Who is allowed to bring parcels to the detention center. How to send a package, and what can be transferred to a prisoner in a pre-trial detention center. How to write an application for transfer to a detention center

If trouble happens to your loved one and he is arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention center, then he needs to be provided with all possible support.

Unfortunately, such institutions in our country are far from ideal. In fact, you can only survive in them, having a minimum set of clothing and food allowances.

therefore without the help of loved ones it will be very difficult for the arrested person to cope with such problems... However, in order to correctly place an order for products in a pre-trial detention center, you need to know certain rules.

If you do not follow them, then it will be impossible to transfer to the arrested person.

Transfer rules established in the pre-trial detention center as of 2019

In order to make the transfer of foodstuffs to a pre-trial detention center, it is necessary first of all to find out the work schedule of the transmission reception point... It may not work every day. There you can also take a list of products allowed for transfer to the SIZO.

It should be noted that there are always a lot of people who want to make the transfer and you will have to stand in line.

Products can be handed over to an arrested person only once a month, and the weight of a parcel in most institutions should not exceed 30 kg.

For this reason, it is worth the most responsible approach to the choice of assortment and quantity of products. Indeed, next time it will be possible to please a loved one only in a month.

At the transfer point, you must write a statement of a certain form on a standard transfer form listing all products and their quantities.

The parcel transfer procedure involves a complete inspection of the contents with the removal of all packaging material. Wherein products are placed in transparent plastic packaging.

If you want to make this process faster, dispose of all boxes and opaque bags beforehand. This even applies to cigarettes. They don't have to be in bundles.

During inspection, employees have the right break some foods and even cigarettes. You must understand that such an extreme measure helps to prevent the entry of prohibited things into the territory of the pre-trial detention center.

You can avoid the thorough examination procedure if you prepare for it in advance. Some of the products can be purchased at a stall right on the territory of the pre-trial detention center. This will save you from searching them.

How to draw up an application for the transfer of products correctly

Arriving at the pre-trial detention center with the purchased food, you will need to write an application for their transfer to the arrested person... It should contain the following information:

  1. Your setting data, address of your place of residence and by whom you are related to the arrested person.
  2. Request to transfer to the prisoner indicating his identity (surname, name and patronymic).
  3. A list of food and other non-prohibited items (cigarettes, shaving machines, soap, etc.). The weight does not need to be indicated in the appropriate column, since the receiver will do this after the inspection.
  4. Personal signature and date of appeal.

A written statement with an inventory must be submitted to the SIZO employee for consideration, which examines the inventory for the absence of prohibited products in it.

If everything is ok, then the application with the authorization resolution is forwarded to the receiver together with the products. He performs a thorough examination of the contents.

If the transmission contains only what can be transmitted in a pre-trial detention center of products, then he weighs and recounts the contents. Having entered the weight characteristics of the products into the form, the receiver confirms the acceptance with his signature.

To be sure that the transfer in full reached the arrested person, the application is written in triplicate, one of which is transferred to the addressee, the second is invested in a personal file, and the third remains with you. This is a requirement.

Sending a package to a pre-trial detention center by mail

If for some reason you cannot personally visit the SIZO and make a transfer, then you have the opportunity to form a parcel and send it by mail to the address of the institution. It can be a parcel of up to 2 kg or a package of up to 20 kg.

Delivery of foodstuffs by post to the pre-trial detention center is regulated not only by the rules established for transfers, but also by postal regulations.

Besides that the products in the parcel must be placed in transparent packaging, you will need to fill out three identical forms with the inventory at the post office. Two are put into the shipment with the signature and seal of the post office employee, and the third remains with you for control.

Please note that a parcel with products can be sent no more than once a month... Excess items will simply not be accepted.

How to send a transfer to a pre-trial detention center via the Internet

This is a very convenient form of transferring, primarily because the parcel is formed directly in trade institutions subordinate to the Federal Penitentiary Service.

For this reason, the products are delivered to the arrested person in packaging and do not lose their presentation.

In order to generate and send a transmission over the Internet you need to find a specialized online store of products of the Federal Penitentiary Service on the network and place an order there, indicating the delivery address.

After payment, the package will be sent to the SIZO, where your loved one is. After they receive the shipment, you will be notified of the delivery.

What can and cannot be transferred to a pre-trial detention center

Before forming the transfer to the arrested person, you need to know which products can be transferred to the pre-trial detention center, and which are strictly prohibited.

According to the established rules there are products that are considered luxury for those arrested, so their transfer is partially restricted. Some products are not recommended to be passed on as they have a short shelf life.

Therefore, to be sure that your transmission is received in full, you need to know what is included in the standard list... It includes the following products:

This is a completely exhaustive list of permitted products in a pre-trial detention center, so it is best to stick to it for a smooth transfer.

There are also products strictly prohibited for transfer., which include: meat and meat offal, cabbage rolls, cutlets, liver, boiled sausage, pates, any fish, milk and other dairy products, culinary products with cream, chicken and chicken eggs, mushrooms.

It is forbidden to transfer any products in glass jars.

In addition, you need to know that a pre-trial detention center is a specific habitat for people, where there are rules among prisoners. When sending a package, you must take care of more than just your loved one, but to some extent about the rest of the prisoners.

Tea and cigarettes are in great demand... These products must be included in the transfer.

It is better to pass on those products that will delight your loved one for a long time. It is preferable to send dry bouillon cubes than sausage, because they are able to brighten up the taste of prison gruel.

If you are going to make a transfer to an arrested person in a pre-trial detention center, you need to prepare in advance. Knowing all the rules and nuances of this procedure, you can bring a little joy to your loved one without unnecessary hassle.



1. Suspects and accused persons may have with them, store, receive in parcels, transfers and acquire by bank transfer:
- food products, except for those requiring heat treatment, perishable, with an expired shelf life or the date of manufacture of which is not possible to establish, as well as yeast, alcoholic beverages and beer. The list of food products may be limited by the order of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. Food products, with the exception of vegetables and fruits, must be of industrial production and in the packaging of the supplier with an indication of the expiration date; The total weight of food that the suspect or the accused can keep with him must not exceed 50 kg;

- tobacco products, matches; - clothes (including the established sample) in one set without waist belts, suspenders and ties, as well as headwear, seasonal shoes (without instep supports, metal heels); - tracksuit in one set (except suspects and accused who have received clothes of the established pattern); - underwear of no more than four sets; - socks; - gloves or mittens - one pair; - handkerchiefs; - indoor or sports slippers

- one pair; - toiletries (toilet, laundry soap, liquid soap or shampoos, toothbrush, toothpaste, plastic cases for soap and toothbrush, cream, comb, hairbrush); - pocket mirror (if there is no mirror in the chamber), - electric or mechanical razor, safety razors for single use; - duffel bag or bag; - glasses and plastic cases for glasses; - crutches, wooden canes, prostheses (with the permission of a doctor); - household electric boiler; - a washcloth or sponge; - ballpoint pen, refills for it (black, purple, blue), a simple pencil; - paper for writing, student notebooks, postal envelopes, postcards, postage stamps; - toilet paper issued or purchased in the store (stall) of the pre-trial detention center;

- items of religious worship for body or pocket wear;

- bed linen in one set (two sheets and a pillowcase), a towel;

- literature and periodicals from the SIZO library or purchased through the SIZO administration in the trade network;
- photographs of close relatives;
- board games (checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon);
- medications prescribed by the doctor of the pre-trial detention center.
In addition to the above, suspects and accused are allowed to have and keep documents and records related to the criminal case or concerning the implementation of their rights and legitimate interests, as well as postage forms, receipts for deposited money, valuables, documents and other items.
Items and things not provided for in this List are prohibited.

2. When inspecting packages, parcels and things:
- bakery products (rolls, loaves, loaves, muffins, rolls, etc.) are cut into pieces;
- liquid products are poured into replacement dishes;
- canned food is opened and transferred to another dish;
- fish, cheese, bacon, sausage and meat products are cut into pieces;
- bulk products (sugar, granulated sugar, etc.) are poured;
-packs of cigarettes and cigarettes are opened and broken;
- sweets are accepted without wrappers, cut into pieces, all other products that can be used to hide notes and other prohibited items in them are checked in the same way.

(What you need to know)
Upon admission to a pre-trial detention center, suspects and accused persons are provided for individual use:
- sleeping place;
- bedding: mattress, pillow, blanket;
- bed linen: two sheets, a pillowcase;
- a towel;
- tableware and cutlery: a bowl (during meals), a mug, a spoon;
- clothing for the season (in the absence of your own);
- books and magazines from the SIZO library.
The specified property is issued free of charge for temporary use for the period of detention.
At the request of the suspect or the accused, in the absence of the necessary funds on his personal account, in accordance with the norms established by the Government of the Russian Federation, personal hygiene products are issued:
- soap;
- Toothbrush;
- toothpaste (tooth powder);
- disposable razor (for men).

For general use, the cells are issued in accordance with the established norms and based on the number of persons held in them:
- laundry soap;
- toilet paper;
- editions of periodicals from the SIZO library;
- board games: checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon;
- items for cleaning the camera;
- sewing needles, scissors, knives for cutting food (can be issued to suspects and accused for short-term use under the supervision of the administration).

1. Bakery products: wheat and rye bread. small-piece baked goods without fillers (in polyethylene packaging).
2. Rusks, drying, gingerbread, bagels, biscuits, waffles. cupcakes.
3. Confectionery: sugar, sweets, chocolate, marmalade, kazenaki. sherbet. tea, coffee, cocoa. honey. marshmallow, marshmallow, halva and others not categorized as strictly prohibited products.
4. Raw smoked and cooked smoked sausages (from April to October only raw smoked sausages).
6. Hard cheese (packaged in a container). condensed milk.
7. Butter (packaged in packs) (from April to October 250 gr.)
8. Cold smoked fish (not accepted from April to October)
9. Fruits: apples, oranges, lemons, grapefruits (clean, dry, packed in plastic bags).
10. Vegetables: onions, garlic. radish, carrots, beets (clean, dry, packed in plastic bags).
11. Dried fruits: raisins, peeled nuts, dried apricots, figs, bananas, prunes.
12. Instant vermicelli. to be hydrated with hot water (without production packaging and spices)

-Products requiring heat treatment (cereals, meat, fish.)
- Greens (petreshka, dill). salad, cucumbers, tomatoes. meat and fish products in vacuum packaging. canned meat and fish. herring, milk and dairy products.
- Food products with limited sales periods (less than 72 hours) and subject to storage at low temperatures (less than +8 degrees)


When eating a convict in a pre-trial detention center, try to get as much information as possible about what he is entitled to and what is not. Ask questions and they will answer you. At least they should. ? After all, transmissions can deprive a convicted person by throwing him into a punishment cell even for a minor violation of the regime. And the transmissions are not put in the punishment cell. It is enough for the policeman on duty to notice that he is shouting at the next camera, hangs up a “web” (thin wires with which they are “fed” from light bulbs or wiring to brew a “chief” at night), or simply closes the peephole in the door, all this constitutes a reason to deprive the transmission and you won't do anything - go (or drive) home with the full bags that you collected, limiting yourself in everything. Transfer rates (weight, quantity, etc.) also need to be found in the detention center. Most often, this information is posted on special stands.
When collecting a transfer to a convict, it is necessary to take into account some specific features of his place of stay and his environment. Here are some of them.

An indicative list of products for transfer to a pre-trial detention center

1. Lard (it is even better than sausage - it lasts for a long time)
2. Smoked sausage, which can be stored for a long time.
3. Cigarettes (more). They are light, will not take much weight, but valuable! It is possible with a filter, but you can - without. It is possible both such and such. Most likely, they will be accepted in the pre-trial detention center without packs.
4. Tea (more). Most likely, it will also have to be poured into a plastic bag to be transferred to a pre-trial detention center.
You can have coffee (also appreciated among the prisoners. Drinking coffee is a special "high").
5. Onions, garlic, lemon. There must be something that contains vitamins in the transmission. Apples and oranges are heavy - they take a lot of weight, although they can be transferred too. Onions and garlic are a must - they are a universal storehouse of vitamins.
6. Sweets (caramels).
7. Margarine "Rama".
8. Stock cubes.

Prohibited Products:

1. Meat and meat products, cutlets, cabbage rolls, liver, pates, boiled sausage.
2. Fish.
3. Milk and dairy products.
4. Culinary creams.
5. Chicken and chicken eggs.
6. Mushrooms.
7. Anything in glass jars.
It is prohibited to transfer knitted things and things (for example, a quilted jacket) of “khaki” color - this is the color of protection.
T-shirts, underpants, socks - preferably new (or in good condition). Torn and shabby people may not accept, arguing that: “You pass, and then they do not recognize their things. They say that we exchanged - they took good things for ourselves, and they slipped torn ones.

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Nikolay Severin

They often ask what needs to be transferred to the pre-trial detention center from ordinary things and clothes. When transferring things, it should be remembered that their number should be limited, because The inmate is transferred from cell to cell, he goes to the bullpen when leaving for the investigation and to the court, finally, he goes on stage to the camp and it happens more than once.
Therefore, he must have everything he really needs, but preferably nothing superfluous, at least while he is in jail.
And in a camp in a permanent place, a person usually "overgrows" with some kind of property.

So what do you really need?


2-3 pairs of shorts and T-shirts, instead of T-shirts, T-shirts are better, the most practical color is gray, panties are ordinary boxers.
Better underwear - 4-5 pairs.
Any shorts will be admitted to the camp, but T-shirts and T-shirts are only gray, white or black without pockets and emblems. In cold weather, you can transfer a pair of underwear, better than a jaeger woolen - you will not freeze in this.

Rubber or plastic. Do not transfer ordinary cloth slippers. The prisoners not only wear them in the cell, but also in the bathhouse. I strongly advise against walking in the bathhouse barefoot - whoever doesn't wash there, picking up lichen or some other nasty thing is a trifling matter. Rubber or plastic slippers are hygienic, easy to clean, and no fleas can get into them.

Seasonal boots or shoes. Preferably without laces - they are taken away to the pre-trial detention center.
There should not be metal instep supports, horseshoes - they will be torn out.
It is best that boots or shoes are black - only such will then be allowed into the camp.
Out of season, it is good to convey sneakers - it is convenient to go out in them and not to go outside and do sports well. You can get them to the camp.

Sports suit.
Best of all non-marking colors. Some clever people argue that red is prohibited, but this is nonsense - they wear red too.
A sports suit is needed not so much for sports as a "home suit" and pajamas in cold weather.
Agree that constantly wearing different clothes is uncomfortable. Tracksuits are also admitted to the camp.

In hot weather, the most comfortable clothes, in a crowded cell with its stuffiness, they often walk in only shorts, putting on a T-shirt only when they sit down at the common fund.

5-6 pairs of ordinary ones, in winter 2 more pairs of woolen ones. You have to wash them often, and things don't dry well in the cell, so it doesn't hurt to have a supply.

Plain Bologna is best. Not blown by the wind, warm, rain holds and does not weigh much.

The most convenient knitted type is "pot". If you pass a cap with earflaps, it is better to be black, then it will be allowed into the camp.

The best option is jeans, just keep in mind that a belt is not allowed in a pre-trial detention center.

Warm clothing.
Sweater, jacket. But knitted clothes are in some places unraveled on homemade ropes. Therefore, a warm bike shirt (there are some Chinese ones) would be a good option. In cold weather, a scarf and gloves will do the trick.

You can only have sheets and a duvet cover. Please note that only white people will be allowed into the camp, but any color is allowed in the pre-trial detention center. I do not advise you to transfer necessarily new underwear - there is no one to brag about in the pre-trial detention center. Better not new, but strong - so that it would not be a pity to leave it in prison later (well, not to take it with you?). If it's cold, you can give a woolen blanket, but it will be possible to use it in the pre-trial detention center; most likely, they will not be allowed to enter the camp.

Two or three are necessary, in the cell a cold is a common thing, but you have to go to court, and in the cell you need to blow your nose into something.

A couple, and preferably three. For hands and feet. Better for hands a couple, after the bath you will have to wash a towel, it dries in the chamber for a couple of days, so you need another one for a change. Better terry towels than regular towels.

Hygiene products

Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap in a plastic soap dish (and a couple more pieces to keep), shampoo (always alcohol-free), washcloth (nylon, sponge or natural washcloth), plastic comb.

Laundry soap, a couple of bars.
They wash them, wash themselves (lice do not like him), wash dishes with him. Laundry soap is used to rub the seams in the laundry so that lice cannot get there.

Washing powder. Put at least a pound with the transfer. They are washed often in the chamber, so the powder is always needed.

Electric shavers are not allowed in the pre-trial detention center. Only disposable cassette can be used. Why others are not allowed - I can’t put my mind to it, there is no logic here. But that's not all.
Give better Bik black - they are more practical. Double-blade disposable razors tend to clog easily with bristles, so single-blade razors are best. A couple of packs will be enough for a month. A good cassette razor or electric razor can be handed over to the camp.

Shaving cream
(this is not necessary, you can do with soap), after shave cream. Please note that the cream must not contain alcohol, otherwise it will not be missed. Only plastic tubes, they will not be allowed in tin cans.

it is not necessary, but if you pass it, then it is better to ball or hard. Aerosols are not permitted and should not contain alcohol.

Toilet paper.
If accepted, then a couple of rolls must be transferred - the most necessary thing, besides its traditional use in the conditions of a pre-trial detention center, toilet paper serves as an air freshener. Don't laugh - the tightly twisted and smoldering toilet paper tourniquet effectively repels the smell of feces.

Dishwashing liquid.
If you skip products like "Fairy", then it's just fine, in cold water to wash a greasy plate with laundry soap - this is something that brings a lot of daily exciting moments and genuine drama. Accordingly, put a pack of dishwashing sponges (usually in a pack of 5).

It is better for a prisoner to have his own dishes - this way it is more hygienic and safer for health. I'm not even talking about the fact that not all pre-trial detention centers provide dishes. So pass the following:

The plastic bowl is deep, one or two. Only made of plastic, metal is not allowed.

Aluminum spoon, preferably two in stock, they are always lost. You can transfer a wooden spoon, as well as a tea spoon made of plastic or wood. Forks in jail and camps are not allowed.

Plastic mug. Again, only plastic.

Plastic bucket
1 liter or more (such buckets sell mayonnaise or ice cream in stores) or a container with a tight lid. They are needed for storing food and preparing food, tea.

It is just necessary to have one, preferably two in reserve - they burn quickly. A very important thing, try not to forget.

Writing accessories
A pen, preferably a couple, regular ball-point pastes, black or blue - no other colors are allowed.
A couple of general notebooks, mailing envelopes.
If they accept, then it is good to hand over a plastic folder - it is needed to store papers, of which there will be a lot.

A bag.
An ordinary bag is allowed through only during the initial arrest. Therefore, the best option is a polypropylene bag that closes with a zipper. It is convenient to store and transport things in such a place. In some pre-trial detention centers, they are not allowed, then it's really bad, you have to keep things in ordinary bags of 20-30 kg.

Smoking accessories
People smoke a lot in the cells, so it happens that all the cigarettes come out. Usually, in a pre-trial detention center, cigarette butts are not thrown away, but saved. Such a stock of NZ gobies serves. At the onset of the "beggar" they turn the rolls from the tobacco extracted from the cigarette butts.
Some people order smoking pipes from the outside. It is very convenient to have a special machine for rolling cigarettes. These can be bought in an online store (along with tobacco, filters and cigarette paper), it turns out much cheaper than buying cigarettes.

Plastic bucket or bowl. Don't think I'm kidding. There should be a wash basin in the chamber. But it happens that, contrary to the law, there is no basin (however, anything that is required by the law for a prisoner, up to the mattress, pillow and the sleeping place itself, may be missing).
But even if there is a basin, if the chamber is large, then one basin is not enough. Therefore, many prisoners buy in the prison stall (if there is, of course) their own basins, which they use "according to their personality." The basin can also be purchased through the online store.

2 December 2016

Knitted things are generally being dismissed everywhere, there is a need to maintain traditions and living conditions, so they were dismissed and will be dismissed until the ropes are passed in the pre-trial detention center. So as not to go broke on woolen products, put knitted nylon washcloths in each gear one at a time, it is cheaper and slings (homemade ropes) will be more practical.

2 December 2016

How many products and things can be transferred? Do I need permission from the investigator (judge) to transfer to the SIZO (pre-trial detention center)?

The suspects and the accused are allowed to receive without limitation the number of parcels, the weight of which must not exceed the norms stipulated by the postal rules, as well as transfers to the SIZO with a total weight of no more than thirty kilograms per month! The permission of the investigator and the judge for transfer to the SIZO is not required by law. It is not allowed to limit the weight of transmissions received for patients suffering from diseases confirmed by the medical report of the SIZO doctor, pregnant women and women with children under the age of three years, as well as minor suspects and accused.

2 December 2016

What can and cannot be received by prisoners in parcels
and gears?

Suspects and accused persons can receive in parcels (transfers), as well as acquire by bank transfer, have and keep with them:

Food products, except for those requiring heat treatment, perishable with an expired shelf life, as well as yeast, alcoholic beverages and beer; the total weight of foodstuffs that a prisoner may carry with him should not exceed 50 kg. The list of products may be limited by the order of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;
tobacco products, matches;
clothes (including the established sample, i.e. issued in a pre-trial detention center) in one set without waist belts, suspenders and ties, as well as a headdress and footwear for the season (without instep supports and metal heels);
a tracksuit in one set or a dressing gown for women (except for prisoners who have received clothes of the established sample);
underwear (no more than two sets);
stockings or tights (for women);
gloves or mittens (one pair);
indoor or sports slippers (one pair);
toiletries (soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, plastic cases for soap and toothbrush, creams, comb, hairbrush);
pocket mirror (if there is no wall mirror in the chamber), electric or mechanical razor;
duffel bag or bag;
glasses and plastic cases for glasses;
kerchiefs, leggings, belts, bras, gauze, hairpins, petroleum jelly, cotton wool, hygiene tampons, cosmetic accessories, plastic curlers (for women);
crutches, wooden canes, prostheses (with the permission of a doctor);
factory-made household electric boiler;
loofah or sponge;
ballpoint pen and refills (black, purple or blue), a simple pencil;
writing paper, student notebooks, postage envelopes, postcards, postage stamps;
toilet paper purchased in the store (stall) of the pre-trial detention center;
items of religious worship for body or pocket wear;
bed linen (one set - two sheets and a pillowcase), a towel;
fiction or other literature, as well as periodicals from the SIZO library or purchased through the administration in the trade network;
photographs of close relatives;
board games (checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon);
childcare items (with the permission of a doctor for women who have children under the age of three);
medications prescribed by a pre-trial detention center doctor;
documents and records relating to a criminal case or concerning the implementation of the rights and legitimate interests of a prisoner);
mailing forms, receipts for deposited money, valuables, documents and other items. (TAP - Appendix No. 2)

- gloves or mittens - 1 pair;
- handkerchiefs;
- indoor or sports slippers - 1 pair;
- toiletries (toilet, laundry soap, liquid soap or shampoos, toothbrush, toothpaste, plastic cases for soap and toothbrush, cream, comb, hairbrush);
- pocket mirror (if not in the chamber), electric or mechanical razor, single-use safe razors;
- duffel bag or bag;
- glasses and plastic cases for glasses;
- kerchiefs, leggings, belts, bras, gauze, hairpins, petroleum jelly, cotton wool, hygiene tampons, cosmetic accessories, plastic curlers (for women);
- crutches, wooden canes, prostheses (with the permission of a doctor);
- a factory-made household electric boiler;
- loofah or sponge;
- a ballpoint pen, refills for it (black, purple, blue), a simple pencil;
- paper for writing, student notebooks, postage envelopes, postcards, postage stamps;
- toilet paper issued or purchased in the store (stall) of the pre-trial detention center;
- items of religious worship for body or pocket wear;
- bed linen in 1 set (two sheets and a pillowcase), a towel;
- literature and periodicals from the SIZO library or purchased through the SIZO administration in the trade network;
- photos of close relatives;
- board games (checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon). Maps are prohibited !;
- childcare items (with the permission of a doctor for women who have children under the age of three);
- medications prescribed by the doctor of the pre-trial detention center.
In addition to the above, suspects and accused are allowed to have and keep documents and records related to the criminal case or concerning the implementation of their rights and legitimate interests, as well as postage forms, receipts for deposited money, valuables, documents and other items.

It should be borne in mind that items and things not provided for in this List are prohibited!

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  • Transfer to prison

    The products allowed for transfer to the detention center and the camp are slightly different. According to the law, in a pre-trial detention center, suspects and accused persons can have, store, receive in parcels, parcels, and acquire at their own expense:

    Food products, except for those requiring heat treatment, perishable with an expired shelf life, as well as yeast, alcoholic beverages and beer. The list of food products may be limited by the order of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. The total weight of foodstuffs that the suspect or the accused can keep with them should not exceed 30 kg; tobacco products, matches (Internal Regulations of the SIZO, Appendix 2).

    In fact, this translates into the fact that transfers to the pre-trial detention center are limited in weight to 30 kilograms per month. You can either make one transfer for 30 kilograms at once, or split it into several pieces. In different pre-trial detention centers, the policy of restricting transfers varies greatly. For example, in the Rostov jail, food was counted separately, and in the Taganrog jail, it was counted together with food (although the rules clearly say exactly about the weight of the food). In any case, make separate programs for grocery and clothing. If you put things together with food, then there is a high probability that the things will count towards the total weight of the transfer. If things go separately from food products, then their weight will not be included in the amount of transferred products. This is especially true for parcels.

    You shouldn't transfer anything very expensive. Behind the bars, almost any free food is a delicacy, taking into account the current cost of food, the length of the investigation and the deadlines being handed out in Russia, and the fact that a sitting person in the vast majority of cases has no income, the costs are for relatives and so are not small, so it should not be excessive spend money.

    What is really worth transferring from the products? First of all, it is worth considering the calorie content and compactness of products. Send not what you would like to pamper, but what you really need. I would recommend the following list:

    Be sure to remove all wrappers, from the sweets too. Pack all products in plastic bags, tying them so that you can easily untie them for inspection. It is best to put food in a large polypropylene bag with a zipper. But in some pre-trial detention centers such bags are not allowed through, because they are loosened into threads for homemade ropes. Therefore, stock up on large plastic bags with handles in advance. Take 5-6 pieces of yellow or blue, designed for 20-30 kilograms of weight. Just in case, grab a dozen simple packages, so as not to look for where to buy later.

    As already written above, use at least one plastic mayonnaise bucket with a lid as a container. They usually have a volume of one liter or more. Make sure the cover fits snugly and does not come off on its own. For a prisoner, a thing of paramount utility. It is very convenient to brew tea, you can cook soup or brew porridge in bags, use it to store a lot of products, because the lid closes almost hermetically.

    In the future, be guided by the prisoner's requests and your financial capabilities, what is needed, the prisoner will give you.

    Sending to jail

    Sending to jail, what can you do? Everything that I wrote above. Weight is also limited to 30 kilograms. Do not put on perishable food, even smoked sausage. The parcel will be in the mail, transported, then wait until the addressee receives it in the prison itself. If something goes bad, food and things stink so that you have to throw out everything except canned food. This is what happened to my neighbor in the bunker. Of the 30 kilograms, I had to throw out everything, including sweets, except for three cans of stew.

    It must be said that the parcel contains products that are often not accepted in the transfer. You can put pepper, spice mixtures in bags. Canned food can also pass without opening. Be sure to put packs of 5-10 good cigarettes: Camel, Marlboro, Captain Black. These cigarettes are just what you need to agree to skip all the products.

    The address on the parcel is written in the same way as usual:

    Where: zip code, street, building number (or the name of the institution, if it does not have a building number), if you know, then you can indicate the camera number, if not, it's not scary - and so it will come;

    To: surname, name, patronage in the genitive case.

    Transfer to the bullpen

    They are taken to the bullpen from the pre-trial detention center for investigative actions or to the court session (to those cities and regional centers where there is no pre-trial detention center). Maximum a person can stay there for up to 10 days. Unlike the prison, they accept homemade food without any problems: cutlets, fried chicken and meat, jams, pickles. Ask well - dumplings and other foods will be accepted. Mushrooms will not be accepted unambiguously.

    The rest is the same as in the pre-trial detention center. Cigarettes in the bullpen are rarely broken, so you can transfer as much as you like. The ambush is that already in the pre-trial detention center they may try to break it. But you can hand them over to the locker, then they will go to the camp intact after the verdict.