The largest coal deposits in Russia and the world. Stone coal How to mining stone coal

Stone coal - sedimentary breed, which is formed in the earthly layer. Coal - excellent fuel. It is believed that this is the most ancient type of fuel that our distant ancestors used.

How the stone coal is formed

For the formation of coal, a huge amount of vegetable mass is necessary. And it is better if the plants accumulate in one place and do not have time to decompose completely. An ideal place for this is a swamp. The water in them is poor oxygen, which prevents the vital activity of bacteria.

Floral mass accumulates in swamps. Not soying to fully rotate, it is designed by the following soil deposits. This is obtained peat - the source material for coal. The following soil layers seem to seal peat in the ground. As a result, it is completely deprived of access of oxygen and water and turns into a coal layer. This process is long. So, most of the modern wind coal reserves were formed in the Paleozoic era, i.e. more than 300 million years ago.

Characteristics and types of stone coal

(Brown coal)

The chemical composition of coal depends on its age.

The youngest look - brown coal. It lies at a depth of about 1 km. There are many water in it - about 43%. Contains a large number of volatile substances. It is well flammable and burning, but it gives little heat.

Stone coal - a sort of "middling" in this classification. It lies at depths of up to 3 km. Since the pressure of the upper layers is greater, then the content of water in a coal is less - about 12%, volatile substances - up to 32%, but carbon is contained from 75% to 95%. It is also easily flammable, but burns better. And due to the small amount of moisture gives more heat.

Anthracite- more ancient breed. Locals at depths of about 5 km. It has more carbon and there is practically no moisture. Anthracite - solid fuel, poorly flammable, but the specific heat combustion is the highest - up to 7400 kcal / kg.

(Coal Anthracite)

However, anthracite is not the final stage of the conversion of organic matter. Finding into tougher conditions, coal is transformed into spuntite. At higher temperatures, graphite turns out. And experiencing ultrahigh pressure, coal turns into a diamond. All these substances - from the plant to diamond - consist of carbon, only the molecular structure is different.

In addition to the main "ingredients", the coal often includes various "breeds". These are impurities that do not burn, but form a slag. It is contained in the corner and sulfur, and its content is caused by the place of formation of coal. When combustion, it interacts with oxygen and forms sulfuric acid. The less impurity in coal, the higher its grade is valued.

Coal deposit

The location of stone coal is called the coal pool. In the world there are more than 3.6 thousand coal basins. Their area takes about 15% of the territory of the earthly sushi. The largest percentage of global coal reserves in the USA - 23%. In second place - Russia, 13%. Closes the top three countries leaders China - 11%. The largest deposits of coal in the world are in the USA. This is an Appalachian coal pool, whose reserves exceed a mark of 1600 billion tons.

In Russia, the largest coal pool - Kuznetsky, which in the Kemerovo region. The stocks of Kuzbass make up 640 billion tons.

Perspective development of deposits in Yakutia (Ellinskoye) and in Tyva (Elegest).

Coal mining

Depending on the depth of coal, either a closed production method, or open.

Closed, or underground production method. For this method, shaft trunks and gallery are built. Mine trunks are built if the depth of the coal is 45 meters and above. From it they lead a horizontal tunnel - gallery.

There are 2 systems of closed mining: chamber-pillars and mining long cleaning slats. The first system is less economical. It is used only in cases where the discovered layers are powerful. The second system is much safer and more practical. It allows you to extract up to 80% of the breed and evenly deliver coal to the surface.

Open method is used when coal lies shamelessly. For the beginning, the analysis of the soil hardness is carried out, find out the degree of weatherability of the soil and the layeriness of the covering layer. If the ground over the coal layers is soft, enough use of bulldozers and scrapers. If the upper layer is thick, then excavators and draglines drive. Running over the coal, a powerful layer of solid rock explodes.

Application of coal

The area of \u200b\u200bcoal use is simply huge.

From coal mining sulfur, vanadium, germanium, zinc, lead.

Coal itself is excellent fuel.

Used in metallurgy for smelting iron, in the production of cast iron, steel.

The ash coal obtained after burning is used in the production of building materials.

From coal after its special treatment, benzene and xylene are obtained, which are used in the production of varnishes, paints, solvents, linoleum.

By liquefying coal, first-class liquid fuel is obtained.

Coal - raw materials for graphite. As well as naphthalene and some other aromatic compounds.

As a result of the chemical treatment of stone coal, over 400 species of industrial products are obtained today.

Despite the fact that today all intensively use alternative energy sources, coal mining is a relevant industry. One of the most important areas of application of this type of fuel is the work of power plants. Coal deposits are located in different countries of the world, and from them are active 50.

World coal deposits

The greatest amount of coal is mined in the US in the fields in Kentucky and in Pennsylvania, in Illinois and in Alabama, Colorado, Wyoming and Texas. It produces stone and brown coal, as well as anthracites. The second place of mining of mineral data is occupied by Russia.

In the third place for coal mining there is China. The largest Chinese fields are located in the Shanxina coal basin, in the Great Chinese Plain, Datong, Yangtze, etc. A lot of coal is mined in Australia - in the states of Queensland and New South Wales, nearby Newcastle. The major coal is india, and deposits are located in the north-east of the country.

In the deposits of Saara and Saxony, Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg in Germany produces stone and brown coal for more than 150 years. There are three coal basins in Ukraine: Dniprovsky, Donetsk, Lviv-Volynsky. Anthracites, gas coal and coking corner are produced here. Safely large coal deposits are located in Canada and Uzbekistan, Colombia and Turkey, North Korea and in Thailand, Kazakhstan and Poland, the Czech Republic and South Africa.

Coal deposits in Russia

Third of world coal reserves is located in the territory of the Russian Federation. The largest number of deposits is located in the eastern part of the country, in Siberia. The largest Russian coal deposits are as follows:

  • Kuznetskoy - a significant part of the basin lies in the Kemerovo region, where about 80% of the coking and 56% coal coal mined;
  • Kansky-Achinsky Swimming pool - 12% of brown coal mined;
  • Tungus basin - located in the part of Eastern Siberia, anthracites, brown and stone coal are produced;
  • Pechora pool is rich in coking coal;
  • The Irkutsk-Cheremh pool is a source of coal for Irkutsk enterprises.

Coal mining is very promising today in the industry. Experts argue that humanity is too intensively consumed by coal, so there is a threat that soon global reserves can consume, but in some countries there are significant reserves of this mineral resources. Its spending depends on the applications, and if we reduce the consumption of coal, it is enough for a longer time.

Coal fuel man uses from ancient times. Its flammability and heat transfer, the duration of the heat of heat in the focus began to save people in cold periods, which were cyclically replaced by each other on our planet. Coal is actively used and in the current times, in the fuel and energy complex it consists in the first three of the raw materials along with oil and gas.

How did coal deposits formed?

Coal deposits were formed in places of huge green arrays. This is an ancient organode that remained after the death of woody plantings. In order for the dead plants to become coal, certain conditions are needed: Wood residues should not be contrary under the influence of bacteria. This is only possible when they hit them for swamp water, and then under the ground, where oxygen does not come. Coal is considered a mineral mineral, mined from rock formations that occur at different depths.

How are coal deposits find and develop?

Places where there are coal, on the planet has long been exploded. Its reserves in different countries are huge, enough for the needs of heating and industry for almost three centuries. But according to the estimates of geologists, there may be moreSince not in all parts of the light, deep geological and search works were carried out for the presence of coal fuel. The development of coal deposits is relevant and brings tangible income to states that are engaged in the extraction of this hard black gold. The process of developing deposits is carried out depending on the terrain and depth of coal formation.

Stone coal They call the sedimentary breed formed during the decomposition of plant residues (tree ferns, horsages and planes, as well as the first viced plants). The main reserves of coal mined at present were formed during the Paleozoic period, about 300-350 million years ago. Stone coal has been mined for several centuries and is one of the most important minerals. Used as hard fuel.

Stone coal consists of a mixture of high molecular weight aromatic compounds (mainly carbon), as well as water and volatile substances with a small amount of impurities. Depending on the composition of the coal, the amount of heat released during its combustion is changed, as well as the amount of ash formed. The value of coal and its deposits depends on this ratio.

For the formation of useful fossil, it was also necessary to comply with the following condition: the rotting plant should have accumulated faster than its decomposition occurred. That is why the stone coal was formed mainly on ancient peat, where carbon compounds were accumulated, and oxygen access was practically absent. The initial material for the occurrence of coal is, actually, peat itself, which also used for some time as fuel. The coal was formed in the event that the peat layers turned out to be under other nanos. The peat at the same time was crippled, lost and water, as a result of which coal was formed.

Stone coal occurs when the peat layers are locked at a considerable depth usually more than 3 km. At a more significant depth, anthracite is formed - the highest grade of stone coal. However, this does not mean that all coal deposits are located at great depths. Over time, under the action of tectonic processes of various orientation, some layers were raised, as a result of which turned out to be closer to the surface.

From what depth is coal, depends on the method of coal mining. If coal lies at a depth of up to 100 meters, mining is usually carried out in an open way. This is the name of the removal of the top over the field, in which the mineral turns on the surface. For mining with great depths, a mining method is used, in which access to is carried out by creating special underground strokes. The deepest coal mines in Russia are at a distance of about 1,200 meters from the surface.

The largest coal deposits in Russia

Elginsky Field (Sakha)

This coal deposit located in the south-east of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is 415 km east of the city of Neryungri, is the most promising for open development. The area of \u200b\u200bthe deposit is 246 km2. The deposit is a common asymmetric fold.

The deposits of the upper Yura and the Lower Chalk are coalous. The main coal layers are in the sediments of the Neryungrin (6 layers with a capacity of 0.7-17 m) and UNDACTAN (18 layers of capacity also 0.7-17 m) Sweet.

The coals here are mainly semi-platter with a very high content of the most valuable component - a shower-and-high-voltage, aliens, low-aluminous, well-sinning, with high heat combustion. Elginine coal using special technology can enrich, which will allow the product of higher quality that meets international standards. Powerful coal layers are overlapped by small power deposits, which is very important for mining in an open way.

Elegst deposit (Tuva)

Located in the Republic of Tuva. This field has reserves about 20 billion tons. Most of the reserves (about 80%) is in one layer with a thickness of 6.4 m. The development of this field is currently continuing, so the greatest coal production capacity should reach approximately in 2012.

Large coal deposits (the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is thousands of km2) is called coal basins. Typically, such deposits are located in any large tectonic structure (for example, a deflection). However, not all deposits nearby each other are customized to the pools, and sometimes they are considered as separate deposits. It usually occurs according to the historically established ideas (deposits are open at different periods).

Minus City Coal Pool Located in Khakassia. Coal mining began here in 1904. The largest fields include Montenegrin and Ozhevskoye. According to the estimates of geologists, coal reserves in this territory are 2.7 billion tons. Stone-flanged coals with high warmth of combustion prevail in the pool. Coals belong to the medium. The maximum ash content is characteristic of the coal of the Zhewsky field, the minimum - for the coal of the Bain deposit. Coal mining in the pool is carried out different: there are both cuts and mines.

Kuznetsky coal pool (Kuzbass) - One of the largest coal deposits of the world. Kuzbass is located in the south in a shallow brand between mountain ranges, Mountain Shoria and. This is the territory of the Kemerovo region. Reducing Kuzbass is the second name of the region. The first field in the area of \u200b\u200bKemerovo was opened in the distant 1721, and in 1842 the term "Kuznetsky coal pool" was introduced by Geologist Chihachev.

Production here is also conducted in different ways. The pool is located 58 mines and more than 30 cuts. The quality of the coal "" is varied and are among the best coal.

The coal stratum of the Kuznetsky coal basin consists of approximately 260 coal layers of different power, unevenly distributed by cutting. The prevailing power of coal reservoirs from 1.3 to 4.0 m, but there are more powerful layers in 9-15 and even 20 m, and in some places up to 30 m.

The maximum depth of coal mines does not exceed 500 m (the average depth is about 200 m). The average power of the developed coal reservoirs is 2.1 m, but up to 25% of coal mining falls on layers over 6.5 m.