The history of the streets of the village of bardy. Panorama of Barda (Perm Territory). Virtual tour of Barda (Perm region). Attractions, map, photo, video. Where did the name come from

(G) (I) Coordinates: 56 ° 55′38 ″ s. sh. 55 ° 35'28 "in. etc. /  56.92722 ° N sh. 55.59111 ° E etc./ 56.92722; 55.59111 (G) (I) First mention Population National composition Confessional composition Names of residents Timezone Telephone code Postcode Car code OKATO code


The first mention of the village in the watch book of 1630-1631. The first mosque was built here in the city, and the first Muslim school (madrasah) was registered with it. In 1834 there were 34 yards in the village, in which 223 Bashkirs lived, with which 896 poods of winter grain were sown in the fall of 1841 and 128 poods of spring bread in the spring of 1842. In 1834, out of 34 households, 18 were small, 15 were undivided. National holidays are celebrated: Barda-Zien, Sabantuy, which are celebrated once a year in mid-June.

Population of Barda

The population according to the census of the city is 8.49 thousand people, in the city - 8.09 thousand people.

A multinational village, the vast majority of the population are Tatar-speaking Bashkirs and Tatars.

The ethnic composition of the village of Barda according to the All-Russian census of 2002: Bashkirs - 62.6%, Tatars - 31.3%, Russians - 5%.

Rural economy

Industrial enterprises and organizations - Permgazenergoservice-Barda LLC, Selkhoztekhnika OJSC, Stroyprom LLC, Lukoil-Perm LLC, oil and gas production shop-No.6, line production management area main gas pipelines, Tchaikovsky network district electrical networks, industrial inter-farm enterprise "Agropromenergo", a branch of CJSC "Firm Uralgazservice", LLC "Bardymskaya PMK-19", LLC " Construction management No. 8 ”, LLC“ Tekhmontazh ”, printing house, MUP“ Housing and communal services ”, fire station No. 87, telecommunication section of Osinsky ETUS, forestry, Bardymsky rural forestry - branch of FGU“ Permselles ”, regional hospital and maternity hospital.

Motor transport enterprises - MUP PATP "Bardymsky" and LLC "Ashatli".

Digital terrestrial television broadcasting


From educational institutions in Barda there are kindergartens "Solnyshko" and "Petushok", the National Bardymskaya Gymnasium No. 1, BSOSH No. 2, a special school, vocational school, a branch of CPGK, a branch of Kazan University, MOU DOD "Children's Art School" Technicians ".

In Barda there are Tatar folk theater, Exemplary dance group "Duslyk" and other ensembles.

The regional newspaper "Tak" is published in Russian and Tatar languages.

The New Wave youth club was also opened in Barda.


Monument to V.I.Lenin, monument to the Fallen in Velikaya Patriotic War 1941-1945 ", which for the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was restored and supplemented with seven memorial steles, the regional museum of local lore. The highest Cathedral Mosque of the Perm Territory was built by the villagers. Not far from the village there are Bardymsky tracts and settlements. Picturesque banks of the Barda river.

Streets, alleys

  • Ring street
  • Pine street
  • turgenev street
  • syrkaesh street
  • nikulina street
  • street 50 years of Victory
  • Podlesnaya street
  • Flower street
  • kurchatov street
  • zhukov street
  • dekabristov street
  • Sunny street
  • svetlana Savitskaya street
  • koroleva Street
  • gazovikov street
  • International street
  • Forest street
  • School Street
  • popova street
  • hadi Taktash street
  • hasan Tufan street
  • titova street
  • lenin street
  • cosmonauts street
  • 9 May street
  • Youth street
  • krupskaya street
  • belyaeva street
  • leonova street
  • gromovoy street
  • Uralskaya street
  • Embankment street
  • maxim Gorky street
  • Soviet street
  • 8 March street
  • krupskaya lane
  • matrosova street
  • 1 May street
  • Oktyabrskaya street
  • kirova street
  • kuibyshev street
  • Komsomolskaya street
  • Kolkhoznaya street
  • nekrasov street
  • batyrkaev street
  • frunze street
  • bichurinsky tract street
  • kurochkina street
  • salavat Yulaev street
  • builders street
  • chemists street
  • gayny street
  • chkalov lane
  • suvorov street
  • Zarechnaya street
  • chapaeva street
  • chkalov street
  • gagarin street
  • Lugovaya street
  • kyzyl-Yar street
  • East street
  • Tulvinskaya street
  • pushkin street
  • chelyuskin street
  • narimanov street
  • sverdlova street
  • chekhov street
  • melioratorov street
  • musa Jalil street
  • street Substation
  • yesenin street
  • Green Street
  • aminova street
  • michurin street
  • lermontova street
  • lomonosov street
  • Merry street
  • kozhedub street
+ Kazanbaeva street

Famous natives of the village

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An excerpt characterizing Barda (Perm region)

Gavrilo, Marya Dmitrievna's huge visiting lackey, met Anatole.
“Come to my lady,” said the footman in a bass voice, blocking the way from the door.
- What lady? Who are you? - Anatole asked in a breathless whisper.
- Please, ordered to bring.
- Kuragin! back, - Dolokhov shouted. - Treason! Back!
Dolokhov at the gate, at which he stopped, fought with the janitor who was trying to lock the gate behind Anatol, who had entered. Dolokhov with his last effort pushed the janitor away and grabbed the hand of the run out Anatole, pulled him out of the gate and ran back to the troika with him.

Marya Dmitrievna, finding Sonia in tears in the corridor, forced her to confess everything. Having intercepted Natasha's note and having read it, Marya Dmitrievna, with the note in her hand, went up to Natasha's.
“You bastard, shameless woman,” she told her. - I don't want to hear anything! - Pushing aside Natasha, who was looking at her with astonished but dry eyes, she locked her with a key and ordered the janitor to let through the gates those people who would come this evening, but not let them out, and ordered the footman to bring these people to her, sat in the living room, waiting kidnappers.
When Gavrilo came to report to Marya Dmitrievna that the people who had come had run away, she got up with a frown and folded her hands back, walked around the rooms for a long time, pondering what to do. At 12 o'clock in the morning she, feeling the key in her pocket, went to Natasha's room. Sonya was sitting sobbing in the corridor.
- Marya Dmitrievna, let me see her for God's sake! - she said. Marya Dmitrievna, without answering her, unlocked the door and entered. "Disgusting, nasty ... In my house ... Bastard, girl ... Only sorry for my father!" thought Marya Dmitrievna, trying to appease her anger. "No matter how difficult it may be, I will tell everyone to be silent and will hide it from the count." Marya Dmitrievna entered the room with decisive steps. Natasha was lying on the sofa, covering her head with her hands, and did not move. She lay in the very position in which Marya Dmitrievna had left her.
- Good, very good! Said Marya Dmitrievna. - In my house make appointments for lovers! There is nothing to pretend. You listen when I speak to you. Marya Dmitrievna touched her hand. - You listen when I speak. You disgraced yourself, like the very last girl. I would have done that with you, but I feel sorry for your father. I will hide. - Natasha did not change her position, but her whole body began to toss from the soundless, convulsive sobs that choked her. Marya Dmitrievna looked back at Sonya and sat down on the sofa beside Natasha.
- It's his happiness that he left me; yes, I will find him, ”she said in her rough voice; - do you hear what I say? - She put her big hand under Natasha's face and turned her towards her. Both Marya Dmitrievna and Sonya were surprised to see Natasha's face. Her eyes were shining and dry, her lips pursed, her cheeks drooped.
“Leave… those… that to me… I… will… die…” she said, with an evil effort she pulled away from Marya Dmitrievna and lay down in her previous position.
“Natalya!…” Said Marya Dmitrievna. - I wish you well. You lie, well, lie there, I will not touch you, and listen ... I will not say how guilty you are. You yourself know. Well, now your father is coming tomorrow, what shall I tell him? AND?
Again Natasha's body shook with sobs.
- Well, he finds out, well, your brother, groom!
“I don’t have a groom, I refused,” Natasha shouted.
- All the same, - continued Marya Dmitrievna. - Well, they will find out, why will they leave like that? After all, he, your father, I know him, because if he challenges him to a duel, will it be good? AND?
- Oh, leave me, why did you interfere with everything! What for? what for? who asked you? Shouted Natasha, sitting up on the sofa and looking angrily at Marya Dmitrievna.
- Yes, what did you want? - Marya Dmitrievna cried out, ardently again, - why did they lock you up? Well, who prevented him from going into the house? Why would you, as a gypsy woman, be taken away? ... Well, he would have taken you away, what do you think, he would not have been found? Your father or brother or fiancé. And he is a scoundrel, a scoundrel, that's what!
“He is better than all of you,” Natasha cried, getting up. - If you did not interfere ... Oh, my God, what is this, what is this! Sonya, why? Go away! ... - And she sobbed with such despair, with which people mourn only such grief, which they feel themselves to be the cause. Marya Dmitrievna began to speak again; but Natasha shouted: - Go away, go away, you all hate me, you despise me. - And again threw herself on the sofa.
Marya Dmitrievna continued for some more time to advise Natasha and inspire her that all this must be hidden from the count, that no one would know anything if only Natasha would take it upon herself to forget everything and not show to anyone that something had happened. Natasha did not answer. She didn’t sob anymore, but she became chilled and shivering. Marya Dmitrievna put a pillow on her, covered her with two blankets and herself brought her a linden blossom, but Natasha did not answer her. “Well, let him sleep,” said Marya Dmitrievna, leaving the room, thinking that she was asleep. But Natasha did not sleep and with her eyes still open, she looked straight ahead from her pale face. All that night Natasha did not sleep, and did not cry, and did not speak to Sonya, who got up several times and approached her.
The next day for breakfast, as promised by Count Ilya Andreevich, he arrived from the Moscow Region. He was very cheerful: the business with the buyer was going well and nothing any longer delayed him now in Moscow and in separation from the Countess, whom he missed. Marya Dmitrievna met him and announced to him that Natasha had become very unwell yesterday, that they had sent for a doctor, but that now she was better. Natasha did not leave her room that morning. With pursed, cracked lips and dry, fixed eyes, she sat by the window and gazed uneasily at those passing along the street and hurriedly looked around at those who entered the room. She was obviously waiting for news of him, waiting for him to come himself or write to her.
When the count ascended to her, she turned restlessly at the sound of his male footsteps, and her face assumed its former cold and even angry expression. She didn’t even come up to meet him.
- What's the matter with you, my angel, sick? The count asked. Natasha was silent.
“Yes, I’m sick,” she answered.
When the count was worried about why she was so murdered and whether something had happened to the groom, she assured him that it was nothing, and asked him not to worry. Marya Dmitrievna confirmed to the count Natasha's assurances that nothing had happened. The count, judging by the imaginary illness, by the upset of his daughter, by the confused faces of Sonya and Marya Dmitrievna, clearly saw that something was bound to happen in his absence: but he was so afraid to think that something shameful had happened to his beloved daughter, he He loved his cheerful calmness so much that he avoided questioning and kept trying to assure himself that there was nothing special and only grieved that, due to her ill health, their departure to the village was postponed.

From the day of his wife's arrival in Moscow, Pierre was planning to leave somewhere, just so as not to be with her. Soon after the Rostovs arrived in Moscow, the impression Natasha made on him made him hurry to fulfill his intention. He went to Tver to the widow of Joseph Alekseevich, who promised long ago to give him the papers of the deceased.
When Pierre returned to Moscow, he received a letter from Marya Dmitrievna, who invited him to her on a very important matter concerning Andrei Bolkonsky and his bride. Pierre avoided Natasha. It seemed to him that he had a stronger feeling for her than a married man should have for his friend's bride. And some kind of fate constantly brought him to her.

Village Barda - a regional center in the south of the Perm Territory. The village is located on the left bank of the Tulva River (a tributary of the Kama). The name of the village comes from the Barda River, which flows into Tulva within the village. The distance from Barda to Perm is 160 kilometers, and you can only get to the village by car. The population of the village is dominated by Tatar-speaking Bashkirs (about 60%) and Tatars (30%).


Barda was founded approximately in the first third of the 17th century, and the oldest written information about it dates back to 1630. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the village was part of the Osinsky district of the Perm province and was a volost center. In 1926, Barda became district center in the Ural region, and 12 years later transferred to the Perm region (region).


Barda is the center of Tatar culture in the south of the Perm Territory. A newspaper in the Tatar language is published here, folk amateur groups and a theater operate. The main attraction of the village is the Cathedral Mosque. It was built in 2009 and is the tallest mosque in the Perm region. The complex of buildings of the Zemsky hospital is an architectural monument of local importance.

Barda is a village in the south of the Perm Territory. Administrative center of Bardymsky district and Bardymsky rural settlement... The largest village in the region. It stands on the Tulva River, into which the Barda and Kazmakty rivers flow into the village.

Coordinates for GPS navigator

56.92808722081842, 55.59545417211914

Barda village on the map

The first mention of the village in the watch book of 1630-1631. In 1750 the first mosque was built here, and in 1760 the first Muslim school (madrasah) was registered with it. In 1834 there were 34 yards in the village, in which 223 Bashkirs lived, with which 896 poods of winter grain were sown in the fall of 1841 and 128 poods of spring bread in the spring of 1842. In 1834, out of 34 households, 18 were small, 15 were undivided. National holidays are celebrated: Barda-Zien, Sabantui, which are celebrated once a year in mid-June.

Industrial enterprises and organizations - LLC Permgazenergoservice-Barda, OJSC Selkhoztekhnika, LLC Stroyprom, LLC Lukoil-Perm, oil and gas production workshop-No.6 networks, industrial inter-farm enterprise "Agropromenergo", a branch of CJSC "Firm Uralgazservice", LLC "Bardymskaya PMK-19", LLC "Construction management No. 8", LLC "Tekhmontazh", printing house, MUP "Housing and communal services", fire station No. 87, telecommunication area of \u200b\u200bOsinsky ETUS, forestry, Bardymsky rural forestry - branch of FGU "Permselles", regional hospital and maternity hospital.

Motor transport enterprises - MUP PATP "Bardymsky" and LLC "Ashatli".

Since November 2014, the 43 UHF channel in the village of Barda has been conducting digital terrestrial television broadcasting of the first RTRS-1 multiplex in the DVB-T2 standard.

From educational institutions in Barda there are kindergartens "Solnyshko" and "Petushok", the National Bardymskaya Gymnasium No. 1, BSOSH No. 2, a special school, vocational school, a branch of the CPGK, a branch of Kazan University, MOU DOD "Children's Art School", MOU DOD "Station of Young Technicians ".

The Tatar folk theater, the exemplary dance group "Duslyk" and other ensembles operate in Barda.

The regional newspaper "Tak" is published in Russian and Tatar languages.

The New Wave youth club was also opened in Barda.

Attractions of the village of Barda

A monument to V. I. Lenin, a monument to the Fallen in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, which was restored to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and was supplemented with seven memorial steles, a regional museum of local lore. The highest Cathedral Mosque of the Perm Territory was built by the villagers. Not far from the village there are Bardymsky tracts and settlements. Picturesque banks of the Barda river.

Barda is a village in the south of the Perm Territory. The administrative center of Bardymsky district and Bardymsky rural settlement. The largest village in the region. It stands on the Tulva River, into which the Barda and Kazmakty rivers flow into the village.

The first mention of the village in the watch book of 1630-1631. In 1750 the first mosque was built here, and in 1760 the first Muslim school (madrasah) was registered with it. In 1834, there were 34 yards in the village, in which 223 Bashkirs lived, with which 896 poods of winter grain were sown in the fall of 1841 and 128 poods of spring bread in the spring of 1842. In 1834, out of 34 households, 18 were small, 15 were undivided. National holidays are celebrated: Barda-Zien, Sabantuy, which are celebrated once a year in mid-June.

Population of Barda

According to the 2010 census, the population was 8,826 people, including 4,120 men and 4,706 women. In 2005, the population was 8933 people. According to the 2002 census, the population size was 8.49 thousand people, in 1989 - 8.09 thousand people. A multinational village, the vast majority of the population are Tatar-speaking Bashkirs and Tatars. The ethnic composition of the village of Barda according to the All-Russian census of 2002: Bashkirs - 62.6%, Tatars - 31.3%, Russians - 5%.

Rural economy

Industrial enterprises and organizations - LLC Permgazenergoservice-Barda, OJSC Selkhoztekhnika, LLC Stroyprom, LLC Lukoil-Perm, oil and gas production workshop-No.6 networks, industrial inter-farm enterprise "Agropromenergo", a branch of CJSC "Firm Uralgazservice", LLC "Bardymskaya PMK-19", LLC "Construction management No. 8", LLC "Tekhmontazh", printing house, MUP "Housing and communal services", fire station No. 87, telecommunication area of \u200b\u200bOsinsky ETUS, forestry, Bardymsky rural forestry - branch of FGU "Permselles", regional hospital and maternity hospital. Motor transport enterprises - MUP PATP "Bardymsky" and LLC "Ashatli".

Digital terrestrial television broadcasting

Since November 2014, the 43 UHF channel in the village of Barda has been conducting digital terrestrial television broadcasting of the first RTRS-1 multiplex in the DVB-T2 standard.


From educational institutions in Barda there are kindergartens "Solnyshko" and "Petushok", the National Bardymskaya Gymnasium No. 1, BSOSH No. 2, a special school, vocational school, a branch of the CPGK, a branch of Kazan University, MOU DOD "Children's Art School", MOU DOD "Station of Young Technicians ". The Tatar folk theater, the exemplary dance group "Duslyk" and other ensembles operate in Barda. The regional newspaper "Tak" is published in Russian and Tatar languages. The New Wave youth club was also opened in Barda.


A monument to V. I. Lenin, a monument to the Fallen in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, which was restored to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and was supplemented with seven memorial steles, a regional museum of local lore. The highest Cathedral Mosque of the Perm Territory was built by the villagers. Not far from…