What tools are needed for a birdhouse. Do-it-yourself birdhouse - a classic wooden version and its installation (95 photos). Do I need to care for birdhouses

At the moment, in big cities there are few hollow trees, and it is difficult for birds to find a house for themselves. Let's help them and make a birdhouse with our own hands. Thus, we will save the birds from the cold. In this article we will look at: how to make a do-it-yourself birdhouse?

  1. Use linen gloves to keep out the splinter.
  2. Wear safety goggles to keep sawdust out of your eyes.
  3. The working tool (knife, saw) must be sharp. Remember that a blunt instrument can easily hurt, it does not fit well in the tree and tries to slip off.
  4. Check that the power tools are working properly.
  5. Use the ladder to hang the finished birdhouse.
  6. If you want to paint your birdhouse, use a water-based, odorless paint that is not bright colors. Try to keep the birdhouse invisible to predators.

The best material for making a birdhouse is natural hardwood, for example: oak, aspen, linden, birch. Fiberboard (fibreboard), chipboard (chipboard), and plywood are also suitable for a birdhouse. You can use thick cardboard, but such a birdhouse will only last a couple of months. Do not use coniferous wood, as it gives off a sticky resin and negatively affects the health of birds.

You will need: untreated hardwood boards, nails 4 cm long, impregnation or odorless non-toxic water-based paint (optional), hacksaw or jigsaw, tape measure, hammer, pencil, drill with 5 cm cutter, brush.

Birdhouse drawings

We present to your attention options for drawings of future birdhouses. When assembling the birdhouse, do not neglect the safety precautions described above.

Drawing No. 1 Birdhouse with a slope to the back wall

Drawing No. 2 Birdhouse with a pitched roof

Drawing No. 3 Birdhouse with a gable roof

  1. Connect the front wall to the side walls, hammer in nails along the edges and center of the board. (You should get a U-shaped design).
  2. Assemble the back panel and bottom of the structure in the same way.
  3. Nail a wooden glazing bead to the bottom to round off the inner corners.
  4. Do not forget to fix all the elements of the future birdhouse with nails.
  5. Make a removable roof for the birdhouse to clean the birdhouse later on. It should consist of two parts, a main body and a bushing.
  6. The roof of the birdhouse should protrude beyond the dimensions of the birdhouse itself from the side of the facade so that precipitation does not fall inside the birdhouse.
  7. Install a board or perch in front of the entrance to the house.

  1. Choose a place to install the birdhouse, it can be a tree, a post, or the roof of the house.
  2. The height of the birdhouse must be at least 3 meters.
  3. While securing the birdhouse, tilt it forward to keep moisture out.
  4. It is better to attach a birdhouse to a living tree with a wire or rope.
  5. You can attach the birdhouse to other surfaces using nails and a hammer.
  6. The birdhouse should be in the shade so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight and the birdhouse does not heat up.
  7. The tap hole should be directed away from the wind.
  8. Don't place birdhouses nearby - starlings don't like neighbors.

Ideas for birdhouses from scrap materials

A birdhouse made of wine corks is hard not to appreciate! To create such beauty, you will need: a ready-made birdhouse, wine corks, a glue gun, a sharp knife. Glue the wine corks horizontally to the sides of the nesting box, then vertically in the center where the hole is. Cut the wine corks into thin circles and glue them to the roof of the birdhouse like shingles.

Paint the birdhouse with waterproof paints and it will look stylish, bright and exclusive!

The vine birdhouse is the most interesting bird house!

Do not rush to throw out your old shoes! After all, even from it you can make a house for birds.

Remove the pumpkin pulp, dry it and make a birdhouse!

You can decorate the birdhouse as you like, the main thing is to show your imagination!

Making a cardboard birdhouse is not difficult. And for birds, such a house will last a whole season. Protect the birdhouse from moisture by varnishing the cardboard.

Take your time to throw out the plastic bottles and make a bird house. It won't take you long to create such a birdhouse! Get creative and create a nice bird house of any shape. Create with mood and love, then everything will work out!

Birds are irreplaceable helpers in the fight against harmful insects. But in order to "negotiate" with the birds about providing feasible assistance, you need to attract them to your site. And for this we will comprehend the basics of building a birdhouse. By the way, the ability to build such bird houses is also useful for introducing a child to take care of the world around him. So, if the age and development of the baby's hand motor skills allow it, take him as an apprentice. In the article you will find different ideas for making bird houses from wood.

What you can do: birdhouse, titmouse and other houses

Much is known about the benefits of birds in the economy, but some figures are still impressive: during the season, a small starling destroys up to a thousand larvae of the May bug. This allows you to keep the roots intact and safe.

If your main goal is to attract birds to the site, then, depending on the planned result, the birds should be of a specific species. But even if the birdhouse is built simply as a feeder, you must take into account that not only starlings inhabit suspended apartments. So it is worthwhile to get acquainted with the types of these dwellings, and at the same time some of the engineering features of their construction.

Dimensions for drawings of wooden houses for different birds

The shape, size and some other nuances will depend on which birds you are building a house for.

  • Nesting... A house with a vertical wall at the back, a long roof slope that joins this wall at an angle of 30-40 degrees, and triangular sidewalls, as well as through entrances. Such structures are constructed no higher than 1–1.5 m from the ground and are intended for pikas.
  • Wagtail... This house should be located horizontally at a height of 3-5 m from the ground, since the birds do not fit in a classic birdhouse, the bottom of which ranges from 14-16 cm, and the walls - from 20 to 30 cm.
  • Titmouse... This is a habitat for small birds. Height 30 cm, dimensions 10 x 10 cm, entrance 3-4 cm.
  • Duplyanka... A kind of "tourist" house for different birds 2 m from the ground, which can be made from logs with two plugs on top, bottom and inlet in the middle. Outer deck diameter - from 15 cm
  • Half-duplex... Built for flycatchers. Outwardly, it looks like a reduced copy of a birdhouse - 12 x 12 cm and 15 cm high. This house needs to be equipped with a wide rectangular entrance and a sloping roof overhanging it.
  • Birdhouse... Has a square bottom 14 x 14 cm and sidewalls in the form of a rectangular trapezoid. Moreover, the back board should be higher than the front one so that the roof rests on them at an angle. It can also have a gable roof.

Photo gallery: types of wooden houses for different birds

Gable birdhouse Single-pitched birdhouse Titmouse Small bird house Owl nest Nesting area for small birds Duplyanka

Materials and tools

To make a classic birdhouse you need:

  • boards, preferably pine, or a log of a suitable width;
  • screws, nails of different sizes;
  • weather-resistant acrylic paints - if you paint the product;
  • woodworking putty - fill up gaps if necessary.

As for the tools, you need:

  • hand saw or jigsaw;
  • a drill with a cutter for cutting a taphole;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • pencil, ruler, protractor, compasses.

Safety engineering

When designing a birdhouse, you will have to deal with piercing and cutting objects. So you can't do without observing safety rules.

Let's list the main ones:

  • When tackling the housing issue for birds, you need to be focused, attentive and not distracted by extraneous matters.
  • You should work at a comfortable and sturdy table so that you can place all the tools and materials on it.
  • If you decide to trim a tree before marking, then do it with glasses so that the sawdust does not get into your eyes, and with gloves so that you do not have to remove splinters.
  • After assembly, make sure that there are no chipping in the birdhouse, otherwise feathered guests may be injured. For the same purpose, you need to bend or file off the protruding ends of nails or screws.

Birdhouses with step-by-step manufacturing descriptions

Consider options for bird houses from traditional to original.

The first attempts to build houses for birds were made in the last millennium by the Indians. Gradually, this innovation moved to Europe, from where it got to Russia through the efforts of Peter I, who appreciated all sorts of funny things.

Classic gable roof birdhouse

Materials and tools:

  • 2 rectangular pieces for sidewalls 15 cm wide and 22 cm high;
  • 3 pieces 19X37 cm for the front and rear walls;
  • 2 parts 15x15 cm as a floor and one part of the roof;
  • pole stick;
  • part for the roof 15x17 cm;
  • nails, hammer;
  • glue for fixing the pole;
  • drill with a nozzle for sawing round holes 5 cm in diameter;
  • ruler, pencil.


  1. We draw all the details on the board and cut them out.
  2. Remember to cut a 5 cm inlet in the middle of the front wall, 19.5 cm from the bottom.
  3. On the front and back, we make a 15 cm bevel under the roof with an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. We connect the facade and walls.

    If necessary, we bend the protruding parts of the nails so that they are tightly pressed against the walls and for sealing we process the joints with hot wax or a special putty for wood.

  5. We attach parts of the roof to the rear wall and the facade, joining them well with each other (it is worth filling the seam). Only so that the roof can be raised and the birdhouse cleaned. To do this, it is better to use self-tapping screws that can be unscrewed and then screwed back in.
  6. Once again we check if there are any protruding nails or screws inside the birdhouse. We fix the bottom.
  7. We glue the six.

Attention! The same model can be made with an easily removable bottom. To do this, we fix it not on screws, but on long wooden "hairpins". By the way, the rest of the parts can be attached with wood glue.

Birdhouse made of rectangular pieces

A simplified variation of the classic birdhouse, which a student can make on his own, assumes that all the details of the house are cut out in the form of rectangles.


  1. We cut out the details. Please note that all vertical parts are the same, and the bottom is equal in length to the width of one vertical part + two thicknesses of the board, and in length is equal to the width of the facade. The roof has the shape of a square with sides equal to the length of the bottom.
  2. In the front part, we cut out a notch with a diameter of 5 cm and a small hole for a pole.
  3. We connect vertical parts with nails or self-tapping screws.
  4. We attach the bottom and roof. We glue the stick-six.
  5. We nail the birdhouse onto a long narrow board, for which we will attach it to the tree.

Video: a boy makes a birdhouse with a flat roof with his own hands

The original version without a diagram - a bird house from a deck

Materials and tools:

  • deck of a suitable size;
  • chainsaw;
  • drill for sampling wood.


Video: log birdhouse - folk way

Light house made of wood and tube

Materials and tools:

  • tube;
  • a small board with a width not less than the diameter of the tube, and a length of at least two diameters;
  • jigsaw;
  • pencil, compasses;
  • drill and screws or hammer and nails, long and short.


  1. Cut off about ¼ of the tube.
  2. We measure the inner diameter of the hole.
  3. We make 2 circles of this diameter from the board.
  4. We fix the first circle on the tree with self-tapping screws or nails.
  5. In the second, we cut out a round tap hole.
  6. We drill a hole in it just below for the pole, insert the pole.
  7. We place the facade in a tube. We nail it down with small nails around the circumference, "drowning" a little in the depth, so that the house has a canopy.
  8. We put the blank on the second circle fixed on the tree and also nail it with carnations.

If you do not want to damage the tree, then you can try not to cut the back wall from the board, but simply leave the bottom of the tube and then, threading a belt tape or wire into its hole for the handle, fix it on the trunk.

Photo gallery: bird houses from other materials

Birdhouses made of plastic bottles can be painted with acrylic paints so that the house is not transparent, but even then there is no guarantee that the birds will settle there Birdhouses can be made from the most unusual things, for example, from a propane tank Birdhouse boots can be decorated with a bright pattern This model can only be a feeder, birds will not feel comfortable in a transparent house The disadvantages of cardboard "apartments" are their extreme impracticality, as well as low weight, which creates problems in rainy or windy weather.

Tricks to protect a birdhouse from ruin

The main enemy of bird houses is the cat. If the danger in your area is relevant, then you can do the following:

  • we do not make a pole for approaching, otherwise the mustachioed-striped ones can cling to it with a paw and ruin the nests;
  • we construct a visor strongly protruding beyond the boundaries of the front wall so that the cat cannot stick its paw inside, sitting on the roof;
  • we do not place the dwelling on horizontal branches.

During the off-season, it is necessary to periodically inspect the birdhouse: white bats can settle in such houses.

Two ways to secure your finished bird house

As for the placement of the birdhouse, there are two options for attaching it to the tree:

  • nail down;
  • rewind with wire.

The second method is preferable, as it protects the tree from damage. For additional protection of the bark of the tree, you can put some kind of elastic material between the trunk or branch and the tape. This kind of gasket will take over the entire tension of the wire.

If you are attaching a birdhouse with wire, it is better to insert small pads, for example, made of car rubber, between the wire and the trunk, so as not to damage the tree.

Remember also that the new place of residence for birds must be placed at a slight angle so that the house is slightly tilted forward: this will make it more convenient for the birds to fly in.

Making a birdhouse with your own hands is not so difficult. Time will only take a few hours, and the benefits for birds and the economy will be enormous. In the hot season, such structures will be a good "invitation" for birds, which help to fight pests in plots and fields. In addition, designing birdhouses is a great way to join oneself and introduce a child to caring for the world around them.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of the present are the key lines of my 31-year life. Strong qualities: responsibility, desire to learn new things and improve oneself.

With the onset of spring, a fairly large number of birds return to gardens and parks after wintering in the southern regions, including starlings, robins, flycatchers. The main task of birds at this time of the year is breeding, which implies the need to create nests. In the conditions of noisy and large cities, it is very difficult for birds to find a suitable place for this mission. One of the options for human assistance in this case will be to create birdhouses made of wood with your own hands, which will also act as original decorations for the adjoining territories.

To make a reliable and durable birdhouse that can attract the attention of birds, it is advisable to use natural materials. The best option would be dry and non-planed oak or linden boards, the thickness of which is about 20-30 mm. A material of this size will provide the winged occupants with a sufficient level of soundproofing, as well as allow you to keep warm. If the selected boards have a smooth surface, one of the sides should be covered with notches, and also treated with coarse-grained emery. This will help in the future the young chicks to freely get out when the time comes to stand on the wing.

It is advisable to refuse the wood of coniferous trees, since it has a pungent odor and resinousness, which frightens off some species of birds.

You should not use any kind of plywood for the manufacture of birdhouses, since, due to its subtlety, it will not be able to provide the birds with the required conditions. In addition, fiberboard, OSB and particleboard, containing harmful compounds and emitting phenol vapors, are very hazardous materials. And when using MDF, the structure you have created will quickly deteriorate from exposure to moisture.

For the manufacture of birdhouses, it is allowed to choose a variety of deciduous trees, the length of which should be 25–40 cm with a diameter of 15 cm. Their houses are ideal for most birds that prefer to nest in hollows. It is best to give preference to aspen wood, which is distinguished by its softness, which will greatly facilitate the processing process. In such a cozy and environmentally friendly home, the number of dead chicks will be minimized.

As for the tools, you will need the following to create a house:

  • a hacksaw for wood or a jigsaw;
  • drill or electric drill with a cutter;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • nails or screws;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • pencil;
  • compass;
  • brush.
  • Safety engineering

  • When starting work, it is advisable to free the workplace from foreign objects, as well as wear comfortable overalls.
  • When preparing the necessary carpentry tools, you should pay attention to the degree of its sharpening and the reliability of attachment to the handles.
  • In the process of work, sharp tools are supposed to be laid with the blade down.
  • Do not use a hand saw to cut material on the knee. It should be placed on special pads.
  • If a working tool suddenly falls out of your hands, in no case should you catch it on the fly.
  • When working with a hammer, you must take care of the presence of a comfortable striking platform.
  • When handling the drill, it is advisable to hold it with both hands and not exert excessive pressure on the tool in order to avoid jamming.
  • There should be no nails in the processed material.
  • After completing the work, it is necessary to clean the device from dirt using a brush.
  • Options for birdhouses made of wood (with drawings, photos and videos)

    Before proceeding with the creation of a birdhouse, it is necessary to determine in advance who it will be intended for. The fact is that each bird species has its own requirements for the nesting site. The main types of birdhouses are as follows:

  • titmouses, differing in size, as well as the diameter of the taphole;
  • half-nests intended for nesting flycatchers;
  • pikas houses equipped with two entrances;
  • wagtails with a small ladder or platform in front of the entrance.
  • The main structure of the birdhouse is a cavity with a blank bottom and a removable top, as well as a notch, convenient for birds, equipped with a landing area. The size of such a wooden dwelling depends on the type of its inhabitants.

    Classic starling house

    A drawing of a classic starling birdhouse is shown in the diagram below.

    A classic birdhouse is made according to this drawing

    Before starting the assembly of such a structure, it is necessary to transfer the contours of all parts to pre-prepared wooden materials. On the front wall of the future bird house, you need to draw a notch using a compass. Then cut out the parts using a jigsaw, and then create a tap hole of the desired size with a milling cutter or drill.

    The dwelling for starlings is distinguished by its size, which allows these rather large birds to feel comfortable. The height of the house for them should be from 30 to 35 cm, while the size of the bottom is supposed to be no more than 15x15 cm, since unnecessary space is not needed. The hole 50 mm in diameter must be located at a distance of 15–20 cm from the bottom. This will provide additional safety for the chicks.

    Such a neat birdhouse will not only serve as a home for birds, but also decorate the garden.

    Build Algorithm:

  • We prepare all the necessary details.
  • To begin with, we place in front of us two side parts of the future birdhouse and fasten the front wall, as shown in Figure 1.

    It is advisable to fasten these parts of the structure with screws or nails, which will provide it with the necessary strength

  • Then, in a similar way, we attach the back wall to the resulting workpiece, as well as the bottom, focusing on Figure 2.

    Next, the back wall and bottom are fixed to the workpiece.

    As a result of the manipulations performed, we will get the workpiece shown in Figure 3.

    An almost finished design without a lid looks like this

  • Before proceeding to the roof attachment, we attach a small perch in front of the tap hole, as shown in Figure 4.

    You can choose a perch for a birdhouse to your taste

  • Starting to manufacture a removable roof, we draw 4 lines on its inner side, three of which we outline at a distance of 2 cm from the edges, and the fourth at a distance of 5 cm.Then we install a sleeve on the shown square and nail it to the lid with four nails (Figure 5) ...

    To install the roof, you need to provide it with a bushing

    The result is a nice design, made according to all the rules.

    The end result of the work done

  • We treat the finished birdhouse with water-based paint to protect its surface.
  • When connecting the parts of the birdhouse with each other, you need to take care of the absence of cracks. To do this, it is recommended to coat the joints with clay or caulk with tow. In addition, you should pay attention to the protruding nails inside the structure. They must be bent so that they do not injure the birds.

    Video: How to make a home for starlings with your own hands?


    A house designed for tits should be 50 cm deep and 14 cm wide. The optimal diameter of its entrance is 3 cm. If titmice become inhabitants of the titmouse, the hole must be made no more than 2.5 cm - this will save future chicks from attempts by larger birds.

    It is advisable to pour sawdust at the bottom of the house, and paint the inner walls in dark colors using an ordinary pencil. When scaring away unexpected guests, tits use the “monster's eye” demonstration technique, which is played by white spots on their head. The dark space surrounding the bird will help it to cope with this task most effectively.

    The resulting house should be hung at a height of no more than 2–4 meters. It is mounted on hardwood trees with a dense crown.

    Such titmouses will certainly appreciate their potential feathered inhabitants.

    A feature of this type of birdhouse is the presence of a platform at the very entrance with a width of about 10 cm. The length of the horizontal wall of the structure should be from 25 to 30 cm, and the width should be 14 cm with a height of 10-12 cm. In this case, the opening for the entrance will be a slot, the optimal width of which is no more than 4 cm.

    Such houses can be placed not only on a tree, but also under the roof, as well as on the top of the fence.

    The wagtail is a little different from the usual birdhouse species.


    The special attention of most bird species is attracted to the nest boxes made of different types of wood. Such natural birdhouses can often be found in forests and parks, and not only small birds, but also owls and owls become their inhabitants. The design of the nesting house is very simple, thanks to which this type of bird houses is very popular. To create such a dwelling, you need a log, ax or power saw of a suitable size.

    You can make a nest box, guided by the presented drawing

    Step-by-step instructions for making a nest box:

  • To create a nest box, you need to choose a suitable log. Using an electric saw, you should carefully cut off two round pieces on both sides.
  • Then the prepared log must be cut lengthwise into two equal parts, and the cuts must be made across the resulting blanks.
  • With the help of an ax, it is supposed to remove the core of the log. In this case, the thickness of the walls should be equal to 5–6 cm.
  • Having placed the saw along the workpiece, you need to carefully cut it, moving from one edge to the other. This is required with each of the two parts.
  • In this case, you can leave the extreme sector. It will become the bottom or roof of the future bird house.
  • To create a tap hole, you need to use a compass, marking with it a circle with a diameter of 3.5-5 cm.
  • Then it is supposed to make a hole with a drill and cut out the taphole with a hand jigsaw, holding the tool along the marked contour.
  • To assemble the parts, you can use ordinary nails or wooden cotter pins with a diameter of 10 mm, set on PVA glue.
  • To protect the roof of the nest box from moisture, it is advisable to cover it with roofing material.

    Video: Making a nest box

    The nuances of birdhouse design

    When making a birdhouse, you can provide it with an original design. Beautifully decorated birdhouses will decorate your garden, however, when decorating them, you should observe the measure. The birdhouse itself should not attract the special attention of predators, as well as scare off potential residents with too bright design.

    When working on the design of a bird house, it is dangerous to overuse decorative rustling and shiny elements. They will only scare away birds.

    In addition, bird houses need additional protection from unexpected guests who can climb the tree and remove chicks from the nest. A variety of overlays on the tree trunk will help to avoid this - for example, made of dry branches, wire, metal sheets.

    When to hang wooden birdhouses?

    Traditionally, birdhouses are installed in the spring for migratory birds returning to their native lands after wintering in hot countries, and in the fall, for wintering in the same place. Spring guests usually return with the onset of March, so if your birdhouse is hung on Folk Bird Day (March 9), it will certainly be populated by the long-awaited residents.

    When choosing the most suitable place, you should pay attention to the location of the cardinal points. The fly of the house should be oriented to the southeast, this will allow the starlings to be the first to meet the rays of the morning sun. The best place for a bird's dwelling will be trees with a dense crown and sufficient height. However, wagtails will prefer a house attached under the roof of a house or a barn, and tits will happily settle on an open balcony or under the ceiling of a veranda.

    (17 estimates, average: 4,35 out of 5)

    Small birds have always been held in high esteem by people. It's nice to have useful neighbors, they sing and fuss, catch insects and delight the ear with their singing. True, they thought of building houses for them quite recently, about 300 years ago.

    Nobody builds massive housing complexes for birds, and no one needs it. In nature, everything should be in moderation, as well as comfort. If we talk about birdhouses, then there are certain subtleties of their construction.

    DIY birdhouse

    The birdhouse needs disinfection. And a person can help with this. Having made a removable roof near the birdhouse, you can always remove it and pour boiling water inside the wall. After waiting for the chicks to fly out, and shaking out the contents of the house.

    People have thought of making more than fifty varieties bird houses... But our today's publication is about a classic house - a birdhouse.

    He came to us from Western Europe. And the reason for its creation is banal - food should be at hand. In Europe, they ate starlings and their eggs. Peter the First saw them and ordered, without fail, to start making and hanging houses for birds, for fun.

    When building a birdhouse, no tinkering is required very spacious house... It should be cramped, the starlings will feed only two or three chicks. In this case, each chick will be healthy and strong. In the spacious apartments, the starlings will also hatch five chicks, but they will not be able to feed them. They will be sick and weak carriers of epizootics.

    You don't have to be zealous and hang many birdhouses, just hang one next to the house, you can have another one within sight. If a lot of birds will breed, the balance will be upset and they will not have enough food, as a result, all the birds will leave your area.

    One more thing: it is necessary to protect the house from cats, they will climb everywhere. It can be protected in two ways:

    1. A tall birdhouse, the entrance from above, the cat does not reach the chicks with its paw.
    2. The birdhouse is hung on a pole, in the middle of the pole is a plywood circle, 50 cm in diameter, the cat does not overcome an obstacle.

    Cozy house with your own hands from a bottle

    In winter, feathered friends have a hard time in the cold. Increasingly, small birds fly to a person's dwelling and knock on the window, asking for crumbs... Even in winter, a warm bird house will be in demand.

    The time to take care of the birds is spring. Birds return from warm countries, looking for a mate and a suitable place for brood.

    Getting Started

    We make a birdhouse for birds with our own hands from wood.

    Step one. We prepare

    You will need boards 20 mm thick, the birdhouse will have seven elements and a perch. We take a drawing of a birdhouse, a pencil and mark each detail of the house on the boards: the visor and the bottom of the lid, the bottom, back, front and two side walls.

    The bottom of the lid and the bottom are the same, 13 cm perimeter of the square. They differ in height by 4 cm, the front wall and the rear wall, the angle of inclination of the roof visor is created. For this reason bevels are made on the side walls. Two parts of different sizes are made on the roof.

    Step two. We cut out.

    It is advisable to cut out the elements together, for coincidence sizes of paired parts... Planing the front of the house with a plane or on a machine will look more beautiful. Carefully, using a drill or chisel, we make it in front of the notch. Its diameter is 3.8 cm, an increase of up to 5 cm is allowed.

    Under the taphole, we drill a through hole 3 cm, the arrival perch will be placed here.

    In nature, the entrance is a natural hollow, it is round in shape. Based on this, preference is given to a round hole, but if there is no choice, then make it square... We place it 5 cm below the top point of the facade.

    Step three. We collect.

    To exclude drafts, we glue three sides with carpentry or PVA glue, without a back wall. We knock down the sides of the birdhouse with nails or screws. We glue and nail the bottom to the walls, and lastly we fix the back side. This assembly eliminates the appearance of gaps.

    Insert arrival perch, pencil or just a long stick. A 5 cm double-sided ledge will be very convenient for the bird.

    We make the roof removable, this will make it easier to clean the birdhouse after the brood. As already mentioned, pour out the contents and pour over with boiling water, you can process it with potassium permanganate. Temporarily attach with self-tapping screws to protect against wind and cats. Two roof parts fasten together.

    Step four... Install.

    The structure is attached nails or wire... If you fasten it with nails, then you first need to nail a plank at the back of the house, 50 cm longer than the birdhouse itself, and then nail it to the tree.

    It is easier to fasten the birdhouse with wire. The wire does not hurt trees, for protection of the bark is needed put wooden lining under the wire. Place the birdhouse for birds with a tap-hole to the east or south, at a height of 3-5 meters.

    Build a birdhouse do it yourself from wood or plywood is easy. It is necessary to have a mood, a desire and a blueprint for the object itself.

    If you decide to hang a birdhouse on the site, then you should think about its decorative design. Let it look beautiful from the outside. Any birds feel good even in painted houses.

    As a rule, they take a standard birdhouse as a basis, and only then they decorate and arrange it as they please. Craftsmen put up a fence with feeder in the form verandas.

    Once I saw the work of the master in the garden: a two-story house, on the first floor there is a dining room-feeding trough. On the second floor there is a bird house. This whole structure, a feeder and a birdhouse, is made of plywood.

    It happens that the "apartment" is not immediately attracted to the birds. We'll have to endure for a year, next spring everyone will be happy. The birds will settle in, they will cheerfully scamper in search of food around the site.

    Birds invite

    By building and hanging birdhouses, we make life easier for the birds, we help to shelter for a while. By hanging a house in the garden, we provide the residents with safety, and add joy to ourselves observing the life of nature.

    The birds thank us for this, catch midges and mosquitoes, and collect pests from the beds. But different birds are looking for completely different housing, the size of the bottom and the height of the wall, the size of the entrance, and much more matter.

    They carefully study the location of the future nest. At what height is the house located, what is inside and what smells there. If all the elements are taken into account by us, made do-it-yourself apartments filled with bird life.

    It is important to make them comfortable for birds, not only beautiful for our eyes, otherwise they will remain empty.

    Different birds - different houses

    Small birds live in small houses. Tit sparrow, flycatcher, choose a small opening for the entrance of 2.7-3.5 cm. The bottom is small, compressed 10-13 cm. In the absence of a perch jump from the bottom to a height of 15 cm.

    Starling, wagtail, hoopoe, whip or woodpecker, prefer an inlet of 5–5.5 cm, the bottom is also wider than 13–15 cm. The entrance is located at a height of 25 cm from the floor, and the front wall is 32 cm. Swifts and swallows are looking for special structures ... They need a rectangular bottom 18 x 13 cm. The oval entrance under the roof itself is 6 x 3.7 cm and the front wall is up to 13 cm high.

    An interesting fact, if a small bird populates a large house, then over time it will have to give way to a larger bird. If this happened on your site, you should stick the inlet with clay and give it the desired size.

    How to place birdhouses

    A height of four meters is considered safe. It's good when the birdhouse is in the shade and looks east. The distance between the houses is at least 30 meters. Starlings are social birds, they can be placed closer and closer, but other birds require territoriality.

    You can find an interesting solution without wasting time and money on materials. It's pretty quick to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle, and if you decorate it, it turns out very well.

    Plastic houses

    Large plastic house

    A large five-liter water bottle will be a great summer house for small birds as well as for larger friends.

    A hole must be made on top of the bottle that is suitable for the size of the bird. We'll have to paint over the whole bottle with paints, sunlight should not get inside. Cats on plastic will not be able to resist, so there is no need to be afraid of them.

    If you make a through hole with an awl, you can insert a perch for the convenience of birds. From the same bottle, feeders are very good.

    A square hole is made on both sides, the plastic is cut on three sides. The plastic is bent upwards, a visor is obtained over the taphole. Such a house or feeder is easily suspended by the handle from the branches.

    Device inside the house

    It is possible to make such houses from bottles, however, as well as from wood, together with children. Children will imperceptibly get used to thinking about nature, take care of the world around them. Have a great time.

    The house can be decorated with paints, but you can simply decorate it with bright ribbons or leave it transparent. It is worth sprinkling the bottom of the bottle with sand, putting hay and dry twigs on top. So, it will become much more comfortable and attractive for birds.

    The tenants themselves will figure out what is useful to them. It is worth thinking about the quiet life of birds and hanging the house higher.

    Do-it-yourself bird house

    We take a two-liter bottle from the drink, this will be the basis for the house, then:

    • Pliers;
    • Drill and two different drills;
    • Stationery knife;
    • Paint brush or a piece of sponge;
    • Old CDs;
    • Scissors;
    • Wire;
    • Adhesive for plastic;
    • Scotch tape, you can also tape;
    • Dowel and screw.

    In addition to all this, you need acrylic paint:

    • black;
    • beige;
    • green;
    • brown;
    • light brown.

    All of this can be practically found at home or in the garage.

    How to build a birdhouse with your own hands

    In a two-liter plastic bottle, at a height of 6 cm from the bottom, cut out a round hole for the tap hole with a clerical knife.

    Drill a 3 mm hole two cm below and fasten the plastic dowel with a screw from the inside. It turned out to be an excellent perch for a starling. He will greet others by singing, sitting in front of the entrance to the house.

    We cover the bottle with brown paint twice, paint carefully, without gaps. We create comfort and darkness in the house.

    Use a thin drill to drill through the neck of the bottle horizontally. A wire is threaded through the hole and twisted. This makes a nice loop for hanging a bottle.

    The finished dwelling can be left and hung in the garden, but you can carry out a couple more operations for beauty.

    Bird house decoration

    Cut out a window layout from paper and glue on a bottle.

    We heat the CD-disk, so it is easier to cut it, and we divide it into parts like a cake. This is what we have for the house. You can paint the tiles brown or paint them with all colors, make the roof multi-colored.

    We begin to glue the bottle with tiles from the bottom row, you can also fix it with scotch tape for the fortress. Each next layer is attached only with glue.

    The house is ready!

    We comfortably equip housing

    Is it possible to make a plastic house more comfortable? A starling is a bird that independently searches for suitable material for its nest.

    And who told you that the starling is the only representative of birds that can settle in a made house. That is why it is worth worrying about the comfort of future guests.

    The bottom of the housing can be lined with rags, cotton wool, hay and down. Any birds will not refuse such help in arranging the nest. They will delight others with their singing and chirping.

    Where the birdhouses are hung

    The higher above the ground, the safer, the birds think so. The first requirement for birds is safety. We go into the garden, hang it higher, fasten it securely to good trees.

    It is better to knead so that it is not particularly visible. Extra eyes for the chicks to grow can get in the way. The main destroyers of bird nests are cats and children, and we hide the nests of birds from them.

    Be sure to try making such a house with your children. Good for kindergarten, easy to do, and helps build love for the world.

    An interesting observation: there are significantly fewer birds in the city than in the city. Why is that? It turns out that there are many secluded places for birds in the city. But the most frequent refuge is through a narrow gap near the lamp, the bird squeezes inside. Here, having descended along the trunk of the pipe, she weaves her nest on a skein of wires. Can you imagine the conditions in which a bird lives, a little plant pest fighter? But a person is able to thank the winged assistants, but how? Build which will be more than a lantern tube.

    Building materials

    To determine how to build a starling nesting box, you need to select the appropriate material. Best suited for construction are wooden boards of exclusively hardwoods - birch, alder, aspen. Coniferous wood is not recommended. It releases a gum that makes the surfaces of the bird's dwelling sticky. Plywood is not suitable for birdhouse. It retains heat poorly, making the new building very cold. And practically does not pass sounds, which are very important for birds, especially when there is a danger. Compressed wood (fiberboard, chipboard) releases toxins, so it is generally not suitable for a birdhouse.

    Birdhouse drawing

    A correctly calculated and drawn scheme will greatly simplify the construction process. Therefore, before building a birdhouse, the drawing must be made taking into account all the required dimensions. The optimal height of the house for a starling is 35 cm. For the bottom, a workpiece in the form of a square with a side of 16 cm is required. The entrance should be 5-6 centimeters in diameter. Important! Before building a birdhouse, the dimensions should be checked several times. If the offered living space seems cramped for the birds, they will simply bypass your new building. However, you should not chase after large sizes. Otherwise, the offspring raised in too spacious apartments will be sickly and weak.

    Step-by-step instruction

    Building a simple birdhouse doesn't require a lot of skill or woodworking experience. The main thing is to use the blueprints correctly. If you are building a dwelling for birds for the first time, then the question naturally arises: how to build a birdhouse in stages?

    The image shows a diagram of a traditional solid house, known to everyone since childhood.

    The sides of the roof are different. One should be longer by the thickness of the board to cover the edge of the first. After all, a birdhouse should not only be practical, but also have an excellent appearance.

    After all the blanks have been cut out of the board, be sure to check if they make up the birdhouse correctly. If all the previous tips were taken into account, then there should be no problems when assembling the house.

    It is best not to drive in the nails, but rather to drill small holes. The nail may not enter the wood incorrectly, then the sharp edge will stick out in the birdhouse, making the shelter unsafe enough for the birds. Or maybe split the wood altogether. To make the drilling process as safe as possible, secure the wood pieces in several C-clamps. Before using nails or screws, be sure to glue the edges of the sides with a good

    After assembling the frame, you should tackle the round entrance. For such purposes, there is a special drill. It drills the hole very quickly and accurately. Such a notch will turn out with smooth edges, and therefore does not need additional grinding.

    If there is no such drill, drill several holes inside the circle, and then cut the desired tap hole with a jigsaw. A brace is not bad for this purpose.

    There is one more method for making a notch. But it assumes a frame that has not yet been assembled. The faceboard can be split in two at the center. Quite easily with the help of a chisel, the necessary half-holes are cut out. You can connect both halves using thorns - nails with broken off caps.

    The next step is to install the roof.

    Under the taphole, you need to place a stick 1.5 cm thick - a porch. A porch that is too large will invariably attract crows and jackdaws to the birdhouse.

    Types of houses

    It is customary to call any birdhouse a birdhouse, although it is not built for starlings alone. Other birds also need shelter. How to build a birdhouse for birds depends on the characteristics of future residents. For example, housing 25-30 cm high is being built for titmouses. The bottom should be a square with a side of 10-12 cm. The lettuce for tits is 30-35 mm in diameter.

    Wagtail housing requires a completely different design. The bird itself does not have sufficient tenacity of the legs, therefore, in front of the house, it needs a certain ladder. And you need to place such a house under the roof, approximately at a height of three to five meters.

    The pike feels more comfortable in a house with two through holes. They are located on the left and right. Such additional entrances allow the bird to hide in time if a predator attacks the house.

    Decorative houses

    Fans of original solutions can dream a little. It is enough to decorate the birdhouse quite a bit, and it will acquire a truly fantastic look. The birdhouse, stylized as a village house, looks original. For birds, it doesn't matter how the house looks from the outside. The main thing is to keep it warm and dry inside. And the designer will bring a lot of pleasure to decorate the birds' homes.

    If desired, it is not difficult to build even an apartment building. Several families will settle in such a birdhouse at once, which will greet the rising sun with sonorous joyful chirping. At the same time, there will be no difficulties how to build a birdhouse. The photo below illustrates the process quite clearly.

    The house can also differ significantly in shape. An interesting solution is diamond-shaped housing. However, the question arises - is it convenient for birds?

    It's up to you to decide: how to build a birdhouse, the size and decor of which depends entirely on the prospective residents and your skills.

    The best housing option for birds is a wooden birdhouse. It is warm and the birds feel like they are in the hollow of a tree. However, not everyone has the opportunity to build such housing on their own. In this case, the materials at hand will help out.

    A beautiful birdhouse is obtained from a log. The core can be selected with a chisel. It remains only to drill a hole for the entrance and think over the roof.

    You can even make a home for birds from a regular plastic bottle. But such a house must be insulated. You should tie the bottle around with warm ropes or even tie a tight cover. And don't forget the sharp cuts of the hole. It is better to cover them with tape around the perimeter.

    How to install a birdhouse?

    So, in theory, you already know how to build a birdhouse correctly, but the correct installation of the house is also an important point in creating housing.

    Most often, the birdhouse is nailed to a long pole, which is then screwed with a wire to a tree about 5-7 meters from the ground. Hang the house slightly inclined forward, then rainwater will not flow into the housing to the birds. It is worth considering the direction. The entrance should face south or east.

    House protection

    Everyone knows that cats are great hunters. They are so dexterous that they can catch a bird even on the fly. Based on this, you need to protect the birdhouse as much as possible from the teeth and claws of a predator. Place a plywood circle in the middle of the pole parallel to the ground. The diameter of the circle should be 45-50 cm. Cats will not be able to overcome such an obstacle, and the chicks will remain safe and sound.

    Be sure to dry the material before building a birdhouse. The raw wood will dry out very quickly and the house will become uninhabitable.

    It is a good idea to put a small layer of earth, peat and sawdust on the bottom of the birdhouse. This layer should be no more than 5 cm.

    It is very easy to make the roof removable. Then, when cleaning the house, when the tenants leave their homes in the fall, there will be no special difficulties. To do this, nail a thick board from the inside of the roof, which will enter the house, like a cork in the neck of a bottle.

    Instead of a conclusion

    Knowing how to build a birdhouse, it is not difficult to calculate the size of future housing. With the help of such a house, you can not only alleviate the fate of birds, but also get rid of plant pests. One brood will mourn enough to protect plantations from thousands of May beetles and larvae in just 5 days! And the birds will bring the greatest joy to children. After all, what is familiar and understandable to adults is a window to the wonderful world of wildlife for children!