Plush: description of the material, properties, advantages and disadvantages, tips for use. Scops owl bird. Scops Owl Lifestyle and Habitat Plush Stuffed Owl Message Description Appearance

Hans Stuffed Toys

Two Hansa owls, size approx. 24-25 cm.

The famous global brand for the production of soft toys HANSA is wonderful world animals of the earth. Toys here cannot even be called toys - all animals are exact copies of real ones!

The toys of this company are notable for the fact that they they copy live animals to the smallest detail, the similarity with the originals is 100%!

Awesome toys, in this article - two new acquisitions - owls (more precisely, owls) from HANSA. It would be more correct to say - one purchase in two copies: I ordered two completely identical owls. I bought one as a gift for an owl collector, but knowing that it was impossible to part with Hans' toy, I immediately ordered a second one exactly the same for myself. :-)

How does HANSA achieve this striking similarity? The company's artists work closely with zoos, noticing every detail in the appearance of our younger brothers.

Absolute exclusive HANSA - these are life-size toys, durable and naturalistic, on a frame basis. A two-meter bear or a giraffe will withstand not only a child, but an adult. True, one can only dream of such toys - they are VERY expensive, and you can't put them at home. From large toys on sale I found a 124 cm zebra, it is very expensive, lying cat 70 cm (already more or less affordable), recumbent sheep 54 cm ... Crocodile 58 cm is, by the way, inexpensive. And small toys are quite cheap compared to large ones, so we collect small ones.

Bird portrait.

The HANSA soft toys detail the animal and feathered world of all five continents, marine life, extinct animals and mythical creatures.

Owls are like living. It is incredibly soft and pleasant to the touch. The paws are also like real ones. These toys can be praised for a long time - and still, words cannot convey all the charm! :-)

The height of the toy is about 24 cm.

Where could I buy. We owe our owls ordered in MayShop - the Hansa section is very large there , also a great section of these toys

Hansa has other varieties of owls, eagle owls, and even a tawny owl.

Owls are settled all over the world, from the equator to the cold northern countries, they can be found everywhere: on the seashore, and in the mountains, and in the desert, and in the steppe, and even in cities. The body length of the male can reach 55-65 cm, weight - 2-2.5 kg, the female, respectively, 70 cm and 3 kg. The wingspan is on average 142-166 cm. With the help of Hansa toys, you can create various interior images in nurseries, studios and living areas.

Plush is a soft, warm fabric covered with a pile of silk, woolen or fibers. The material is widely used in sewing women's clothing, production of curtains and stage costumes,. It is from this material that a teddy bear and other soft toys are made. Plush fabric, pleasant to the touch, gives a feeling of comfort and carefreeness, involuntarily returning to childhood.

Material description

The plush surface can be solid or patterned.

Plush fabric is made by pile weaving, which is formed by three systems of threads. Two root systems, warp and weft, due to plain or twill weaving, have high strength and well hold the pile formed by the third, pile, thread. Silk, woolen and cotton fibers are used for the manufacture of pile.

The pile on the surface of plush products can be long or short. Its height ranges from 3 to 16 mm. Fabrics with the longest pile are categorized.

The plush surface is solid or patterned, in the form of narrow and wide stripes, small and large pile patterns. Despite the significant weight and thickness of the fabric, it drapes perfectly, does not form bald spots and creases.

Varieties of fabric

Plush fabric has many varieties, which differ in the type of fibers present in the material, the way of pile formation and finishing.

Material composition

Traditionally, the manufacturer produces the base of plush fabric and pile from cotton threads. In addition, there is also wool plush, when a cotton base is covered with silk or woolen fibers. Recently, synthetic fibers are often used for the manufacture of this fabric, which, in combination with a knitted base, make the fabric softer and more stretchable.

Lint formation method

The most popular product from this type of material is a teddy bear.

Plush can be looped and cut. Looped fabric looks like terry cloth. It is made using a special knitting machine. Additional fibers are tied into the ground, which are pulled to the front side of the canvas and form a pile from the loops. The fabric can be either cross-knitted or warp-knitted.

The split plush is made using a double-circuit knitting machine, on which the base is simultaneously knitted and the loops are pulled. As a result of cutting the loops with a special circular knife, a material with a thick, vertically directed pile is obtained.

There is a double-sided plush fabric, which is characterized by the presence of villi on both sides of the fabric, front and back. Moreover, this feature can be possessed by both looped and split plush.


Smooth, embossed, patterned and textured fabrics are distinguished by the method of finishing. Most often, the plush surface has fibers of the same length, tightly adjacent to each other.

To create an embossed surface, the fibers are pressed in a given direction using a press. Patterned fabric, decorated with various ornaments and patterns, is obtained as a result of changing the length of the pile.

Textured finishing includes all existing types: patterns, ornaments, and areas with different heights and density of pile.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plush fabric has many undeniable advantages due to the composition and structure of the material.

  • High strength.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Good thermal insulation properties.
  • A variety of applications.

Along with the advantages, it is necessary to note the disadvantages of the plush material.

  • Products are heavy.
  • The fabric is difficult to sew and care for.
  • The cloth quickly becomes dirty as the pile becomes clogged with dust.

Silk-pile fabrics get dirty much less than cotton fabrics, but they have a higher cost.


Plush furnishings are still found today.

Despite all the shortcomings and considerable cost, plush fabric was in demand for many years and indicated the wealth and aristocracy of its owner. It cannot be said that today this type of textile is at the peak of popularity, although decorative and furniture fabrics are still made from it for the decoration of public premises and concert halls. Many needlewomen use this traditional material exclusively for making toys.

Plush items require special care, otherwise the item may permanently lose its attractive appearance.

It is better not to wash things made of this material, but to use dry cleaning services. If, after all, the item is washed, do not twist it, it is better to let the water drain naturally and then spread it out on a horizontal surface to dry.

Dust and dry dirt can be removed with a soft cloth brush.

Plush sewing requires special skills. The parts should be cut in one layer and the canvas should be positioned in a certain way. The short pile should be directed upwards, and the long, on the contrary, downward. In addition, sufficiently large seam allowances should be left, as the pile crumbles heavily. Plush toys are best hand-sewn.

How to sew a baby seal from plush, see the video:

Bird scops owl comes from small eared owls, resembles an owl in appearance, but for her noble appearance she was nicknamed "the little duke". Affectionate and a little funny name was received for the sad, half-drowsy song "I spit ...".

Scops owl features

Little owl - representative rare species... Its dimensions are on average up to 20 cm, and its weight barely reaches 100 grams. But a wingspan of up to 50 cm turns the baby into a noticeable bird. Scops owlincreases its dimensionswhen you need to scare the enemy. Description in the fight for chicks, it is transmitted by fluffy feathers, sharp claws on its paws, ready to bite even into a person.

In the daytime, a modest streaky color of gray-brown streaks makes it almost imperceptible without movement. Hidden near the trunk, frozen with closed eyes, the bird becomes like a tree twig swaying in the wind. An atypical square head and a beak hidden in feathers additionally mask the owl's presence.

In evening time owl scops owl is noticeably transformed. Large expressive yellow-orange eyes, fluffy feathers, ear-horns on the head during a period of fear, interest or excitement. These ears have nothing to do with real auditory organs.

The screams are drawn-out and for the similarity to the sound of "tyuyu-tyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyu" sometimes comes to life the second nickname of the scops owl - tyukalka. You can hear the voice more often early in the morning, after sunrise, when the invisible scops owl birdactively awakens all living things around.

Scops owl habitat

Scops owl dwells in many forests of Europe, southern parts of Siberia, lives in Asia Minor, the Middle East and North. On the territory, you can see the scops owl near the river valleys Of the Far East.

Not only deciduous forest zones are attractive to her, but also parks, garden, agricultural plantings close to human habitation. The unpretentious bird can be found in the oak forest, bird cherry thickets and birch groves. Man-grown aspen plantings are not alien.

The scoop is migratory. In spring, its appearance in our country can be seen with the beginning of warming and the active appearance of greenery. Settle scops owl ready for its former nests, it always returns to familiar places.

If it does not find a free spot, it takes a woodpecker or magpie nest in the hollow of an old tree, nests in a crevice between stones. Close to a person a little scops owl may be a lodger in an old attic or an abandoned birdhouse, adapting to changeable living conditions.

The main factor of living is the large number of insects. In early autumn, in September, scops owl leaves the place and flies to Africa for the winter. Only Mediterranean birds are sedentary in olive groves.

Scops owl character

A cute-looking scoop can become a desperate defender of the nest and egg laying if it senses the approach of a stranger. Spreading wings like a butterfly and closing the nest scops owlstands on the edge on one paw, and hides the other under the wing to strike the enemy. The claws of the scoop are sharp, the look is merciless in moments of danger.

Often the scoop has to fight with city crows if it nests near the city limits. They can peck the bird to death if attacked in a flock. Often a person intervenes in such fights if he sees the pursuit of crows.

With a person scops owl ready to make friends, can become completely tame. But getting used to an organized diet, a bird in the wild will no longer be able to hunt and survive on its own in natural conditions.

Scops owl lifestyle

During the day, scoops sleep, hiding on branches. A straight, motionless pose well disguises them among the branches and greenery. The activity begins at night, when it is time to hunt. Each has a favorite observation post. The scoop can only look straight, it has no lateral vision, but the head can be turned by 270 °. So nature has endowed the bird with the ability to look out for the victim.

The bird looks out for prey from above, but does not attack immediately, but as if playing in pursuit, makes it possible to identify itself and rush away. Then comes the gambling time of catching on the fly.

Insects, bugs, butterflies, as well as frogs or lizards become victims. In the early morning, intermittent cries of owls are heard: "I spit ... I tune ... .. I tune ...". If the time comes for feeding the chicks, then the scops owl has no time for sleep during the day, it has to get food.

Scops owl nutrition

Scops owl feeds mainly by various insects: cicadas, dragonflies, butterflies, locusts. She eats vertebrates less often, but lizards, mice, frogs and small birds diversify her menu.

Running victims scops owl catches on the ground, and all the winged - in flight. The scoop is able to dig out earthworms with sharp claws. Her diet answers the question scops owl is a bird of prey or not. Like any predator, even small ones, it needs animal food.

During the meal, the scoop closes its eyes so as not to accidentally damage the prey. Near its beak, it has sensitive bristles that help to navigate without looking.

She plucks birds, and tears off the head of insects before eating. If the prey got big, then the owl tears it to pieces. Chicks scops owl feeds the same thing that it feeds on itself.

In captivity, feeding a bird is not difficult. The owl eats frozen meat, vegetable feed, cereals, fruits and vegetables. She prefers softer food, loves cottage cheese and carrots. But overfeeding the bird with human food is not worth it, so as not to poison it with accidental additives.

Reproduction and life expectancy of the scops owl

The pair life of scops owls begins in April. The male attracts the female with a crying song and waits for her response. The resulting pairs of nests in the usual sense do not build. Eggs can be laid directly in a secluded spot on the ground or in the hollow of a tree. Usually their number is from 2 to 5 pieces.

During incubation, the male feeds the owl from beak to beak with the prey brought in up to 15 times per night, and the rest of the time, free from hunting, spends next to the female, protects her peace. The incubation time is about 20 days. Chicks are born blind, but in fluff. They begin to see by 6-8 days.

At first, the chicks are fed in small pieces from the brought prey. Only by 11-12 days they begin to cope with food on their own. By day 20, parents encourage chicks to leave the nest for independent flights.

But the time of guardianship is not over yet, the older scops owls take care and teach them how to search for food. So, for example, they indicate to the chicks the illuminated places near the lanterns and lamps, where insects accumulate.

Only by the fall, before the winter departure, families break up. Young scops owls become sexually mature by 10 months. Ornithologists believe that the pairs of scops owls are constant, and they tend to occupy the same nests from year to year.

The life of scops owls in nature is about 6 years, but in captivity it grows to 12. Birds get to humans during a period of starvation, after being chased by crows or by chance, settling in the attic of an old house.

It is not customary to engage in special catching of owls for keeping in captivity. Human attention deprives the bird of the hunting skill, they become dependent forever. But the scops owl is not a toy; it requires care and participation in the bird's life.

A free aviary, a nesting house and communication with a person can make a real loyal friend out of a forest dweller, capable of distinguishing between friends and strangers and showing responsiveness and good nature.

Owl description for children will help write essays about this bird

Owl: bird description

I really like the owl! A bright, variegated owl with big eyes. Isn't it a miracle? The owl is a very attentive bird. At night, the owl hunts animals and, upon meeting her, a person can get scared. Her eyes are like a fiery torch at night!
The hunt begins in the first twilight, and often flies during the day. He doesn't sit on trees, spends the day on the ground. The flight is unhurried, swaying, above the ground itself. The owl looks out for prey in flight or lies in wait, sitting in the branches of a tree. The flight is slow, silent, usually low above the ground. Feeds on
all kinds of animals from hares, black grouses and ducks to murine rodents and small passerine birds.
I love this bird for its unusual habits, and different minds from other birds!

Scientific description of an owl

Owl - medium-sized bird of prey, which can be found in almost all countries.

the main distinctive feature owls are big round eyes, which are located not on the sides of the head, like in other birds, but in front. The owl cannot move and rotate them, they are motionless and are directed forward all the time. But the head of these birds is very mobile - an owl can easily twist it in different directions. On the sides of the head, there are often tufts of feathers that resemble ears.

The beak is small, sharp, bent down. Paws are short with sharp hooked claws. The wings are large and the tail is short. The feather cover of owls is thick and soft. The color of the feathers is dim, most often brownish or grayish in color with motley specks. This color allows the birds to remain invisible in nature.

Most owls are fairly large birds. The largest is an owl. It can reach a height of 70 cm and a wingspan of 180 cm. But there are also small owls. For example, the body length of a passerine owl is no more than 20 cm, and the wingspan is 45 cm. Usually females are larger than males.

Owls bring agriculture significant benefit by destroying murine rodents. For example, a tawny owl is capable of catching up to a thousand mice and voles in a year, which in a given period would destroy up to 500 kg of grain. Because of this, all kinds of owls are protected.

Owl description for kids

The owl is a symbol of wisdom among many peoples. In ancient Greece, the goddess of wisdom was accompanied by this particular bird. And modern children know the owl well, thanks to the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh. Why is this bird so attracted to people, what are its habits and manners?

Owls are predator birdsleading a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. The owl family is very numerous and has more than two hundred species. In our country, this family is represented by a long-eared owl, a tawny owl and an eagle owl.

Description of an owl for children

The largest owl in our country is owl... Its body length reaches 60-70 centimeters, and its wings are spread almost two meters in flight. The people nicknamed him "the scarecrow" for the terrible hooting that he publishes in the night forest. Yellowish-red plumage with many dark spots helps the owl to camouflage well in the trees. The owl's eyes are huge and yellow. Feathers stick out on the sides of the head, a kind of "ears" that rise upright in moments of increased attention. The eagle owl is able to turn its head at very large angles, while leaving the body completely motionless. The owl hunts at night, scaring away sleeping birds and grabbing them on the fly. Terrestrial animals also become its prey. The huge size of the owl allows him to grab even hares.

Owls do not build nests. As formidable owners of the forest, they are ways to drive any bird out of its home. And if there are no convenient nests nearby, owls calmly make do with a small hole on the ground, covering it with their feathers. Like many birds, the female is engaged in incubating the chicks, and the head of the family gets food. And when the chicks grow so much that we do not have enough food brought by the father, the mother also joins in the prey. A certain egoism is inherent in owl chicks - they hide the half-eaten pieces of prey under themselves for the night.

In normal situations, the owl only hoots, but when it meets an opponent, it makes sounds similar to tragic laughter and squealing. It is these sounds that scare belated travelers in the night forest.

Gray owl much smaller than an eagle owl and no ear feathers on its head. The plumage of these birds is inconspicuous, matching the color of tree trunks, for which they are called gray. The owl's eyes are dark. Like owls, they hunt birds at night. Their ground prey is smaller - these are lizards and field mice. Owl owls fly absolutely silently and give a voice only when approaching the hollow, in which chicks are waiting for them. But chicks, starting to fly, usually touch the branches of trees with their wings, but over time they also master the art of silent flight.

Eared owl, as its name suggests, has two tufts of feathers on its head. Plumage color - gray-brown, with variegated spots. She settles mainly in coniferous forests, looking for nests abandoned by other birds. It feeds on field mice, but while caring for offspring it can also hunt birds. The nature of this bird is calm, it does not particularly disturb other inhabitants of the forest, preferring to safely hide in its nest.

Owls stay in the forest for the winter. In especially difficult times, they begin to fly into open spaces in search of food and may even fly into city parks and groves, where local residents examine them with surprise and curiosity.

In the Altai Territory, in the city of Biysk, there lives a craftswoman Olesya Averina, who sews plush toys and is a specialist in sewing owls.

Master about his work: "From early childhood I was drawn to draw, glue, sculpt, etc. Apparently, this is why my mother took me to the Children's Art School, for which I am very grateful to her until now. After receiving secondary education I entered the Belarusian State Pedagogical University at the art and graphic department and successfully completed my studies in 2002.
In 2009 I tried to make my first author's doll, iiiii ... I couldn't be stopped anymore)) Then I got carried away by Teddy bears and their friends. Having fully mastered the technology of their manufacture, I decided to create OWN! toy, according to your sketches and inspiration. So I got my first owlet! And then the second ... and so on.
I adore all my toys, I make them with great love and inspiration. And now, I am the most happy man, because I live and breathe creativity! "

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An owl named Fly

Appeared with us, here is such an owl, with a funny name - Fly)) Very peculiar, a little funny, but very interesting and cute)) Big-eyed, curious and so touching.)) They love very much when they ask her for advice or just when she tell their secrets!

Made of French plush and faux fur, tightly filled with padding polyester, metal granulate in the tummy. Glass German eyes (my painting), beak and legs - plastic. The legs are very tightly attached with cotter pins, and additionally have a wire frame that goes into the claws. Tinted with art oil.
The owl stands very confidently on its legs, without support. The head, wings and legs rotate, easily changes position. Very stable and pleasantly heavy. I have a passport.

Made of German plush and faux fur, tightly filled with padding polyester, metal granulate in the tummy. Glass German eyes, beak and legs - plastic. The legs are very tightly attached with cotter pins, and additionally have a wire frame that goes into the claws. Tinted with art oil.
The owl stands very confidently on its legs (even when bent forward), without support. The head, wings and legs rotate, easily changes position. Very stable and pleasantly heavy. I have a passport.

Family of owls. Made to order.

Fenya lived in my head for a long time and sometimes dreamed about it. I have long dreamed of making it. And now, finally, he appeared!
The owlet is very soft, heavy and cute))
It is pleasant to stroke him and whisper about his dreams.

Eared owl

Owlet Borka

Owl with Pansies

Polar owl

I am wise, wise
Ax, I'm awfully wise
I am the wisest snowy owl
And my mother is wise
Oh, wise-wise,
She is a terribly wise snowy owl.

I fly flying
I do somersaults
And I run hopping
Knowing the way by the stars
And life is so amazing
She thunders loudly
She rings ringing
Bim-bombs a little!

They say I’m getting drunk.
They say I'm a fashionista.
Yes, I go smartly.
This is how it is in life.

That I should be beautiful
I really, really want to.
Fashionable dresses to wear,
Fool around with beads.

Hats, handbags, bows.
I have everything!
Well, tell me, my friend, you to me
- Aren't I cute ?!

Voronenok Carlos.

A charming little boy))). A little hooligan, naughty, but very charming. He looks at this world with such love with his eyes. And his smile will make anyone smile.
Carlosa really wants to get into kind and caring hands. Promises not to bully and obey))
The funnel is sewn according to the author's pattern. Stands very confidently on its legs (claws are made of plastic, have a wire frame turning into legs), changing postures. Wings on 2 cotter pins. Nicely heavy. It looks very cool in the interior and immediately attracts attention. It is very soft and pleasant to the touch.

Very plump, but strong butuz)), with a very sweet smile and a childish look. Prettyiiiii ...

Misha and Tisha

Horse "Lilac Mist"

Horse "New Year"

Horse "Juicy Berry"


Monkey Mosya.

She is soft and all so mobile.
She has almost everything moving! Even the thumbs on the palms of the legs and arms. Mosi's legs are bent at the knees and arms at the elbows. She twists and shakes her head in all directions)) A., and, of course, wags her tail)) In general, a miracle is a child!

Fat lori

Finally, the sun came out in Altai! And, the weather inspired me to create something sunny and warm))) So, a Fox and an owl appeared. Here they are, look ...
These are bosom friends. Funny, red-haired, a little funny, well, sooo charming. They play all day, fool around and don't be sad about anything)) This couple cannot but cause a smile, they will give you every day great mood... We are ready to move to a kind home, but only together !!! They will not survive separation. For this they promise you to bring with you a little happiness and childhood)))

Tuzik puppy is sewn of Japanese viscose, very delicate to the touch. Nicely heavy and squeaky. He does not know how to stand at all, and he loves to sit, preferably with a support ... But he knows how to wag his tail, and with devotion and affection look into your eyes!

Meet ...)) this is a cat Rozka. Very nimble naughty)), but so cute, soft and tender. You don't want to let go of it, it is pleasantly heavy. And, wagging its tail incessantly. Loves all sorts of beautiful things .., apparently will grow up a real fashionista)) Well, how can you not fall in love with this?

Cheshire Cat

The cat who smiles. The English expression "green like a Cheshire cat" (grin sardonically, like a Cheshire cat) has received various interpretations. One is that they sold cheeses in Cheshire that looked like the head of a smiling cat. The second is that Cheshire is a palatine county (earldon), which even cats laughed at. Another is that during the reign of Ree-Chard the Third, the forester Katerling lived in Cheshire, who, when he caught poachers, grinned fiercely.
In the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll, the Cheshire cat can gradually disappear until only a smile remains.