Presentation about aquarium fish. Presentation "aquarium fish". Animals in the aquarium

Irina Filippova
Presentation " Aquarium fish»For children of the middle group

Aquarium and its inhabitants»

The whole vast world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. And I will open them all my life, because this is the most interesting, most exciting activity in the world! V. Bianchi

We live in water, Without water we will be lost. I don’t walk on the ground, I don’t look up, I don’t bring nests, I bring children out.

Where do fish live?

There is a pond on the window, In it the fish live. Glass shores There are no fishermen. AQUARIUM - “aqua”In Greek means water. An artificial reservoir designed to keep fish, other aquatic animals and plants.

Tasks: 1) learn how to correctly create aquarium; 2) find out what contributes to the normal living conditions of plants and animals in aquarium

Aquarium is an ecosystem with a closed cycle of substances III All-Russian distance competition "Master of Multimedia Technologies"

Water Chlorine is dangerous for fish! Output: to maintain the ecosystem aquarium need prepared water

Soil - soil Important: the ground should not have sharp edges; before being placed in aquarium the soil must be washed from dirt. Better to boil

Lamp - Light Output: residents aquarium moderate, but sufficient lighting is needed

Oxygen Important: essential for fish breathing. The compressor is an additional source of oxygen "

IN aquarium live different seaweed


Aquarium fish

GUPPI is one of the most common and favorite aquarium fish(species)... With the help of humans, guppies have spread throughout the globe. The body length of males is up to 3 cm, of females - 5 cm. The color of the body and fins of each male is individual and consists of a pattern of black and colored spots. There are several types of guppies. Females have a full abdomen and are colored uniformly in gray, brown tones. The fins are transparent. Anyone can keep guppies, they are very unpretentious.

GOLD FISH is a domesticated version of the goldfish that was brought to Europe in the seventeenth century as a result of the work of Chinese breeders. Maximum gold size fish - 59 cm, weight Limit - 4.5 kg. Lifetime record golden the fish is 49 years old, although she usually lives up to 20 years, and in conditions aquarium content from six to eight years.

FIGHTING FISH OR COCKON: size 6 cm, smooth red, blue, purple, green, yellow, white, black or a combination of these colors. The male is larger and very bright. The female is smaller, paler than the male. The female can lay up to 600 eggs. Captive fish live up to two and a half years.

akara amanda apistograms

astronotus barbs veil tail barbs

gourami zebrafish dermogenis discus

cardinal congo, or congo tetra copella labeo

lalius macropods melanothenia swordsman

neons armored catfish cockerels pulcher

fish butterfly thornsia felt-tip fish


Fish swims in water Fish wants to play Small fish, fish mischief We want to catch you. Fish bent the back I took the bread crumb Small fish waved its tail Small fish the physical minute quickly sailed away

Friends in their circle have never given me a prize. But I can swim with an excellent breaststroke. Many can swim.

"Scavengers" pond snails fiza luzhanka

coil horn

Stones, shells, corals decorate aquarium.

What are the shape of the fish's eyes?

What color are the eyes of the fish?

Are the fish eyes large or small?

What do they eat fish?

Collect fish

Collect the picture

What did the artist confuse?

Fishes are found in water In the river, in the lake everywhere. And in aquarium dived, She waved her tail to the children, You will take care of the fishDo not forget, feed, And then she will always delight you

Who did you meet in class today? What is the name of the house in which they live fish? How to behave with aquarium?

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Elena Nikolaevna
Presentation "Aquarium Fish"

The most common object in kindergarten is aquarium with fish.

Children of all ages can be involved in supervision and care. Properly selected, decorated and populated aquarium is a model of a natural reservoir, a mini-eco-system in which all components (water, lighting, plants, animals, etc.) are in the right ratio and create ecological balance.

Environmental education implies, first of all, the development of the desire and ability to communicate with nature. Aquarium found in many gardens. Usually, educators offer preschoolers to feed the fish, observe their movements, form in the child a sense of responsibility for other creatures, show the beauty and diversity, the fragility of existence underwater world.

Attract the attention of children to the inhabitants aquarium you can, if you develop a conditioned reflex to food intake in fish. Each time, before placing food in the trough, you need to knock on the glass, and then immediately throw the treat into the water. After a few such daily repetitions fish will swim up to the feeder only when they hear a knock on the glass.

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It's great when there is an aquarium in the house and different fish frolic in it. I would like to catch a fish, take it in hand and make a wish. What if.

Lesson type: Generalization and consolidation of knowledge and skills. Type of activity: Thematic lesson. Objectives: Create a unique aquarium image.

Plan-outline of OD in the middle group "Fish are playing, fish are sparkling" in the form of an applique made of colored paper Purpose: To give an idea about fish, about the structure of their body, mode of movement, way of life. Objectives: Lay the foundations of the ecological.

Outline of the lesson on the development of speech "Aquarium fish" Objectives: Expanding and refining the vocabulary

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Purpose of work: Explore interesting Facts from the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Planning your research: - To learn about the history of the emergence of aquarium fish - To study the variety of unusual fish - Find and research interesting facts from the life of aquarium fish - To draw conclusions.

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Introduction. When I was little and still went to kindergarten, I had many hobbies. At first I was very interested in toy cars, I had a whole fleet of vehicles. Then I became interested in dinosaurs, I had many books about them. All my albums were painted with dinosaurs. Then there were the superheroes from the movies ... But one day, while visiting, I saw an aquarium and was fascinated by its inhabitants. I watched them carefully and for a very long time, my mother noticed it. And for my birthday, my parents made a surprise for me, gave me an aquarium. I was happy!!! I could watch the fish and their behavior for hours. I wondered how we are alike. Do fish have intelligence, memory, can they be trained and can they talk? And I started to research.

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The history of the emergence of aquarium fish. The most ancient information about goldfish appeared in China in the 6th century BC, which were considered sacred. The first European to see and describe fish of extraordinary beauty was the famous Italian traveler Marco Polo. People have long learned to recreate a particle of the underwater world next to them. This aquarium is a permanent home for fish. The word aquarium comes from the Latin "aqua" (water) and the suffix "rum" (place, house), that is, literally translated, it means a water house or dwelling with water. Previously, the fish were kept in small marble tanks near the guests' bed. Then they removed one marble wall from the containers and replaced it with glass. And in our time there are already such unusual aquariums:

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Aquarium labyrinth

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    Giant aquariums

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    As you know, fish have a calming effect on an irritated and tired person. Gliding freely behind the glass of the aquarium, they not only delight the eye, shimmering with various bright colors, but also relieve, thus, stress, excitement, tension.

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    Unusual marine life and interesting facts from their life.

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    Aquarium fish amaze us with the richness of color and body shape. There are fish that fit in a teaspoon, and there are fish that are the size of a child's palm. Nature has used all colors - yellow, red, blue and blue, green and emerald, white and black - so the fish are very smart. Some fish flaunt in a striped outfit, others in a spotted or one-color. In fish, there are neons on the sides, like lights flashing, stripes glow in blue. Body shape is also varied. There are fish as flat as a leaf. There are with thick round sides. Some fish have a large tail fin, lush - like a veil. They are called veil-tails.

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    A very interesting and peculiar fish. She has large, bulging, attentive eyes (it is worth mentioning that often the fish damage them and go blind, so there should not be many hard plants in the aquarium that she could hurt herself). The fish has a spherical shape and is therefore clumsy, slow and a little awkward.

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    And other inhabitants of the aquarium have a long, narrow tail, like a lance or a sword. They are called swordsmen. There are amazing creatures among aquarium fish. For example, gourami fish build a nest from air bubbles! The male releases bubbles with his mouth. And each vial is enveloped in sticky saliva. The female lays eggs in such a nest.

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    Clown fish.

    More recently, thanks to the clown fish, scientists have made one important discovery. It made it possible to fight jellyfish burns. Scientists have developed and made an "anti-jellyfish" cream on the basis of clown fish mucus.

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    Clown fish

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    Fish ball

    The ball fish lives in the coral reefs of many seas - from the Red to the Caribbean, this is the most voluminous coral creature that, swallowing water, can swell to an incredible size. In case of danger, it takes a spherical shape, which allows you to scare off small predators. Its peaceful appearance is deceiving: in fact, the ball fish is one of the most poisonous.

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    Fish ball

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    Running fish

    The unusual fish was caught in Australia on the Tasmanian coast in 2000, and belongs to an unknown species of marine life. The fish was nicknamed "handfish" because of the fins with which it is able to move along the bottom. The fish lives in clean water, in shallow water, crawling along the bottom and almost without swimming. This rare view fish were included in the Red Book.

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    Flying fish

    Fish are able to cover a distance of 500 meters at a speed of 75 km / h, and after jumping out for 30 seconds they still remain in the air. Scientists have come to the conclusion that fish can fly perfectly, no worse than birds.

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    CHANDA RANGA, or Indian glass perch

    Lives in the waters of India, Burma and Thailand. Breeding of these calm fish is very difficult. The female springs about 100 eggs on the thin leaves of certain plants. Tiny fry have to be fed (also tiny) ciliates. Size 6-8 cm.

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    And what kind of fish does not exist!

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    Do aquarium fish have: - intelligence - can they talk - can they be trained

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    The first fish in my aquarium were Ancistrus or Somik-cleaner and guppies.

    The cleaner catfish, so named because he cleans the aquarium. He has a very unusual mouth, like a sucker. Somik eats very interestingly, like a vacuum cleaner. It floats to the surface of the water and sucks in food. We bought him very small, but he grew up very large. It turns out that the larger the aquarium, the more fish grow.

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    I also had: - Astronotus-fish-predator. A very large, beautiful fish. She was building barricades from the ground. The funny thing was how she did it. Swallowing large stones in her mouth, she dragged them from one place to another. Thus, she built a mountain of stones. They also love to play with plants. Like this.

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    The cockerel is a very beautiful fish, but despite this, it is considered a fighting fish. You cannot keep two males in the same tank, otherwise they will always fight. The fishes tear off each other's fins, strive to knock out their eyes, sometimes even tear off the gill covers. If they are not separated in time, one of the males usually dies. Because of this pugnacity, they got their names for cockerels and fighting fish. I once made an experiment, brought a mirror to the cock and he began to fight with his reflection. And he, like a man, as if on a pillow, lay down on the stones and slept.

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    Cockerel is resting :)

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    In humans, as a rule, the female sex is prettier than the male. And in fish, on the contrary, for example, male guppies are more beautiful and bright. They have a large, variegated tail. male female

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    I've always thought that fish breed by spawning. But it turns out there are viviparous fish, like people. Those were my guppies. It was a great surprise for me when she gave birth in front of me already living fish. It was very funny and funny to watch the process, at first two small eyes appear and begin to swim rapidly. And after him more and more and more ... Unlike humans, fish can give birth to up to 30 fry at a time!

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    Observing the behavior of the fish, I wondered if they have intelligence, can they talk, and can they be trained to answer the question: "Do fish speak?" I reviewed a lot of interesting material in magazines, encyclopedias and the Internet. Now I can confidently answer: "Imagine, yes!" It turns out that fish not only know how to talk, they are generally quite chatty! Each type of fish has its own language. And they speak not only with their mouths, but also with fins, tails and even special swim bladders.

    Aquarium fish

    Titova Elena Anatolievna

    "Kindergarten number 119" Toy "

    Republic of Karelia


    Educator for a group of children with disabilities

    Tale for slide number 5:

    In one of the most ordinary house, in the most ordinary apartment like yours, the most ordinary boy lived. His name was Vova. Vova was very fond of different animals, but he could not have any animal at home - his parents did not allow him. But one day, on Vovin's birthday, when he was 7 years old, his parents gave him a gift. They gave him an aquarium ... A real aquarium with a real goldfish! (5 slide - 1 click) Vova was very happy, he looked after the fish well, changed the water, fed it and often admired it. And this fish was unusual. It turns out that she loved to sing songs! Every morning and every evening the fish sang songs. But nobody heard her. Vova saw the fish open its mouth, but did not hear a sound. The fish was very upset that no one could hear her. She didn't really like singing only for herself. Vova saw that the fish was getting sadder and sadder every day.

    Probably, the fish is just bored alone in the aquarium, - Vova guessed. On the same day, he again ran to the pet store and returned with a fish, whose tail looks like a sword (swordsman). In the evening, when the fish was already sleeping, he quietly launched it into the aquarium (5 slide - 4 click). And the next morning a wonderful event happened. The fish, waking up, as usual, sang her favorite song. And suddenly she heard:

    What doesn't the fish like, - Vova thought, - maybe she doesn't like the aquarium? Vova went to the store and bought an underwater castle for the fish (5 slide - 2 click). The fish liked the decoration, but she was still sad.

    Probably, the fish in the aquarium does not have enough plants, - decided Vova. He went to the pet store and bought some seaweed (5 slide - 3 click). But nothing helped. Neither decorations nor seaweed could cheer up the fish. After all, as you remember, she loved to sing, but no one heard her. After all, algae do not have ears….

    How beautiful you sing, sing more, please!

    The fish looked back and saw a small beautiful fish with a tail like a sword swimming near it, listening to it and praising its song (do you remember what it is called?).

    Can you hear me? - the fish couldn't believe my eyes, and you like how I sing!

    Of course, the sword-bearer spoke, you sing very beautifully!

    The fish was happy. She sang over and over for him. Vova was also very glad that the fish was no longer sad. And his aquarium is now much more beautiful than before. So the fairy tale ended. Do you like her? What did you learn about? Now, if you want, you can try to tell our fairy tale yourself and these pictures will help you with this. Click on the arrow.

    And then other fish appeared in Vova's aquarium:

    scalar, guppy, catfish

    What is missing?

    Remember what favorable conditions are necessary for the life of fish

    What are fish born from? Take away the wrong answer Pick up your tail

    Find two identical goldfish

    What geometric shapes does this fish consist of?

    Remove unnecessary details

    Remember the name of the fish (scalar)

    Who is superfluous? Who is superfluous?

    "The world of fish" - Fish-needle. Think about why marine fish are so named? Dorsal. Who caught the dragonfly's attention? Light, 2008. Sea fish. Aquarium fish. Crucian carp. Pectoral fin. Author: Goloborodko G.V., teacher primary grades... Physical minute. Svetlovskaya secondary school. Pike. Water is the habitat of fish.

    "Ocean Animals" - In total, 40 species of dolphin-like live in the World Ocean. Bottlenose dolphins are especially abundant off the eastern shores of the United States, as well as in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Common dolphins live in the temperate and warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. The shark is not alone in the ocean. Let's talk about guinea pigs now. Annotation.

    "The world of the aquarium" - Learning poetry. Expand children's knowledge of aquarium fish and plants. Organization of excursions to a pet shop. Holiday "Housewarming of fish". Watching the cartoon "Finding Nemo". Purchase of fish, plants, food, an aquarium, necessary equipment for care. Knowledge of the underwater world through design and research activities.

    "Fish Structure" - The Science of Fish ... general characteristics fish. The ability to dissolve various substances - sense of smell Fluidity - lateral line organs. The shape of the body is spherical. Laboratory work. « External structure and peculiarities of fish movement ”. Purpose. They are able to feel a drop of blood several hundred meters away. Fish is a hedgehog.

    "Aquarium" - Swordsman. Catfish. Topic: Aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem. An aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem. Scalaria. Guppy. An aquarist is a person who breeds fish. They give carbon dioxide and minerals, and get oxygen and organic matter. Captain Cousteau. Scripture. Fern.

    "River fish" - Pike is a predatory fish of freshwater waters. Caudal fin and fins are red. Carp. Sea bass is a relative of river bass and is red in color. The body of the catfish is covered with a thick layer of mucus. Sharks are predators. Marine fish: herring, cod, shark, sea bass, flounder and others. I don’t walk or fly, but try to catch up!

    There are 21 presentations in total