill of teachers and educators;

1.4 Detection and distribution of better pedagogical experience.

2. Competition organizers

2.1. General management of the competition is carried out by the Center for Civil and Youth Initiatives "Idea" of Orenburg;

2.2. The organization and holding of the competition is assigned to the scientific and methodological department of the CGMI "Idea".

3. Competition participants

3.1 In the competition, pedagogical workers of educational organizations of all types and species can take part;

3.2 In the competition, individual authors and teams can take part.

4. Organization and timing of the competition

4.1 Competition is held with September 19. 2017 to November 4, 2017;

4.2 Summing up the competition

4.3 Placement of results on the site of the center December 7, 2017;

4.4 Premium Material will be available for download on the Center website from December 7, 2017 to March 7, 2018.After that, from March 8, 2018 to May 8, 2018, the premium material will be stored in the archive of the center, and later removed. After removing the premium material to restore it impossible.

The last day of acceptance of applications for participation in the competition - November 4

4.5 All works are sent only to the electronic drawer of the competition[Email Protected] The work sent to other electronic addresses of the Center to consideration is not accepted;

4.6 work sent to the competition are not reviewed;

4.7 To the general package of works from the educational institution, you must fill out the application form (Appendix 2).

5. Conditions for the holding and content of the competition

5.1. Competition of educational programs is carried out according to the following nominations:

  • technical;
  • natural scientific;
  • physical education - sports;
  • art;
  • tourist - local history;
  • socially pedagogical;
  • programs implemented in a temporary child association (vacation recreation programs);
  • additional educational programs in the directions of extracurricular activities.

5.2. Competition of methodical materials is carried outaccording to the following nominations:

  • "Organization of developing leisure in educational organizations";
  • "Spiritual and moral and civil raising of children";
  • "Innovative model of methodological support of educational activities";
  • "Artistically - aesthetic development of the younger generation":
  • "Intellectual development of children of preschool, junior, middle and older school age."

5.3. Vida methodical products:

  • Tutorials;
  • Guidelines;
  • Pedagogical projects;
  • Abstract training (open) classes.

6. Criteria for appreciation of competitive work

6.1. Methodical materials:

  • relevance and novelty;
  • compliance with the address of the addressee;
  • practical significance of the competitive material;
  • originality of the author's idea, a creative approach to the fulfillment of competitive work;
  • Compliance of the material represented by the claimed type of methodical products.

6.2. Educational programs:

  • relevance and distinctive features of the program;
  • scientific - pedagogical validity;
  • practical direction;
  • the presence of interdisciplinary and intraconductible ties;
  • resource provision of the program;
  • the presence of the regional component.

7. Requirements for the design of materials

7.1. Competitive materials must comply with the requirements for the development and design of methodological products;

7.2. The educational program to participate in the competition must contain:

  • name of the educational organization (according to the Charter);
  • name of the educational program;
  • nomination;
  • the term for implementing this program;
  • efficiency and results (over the past 3 years);
  • information about the compiler (compilers).

7.3. Materials must be competently decorated (stylistically, spelling, etc.);

7.4. Materials that do not comply with the specified participation requirements in the competition are not allowed;

7.5 Attention! Works presented for the competition must be copyright. Competition organizers do not welcome plagiarism. Copyrights to work remain for the participants of the competition. The Organizing Committee of the Competition is entitled without notice and without explaining the reasons to leave the work of the participants who violated the situation of the Competition.

8. Summing up the competition.

8.1 Competition results are summarized from November 6, 2017 to December 6, 2017;

8.2 All works sent to the competition will be published on the sitein the section "Methodical Piggy Bank" so that the site users can also take advantage of materials in working with children;

8.3 All diplomas, certificates and letters for participation will be sent in electronic form by electronic addressfrom which was accepted application December 7, 2017.

8.4 The need for diplomas in print form should be reported to the competition organizers. The mailing of the material in the print form is made within one month from the moment of confirmation of the correctness of the filling of the material.

9. Financing competition

9.1 Financing of the Competition is carried out at the expense of organizational contributions of participants. (Details for payment of the competition, Appendix 1);

9.2 Organizational fee is 160 rubles.This cost includes - a diploma to the participant + a personal gratitude to the head of the work (if there is a manager) + a personal gratitude to the organizer of the competition in the OU (with the organizer) in Electronic form;

9.3 When making collective work, it is necessary to consider the following: if the premium material on the results of the competition will be necessary for each participant, then, accordingly, the Organization is paid for each participant and each surname is applied to the application to the list of participants. If the premium material will be necessary on the team, then the orgivsos paid 160 rubles and in the application FIO participants are not listed, but simply indicates something like this: the team of teachers (students), etc .. If collective work consists of 2-3 participants and a diploma is needed for everyone, the FIO of the participants are listed through commas in one line in the application in the list of participants;

9.4 Attention! A confirming payment document is required. In any form. Without a document, work is not accepted. Phrases in the form: "We wrote to you sms", "I paid for at 9.00", etc. - are not a document and are not accepted;

9.5 Organizing fee for premium material in print form + 80 rubles. For one document. (This item is only for those who need to send a premium material by Russian Post);

9.6 Payment from one educational institution - the participant is made by one payment. It is not necessary for each participant to fill a separate receipt. No need to pay for each participant separately not to overpay an additional commission. The orgivsos is made by one total amount by the number of participants. (If the Organism was paid, but there were still those who wanted to participate in the competition, it is necessary to simply pay the orgivsos and send the second check);

9.7 Scanned receipt for payment of the organizational contribution is invested by a separate file in one letter with the application and works of the participants of the competition;

9.8 If several participants provide from one OU to the competition, the application is generally compiled. No need to fill a separate application for each participant;

9.9. Corrections in premium material in the presence of errors. If the error is allowed by your fault (in the application), the correction of the premium material is paid:

10 rubles per fixed document if the error in the participant's name, the name of the work, nomination or in the head of the head.

15 rubles per fixed application regardless of the number of documents if the error in the name of the educational institution.

For free if the error is allowed in our fault.

Competitive work is sent only to the electronic address of the coordinator:[Email Protected]

Contact phone numbers - 88001002684 – calls from all regions of Russia free, slave.

Coordinator: Morozova Venus Renatovna