Cashier in Offline. Types of office for offline business: pros, cons, nuances of choice. Setting the system parameters in the cash register

Privacy agreement

and personal data processing

1. General Provisions

1.1. An agreement on the confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter - the Agreement) is adopted free and its will, operates in relation to all the information that Inseyls Rus LLC and / or its affiliates, including all persons in one group with LLC "Inseyls Rus" (including Ekam Service LLC), can receive a user during the use of any of the sites, services, services, programs for computer, products or services LLC Inseyls Rus (hereinafter - services) and During the execution of LLC Inseyls Rus »any agreements and contracts with the user. The consent of the user with the agreement expressed in the framework of relations with one of the listed persons is applied to all other listed persons.

1.2. The use of services means the consent of the user with this Agreement and the conditions specified in it; In case of disagreement with these Terms, the user must refrain from the use of services.

"Inseyls" - Society S. limited liability "Inseyls rus", OGRN 1117746506514, TIN 7714843760, PPC 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, St. Okademika Ilyushin, d.4, korp.1, office 11 (hereinafter - "Inseyls"), on the one hand , I.

"User" -

or individualwith legal relationship and recognized by the participant of civil legal relations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

or entity, registered in accordance with the legislation of the state, the resident of which is such a person;

or individual entrepreneur, registered in accordance with the legislation of the state, the residency of which is a person;

which adopted the terms of this Agreement.

1.4. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties determined that confidential information is any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational, and others), including the results of intellectual activity, as well as information on the methods of implementation professional activity (including, but not limited to: information about products, work and services; information on technologies and research work; data on technical systems and equipment, including software elements; Business forecasts and information about the estimated purchases; Requirements and specifications of specific partners and potential partners; Information relating to intellectual property, as well as plans and technologies related to all of the above), reported by one side of the other party in writing and / or electronic form, explicitly indicated by the party as its confidential information.

1.5. The following agreement is to protect confidential information that the parties will exchange during the negotiations, conclusions of contracts and fulfillment of obligations, as well as any other interaction (including, but not limited to, consulting, requesting and providing information, and the fulfillment of other orders).

2. Share Party

2.1. Invoor agree to maintain all confidential informationobtained by one side of the other hand in the interaction of the parties, not to disclose, not to disclose, not promulgate or otherwise not to provide such information to any third party without the prior written permission of the other party, except in the cases specified in the current legislation when the provision of such Information is the responsibility of the parties.

2.2. The party will take all necessary measures to protect confidential information at least with the use of the same measures that the Party applies to protect their own confidential information. Access to confidential information is provided only to those employees of each of the parties to which it is reasonable to be fulfilled. official duties on the execution of this Agreement.

2.3. Conservation in the secret of confidential information is really within the deadline for this Agreement, the license agreement on the computer program dated December 12, 2016, the contract of joining the license agreement for programs for computer, agency and other treaties and within five years after termination Their actions, if the parties separately will not be specified otherwise.

(a) if the information provided has become publicly available without a violation of obligations of one of the parties;

(b) if the information provided became known as a result of its own research, systematic observations or other activities carried out without the use of confidential information obtained from the other side;

(c) if the information provided is legitimately received from a third party without a commitment to maintain it in secret before it is provided to one of the parties;

(d) if the information is provided by written request state authority, other state Body, or local governments in order to fulfill their functions and its disclosure to these bodies is mandatory for the part party. At the same time, the party must immediately notify the other side of the received request;

(e) If the information is provided to a third party with the consent of the party, the information about which is transmitted.

2.5.Seils does not check the accuracy of the information provided by the user and does not have the opportunity to assess its capacity.

2.6. The information that the user provides Inseyls when registering in services is not personal data as defined in Federal Law RF №152-FZ dated 27.07.2006. "On personal data."

2.7.Seils has the right to make changes to this Agreement. When making changes to the urgent editorial board, the date of the last update is specified. The new edition of the agreement comes into force from the moment of its placement, unless otherwise provided new edition Agreements.

2.8. After this agreement, the user realizes and agrees that Inseyls can send personalized messages and information to the user (including not limited to) to improve the quality of services, to develop new products, to create and send the user to personal offerings to inform the user about Changes in Tariff plans and updates, to send the user marketing materials on the subject of services, to protect services and users and for other purposes.

The user has the right to refuse to receive the above information, reporting this in writing to the Email of Inseyls -.

2.9. When this agreement, the user is aware of and agrees with the fact that Cookies, counters, other technologies and the user have no complaints about Insiels to ensure the services of services as a whole or their individual functions in particular.

2.10. The user is aware that the equipment and software used by them to visit sites on the Internet can have a feature for prohibiting operations with cookies (for any sites or for specific sites), as well as removing previously received cookies.

Insiels has the right to establish that the provision of a specific service is possible only if the reception and receipt of cookies are enabled by the user.

2.11. The user is independently responsible for the security of their funds selected to access the account, and also independently ensures their confidentiality. The user is independently responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) as part of or using services under the user account, including the cases of voluntary data by the user to access the user account to third parties on any conditions (including agreements or agreements) . At the same time, all actions within or using services under the user account are considered to be produced by the user themselves, with the exception of cases when the user notified Inseyls about unauthorized access to services using the user account and / or any violation (suspicions of violation) of their confidentiality of their Account access to account.

2.12. The user is obliged to immediately notify Inseyls about any case of unauthorized (not user-rescued) access to services using the user account and / or any violation (suspicions about violation) of the confidentiality of their account access to the account. For security reasons, the user is obliged to independently fulfill the completion of the work under its account at the end of each work session. Insiels is not responsible for the possible loss or damage, as well as other consequences of any nature that can occur due to the user's violation of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3. Conformance to Party

3.1. The fact that violated the obligation provided for by the Agreement with regard to the protection of confidential information transferred under the Agreement is obliged to compensate at the request of the affected part of the actual damage caused by such a violation of the terms of the agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. The damage does not cease the duties of the violating part of the proper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement.

4.In the provisions

4.1.All notifications, requests, requirements and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those involving confidential information, should be issued in writing and are awarded personally or through the courier, or sent e-mail The addresses listed in the license agreement for the computer program dated December 1, 2016, the contract of accession to the license agreement on the computer program and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be in the future written in writing.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are either becoming invalid, it cannot be the reason for the termination of other provisions (conditions).

4.3. For this Agreement and relations between the user and Inseyls, arising in connection with the application of the Agreement shall be applied to the Russian Federation.

4.3.All offers or questions about this Agreement, the user has the right to send Insiels users to the support service or by post address: 107078, Moscow, ul. Novoryazanskaya, 18, p.11-12 STEndhal BC LLC Inseyls Rus LLC.

Publication date: 12/01/2016

Complete name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Inseyls Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Inseyls rus"

Name in English:

Insales Rus Limited Liability Company (Insales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, ul. Academician Ilyushina, 4, Corp.1, Office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, ul. Novoryazanskaya, 18, p.11-12, STEndhal BC

Inn: 7714843760 PPC: 771401001

Bank details:

FZ 54 is activated, retail changes tickets. Someone had to do this by July 1 of this year, someone has time before July 1, 2018, only a few representatives received a longer deferment. trade Business. But by and large, nobody turned out to be beyond the law. About how, for which criteria, choose the cashier, is already written quite a lot, but in fact, to begin with, it is necessary to navigate throughout the list of equipment available in the market.

The main task of any cash register is the fixation of purchase and sale and transmission of data on the aching purchase in real time, therefore, in our country, only the devices that have fiscal memory are used from recently. Types of cash desks that are allowed for use are not so much, but each of them has their own nuances that need to be considered when buying.

Autonomous office

Autonomous cash registers are called control and cash machines that work as independent devices. They have a printer, display and a digital keyboard. Such devices are called kassami-calculators. Unlike fiscal registrars, they can work without connecting to a computer, but they can also be connected to the PC to implement some initial settings, such as configure the directory.

And yes, you did not hear, the autonomy is still produced, since 2017, they are produced with a fiscal drive inside.

The first question that arises in relation to such checks - how to help them to maintain a population accounting? Today for such checkouts manufacturers make special programsWith which you drive the product and assign it the code - about the same way as you do in the supermarket, when weighing on the scales in the Banana Hall. It is usually enough to dial the product code so that the scales give you the weight and cost of selected vegetables or fruits. That is, to make a position in the check, you need to remember the product code. Or, if the memory fails, keep a piece of paper in which all codes are recorded. It is certainly not very convenient, but in principle it is implemented.

Minuses:it is almost impossible to connect a bank terminal or scanner to such tickets, and it will not build any reports or analytics or loyalty program. With such a cash register, you will keep the accounting system on the notebook and you will not be able to connect it to the online store (if you have such plans).

A plus:only one is the price. Autonomous cash desk costs a few cheaper than other devices.

To whom it is suitable: small shops with a limited assortment of goods, as well as services, where there is no population accounting and commercial residues in the system - and there is no automation system. Such tickets will also suit those who have no heavy load on the cashier, a small client flow, etc.

You can also consider the acquisition of such a cashier to those who have an accounting system that cannot be integrated with any other cash register, and there is a need to simply implement the law.

Fiscal registrar

The fiscal recorder is a non-autonomous cash register. He has two memory blocks that are designed to register all punishable checks. But unlike autonomous cash desks, FRs work only under the control of the computer, that is, can not do anything in itself. In essence, this is a printer, which does not have a screen or keyboard. To work with a fiscal registrar, you will need to need the manager "Add-in" - a tablet or laptop with a management program that will "lead" by this device. If there is no tablet, then your mobile phone is suitable.

Minuses: It does not work autonomously. Having such a cash register, you need to pay more for software. Higher price.

Pros:Such a "national team" has more opportunities, it can be connected to almost any accounting system, the management will be carried out from this system, and no data will pass by the entrepreneur.

Who comes up: to everyone who is willing to pay a little more. Such devices can be connected to any system and use in any sphere.

Smart cash register or online cash register

Smart checkouts are two types - monoblocks and national teams. Each of them has its pros and cons.


Pros:this is a very convenient and compact solution with the "sewn" inside the fiscal registrar and software, it is ideal for those who want to get a fully integrated ready-made solution.

Minuses: Since the manufacturer of the device itself is put in the monoblocks, then in case it does not suit you something, you will not be able to replace, you will have to buy a new cashier. Another minus is the price, the decision is not cheap. Also, acquiring a monoblock, you need to take into account the next nuance: since all parts of such a cashier are collected together, any breakdown entails the incapacity of the entire device, that is, some part breaks, and the entire ticket comes out.

To whom it comes: this solution has limitations from the point of view of the type of trade. Cassa-monoblock is not very convenient where it is necessary to unload the queue or go to the buyer to advise him according to some product, that is, for mobile / mobile, as for network trading, it is most likely not suitable. Most often this solution is used in certain niches (for example, in restaurants or in the field medical services, in beauty salons, etc.).

National team

Cashier on the tablet consists of a tablet (or phone) and a fiscal registrar.

Minuses:such a ticket is more expensive than previous devices, but if, for example, you have your tablet that you are ready to use in work, you can save. Some users are annoying the presence of not one, but two wires that are necessary for the device operation, but this problem is easy to fix: wires can be removed into special racks.

Pros:they are much more. In fact, this box office is deprived of all those deficiencies that are characteristic of other devices, namely:

  • works with standard cash equipment, which has already proven itself in the market;
  • if one part breaks, for example, a tablet or french, you calmly change it and work on;
  • did not like one supplier by, just change the application and work with another;
  • cashier is easy to integrate with any periphery;
  • cassa can be used as portable within the store, which means that for multiple tablets you can use one FR, and this is a big savings;
  • such a cashier can work in 2B1 mode, that is, as a ticket office and for the Internet and for offline store (you can apply both for Internet acquiring and for cash or cash acquiring).

Who comes up: everyone without restrictions - taking into account the price.



Who fits

Autonomous Casses

Difficulty with dumping accounting

No online statistics

Cannot connect a bank terminal

Small stores with a limited assortment of goods

Services where there is no population accounting

Fiscal registrar

Opportunity to save on the purchase of the cash register

Can be connected to any accounting system

Not working autonomic

Need to pay for

Everyone can be used in any field



Breaks one - everything breaks

There is no possibility to change the supplier by

It is inconvenient to walk with such a device around the hall

Representatives of the veneer trade without mobile sales (beauty salons, medical services, restaurants, cafes, etc.)

Cashier on the tablete

Quite high compared to other solutions Price

Two wires - for FR and for tablet

Reliability of equipment

Independence from the supplier for

You can use as a network or portable cashier

You can save on the tablet

You can use 2 in 1 (online + offline sale)

Everyone with a budget can be used without restrictions in any field.

Hello, dear owners and managers of online stores on the platform 1C-Bitrix. We continue the cycle of articles that will help improve the indicators of your store.

In previous articles, we managed to tell you about SEO questions, content, integration with suppliers. In the same article, we will only talk about you and about your store, or rather, about his association: offline + online.

AT 1C-Bitrix There is already a series of instruments that help combine online business processes and offline. As a rule, this uses standard 1C. and CRM. integration. They allow you to organize synchronization: goods, orders, counterparties, lid, transactions, etc. In principle, until recently, this was enough. The owner of the online store was pleased if these mechanisms have been implemented and worked as watch. But everything flows, everything changes. Requirements to e-commerce Systems are growing every year. Players earlier began to be published on the online market offline. They have already rebuilt their clear system of work in offline. They want this debugged system to transfer them to online, which, by the way, is not so easy.

As a result of working with similar clients, it turned out that Bitrix It does not have mechanisms for a full-fledged unification of offline and online stores, and to be more accurate, then there is no possibility from the online store in their work to consider checks, punched into offline. From this and imply the impossibility of organizing a single loyalty program for customers, that is, the use of discount cards becomes difficult.

As a result, two clear tasks stood before us:

  • Unloading CCM checks.It is necessary that checks, punched in offline store, loaded in some form from 1C to the online store database.
  • Synchronization of discount cards. It is necessary that the cards used in Offline are unloaded from 1C to the online store database.
Tasks nontrivial, answers to which neither BitrixNor other third-party developers were provided to us. Therefore, it was decided to implement this functional independently. We understood that such a full integration would be needed to many customers, so we decided to pack everything in the module. But in order not to produce modules, we decided to use our already developed module for this.

This lesson shows the configuration of the program in terms of retail sales, cashier and commercial equipment settings.

basic settings

Let's start with the main settings - I will show where the retail sales are included:

We put a sign of retail sales, set the storage time deferred and archived checks, customize what to do with checks after closing the shift (you can archive, and you can immediately delete). If using gift certificates, put the corresponding feature. If you have several stores (or in one store several cash desks, turn on the use of several CCM CCM):

If you plan to receive payment by bank cards, you need to enable the appropriate setting:

If retail shopping points You have a few, you need to enable the use of several warehouses:

If you plan to issue discount cards to buyers, accrue bonuses over them, turn on the appropriate settings in the CRM and marketing section:

Now set a sign of the use of commercial equipment:

If we use the Offline (cash desk, in which the data from the file with the remnants of the nomenclature is first loaded, and then the report on it is loaded into the database retail salesAlso through a file), we establish the use of exchange with such equipment:

Now for retail Store You need to create a warehouse, the basic settings are highlighted in red:

It must be chosen a retail type of price - the price of the nomenclature of this species will be substituted into the checks of the CCM. Well, accordingly, it is necessary to establish the price of the nomenclature for this species.

For each cash register used in the organization, enter the directory element Cash boxes:

Create a new ticket office:

The CASS card indicates an organization that sells sales, the type of cash, warehouse, and serial and registration number equipment. For a correct exchange with an accounting department of the enterprise 3.0, it makes sense to choose a division:

Cashier in the program can be 3 types:

Fiscal registrar - Cashier connected to a computer and 1C. When the check is breaking, a check is printed in the checkout program, when closing a change in the program at the checkout, a report with a junction (Z-report) is printed.

Kkm offline - Cashier, in which information about the remnants of the nomenclature is downloaded daily (the file is formed in the program), and at the end of this checkout the file is formed, which is then loaded into the program (on the basis of it, retail sales reports are created).

Autonomous KKM. - Cashier, not connected to the PC and the program and unsupporting offline exchange mode. When working with such a cash register, sales data is made by manual users (a document report on retail sales).

To demonstrate work with a cash register of the KKM OFFLINE Create another one cassum KKM. (This time the warehouse does not need to choose):

For each user of the program, you can configure the sales rules - to establish if necessary, restricting the use of manual discounts, as well as configure the rights in the workplace of the cashier:

The use of manual discounts are configured on the first tab:

On the second - powers in the workplace of the cashier (RMK):

Connected equipment

Now you need to configure the equipment connected to the program (because I actually do not have any equipment, I will install the emulator, well, you look where and how it is in principle):

We go into the list of connected equipment:

In the workplace operating location, select the type of equipment (fiscal recorders) and add a new device:

In the equipment card I choose the emulator (in your real case You need to select the driver corresponding to your specific model of the fiscal machine). Please note that the plug-in equipment is attached to a specific workplace:

Also create a device with type of CCM OFFLINE. Select the version of the exchange format and set the download directories and unloading files:

If necessary, the barcode scanner and the acquiring terminal immediately connects:

Now we have left to customize the workplace:

In the RMK card, we can configure hot keys for various actions (comfortable thing, it can significantly speed up the process of customer service:

In the settings of hot keys, we can not only assign convenient key combinations to various actions, but also add a different nomenclature in Fast products (For the convenience of the selection, add goods that are sold most often, for example, T-shirt packages):

If personal sales of managers are used trade (Revenue is analyzed in the context of managers), then as a seller, in addition to the cashier, you also need to choose the manager.

On the first tab of the table of the used equipment, add the created emulator of the fiscal registrar:

If necessary, the acquiring terminal is added here.

/ Software

The main difference between these modes is to organize the interaction of PC and KKM. All the information below relates exclusively to the AMC Line CCM and CASBI-02 CCM.

"Online" mode

When using this mode, several KKM are connected to one PC. The PC is established by software, which includes the following:

Storage of database of goods (prices, names, residue, etc.)
- processing of requests from KKM (Request of details of the goods in code or bar code)
- registration of events taking place on the CCM (adding a purchase in the check buffer of the CCM, the inclusion of the check, reset the check, etc.)

The cashier, when using the Online mode, works on the CCM and sells the product (SC) of the goods. When setting a cashier's cashier on a KKM keyboard or when reading a bar code code using a SC scanner, an event request event is displayed in the CCM. Server software with a CCM survey included in the CCC (computer-cash network), processes this event, i.e. Produces a search in the database of goods with the requested code / SC and transmits the CCM information about the requested product (price, name, etc.). After the output / discharge of the check on the CCM PC registers this event, and maintains information about the check and the goods included in it.

- almost unlimited base of goods;
- the ability to promptly update the details of goods and their residues;
- Flexible configuration of the logic of the software serving KKS.

The work of the entire network depends on the PC. When stopping a PC (failure, hanging), the entire system is stopped

"OFFLINE" mode

This mode of operation involves the use of equipment that allows you to store the base of goods, on request from the CCM to inform her the requisites of the requested product and register the sales produced on the CCM. When using the AMS or Casbein-02F KKM line, it is possible to use RSHK devices or an internal base of the CCM products (only for AMC-200F and CASBI-02F).

Before starting work, the nomenclature is loaded with PCs in the RSK devices (KKM). The cashier works on the CCM and produces the sale on the code (SC) of the goods. At the end of the shift (or at any other time), read from sales of sales results, which are processed by the accounting system used.

-The rest of the work is not necessary in constant connection to the PC (it is possible to use instruments in remote points where the installation of the PC is impossible or not beneficial);
-All the RSK devices have non-volatile memory and can be transferred from QCM to a remote PC without losing stored information;
The system of operation of the system does not depend on the PC.

- boundary size of the base of goods (the size of the base depends on the RSK model or KKM, which has a built-in base base);
-Control of sales results is not carried out real time;
- Claims a cumulative result, without the control of the residues of the goods.

Check ONLINE mode

When using this cashier regime, working on the PC, generates a list of goods selected for sale and indicates check details (refund sign, paid cash, discount value / surcharge, etc.), after which by pressing the predefined keys on the KKM keyboard, the cashier initiates a request from cash register to PC on the content of the formed list of goods. Having obtained the necessary information, the CCM places it in its check buffer and displays the check with its staff.

Benefits are determined by the implementation of the automated cashier's workplace.

- relatively high, compared to other modes of work, the cost of the workplace (is related to the need to use the PC at each workplace);
- Evidence of learning cashiers skills to work with PC and KKM.