Certificate 1c accounting 8.3. Frequently asked questions about 1C: Professional certification. What does 1C: Professional certification give?

Certificate "1C: Professional" is an official confirmation that its owner can effectively use in his work the full range of capabilities of the most common automation programs for accounting, operational trade and warehouse accounting and payroll.

Certification exams (tests) can be taken in partner organizations of 1C that have the status of Authorized Certification Centers (ACC). There are such centers in many cities of Russia, which is very convenient, since those who wish can take the exam in their city. One of such partners of 1C in Vladimir is the Kizhi company, which has the status of the 1C Certified Training Center (CSO) and the 1C Authorized Certification Center (ACS).

The certificate confirms that its owner has the knowledge and skills to:

Install and prepare the 1C: Enterprise software for operation.
To increase the efficiency of the accounting department and the efficiency of accounting by using the full range of capabilities of automation programs.
Avoid mistakes in working with accounting, financial, trade and warehouse information, reduce the time for preparing internal and external reporting.
Customize the program on your own in case of changes in legislation or in the accounting methodology.
Minimize system downtime and reduce total costs for her support.
Administer the system, ensure data safety, prevent unauthorized access to data. This will reduce the risk of losing or leaking important information.
Organize information interaction with other departments using the components of the 1C: Enterprise software system.

In our training center you can be certified by 1C: Professional:

After receipt of payment to the ACS account, an individual test will be ordered for you at 1C.

The exam is taken on a computer in real time. For all exams, the test consists of 14 questions on different topics and aspects of using the program. For each question, several answer options are offered, from which you must choose the most complete and correct one. The general time limit for answering all questions is set at 30 minutes. At the same time, the time for answering each individual question is not limited.

Immediately after completing the test task, you will be informed of the result. When successful delivery exam within 1-2 weeks a personalized certificate "1C: Professional" comes.

To receive a positive assessment ("Pass"), you must correctly answer 12 of 14 questions within the established time limit of 30 minutes. The order of answering questions, the time spent on individual questions, corrections made in the course of answering questions, repeated appeal to the same questions - they do not affect the result. An early answer to all questions of the assignment is also not taken into account when evaluating the results.

Attention! To receive positive result based on the results of certification testing, it is necessary to have knowledge of the selected configuration at the user level. To do this, we recommend taking one of the training courses at the Kizhi Training Center (CSO). In addition, to prepare for the exam, it is recommended to use the documentation supplied with the software products, as well as tutorials.

The 1C: Professional certificate confirms that its owner possesses the knowledge and skills that allow:

  • Install and get ready to go software system of programs "1C: Enterprise"
  • To increase the efficiency of enterprise management as a whole, its accounting, personnel service and sales departments, efficiency and quality of accounting due to the use of the full range of capabilities of automation programs
  • Avoid mistakes in working with accounting, financial, trade and warehouse information, reduce the time for preparing internal and external reporting.
  • Customize the program on your own in case of changes in legislation or in the accounting methodology.
  • Minimize system downtime and reduce overall support costs.
  • Administer the system, ensure data safety, prevent unauthorized access to data.
  • To organize information interaction with other departments using the components of the 1C: Enterprise software system, to ensure the prompt passage of information.

What editions are used for exam "1C: Professional":

Exam title Editorial staff
"1C: Accounting 8" 3.0
"1C: Trade Management 8" 11.3
"1C: Salary and personnel management 8" 3.1
"1C: Management manufacturing enterprise 8" 1.3
Knowledge of the features and the use of budgeting in applied solutions of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system 1.2
Knowledge of the implementation and application of IFRS in applied solutions of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system 1.2
Knowledge of the basic capabilities of applied solutions of the 1C: Medicine line 2.0
"1C: Holding Management 8" 1.1
"1C: Retail 8" 2.0
"1c accounting state institution 8" 2.0
"1C: Salary and personnel of a public institution 8" 3.0
"1C: Document flow 8" 2.1
According to the database "1C: Document Management Methodology"
"1C: Management of our company 8" 1.6
"1C: Budgetary reporting 8" 1.0
"1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8" 2.0
"1C: General education institution" 1.0
"1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" 2.4
On the subsystem "International financial accounting" in "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" 2.4
"1C: University PROF" 2.0
"1C: College PROF" 1.1
"1C: ERP Management construction organization 2 " 2.4
On the subsystem "International financial accounting" in "1C: Holding Management 8" 1.3
"1C: Consolidation 8" 1.2

To pass the exam, you must:

  • Apply for an exam in 1C: SEC of your city
  • Get an invoice to pay for the exam in 1C: SEC. The recommended exam cost is 800 rubles.
  • Pay for the exam and take an individual test

The exam is carried out in the form of testing on a computer. Each test consists of 14 questions dedicated to various topics and aspects of using the program. For each question, several answer options are offered, from which you must choose one - the most complete and correct. The time limit for each test is 30 minutes. At the same time, the time for answering each individual question is not limited.

The result of the exam is evaluated on a two-point scale "Pass" - "Not Pass". To receive a positive rating, you must correctly answer 12 of 14 questions within the established time limit of 30 minutes.

The test result is known immediately after the end of the test. If the task is completed successfully, a certificate from 1C will be sent to the certification center in 1-2 weeks.

Information taken from the site of the company "1C".

In December 2000, SPC INFA-Education, for the first time in Stavropol and Stavropol Territory, received new status - an authorized certification center of the 1C company. ()

What does 1C: Professional certification give?

Looking through the advertisements for the employment of accountants and managers of trade services, you can make sure that knowledge of the "1C: Accounting" programs and other programs of the "1C: Enterprise" system is becoming almost a standard requirement. As the results of independent studies of the accounting labor market carried out by the Center for Economic Research and Development "Business-Programs-Service" show, knowledge of the "1C" programs significantly increases the likelihood of quick employment for an accountant.

Certification gives the user: 1) official confirmation of high qualifications, experience and skills in working with the most massive programs for automation of management and accounting; 2) advantages in promotion or employment; 3) respect and trust of management and employees; 4) confidence in their knowledge and abilities.

Certification gives an enterprise: 1) objective criteria for assessing professional abilities when hiring employees, promoting them in their service or encouraging them; 2) reducing the time and money spent on education and training of employees of accounting and sales services; 3) quality improvement enterprise work, minimization of risks and problems.

What is confirmed by the certificate "1C: Professional"

Certification exam

The exam is taken on a computer. For all exams, the test consists of 14 questions on different topics and aspects of using the program. For each question, several answer options are offered, from which you must choose the most complete and correct one. The general time limit for answering all questions is set at 30 minutes. At the same time, the time for answering each individual question is not limited.

The exam results are assessed on a two-point scale "Pass" - "Not Pass". To get a positive rating "Pass", you must correctly answer 12 of 14 questions within the established time limit of 30 minutes. The order of answering questions, the time spent on individual questions, corrections made in the course of answering questions, repeated appeal to the same questions - do not affect the result. An early answer to all questions of the assignment is also not taken into account when evaluating the results. In case of unsuccessful delivery, another attempt is given (in total, no more than two attempts within the framework of one contract - 800 rubles).

If the examinee does not agree with the result of the 1C: Professional exam, it is allowed if certain conditions and procedures are met.

How to Prepare for the Certification Exam

To prepare for the certification exam, it is recommended to use the documentation supplied with the software products, as well as a study guide - according to the corresponding program with examples of solutions. The names of specific tutorials can be found on the 1C website. You can order a set of questions for testing 1C: Professional at the following link

You can pick up the ordered textbooks in our center (see contacts). For self-confidence, it is recommended to go through the 1C website.

In our center there are courses "Preparation for testing 1C: Professional for 1C: Accounting 8" and "Preparation for testing 1C: Professional for 1C: Platform 8" in the amount of 30 acad. hours. More detailed information in the price list.

For preparation, you can also use the 1C: Training Testing simulator. The cost of such training is 2100 rubles / month. By purchasing a payment card for the Internet course "1C: Educational Testing", you can take any test indefinitely in 30 days and at the same time memorize (or learn, or mark in the purchased set of questions) the correct answers to the test. Please note that correct answers are shown only to those questions that you tried to answer. Not available in the database full list questions and answers, each new test is randomly generated from the database. You can order a payment card for the Internet course "1C: Educational Testing" at the following link:

You can pick up the delivered payment card for the Internet course "1C: Educational Testing" in our center. At your request, we can send you the PIN-code of the payment card to your e-mail within 2 working days from the date of payment.

Conditions for passing the certification exam

If you have any problems with filling, please contact us (see contacts). Within one working day, the center receives a password for a test task, and you can get certified.

Certification takes place on-line only in our training center under the guidance of an administrator at the same time that was indicated in the application. The password for the task is not sent by e-mail and passed to the performer immediately before testing. The password gives access to the exam only once. Before admitting the user to the exam, the administrator must familiarize him with the rules for passing the tests. The administrator is located in the room (next to the users' workstations) all the time during the exams. It ensures that exam users follow the rules below. The user is not allowed to:

  • Conversations with other users and strangers and use their knowledge in any form,
  • Use your own records, literature and reference materials, laptop computers and electronic notebooks, other media,
  • Carry on workplace briefcases, diplomats, bags, cell Phones, pagers, other unauthorized materials and things,
  • Copy questions and / or answers, move them out of the testing area, or discuss with other candidates.
  • At the end of the time allotted for passing the exam, or at early completion, the test result is issued. In case of unsuccessful delivery, another attempt is given. If the attempt is successful, the certificate will be sent from 1C within 3-4 weeks. Simultaneously with the issuance of the first 1C: Professional certificate, a 1C: Professional badge is issued, which looks like this:

    Payment Methods.

    For the convenience of our clients, we have implemented many payment methods for testing 1C: Professional. All available payment methods are listed on the Payment Methods page.

    If you cannot or do not want to visit our center for prepayment, you can visit our center only for testing. In this case, you can order testing 1C: Professional and pay for it online.

    INFA-Education → Certificate 1C: PROFES-SINAL

    1C Certification: Professional

    Since November 2008, the distributor of 1C-Forus LLC has been assigned the status of a Certified Examination Center, which gives 1C-Forus the right to organize and conduct certification for the 1C: Professional exam in Irkutsk, since 2010 - in the cities of Chita and Tomsk, since 2013 - in Ulan-Ude.

    The 1C: Professional certificate is an official confirmation that its owner can effectively use in his work the full range of capabilities of the most common automation programs for accounting, operational trade and warehouse, management accounting and payroll accounting.

    What certification gives


    For the enterprise:

      Official confirmation of high qualifications, experience and skills in working with the most massive programs for automation of management and accounting

      Benefits for promotion or employment

      Respect and trust of management and employees

      Confidence in your knowledge and abilities

    • Objective criteria for assessing professional abilities when hiring employees, promoting them in their service or encouraging them
    • Reducing the time and money spent on education and training of accounting and sales staff
    • Improving the quality of the enterprise, minimizing risks and problems

    The certificate confirms that its owner has the knowledge and skills to:

    • Install and prepare for operation a software product of the 1C: Enterprise software system.
    • To increase the efficiency of enterprise management as a whole, its accounting department, personnel service and trade departments, efficiency and quality of accounting by using the full range of capabilities of automation programs.
    • Avoid mistakes in working with accounting, financial, trade and warehouse information, reduce the time for preparing internal and external reporting.
    • Customize the program on your own in case of changes in legislation or accounting methods.
    • Minimize system downtime and reduce overall support costs.
    • Administer the system, ensure data safety, prevent unauthorized access to data.
    • Organize information interaction with other departments using the components of the 1C: Enterprise software system, ensure the prompt passage of important information.

    Schedule of certification for 1C: Professional by city:

    • Irkutsk
    • Tomsk
    • Ulan-Ude
    • Vladivostok
    • Blagoveshchensk

    How to get certified:

      On the 1C website, fill out an application by setting a filter by city and exam date - http://1c.ru/prof/tests/. After successful submission of the application, a message about the date and location of the exam, as well as an indication of the status of the application: approved or rejected, is automatically sent to your email address.

      Take the test at 1C-Forus (in the cities of Irkutsk, Tomsk, Chita, Ulan-Ude, Blagoveshchensk, Vladivostok). There are 14 questions in the test, 12 correctly answered questions - the test is passed, 30 minutes are given to pass the test.

      The test result is visible immediately after passing, it can be downloaded in mxl format. If the test is unsuccessful, you can use the second FREE attempt by submitting an application on the 1C website.

      Get a bill and pay for the exam. The cost of the exam is 750 rubles. This cost includes 2 attempts.

      Receive an act from the 1C-Forus manager (in Irkutsk, Tomsk, Chita, Ulan-Ude, Vladivostok, Blagoveshchensk) and return the signed copy to 1C-Forus.

      Get a 1C: Professional certificate.

    The certificate is issued by 1C based on the results of computer testing. Developed by specialists of the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Kiev State University and the methodologists of the 1C company, tests allow you to quickly and objectively check the knowledge of the capabilities of the 1C: Enterprise software system and the peculiarities of working with them.

    Currently, 1C: Professional is being certified according to the "1C: Enterprise 8" system:

    • "1C: Accounting 8"
    • "1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8"
    • "1C: Accounting of a state institution 8"
    • Knowledge of the basic mechanisms and capabilities of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform
    • "1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8"
    • "1C: Trade Management 8"
    • "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8"
    • "1C: Salary and personnel management 8"
    • Knowledge of the features and the use of budgeting in applied solutions of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system
    • Knowledge of the implementation and application of IFRS in applied solutions of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system
    • Knowledge of the basic capabilities of applied solutions of the line "1C: Medicine"
    • "1C: Enterprise 8. Management of a construction organization"
    • "1C: Consolidation 8"
    • "1C: Management of a small company 8"
    • "1C: Document flow 8"
    • "1C: Retail 8"
    • "1C: Budgetary reporting 8"
    • "1C: General education institution"
    • "1C: Enterprise 8. WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management"
    • "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0"
    • "1C: Professional" on technological issues
    • "1C: ITS Administrator"
    • "1C: ITS Client Manager"
    • "1C: ITS Maintenance Specialist"
    • "Sale of programs" 1C: Enterprise 8 "for self-supporting organizations"
    • "1C: University PROF"

    You can use the supplied documentation and tutorials to prepare for the exam:

      A set of questions for the certification exam for knowledge of the basic mechanisms of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform with examples of solutions

      A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0) with examples of solutions

      A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8" with examples of solutions "

      A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Accounting of a public institution 8" (version 2.0) with examples of solutions

      A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Trade Management 8" (rev. 11.1) with examples of solutions
      A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Enterprise 8. Salary and Personnel Management" (rev. 2.5) with examples of solutions "

      A set of questions for the certification exam on the knowledge of the capabilities and features of the typical configuration "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" (rev. 1.3) of the "1C: Enterprise 8" program system with examples of solutions

      A set of questions for the certification exam on the "Budgeting" subsystem in "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" with examples "

      A set of questions for the certification exam for the "IFRS" subsystem in "1C: Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management" (rev. 1.2) with examples of solutions (IFRS-2007)

      A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Enterprise 8. Management of a construction organization" with examples of solutions

    The goal of every novice implementer, programmer or administrator of the 1C: Enterprise product line. The only way to become certified is to pass the certification exam. Not everyone succeeds the first time - according to statistics, only four out of ten. The exam is serious, it requires demonstrating confident knowledge of the subject. This section will help you choose the best way to get this knowledge.

    Exam selection

    First of all, it is important to understand that "1C: Specialist" is a class of exams, each of which is designed to test a separate block of knowledge. Exams can be divided into 3 groups:

    1. 1C: Specialist on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform (checks understanding of the basic principles of configuration design and technological solutionsembedded in the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform and practical skills in configuration and programming).

    2.1C: Specialist in applied solutions "1C: Enterprise 8" (checks the knowledge of the program's capabilities and the availability of practical design skills in the 1C: Enterprise environment to develop the existing and add new functionality of applied solutions.

    3. 1C: Specialist-consultant for applied solutions "1C: Enterprise 8" (tests the ability to find adequate program tools for solving specific user tasks, correctly diagnose situations requiring changes / additions to the program, the ability to set correct tasks for programmers to adapt applied solutions.

    When choosing an exam, you need to take into account the scope of your activity:

    • if you specialize in software development, your goal is "1C: Specialist" for the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform;
    • if you are going to refine applied solutions, then you need the 1C: Application Solutions Specialist exam;
    • if you have good knowledge subject area, for example tax accounting and you want to become a consultant, teacher or liaison between programmers and users, take the exam "1C: Consultant Specialist".

    Registration for the exam

    You must register for any exam in advance. The application form depends on the method of passing the 1C: Specialist exam:

    • Full-time in your or the nearest city for on-site certification (certifications for other countries are periodically organized to save money on a trip to Moscow);
    • Remote attestation (the solution is submitted to Moscow for verification).

    Regardless of the method, the exam will have the same tasks. Therefore, choose the one that is economically beneficial for you. If you fail the exam on the first try, there is nothing to worry about. All exams can be retaken, and retake is free at 1C: Training Center, and retake at a preferential cost at distance certifications.