How to make angry birds out of plasticine. How to mold Angry Birds from plasticine. How to mold Angry Birds from plasticine with your own hands: a step by step photo

A funny and very dynamic game "Angry birds" for computers of an unusual format was developed in Finland. In this computer arcade, angry colorful birds play the role of ammunition, and comic pigs are their enemies. We offer you to learn how to sculpt Angry Birds quickly and easily from plasticine.

Figures of Angry Birds from the cartoon and computer game of the same name have gained immense popularity among children different ages... Toys, models, posters, stickers and other paraphernalia with the heroes of this game have gained wide popularity. If you are a parent with small children or even rather big ones, or you are just a creator who is fond of sculpting, it's time to start creating homemade toys from plasticine.

For those who like to do needlework or sculpting, an excellent option would be to make funny cartoon characters - bright evil birds, their own with my own hands... At home, together with your children, you can engage in a fascinating creative process: create your favorite characters from soft plasticine mass. For children, modeling will be very useful for the development of creative and mental abilities. Plasticine models of Angry Birds' favorite cartoon characters will become a pleasant bonus from such a pastime.

Master class on sculpting Red figurines from plasticine: instructions for engry birds

For everyone who knows at least a little a computer game or a cartoon by Angry Birds, a hero named Red is very, very recognizable. He is the protagonist of the acclaimed arcade game all over the world. With a little effort, you will learn, thanks to our master class, to sculpt this hero from plasticine with your own hands.

We need a plasticine mass of red, black, yellow and white colors, a plank or modeling rug, as well as a stack.

The order of work to create a computer character:

  1. Knead the entire sculpting mass very well so that it becomes plastic. Now roll a neat small ball out of soft red plasticine, which will become the basis for the body of an angry bird. From the rest of the red mass, make two small sausages. Connect them together and glue them to the top of the bird. The result is feathers.
  2. Now we make Red's eyes. You need to pinch off two small pieces of white plasticine and roll two small balls out of them. Attach them to the body of our character, slightly flattening them with your fingers.
  3. We take up the black plasticine mass. We twist a thin sausage out of it and cut it in half with a stack. We fasten Angry Birds over the eyes, slightly raising one of them - we got eyebrows!
  4. Sculpt two more small black balls and form the pupils of the bird.
  5. We form a beak from the yellow sculpting mass. Using a stack, divide the beak into two parts: an upper and a lower one.
  6. It remains to blind the abdomen of an evil bird. Roll out a small ball from white plasticine, flatten it into a pancake and attach it to the calf.

Done. Look at the photo. Such a handmade figurine will definitely become your child's favorite friend.

How to mold the character Bomb from Angry Birds from plasticine: photo

Another striking and memorable character in the game of the same name is the Bomb. The expressive black bird is familiar to many Angry Birds fans. Having made a plasticine Bomb figurine, you can replenish your collection of cartoon characters.

In order to make the Bomb character, you will need a plasticine mass of black, white, red, gray and yellow colors, as well as a board or rug for modeling, a stack.

Let's start sculpting:

  1. Mash the mass for modeling well and roll a ball out of black color - the little body of our future hero. Make two balls of gray plasticine and flatten them into pancakes. Attach these pancakes to the bird's body. We got specks near the eyes of the Bomb character.
  2. Next, roll sausages for the eyebrows of an angry bird from white plasticine. Attach them over your eyebrows. Remember to attach a small white plasticine dot between the eyes.
  3. Getting started with gray plasticine. Roll a small ball out of it and flatten it into a cake. Attach the pancake to the body of the Bomb bird - you have a tummy.
  4. Twist the sausage from the black plasticine mass. This will be the crest of our Angry Birds. Attach it to the body of the figure. Done.

As a result of such simple manipulations, you will receive a hand-made figurine of the popular bird Angry Birds from simple plasticine.

Modeling figurines from soft plasticine will cheer up any little fan of these funny computer characters.

Related videos

We offer you to watch some interesting and useful video collections on sculpting the heroes of Angry Birds with your own hands from plasticine. Happy viewing.

For correct and harmonious development, all children need to be engaged in creativity - sculpting or drawing. In this article we will tell you how to mold "Angry Birds" from plasticine quickly and easily. You don't need any special tools or skills.

The easiest way

Let's start with the basics. It is quite simple to mold "Angry Birds" from plasticine. This figurine is based on a ball. So take the red plasticine and roll it into a neat ball. Then take a small piece of yellow mass, roll it into a ball and form a droplet out of it. Stack the beak. Then gently stick the beak to the red ball.

Take two small pieces of white plasticine and make two round cakes out of them. These are Angry Birds eyes made of plasticine. Stick them like in the photo. Blind the eyebrows and pupils of the bird from black plasticine. In addition, mold a white breast from a small piece of white plasticine, so the bird looks much more beautiful. Form a small tuft of red plasticine. Now you know how to mold "Angry Birds" from plasticine. Other birds are molded according to the same principle.

Other models

Note that these figures, in the photo below, have their eyes blinded in a slightly different way. First black circles are molded, and then white ones. This makes the birds look more expressive. Moreover, you can make another crest. To do this, take a strip of red mass and use scissors to give it the desired shape. Then stick the tuft to the bird.

To mold the ears of a green pig, take two pieces of plasticine of a suitable color and form balls from them. Flatten them. Then take black plasticine and make smaller cakes. Connect the black and green circles together. The ears are ready. Now they can be attached to the body.

More complex birds "Angry Birds" from plasticine

But for birds on legs, a frame is required. It is best to use copper wire, as it is less flexible and holds the weight of the plasticine better. So, first form a wire frame. Then start gently sticking it with plasticine.

After the body of the bird is formed, blind the beak, eyes and eyebrows. Don't forget tails, tufts, and breasts. Hold the bird's legs while sculpting. Stack texture to the feathers. And lastly, stick around the legs of the birds. It is better to make them from orange plasticine. You can stick small claws if desired.

Materials and tools

If you want to sculpt Angry Birds with your child from plasticine, remember that this material is soft, has a low price, is found in almost all children's stores and has a wide palette of colors.

If you want the birds to serve you for a long time, then it is better to take polymer clay. This material must be baked in the end. After baking, the plate will become strong and flexible. However, keep in mind that plastic is by no means an expensive material. In addition, you can create mastic birds and decorate a children's cake with them.

In this small master class, we will look at how to mold Angry Birds with our own hands and do it according to the easiest and most common scheme, with step by step photo instructions... The craft, of course, is for children, but there will be moments that can puzzle the child, where you will have to make small details. We need four colors of plasticine: red, white, black and yellow. And also thirty minutes of free time to create this creation. Remember to use a plastic knife for convenience.

So, we prepared the whole required material and naturally you can start creating.

Let's start with the body right away. Roll a red ball, determine the size of the work yourself.

Then, draw out one hem to create a hairstyle.

Let's make an incision, thereby marking two hairs on the head. Plasticine Angry Birds should look like the original from the game.

Now roll a white ball, half the size of a red ball.

It needs to be flattened.

We connect the red body and white plasticine. So that half of the body was white.

Let's start making a mask for the bird. Create a semi-circle in black.

In the center, cut out a small corner, thereby turning out.

So our bird Angry Birds is ready from plasticine, now you know how to make it yourself.

Funny heroes of the computer game "angry birds" quickly gained popularity. For fans of Angry Birds, it will not be difficult to sculpt figurines from plasticine for their collection on their own.

Preparation and materials required

For work you will need:
  • a set of colored plasticine;
  • stack;
  • modeling board.

The basis for the execution of all Angry Birds birds is a ball.

Plasticine is a very malleable material, but in order for it to easily take the desired shape, it is necessary to warm it up well and knead it in your hands. In order not to stain the surface of the table, you must use a sculpting board.

An alternative to plasticine can be polymer clay, which is baked at the end of the process. Figures made from this material will last much longer.

Bird Red

The most recognizable character in the game is the red bird Red.

  • Roll a ball out of red plasticine.
  • Prepare a white ball, flatten it into a cake, pointed on one side.
  • Stick the cake onto the ball. This is Red's breast.
  • Make a beak in the form of a cone from yellow plasticine.
  • Attach the beak to a ball over the pointed breast.
  • Using a stack, bifurcate the beak so that the upper part is slightly longer than the lower one. For a grumpier look, fold the top half down.
  • Attach a red crest of two sausages to the back of the bird's head.
  • For the eyes, roll two white balls and flatten a little. Attach them just above the beak close to each other. Sculpt pupils from black plasticine.
  • Black furrowed eyebrows from two flattened sausages will complement the image of the stern Red.
  • A black tail of three plates must be attached at the back.

Black Bird Bombs

The explosive bird looks like a bomb - black with a burning wick.

  • Roll up the base of the craft - a ball of black plasticine.
  • Eyes need to be made from three round cakes different sizes and colors: gray - large, white - smaller and black very small. Stick them on top of each other with an offset to one side and fix the birds on the head at a short distance from each other. Bomb's gaze should be directed towards the beak.
  • Make eyebrows from two brown sausages. Stick them over your eyes.
  • Blind the beak from yellow plasticine in the form of a cone.
  • Stick a gray round spot on the Bomb's forehead.
  • The crest is black with a yellow top.
  • Make the tail the same as for Red, only black.

Blue twins Jay, Jim and Jake

Three funny blue birds can be blinded using the same algorithm as Red and Bomb.

The only difference is in the color of the plasticine and small details:

  • the bodies and tufts of the twins will be blue;
  • the tails are black;
  • beaks are brown;
  • eyes - white with black pupils;
  • a distinctive feature is the orange eyelids framing the eyes from below, above, or on both sides.

By playing with the location of the eyes, the shape of the beak and eyelids, you can change the facial expressions and mood of the twins.

Terence - Big Brother

Terence is like his brother Red, only much more severe.

On the forehead, you need to draw wrinkles with a sharp stack, and glue dark red cakes of different sizes on the sides.

Yellow Canary Chuck

Of all the heroes of the Angry Birds, Chuck stands out for his body shape. The basis for his figure will be a cone.

  • Roll a ball out of yellow plasticine.
  • Create a flat side at the bottom by pressing the ball against a hard surface.
  • Sharpen the part opposite to the plane so that a cone is obtained.
  • Make the eyes in the form of balls from white plasticine. Place them at a short distance from each other.
  • Stick black pupils in the center of each eye.
  • Roll your eyebrows in the form of red or brown sausages. Stick them over the eyes so as to give facial expressions a frowning expression.
  • Make an orange beak sharp and long.
  • A crest, similar to a mohawk, consisting of four feathers, can be cut with a stack of black plasticine cakes.
  • Attach a tail made also at the back.

According to the proposed schemes, it will not be difficult to come up with and create new images of heroes from this series, for variety and replenishment of your collection.


Female character Angry Birds. When sculpting this laying hen, its features should be taken into account.

  • The base of the Matilda figurine is an egg-shaped white oval.
  • The eyes are far apart.
  • Eyelashes and pink cheeks give the bird a flirty look.
  • The crest and tail are black.
  • The orange beak is shorter and more massive than that of other Angry Birds.

In addition to the Matilda figurine, you can mold several eggs, as her main ability is to lay.

Hal Green

Hal's prototype is the emerald toucan. Distinctive features this angry bird is green and a disproportionately large beak.

  • Make the base - a green ball.
  • Make a triangular breast from a white plasticine cake, stick it on a ball.
  • Make the eyes white with black pupils. Place them not close to each other, but leaving room for an outstanding beak.
  • Make eyebrows black and frowning, as with all Angry Birds.
  • From orange plasticine, mold a massive conical, slightly flattened beak. With a stack, make an incision along its entire length.
  • Make a tuft and a tail from black plasticine.


The smallest representative of the Angry Birds.

  • For the base, roll a ball out of orange plasticine.
  • Make a black chest and glue it on the ball.
  • For the eyes, make two black cakes, white ones on them - smaller and place black pupils in the center.
  • For frowning eyebrows, roll up two brown sausages, make them longer than those of other birds.
  • Stick to the center sharp beak from two pointed yellow sausages. Bend the ends up slightly.
  • Make the crest and tail black.

Coquette Stella

The friendliest character of Angry Birds. A pink bird with cute features.

  • Roll a pink ball for the base of the figure.
  • Attach a lighter pink plasticine to the chest in the form of a triangular cake.
  • Place a neat conical yellow beak above the breast. Draw a slot between the upper and lower halves with a stack.
  • Glue the eyes just above the beak. First stick on white cakes, then add blue pupils.
  • Add cilia and thin arched eyebrows made of black plasticine.
  • The tail of the bird is made of three black feathers, and the tuft of pink with red tips.

Figures Angry Birds do not differ in intricate shapes... Each bird, although it has its own individuality, is molded according to the general algorithm. A child can easily cope with such work.