Why does not work pricing reform in construction. Pavel Goryachkin: About pseudoreform, empty spending money and corruption in the Ministry of Economy and FTCs positive effect from pricing reform

In the Russian Union of Builders, on December 18, the first meeting of the working group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federationdedicated to the methods of pricing in construction.
The purpose of this group is to develop a consolidated decision to determine the estimated prices for construction resources, in particular, for materials, designs and equipment, as well as the development of proposals for amending the regulatory documents developed by the Ministry of Economic.

The working group included specialists from large construction companies, heads of industry associations and representatives of government agencies. Sergey Polunovsky, deputy head of the management methodology of pricing and monitoring the prices of construction resources of the Glavgosexpertization of Russia noted that a significant work was already done within the pricing reform. At the moment, construction classifier contains 99545 \u200b\u200bpositions. In the state pricing system, about 22,000 legal entities are registered: producers, importers of construction resources and carriers. However, work on the transition to the resource method of pricing is far from completion. Now there is a process of harmonization of the regulatory framework.

Meeting participants noted that at the moment there are a number of issues that need to be worked out in detail. For example, when determining the estimated value of materials, the selling price of the manufacturer without prices of trading houses and the dealer network is taken into account. However, often the manufacturer does not work without them. This approach leads to incorrect formation of the estimated price.

Olga Garaschenko, deputy. Chairman of the Committee of the Russian Union of Builders in Pricing in Construction, the head of the working group of the Ministry of Construction, commented on the situation as follows: "Now the proposed decision is not perfect, it is true. But, thanks to the fact that the representatives of the Ministry of Development go to the dialogue, we can affect the situation and find the best option. Now I see two problems. The first - it is necessary to make a number of clarifications in regulatory documents. We work on this. The second problem is the insufficient awareness of the construction industry on the changes occurring. In order to correct this, a hotline has been created within the Working Group. Any specialist has the opportunity to ask his question or make a sentence. This will allow us to most accurately determine the weak or not to the end of the considered moments of this reform and correct them. "

Hot line of the working group on the methodology for determining the estimated prices for materials:

Anna Rastovkuev

Press Secretary of the Working Group

Tel: +79096320098

Post office: [Email Protected]

On December 22, an expanded meeting was held in the Ministry of Economy of Russia chaired by the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services HD Mavelov on the formation of a regulatory framework in the field of pricing and estimated rationing in the construction industry.

As previously reported, construction companies that work on the largest construction projects with state financing, including on the construction of the Kerch bridge, expressed serious claims to the procedure for the formation of the FSIS CA and reported that due to this, a number of buildings could be suspended, and companies will incur Huge losses.

The Russian Union of Builders as the largest association of employers in the construction industry was erected over the construction industry representatives. Letters were sent to the assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov, the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozaku. After that, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was instructed to understand the comments and eliminate the revealed shortcomings.

Representatives of the Expert Office of the President of Russia, the Control Department of the President of Russia, the Apparatus of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, the Ministry of Energy of Russia, the Glavgosexpertism of Russia, the Allrosa PJSC, Stroytransneftegaz, LLC, Stroygazmontazh, the Russian Union of Builders, the Union of Stroychiki, TRANSSTROYMECHANIZATION LLC, PJSC Transneft, Russian Railways, Association "Rosasfalt", DSC "Autoban", Inter Rao LLC, etc.
There are only more than 40 participants.

The following issues of the agenda were made to the discussion:
1. On the consideration of regulatory acts and methodological documents developed by the Ministry of Education in the framework of improving the pricing system during design and construction.
2. On the methodology for determining estimated prices for labor costs, on the operation of machines, materials and equipment and services for the transportation of goods for construction.
3. Issues of developing NICs for industrial construction facilities.
4. Actualization and addition of state estimated norms.
5. Harmonization of the FSNB-2017 and industry estimated standards.

The meeting was led by Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia H.D. Mavlia.
Opening a meeting, Hamit Mavelov marked the position of the Ministry of Construction on the time of the deadline for the implementation of the resource model of pricing in construction at the objects of budget financing - "... It is proposed to discuss the term - September 1, 2018, so that all participants in the budget and investment-building process will be ready. The Ministry of Pressure Russia has no desire to specially forcing this process, since we need to work out all the techniques, and the main thing is to launch the placement of reliable pricing in the federal state system "pricing in construction" FGIS CA. Considering how the system is filling in the first quarter of next year when calculating the weighted average prices of materials producers, we will have to use comparative analysis and indexing methods for homogeneous resource groups. In the future, we need to achieve a hundred percent guarantee of compliance with prices in the market. Please speak on this issue and support our position.
At the last meeting, we decided to create several working groups - in particular, on the methodology for determining estimated prices for labor costs, the operation of machines, materials and equipment and services for the transportation of goods for construction. I ask the team leaders to report on the process of their formation and deadlines of the submission of proposals in Minbroi for the relevant methods.
In general, we want to build the process of improving the pricing system in close cooperation with the professional community, large companies working on budget construction projects, government corporations that fall into the provisions of adopted legislation in the field of pricing and estimated rationing.
The transition to the resource model is aimed at improving the reliability and "transparency" of the estimated cost with budget financing. We are not going to somehow climb and regulate relations in the extrabudgetary sphere. There, it must all be regulated on contract prices and contracts.
According to the results of work in the first half of 2018, we must go to the government with a proposal for the adoption of a regulatory act, and may also legislative decisions on the transition to a resource model. By this time it is necessary to work out all the methodological documents. If it is necessary, it may be possible to cancel some of the techniques already taken and introduce them to refinery .... ".

At the meeting with reports were:
Garashchenko Olga Vladimirovna - Deputy. Chairman of the Committee of the Russian Union of Builders for Pricing in Construction
Goryachkin Pavel Vladimirovich - President of the Union of Smutchikov Engineers, Member of the Pricing Committee in the Construction of the Russian Union of Builders
Poll Elena Borisovna - Director of the Expertise Department of Competition Documentation and the formation of contractual prices of Stroytransneftegaz JSC
When discussing:
SPARTAK Mikhailovich elders - Head of PJSC Transneft PJSC and DR.

In his speech, a member of the Committee of the Russian Union of Builders in Corganization in Construction, President of the Union of Meadower Engineers Pavel Goryachkin reported on the formation of the Working Group on the Methodology for determining the estimated prices for the operation of machines and mechanisms, its work plan and the deadlines for submission in Minbroi proposals.
The list of issues offered to the discussion at a meeting of the Working Group:
- On the need for processing (amending) methods for determining the estimated prices for the operation of machines and mechanisms (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2016 N 999 / PR).
- On the adjustment of the regulatory indicators of the cost of performing all types of repairs, maintenance, diagnostics of machines.
- On the adjustment of the average indicators of the annual mode of operation of machines and mechanisms.
- On account of the features of the development of estimated prices for the operation of machines and mechanisms of foreign production.
- On the accounting of a mechanized tool in the composition of state estimated standards.
- On the adjustment of the methodology for calculating the weighted average reducing cost of machines, etc.

Pavel Goryachkin supported the proposal of Deputy Minister of Construction HD Mavelov about transferring the time for the start of the introduction of a resource model of pricing in construction for September 2018 and offered to designate the date - from September 30.
At the same time, it should be only about new construction facilities (start-up) and competitive procedures (government procurement in the construction of construction), according to which the initial (maximum) contract price will be formed on the basis of new design and estimate documentation.
The speaker noted that during the transition to a resource model, it should be eliminated by the need to recalculate the estimated documentation, passing the remnants of the estimated value of a resource model in terms of already prisoners and executable contracts on the feast, construction, reconstruction, overhaul, etc. For the period up to September 2018, based on the results of monitoring of prices for the IV quarter of 2017 (the period of publication of prices in the FSIS CA - February 25, 2018), monitoring prices in I - III quarters of 2018 to work and eliminate the detected shortcomings and errors in collecting, processing technology and presenting these current estimated prices for construction resources, including on separate pilot projects and models. And following the results, to go with a proposal to the Russian government on the adoption of an appropriate regulatory act on the transition to the resource method of pricing in construction.

In terms of the improvement of FGIS CA and the pricing methodology, the Rapporteur expressed a number of proposals, in particular:

According to the Regulation on FGIS CA and monitoring prices, "... Among the persons providing information about prices - legal entities and their separate divisions engaged in the production of building materials, machines and mechanisms included in the building classifier, which proceeds for the previous calendar year It is at least 10 million rubles ... ". The specified volume of annual revenue is too small! This may result in dubious manufacturers that do not ensure the proper quality of building materials in the FSIS CA. We propose to establish the annual revenue threshold of at least 100 million rubles.

When registering the manufacturers, it is necessary to introduce a requirement to specify not only the legal address, but also addresses of the location of the production, warehouses of finished products, the database of configuration and drive railway tracks (if any). If you carefully analyze the location of manufacturers (suppliers) in Yandex maps of the FGIS CA system, then you can see that many (not all, but many) of them are listed or at a legal address, or at the address of the administrations (leadership), and not industries (warehouses) ).

It is necessary to introduce compliance of the CSR-2016 construction resources classifier codes (order of 02.03.2017 No. 597 / AD) and the classifier on the order of September 29, 2017 No. 1400 / Ave. The new version of the classifier not only added new resources, but has changed many names and codes of individual sections and groups, resource themselves and units. Many positions in groups - now begin not from -0001, but from -1001. In fact, the previous edition of the CER (order of March 2, 2017 No. 597 / PR) is almost impossible to use. In addition, the GESN and Fer in the 2017 Edition (orders №№ 1038 / AR and 1039 / PR d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d dated December 306.

When working with the data of the FGIS CA, it is necessary to exclude the situation when the specific material resource is not produced in the region, then the manufacturer should be searched in other regions, that is, "wander" on FGIS CA in his search.

To solve, it is proposed: to include in the FSIS CA and large regional suppliers (dealers, sales offices, etc.), providing the supply, complete set, intermediate storage of materials and equipment and operating with manufacturers directly. At the same time, it is noted that large suppliers are often able to provide supply of resources at prices, even below the current vacation prices of the manufacturer itself.

In addition, the FSIS CA in all regions of the Russian Federation should be presented (in the context of each region) estimated prices along the entire range of resources, regardless of whether this resource is imported from another territory or local material. To do this, it is proposed to establish a rule according to which the price in the region (subject of the Russian Federation) is meant the price for the city - the administrative center of the region on the terms of the Franco-vehicle for the local manufacturer, and for imported materials - the Franco Station (Pier, the port, the airport) of the destination or a franco vehicle at the point of transfer of cargo on the territory of the administrative center. In this case, the estimated (vacation) price in the FSIS CA for imported materials will always take into account their delivery to the administrative center, and provide for the subsequent calculation of the transport component only in part of intracity (regional, district) transportation.
For example, in the city - the administrative center of the region "A" there is no manufacturer of thermal insulation materials. The manufacturer is in another region "b". In this case, for the region "B" in the FGIS CA, the estimate (vacation) price of the Franco-vehicle in the warehouse of the manufacturer's finished product is published, and for the region "A" - the price with delivery to the region of Franco.

Other methodological approaches to the definition of transport costs are also offered to Pavel Goryachkoy, including the need for simplified accounting of the so-called. "Auxiliary" (other) materials and a simplified settlement of transport at the project "Project".
On the other hand, in terms of objects located on the areas remote from district centers and the established logistics routes and schemes of territories, on the contrary, more detailed approaches and methods of accounting for the natural and climatic conditions, seasonal factors, the state and the very presence of roads and other ways of delivery of construction goods .

In conclusion, the speech the speaker expressed the hope that with the joint constructive work of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, specialists, the professional community, major construction organizations, ministries and departments, customers, etc. The current pricing reform will become not an object of constant criticism, but a real mechanism for optimizing the cost of construction and increasing its reliability for all participants.
Olga Garashchenko at the meeting noted that the construction industry's company so far fully understand all the features of the transition to the resource pricing model.

Most specialists of construction companies are just starting to delve into the essence of the transformations carried out and face many questions, the answers to which are not found in the methods of the Ministry of Economy.
Examples and instructions are needed with calculations in which it would be clear to see "as it was" and "as it will".
With a visual comparison of the methods, it will be possible to draw conclusions about objectivity and justice of two approaches.

Regarding the determination of estimated prices for materials, products, structures and equipment, the Working Party believes that the methods of the Ministry of Economy do not take into account the business model of large Russian manufacturers and importers who implement products only through trading houses or dealer network. There are also questions when purchasing materials in small volume, during construction or repair for budget funds, not megaras, but, for example, the school class at school.

Recall that the estimated prices for material resources according to the approved method of the Ministry of Taking 77 / PR are determined on the basis of the sale of manufacturers. The service and trade and distribution function of the implementation process is not fully taken into account that in the view of the working group cuts off part of the country's economy and infringes the interests of small businesses. The fight against gaskets can negatively affect the real market participants.

These and other issues will be additionally worked out by the Working Group and will be formed for the Ministry of Economic Suggestions for the harmonization of these norms.

The topic of the formation of estimated prices and the calculation of the transport component was also covered in the report Paul Elena Borisovna - Directors of the Department of Expertise Competition Documentation and the formation of contractual prices of Stroytransneftegaz JSC and the report of Startaka Mikhailovich - Head of the PJSC Management of PJSC Transneft. In particular, the speaker indicated that the adopted methods of the Ministry of Economics on these issues are absolutely not applicable in the context of the construction of unique facilities of the oil and gas complex in the conditions of their remoteness and, often, in the absence of solid coating roads.

Source - the official website of the RCC of the Russian Union of Builders.

- How can this be?!

In conclusion, I will emphasize once again: it is necessary to leave the obligation to apply estimated construction prices from FGIS CA only to develop estimated documentation and determining the initial (maximum, limit) estimated cost - to form a maximum contract price, when placing an application.

And now, for anything to touch, there is no problem to be solid problems. I can not imagine how Minsk Russia will understand all this. Moreover, after entering this system, national programs for the construction of objects for budget money may begin to break down, because they cannot be accused. And even more so, when a federal treasury will come to the control of budget funds and construction.

Larisa Porshneva

Pricing reform: Will the budgetary funds be achieved?

  • July 18, 2018
  • 1236

The reform of pricing in construction is extremely necessary, however, during its implementation, the industry experts have reasonable concerns that the objectives of the reform will not only be achieved, but on the contrary, will lead to an increase in the cost of state buildings and numerous violations.

To understand the situation, we tried together with the president of the Union of Engineers of Smutchiki Pavel Goryachkoy:

- Pavel Vladimirovich, maybe it was not worth it at all so much as a controversial reform in pricing?

The fundamental decisions on the introduction of the federal state information system for pricing FGIS CA and the transition to the resource pricing model in construction are adopted and legally enshrined in the Urban Planning Code and government regulations. And now it makes no sense to discuss the feasibility and validity of the decisions taken by the State. But the details and methods - it is worth a very serious talk!

Not questioning the goals and objectives of the reform, however, it is necessary to make serious adjustments to its organizational and methodological components. One of the questions is that and how we will fill the FGIS CA. Of course, you need to collect information on the cost of construction resources, including in the regional section, and it must be accessible. Moreover, we are now talking about creating a all-Russian register of goods and services in the light of reforming the system of government procurement, which is also correct. But there is the concept of "reference prices". That is, we create a monitoring system and give some landmarks, first of all for state customers, so that they can navigate in the sea. There is a limited list of goods and services, prices for which are governed by the state - separate types of drugs, bread, housing and communal services, travel in city transport, etc. All other prices must be reference and serve as a specific guideline. And if someone's proposal is knocked out of the general reference level, then questions arise to the manufacturer, supplier or contractor, because it is necessary to fight both the dumping of prices and their overestimation.

But MinStroy Russia wants to make prices from FGIS CA to the instrument of calculations for the work performed, and these are unacceptable things, it is fundamentally contradicts legislation. The position of the Union of Stir Engineers is that these prices should be reference and limit, that is, determining the amount of financing and the initial (maximum) contract price, these prices can be used at the initial stage, when the performer is unknown, the raw material base and other parameters are unknown. . That is, at the stage of determining the initial price, these estimated construction prices can be used, but when calculating the work done - in no case.

We did not accidentally raise the question of the fact that in the past few years, construction covered the wave of criminal cases, every day - new "landings". Over the past two years, more than 30% of the heads of construction ministries of the regions are arrested and are under investigation, in addition, they are arrested by vice-governors, directors of departments, as well as managers from the customer, mayors of cities. Each second criminal case is associated with a construction site! There and the embezzlement, and overestimation of prices, and collusion, and the forgery is a complete set! Of course, it creates a certain negative background.

At the same time, the federal structures have been tasked with strengthening control over the effective use of budgetary funds. The Accounts Chamber rves into battle, the control functions of the Federal Treasury in the public procurement system are expanding. But what builders will be incurred to the Federal Treasury as evidence of validity of the estimation? FGIS CA? For the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia, and even more so, for the Treasury it is not an argument.

For example, the Federal Treasury, when accompanied by state contracts, has the right to check:
- compliance with the volume of execution of the contract for documents and in fact
- compliance with the provisions provided
- the fact of delivery of goods (acceptance can be fixed using photo and video photography),
- compliance of the price of goods of its cost in the cost structure,
- The amount of profit for compliance with the marginal size of the profit established by the contract.

Minstroy can not understand that it is a sectoral ministry, and the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury will be guided by the Budget Code and the concept of cost.

What is the point of FGIS CA, if it does not relate to any budget code or the principles of intergovernmental relations?

The meaning of this system is that it should help objectively determine the initial (maximum) contract price, so that in the future it is visible or dumping when lowering the price, or, on the contrary, excess of the cost of construction. Builders can buy building materials at any prices, but if their costs exceed the initial price of the contract more than 10%, then in accordance with the law, the state will understand what and how it happened. That is, the prices from FGIS CA should serve as a guide and element of containment of the construction price. And now we see a completely different picture: the price and acts of the work performed will be carried out on the standards of FGIS CA, and the accounting production and economic accounting of the work performer will lead at all other prices.

- How can this be?!

Can! Because in accordance with the Town Planning Code to determine the cost of construction, the estimator is obliged to use the prices of FGIS CA. For example, the cost of brick masonry is calculated and the cost of the work of the brick, solution, all sorts of auxiliary materials, machines, and mechanisms is included in the act of completed work, and the tower crane will be recorded for these works, although the lift, and the winch may be on the fact, and simply delivery manually.

- But where will the tower crane come from then?

Because in government element estimated standards (GESN) on the brickwork, only the tower crane is recorded on the brickwork, and in accordance with the methods, the Ministry of Establishment does not have the right to replace this mechanism. What is the main mistake of the Ministry of Taking? In that proclaiming the resource method and making it a slogan, they continue to think the system of the basic-index method that is currently valid. All the estimates know perfectly well that the tower crane sits in these works and these standards, but now it is veiled, the prices for brickwork are expressed in rubles. And in the resource system everything becomes open to the last nail - materials, machines and mechanisms.

- But then there will be no objective price in principle!

Sure! For example, the school's management wants to change the windows and put plastic - and the estimate will be obliged to take rates for facade work, where it will not be sealant or construction foam, but a suj, palable, rags and a window master, because all this is sitting in the new system! Of course, we will never be able to create ideal estimated standards, they are always built by averaging method, but when we have a glass package, and palable and putty are written in the act - this is absurd!

This is the dignity and at the same time the problem of the resource method - everything becomes immediately visible.

But then the developers should have been in the formation of a building classifier to make real materials and technologies to it, and also conduct a revision of the GESN?

I said many times that before switching to the resource method, you need to update the database, and then move on, and we started not from the same end. What situation today is the engineering and technical staff due to the contradiction between the GESN and real prices? Previously, the Director General and Chief Accountant were answered under the legislation for financial and tax violations. Today, in connection with the amendments, any officials who have accepted work in the public procurement system and have signed an act, are persons potentially subject to criminal responsibility.

A lot of work magazines are underway at the construction site, acts for hidden work, etc. - And all these statements engineer will fill in accordance with the fact. And if he did not have a tower crane on his brickwork, and the winch, he was so in the journal of work and will record. The same applies to the materials because accounting leads them to real account: it has a supply agreement, trade overhead, which materials are purchased and at what prices. And in all this primary documentation, it is the actual state of construction.

And the estimator today is no longer interested, he has FGIS CA with its averaged compulsory prices and GESN. That is, all real documentation will be formed in one rules and on the current legislation, and the estimator will post the price in accordance with the FGIS CA, and he does not need anything else.

- But how to reduce these two flows of documents?

And they can not be reduced, because they do not converge. Theoretically, the final figures for all building materials "in the heap" as a result may come together, but no specific components can never be in the clock.

- Then what is the point of the rapid reform?

And no one understands this. And if the company that works in the Gosakaze will come checking the structure from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or FSB, then it will meet everything, but under investigation.

For example, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may appoint a construction and technical expertise, which will answer them for the following questions: What materials were laid and laid at all, how many of these materials were laid, what quality of this material, do the materials of the materials comply with the stated and whether the work performed by project decisions whether there was no overspending. On the other hand, the company will be checked by specialists who will appoint an accounting and economic expertise, which will take the primary documentation and determine what kind of materials are purchased.
And in the act of work performed, there may be completely different materials and other prices. And what, then the estimator and the head of the enterprise will tell the checking from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB that there are MinStroy Russia in the country, which has techniques to determine the cost of building materials, and in accordance with the methodology, the company has been required to put the price from the FSIS CA? And what according to the methodology, despite the fact that the movement of the materials was with the help of winch, we had to write a tower crane? Who will listen to them if there is a straightforward flag and fraud? In this situation, any director looks very badly, and any court will fall on the side of verifier. Do you think Minstroy will protect such director? Of course not!

Another example: when transferring objects to Treasury Support, overhead costs are shown in rubles, and in the methods of the Ministry of Economics of Russia, overhead are taken into account as a percentage. And the Treasury refuses to pay acts of work performed until the real structure of overhead costs is presented - and none of them are not interested in them, and the MinStroy is not a decree. The Federal Treasury will now put in the structure of the cost of construction and monitor the validity of the spending of each ruble, and therefore all these things need to be linked to the introduction of the FGIS CA system.

Today, Minstroy found himself in a binary position - as a convenience of the industry, he is in contradiction in leading ministries and climbs into their competence. Representatives of the Ministry of Troops often say that the resource method is a system that will make construction transparents that everything will fall into place. Of course, make "transparent" - for inspecting and controllers! Everything else will happen to exactly the opposite, because the system is formed crookedly, and prices are becoming mandatory.

In addition, I said a few years ago that if you take all major budgetary construction projects, recalculate their cost to the resource method, then in 99% of cases, the estimation will be 15-20% more expensive. Therefore, there is a very high probability that the resource method "in the version" Ministry of Powerroaching Russia will lead to a sharp increase in government spending.

Also, there is no economy and from the contractor - where it will appear from if the contractor bought the material at a time, and in the act actually makes it possible and asks to pay at a different price? Savings may appear only if the material bought at a lower price, but the corresponding quality and brand - and in the act showed a real price. And when the brick on the estimate of the FGIS CA passes for 200 rubles, the builders bought it 100 rubles, and in the act again presented 200 rubles - this is not saving, it is theft! And now the methods of the Ministry of Development are recommended to do this.

Is it possible to somehow fix this system? Now in the Ministry of Integrated Works Groups are created, some changes are made, or all this cosmetic efforts?

In my opinion, the activities of the working groups revolves around the secondary questions, and no one considers systematic questions. In addition, Minstroy has repeatedly transferred the deadlines for the introduction of this reform, and nothing happened, many even sighed with relief. Today it is necessary to solve exactly the system questions, because no question in pricing reform is now to the end understandable and solved, ranging from wages at the construction site. And here a lot of problems.

However, judging by the speeches of representatives of the Glavgosexpertiz, which is responsible for the FSIS CA, everything is fine in the system, and the reform goes according to plan. They do not hear the opinion of experts?

This is a very good question, let's understand. We have issues of methodology and state policy in the field of pricing in the construction that Minstroy produces. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he is engaged in a superminister and relevant departments. It was decided to disband the federal center for pricing in construction and the entire unit to transfer to the Glavgosexpertiz. This is now in GGE several departments. In addition, the GlavgosExpertiza has been there for more than 10 years there are functions of checking the reliability of the estimated cost of construction. These are engaged in other units, and they check that all rates meet state regulations.

Glavgosexpertiza, in principle, it became easier, and therefore they may have everything well. And in general, the work of the FSIS CA and the results will not be responsible to the Glavgosexpertiz, but MinStroy Russia - in accordance with the instructions of the President of Russia on the basis of the meeting of the State Council in 2015. But by the time of the State Council of the GlavGosexpertise, there was no relation to this at all, so the instructions on the results of the State Council, which Minstroy himself fell and invented, now fulfill completely different people.

And what is the worst - the obligation to apply estimated prices from FGIS CA is now spelled out in the Town Planning Code. Why did it have to do? After all, the pricing system is very flexible, it must be constantly adjusting to reality - and the law simply cannot change, it is generally a very long procedure. So the new construction minister has threw a whole bouquet of problems.

- I have a feeling that the collected information on the prices of Glavgosexpertiz for some reason fears open ...

There is every reason to believe that the estimates calculated at the prices of FGIS CA will be significantly higher than the actual prices. There is a high probability that large manufacturers and suppliers will offer large customers the price below that is indicated in the FGIS CA. That is, there may be a situation where the actual purchases and transport costs "will be held" at low prices and completely from other manufacturers and suppliers, but are taken into account in the estimated documentation and are charged to payment in the amount of work performed will be the prices of only those manufacturers who are included in the FSIS CA and are bona fide manufacturers. It turns out that counterfeit and gray schemes in the logistical support of state buildings will actually be encouraged!

Also, our calculations have shown that if at the regional level in terms of imported materials, refuses these official sales representatives and distributors of manufacturers' enterprises, as it is now provided for in the FGIS CA, the estimated full price estimates (taking into account delivery from other regions) will significantly exceed Real market prices for which the acquisition of materials in the region is possible.

The pricing process is important not only in the structure of the country's economy or farms, it is also of great importance for business, both for small enterprises and for large-scale production.

Pricing is a process during which the formation is based on economic calculations and data, the final price of products that will be sold on the market.

The pricing process has certain objectives of the task that must be performed when determining the final price of the product, which is implemented within the market and on its territory. The objectives and tasks of pricing differ in each country in their own way, but the essence of the process remains unchanged worldwide.

Features of the pricing process

The pricing process has a range of its features:

  • The logicality and literacy of pricing. This feature suggests that the entire system of building pricing should be logically built, its developers should serve economists, managers who really can assess the market and competently draw up a policy pricing policy;
  • Unity of pricing. This feature suggests that the entire pricing system in the enterprise must be unified, that is, if the company adheres to low prices, then this policy should be maintained until the end of the planned sales, it is impossible to break it in the process, otherwise it will not lead to the planned results;
  • Efficiency in the pricing process. The pricing process should be competently justified from an economic point of view. If the pricing process implies utopia for the enterprise, then it is inappropriate. Economic calculations must be real and reasonable.

Note 1.

Features of pricing prove the need for this process in the enterprise, and compliance with these features will lead the pricing process at the enterprise to positive economic results in the framework of the final activity.

Pricing reforms

To date, all elements and questions related to pricing policies in Russian enterprises are fairly free, that is, the leadership in general solves the very price to establish on their own goods, of course, in this case, based on legislation in this area. But the price market can be called self-regulating, as the goods with high prices do not survive in real conditions.

Note 2.

The last reform in the process of pricing in Russia occurred in 2017, enterprises operating in the field of construction were included. On June 22, the law was adopted, in which changes in the Town Planning Code are prescribed. Changes concern the construction, normalization of estimated resources.

Definition 1.

The estimate is a document in which the amount of construction material is styled and calculated, indicating prices for it and volumes, for the construction or reconstruction of a particular object.

The estimate is a priority document at the beginning of construction, it is he who defines the necessary financial resources and their spending. The purpose of reforming pricing in the framework of the preparation of the estimate is the transparency of calculations and spending public and private investment.

The state also plans to create a unified center where all estimates will be registered, in particular public funding, so that they can be promptly believed and make the necessary changes.

This reform will apply to all construction companies that operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign companies that work in Russia.

Thus, reforms in the pricing process occur in order to improve this process, creating favorable conditions for the formation of a competent price.

If the country is simultaneously changing state prices for a wide range of products and services, this may indicate a pricing reform. Under these measures, it is necessary to understand the change in the pricing mechanism itself (for example, the transition from the prices established by the state to free market pricing).

Pricing Reformation - Key Reorganization Elements

Pricing reform involves a fundamental change in the methods of establishing prices and the reorganization of the entire complex, including:

  • bulk prices;
  • procurement;
  • retail.

Pricing reform always affect retail prices as they are closely interconnected with all the elements of the system. Retail prices for some categories of goods (for example, meat and dairy products) are much lower than the real expenditures on their production and purchase prices. The government is forced to eliminate this difference by sending subsidies to manufacturers. However, such measures are not optimal - they contribute to the decline in the production of these goods, encourage to an irrational attitude towards them.

For the successful reform, price adjustments and indexing of citizens' income is important to fulfill the condition - to develop the effective method of observation of price fluctuations in the shortest possible time.

Pricing reform and government order. Contractive prices and conditions for their change are approved by the authorities who place state orders, during negotiations with enterprises, the main group of consumers and wholesale organizations, taking into account the costs of costs, price and market pricing pricing, if these indicators are known. The definition of contractual wholesale prices together with the placement of state procurement is an important element of pricing reform.

Pricing reform and banking sector. In the conditions of pricing reform should be revised. Special attention should be paid to currency regulation.

Pricing reform and optimization of the economic mechanism. Conducting pricing reform is inextricably linked with the revision of the economic mechanism, the transformation of organizational management structures, strengthening foreign economic relations and an increase in the efficiency of financial and credit policy.

The weakening of the country's economy is a consequence of an imperfect pricing system, including price setup methods. At the same time, the radical reform can pour into the subsequent recalculation of price parameters. The cause of such a result may be imbalances accumulated in the pricing system. These disproportions need to be eliminated as soon as possible, but even more importantly, to form a new price formation mechanism, which would allow to avoid such inconsistencies in the future and create an effective one in the future.

Positive effect from pricing reform

Pricing reform opens up new perspectives for flexible and maneuverable price regulation in order to create an optimal balance between supply and demand.

Pricing reform aims to:

  • Increase production efficiency. The efficiency of production is determined by productivity, productivity of products, material intensity and durability. Production efficiency is estimated on the basis of the competitiveness of the product, which is determined by the price / quality of goods. Thus, pricing reform can contribute to improving production efficiency.
  • Growing turnover. The increase in turnover depends not only on the manufacturer, but also from the state apparatus (the actions of the authorities and legislative changes). Correction of prices in favor of their reduction contributes to an increase in purchasing power, and, therefore, the growth of turnover.

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Attempting the Ministry of Trees to carry out radical reform of pricing in construction in one year expected suffered fiasco. Before the new Deadline on September 30, 2018 there is still time, but also to do a lot. After the conference at the "Domestic Building Materials" exhibition, dedicated to the process of reform, confidence that all issues will be solved, the wishes are taken into account and the deadlines are observed.

It was smooth on paper ...

To understand from the speech of representatives of the Glavgsexpertiza, what is the current state of affairs on the implementation of the reform of the CA, it was difficult. Opening a conference Irina Lishchenko (Glavgosexpertiz) described in detail about the joint work with the Ministry of Reform; Denoticed the current task - harmonization by the middle of the year of the estimated standard base, including all estimated regulations of Moscow. She recalled that the main goal of the reform lies in the transition of the industry to a more reliable resource method for determining the estimated value of materials, called on manufacturers to forget about the dubious basic-index method and "change the worldview in this part, because you are now a source of information in accordance with which will be Determine the price of the object. "

Ms. Leschenko stopped at the formation of the price of the object, told about changes in the concept of pricing. She reported on the list of legal entities abbreviated from the New Year, about the building materials obtained from the Customs on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the classifier, as well as preparation for the publication of estimated prices. According to the speaker, for testing the system and obtain analytics, data on the results of IV quarter. 2017 will appear in open access. This will give the opportunity to see the data at the price of the resource in each subject.

Sergey Polunovsky (Pricing methodology management) turned to practical aspects of working with FGIS CA. He spent the User Master Class of the "Combat" version of the FGIS CA for construction producers. Secure the knowledge gained Speaker advised on the system website, in the section "Knowledge Base", where exhaustive explanatory materials and training rollers are presented, as well as answers to frequently asked questions. Their study, assured the speaker, will help users understand the order of working with the system.

Anton Sarychev (Pricing Methodology) told about the value of the classifier for the CA system and its main task - conducting monitoring of prices for construction resources. The speaker promised that this would improve the pricing system and the estimated rationing in the industry. To date, the classifier contains 99,545 positions, some of them are formed in terms of application, the other part is according to the characteristics. Mr. Sarychev reported that by the end of March it is planned to make a great addition to the classifier, and then update the information quarterly. In conclusion, he invited manufacturers to take part in the filling of positions as "in an interesting and difficult work".

Minstroy & Business: Mediator to help

If the conference was not held at the end of January, and in October, after these formal reports, the event would end. However, there would be no conference for manufacturers: Minstroy was little interested in their opinion, questions, comments, suggestions. The regulator, having failed the first reform period, continued to work on the same scheme and in the second. But the professional community finally could not stand. At the end of November, the head of the RCC, Vladimir Yakovlev, wrote a letter to the assistant to President Andrei Belousov that the actions of the Ministry of Pressure on the implementation of the CA reform are negative, are negatively perceived by the industry, and most importantly, do not meet its needs. " After that, the situation has changed: an intermediator has emerged between the department and the professional community - the Working Group on the settlement of controversial issues of applying new regulatory documents. And the NEOCM has an idea to hold a conference on the OSM with the participation of Glavgos Expertize and representatives of the Working Group.

The report of its leader Olga Garaschenkoallowed to see a more volumetric picture of the reform. In particular, she identified two complex questions that cannot be solved using the method of the Ministry of Education. This is the calculation of the salary and determination of the value of the materials: "The builders were trapped created by themselves, because The salary is not everywhere official, and the monthly data on it goes from Rosstat. The calculation technique forms a cumulative impersonal, equal to an average of 30 thousand rubles. If, when calculating wages, rely on the indicators of Rosstat, the conflict in the industry is inevitable, - noted Olga Garaschenko. - While we do not know what to offer a minister for solving the problem. It should be solved at the level of government decree. "

The second deadlock is related to the fact that when determining the value of materials and equipment, the intermediary sector turned out to be cut off. "The methods of the Ministry of Establishment provided that the selling prices of two manufacturers nearest to the construction site are taken to calculate. But manufacturers often sell their materials through trading houses or dealer network. It is impossible not to take into account their services, this is also a function, process, cost, said Garaschenko. - We have no understanding yet, how to do: on the one hand, there is a wish of the president about the work of the companies directly, on the other - the formed sector of the economy. "

Anna Molchanova, Expert Nopsmik and a member of the Working Group, told, with what questions they are addressed to them. "Many questions are associated with the search for their products in the classifier, the basic principle of which is the refusal of brandness, and we are all accustomed to the prices with the designation of trademarks. In addition, we do not have a single terminology for new imported materials, there are still groups of materials without guests. Therefore, the classifier of constructionaries as a system-forming base begins to pull a huge reservoir of related issues. And how they will be solved, depends on us, - said Ms. Molchanova. - The second most important question is how consumers will find your products in the classifier? Now everyone needs to be retracted to manufacturers, designers, repetitions, because We go to a new principle of choosing materials on key specifications. It is difficult, but, in my opinion, right. " In conclusion, Anna Molchanova invited narrow specialists to join work on the classifier.

In the last part of the conference there were questions from the hall. They also added a lot of strokes to the situation with reform. For example, the question of assigning different OKPD codes of the same products from different manufacturers involved in the discussion of all experts. The consensus was not found, but the topic took note. Another question, on the contrary, forced Irina Lishchenko to ask, is much in the hall of manufacturers, who at least once opened on the computer FGIS. It turned out one.

A very important topic raised the head of the NEOCM Committee on Product Information Requirements Ilya Usov: Is the GlavgosExpertise planned as an Operator of the FGIS CA, the development of an open API to the data in the system? Considering the regulatory acts regulating FGIS CA, Mr. Sarychev said that such integration is not provided. As far as the edition is known, the NEOCM appealed to the letter on this issue in Minstroy.

The manufacturer of roofing materials asked whether such a factor would be taken into account when determining the cost of construction tractor such as the cost of producing materials of various life cycle. According to Lyschenko, this issue will be engaged in MinStroy in the framework of the performance of the road map on information modeling.

After the conference in Minstroy, the proposals of the Working Group on amending the regulatory documents on pricing reform were transferred. At the beginning of February, a meeting was held with the specialists of Glavgosexpertiz, which showed that joint work can be effective and useful for both parties - most of the proposals of working groups, including by pay, will be accepted.

Alexandra Priluk

"The reform must not be planted, but to prepare public opinion"

In our opinion, it is impossible to speak separately about the conference, without taking into account the context in which the reform of the CA is undergoing: on the part of the professional community, there is an obvious skepticism with respect to the actions of the Ministry. The regulator, in turn, slowly and with the creak reacts to business requests or does not take into account modern realities at all.

Two weeks after the conference, we asked the head of the group to determine the estimated value of materials Olga Garaschenko Comment on the implementation of the reform, as well as to tell if there were solutions to the issues that she raised at the conference /

Regarding the salary, an option is proposed that will increase the basic indicator to make the salary of the appropriate actual, without linking with the indicator of Rosstat on the construction industry for the regional basis. There will be no details yet, the decision must be taken at the end of March. These changes can be implemented only at the level of changes in the government decree. It is impossible to install basic wages, referring to false data, false because someone has broken the law. Minstroy agrees with a proposal to separately designate all the surcharges to the tariff.

Regarding the determination of the value of materials - everything will be regulated by the characteristics. A description of a more durable product will contain signs of durability, and the FGIS user should understand them. I can say: Minstroy realizes that incorrect solutions can provoke manufacturers to produce poor-quality, but cheap products, and develops an action plan to prevent it.

As for the issue of Ilya Usov, I can say that if it is not possible to connect with the API protocol, we will not succeed. Minstroy argues his refusal, referring to the Government Decision, which says that FGIS CA is a system for internal use. But if this system is in itself, there will be little life in it.

In my opinion, in the department, they do not fully understand how which interacts. In integration and is the highest goal, it (integration) is multicomponent: the construction classifier should be combined with the rules of rates, to unite with geolocation, with the library of information modeling elements. Then we get a relevant base for the formation of value and in construction, and in operation. Then it will be possible to talk about the optimization of resources at the level of the whole country. We will prepare the examination of this issue and will try to convince the Office in the need for integration.

Regarding the implementation of the reform: my personal opinion is that this megareform needs time. The established transition period on the resource method until September 30, 2018 is quite enough time to eliminate the basic promotions of a complex project across the country. But that FGIS began to answer the goals set in front of it, you need three to five years. It is very important to prepare public opinion, to conduct an explanatory and educational work in a business dialogue. It is impossible to affect the reform directively, not really explaining anything to anyone. Until today, some of the financial leaders of the largest construction corporations that work with the Gos Chair are not known what is the meaning of the reform.

On the other hand, resistance to changes from business is also clear, it is necessary to rebuild in a short time on a new way (from the basic and index method of pricing to the resource in states). Specialists, in fact, practically no, who could easily begin to think in another paradigm of pricing. These people will be in a large deficit.

Also, the resource pricing method is more transparent than any other method, and this is often unprofitable. Therefore, first of all, officials should understand that the new reform will not allow them to put pressure on the construction business in order to squeeze their corruption interests from it, which previously could be "covered" before in pricing.