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I think that almost any breastfeeding mother had doubts about the lack of milk. That's when all the folk remedies are used to increase the amount of breast milk. Today I would like to talk about what can be purchased in pharmacies and children's stores.

Teas to increase lactation

Tea for nursing mothers HIPP
This tea contains herbs that stimulate lactation: fennel, anise, cumin, lemon balm and nettle. You can make infusions from the listed herbs, but I don't have time for frequent infusions, but I love to pamper myself with tea. I like the taste of this tea, I can see the effect from it. Without this tea, my sonny asks me to eat every 2.5-3 hours, and during the period when I drink tea it can last up to 4 hours. The only negative is the high price. In our city, it costs about 200-270 rubles, and it is enough for a week, if you drink as recommended on the package - 2 times a day.

The composition is practically the same: anise, fennel, nettle, cumin. The taste is not the most pleasant. I have a feeling that I drink hay :) I noticed the effect at the beginning of use, and then everything came to naught. So I think you can drink this drug intermittently. Attractive price - 50-60 rubles. for 20 filter bags. But the bags are not convenient, without a tag.

"Grandma's basket"
And again in the composition all the same herbs. The only difference is that there is tea with anise, and there is tea with rose hips. Rosehip can cause allergies in a baby, be careful. The taste is also not the most pleasant. Price - 40-50 rubles

I drink teas for nursing mothers because I think they are less harmful than any regular tea or coffee. You can also increase the amount of milk with the help of more frequent applications.

Biologically active additives

A preparation containing royal jelly, as well as vitamins and microelements. It is necessary to crush the tablets 3 times a day. The minimum rate is 2 packs. Not a word about the maximum.
Cost - from 75 rubles.

This is the only drug that I have not tested on myself. But there are positive reviews, many see the result on the second day of admission.
Ingredients: royal jelly, nettle, carrot juice, dill, oregano,
ascorbic acid, sugar, ginger and some excipients.
Price: 130-140 rubles

It is a homeopathic remedy.
Perhaps the only remedy in the instructions of which it is written that it can be used throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. The drug is used 15 minutes before meals, 5 granules in the morning and evening.
The packaging costs 80 - 90 rubles.

These are not all foods that increase lactation, but the most common. There are also specialized milk formulas that most likely affect the quality of milk, but I did not need them. Not tested, not studied - I will not write :) I would do a lot to preserve and maintain breastfeeding. I want to feed my baby for at least 1 year, hence the experiments.
I would be grateful if you write about drugs that are not familiar to me yet.

As we already know, lactation, that is, the production of breast milk, is a hormone-dependent process. Every young mother has probably heard about how effective special teas can be for increasing lactation. There is actually some truth in such advice, however, teas have a very indirect effect on improving lactation.

  1. Any warm drink triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for the rate at which milk flows out of the breast, so it's easier to feed your baby after tea. The breast itself is not overfilled and the amount of milk does not increase.
  2. Breast milk also consists of water, so the amount of fluid in the body affects lactation. There should be enough fluid to meet the needs of the mother's body and feed the baby.
  3. Some substances actually increase the sensation of milk flushing. They are useful not only for the mother, but also for the baby, since they penetrate into breast milk. Some teas help to solve problems with the baby's tummy, soothe, improve immunity.

Homemade herbal teas

The most popular and effective teas for increasing lactation are the following:

  • Fennel (dill) tea. For a drink you need the seeds of these plants, which are brewed with boiling water (1 tablespoon of dry seeds per 1.5 cups of boiling water). After cooling down, the drink is ready. You can divide it into several servings and stretch it out all day. In addition to fennel and dill, you can use anise or caraway seeds. These plants are related and have approximately the same effect. These teas are especially popular during crumbs colic, as they have a carminative effect.
  • Chamomile tea. We are talking about a decoction of chamomile flowers. Chamomile flowers are filled with hot water at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon in a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered and cooled. Chamomile calms, has an anti-inflammatory effect, but chamomile milk may not be safe for a baby, since this plant is considered an allergen.
  • Ginger tea. The crushed ginger root should be boiled for a few minutes and cooled slightly. In the classic version, honey and lemon are added to this tea. A nursing mother should be careful with these products because of a possible allergy in the child, however, if it is already known that there is no allergy to honey and citrus fruits, you can make tea according to the classic recipe. Ginger tea warms up, enhances milk flow, invigorates and tones, improves digestion.

Teas from the store

It is much faster to brew tea bags or soluble granules. Many manufacturers have teas for nursing mothers, so you can choose a drink to your taste.

  • Humana... A versatile drink that helps not only improve lactation, but also accelerate mom's recovery after childbirth. Humana is a granular tea containing plant extracts and vitamin C. All components of tea are natural, the main among them are extracts of hibiscus, fennel, blackberry and verbena ().
  • HiPP... Another granular drink for lactation, which is based on extracts of anise, fennel, caraway seeds, lemon balm and nettle. The latter components have a calming effect. Hipp tea will be useful for the baby, because its main components are recognized as very effective against colic ().
  • Nestik. A more budget-friendly option for instant lactation tea. In its composition, it is similar to the previous versions, in addition, it contains rosehip juice and chamomile.
  • Lactavite. This drink is one of those that take time to prepare. The tea is a mixture of dill, fennel, caraway seeds and nettle leaves. Unlike its granular and sweetened counterparts, Lactavit does not taste good ().
  • Grandma's basket. Many women love the series of tea bags for nursing mothers. Tea options for enhancing lactation include aniseed tea and rosehip tea. It is very convenient to brew, tastes good.

Of course, tea alone cannot solve the problem of milk shortage, because an increase in lactation is the result of a properly established natural feeding, and not mother's nutrition or drinking, but it is quite advisable to use tea as an auxiliary measure. If you do not expect a miracle effect from tea and really evaluate the possibilities of this method, then you can really improve milk production and improve health, because herbal decoctions are useful for the weakened body of a young mother.

A woman during pregnancy and lactation needs proper nutrition, which is suitable for her current lifestyle and is beneficial for her baby. This also applies to drinks that a woman uses during lactation. Almost all children's doctors advise women who are breastfeeding to use special tea, which. But it is worth noting that if the rules of breastfeeding are not followed, you can not count on an increase in milk production.

Means such as tea, decoctions and mixtures are auxiliary. Let's try to understand the variety of teas available that can help increase milk production. In fact, there are a lot of herbs that allow you to achieve the desired effect, and sometimes it is very difficult to choose the most suitable option.

Herbs that promote lactation

Some herbs are identified that can enhance lactation in women who are breastfeeding. Among the most common plant species are the following:

  1. Fennel. The plant looks like dill in appearance. The tea tastes like anise, but has a slightly sweet taste. This herb stimulates the formation of milk, as well as helps to normalize digestion and has a disinfectant effect.
  2. Caraway. Besides helping to increase lactation, it has a diuretic and healing effect. Caraway can be prepared as a drink or sprinkled on bread with its grains. The effect of using in different ways will be the same.
  3. Anise. Increases milk flow and also has anti-inflammatory effects. Helps in the treatment of colds and normalizes the digestive process. It has a slightly sweet taste.
  4. Nettle. In addition to increasing lactation, this unique plant is also able to protect the body from all sorts of viruses and infections. Nettle improves metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Melissa. Has a delicate soft aroma. Its main effects are calming, normalizing sleep, and relaxing. The plant will come to the rescue in the fight against stress and at a time when there is a need to relieve fatigue and increase lactation. Such a plant is one of the most pleasant to use, and you can also soften the already mild taste with a spoonful of honey.
  6. Galegi grass. Increases milk production and lowers blood cholesterol. The plant is useful for diabetes.
  7. Dill. In addition to stimulating milk production, it helps to get rid of sleep disorders and headaches, inflammation and stomach problems. Among other things, it has an important advantage, namely, it does not cause allergies.
  8. Basil. An excellent seasoning that has medicinal properties. Increases immunity, has a positive effect on cardiac activity and the functioning of the nervous system. This herb will help a woman to recover sooner after the birth of a baby and to establish milk production.

Such plants are most useful for a nursing mother.

It is important! It is not enough just to find the right tea, you need to take into account a lot of other details. First of all, you should learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast. Also, it will not be superfluous in this process to properly feed mom and breast care.

Preparing a drink

Home-made tea guarantees its harmlessness. All the herbal preparations and grains necessary for this can be purchased at any pharmacy. You can also prepare your own raw materials. This is not difficult to do. It is best to harvest plants at a young age, dry properly and pack them in glass containers for storage. Strange as it may seem, it is not worth drying plants in limbo. In this case, the plant attracts dust and various pollution. This not only impairs its properties, but also contributes to the likelihood of diseases.

Among the most healthy and tasty drinks, you can highlight the following options based on plants and their combinations:

  1. Tea with dill or fennel. One Art. a spoonful of grains of the selected plant should be poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water, then the drink must be filtered. Consume in small doses throughout the day for the most beneficial effect.
  2. Chamomile tea. To prepare this drink, you need plant flowers. One Art. a spoonful of raw materials is poured into 1 tbsp. boiling water and steamed in a water bath for 15 minutes. Next, cool and strain the tea. It should be taken with extreme caution, since the plant can provoke allergies. The plant has a large number of beneficial qualities that have a positive effect on the female body, especially during lactation.
  3. Ginger tea. To prepare it, you need to grind the ginger root and boil over low heat for several minutes. It is allowed to add honey and lemon to the drink, of course, if the baby is not allergic to them. These products perfectly strengthen the immune system and help to cope with colds. Ginger increases milk flow, invigorates and also improves digestion. However, all products are useful in dosage amounts.

The easiest way to make tea is with lemon balm. By the way, it can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities. There will be no harm to the body. An exception is individual plant intolerance, in which it is generally not worth eating the product.

Rules for using tea when breastfeeding

Drinking drinks that improve lactation in nursing women should be very careful, all because some of its components can provoke allergies. In addition, the baby may develop colic and some digestive disorders. In any case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the mother and child. At the slightest problem or symptom, it is recommended to stop drinking the drink.

Here are some tips to follow:

  • It is necessary to prepare such drinks strictly according to the existing instructions, any deviations from it are unacceptable, since in this case there is a high probability of harming the body.
  • In no case should the dosage of raw materials be increased, follow the recommendations so as not to harm the body of a woman and a child.
  • At the first intake, you should try a small amount of the teas and monitor the baby's reaction after feeding. Discontinue use if any allergic reaction occurs.
  • Using the method of testing various drinks, find the most optimal one for yourself and your baby, it is recommended to start drinking with the safest ones.
  • It is necessary to take such teas no more than 7-10 days. This is necessary in order to exclude addiction and, as a result, a negative reaction (for both the woman and the baby).
  • Take regular breaks from drinking. The breaks are usually the same as the admission period. For example, the following dosage regimens are effective: 7x7 days, 10x10 days and 14x14 days, but a specialist will help to calculate the dosages in more detail.
  • It is necessary to consume these fees to increase lactation in the morning and at night. In the evening, it would be nice to limit yourself to drinking,

Remember! These teas should be consumed warm. This can relax the ducts in the mammary glands, which makes feeding easier. It is worth remembering that only a comprehensive solution this issue will help prevent the problem of insufficient milk production. Drinking a beverage made from any beneficial herb at one time will not provide any beneficial effect.

What mixtures are there?

Milk-based instant formula is another way to increase milk production. Modern market offers a wide variety of them. Which one to give preference to, the nursing mother must decide. It is recommended to take a closer look at such mixtures that have been tested by time and other mothers. They have proven to be effective. So, there are such unique blends that you can drink as tea:

  1. Milky Way. This mixture is made in Russia. It is a balanced complex of minerals and vitamins. The composition contains soy protein, powdered milk, galega and chicory herb, as well as sucrose. How to apply? The dry content should be diluted in water, milk or kefir. The resulting drink does not have a very pleasant taste, so it is better to drink it in one gulp. It must be consumed very carefully, since some people are allergic to the components of the mixture. Therefore, first you need to consume a small amount of the product and monitor the reaction of the body.
  2. Mom's mom. It is an additional element that contributes to the formation of milk. It contains useful ingredients such as proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. What is the positive effect? This mixture is capable of improving the digestive system and also prevents tooth decay. It has a chocolate flavor, which makes this tea pleasant to drink.
  3. Femilak. It is a formula that will help improve milk flow. Contains vitamins and minerals. It is quite affordable and suitable for almost all women.
  4. Amalthea. This is goat milk powder. This mixture should be used only after making sure that the mother and child are not allergic to its components. The composition also contains vitamins, iron, iodine, selenium. In addition to improving lactation, the mixture will come to the rescue in overcoming fatigue and will help strengthen the entire body as a whole.
  5. Lactamil. It is a mixture that contains milk whey. In addition, it contains vegetable oils, herbs that increase milk production, minerals and vitamins. The product is quite useful and has practically no contraindications. It is a mixture of herbs that contains nettle, fennel, etc. These components help to improve lactation. Dry ingredients can be diluted with water or added to tea.

In other words, you can easily find a tea that is suitable for increasing and improving lactation. The lactation drink will guarantee that the baby will always be fed, because the production of breast milk will not be suspended. To select the most suitable herb or mixture, you should contact a specialist. You can also choose the right drink yourself through trial and error. Remember that sometimes herbs or ingredients that were not problematic before pregnancy can become allergens during breastfeeding. That is why it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of both the mother and the baby.

One of the most important tasks of a nursing mother is to maintain the production of the required amount of breast milk as long as possible. To achieve this, breastfeeding experts recommend looking into lactation tea. Correctly chosen lactogonic drink not only helps to increase lactation, but also improves the composition of breast milk. How to choose the optimal composition of tea, read our article.

Lactation refers to the natural physiological process in which mother's milk is produced to feed an infant from the moment of birth.

For a child to be healthy and develop well, good nutrition is necessary. For newborns, breast milk is the main source of valuable micronutrients.

If the mother's body produces an insufficient volume, the diet is adjusted and lactogonic agents are used - teas that stimulate lactation.

To determine which tea is best, you need to pay attention to its composition. First of all, it should contain natural ingredients, the use of which will not harm the health of the mother and baby.

In addition, it is important that the substances in the tea have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, blood-purifying properties and, at the same time, do not cause allergic reactions in the mother.

The main components of lactic acid drinks

Most often, preference is given to those teas that contain herbs.

However, before using them, you should consider the properties of each plant species and their possible effects on the body:

  • Fennel. Strengthens the immune system, stimulates the secretion of glands, removes toxins. With prolonged use, it can cause the development of allergies in a child.
  • Dill. Increases lactation, relieves spasms, has a carminative effect, soothes, has an analgesic effect. Does not cause side reactions.
  • Caraway. Contains a large amount of phosphorus, calcium and iron. Provides lactogonic effect. Reduces the likelihood of intestinal colic in an infant. Increases hemoglobin.
  • Ginger. Possesses lactogonic properties. Strengthens the immune system, lowers blood glucose levels, increases blood pressure, improves digestion and metabolism, and has disinfecting properties. Not recommended for use in gastrointestinal ulcers. May increase the irritability of the infant or cause allergies.
  • Galega. Contains the alkaloid galegin, which increases the secretion of breast milk. It has diaphoretic and diuretic properties.
  • Horse chestnut. Reduces blood viscosity, improves blood circulation. Has anti-inflammatory effect and relieves swelling. Removes excess cholesterol. Kills bacteria, relieves spasms, aids digestion.

In addition, to increase lactation, experts recommend paying attention to rosemary, basil, kelp, lemon balm, nettle and anise.

The use of lactogonics is beneficial only if the rules of breastfeeding are followed.

Popular teas for nursing mothers: description, composition and characteristics

The problem of insufficient milk production has always existed. But if in the old days nursing mothers were forced to independently select the basis for the preparation of lactogonic drinks, then nowadays the manufacturers of baby food have taken care of this.

The assortment of modern lactogonic agents is rich and varied.


Hipp tea for lactation is a tasty and effective remedy for nursing mothers. It is produced in the form of light instant granules. Country of origin Germany.

The main components of the mixture for the preparation of a lactogonic drink are medicinal herbs:

  • fennel;
  • nettle extract;
  • galega grass;
  • lemon balm herb;
  • caraway;
  • anise;
  • as well as sweeteners: dextrose and maltodextrin.

Thanks to the natural lemon grass flavor, Hipp has a pleasant lemon flavor. Drinking tea helps not only to establish feeding, but also to provide the baby's body with valuable biologically active substances.

Preparation of Hipp tea: pour two teaspoons of granules with half a glass of warm boiled water.


A popular and effective drink from Germany is Humana's tea to improve lactation.

Available in the form of granules based on plant extracts:

  • fenugreek;
  • fennel;
  • hibiscus;
  • galegi;
  • vervain;
  • blackberries;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • raspberry leaf.

Sugar and lactose free. One 200 g can of tea is enough to prepare 40 servings of a drink.

Drinking Humana tea normalizes sleep, improves digestion and even improves mood.

Method of preparation: pour a teaspoon of granules with hot drinking water.


Tea "Nestik" will help to quickly and effectively solve the problem of the lactation crisis. It is an instant drink based on herbal extracts of chamomile, galega, rose hips and nettle. Also contains lactose and glucose. Provides a soothing effect. Differs in a relatively affordable price.

Grandma's basket

One of the most popular remedies for increasing lactation is "Babushkino Lukoshko". The manufacturer is the Russian company "Sivma", familiar to many mothers for other types of products for babies (infant formula, juices, mashed potatoes).

Tea "Babushkino Lukoshko" is produced in the form of filter bags with rosehip or anise in the composition. Nettle leaves, fennel, lemon balm and caraway are used as additional components of the drink.

It is enough to brew one filter bag for one serving of tea. The recommended daily dose is two to three servings.


The list of the most effective means for increasing lactation includes "Lactavit" tea, created by the Russian company of the same name. The basis for the production of the drink was the development of scientists from the Angarsk Institute of Medical and Biological Problems.

A phyto drink based on anise fruits, nettle leaves, fennel and caraway seeds is available in the form of disposable filter bags. The recommended dosage of Laktovit tea is two servings a day.


Lactogonous tea "Lactafitol" of production russian company Krasnogorskleksredstva is also one of the most popular drugs for increasing milk production in nursing mothers.

As part of the extraction product from:

  • fennel;
  • nettle;
  • anise;
  • dill;
  • cumin.

One package of "Lactafitol" contains 20 disposable filter bags, which corresponds to the recommended intake rate - one bag a day for three weeks.

Method of preparation: Brew a packet of tea with a glass of boiling water and take half a glass twice a day.


Lactogonous tea "Leros" is classified as a medium efficiency drink. The collection includes medicinal herbs: lemon balm, galega, fennel, plantain, cumin, golden rod. Available in disposable filter bags without labels or tags.


Bebivita tea is intended to increase lactation in nursing mothers. Available in the form of granules and in the form of disposable filter bags.

The contents of tea bags contain fruits and leaves:

  • rose hips;
  • hawthorn;
  • coriander;
  • chokeberry;
  • nettle;
  • lemon balm;
  • rose petals.

"Bebivita" granules contain extracts of natural herbs: anise, cumin, lemon balm and fennel. The natural flavor is lemon grass. Additional components are grape sugar and maltodextrin.

Method of preparation: take four teaspoons of granules or one filter bag for one glass of boiling water. The daily norm is three to six cups of tea.

Daily use of Bebivita is recommended from the last months of pregnancy.

Ivan tea during lactation

Due to its powerful healing potential, ivan tea (narrow-leaved fireweed) is quite often used in folk medicine. The ability to enhance lactation is just one of the many medicinal properties of the plant.

Applying ivan tea during lactation, you can help your baby get rid of abdominal pain and colic. In addition, drinking the drink allows you to improve metabolic processes, stabilize the mother's nervous system and remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Method of preparation: the dried leaves of the plant are passed through a meat grinder. For brewing, a teaspoon of herbal raw materials is poured with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes.

Milk tea for lactation: myths and reality

One of the most famous and popular drinks among nursing mothers is tea with milk. Despite the fact that the use of milk tea is an ancient way, which was still used by our great-grandmothers, doctors are not inclined to consider the drink particularly useful.

When giving preference to tea with milk, one should take into account its disadvantages:

  • The caffeine in the drink has an exciting effect and can increase the load on the baby's nervous system.
  • Cow's milk is a common cause of allergies and colic in infants.
  • Milk tea has a diuretic effect, increasing the need to urinate not only in the mother, but also in the baby. In addition, the withdrawal of fluid from the mother's body helps to reduce the volume of milk produced.

However, moderate consumption of the drink can be beneficial.

Milk tea itself does not belong to lactogonic agents. But drinking a hot drink before breastfeeding stimulates breast milk flow, improving the quality of the feed.

Also milk tea well replenishes the reserves of vitamins and minerals necessary for mother and baby, quenches thirst and gives strength.

How to make your own tea for lactation: recipes

If desired, a nursing mother can prepare a lactogonous drink on her own. To do this, you need to know which plants to give preference to, then purchase them at the pharmacy and observe the correct proportions when brewing.

Best recipes:

  • Fennel or dill tea. For one serving of water for a drink, take a tablespoon of seeds. Take without sugar during the day, in small sips.
  • Chamomile tea. A glass of boiling water and a spoonful of flowers are heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take the first portion of the drink with caution, as chamomile can cause allergies.
  • Ginger tea. A pinch of crushed root is boiled with boiling water and infused for a couple of minutes. Honey and lemon can be added to improve the taste, provided that the child is not allergic to these products.
  • Kalmyk tea jomba. Green tea good quality (30 g per half liter of water) boil for 20 minutes, pour in cream (100 g) and bring to a boil. Then add a pinch of black pepper and salt, bay leaf, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves.

Should I use tea for lactation? When is it needed? How effective are popular remedies? How to choose best product? On the benefits and role of lactogonic tea in the diet of a lactating woman in the reviews of breastfeeding consultants.

The urge to “get something to drink” to increase breast milk production comes to every breastfeeding mother. This happens in moments of doubt about the sufficiency of food production for the baby. Suspicions that there is not enough milk arise when the frequency of feedings increases or your own feelings change. The breast stops swelling, as after childbirth, nothing leaks from it ...

All of these situations, warns a breastfeeding expert international organization "La Leche Liga" Natalia Gerbeda-Wilson, do not at all say that there is less milk. After twelve weeks of feeding, the breast-baby symbiosis comes to a perfect understanding. The baby learns how to properly handle the breast, so the duration of feedings is sharply reduced. This increases the sucking productivity. The breasts stop producing too much milk. She produces as much as the child normally consumes. Perfect situation!

The benefits of lactogonics

There are many signs that will not tell if your baby is getting enough milk. It is impossible to find out either by "control weighing" before and after meals, or by assessing the amount expressed. The only way to determine if your breast is not eating enough is by observing your baby. The following situations are a signal for the need to stimulate lactation.

  • Negative wet diaper test result. The kid pees less than twelve times a day. This can be clarified only by removing the diaper for a day, and counting how many times the baby pee using rag diapers.
  • Lagging in weight gain. It is recorded during monthly weighing in the clinic.
  • General malaise of the baby. The child is inactive, weak, sleeps for a long time, the skin looks pale, the lips are dry.

An active, healthy, agile baby, who often lays on the breast, gets enough milk. It is dangerous to use lactogonics, including tea to increase lactation. They can lead to increased milk production - hyperlactation. This is fraught with discomfort for the mother, the development of congestion in the chest, and impaired digestion of the child.

You should resort to additional means of increasing lactation only when really necessary.

  • Interruption of breastfeeding. The reason for it may be the mother's illness with the intake of drugs dangerous for the baby, or her departure. When a woman begins to restore lactation, tea will be beneficial.
  • Mixed feeding. The introduction of supplementary feeding during breastfeeding is often carried out unreasonably, under the influence of the advice of relatives, the woman's lack of confidence in a sufficient amount of milk. Supplementing with formula further inhibits lactation. In this case, you can return to natural feeding, including using lactogonic agents.
  • Revealed lack of breast milk. It will be determined by counting the number of urinations of the child per day and monitoring his condition. If a lack of milk is detected, a woman is recommended to transfer the baby to mixed feeding with supplementary formula feeding. The relaxation technique allows you to normalize milk production and restore full breastfeeding.

According to Natalia Razakhatskaya, breastfeeding consultant, the role of tea in stimulating lactation should not be exaggerated. “To achieve increased milk production,” she writes in an article on the effects of medicinal herbs on lactation, “you need to empty your breasts more often. The drugs taken either have no effect at all, or work like a placebo effect. " That is, taking any tea or pills for lactation, a woman gains an inner confidence that her milk production should increase.

With frequent contact with the baby, regular attachment to the breast and the resumption of night feeds, this happens. Reviews of tea for lactation from breastfeeding consultants allow us to consider any remedy as an element of "moral support", psychological influence. But with hypolactation, this is enough for a woman to believe in herself.

How do medicinal herbs affect the body?

Taking herbal infusions to increase milk production has been practiced historically. Some plants do have a lactogonic effect. Others do not have such an effect, but can stimulate negative reactions from the body. Therefore, before deciding which tea is best to buy to increase lactation, familiarize yourself with its composition.

The effect of herbs on the body is presented in the main training program on lactation of consultants-practitioners of the international organization "La Leche Liga" in 2007.

  • Caraway. A spice with no proven clinical effect on lactation. Does not cause negative reactions of the body.
  • Alfalfa. Stimulates the inhibition of the production of blood elements with prolonged use.
  • Fennel. It has been used to increase milk production historically, but modern medicine has not confirmed its effectiveness. With prolonged use, it stimulates allergies, contact and photodermatitis on the part of the child.
  • Dill. The effect has not been proven, but it does not cause side reactions.
  • Fenugreek (fenugreek, helba, shambhala). The process of influencing lactation has not been studied, but has historically been used to stimulate it. Recent studies have confirmed the presence of diostegin in the plant. It is a phytoestrogen, a natural analogue of the female hormone. In the Middle Ages, it was used as an obstetric aid. Since 1876, it has been marketed as a ready-made product for the relief of menstrual discomfort. Fenugreek gained particular popularity as a lactogonous remedy in India. There the plant is called metha.
  • Rosemary, watercress. There is no clinical data on the stimulation of lactation, but long-term use in large quantities can cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Horse chestnut, thistle. The increase in lactation with the use of these herbs has been proven clinically. However, their use carries the risk of gastrointestinal upset, increased menstrual flow, allergic reactions, headache.
  • Basil. Used as a spice in small quantities does not cause negative effects. The effect on milk production is individual and unpredictable, since the plant contains estrogen, which affects the hormonal background of a woman.
  • Kelp. Seaweed is a source of iodine. It does not affect milk production, but with prolonged use it can cause hypothyroidism - thyroid dysfunction and hormonal imbalance.
  • Ginseng. Missing data on safe use during lactation. Contains estrogen, so it can stimulate unexpected hormonal reactions.

Other herbs do not have any effect on lactation, so it makes no sense to use them to increase milk production.

Rules for the use of lactogonous tea

  • Do not accept any collection for longer than a week. Long-term use can lead to negative and prolonged reactions from the body.
  • Do not exceed dosage. The manufacturer indicates the recommended amount for taking during the day on the package. Follow these recommendations so as not to harm the body.
  • Don't drink "just in case." An attempt to make milk production better and more can result in an overabundance (hyperlactation) with a lot of negative consequences.
  • Monitor your body's reactions. If you notice a deterioration in health, disruption of the intestines or stomach, headaches or reactions from the genitourinary system, immediately stop using the infusion.
  • Drink warm. Any warm drink, be it milk tea for lactation or regular boiled water, makes expressing and feeding easier. The reason for this is the stimulation of the hormone oxytocin, which relaxes the ducts in the mammary glands and allows their contents to flow freely outward when pressed on the nipple.
  • Work on the restoration of lactation in a comprehensive manner. Frequent breastfeeding, changing mammary glands during one feeding, constant tactile contact with the baby will help.

Complex therapy of hypolactation together with lactogonic tea will help normalize breastfeeding.

Popular Products

There are several types of lactogonous teas for nursing mothers. Let's dwell on the characteristics of the most popular of them.


A drug russian production company "Krasnogorskleksredstva". Offered in disposable filter bags. The package contains 20 packages, one package is sufficient for 10-20 days of admission, that is, for the recommended course (2-4 weeks). Reviews of tea for lactation "Lactofitol" allow us to consider it a safe remedy for use in the production of breast milk. It contains fruits of fennel, anise, caraway seeds and stinging nettle leaves.


Humana tea for lactation is produced in Germany. Products are certified by iSO standard 9001: 2000. The manufacturer works for european market baby food for over sixty years. Tea is supplied in loose form, you need to brew a teaspoon per 100 ml of water. Duration of admission has not been determined. It is recommended to drink three 200 ml cups per day.

The composition includes plant extracts of fennel, fenugreek, hibiscus, rooibos, galega, raspberry. The complex is supplemented with vitamin C, sucrose, so the drink tastes good.


The Hipp line of lactation teas is one of the most diverse. Presented are dry soluble mixtures in granules in the form of a vegetable complex and fruit tea with vitamins. We also offer Hipp tea for lactation in express packages. Manufacturer - a German company, manufactures children food since 1932. The mixtures are supplemented with folic acid, iron, iodine, necessary for a woman's body during breastfeeding.