Health day in a country camp. “Scenario of the event in the school camp“ Health Day. i gifts of the forest

Event script for summer camp: "Day of Medicine".

Flowchart of the event.

Introductory part, announcement of the theme and objectives of the event - 2 min.

Selection and announcement of the jury; drawing up teams - 2 min.

Event tasks:

1. Business card teams - 5 min.

2. Quiz - 5 min.

3. Relay - 10 min.

4. First health care and playing with spectators - 8 min.

5. Dance from girls - 3 min.

6. Music competition - 5 min.

7. Dressing procedures - 3 min

8. Song from Gurin Ilya - 3 min.

9. Conclusion, summing up - 3 min.

Formation of creative abilities of pupils;
- consolidation and improvement of the skills and abilities acquired during the event.

Organization of meaningful leisure time for pupils;
- involving students in the competition.

Event form: contests and quizzes.

Equipment: audio equipment, song cuts, music for competitions, chairs, thermometer models, teaspoons, medicine bottles, stretcher poles and clothes, toilet paper rolls, stopwatch.

Good afternoon, dear guests and participants of the holiday!

Glory, glory to the doctors,
Nurses, paramedics,
To all nurses, ophthalmologists,
Obstetricians, prosthetists,
Dentists and ENTs.

We all sing glory in chorus.
Even if someone is healthy
After all, he began his life with doctors!
Their caring hands

Eased mothers' torments;
So that we can be born.
God forbid we catch a cold
Pick up. bronchitis or flu -
We will immediately remember them!
Everyone will tell you about them,

How skillful and courageous;
How they will be shrouded in attention
To improve your condition;

How, fighting for the lives of people,
Forget about their own.
They took the Hippocratic oath,
They are faithful to her in her work.
Glory, glory to the doctors!
We bow low to you.

Presenter Today, your attention will be presented to the holiday "Day of the medical worker".

Moderator 1: We represent the jury members: ___________________

Host 2: Today teams came to compete for the 1st place, let's get to know you! Competition:

"Business card".

Each team has to come up with a name and a motto related to medicine during the course. After that, the teams alternately present their greetings to the jury.

If suddenly there was a problem with health,

People in white coats will always help

Cars race with a red cross on the roads,

For good doctors, all patients are one,

How much happiness they have saved in the whole world,

How much joy they brought to people.

Second competition "Quiz"

Each team is asked quiz questions in turn, to which each team must answer. If the team cannot answer, the question is how the additional is passed to the opponents. Any shout from a team member is accepted as an answer to a question (For each correct answer 1 p.).

What is this doctor doing?

An anesthesiologist is a specialist who understands the means and methods of providing anesthesia for acute pain syndromes, shock conditions, injuries, surgical interventions.
Gastroenterologist is a doctor who treats disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. He is treated with abdominal pain, problems with digestion and stool, with any problems associated with nutrition and diets, including overweight.
Dermatologist - Specialists in skin problems. To them - with chronic skin diseases, changed moles, any rash, itching, changes in the color and structure of the skin, in general, with everything that bothers you with the surface of your body.
A cardiologist is a doctor who deals with the heart and blood vessels. It is worth visiting for chest pains, shortness of breath, rapid or slow heartbeat, headaches during temperature changes, feeling short of breath.

An oncologist is a doctor who diagnoses various neoplasms and treats cancers.
Otorhinolaryngologist - he is also called "ear-nose-throat" or ENT, a doctor who treats diseases of the ears, nose and throat, eliminates foreign bodies from the bottom (especially in children).
Ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist) - a doctor who deals with the organs of vision, studies the structure, work and diseases of the eye, methods of treatment and prevention of eye diseases.
Pediatrician - pediatrician. The pediatrician treats all children, except newborns, under the age of 14-16 years.
A pulmonologist is a specialist who deals with respiratory diseases (treats bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis).
Dentist - a doctor who studies and treats teeth, developmental norms and pathologies, studies methods of preventing various diseases of the oral cavity and jaw. and border areas of the face and neck.
The therapist is a first aid specialist who diagnoses the disease and directs it for further examination to narrow-profile specialists.
Urologist - Urologist is a specialist in problems with the genitourinary system.
Phlebologist is a doctor who treats vein diseases, in particular, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
A phthisiatrician is a specialist in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Very often there is no separate room for a phthisiatrician, so you should contact a pulmonologist.
Endocrinologist - specialist in hormones, metabolism. It will help in case of disorders of the thyroid gland, other glands, adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary and hypothalamus, hormonal infertility.

Miscellaneous questions:

· White and fluffy from the first aid kit. (Vata)

This is the most famous winter virus (Influenza)

Cold sores (Herpis)

Green medicine for mischievous people (brilliant green)

Animal doctor (Veterinarian)

The strongest muscle in our body (Tongue)

This is the oath that every doctor takes (Hippocratic Oath)

This doctor can cut off all unnecessary (Surgeon)

This doctor was invented by Boris Pasternak (Doctor Zhivago)

What part of the skeleton resembles captivity (Chest)

· The most "active" bone in the skull (lower jaw, it is mobile)

According to folk medicine, this plant is a cure for seven ailments (Onion)

A device for determining body temperature (Thermometer)

First aid for cuts and bleeding growing along the roads (Plantain)

Medicine house (Pharmacy)

This is a wonderful remedy for replenishing vitamin D, it is a pity only very nasty (Fish oil)

According to the song from the cartoon, this is exactly what you need to drink in order to be healthy (Milk)

Doctor for babies (Pediatrician)

Our players are busy. It's time to run, as ambulance workers often do. After all, it is not uncommon for human life to depend on their dexterity and agility. And patients who are transported by paramedics on stretchers to the ambulance sometimes weigh more than 80 kilograms. The following competition is announced: "Relay".

The teams line up on the starting line. At the signal, 1 player from each team starts. The player must run to a pre-selected "sick" team member who is sitting on a chair. A simulator of a thermometer, a bottle with a "mixture" and a teaspoon lie next to the conditional patient. Having reached, the first player must put a thermometer to the "sick", after which the player returns to the start, passing the baton to the next one. The second player, having reached the patient, pulls out the thermometer, puts it in place, picks up the potion in a spoon, gives the patient water, puts everything in place and runs to pass the baton to the next one. The next player completes the task of the first, and so on. The two trailing players run to the patient together. They take the prepared poles, make a stretcher, threading clothes into the poles, put the patient on them and run to the finish line. For each violation, 1 penalty point is imposed, which is equivalent to 10 seconds. The first team to arrive, taking into account the time penalty, wins.

(Teams perform relay tasks under funny music).

I would go to treat children, let them teach me.
I will come to Petya, I will come to Paul.
- Hello children! Who is sick with you?
How do you live like a tummy? -
I'll take a look from my glasses

the tips of the reeds.
- Put a thermometer
under the arm, kids. -
And the children put joyfully
armpit thermometer.
- You would be very good
swallow powder
and the mixture with a spoon
drink a little.
You go to bed
to sleep, you -
a compress on the stomach,
and then you have before the wedding

everything, of course, will heal.

Host: The following competition is announced: "First Medical Aid".

The captain of each team draws out a sheet with a task (PMP in case of sunstroke, electric shock, etc.). Teams are then given 3 minutes to recall and demonstrate their skills and abilities in first aid.

While our participants are considering the task, we will play a game with the audience.

1. What kind of lifestyle do doctors advise to lead? (Healthy)
2. Who's pressure is always high? (Hypertensive)
3. The most bloodthirsty of the arteries. (Aorta)
4. What calms a person, and cats are ecstatic from her? (Valerian)
5. Drinking bowl for a syringe. (Ampoule)
6. Official medicine renounced the healing properties of this plant only in the middle of the nineteenth century. (Tobacco)
7. And Aibolit got up, Aibolit ran, through the fields, through the forests, through the meadows, he runs. And only one word is repeated by Aibolit ... What? (Limpopo!)
8. Specialty of Aibolit. (Vet)
9. White and fluffy from the first aid kit. (Vata)
10. The doctor of the spoken genre. (Speech therapist)
11. Notes, understandable only to the pharmacist (Prescription)

Moderator: and now it's time for teams to complete tasks (commands are called in turn to demonstrate first aid skills).


Loves to do Dr. Lola
All vaccinations and injections
And, commanding "A-ah!" sing,
Throat with a stick to watch,
Put a thermometer under your arm,
Listen to shortness of breath with a tube
And in a special notebook
Write all the details.
Both boys and girls
Smear abrasions with brilliant green,
Bandage hands and feet
And churn out recipes.

A music competition is announced. Fragments of songs will be provided to the teams. Teams must take turns to determine who they are talking about or the diagnosis of the disease, praised by famous performers.

Fragments of songs and diagnoses:
1. “And my heart stopped,
My heart sank ”(diagnosis: heart failure).
2. “If you don’t hear me,
It means that winter has come ”(diagnosis: otitis media).
3. We honestly want to tell you:
We no longer look at girls (diagnosis: impotence).
4. You shouldn't scold the rain, you shouldn't scold it
You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).
5. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,
This means that everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).
6. I know - if you want, I know for sure - if you want,
I know for sure - you want it, you want it - but you are silent (diagnosis: dumbness).
7. Every step through it hurts,
Each gesture hurts through (diagnosis: limb fractures).
8. I got drunk,
I won't go home (alcoholism)
9. Night! Expectations are cold.
Pain! Like I'm split.
I can not see anything,
I hate myself. (blindness.)
10. Why are thoughts so confused?
Why does the light go out so often? (Fainting.)
11. I throw myself into the night to catch up with you,
But I understand that I am standing and cannot run. (Paralysis.)
12. Unfortunately, I, but fortunately, not alone
I fell into your insidious addiction. (Addiction.)
13. Swept a blizzard of the road,
The sled trail disappeared ...
Hands get cold, feet get cold
But he's still gone and gone (frostbite)
14. And I recognize a sweetheart by his gait. (Flat feet.)
15. They picked a sweet berry together,
Bitter berry - I'm alone (poisoning)
16. Far, far, far away
My only devoted friend.
Not easy, not easy, not easy
Without reliable, trusted hands (masseur).
17. Hot sun, hot sand,
Hot lips - a sip of water. (sunstroke)

Host: And the final competition of today's holiday: "Dressing procedures".

Each team has two players. The first player must wrap the second in toilet paper so that he looks like a mummy.

The process of the game

The presenter turns on dance music. The members of each team begin the task: one player wraps paper around the other. When the music stops, the jury determines the winning and losing teams. The one who did not manage to wind up his patients loses.

Host: Our today's holiday, the Day of Medicine, has come to an end. We hope that you, dear viewers and participants, have learned something new for yourself and have fun.

The jury will give the floor.

Announcement of the results of the event by the jury members. Summarizing.

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Scenario of the Day of Health at the summer recreation area for junior schoolchildren

Bykova Nadezhda Vasilievna teacher primary grades MKOU "Nikolskaya secondary school" of the Novousmansky district of the Voronezh region.
Work description:I offer you the scenario of the Day of Health on the summer playground at the school. The script is designed for the whole day, so it is carried out first on the street, then in the gym, after lunch the children go to the park. This material will be of interest to primary school teachers who work at school recreation areas, counselors, educators.
To diversify summer rest, to interest children, to create all conditions for their physical development and health improvement, I propose to hold the holiday "Health" with the involvement of mothers.
Purpose: promotion of a healthy lifestyle, organization of outdoor activities in the summer school camp
- improve the health of children
- teach in a playful way to healthy way life
- to form an emotionally positive attitude towards each other;
- foster a sense of collectivism, parental interest in holding joint events, communicative personality traits: benevolence, a sense of mutual assistance, mutual assistance
Equipment: crayons, balls, hoops, 2 sets of autumn clothes, cones, 2 cardboard boxes, colored pencils, thematic coloring books, a tape recorder, a selection of children's songs, a blackboard, letters written on sheets.
Training: a board with a crossword puzzle is brought out in advance, printed letters are prepared for the game "Who is faster!", presenters, readers, a selection of children's songs and emblems for team members are being prepared
Organizing time:
The day of health begins after breakfast with the joint formation of detachments and the announcement of the plan of the event.

Lead 1
In our camp today
Health Day, Health Day
We invite all the guys
Take part in it!
Lead 2
We will not be bored all day
Let's forget about everything in the world,
Let's run and play
And improve your health!
Lead 1
The whole day is scheduled every minute!
I assure you not boring
You will spend the day today
And you will find friends for yourself!
Lead 2
Well then, let's get started!
3 "A" class asks to give them the floor!
1 student
We study in grade 3 "A"
It's great together, friends!
We live merrily!
We play, we jump, we sing
In any season
Great weather for us
2 student
Then we collect the leaves,
Then we play badminton
On a sled, we rush down the hill -
How good it is for me and Romka!
3 student
We have a rest in the park in summer
And don't forget about sports!
Sun, air and water
They always help us -
Be healthy, laugh
To do sports!
4 student
How good it is to be healthy
Love your mom
Play with your little brother
Granny has sunbathing,
In the river, everyone splash together,
To stay in shape !!!
5 student
How good it is to live in the world!
To go on different hikes,
Sit quietly by the fire -
When your family is with you.
Ride the sea, sunbathe
And everyone New Year meet!
6 student
How great it is to be healthy!
To wander with a basket in the forest,

Listen to the singing of the nightingale
See a sparrow in the field!
7 student
Pick a bouquet of flowers in the forest,
Meet the red fox
Watch the bullfinch
For a hard worker - an ant,
See the morning dawn -
All in chorus
And to live so many - many years!
8 student
This is how my classmates and I understand what a "healthy lifestyle" is!
And how do you understand the meaning of these words? (children's answers)
9 student
That's right, well done! You remembered about vitamins, and about hardening, about the daily routine, about a good mood, about the fact that you need to be cheerful and kind, about walking in the fresh air, about proper nutrition! They did not forget anything, they said everything about it!
Lead 1:
We invited you guys to remember about a healthy lifestyle and spend the Day of Health! Are you ready to go to a country called Healthy? Then go ahead !!!
Lead 2:

1 station - Artistic!

(asphalt drawing competition: Healthy lifestyle is ...)

Lead 1:

Station 2 - Guess - ka!

Do you like to scream loudly? Something I didn't hear you! I’ll ask you again.
Do you like to scream loudly? Now, now it's another matter! Let's play the game Guess - ka!
You, my friend, do not be silent,
Loudly - loudly you shout!
My assistant helps
Letters quickly opens!

1.For a girl's scratch
Everyone always takes ... ... ... brilliant green
2.Although it stings the wound and burns,
But only ... ... ... iodine will help me
3.All fields turn green,
Clouds are floating in the sky
Everything around is warmed by the sun
Calls everyone to swim ……. summer
4. To be healthy, strong
Early in the morning
I go out for ………. Charge
5 white water -
It will be useful to all of us.
From white water -
Do whatever you want:
Cream, Curdled milk,
Butter in our porridge,
Curd for a pie.
Eat, Vanechka - friend!
Eat and drink
Pour the guests
And do not regret the cat! …….milk
6. Never lose heart
And a smile on my face
Because I accept
………… .. A, B, C.
7. Who on the ice will catch up with me?
We are running in a race.
And it's not the horses that carry me,
And shiny ... .. skates
8.Like orange slices,
Only bitterness knocks down.
It is useful, albeit bitter,
And my name is…. garlic
Lead 1:
So what is the most important thing for everyone? What happened in the red cells? (in chorus - Health)
Lead 2:
We were just warming up!
Do you still have strength?
Well then let's go to the gym
And let's continue playing there !!!
Moms keep up with us
Compete with us!

Lead 1:

Station 3 - Sports

To stay healthy
You need to do sports,
Run, jump, push up,
Chase the ball faster!
Lead 2:

1 relay race “Dress up!

(Mom dresses the child in clothes that the team members bring in in turn. The team that gets dressed faster wins.)

Lead 2:

2nd relay "Pass the ball"

Don't hold the ball in your hands
Pass and rest!
(Sitting on the bench, the players pass the ball to the next team member, when the ball hits the last team member, he runs with the ball and sits forward. The team that passes the ball faster wins.)

Lead 1

3 relay race "Collect the chickens!"

Our mothers
Don't yawn
And count your chickens!
(Music plays, everyone performs the movements shown by 1 presenter. Two mothers stand with hoops. 2 presenter distributes tokens to those children who will hide in their mother’s house when the music stops. Those "chickens" who are faster in the house win. )

Lead 1

4 relay race With balls, hoops and cones.

(We dribble the ball to the hoop, put the ball, take the bump and throw it to the mothers in the box, then pick up the ball, roll it back and pass it to the next participant. For each hit + 1 point. The team that gets the most points in total wins).

Lead 2

5 relay with hoops.

Hoop tight, hold on
Don't let the players down!
(Mom rolls the hoop, and the players take turns getting into it. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.)

Leading 1

The game "Who is faster!"

The wind flew into the hall towards us,
I scattered everything, scattered,
We scared our mothers!
Who is brave, but brave,
Come out quickly to the circle
Put things in order, what happened -
Show us!
(From letters, children collect words, sentences)

Lead 2
Our holiday "Health" continues!
Everyone goes to Tantsevalnaya station!
You guys are great!
We were not let down anywhere
Now let's get together
Sing songs familiar to everyone
And of course dance
Well, let's get started!
(Children sing and dance)

Lead 1
Danced from the heart
All the kids are good
Let's break for lunch now,
We will all gain new strength
And we will continue our holiday!
Is everyone ready?
Well, so march!
Lead 1 (after lunch)
Have you refreshed?
Well done!
Children, do not relax
Everyone should go to the park quickly!
Let's lie down, sunbathe,
And then let's play!
(in the park, children play their favorite games, paint pictures, relax)

Attention! Attention!

November 7 - "Health Day" !!! At 10.00 o'clock for the students of MBOU secondary school №18 in Murom, a sports train leaves for a trip around the country of health. Hurry to the train without delay, take your knowledge and good mood with you!

Scenario sports event

"Health Day"


    popularization of physical culture among schoolchildren;

    the formation of a stable interest in classes physical education and sports;

    instilling a healthy lifestyle;

    development of a sense of collectivism, responsibility, solidarity.


2 teams - 2 squads of the school camp.



Determination of the winners:

the winning team is determined by the maximum points scored.


the team of winners will be awarded with a certificate of honor.

Equipment: gym benches, hoops, skittles, balls, books (sandbags), route sheets for each team, small rings, jump ropes.

Holiday progress

Songs about sports are played. Then the music is muffled a little. The general structure of the athletes is announced.

Teams go out to sports ground... Teams are formed in a column one by one.

Hello, dear children and guests of the school, we are very glad to see you at the holiday of sports and health. How cheerful and cheerful you are today! Are you ready to strengthen your immunity, become even stronger, dexterous, friendly? Today we are going on a sports train to the country of health. We will have to go through five stations. At each stop, you will score points for correct answers and exercises performed.

In our troubled age, in our stormy age

No one can live without sports forever,

A champion lurks in every person

It is necessary for a person to believe in this.

The host introduces the members of the jury.

The teams take turns saying the name of the squad. Captains are given route sheets.

    Station "Routine of the day"

Teams are given scattered cards with items of the daily routine: getting up, exercising, breakfast, school, walking, homework, dinner, free time, sleep. The teams must arrange the cards in the correct order.

    Station "Attraction"

Rope walkers. The first team members put a book (sandbag) on \u200b\u200btheir heads and, upon a signal, walk to the skittles (chair) and back, pass the bag to the second participants, etc.

    Station "Relay"

The team that finishes the exercise faster wins. 10 points for the competition, points are deducted for mistakes.

1) Running in hoops.

2) Competition "Horsemen".

Sitting on a stick, we jump to the pin and back. Who is faster.

3) Contest "Towing".

At the signal, the first players of each team tow the hoop with the ball so that the ball remains in the hoop while moving. If you lose the ball, return it to the hoop and continue the task. The winner is the team whose players complete this task faster.

5) Competition "Skittles".

There are 2 skittles on the court, one for each team at a distance. One member leaves the class. At the signal of the presenter, the children must knock down the pin with a ball. The winner is the one who hits the pin the most times (each player has one attempt).

    Station "Guess-ka"

Solve the riddle about what health friends are. Teams are asked riddles (1 team - riddles with an odd number, the 2nd team - with even ones, if none of the team guessed it, then the turn goes to the next team to guess their riddle).

1. Two sisters are green in summer,

By the fall, one turns red

Another turns black (Currant).

2. It is rich in carotene

And useful for the guys.

We will not drag from the ground again

For her green tail (Carrot).

3. Round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch.

Adults love me

And little kids ( Apple).

4. Throw it into the river - it doesn't sink,

You hit the wall - it doesn't moan,

You will throw winter,

Will fly upward ( Ball).

    Wooden horses gallop in the snow,

Do not fall into the snow

The guys ride them in winter (Skiing).

    This horse does not eat oats,

There are 2 wheels instead of legs.

Sit astride and ride it

Only better to drive ( Bike).

7.Bony back, stiff bristle

Friends with mint paste

Serves us diligently ( Toothbrush)

8.Lied in his pocket and watched - roaring, crying and filthy,

They will wipe away streams of tears, will not forget about the nose (Handkerchief).

    Station "Konkursnaya"

1) Competition "Rope".

One person leaves each class, and a competition is held among them. The winner is the team whose participants jump rope longer. The team with all the players jumping on the rope is considered to be the loser.

2) Contest "Good Habit".

In front of each team, on the opposite side of the playground, there are leaves and pens on a chair. You need to run to the chair, write on pieces of paper useful tipsthat help to strengthen and maintain health. There are two marks for the competition: 1 \u003d 10 points for speed; 2 \u003d 1 point for 1 valuable advice.

3) Competition "Track". All team players participate. Everyone jumps in length from the spot, the second starts from the heels of the first, the third from the heels of the second, etc. The team that jumped the farthest wins.

4 ) Competition "Laughter". Guys, what do you know about laughter?

Laughter is a real cure for all diseases. 5 minutes of laughter replaces 40 minutes of rest and relaxes 80 muscle groups. Laughter improves memory and helps you learn better. Laughter enhances creativity in a person and makes him more active, creative and cheerful. Laughter helps the body even protect itself from harmful, insidious respiratory tract infections and colds. So laugh at your health! Let's try to make each other kindly laugh? Whose team laughs more contagiously will win the competition.

Dear guys and guests! So our sports competitions have come to an end! While the judges are summing up the results, we will play a game with you. I will name a quality or habit, and you try to decide whether this quality is useful or not. If it is useful, then all of you raise your hands up and say - YES, and if not - then say - NO:

do physical education;

eat porridge in the morning;

do exercises;

watching TV late;

brush your teeth 2 times a day;

eating sweets before meals;

to walk outside;

help parents with household chores;

wash once a month;

laugh a lot;

litter in the room;

be distracted and not attentive;

go to bed in the morning;

wash your hands before eating;

go to school;

be grateful;

do not follow the rules road traffic;


The head judge announces the results of the competition. The best teams are awarded certificates.

We hope that today's meeting was not in vain, and that you learned something from it. After all, "You will be healthy - you will get everything!"BE HEALTHY!

Schoolchildren are leaving the competition venue.

Scenario for junior schoolchildren "Friends of health"

Leading (in front of the curtain)

Guys, in a hurry to visit us

Favorite doctor Aibolit.

Friends of health will show us

He will ask and tell about them.

Talk about an important matter -

How strong to look, how brave!

The curtain opens. The host leaves. On stage - Aibolit, Children, Dunno.

Aibolit... Have you read Korney Chukovsky?

Children... We read it.

Aibolit... Do you guys recognize me?

Children... Learned.


So I am the same Aibolit,

That will heal everyone, will heal.

But I came to you for the wrong

To put thermometers for everyone.

Tanya, Lida, Petit, Vova -

Here, I hope everyone is healthy?

Children... Healthy.

Aibolit. Do you always brush your teeth?

Children... Yes!


And a washcloth and water

Are you often friends with you?

Children. Yes!


I also want to know the answer:

Are there any slovens here?

Children... Not!


And Aibolit, of course, is glad

Meet these guys.

I was in a hurry to visit you from distant countries,

The air ocean swam

They didn’t take me on a whale -

Now the times are not the same.

And what, my friends, kids,

You've probably read books about vitamins?

Now let's check it out.

Which one of you will tell everything sensibly

And he will show his knowledge,

Togo our doctor Aibolit

Will reward you with a modest gift.


Excuse me, Doctor Aibolit ...

I don’t know! I know everything

About vitamins. Not interested...

All vitamins are bullshit

All vitamins are not food.

You'd better give us advice

About candy!


Wait, wait, my friend Dunno!

If you know a lot - answer!

There is such a vitamin - A.


Of course ... Nonsense.

There he is, I remember they said

In sausage, borscht and soap!


Children! Give me an answer,

Is Dunno right or not?

Children. Not!


We will clarify the situation

Let's invite Carrots here.

Carrot approaches them.


In the garden, in the field, at home,

Do you guys know me?

Children... Familiar!


And I am sweet and tasty,

I have a vitamin - A.

Who takes me as a friend

He grows, grows, grows ...

Why did Uncle Styopa grow up to be a giant?

Because I ate carrots,

Eggs, onions, sour cream ...

Aibolit. Well, guys, tell Dunno, what other foods are rich in vitamin A?

Children... Milk, butter, fish oil, corn kernels, green peas, sorrel.


Well done! I can see a lot.

And that Dunno was silent?

After all, he said that he knows everything,

And now he sits, sighs ...


I sigh and be silent -

I want to be an astronaut

I dream of flying

To old grandmother Luna,

And you will all understand me:

Vitamin - why do I need it?

After all, except for chocolate

You don't need anything on the flight.


Or maybe in the blue sky

Do you remember black bread?

Dunno Black bread? She said too!

Bread enters and hesitates.


Wait, it's not good to rush

Health needs black bread:

You should be friends with him more often.

Who does not recognize him,

That one is not suitable for flight.

(Turns to Bread.)

Come here buddy

Give Dunno a lesson.


I looked at Dunno,

He's just not in the know,

Yes, and I look very black.

But I'll tell you, by the way,

I'm glad my rye fate -

I have vitamin B.

Because there are people everywhere

For lunch at the first course

More often they demand me

Fresh, smelling from the fire ...

And I will say without further ado:

We ate cabbage soup and excellent borscht

Only with me will certainly

Both Gagarin and Titov!


You have noticed very well.

I am grateful to you ...

And also, tell me, children,

Where to find vitamin B?

I will give for the correct answers

Special sweets.

Game program "Health is life!"

Purpose: to popularize a healthy lifestyle among young people.

Children recite poetry

To sing songs louder

Live to make it more interesting

You need to be strong, healthy!

These truths are not new.

Sport is friendly with health.

Stadium, pool and court,

Hall, skating rink - you are welcome everywhere.

For diligence as a reward

There will be cups and records.

Your muscles will become firm.

Just remember, athletes

Every day is certain

They start with physical exercises.

Do not play hide and seek with naps.

This is the secret of health!

To all friends, gym-hello!

Leading To the sports ground

We invite you, children.

Sports and health holiday

Starts now.

HEALTH - This is an invaluable gift that nature presents to man. Without it, it is very difficult to make life interesting and happy. But how often do we waste this gift in vain, forgetting that it is easy to lose health, but to return it is very, very difficult.

Popular wisdom says:

“LOSE HEALTH - LOSE EVERYTHING” Do you agree with this wisdom.

On whom does human health depend in the first place?

Well, let's start our holiday.

Moderator: - Now the teams will present their team, name the mottos.

Jury presentation.

No competition is complete without judges. Today the teams will be judged (presented by the jury members).

Let the jury fight the whole course of the battle

Trace without a mistake.

Who will be friendlier

He will win in battle.

And now, before the start of the competition, I ask you to take an oath.

To be faithful to sports forever:

We swear!

Keep health from youth:

We swear!

Do not cry and do not lose heart:

We swear!

Do not offend your rivals:

We swear!

Competitions to love:

We swear!

Try to be the first in games

We swear!

Attention! Attention!
A sports train goes on a journey across the country of health. Hurry to the train without delay, take your knowledge with you!

Before leaving on the train, teams must answer questions (for each answer by point)


1. What color is the Olympic flag? (White)

2. How many rings are on the Olympic flag? (Five rings)

3. Which country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games? (Greece)

4. How many years will the Summer Olympics take place? (After four years)

5. To whom were the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece dedicated? (To the god of the gods Zeus)

6. What color are the Olympic rings? (Blue, black, red, green, yellow.)

7. What is awarded to the champion of the modern Olympic Games? (Olympic Gold Medal)

8. The motto of the Olympic Games? (Faster, higher, stronger)

9. Who initiated the start of the Olympic movement? (P. Coubertin)

10. What was awarded to the champion of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece? (Olive wreath) 10

11. How much gold does an Olympic medal contain? (At least 6 grams)

12. In what year will the Olympiad be held in Russia? (2014)

13. In which city will the Olympics be held in 2014? (Sochi)

14. Do children under 16 take part in the Olympiad? (No, only from 18)

15. Do women participate in the Olympiad? (Yes)

We will have to go through 5 stations today







Station: Routine of the Day.

The teams are given a scattered card with points of the day regime. (`Wake up`,` dinner`, `free time`,` breakfast`, `exercise`,` homework`,` walk`, `school`,` sleep`.) Teams must line up in the correct order.

Station "Attraction".

Rope walkers. The first team members put a bag of sand on their heads and, upon a signal, walk to the chair and back, pass the bag to the second participants, etc.

Station "Relay".

1 Running in hoops.

2 "Riders"

Sitting on a stick, we jump to the chip and back. Who is faster.

3 Contest "Towing".

At the signal, the first players of each team tow the hoop with the ball so that the ball remains in the hoop while moving. If you lose the ball, return it to the hoop and continue the task. The winner is the team whose players complete this task faster.

4 Skittles competition.

There are 2 skittles on the court, one for each team at a distance. One member leaves the class. At the signal of the presenter, the children must knock down the pin with a ball. The winner is the one who hits the most number of times the pin

Station "Guess-ka"

Solve the riddle about what health friends are. Riddles are made to teams. If none of the team guessed it, then the turn goes to the next team.

1.Two sisters are green in summer,

By the fall, one turns red

Another turns black (currant)

2 it is rich in carotene

And useful for the guys.

We will not drag from the ground again

For his green tail (carrots)

3.Round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch.

Adults love me

And little kids (apple).

4. Throw in the river - it does not sink,

You hit the wall - it doesn't moan,

You will throw winter,

Will fly upward (ball)

5.Wood horses gallop in the snow,

Do not fall into the snow (skis)

6.This horse does not eat oats,

There are 2 wheels instead of legs.

Sit astride and ride it

Just better steer (bike).

7.Bony back, stiff bristle

Friends with mint paste

Serves us diligently (toothbrush)

8.Lied in his pocket and watched - roaring, crying and filthy,

They will wipe away streams of tears, will not forget about the nose

Station "Konkursnaya".

Competition "Rope"

Several children come out of each class, and a competition is held among them. The winner is the one who jumps the rope the longest.

Contest "Good Habit".

In front of each team, on the opposite side of the chair, there are leaves and pens. You need to run to a chair, write useful tips for other teams on pieces of paper that help to strengthen and maintain health

Competition "Track".

"Track".Participates 10 people per class. Everyone jumps in length from the spot, the second starts from the heels of the first, the third from the heels of the second, etc. The team that jumped the farthest wins.

Competition "Laughter" American scientists have found that when a person laughs, almost three times more air enters his lungs. In addition, laughter is great for training the vocal cords. So laugh at your health!

Whose team will laugh more contagiously and will win the competition

Host: - Dear guys and guests! So our sports competitions are over. Now we will ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results and name the winners.

Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, energy and achieve longevity as long as possible.

We hope that today's meeting was not in vain, and that you learned a lot from it. After all, "You will be healthy - you will get everything!"

So be healthy!