Angry Birds from plasticine. Engri Berdz from Plasticine: Ed, Chuck, Stella and others. Materials and tools

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I amtering the character game " Angry Birds."Stella will like the girls, because it is for them that they are invented a new version, where the princesses and evil sorcerers appear, and living shells are presented in pink.

Plasticine creativity carries no less children than watching cartoons or computer games. The benefits of such classes do not have to talk about the benefits, because the main argument in favor of plasticine is the tactile sensations that transmit additional information In the brain and allow you to develop spatial imagination. In this lesson, the modeling is described in detail how to make Ering Berdz Stella from Plasticine. So lovers of computer games will like such work.

Other lessons on the topic of Engri Berdz:

Phased photo lesson:

It is desirable to pick up a bright pink plasticine as the main color. From it will be performed the body of romantic birds and small details. All other shades will be involved in insignificantly small quantities.

Rove the pink ball - torso live virtual projectile.

More gentle pink plasticine attach on the chest, turning a small piece in the cake. At the junction of two colors, place a neat yellow beak.

Just above the beak glue blue eyes. First put on white pellets, then add blue pupils.

Frame charming stella chalks with cilia and thin eyebrows. This will help make black plasticine.

Tailing birds are tightened from black feathers, and prepare a pink joke with red tips to decorate the crown.

Connect the last details to the circular body of the crafts so that the evil bird gained its appearance.

Stella from plasticine is ready. Such a toy miniature, resembling a real computer character, will help model the game in reality. It will only be left to make other representatives of the popular android game. See other lessons to make a whole regiment of evil birds.

A computer game with evil birds as the main characters is no longer Nova, but gaining popularity more and more. The developers were not mistaken by choosing for the prototype of virtual objects of birds of various breeds, and even making them alive shells. All workers B. real life Love shoot from slingshots. In the virtual world, they are also given such an opportunity, and even some - from the slingshot will fly out evil birds by Engri Birds (Angry Birds), and the opponents of the pigs should beware of them. Girls also attracts this game, because all birds are depicted bright and unusual. We suggest blinding Engry Birds (Angry Birds) from plasticine. The given step-by-step lesson of the modeling is relevant for children of the younger school age And feeding, who are interested in smearing, for teenagers who are interested in computer games.

Red is a red bird with a harsh look. This is the most standard Angry Berdz, familiar with even beginners players. AT real world We suggest creating your own hands the thumbnail of this bird from plasticine. This modeling does not cause any difficulty, it is enough to explore the step-by-step lesson of the modeling angry birdThe following.

To make angry birds from plasticine, take:

  • red, black, white and yellow plasticine;
  • shovel-knife.

Master Class "Red Bird Angry Birds from Plasticine Stepshop":

1) Bursting the necessary plasticine to work. If you don't have a whole red bar, then use a small amount of it, but disguise inside any spoiled plasticine or round item. So, the red is the main color, from it will be performed a spherical body of the hero, everyone else will be used in much smaller proportions.

2) Ride the ball size with walnut or more. It all depends on your desire to create a handicraft of the desired size and on the amount of plasticine.

3) On the one hand, pull the ball with his fingers. A figure should turn out, in shape resembling a drop, but the upper sharp part should be shifted in the side.

4) Cover the stack of a protruding part in the form of a Khokholka. Follow the protrusions with your fingers.

5) On the front side of the crafts - a muzzle - put the black glasses. Make them need from the crescent crescent. It is convenient to cut such a piece of stack to get smooth lines.

6) Put white points - eyes. Press plasticine above them to show the petorable eyebrows. There are two thin stripes.

7) On white points, put the black pupils smaller in size. Be sure to move them to each other to make a really angry view of the birds. You can add white crumbs, glare so that the look turned out alive.

8) Prepare for the design of the abdomen a white cake suitable in size.

9) Put the cake on the bottom, but do not docile with black glasses, leave a small gap.

10) In the gap between white and black items, put the bird beak, making a miniature cone from yellow plasticine. Performing this item, measure the size of the beak with the whole craft to guess its parameters.

All children for proper and harmonious development must be engaged in creativity - modeling or drawing. In this article we will tell you how to make "Engri Berdz" from plasticine quickly and simple. You will not need any special tools or skills.

The easiest way

Let's start with the Azov. To blind "Engri Berdz" from plasticine is quite simple. At the heart of this figure - a ball. Therefore, take red plasticine and roll a neat ball. Then take a small piece of yellow mass, roll out the ball from it and form a droplet from it. Stack of beak. Then gently stick to the beak to the red ball.

Take two small pieces of white plasticine and make two round cakes from them. These are the eyes of "Engri Berdz" from plasticine. Tell them as in the photo. From black plasticine, stick the brow and pupils in the bird. In addition, from a small piece of white plasticine, a white breast is tightened, so the bird looks much more beautiful. From red plasticine to form a small hokholok. Now you know how to make a plasticine "Engri Berdz". Other birds are keen on the same principle.

Other models

Please note that these figures are in the photo below, the eyes are blinded slightly in another way. First, black circles are molded, and then white. So the view of the birds becomes more expressive. Moreover, you can make another joke. To do this, take a strip of mass of red and scissors give it the necessary form. Then stick to the khokholok to the bird.

To make the ears in the green pig, take two pieces of plasticine suitable color and form balls from them. Split them. Then take the black plasticine and make the pellets smaller. Couple together black and green circles. Ears are ready. Now they can be stuck to the body.

More complex birds "Engri Berdz" from plasticine

But for birds on the legs, the framework will be required. It is best to take a copper wire, as it is less flexible and better holds the weight of plasticine. So, first form a wire frame. Then you begin to carefully cut it with plasticine.

After the body is formed, blinding the beak, eyes and eyebrows. Do not forget about the tails, horses and breasts. Hold the bird while laying behind the legs. Stack give the texture of the punching. And in the last place, enhance the legs of the birds. Make them better from orange plasticine. You can, if you wish, stick to small claws.

Materials and tools

If you want to sculpt with the child "Engri Berdz" from plasticine, remember, this material is soft, there is a low price, it is found in almost all children's stores and has a wide color palette.

If you want birds to serve you for a long time, it is better to take a polymer clay. This material is accoured to bake. After baking, the platform will become durable and flexible. True, keep in mind that plastic is not the cheapest material. In addition, you can create birds from mastic and decorate them a children's cake.

Funny heroes of computer game "Angry birds", quickly gained popularity. For the fans of Engri Berdz will not work independently cut out of the plasticine figures for its collection.

Preparation and necessary materials

For work you will need:
  • set of color plasticine;
  • stack;
  • board for modeling.

The basis for the fulfillment of all birds Engri Berdz is a ball.

Plasticine is a very fatty material, but in order for it easily to take the desired shape, you need to warm up well and spread it in my hands. Whatever stain the surface of the table, you must use the modeling board.

Alternative Plasticine may become polymer claywhich at the end of the process is preparing. Figures from this material will serve much longer.

Bird Rada

The most recognizable game character - Red RED Bulk.

  • From red plasticine roll the ball.
  • Prepare a white ball, flatten it in a cake, pointed on one side.
  • Sharpen a cake on the ball. This is a rade breast.
  • From yellow plasticine to make the beak in the form of a cone.
  • Attach the beak on the ball over the pointed part of the breast.
  • With the help of stacks split the beak so that the upper part is a bit longer the bottom. For a more angry look, the top half go down.
  • At the head of the birds to attach a red shoker from two sausages.
  • For your eyes, roll two white balls and drop a little. Attach them immediately over the beak close to each other. From black plasticine to cut pupils.
  • Black extracted eyebrows from two shredded sausages will complement the image of the harsh rade.
  • Rear need to attach a black tail of three plates.

Black bird bomb

Explosive bird look like a bomb - black with burning phytylene.

  • Rock the base of crafts - a ball of black plasticine.
  • Eyes need to be made of three round pellets different size And colors: gray - large, white - smaller and black are very small. To join them with each other with a displacement in one direction and fix the birds on the head at a short distance from each other. The view of the bomb should be directed to the beak.
  • Eyebrows make from two brown sausages. Close them over your eyes.
  • The beak is made of yellow plasticine in the form of a cone.
  • On the forehead bomb to stick a gray round spot.
  • Khokholok black with yellow top.
  • The tail is made as for Rada, only black.

Blue Gemini Jay, Jim and Jake

Three funny blue birds can be kept on the same algorithm as a habitat and bomb.

The difference is only in plasticine and small details:

  • bodies and Khokholki twins will be blue;
  • tails - black;
  • the beaks are brown;
  • eyes - white with black pupils;
  • a distinctive feature - orange eyelids, framing eyes from below, from above or on both sides.

Playing with the location of the eyes, the form of beak and the age can be changed to the facialy and the mood of the twins.

TERENS - Big Brother

Terens is similar to his brother Rada, only much more and severe.

On the forehead you need to draw wrinkles with a sharp stack, and on the sides glued dark red pellets of different sizes.

Yellow Canary Chuck

Of all the heroes of Engri Berdz, Chuck is allocated by the shape of the body. The basis for his figure will be a cone.

  • From yellow plasticine roll the ball.
  • From the bottom to create a flat side, giving the ball to the solid surface.
  • The opposite plane part to sharpen so that the cone is turned out.
  • Eyes in the form of balls made of white plasticine. Locate them at a short distance from each other.
  • Black pupils join the center of each eye.
  • Eyebrows roll in the form of a sausage of red or brown. To join them over the eyes so as to give the facial expression.
  • Orange beak cut out sharp and long.
  • Harshber, similar to Icrozais, consisting of four pitfalls, can be cut with a stack of plasticine cakes of black.
  • Behind the tail of the tail made as well.

According to the proposed schemes, it will be not difficult to invent and create new images of heroes from this series, for a variety and replenishment of your collection.


Female Character Engri Berdz. When modeling this lack, it should be considered its features.

  • The base of the Matilda figurine is an egg-shaped white color.
  • Eyes are located far from each other.
  • Eyelashes and pink cheeks give the bird of a flirty look.
  • Gorcholok and tail black.
  • Orange beak shorter and massive than other Engri Berdz.

In addition to the maturine of Matilda, you can make several eggs, as it is to carry its main ability.

Green Hal

Hal's prototype - Emerald Toucan. Distinctive features This angry birds are green and disproportionately big beaks.

  • Make a basis - a green ball.
  • From white plasticine cakes to make a breast of a triangular shape, roll it on the ball.
  • Eyes make white with black pupils. Place them not close to each other, but leaving a place for outstanding beak.
  • Eyebrows, like all Angry Berdz make black and extremely.
  • Orange plasticine to blind massive cone-shaped, slightly flattened beak. Stack make an incision along all its length.
  • From black plasticine to make a tank and tail.


The smallest representative of Engri Berdz.

  • For the base, roll the ball from orange plasticine.
  • Make a black breast and glue the ball.
  • For the eye to make two black pellets, on them white - smaller and to the center put black pupils.
  • For the extracted eyebrows, roll two brown sausages, make them longer than other birds.
  • To the center of sticking acute beaks Of the two pointed sausages of yellow. Ends slightly break up.
  • Khokholok and tail make black.

Coquette Stella

The most friendly character of Engri Berdz. Pink bird with cute facial features.

  • Roll the pink ball for the base of the figure.
  • Lighter pink plasticine attach to the chest in the form of a triangular pellet.
  • Over the breast place a neat cone-shaped yellow beak. Stack draw a slot between the upper and lower halves.
  • Just above the beak stick your eyes. First flip white pellets, then add blue pupils.
  • Add cilia and fine arcuate eyebrows from black plasticine.
  • Tailing birds to make three black feathers, and a rosary shoes with red tips.

Angry Berdz figures do not differ inaction forms. Each bird though has its own personality, it is pulled by a general algorithm. The child will easily cope with such work.

Angry Birds is one of the most popular arcade games for mobile platforms in the entire history of the existence of smartphones and tablets. Appearing for the first time in the distant 2009 for iOS, this arcade just has won the hearts of a huge number of owners mobile devices from Apple, which has become the reason for its distribution to other operating systems.

To date, more than twenty modifications of Engri Birds have been developed, each of which has its own unique features and a whole army of fans. Moreover, in 2016, the full-length cartoon film was lifted by the game, which collected more than $ 200 million, which once again confirmed the highest popularity of the franchise around the world.

And it is not at all surprising that today there is a huge number of Angry Birds toys, as well as clothing, accessories and other children's years, but also quite adult products with brand logo and images of various characters arcade. In addition, many needlework lovers independently make crafts in the form of figurines of funny cartoon birds.

For the manufacture of figurines, Engri Berds are suitable for various materials, one of which is plasticine, among the main advantages of which it is worth noting:

  • compliance with detailed processing;
  • the possibility of manufacturing complex geometric shapes;
  • wide color gamut;
  • relative ease of use.

DIY Angry Berds can be made not only independently, but also with his baby. They are not very complex in performance, although they contain some small elements.

Photo on the steps - how to make angry birds from plasticine

The manufacture of Engri Birds with their own hands will start with the mandatory attribute of this game - a slingshot, with which birds are attacked by the settlements of evil pigs. The basis for slingshot will produce brown plasticine, and the role of the gum will perform a black material finely sprinkled in the ribbon.

Note that the birds of Engry Birds can be used in two methods:

  • having made a round billets of the corresponding colors for each character;
  • by modeling each bird from beginning to end.

Today we use the second method.

To begin with, we cut the statuette of the green bird of Hal. First cut off the billet for the bird in the form of a green ball, and then using a white material, we will make the base for the eyes and breast of the bird.

Above the eyes to attach thin black eyebrows.

In the middle of the eyes we attach small black pupils.

We supplement the image of the bird with a beak of orange color, the rubber in which we make using a conventional plastic stack, as well as a black horsepower.

According to the same scheme, we excite the statuettes of the rest of the birds, not forgetting to take into account their unique features:

  • Mat's red bird has a friend and merging eyebrows near each other, as well as a red shoker;
  • A black bomb bird should be more than anyone else in size;
  • Blue Bird Jake is less than all in size with funny scattered eyes;
  • Chuck - Yellow Bird has a triangular shape of the body with narrow eyes;
  • White Matilda Bird is distinguished by an oval shape of the body with yellow spots on the sides and a black hokholk.