Tishkov is a private moon. Exhibition of Leonid Tishkov "Private Moon

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"Private Moon" is the name of the exhibition at the Smena Center for Contemporary Culture. Its opening and creative meeting with the author took place at the "Night of Museums" on May 17, 2014.

The exposition includes light installations, photographs, videos, graphics. "Private Moon" is a mobile poetic light installation by artist Leonid Tishkov, a famous Moscow artist and cartoonist, creator of incredible mythological creatures: Divers, Dabloids, Stomakov, Living in Trunk ...

For many years he has been composing stories about the lives of these heroes, creating paintings, drawings and books, organizing exhibitions in museums and galleries around the world.

L. Carroll.

On one of the Internet sites, we found such information.

The history of the "Private Moon" project began several years ago, when the artist Leonid Tishkov wanted to turn into reality the painting of the Belgian surrealist Rene Magritte "Day and Night". In 2003, he was offered to take part in Art-Klyazma - there is an excellent exhibition space where artists show their installations, objects, and performances.

Leonid ordered a lightbox - the Moon. When he was ready, he brought it to Art-Klyazma and hung it on a pine tree. In the evening people approached her and saw the light, which seemed to come from the crown of a tree. It seemed that the moon itself came down to them and was shining.

The artist liked the feeling of the fantasticness of all this and wanted to capture it in memory, then he invited a professional photographer Boris Bendikov.

Having taken the first photo, not yet fully understanding whether it would be a separate project or not, Boris discovered a strong visual move here.

“We did the project for 1.5 years,” says Leonid. “All real art grows slowly. Imaging is one of the most difficult things in culture. Real poetry is always born out of nothing. Here, thanks to Rene Magritte, I decided to make the surreal picture a real object, and then, together with Boris, turn it into a flat work of art (photographs were shot on slides and they can be up to 1.5 meters in size without losing quality). "

An art installation and a series of photographs about the Moon travel through world exhibitions. The exhibition even visited the snows of the Arctic, and some of its works were included in the album “The Best Photos of the World”.

There is such a statement by Chesterton that there is no private faith, just as there is no private sun or private moon. With us, everything happens the other way around: no, we are one-on-one with being, and completely alone we are left with the problem of time, that is, with the problem of life and death, before the problem of losses and gain in front of the moon, in front of the sun, in front of everything that we live ... Of course, we can turn to someone for support. But all the same, we are alone ... But we must not grieve and suffer. Loneliness of this kind suggests that we are, we are here, we are in the center of the world and we are proportionate to the moon, proportionate to celestial bodies.
"Private Moon" is a visual poem that tells the story of a man who met the Moon and stayed with her for life. In the upper world, in the attic of his house, he saw the moon falling from the sky. Once she hid from the sun in a dark, damp tunnel, frightened by passing trains. Now she came to a man in his house. Having wrapped the moon in a warm blanket, he treats her with autumn apples, drinks tea with her, and when she recovers, he transports her by boat across a dark river to the high bank where moon pines grow. He descends to the lower world, dressed in the clothes of his deceased father, and then returns from there, illuminating the road with his personal Moon. Crossing the boundaries of the worlds along narrow bridges, plunging into sleep, protecting the heavenly body, a person turns into a mythological creature living in the real world as in a fairy tale.
Each photograph is a poetic story, a little poem, so they are accompanied by poems I wrote when I was sketching photographs.
So it turns out that the Moon overcomes our loneliness in the Universe, uniting many around it.

Leonid Tishkov 2003

There is such a statement by Chesterton that there is no private faith, just as there is no private sun or private moon. With us, everything happens the other way around: no, we are one-on-one with being, and completely alone we are left with the problem of time, that is, with the problem of life and death, before the problem of losses and gain in front of the moon, in front of the sun, in front of everything that we live ... Of course, we can turn to someone for support. But all the same, we are alone ... But we must not grieve and suffer. Loneliness of this kind suggests that we are, we are here, we are in the center of the world and we are proportionate to the moon, proportionate to celestial bodies.
"Private Moon" is a visual poem that tells the story of a man who met the Moon and stayed with her for life. In the upper world, in the attic of his house, he saw the moon falling from the sky. Once she hid from the sun in a dark, damp tunnel, frightened by passing trains. Now she came to a man in his house. Having wrapped the moon in a warm blanket, he treats her with autumn apples, drinks tea with her, and when she recovers, he transports her by boat across a dark river to the high bank where moon pines grow. He descends to the lower world, dressed in the clothes of his deceased father, and then returns from there, illuminating the road with his personal Moon. Crossing the boundaries of the worlds along narrow bridges, plunging into sleep, protecting the heavenly body, a person turns into a mythological creature living in the real world as in a fairy tale.
Each photograph is a poetic story, a little poem, so they are accompanied by poems I wrote when I was sketching photographs.
So it turns out that the Moon overcomes our loneliness in the Universe, uniting many around it.

Leonid Tishkov 2003