Blind typing on the keyboard simulator online english. Online keyboard simulators. Correct hand placement on the keyboard

Online keyboard simulator is a service for teaching touch typing directly from the site. Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity and sufficient knowledge to create an online simulator here and so far it remains only in distant dreams. Even due to the lack of motivation (no one from the admins of existing online keyboard simulators agreed (or did not answer at all) to exchange links with my site (even for money), for a long time I did not review the online resources of training fast touch typing.

But due to the demand for online keyboard simulators, I still created this review.

The criteria by which we will analyze online keyboard simulators:

  • Availability (free, registration);
  • Capabilities and functions (speed test, availability of guidelines, issuance of a certificate and others);
  • Languages;
  • Online resource attendance.

Fast Keyboar Typing - Free Online Keyboard Trainer

  • Completely free ;
  • Without registration, you can go through a cramped task, you can go through VK;
  • Training in Russian and English, a lot of exercises, you can create your own;
  • To go to the next task, you need to go through it several times;
  • no more than 5 errors;
  • Lots of teaching material;
  • Beautiful virtual keyboard;
  • Multifunctional statistics;
  • User rating system.
Fast Keyboar Typing Keyboard Trainer is a completely new, beautiful and powerful online multifunctional keyboard simulator. The service is completely free, very easy to use. The authors of the project guarantee students a guaranteed result. The presence of feedback is also encouraging.

Online keyboard trainer address:

All10 - Online Keyboard Trainer

  • Completely free , requires registration, you can log in via facebook;
  • You can pass the speed test without registration;
  • Training in Russian and English, 16 lessons, there are several exercises in each lesson;
  • To go to the next lesson (exercise), you need to complete the previous one;
  • To successfully complete the exercise, you must admit no more than 2 errors;
  • There are guidelines, landing rules;
  • Virtual keyboard with the designation of the zones of the fingers;
  • Lesson statistics;
  • Possibility to take a certificate exam (silver, gold and platinum);
  • Overall rating of all students;
    Online keyboard trainer vse10 suitable for learning from scratch. It has a pleasant interface, no intrusive advertising, pleases the possibility of obtaining an electronic certificate - you can brag to your friends or show your boss.

Vse10 Online Keyboard Trainer Address:

In the 21st century, most information is online Most businesses are built over the Internet, and most books, articles, publications, essays and documents are printed on a computer. This applies to absolutely everything - from legal documents to works of art. A Microsoft Office Word document is very convenient, as it can be sent by e-mail, attached to a Google disk or saved to a USB flash drive, as well as converted to pft.

How to convert a file from Word to PDF and vice versa, you can see in the article:

Thanks to correctors for stylistic and grammatical errors, printing documents and books has become not only convenient and fast, but also more competent. Therefore, today many freelancers want to learn how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard. Many journalists and copywriters literally compete with each other in terms of print speed.

How do I learn to type in touch? Is it possible?

Indeed, a lot depends on this. Printing speed affects the efficiency and success of a freelancer, the number of characters that can be printed per hour, and, of course, the salary and the length of the working day.

Such nuances as the quality of the article and literacy are equally important factors in determining the success of a copywriter. However, if these two points are adjusted, it is time to seriously think about the printing speed.

Today, it is as popular as the rapid typing courses were previously.

So, we learn to quickly type on the keyboard using the method of blind ten-finger typing. First of all, you need to print out a diagram that shows which finger is "responsible" for which key. Place the sheet in front of the keyboard. You just have to forget how to press the keys with the wrong fingers. This is the essence of the method.

Its effectiveness lies in its extreme simplicity. You no longer need to memorize anything and constantly practice typing complex sentences at speed, gradually going crazy. In this case, you can look at the keyboard, this is not prohibited. Moreover, there is no need to waste time on complex exercises. Just print articles as you always do, but with this diagram in mind, and after a while you will learn to print blindly. You only need to learn how to press the keys with the appropriate fingers.

Conversely, the print speed will be slower at first. The main thing at the initial stage Is not speed, but consolidation of a new skill. When it is worked out to the level of the spinal reflex, you can increase the speed and not look at the keyboard at all. If you have to type a lot every day, then the skill will develop in a few days, maximum - in two weeks. And then you simply cannot print in any other way - only blindly and only quickly!

Below is a diagram of the correspondence and a diagram of the position of the hands above the keyboard.

However, this scheme has one drawback - it is very inconvenient to slip the left little finger under the ring finger, therefore there is an improved scheme, given below.

An important aspect is the impact technique when printing. Typing blindly is very easy if you master the skill of hitting the keys correctly with your fingers. Few even pay attention to exactly how to press - with the pads of the fingers or other parts of them. In fact, it is important to engage the entire hand, not just the pads of the fingers. The blows should be characterized by clarity and abruptness, and from time to time the fingers should return to their original position. Rhythm also plays an important role.

If the typing goes rhythmically (when each button is pressed after the same period of time), then the overall typing speed also increases. Typing certain characters faster and others slower will not help you master blind typing. Rhythm is always more important. To make it easier for yourself, use the metronome provided in some online blind typing programs and simulators.

Free online services for teaching fast typing

So how do you learn to type quickly on the keyboard? Consider a few basic online programs that provide learning to type on the keyboard:

  1. Stamina;
  2. VerseQ online;
  3. All 10;
  4. Time Speed.

And now about each in order.

Stamina provides a program which shows you how to learn to type blindly step by step. The first step includes 46 lessons, the second - practical exercises to consolidate typing skills (lessons 47-140). The third part is a task of writing texts on various topics. And not just training sentences and phrases. The fourth step is writing jokes and other jokes (lessons 141-149).

Finally, the last lesson (150th) is the exam. Each lesson has a volume limit of 900 characters, so you won't bet. Even if you type at the speed of a turtle (60 characters per minute, for example), one lesson will take 10-15 minutes maximum. Each lesson starts with phrases. Which are often found when writing texts. Next comes the text, where each word corresponds to a certain symbol. A simple example: lesson "A" will contain words with this letter. The second part includes full sentences with basic grammatical forms, and the sentences themselves do not have any special meaning.

Has several unique features. So, learning begins with all the letters of the alphabet at once, and also includes memorizing with your fingers the "chords" of the keys, which are characteristic of this particular language. The training itself takes place imperceptibly, the program itself adjusts to the individual mistakes of each student. An additional plus is the use of a differential approach to the training time of frequent and rare characters. The very work with this program is psychologically relaxing and makes learning to type on the keyboard more enjoyable.

VerseQ online program (certificate)

"All 10"- a typing simulator with many advantages. For example, there are Russian and English keyboard layouts, you can continue learning exactly from the moment you left off the last time. There is an option to compete in typing with other users online. After completing the training courses, you will receive a certificate of typing speed and typing quality.

Time Speed ​​is dedicated to the ten-finger printing method. There is statistics on the growth of print speed.

Where can I check the print speed online?

If you are gradually mastering keyboard simulators and learning to type blindly, you can always check your typing speed online. To do this, we advise you to pay attention to a very effective and popular resource - "Bombina2". By regularly testing your blind typing method for speed, you will learn to touch typing very quickly.

So, "Bombina2" Is an unmatched way to test your typing speed online. Such an application was created for schoolchildren, as well as preschool children, who need a very clear and simple touch typing trainer.

However, it should be noted right away that the interface is not intuitive in all places. Some navigation elements are not very convenient, the "Start" button at the beginning of the exercises is very dull, you have to look for it. Not everyone will understand that the rag icon is "Exit".

The simulator provides detailed help that is called up on the start screen of the application. The first introductory lesson explains which fingers to type on which keys. Next are the difficulty levels, which affect the number of errors in the exercises. The transition from one level to another can be carried out automatically, but it is possible only after performing the exercise three times in a row with a good score.

An added bonus is a logic game used to educate children. The learning process is very exciting, which is especially important for children.


Nowadays, such a skill as the ability to quickly type text on the keyboard is highly valued. Of course, the literacy and meaning of the articles themselves should never fade into the background, and they are the main priority for a copywriter or freelancer. But if you are an experienced copywriter and know how to write fascinating texts and articles without mistakes, think about how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard.

By repeatedly typing various letter combinations, words and sentences on the keyboard simulator, muscle memory is developed in the fingers.

The fingers "remember" the location of the keys on the keyboard and subsequently do not require human control - fast typing of the text occurs on a subconscious level.

What is a keyboard simulator?

The keyboard simulator is a program designed for teaching touch typing, acquiring the skill of the ten-finger dialing method and increase print speed on the computer keyboard.

The keyboard simulator is an educational text editor for typing a certain text fragment, with a system of prompts during typing on the keyboard and the function of calculating various typing metrics (typing speed, typing rhythm, counting mistakes made, etc.)

Online keyboard simulator

The most popular are online versions of keyboard simulators, since this is the most practical and convenient way of teaching touch typing and learning the layout of a computer keyboard.

  • The print simulator, as an online service, does not require installation on the user's computer.

  • Access to training is possible from any operating system using a modern browser.

  • You can use the keyboard simulator from any computer with Internet access.

  • The results of completed tasks are stored in the cloud and will never be lost.

  • The online service is always the most up-to-date version: new functions and capabilities of the keyboard simulator, presented by the authors of the program, are always available to users.

The best keyboard trainer

Most keyboard simulators are just a set of exercises for mechanically typing on the keyboard. It is required to monotonously complete several dozen monotonous tasks. This method of teaching typing seems boring to the student and quickly causes boredom and fatigue.

It is much better when the keyboard simulator is more than just a tool for monotonous typing of texts one after another.

It is ideal if the training simulator for teaching typing takes into account the specifics and peculiarities of each student, his personality, his capabilities, his abilities and skills.

An individual approach to the student is required! Using this approach when teaching touch typing will allow you to quickly acquire the required ten-finger typing skill and bring it to perfection.

Ideally, when each student is indirectly prepared for the next assignment.

Attitudes are very important! It is necessary to feel as if there is a real teacher behind the student's back, responding to your every gesture and ready at the right time to infect you with optimism, cheer you up, give useful advice and help you complete a difficult task.

Such a keyboard simulator for teaching touch typing is the "SOLO on the keyboard" program, developed by the famous psychologist Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan. This is not just a typing simulator, but a whole complex course polished to perfection over the years. To date "SOLO on the keyboard" is one of the best modern keyboard simulators.

SOLO on the keyboard

An individual approach, specially selected texts, the ability to follow the system "from simple to difficult", a virtual teacher behind the student's back, a game moment, the use of psychological techniques when interacting with each student while learning the ten-finger typing skill - all this is in the touch typing course "SOLO on the keyboard".

Differences "SOLO on the keyboard" from other online keyboard simulators:

  • the training course is built using humor, music, an interesting script, curious presentation, original direction;

  • the keyboard simulator creatively uses the possibilities that modern IT technologies provide: analysis of completed tasks, individual advice, literary materials that develop a person, psychological observations;

  • in the process of passing the "SOLO on the keyboard" quick typing course, various typing indicators achieved during the execution of tasks are saved, which allows you to view detailed statistics, tracking your progress;

  • the online simulator uses a flexible rating system among all users, which introduces a competitive moment into the learning process, encourages students and helps them to look at themselves from the outside, correctly assess the results achieved, encouraging students to improve themselves;

  • the online course of touch typing also uses a system of rewards and incentives: awards and various distinctions are given for achievements achieved during assignments.

Keyboard trainer for developing fast typing

For those who have completed the training course "SOLO on the keyboard" and mastered the skill of touch typing, or for those who already own the ten-finger typing method, we suggest using a special mode of our keyboard simulator to increase the typing speed.

In this mode, the keyboard simulator selects an individual set of letter combinations for a particular person. By training the proposed letter combinations, students work through the "difficult places" when typing, which ultimately allows them to achieve fast typing with fewer typos.

In the process of typing letter combinations, the program analyzes the mistakes made and offers to retype the letters on which an error occurs most often.

Want to learn how to type fast?

Daily classes of 10-15 minutes on a keyboard simulator will significantly increase your typing speed and help you avoid typos when typing the most difficult texts.

We save the typing results achieved on the keyboard simulator, so that each person can independently assess the productivity of their work and, by looking at the speed charts, make sure that the typing speed has increased.

Is it possible to use the simulator to increase the typing speed without having mastered the entire "SOLO on the keyboard" course ?! You can - provided that the student has already completed 2/3 of the lessons. In this case, it is necessary to continue the main course and at the same time use the keyboard simulator to develop the typing speed.

Acquaintance with the keyboard simulator

The latest version of the keyboard simulator is developed using the native capabilities of modern browsers and does not require Adobe Flash Player to be installed... Whereby learning to quickly type on a keyboard simulator is possible on an iPad or Android tablet, with a connected bluetooth keyboard.

We invite you to get acquainted with our program in more detail.

Virtual teacher

Mixanatic is a virtual teacher, which is an integral part of the keyboard simulator. Mixanatic meets a student who is typing with two fingers in 1 lesson and, following him through 100 lessons, releases a "soloist" who knows the ten-finger typing method on the keyboard.

Text editor

The educational text editor inside the keyboard simulator has two popular ways of displaying typed text and the ability to scale the font. The student can customize the display of the text editor to their liking.

Free typing lessons are included in the complete Learning to Type package. The animated keyboard layout and on-screen hints (hand graphics) are designed to correct typos by showing you the correct way to enter characters during training and practice. The difficulty of the tasks gradually increases, from 2 letters at the beginning of the course to using the entire keyboard. At the end of the lesson, statistics are available: typing accuracy, the number of words per minute and the number of mistakes made.

Helpful hints:

  • When practicing typing, do not look at the keyboard. Only on the screen.
  • Without even looking at the keyboard, you can position your fingers in the base position - for this you need to find the bulges on the letters A and O with the fingertips.
  • In the first lessons, a set of letters is used. It is only when your fingers have memorized the keys that words and sentences appear. This is the best way to learn to type error-free.
  • It's important to check your typing speed periodically - the online test will help you keep track of your learning progress. Do the tasks over and over again to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard - online lessons are made especially for this!

Having familiarized ourselves with the basics of teaching touch typing, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of special computer programs created to help students. Keyboard simulator- a program, service or flash game designed to help you practice blind ten-finger dialing. The variety of the offered software, most of which is distributed free of charge, allows you to choose the most suitable simulator individually, with the possibility of choosing not only the level from beginner to advanced user, but also in the smallest details customize the program “for yourself”. Below we will give the characteristics and try to determine the pros and cons of the most popular keyboard simulators.

Training simulators

Solo on keyboard (,

Solo on the keyboard is perhaps one of the most famous and popular keyboard trainers. The program is paid. Training, in addition to Russian and English, is also available in German. Of the undoubted advantages, we note the methodological support throughout the entire course (namely the course, this is not just a simulator). This includes advice on posture, on the correct placement of hands and fingers, a motivating introduction to each lesson with advice, letters from clients and anecdotes. If desired, this can all be turned off. In general, the program has rich functionality. To add an element of fun to the training routine with Solo, the authors created a subsidiary site where you can check your typing speed and compete in this indicator with other people. Of the shortcomings (perhaps they are largely subjective), I would like to note a very long learning process. It will not be easy for people with a lack of patience and perseverance to complete the course. It is often joked on the Internet that this program is not only a ten-finger touch typing training, but also willpower. The ban on habitual typing while working with the simulator also seems inconvenient, especially for people who work with a set of huge texts every day, as well as the inability to move on to the next lesson until the previous one has been completed.

Rating: 4.4 / 5

"" - a new generation of the once famous keyboard trainer "KeyTO". The program is paid, with the possibility of a free test of the demo version. Modes - Russian, English, German layouts. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it uses an uncharacteristic learning algorithm for others. The developers promise that within an hour after the start of classes you will be able to type blindly, because "VerseQ" teaches not the step-by-step mastering of key pairs, but the orientation on the entire keyboard at once. The advantage of the simulator is that letter combinations and phrases are not repeated during typing. They are also built on the principle of real syllables that exist in the Russian language, and not a simple set like "shgshgsh". The advantage is that the program "remembers" the mistakes you made and more often gives out combinations with the same combinations for more training. The interface is neutral, not distracting. Of the minuses, only the lack of complete reference information on working with the program can be noted, which makes its development, to some extent, intuitive. Well, actually the dissimilarity to other programs, although this is rather a plus.

Rating: 4.4 / 5

"" Is a free keyboard simulator developed by A. Kazantsev. Supports English, Russian and Ukrainian layouts. The interface is configured as conveniently as possible for the user. The training is step-by-step: first, lessons on memorizing the location and a set of basic combinations, then phrases. The user chooses where to start and freely moves between modes and lessons. Scoring will seem funny to someone, ridiculous to someone. This is a matter of taste, especially if it is optionally customizable. Pros: convenience, ease of use of the simulator, comprehensibility, built-in statistics, free, the ability to customize the program for yourself (download the background image and music). Of the minuses, ordinary people point to the "tolerance" of "Stamina" to mistakes. The correction does not mean that such a mistake will not be made in the future, because "Solo" forces the entire line to be printed first, in contrast to the "good-natured" Kazantsev simulator.

Grade: 4.5/5

Typing Master

Typing Master does not have Russian language support, but is included in our list as an excellent trainer for people who want to learn how to type in English, Italian, Spanish, German and French. The program is paid with the possibility of free testing. The training is structured, the choice of the mode is possible: letter combinations, sentences, paragraphs. Of the advantages, we note the automatic repetition of the material if mistakes were made in it, detailed statistics with the analysis of the keys, which cause the greatest difficulty. An introductory lesson has been done in detail, which explains which finger to press and which key. Of the shortcomings, we note the severity of the program: it is impossible to choose between lessons, which makes the simulator look like a textbook, because the previous material is based on what has already been passed.

Rating: 4.2 / 5

Trainers for children

As you know, children learn quickly, therefore, a children's keyboard simulator will be useful for many parents, with the help of which, while playing, a child can learn the basics of blind typing. Thus, a useful skill can be developed from an early age.

"" Is an excellent children's play simulator. The single-user program is free and designed to teach 10-finger touch typing for primary school children. Of the advantages, we single out the cartoon interface, the game process of learning, the ability to choose the complexity and the compass that shows how the child is ready for the next level. A negative impression is left by the inconveniently constructed control of the program, as well as the help, which is not "sewn" into the simulator.

Rating: 4/5

"BabyType 2000" is a multilingual children's game keyboard simulator. Despite the fact that it is designed like a game, it has support for 4 languages: Russian, English, German and French. Escaping from monsters and various mechanisms, the main character overcomes obstacles from letters that the child will have to type. The simulator is good with convenient controls, built-in statistics, and a variety of levels. With outward primitiveness, this is one of the best solutions for teaching children to blindly type.

Rating: 4/5

Online simulators and games

Teaching blind typing is not only about working with preinstalled programs, where you need to type the suggested combinations correctly. It can be made varied and less boring by choosing and alternating from the many tools created for this.

Race. The so-called “keyboard races”, for example, Keyboards, have long been popular on social networks and on individual sites. The essence of the game is to type the proposed text faster than your opponent and thereby bring your car to the finish line first. The competitive aspect will provide additional motivation to study.

. Popular online simulators that do not require installation on a computer are the already known “Stamina-online”, with slightly less functionality in comparison with the traditional program.

All 10. Vse10 is also a great resource. It contains both theoretical recommendations and a practical part for teaching blind typing, as well as the possibility of obtaining a certificate.

Good luck in your practice of touch typing!

Also read, which describes the benefits and basic techniques of teaching blind typing.