Sayings about your favorite job. Quotes about the favorite work of famous people. Aphorisms from philosophers

Let those who do not know anything else work.

The less you are going to do, the more you should talk about it.

Whoever gets up early has not yet been fired.

A good job is when you earn much less than you get.

We know how to harness! If only they had fed.

Hands growing out of the ass can only reach for the chair.

Usually, those who are best at work are better at not working.

If money is paid for it, then it is work.

There are usually two cashiers working in a bank on my street - of course, if there are not many people. If there are many people, only one works.

Beautiful phrases about work

Everyone needs competent workers, but nobody needs too competent workers.

Work, work - and understanding will come later.

Coming back from work, you should feel satisfaction in the work itself and in the fact that the world needs it. With that, life is heaven, and it's as close as you can reach. Without it - with a job that you hate, which is sheer boredom, and which the world does not need - your life is hell.

The most beautiful phrases about work

The chef is always right. It is human nature to make mistakes.

Work was feared under socialism, unemployment under capitalism.

Work is the last refuge of those who can no longer do anything.

A sensible boss has a deputy always clever.

The committee is twelve people doing the work of one.

Don't worry if something is wrong. If everything worked as it should, you would be out of work.

Homework can kill you if done right.

A new broom sweeps well - an old broom.

No activity can be solid if it does not have a basis in self-interest.

It is awful that eternity consists of reporting periods.

Try to achieve the impossible if you want your work to be better.

You work, you work ... And instead of "thank you" to you - "when will it be ready?"

Leading is not getting in the way good people work.

Download beautiful phrases about work

One head is good, but two is already a swelling of the managerial staff.

There is no harder job than trying to look pretty from eight in the morning until midnight.

Love your neighbor, he can become your boss.

There is a growing interest in year-round employment as Santa Claus.

If the head boils, then everything burns in the hands.

Often, the professionalism that is visible from afar, when approached, is removed.

First you try to find justice, and when you find it, you look for another job.

A year is a period of three hundred and sixty-five worker disappointments.

And I myself hated all the work on which I worked under the sun, because I will leave it to man, what will happen after, and who knows whether he will be wise or stupid - but will own my works.

The work of the mind knows no unemployment.

Who does not want to do anything in life, he only works for this all his life.

Not observing employees means leaving your wallet open for them.

If you don't like your boss, put yourself in his shoes.

They earn for bread with their hands, and for butter with their heads.

The very best workers are not good for the highest positions, but they are good in secondary roles.

Not great, but does not order to lie.

The client cannot just be satisfied. The client must be satisfied!

Any work is difficult until you love it, and then - it excites and becomes easier.

The harder the job, the easier it is to get a job.

The leader's credo: the main thing is to make a decision, and you can always justify it! ..

The smaller the gear, the more it has to turn.

I work all week, and I don’t do anything on weekends either.

From the instructions of the chief: I came, saw, fired ...

Funny beautiful phrases about work

Let them think what they want, as long as they pay.

To stay in place, you need to grow to it.

Not that there is a lot of work, but that care, as there is none.

The best labor protection for employers is OMON and Spetsnaz, and the best labor protection for employees is caring for people.

People who serve the interests of their clients well are those who thereby serve themselves.

Who crawls before the higher, himself tramples those who are below him.

Work is sometimes a kind of fishing in places where there are certainly no fish.

My secretary is always nice and patient with me when I come to work after a tiring day at home.

I won't do my job for you!

Work is like riding a bicycle: if you stop pedaling, hit the ground.

It is difficult to eradicate shortcomings while their roots are in the head of the boss.

The boss should be listened to even when he is silent.

The most dangerous whim is to think that you can do everything and that everyone needs you!

Not your cart, you don't have to carry it.

Other oppression on others only to begin to arch it faster.

If you don't want to work for the third day, then today is Wednesday.

Stunning beautiful phrases about work

Work is running from demons.

Only stuntmen, in order to earn their bread, break into a cake ...

Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest.

He was treated like a spare wheel of a car: considered necessary, but held in the back.

You cannot gain something without the other person losing something.

You cannot serve beauty and power at the same time.

True performance always gives maximum results with minimum effort; tension, on the contrary, gives rather large results only with abnormal efforts. Not only are tension and performance not the same thing, but the exact opposite. To work hard is to make the best possible effort; to work productively means to make minimal efforts.

Work is not a wolf. But the boss is a beast.

The day has many hours, and you can only use this time for work. So why work hard for money! Learn to make money and people work for you, and you can be free and do what is more important.

To work is to be a slave.

Difficulties await where you try to simplify.

Sometimes it is necessary to sweep out old brooms.

The best statuses and aphorisms about work

M I didn't really like my last job, but my mother said that working as a sofa driver all my life is impossible.

X ochu to work ... at the opera ... came ... screamed ... and everything ... went home ...)

AND Do you know the difference between "AT WORK" and "WORK"?

T ore fuck

IN I just can't get used to the fact that when the boss asks me "how are you?", he means with him, not with me ...

Have work has three pluses: Friday, salary and vacation.

H The boss comes to work on time on the day you are late and is late on the days when you arrive on time

F You just wait for the end of the working day, you come home, and then - bam! - and the second shift in the kitchen!

R I don't want to work, but every day greed wins over laziness.

TO How much tedious work the mind of the bosses prepares for us ...

FROM If you are sweating brightly, do not forget to show yourself to your superiors.

H Take time to rest, as work is always there and life tends to end.

IN poured into new team... I especially liked their tradition: any comment from the chef is considered a toast.

Have surprise your boss. Come to work on time.

FROM I have a tough job - assignments are given as smart, and the salary is given as a fool ...

ABOUT I love my job ... Three stacks of papers. The first one needs to be done urgently, the second one very urgently, and the third one yesterday!

TO he gets up early, he hasn't been cut yet ...

ABOUT it seems that Chukovsky wrote about my work: "And such rubbish all day - the seal will call, then the deer"

P pretend to be a fool - please your boss ...

H To work normally - click now the cross in the upper right corner ...

P seasonal work in the office: hibernation ... spring vitamin deficiency ... summer indifference ... autumn depression ...

P Oh, I’m pregnant - I’m sick of work and drawn to the salty sea!

TO When the boss says, "We need to bleed our nose," he never means his nose.

P to file:
С: \\ Crap at work \\ Hemorrhoids \\ Stupid clients \\ Non-payers \\ Oh ... who have eaten \\ Dear Sergey Anatolyevich. doc

FROM The most difficult thing for women to get a job! Everybody needs 18 year old girls with 30 years of work experience, with two educations and adult children!

R ABOTA, WORK - go to Fedot, from Fedot to his brother, and their salary to me!

ABOUT troubles at work in Russian: at 12:00 everyone was blown away by the shops. At 13:00 everyone returned and sat down to dinner.

M We are not afraid of work: no work - we go to bed, if we have work, we also sleep ...

FROM mocking - a break between arbayten.

E If you want to go from home to work in the morning, and go home from work in the evening, then you have neither a normal home nor a normal job.

E If you are late for work, then at least go home early

"B l @ db "is not a swear word, but the sound with which the Internet is turned off in our office ...

FROM The most useful thing that I have done at work lately - greased the door so that it was not heard how I was leaving an hour earlier!

X We are working well here: movies folder - 520 Gb, music folder - 250 Gb. Folder work - 30 Kb ...

E If an employee sits idle for 10 minutes at work, then he automatically goes into sleep mode

H To make a living, you have to work. But to get rich, you have to come up with something else.

L the best job is a hobby that also pays well!

FROM The most reliable plan: "Bullshit, we'll figure it out on the spot!

E If the thought is not born for a long time, the boss comes and does the caesarean.

Have build a flash mob - yawn in the morning at work.

TO end working week Is a small orgasm!

M the boss doesn't seem to be looking at me and thinking, "This device can work faster."

B Lin, I haven't worked in the office for so long that I forgot how to lay out the scarf.

P go to work or sleep? Sleep or go to work? I'll go to work and sleep !!!

R I work according to the schedule: day through force.

D go to sea ... Ass on a chair.

Have my work has a hidden meaning ... so hidden that even I cannot find it.

I I work as a leading engineer. And I rest ... as a housewife. In short, I'm not resting at all!

H I don’t want to live in Paris ... Firstly, I don’t know French, ... and secondly, to travel far to work ...

E If I don’t do anything at work, it doesn’t mean that I don’t worry about it

IN Monday I don't want to go to work in two cases: if I didn't have time to have a good rest over the weekend, and if I had time to have a good rest over the weekend

E If you are offered a flexible work schedule, it means that you will be bent over at the first opportunity.

TO No matter how you twist it, it won't do any good until you nail it to your hoof and start plowing!

"I I will always choose a lazy person to do hard work, because he will find easy way its implementation ”.
Bill Gates

Z Do you know how to have a rest with the whole team on one ticket? Dump and buy a ticket for the chef.

AND I should at least carry bricks ... if only lying down

FROM I'll have lunch now. I will gain strength. And how do I start ... want to sleep.

R The working day is divided into "before lunch" and "before leaving".

Z You go to the site in the morning ... and you see that everyone is already at their workplaces.

FROM The best thing about work is going home


Hello dear ladies and gentlemen!

In this post we will touch upon the topic of work, namely, we will find out what great people think about this.

Quotes about work:

When people are busy with work, they have a better mood. © Benjamin Franklin

Work is the best medicine for all troubles. © Ernest Hemingway

I had no working days or days off. I just did and enjoyed it.

© Thomas Edison

Make your work life filled, not work life. © Kurt Cobain

Enjoy what you are doing and you will never work in your life. © Bill Gates

To live is to work. Labor is the life of man.© Voltaire

It's amazing how important your job is when you have to take time off from it, and how unimportant it is when you ask for a raise. © Robert Orben

Work is sometimes something like fishing in places where there is obviously no fish
© Jules Renard

There is only one kind of work that does not cause depression, and that is work you don’t have to do. © Georges Elgozi

Anyone is capable of doing any job, provided that it does not need to be started now. © Robert Benchley

Those who are active as a bee during the day, strong as a bull, work hard like a horse and come home tired as a dog in the evening should consult a veterinarian - there is a high probability that he is a donkey. © Narodnaya Wisdom

Find a job that you like - this will add five days to each week. © Jackson Brown

Most people work most of the time to live, and the little free time they have is so disturbing to them that they do their best to get rid of it. © Johann Goethe

Work is what a person is obliged to do, and Play is what he is not obliged to do. Therefore, making artificial flowers or carrying water in a sieve is work, and knocking down pins or climbing Mont Blanc is fun. © Mark Twain

In essence, work is no different from alcohol and pursues the same goal: to distract, forget, and most importantly, hide from oneself. © Aldous Huxley

: A person who knows HOW will always have a job. A person who knows WHY will always be his boss.

Charles Baudelaire:
The hardest work is the one we hesitate to start: it becomes a nightmare.
Karl Lagerfeld:
Do what makes you happy. Forget about money or other traps that are considered success. If you are happy working in the village shop, go to work. Remember you only have one life.
Dmitry Nagiyev:
They earn their daily bread with their hands, and for butter - with their head.
Konstantin Melikhan:
The harder the job, the easier it is to get a job.
Arnold Toynbee:
The right time to start your next job is not tomorrow or next week, but right now.
Arnold Toynbee:
There is no achievement higher than making the line between work and play indistinguishable.
Benjamin Franklin :
Force your own work; don't wait for her to force you.
Heinrich Heine:
There are two remedies to overcome the worst suffering: opium and work.
Tristan Bernard:
It is not important to be able to work well, it is important to be able to report well.
Lee Kuan Yew:
We needed to foster a new attitude towards work, the most important part of which was that wages should depend on the results of the work, and not on the time spent on it.
A.I. Solzhenitsyn:
Work is like a stick, there are two ends in it: for people you do - give quality, for a boss you do - give a show.
Georges Elgozi:
There is only one kind of work that does not cause depression, and that is work you don’t have to do.
Georges Elgozi:
Usually, those who are best at work are better at not working.
Larry Page:
Work should be a challenge, and testing should be fun.
M.S. Gorbachev:
Better work tomorrow than today!
Stas Yankovsky:
It's good when your boss notices how you work. The only bad thing is that it happens when you are not working.
Stas Yankovsky:
If work is not a wolf, then why are many so afraid of it?
Stas Yankovsky:
It's nice when I did a great job, and it's useful when I get paid.
Marilyn Monroe :
Love and work are the only things worthwhile in life. Work is a kind of love.
Albert Camus:
Genius may be just a passing chance. Only work and will can give her life and turn her to glory.
Thomas Eliot:
Young people get tired by the end of work, old people - by the beginning.

There is always not enough time to get the job done right, but there is time to redo it. Mesquian's law

The whole load falls on the diligent horse. Thomas Fuller

Choose a profession that you love - and you will not have to work a day in yours. Confucius

If the head boils, then everything burns in the hands.

A living failure is better than a dead masterpiece. D.B. Show

It is better to do a small part of the job perfectly than to do it ten times more badly. Aristotle

In times of need, business people are more useful than virtuous ones. F. Bacon

Not observing employees means leaving your wallet open for them.

State service is the last refuge of the sloven. Boyce Penrose

Labor is not a virtue, but an inevitable condition for a virtuous life. L. Tolstoy

There are never great things without great difficulties. Voltaire

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. B. Franklin

As soon as you imagine that you are not able to complete a certain task, from that moment its implementation becomes impossible for you. B. Spinoza

As movement awakens the appetite, so labor stimulates the thirst for pleasure. F. Chesterfield

Waking up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening, before falling asleep: “What have I done?”. Pythagoras

If you don't like your boss, put yourself in his shoes.

We pretend to work because they pretend to pay us.

A person who works with his hands is a worker; a person who works with his hands and head is an artisan; but a man who works with his hands, his head and his heart is a master of his craft. Louis Nizer

Work relieves us of three great evils: boredom, vice, and want. Voltaire

The hand is a tool of tools. Aristotle

Career is a wonderful thing, but it can't warm anyone on a cold night. Marilyn Monroe

Believe me, only he is familiar with spiritual pleasure, Who acquired it through labor and patience. Goethe I.

They earn for bread with their hands, and for butter with their heads.

The very best workers are not good for the highest positions, but they are good in secondary roles.

The client cannot just be satisfied. The client must be satisfied!

The harder the job, the easier it is to get a job.

You cannot gain something without the other person losing something.

The day has many hours, and you can only use this time for work. So why work hard for money! Learn to make money and people work for you, and you can be free and do what is more important.

Difficulties await where you try to simplify.

Society is divided into two large classes: those who work to live, and those who live to make others work.

Small business is commerce, medium business is a commercial policy, big business is politics.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness itself will find you. Ushinsky K. D.

Those who work sitting and those who work standing receive much less than those who work for themselves.

A good boss is the beginning of all beginnings, and a bad boss is the end of all beginnings.

Who understood life - quit work.

You are not paid for the hour, you are paid for the value that you create in that hour.

The difficult must be made habitual, the familiar easy, and the easy pleasant.

. Only two incentives make people work: thirst wages and - fear of losing it.

If you don't get it, it means that nobody needs your work.

Labor that is pleasant to us heals grief. Shakespeare W.

A person who is not busy with business can never enjoy complete happiness; you will always find an imprint of discontent and apathy on the face of an idler.

Thinking is the most difficult job. Apparently, this is why so few people are engaged in it.

Work is valued by the results of labor, not by accumulated fatigue!

Not all quitters agree to sedentary work - others require recumbent work.

Whoever gets up early, God gives.

If you want to work, go to sleep and everything will pass.

Physical labor helps to forget about moral suffering. La Rochefoucauld F.

He who does no more than what he is paid for will never get more than what he gets.

A person only achieves something there, where he believes in his own strength.

Talented workers are appreciated, and executive and obedient -.

Work, don't be afraid of me - I won't touch you!

Work when you're sad is the only way to dispel sadness. Work so as not to fall into melancholy: nothing relieves you of a dull emptiness like work. Work when you are successful: there is no cure for dizziness other than work. Becher I.

To live like a human being, you need to be paid like a god.

Making a profit without risk, gaining experience without being in danger, being rewarded without working is as impossible as living without being born.

Each profession has its own subtleties that are not visible to amateurs.

To live right is to work. When the machine is idle, rust begins to corrode it.

In any organization, work gravitates towards the lowest level of the hierarchy.

In our life, as in mathematics: the sum of their irresponsibility does not change from the change of places of the bosses.

Qualification is what is required of inferior employees. A lack of qualifications is required from senior officials.

If everyone knew how to work, there would be no one to lead.

Children should learn to work with their hands, not elbows.

Those on a salary can afford to sit, lie and even sleep at work.

Don't let anyone or anything make decisions for you.

The most important thing in every business is to overcome the moment when you don't feel like working. I.P. Pavlov

The other in the second place glitters, and its brilliance is reflected in the one who takes the first place.

Loafers can be divided into two categories: a car without an engine, an engine without a car.

If in business they always agree with each other, then one of them is superfluous.

For results that exceed your expectations, don't expect much.

Don't expect anyone to do even the smallest work for you. The people around you are super-lazy and even more deceitful.