Quotes about professions for schoolchildren. Statements of famous people. Writer Virginia Woolf on women in the profession

Statements, quotes and aphorisms about the profession

« How good it is when a person has the opportunity choose your profession not out of necessity, but in accordance with spiritual inclinations. " Apsheroni A.

« When it comes to the future, I repeat one thing: whatever you do, the main thing is to be committed to your cause to the end. It is not necessary to achieve some stellar success, but being honest with yourself in your chosen profession is a must.»De Niro R.

«… professions seem to us the most exalted, if they have taken deep roots in our hearts, if we are ready to sacrifice our life and all our aspirations to the ideas prevailing in them. They can make the one who has a vocation for them happy, but they doom to death the one who hastily, thoughtlessly, succumbing to the moment. " Marx K.

« A profession should initially be an act of love. And not a marriage of convenience. " Murakami H.

« Two things are very difficult to avoid: stupidity - if you become isolated in your specialty, and unreasonableness - if you leave it. " Goethe I.

« A vocation is a current, which is useful to create an obstacle at its source in order to see if it is a river or just a stream. " Decursel A.

« You cannot become a narrow specialist without becoming, in the strict sense, a fool

« Every profession is a conspiracy against the uninitiated. " Shaw B.

« And with unexpected sadness, I thought about the imperfection of the mechanism of human self-understanding, in which virtuoso accountants grieve about the failed fortunes of brave sailors, ingenious tailors regret the lost opportunities to become journalists, and prominent cardiologists believe that their talent could really blossom only on theatrical scaffold, - professional manke, as the French say. " The Weiner Brothers

« The most difficult profession is to be human. " Marty H.

« Here best adviceto give to young people: Find something you enjoy doing and then find someone to pay you for it. " Catherine Whitehorn

« A specialist is one who knows a lot about very little. " Butler N.

« If you want to start right from the top of your profession, invent your own profession. " Brillant E.

« A person should do his job as if he had nowhere to look for help. " Halifax D.

« The closest to the natural state of all those activities that can ensure the existence of a person is the work of his hands. Of all public positions the most independent from fate and from people - the position of an artisan. " Rousseau J.

« Each person, in my opinion, is a debtor to his profession. " Bacon F.

« High professionalism - creativity turned into a profession. " Ginzburg L.

« No highly paid professions with a great future, but there are professionals with a great future

« An engineer is a person; able to take theory and attach wheels to it. " Levinson L.

« Knowing the flip side of a profession or vocation is the price we pay for mastering professional skills. " Baldwin D.

« We do not learn to be artists, painters or writers - we learn to be. " McCartney P.

« If a profession becomes a way of life, then craft becomes an art. " Shevelev I.

« There are no unattractive specialties. There are only passive people who are not able to get carried away by what is in front of them.»Berg A.

« Happiness is the privilege of doing what seems important to you all day. One finds happiness in feeding his family. The other is a bank robbery. The third one can spend years on scientific work, the result of which is unclear. Pay attention to the individuality and subjectivity of the choice. There are no two identical cases - and there shouldn't be any. Every man and every woman should choose such an occupation for which they will be happy all day without raising their heads, and then there will be no fear of any professional burnout. »Heinlein R.


« Not choose a profession for money. You need to choose a profession like a wife - for love and for money.»Houston D.

« Honest bartender: one who earns a little less than the owner of the establishment. " Orben R.

« An engineer is a person who can explain how a device works, but cannot explain why it does not work.. " Thatcher M.

« Prompter, megalomaniac: prompts only the main roles. " Brudzinsky V.

« If a person had thirty-two eyes, ophthalmologists would be no poorer than dentists.»Gerchikov I.

« The profession of a futurist is unreliable. It can only be practiced until the end of the world. " Kumor A.

« A hero is the shortest profession ever. " Rogers W.

« People of the same profession rarely get together, even for fun, but their meetings end with a conspiracy against society or a plan to increase prices. " Smith A.

« The most widespread profession in Russia is a Difficulty Tester. " Yankovsky S.

« To each his own. Saint Francis of Assisi said: “Every saint will be able to perform a miracle, but not everyone will be able to decently manage a hotel"." Twain M.

« The waiter compiles the wrong account from the correct numbers; in this he differs from a statistician, who does the opposite. " Elgozi J.

« The executioner is paid for his work; in his own defense, he can say: “Everyone must live!”» Steinhaus H.

« If every child's dream comes true, our world will be filled with firefighters and police. " Vodicka G.

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  • « Labor is the father of pleasure"(F. Stendhal)
  • « One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work."(I. Kant)
  • « Work relieves us of three great evils: boredom, vice, need"(F. Voltaire)
  • « Idleness is the mother of vices and the source of strife"(D. Veras)
  • « The most outstanding talents are ruined by idleness"(M. Montaigne)
  • « Idleness is the joy of the foolish"(Chesterfield)
  • « Laziness is the daughter of wealth and the mother of poverty"(Decursel)
  • « Small business is better than big idleness "(Russian proverb)
  • « A person is fully human only while he is working"(M. Guyot)
  • « We always start to respect people more after
    how will we try to do their job
    "(W. Feder)
  • « A good person is not a profession» (paraphrased by Ilf and Petrov)
  • « No trades despised
    there are only despicable people who dishonestly deal with them
    "(P. Bouast)
  • « The master's case is afraid"(A. Suvorov)
  • « Mastery is when "what" and "how" come at the same time"(V. Meyerhold)
  • « There are several ways to set up gardens:
    the best of them is to entrust this business to the gardener
    "(K. Chapek)
  • « It is impossible to work for others without working for yourself"(Russo)
  • « A person should do his job in such a way
    as if he has nowhere to look for help
    "(D. Halifax)
  • “How good it is when a person has the opportunity to choose a profession
    not out of necessity,
    but in accordance with spiritual inclinations "(A. Apsheroni)
  • "It is not enough to have outstanding qualities, you must also be able to use them" (La Rochefoucauld)
  • “The purpose of life is self-expression.
    To fully manifest our essence is what we live for ”(O. Wilde)
  • "For some, work is life, for others it is only a means for life" (I. Shevelev)
  • “If a profession becomes a way of life, then a craft
    turns into art "(I. Shevelev)
  • “Any activity becomes creative when a person strives
    do your job
    more correct and better "(Update)
  • “Probably only one person in a thousand is passionate about their work as such.
    The only difference is that they will say about a man: "He is passionate about his work",
    but about a woman: "She's kind of strange" (D. Sayers)

  • "The one who wants to do more than the one who can" (G.Marry)
  • "The proof of the truth of any vocation is the love of the hard work it requires" (L.P. Smith)
  • “Don't choose a profession for money. You need to choose a profession ...
    for love and for money "(D. Houston
  • “Anyone who strives for money never finds it.
    But money will find you on its own if you do something interesting for you ”(M. Barshchevsky)
  • “… It is not necessary to achieve some stellar success,
    but being honest with yourself in your chosen profession is a must "(Robert De Niro)
  • "Labor is the father of happiness"(B. Franklin)

Eh, music! What a wonderful art! And what a crappy job!

Georges Bizet

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Find a job you like and your payoff is five days a week.

Jackson Brown Jr.

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A good person is not a profession. Paraphrased.

Ilf and Petrov

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There are no bad professions, but there are those that we are inferior to others.

Miguel Zamakois

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The writing prostitute is the oldest profession.

Evgeny Kascheev

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A person only becomes a master when he realizes that until the end of his life he will remain a beginner.

Robin Collingwood

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The dictator is the only profession available to the violently insane: here they are not threatened with a medical examination.


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A vocation is any poorly paid occupation that you choose yourself.

Mike Barfield

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They say that politics is the second oldest profession. But I came to the conclusion that she has much more in common with the first.

Ronald Reagan

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Being a star is not a profession, but an accident.

Lauren Beacall

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Here is the best advice you can give to young people: "Find something that you enjoy doing, and then find someone who will pay you for it."

Catherine Whitehorn

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And the most unpleasant profession gives moments of joy. If I, for example, were a gravedigger or even an executioner, I would not without pleasure serve someone.

Douglas Jerrold

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Probably only one person in a thousand is passionate about his work as such. The only difference is that about a man they will say: "He is passionate about his work", and about a woman: "She is somehow strange."

Dorothy Sayers

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7 minutes to comprehend

The proof of the truth of any vocation is the love of the hard work it requires.

Logan Pearsall Smith

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Chubais is already a profession.

Alexander Livshits

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I think any profession is flawed. A profession is a job Is man created for work?

Rinata Litvinova

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We always start to respect people more after we try to do their job.

William Feder

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The more women in any profession, the lower the remuneration for it.

John B. Cox

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The price you pay for mastering a profession is getting too close to its unpleasant sides.

James Baldwin

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If the military profession means anything at all, it must be based on an unshakable code of honor. Otherwise, those who follow the drums will be just a bunch of assassins.

Karl Clausewitz

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5 minutes to comprehend

Over time, people become less and less competent in a profession for which they were initially well prepared.

Paul Armer


Work and profession are integral parts of human life. By who a person works and how he does it, a lot can be said about his personality. Indeed, it is in this area that he expresses all his talents and qualities, positive and negative sides character. Not surprisingly, a lot has been said about occupation and work. The wisdom associated with this area of \u200b\u200blife can be learned from prominent personalities: politicians, economists, writers, poets and others.

F. Engels's opinion: on the violation of the professional code

The following quote about the profession was said by F. Engels, and it's hard to disagree with these words:

In fact, each class and even each profession has its own morality, which, moreover, they violate whenever they can do it with impunity.

Each profession has its own "code of honor", a set of rules that must be strictly observed. A classic example is the Hippocratic Oath. The simple commandment "do no harm" is, of course, followed by most medical practitioners. But among them there are those who, in the absence of strict guidance, may neglect this rule. This quote about the profession applies to any field of human activity. In addition to medical, other areas also have important laws and principles. Perhaps they are not expressed as succinctly as in medicine, but this does not negate the obligation to fulfill them.

Words by Bernard Shaw

Here's what it says about specifics professional activity B. Shaw:

Every profession is a conspiracy against the uninitiated.

When a person masters a specialty, begins to work in this area, gains more and more experience - over time he turns into a real "guru". And to the rest of people, his actions may seem like a kind of mystery that they would never have been able to comprehend.

That is why, in his quote about the profession, B. Shaw compares high professionalism with a "conspiracy." But in reality, every person who has reached heights in his field can be the bearer of his "conspiracy". Therefore, there is nothing shameful in not knowing how teeth are treated, computers are repaired or roads are repaired - the main thing is to be a professional in your field.

Writer Virginia Wolfe on women in the profession

A quote about the profession, written by the talented writer W. Wolfe, highlights the problem of female realization in the profession:

My profession is literature; and in this profession there are fewer difficulties for women than in all others, not counting only the theater - I mean specifically female difficulties.

Wolfe reminds women that full professional fulfillment is difficult for women. More often than not, this is the inability to achieve the same level of remuneration as claimed by men employed in the same field. Women have to constantly face discrimination, which makes it difficult to build a career, growth in their chosen field. But in our progressive age, this quote about the profession of W. Wolfe is gradually losing its meaning: more and more women are holding high political posts, and also working in those spheres that were traditionally considered male.

A few more sayings

You can find a lot of professions. All of them illuminate one side or another of this important aspect of human life. Consider a few more great quotes about the profession:

Two things are very difficult to avoid: stupidity - if you withdraw into your specialty, and groundlessness - if you leave it. Goethe

A one-sided specialist is either a gross empiricist or a learned charlatan. N. Pirogov

It works well when you love your profession and do it with enthusiasm. Yuri Gagarin

It's just a profession. The grass grows, the birds fly, the waves wash the sand, I hit people. Mohammed Ali

All professions are from people, and only three are from God: teacher, judge and doctor. Socrates

At the age of six I wanted to become a cook, at seven - Napoleon, and then my ambitions grew constantly. Salvador Dali

They say that politics is the second oldest profession. But I came to the conclusion that she has much more in common with the first. R. Reagan

About choosing a field

Perhaps one of the most important steps in a person's life is the choice of a professional field. The decision that a boy or girl makes in their youth influences their entire subsequent path. Parents and teachers tell young people that the main thing in their youth is the choice of a profession, the choice of a path. Quotes and Sayings famous people help to understand the peculiarities of accepting this difficult decision.

For example, V. Mayakovsky's statement is known:

All works are good - choose the taste.

Each work is attractive in its own way. A young man has a huge number of options to choose from - you just need to decide on by their own desires... But here contradictions often begin: should one be guided by a financial criterion in that choice? Or do you need to choose a job at the behest of the soul, and not according to the amount of future wages? The following quote about the choice of a profession by the American director J. Houston allows us to understand this:

Don't choose a profession for money. The profession should be chosen as a wife: for love and for money.

Yes, these words have a humorous connotation. But there is some truth in them. Some say that money is not important - you must certainly work by calling. Others believe that vocation is secondary, and a person should be ready for any kind of work. But in reality, it is important both to get pleasure from work and a decent financial reward. In this case, a person's life will be happier, which means that he will serve other people through his activities better.

Topic: Choosing a profession - choosing the future.

Goal: familiarization with the principle of informed choice of profession, reasonable planning professional career taking into account the needs of personal self-determination in the real labor market; to broaden the students' understanding of various professions; induce awareness professional choice; to help schoolchildren in understanding the specifics of the future labor activity.

Equipment: multimedia equipment (laptop, projector), slides on the topic, poster "Professions".

Course of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.Reading by children withslide lines of the epigraph of the occupation, sayings, proverbs about work, choosing a profession. Defining a theme class hour.

My years are growing

will be seventeen.

Where do I work then

what to do?...(Vladimir Mayakovsky "Who to be?")

The most unfortunate of people is the one for whom there was no work in the world.(Thomas Carlyle)

Take what you are good for.(Proverb)

A true treasure for people is the ability to work... (Aesop)

  1. Introductory remarks by the class teacher.

We met again today to talk about your future.

Do you want to be happy?

People have been looking for a formula for happiness for a long time. One of these formulas sounds like this:« Happy is the one who happily goes to work in the morning and happily returns home in the evening. "

You can cut a rug of bread in half and each half will remain as tasty as all the bread, only it will be half as much. But if someone is doing well at home, but at work somehow or very badly, half of the happiness will not work.Half of the happiness is already unhappiness.

- That is why it is so important to choose the right profession.

3. Choosing a profession is a serious matter!

What do you think influences the choice of a profession? Let's try to the phrase"choice of profession" pick up factors.

On the slide: "Choice of profession - ability, - state of health, - advice from parents, - interests of friends, - profession of loved ones, - salary".

Of course, other factors also influence the choice of profession. But, in general, in order to make the right informed choice of profession, and not to make mistakes in the future, it is necessary, first of all, to study oneself, one's abilities, and possibilities.

Tell me, what professions start their day early in the morning?(Answers of children.)

The chauffeur doesn't like to sleep long

A little light the driver gets up.

He hurries to his car,

To start the engine.

Everywhere the chauffeur's affairs await -

To all ends of the Earth!

He is ready to carry bricks,

So that the city grows.

As soon as the dawn broke -

The baker has risen

So that you rosy roll

Could eat.

Ask the sun and the earth

Ask the fast rivers:

"Who's starting a new day?"


- And what professions do people work while you are fast asleep?(Answers of children.)

The world of professions is huge, there are more than 50 thousand of them, and about five hundred new ones appear annually and the same number disappears or changes. This is due to the rapid development of science and information technologies... Recently, many professions that require heavy physical labor have disappeared. But the profession "cosmonaut" has existed for only 40 years, but along with this, such as "designer", "marketer", "brand manager", "image maker", "merchandiser", "realtor", etc. have recently appeared.(Slide.)

The word "profession" comes from two Latin words: "professio" - the officially indicated occupation, specialty and "profiteоr" - I declare my business.

Profession - a type of work activity that requires some training and is usually a source of livelihood.

Specialty - type of occupation within the framework of one profession.

Position official duty, office space.For instance: profession-teacher, specialty-teacher of mathematics, teacher primary grades and etc.

Qualification –The level of professional skill.(Slide.)

Guys, what is the name of a person who knows his job well and does it skillfully?(Slide - pro.)

- What qualities should a professional have?(High efficiency, diligence, responsibility, organization, discipline.)

What do you think will happen if all the dairies in the world suddenly increase their output, and all the stores are filled with milk, sour cream, yogurt?(These products will be very difficult to sell, they will start to deteriorate, disappear, which means that someone's labor, money, profit will be lost).

It is the same in the labor market. If some specialists graduate more than necessary, they cannot find work, and unemployment sets in. Profession, specialty, qualification - this is what a person sells in the labor market. From time to time, some professions become very necessary, prestigious, and some become a thing of the past.

Task number 1. "ABC of Professions"

I propose to make you lists of professions: 1 - "professions that are always needed" (doctor, teacher, cook, livestock breeder, accountant ...), 2 - "the most courageous professions" (stuntman, firefighter, astronaut, miner, test pilot ...) , 3 - "the most fashionable specialties" (president, journalist, TV presenter, top model, lawyer ...), 4 - "the most forgotten professions"(Coachman, chimney sweep, groom, valet, cooper ...).(Slides.)

Of course, we have not listed all the professions with you. But when choosing our specialty, we focus not on the whole world, but on the society that surrounds us, on the country in which we live, on our capabilities and abilities.

Life goes on. Already spaceships become passenger, and soon people will fly into space for a walk. And computers cell Phones have already become objects of our everyday life. In any case, despite the technical progress, your work now is study. But the question of choosing a future specialty should be one of the most important for you on the verge of graduation. And studying at school will soon be replaced by other work - professional.

How to navigate the diverse world of professions?

Requirements for a person by profession.

When a young man chooses a profession for himself, he is interested in making his profession popular with employers not only today, but also in 10-20 years. It is calledthe stability of demand for the profession.

Along with the professions of a doctor, builder, teacher, etc., the transport, chemical industry, high technologies, communications, communications, new professions at the intersection of traditional ones, economic management, social sphere... At the same time for professional success at the present stage of development of society personal qualities, communication skills, motivation of a person to work, readiness to continuously improve their professionalism, to change are becoming more important than the traditionally understood volume of knowledge.

An indicator of the stability of demand for a profession is the number of jobs in a particular specialty available at different enterprises in the region and the region. The achievement of the goal depends on the desire of a person, determination and will.

The main factors or conditions for choosing a profession are aspects of informed professional plan, which takes into account the interests, state of health, the ability of the person choosing a profession and the needs of society in personnel.

Conventionally, these components of the formula for the correct informed choice of a profession can be designated as“I want”, “I can”, “I must”.(Slide diagram).

"Want" - interests and inclinations.

Interest - the desire to learn about an object or phenomenon, the desire to study it.

Inclinations - the desire to engage in any specific activity. Interests and inclinations may or may not coincide with each other, may be directed towards one, several, many types of activity.

"I can" - abilities, state of health.

Abilities - individual abilities of a person, ensuring the success of performing any activity, ease of assimilation and mastery of this activity, creative capabilities of a person.

"Must" - the needs of society for personnel.

Society needs specialists in various professions. Choosing a profession, you need to coordinate your choice with the need social production in frames.

The combination of these three important aspects when thinking about a professional plan will help determine the best ways to choose a profession for each person, which is extremely important for the current labor market conditions.

General structure of vocational education.

The profession can be obtained in various types of educational institutions, depending on what level of professional education you choose. Vocational education is primary, secondary and higher.

Initial vocational education (NGO)- represented by lyceums, vocational schools, which provide a working specialty.

Secondary vocational education (SVE) allows you to become a mid-level specialist in most professions of the executive or creative class. Secondary vocational education can be obtained with basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education. At the same time, if a person already has a secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, then he can receive a secondary vocational education according to reduced accelerated programs.

Higher professional education represented by state and non-stateUniversities.

Task number 2. "All works are good."

Before you people of different specialties(slides). Determine which ones?

Task number 3. "Who I want to be".

But what specialties do you dream of! Let's smile and fantasize a little!(Photoshop slides. The faces of the guys are superimposed on the pictures of different specialists - according to the results of the survey, questionnaires).

5. Lesson summary.

What is a profession?(occupation ...)

What is needed first of all to get a profession?(education)

What do we hope for by getting this or that profession?(the profession will bring joy, provide us financially)

What else should you consider when choosing a profession?(so that interests, inclinations, abilities, desires and capabilities coincide)

What is specialty and position?

With what thoughts do you leave the classroom hour? Do you think it is necessary to carry out such work on vocational guidance among schoolchildren? And at what age is it better to start?

And life is a game, and we are all actors in it.

Each has its own role:

Hero, criminal il saint -

Sometimes we decide for ourselves

Who to be, who to become

Decide destiny

Or just go with the flow

Lead or be led.

But everyone can change

The story of your destiny

Make your dreams come true

And choose the right path.

You will also choose ...

After all, it's up to everyone to decide

You guys, young, smart, courageous and persistent, should submit to life and bring success, recognition and a great sense of joy and satisfaction because of what you will do for yourself and for people. Happy is the person who does what he loves, who has chosen the right profession.

“If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness itself will find you” (KD Ushinsky).