Sugar exporters. Russia expands the export of sugar. EU plan to reduce sugar imports and export an increase in exports

Russia in the current season - from August 2016 to July 2017 - can increase sugar exports to dozens of times - up to 200,000 tons, Russian Minister of Agriculture, Alexander Tkachev, said (quotation for Interfax). Last season, 8,000 tons of Russian beet sugar were sold abroad. Representative of the Ministry of Tkachev's statement confirmed.

Due to the high yield of sugar beets, the production of beet sugar will increase by 7.7% to 5.6 million tons, leads a forecast of the leading expert of the Institute of Agricultural Market and Evgeny Ivanov. Another 350,000 tons of the country imports, mainly from Belarus (250,000 tons), he notes. Belarus for the last 10 years supplies surplus sugar to Russia, as it is more appropriate from the point of view of logistics, and Russia is closer to its traditional sales markets - to the CIS countries. The remaining 150,000 tons - imports into the regions of the Far East, where to supply beet sugar from the European part of Russia is unprofitable, according to Ivanov, as well as in Kaliningrad from the EU countries.

Given the internal consumption at the level of 5.8 million tons in the country there will arise some excess of sugar primarily on the European part of the country, Ivanov notes, therefore, part will have to take out.

Russia has never been a noticeable sugar supplier to the global market: usually annually the country exports no more than 6000-8000 tons of sugar, according to Rosstat. Moreover, in the 1999/2000 season, Russia has become the world's largest sugar importer, purchasing 6.2 million tons, reminds Ivanov.

The industry developed thanks to the support of the state, the Chairman of the Board of Soyuzzhara Andrei Bodin was confident: the sectoral program "Development of the beets of the beeturic subcomplex", operating in 2010-2015, helped.

According to Soyuzzhara, since the beginning of the season, 26,000 tons of Sahara are sent for export, contracts have been concluded for another 100,000 tons. A large sugar manufacturer Sucden this season has already concluded contracts for the supply of about 50,000 tons of Russian beet sugar in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, told the financial director of Gleb Tikhomirov, last season was several times less. For the first time, Russia can become a noticeable player and at some local markets - in the CIS countries, Mongolia, Balkan countries, Afghanistan, Syria, lists Ivanov.

Russia will be able to export even more than 200,000 tons of Sahara, believes Bodin. Ivanova has a modest assessment: 40,000-80,000 tons. For exports over 200,000 t, it is necessary that the internal wholesale price decreases by 2-4 rubles. With the current 36.5 rubles / kg (the cost of carriage supplies from the Krasnodar Plants), the expert is sure. Prices and so low, considers Tikhomirov: a year ago at this time sugar cost 39 rubles / kg. According to him, the main importers - Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are ready to buy Russian sugar at the current price. The price is competitive: on it, Russian sugar is cheaper by the main buyers than buying raw materials and its processing at the factories, explains Bodin.

Russia will also earn on the export of sugar. From these deliveries, it is possible only at first almost a third of the fact that it gives long-term exports of sunflower oil. Sweets are worried if it will not raise prices on Russian counters.

Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economic Development before December 5 of this year should develop measures to expand sugar exports from Russia. Such a commission of departments gave Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The record harvest of sugar beet in the country will produce 6.5 million tons of sugar. For your own consumption, it is necessary significantly less. Surplus will be exported.

As a result, the finished product of the Russian agriculture will be one of the significant export items along with commodity goods - grain and corn. And adds a list of export food, which already has sunflower oil and confectionery. The volume of possible sugar deliveries abroad, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, Alexander Tkachev, estimated at 700 thousand tons. With today's market value of a sweet product, Russian manufacturers can issue $ 375 million or almost 22 billion rubles, explained the Russian Gazette in the Expert and Analytical Center of Agribusiness AB-Center.

"For comparison: it is 8.9 percent of wheat export costs, 88 percent of the export value of barley, 26 percent of the cost of exporting sunflower oil and approximately comparable to the cost of exporting soybean oil," says Alexey Plows Center.

This year, the sand sugar fell by 9.6 percent. And it would be better to stay. Otherwise, in 2018, prices take off sharply

The consequences of sugar abundance in the country have already felt consumers. On the shelves of shops of sugar-sand, according to Rosstat, this year fell by 9.6 percent. Can a sugar outflow abroad change this trend? The surveyed "RG" experts soothe: the prices for sugar will not grow significantly.

But it is better not to wait for further reduction in the cost of the product. Moreover, it is desirable to avoid. Otherwise, the profitability of the production of sugar will decrease, the enterprises will reduce crops of sugar beet. And then the rise in sugar prices is quite possible.

In order to realize sugar supply plans abroad, it is necessary to eliminate a number of restrictions, specialists say. "We have learned to export grain, vegetable oil, and you don't know how to export the finished products. The costs are too large," the leading expert of the Institute of Agrarian Market Conjuncture Evgeny Ivanov notes. The global export of sugar is about 60 million tons. The proportion of beet sugar in world exports is less than 5 percent. So Russian sugar is quite specific to world trade, products for him need to find markets, explains the expert.

First of all, it is possible to expand the supply to the CIS countries, to Afghanistan, Mongolia, DPRK. For this, it is necessary that the countries of the Customs Union abandoned the duty-free import of white sugar from third countries and reduced their quotas for duty-free imports of raw sugar, notes Evgeny Ivanov. It is possible to solve this in negotiations within the Customs Union. However, maximum sugar exports to Russia traditional for Russia can range from 400 to 600 thousand tons.

Exports of beet sugar from Russia in 2017 increased five times and amounted to more than 500 thousand tons totaling more than $ 200 million, reports SOYSROSAR. With reference to the data of the FCS and operational railway statistics. "Only in December 2017, over 110 thousand tons of Sahara were shipped from the territory of Russia," the report says. Last year, the greatest export volumes were accounted for traditional countries - Azerbaijan (105 thousand tons), Kazakhstan (129 thousand tons), Tajikistan (27 thousand tons). New promising for Russia, Uzbekistan became the market, where 109 thousand tons were sent.

In the 2016/17 season, we have a number of unexpected buyers - Belarus (24 thousand tons), Armenia (6.2 thousand tons), and from countries of far abroad - Serbia (2.5 thousand tons) adds a leading expert Institute of Agrarian Market Conjuncture ( Icar.) Evgeny Ivanov. We also produced trial deliveries through the Novorossiysk ship of the ship in Syria and the container - to Egypt, which, however, this season has not yet been continued. At the same time, exports to Belarus and Armenia remained at the beginning of the 2017/18 season - from August to November to these countries were shipped by 35 thousand tons and 10 thousand tons of sugar.

At the same time, the import of sugar from Belarus has decreased to a quarter - last year, according to the analytical service of the Union of Solution, it amounted to 185 thousand tons against 250 thousand tons in 2016. In December, Belarus exported about 25 thousand tons of sugar, of which 17 thousand tons accounted for Russia (in December 2016 - 18 thousand tons). In general, according to the statistics of the FCS, the volume of imports in Russia of white sugar in January-October decreased by 3.3% to 217 thousand tons. "Since August 2015, for the first time in many years, the dispensation of wholesale prices for sugar - it is cheaper, than in Belarus. It has stepped up exports from Russia to the Union State of Motor Transport, "explains Ivanov. - At the same time, exports from Belarus on the railway decreased - this is mainly packed sand and cubes for network retail, as well as extra sugar for industrial manufacturers. At the same time, Russia still remains net importer sugar from Belarus and will remain in force of political factors. "

The export of incidental products of the beetroot complex in 2017 exceeded 1 million tons of beet promenon and 700 thousand tons of melassa, which corresponds to the level of 2016. As noted SOYSROSAR., increasing the pace of export of thieves and molasses prevented a late and not sufficient supply of wagons for transportation. At the same time, a possible increase in domestic consumption for deguarization, feed, yeast production, alcohol and other products can lead to a decrease in the tempo of the export of molasses from January, they do not exclude analysts Icar..

In 2017clander, the production of beet sugar amounted to 6.6 million tons, reaching a new historical maximum. The same experts predict and in the 2017/18 season (in 2016 / 17th there were 6.2 million tons). Sugar surplus on January 1, 2018, taking into account the importation of Belarus SOYSROSAR. It estimates at the level of 800 thousand tons. "When maintaining the pace of shipments, the total volume of sugar exports to the beginning of the 2018 harvest season may amount to 500 thousand tons," predicts the sectoral union. According to Ivanov, taking into account the shipments to Uzbekistan, this volume is quite achievable. "Exports to Uzbekistan walked around the growing from the end of October and in the last days of December was just a huge shipment. If the political winds in Uzbekistan are not changed, and the high volumes of supply from Russia will continue, then our exports can go out for 500 thousand tons, which was unexpected at the end of October, "the expert says.

At the same time in the review Icar. Last year, it is noted that there is extremely high competition in total markets with sugar from Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Brazil and especially in the current season from the EU countries. As for maritime exports, it is still limited to high costs and low bandwidth of a single deep-water port that can ship food in bags.

The geography of the export of Russian sugar will expand in the next three years. About this "Izvestia" told in the Ministry of Agriculture. By 2020, Russia plans to conclude contacts with China, Japan, Algeria, Morocco and the Philippines. In the "RSpectrofoSois" reported that due to overproduction in Russia, sugar is cheaper. Soon, interest in this business can fall, sowing beets - decrease that in the next couple of years it will provoke the rise in prices. Avoid such a scenario will help increase product exports.

Russia will expand the supply of sugar and its processing products to other countries, informed "Izvestia" in the Ministry of Agriculture. The department explained that the sugar industry in Russia became one of the developed industries focused on the export of abroad. Now this product is supplied mainly to the CIS countries, Egypt, Serbia and Mongolia.

The development of sugar exports is provided for by a separate program approved by the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 524. This document says to expand the geography of export supplies of sugar and capacity of sugar production (magic and molasses), - added to the department.

In the order of the ministry, it was recorded that by 2020 Russia will begin to supply sugar to the Philippines, China, Japan, Vietnam, Algeria, Morocco and a number of other countries - major importers of this product. It is assumed that in three years cooperation agreements will be concluded.

Exporting Russia will not only sugar, but also beet, as well as Melassa. Well - product processing of beets, appared chips, which serves as raw materials in animal feed production. Melasse is a syrup-like liquid, it is used in the manufacture of lemon and lactic acid, as well as yeast. Moreover, the export of by-products of the sugar industry is already quite high. According to the institution of the conjuncture of the agrarian market, the supply of such products abroad in 2017 will be about 1.8 million tons. Zober and molasses after the manufacture of sugar remains too much, so they are actively implemented in the foreign market, where there is a shortage of such goods.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, as of December 11, about 5.5 million tons of sugar developed in Russia. This is 10.7% more than a year ago. According to the FCS, the export of this product as of November 19 amounted to about 357 thousand tons - 5.4 times more than the same date last year.

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The Executive Director of the RspectrodSoyuz Association Dmitry Vostrikov believes that the program of the Ministry of Agriculture to expand the export of sugar will help Russian enterprises to get rid of surplus.

In Russia, the second year in a row is observed overproduction of sugar beets. Vintage this year, as in the past, amounted to 51.2 million tons. At the same time, the annual production of sugar in the country at least 600 thousand tons exceeds internal consumption. Everyone understands the need to restore the balance of supply and demand. This can be done only by expanding exports, "Dmitry Vostrikov explained to Izvestia.

According to him, the increase in supplies abroad stabilizes the situation in the domestic market.

Further drop in prices due to the overaffect of products will entail the risks of losses for Russian agrarians and processors. This can lead to a decrease in the profitability of beet production and sugar factories, which, in turn, will lead to a decrease in crops. This factor is able to provoke the rise in prices. To avoid this, you need to increase the supply of sugar abroad, he added.

According to Rosstat, in November of this year, the average consumer price for sugar amounted to 37.48 rubles / kg. A year ago she reached 50.38 rubles / kg.

In Russia today there are about 70 sugar production factories from sugar beet. In 2016, the country's record harvest was assembled in the country - about 48 million tons. In the photo: Acceptance and storage of beets on the Sabyr factory "Freedom" in the Krasnodar Territory

The process of production of sugar is a multi-step. First, the beets are collected and accumulated in special storage facilities, then wash and turn into a chip - only after that the process of obtaining sugar begins. In the photo: Wash beet

Using the vacuum apparatus, sucrose is obtained, which is then placed in a special centrifuge to remove a white shaw. The remaining crystals are dried and faced. In the photo: Sugar crystals under a microscope in the control window of the cooking tower on a sugar factory

The general director of the Institute of Conjuncture of the Agrarian Market, Dmitry Dmitry, told Izvestia, that Russia is almost not interested in imports. From other countries, sugar comes only to the Far East, which is much easier to deliver products from China than from the Russian regions. According to the FCS, as of December 10, sugar imports amounted to only 5.9 thousand tons - 39 times less than a year ago.

Sugar export extension is actively underway from this year. It is expected that by the end of the year the volume of supplies abroad will grow to 420 thousand tons, said the Association "Rspectrodsoy".

The price of sugar in Russia decreased by more than 1.5 times. In 2016, the wholesale price of sugar exceeded 35 rubles / kg, in February 2020, it is historically low 20 rubles / kg.

According to the results of the agricultural season of 2016/17, sugar production exceeded internal consumption, manufacturers did not find demand and world markets.

Because of this situation, three plants are closing:

1. Meleuzovsky sugar factory in Bashkiria (included in the Prodimex group);

2. Nurlaty sugar factory in Tatarstan (enters the local group "Agro-Invest");

3. The goods sugar factory (belongs to the structure of Rosselkhozbank) in the Tula region.


Russia is preparing to seize the share of the sugar market

Russia, according to the results of the agricultural year, from August 2016 to July 2017, intends to increase sugar exports 25 times from 8 thousand to 200 thousand tons, said the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev.

"We predict that at the end of the season, there will be about 200 thousand tons of sugar to export," said the head of the Ministry of Agriculture. - For comparison: at the end of the previous year, Russia sold 8 thousand tons of sugar, that is, growth is ten times! It opens up great opportunities. Not only for agriculture, but also the dynamic development of the economy as a whole, "the minister is sure.

EU plan to reduce sugar imports and export an increase in exports

In March 2017, it became known that Europe intends to inflict a crushing blow to trade, which once am almost the fifth of the total import.

EU decision to cancel restrictions on its beetroot products since October 2017 means a decline in demand for sugar cane from Jamaica in the Caribbean to the Pacific Island of Fiji and Swaziland in the southern part of Africa.

Jamaica, Belize and Mauritius were among the 10 countries that received the benefit from duty-free supplies of 1.6 million metric tons of unrefined sugar in the EU in 2015-16.

And so far countries will preserve these privileges, their plantations will be able to compete with EU farmers, income and volumes of the crops are growing. The level of European production can grow by about 17% to more than 20 million tons, and imports can decrease approximately halfway if the changes will be introduced, Rabobank said.

Fiji, Mauritius, Belize and Guyan deliver to export about 80% sugar in the EU, Jamaica - 60%, according to LMC International Ltd. report. Some of them also have some of the highest levels of expenses.

Belize and Guyana produce less than 6 tons of sugar per hectare compared to an average of about 10 tons for giants such as Brazil, says LMC. The cane sugar they are sent to Europe, while about a third goes through the UK. Deliveries from most other countries are exposed to high import duties.

The manufacturers have already reduced the dependence on the industry, which makes a small part of their economy. Mauritius expanded textile and tourist business. The country has increased recycling to increase the value of its cultures and seeks to sell specialized sugar types, such as crude reed sugar and demaris.

Nevertheless, for many countries, sugar remains one of the main types of exports and a source of solid currency and employment in rural areas.

"Despite the fact that we are dependent on it now and we will depend on it for some time, we need to go to products with high added value: ethanol and rum. You know, Jamaica is famous for the Good Jamaican Roma," said Karl Samuda, Minister Agriculture and Industry Jamaica.

While the sugar cane accounts for about 80% of the total production of the sweetener, the manufacturers risk not only to lose their most important market, but also face new competing exporters, such as expanding European manufacturers. This will increase the offer on the market and reduce prices.

Rabobank estimates, European manufacturers producing premium sugar at world prices can pass through a decline below 100 euros ($ 106) per ton of 146 euros from 2009 to 2016.

1973: Britain enters the EEC and achieves sugar benefits for former colonies

The trade and economic cooperation of the EU with Africa, the countries of the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean, producing sugar, began with the moment of the birth of the European Economic Community in 1957. After joining the UES in 1973, the United Kingdom entered into an agreement on the extension for the trade relations block on a preferential basis, which She offered former colonies.

The system evolved from purchases at fixed prices to duty-free access. Imperial possessions, such as Barbados, lived at the expense of Sugar and slaves, who lived and died, working on plantations.

The result not only changed European tastes, with the result that jams and tea with sugar and coffee were loved by the masses, but also allowed to earn a fortune that stimulated capital and insurance markets in London and Amsterdam. The demand for cast iron and machines used in the processing of sugar and oil processing, as well as additional calories that feed the developing working class, led to the industrial revolution.

XIX century: France launches sugar production from beet due to Britain blockade

The European beet industry is rooted into one of the decisive events of the history of Europe: the United Kingdom of UK Napoleonic France at the beginning of the XIX century, which forced the French to look for an alternative to the Caribbean supplies.

XVII century: Europe begins to consume sugar

Europeans addiction to Sugar changed the world. Sugar plantations in West Indies, built in the XVII century, contributed to the concentration of trade, capital and production, which subsequently turned into an industrial revolution and created the ground for the development of modern financial markets.