Poses for photographing with a 6 month old baby. How interesting it is to photograph children at home - my realized photo ideas. Making a family portrait

Photographing babies can be a very rewarding experience. Yes, they can be unpredictable. But the joy of playing with them, of the opportunity to capture their spontaneity and individuality can be limitless. However, choosing suitable subjects for a child's photography can be difficult.

Cheltenham-based wedding and portrait photographer Kelly Weech describes several scenes suitable for a child from birth to 2 years of age. This period is characterized by the continuous development of the baby. She offers several plots that will most fully help you show the personality of the little hero at different periods of his development.

Newborn photography

In the first two weeks after birth, the baby sleeps a lot. This is the perfect moment to convey the atmosphere of purity, the beginning of a new life in your photos.

Filming newborns can be intimidating, especially if you don't have children of your own. The subjects that Anne Geddes uses in her photographs have become very popular. However, we do not recommend recreating them without proper preparation.

However, without imitating anyone, you can find opportunities everywhere and create priceless photographs.

“The photo of a baby who was born just two days ago was created as follows. Mom sat down on the bed facing the natural source of light and leaned the newborn against her shoulder. I photographed from such a distance that I could closely capture the baby in the frame and capture his beautiful eyes and a relaxed state. "

At the age of four weeks

This is the next key date in the life of a newborn. At this age, the baby is already stronger and more active. However, remember that the baby's head still needs to be supported.

Take advantage of the opportunity to create group portraits of the entire family. The parents' hands will play the role of a "pillow" on which the baby can sit comfortably. Thus, you will be sure that the child, supported by the caring hands of the parents, will remain as relaxed as possible.

“I took this shot with one of my favorite lenses - 24-105mm. I love that I can go to the details of an already perfectly composed plot. "

Three months

Patience is the strength of a child photographer. Prepare the plot and spend time waiting for easy moments, for example: rubbing your nose on your parent's support arm or yawning.

"Such moments" revive "plots, make them unique for every child."

Four months

When the baby is four months old, you have the last chance to capture the baby sleeping on the parent's arm. Starting from this age, the baby will become more active and less tolerant of such static subjects. In addition, after 4 months, the baby may already be too heavy for the parent to comfortably hold on his arm.

“This story is very popular. However, take care of your baby's safety. Have a parent hold it a short distance from a soft, shock-absorbing surface. I place the child on one parental hand, so that the palm supports the head, and with the other hand I ask to hold the baby behind. "

“Pay attention to the background. It should be long enough for you to build the composition you want. "

Five months

At this age, the baby can sit with support. This allows you to implement a number of new plots and ideas.

“I took this photo when the baby is sitting on the couch with pillows. They supported the sitting child. I decided to convert the original image to a high key black and white photo. I love the expression on the face and the wide eyes here. "

Photos of parts

Remember to photograph your baby's feet and arms while they are still small and inactive. Usually, from the age of six months, babies begin to grow rapidly and gain weight.

“I photographed the baby’s arms and heels as he sat on my mother’s lap. Then I “desaturate” the images to emphasize the shape and texture. "

Six months

Most toddlers now sit on their own and become more sociable with the photographer. Filming at this age can be very exciting because the stories are now co-created by you. Now your interaction is two-way, unlike the previously discussed plots, where you positioned and guided the baby yourself.

“I took this photo during lunch. I called the baby by name, and he immediately reacted to me with a look. That I also captured. "

“I love the naturalness of this photo. It shows what actually happens at lunchtime. I used an 85mm lens combined with natural light to softly darken the background towards the edges of the frame. Thus, to focus the viewer's attention on the emotions of the baby. "

Remember the details

Nursery is a great place to take pictures. Usually, a harmoniously decorated background for future photographs can be found here.

“Usually, when a baby is six months old, he can roll, but he cannot fully move yet. As a precautionary measure, I asked the mother of the child to sit on the side of the baby so that it does not slip. "

“Some parents call this period in a child’s life“ tummy time ”. The child should spend most of his activity lying on his stomach. To capture the baby's smile from the best angle, ask your mom (or someone just as funny) to sit behind you. "

Eight months

The child becomes even more active. But he still needs an afternoon nap. This circumstance provides excellent opportunities for creating cute portraits.

“Even grown-up kids get tired, they need to take a nap while filming. I find props in the child's bedroom, which I include in the composition of the future photo. This creates a nice twist in the plot. "

“I waited for mom to put the baby in the crib. She returned after 5 minutes - the baby was already sound asleep. And I took this picture. "

One year

The so-called cake smash is a massive trend in children's photography that was born in America and migrated to the United Kingdom. Cake roll is great for expressing a child's personality with the familiar fun of smearing in sweets.

“I photographed in a space of 2x2 meters with a washed floor. We put the baby in front of the cake and suggested that we first pick up a raspberry, and then dip our hands into the cake. "

“As soon as the baby realized that she could eat the cake the way she wanted, I had the opportunity to take a series of unforgettable photos. Mom stood right behind me, and the baby reacted to mom's emotions and approval. "

Two years

Children will not bond with you closely if you behave like an adult. As a child photographer, you need to revive the child's mindset in order to become an interesting hero and attract him to cooperate.

Get down to the level of children and enjoy being with them. Simply put, play with them and make fun of everything. Run, jump, jump, make faces and play catch-up.

“If you are a child photographer, build a relationship of trust with your child. At least half of the entire photo session, allow him to express himself as he pleases. Then he will want to do what you want. "

For more portraits and photographs of Kelly's newborns, visit her page at

Your angel will soon grow up. Hurry up to photograph him. It will be interesting for you to consider all this together after a couple of decades. And it is better, of course, that the photos are beautiful.

Bows, baskets, flowers

Good old-fashioned option: remove the baby in the basket, as if you just found him on your doorstep next to a stork feather.

You can wrap the baby in a silky diaper, tie pink bow ... A classic, win-win shot.

An unattainable level of skill for ordinary mortals in touching pictures of young children is demonstrated by the famous Australian photographer Anne Geddes. You are unlikely to get something like that (you need a photo studio and scenery). But you can get ideas and inspiration from her.

From the cartoon

A princess costume will suit the girl.

The boy will be delighted if you dress him up as Superman or Batman. Or whatever else he wants to be. Suitable for a girl costume of her favorite fairy princess (it's better to make a recognizable Disney princess, not abstract). Or your favorite heroine from a good movie. Everything will look interesting if you choose your accessories and shooting location carefully.

It is best to shoot outdoors on a cloudy day: these are convenient conditions for shooting, everything is well lit at the same time, and there are no harsh shadows.

How big

For a boy you can put on a tie , hat and daddy's shoes, the young lady can try on mom's shoes and jewelry.

Series: we grow

Try photographing your child regularly in the same place, in the same position.

Option: periodically remove the child with the same accessory.

Add movement

Take pictures when children are playing in nature.

The best time to shoot is when children are playing outdoors. There is no need to invent anything - there is nothing better than naughty and laughing kids. You just need to take a strategically advantageous position so that everything you need gets into the frame.

Choose an unusual angle

You probably have a lot of photos of your little one's face. Take it off in a new way.

Draw the scenery

Make decorations out of handy items.

A great way to make a memorable photo is to paint the scenery.

Or make them out of handy items, like Adele Enersen, a copywriter in Helsinki, does.

Make real decorations

If you have the strength and imagination to think through every detail, the pictures will definitely turn out impressive. Some things aren't that hard to organize.

Try to create a princess bed with a mountain of mattresses and a "pea", find a beautiful mirror.

For most families, a child is the greatest happiness of parents, which fills their life with meaning. That is why most parents strive to capture every happy moment in their baby's life. One such way is photos of children under one year by monthsallowing you to track how your baby grows and changes during its first year of life. How to do it correctly, we will consider in the article.

Choosing a topic

To make your work look more harmonious and original, you need to choose the right theme for the photo shoot. We offer you several options:

  • Little angel.
  • What can we do?
  • How do we grow?
  • Photo in nature.
  • In a fairy tale world.
  • Creative photos.

You can come up with your own version, which you like. The photo should convey the emotions that you feel next to the baby. If you are having fun, then dream up and create some kind of scenario that will display in the photo. If your baby is a source of warmth and harmony for you, then choose classic performances in a family circle or in a cozy room. The most suitable day for a photo session is the number when the baby was born or was brought from the hospital. It is on this day that the first photo is taken, and this chain ends with the baby's first birthday.

In the meantime, let's look at how to create conditions for the photo sessions suggested above.

Little angel

Angels and Cupids are perhaps the most popular characters with whom little kids are associated. And for a photo shoot with such a theme, you will need minimal props. All you need is a set of white suits for each month that your baby will wear as he grows. And, of course, the wings.

As a rule, the baby is photographed lying down. This allows you to create the perfect backdrop for a photo shoot theme. To do this, you can use bed linen or a diaper with appropriate patterns. If your baby is a cupid, then hearts, if just an angel, then take a blue piece of fabric and create the effect of the sky, on which you can place cotton wool clouds next to the baby. When the baby learns to sit, do not lay him down, place the background behind him.

What we can do

As he grows up, the baby not only increases in height, but also acquires new skills. He learns the most elementary, but difficult things for him. Therefore, it is precisely such achievements that can be displayed in the album.

In order for you to have a clearer idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the result will look like, we have presented the table below, at what age the baby learns new skills.

Each child develops individually. Therefore, if your baby did not have time to acquire new skills in accordance with the table above, this is not at all a cause for alarm.

Mom dad, I am a friendly family

A great option for a photo shoot. How best to do it depends on your preference. For example, you can simply position yourself against a beautiful background and take a photo. It is possible for dad to take mom in his arms, who will carefully hold the baby. You can repeat the poses every month, or you can change them, while leaving only the general background.

How we grow

Conducting a monthly photo session is necessary, first of all, in order to show how the baby has changed or grown. For such a photo shoot, choose one background. Buy a height gauge or toy to show how your baby has grown. Place them side by side in the frame. The background, theme, and even poses depend on your preference. To make the photo look more harmonious, get the same suits different sizes... Try to repeat the previous photo as much as possible, taking each next one. This will show the difference.

Photo outdoors

In order to take a photo in nature, you need to choose a picturesque landscape as close as possible to your home, since you should not go for a long walk with a newborn. Then just take a picture of this landscape every month. So you will capture how your baby changed in different times of the year. In the first shots, you will need to hold it on the handles. But when the baby learns to stand or walk, then you can photograph him and himself.

In a fairy tale world

Mom and Dad also remain children at heart. They have favorite fairy tale characters. It is with them that parents often compare their children. For example, a bunny, a cat or Masha from a well-known cartoon. This can be a great theme for a photo shoot. The suit can be rented, bought, or made by yourself.

If you want to make the costume yourself, then you need to try. You can only make a headdress, focusing on this. The most suitable ears are sewn to the hat and you can make any animal or character. But remember that the suit must be comfortable and safe. Do not use wires, sharp objects, etc. Let the baby be in the outfit for just a couple of minutes, but even during this time he should be safe.

The beanie can also be purchased at a baby clothing store. Or you can tie it yourself.

Creative photos

You have probably seen creative photos on the Internet many times. One of these options is to create a hand-drawn story in which the baby is placed. You can draw balloonon which your baby is flying, the ship or the raft on which he floats. A hammock among the trees, in which he sleeps, or something else, depending on your imagination. It is enough just to place the baby on the drawing.

Draw a balloon on which your baby moves, and draw a new city under it every month. This will create a travel effect. In this case, travel by different means of transport is perfect. Draw the new kind transport for every month for your baby. From the already mentioned ball to a large steam locomotive or car. Success depends on your imagination and drawing skills.

You can create decorations in a way convenient for you:

  • Draw the background on a Whatman paper.
  • Using the means at hand.
  • Draw on the photo itself.
  • Using optical illusion when filming.

Optical illusion

Get ready - there will be a LOT of photos))))))
1. My very first realized idea this is of course from the series "What do children dream about"... I could not walk past her. The idea is not entirely mine, but it is so beautiful that I found a sea of \u200b\u200bfollowers. I embodied all this for the month-old Glebasha, who did not sleep during the entire photo session!) But I should have) He is generally a sleepyhead in my life, but how to take a picture, he was awake and that's it)
My husband asked me to make a similar series for my youngest son, but I so terribly do not like to repeat myself that other ideas were used for Timka (exercise for the brain))))

2. "Animal photo session"))), as I called it ...... Everyone who came to our house to visit, brought a soft toy and as a result there were so many of them that it was possible to group by families: this is a bear, this is a bull, a hare, a mouse , tiger ...

So I came up with another photo experiment)

The other day, by the way, I donated almost all these toys and other soft toys to charity - the children do not play, but they take up a lot of space. May others bring joy.

2. "Hat party".... Reviewing and folding children's hats according to the seasons, we intended and took pictures of ourselves))) Having applied some knowledge of Photoshop, we got funny collages with memory)

4. Regular restless readers of my blog know my love for angels) A small part of them took part in "Angelic photo session".The plots were selected according to the theme - sleeping angels and sleeping Glebasha, reading angels and reading Glebasha)))), angels with spoons, mugs and fruits and Glebasha, ready for dinner)))))

Now the team has grown VERY much, and the photo session would have dragged on)))))

5. By the time Timka was born, I already imagined what it was like to photograph newborns, having seen enough photos from my favorite photographers) .. I even watched a video how to prepare the baby, about the background, about music so that the baby does not cry, sleeps ... But mine the child refused to sleep at all! And then for the first weeks my back hurt terribly, and also my chest ... In general, it turned out not quite photography of a newborn, and already a 15-day-old wakeful baby)))) I don’t show heels-fingers)), only ideas "costumed"))) All accessories herself, she amused herself ... I sent all the other residents of the apartment to walk outside with dad) )) Not everything worked out, but still)

6. Photos with numbers.

Until one year old, we celebrate every mini-day of the birth of a child - the first month, two, three .. Once Karina even asked me: "Why is Gleb's birthday every month, and mine is once a year?"

Photos with numbers are very popular. Mommies put together a figure from diapers, from jars of fruit puree, from oranges, from maple distas, from rattles ... That just doesn't come to hand)))

Well, of course, since I sew, then my numbers turned out to be textile)

7. In addition to numbers, of course, you can use letters!) Here, too, you can roam fantasy - letters from the alphabet, plastic, wood, textile letters, write on the board. And now wooden words for decoration are very popular, if you have a jigsaw, you can buy plywood or chipboard in a hardware store and make a super decor from the word.

And I found these pictures in our photo archive)

8. The next series of shots belongs to the category "Clothes suggested an idea")))

For a long time, fashionable mothers have been trying to dress their children fashionably, stylishly, and then photograph them and show them in a topic such as "Fashionable children", "Baby look" - I like to view such topics, I honestly admit) Family-look pictures are very popular.

Now there is so much variety of fashionable clothes that photos in any case with the right wardrobe will look awesome.