How to protect your eyes when welding. Welding goggles, mask and other modern types of welder's eye protection. What is a welding helmet? Disadvantages of handheld and universal welding helmets

Not many blue-collar professions can compete with welders in terms of the hazardousness of their work ... Well, electroplating ... Well, miners ... Well, divers (they can also be welders!) ... Well, glass blowers, and steelmakers ... Well, welders have a lot of "damaging factors", and they all work at the same time. There are welding fumes, light radiation, and thermal damage (splashes, for sure), harmful vapors, etc. etc.

There is only one way out - to PROTECT! and the more reliable the better! Traveling welders at work have not yet been seen wearing Cardin suits, but the range of protective equipment is simple and reliable:

  • Welder's suit or overalls (depending on the cut).
  • Welding aprons.
  • Welding gloves (gaiters) and gloves.
  • Boots without lacing.
  • Bandanas and hats (quite civilian).
  • Welding goggles.

and of course ...

  • Welding masks and shields, including modern "chameleons" with electronic components.
  • Air supply systems for the welding helmet (filter on the welder's belt).

For particularly harsh working conditions, with the release of harmful gases, the following are used:

  • Forced ventilation systems with external air supply. More expensive but also more efficient.

Welding helmets, overalls, leggings and welding gloves are produced by different companies and vary greatly in quality. We advise you not to skimp on this expense item. A comfortably and nicely dressed welder adds mood to himself and those around him, and reliable protection from welding "joys" is a guarantee of traumatic work and high productivity. Plus, good things last longer.

When welding, it is extremely important to protect the welder from the negative influence of the factors accompanying welding. One of these factors is the intense radiation of the arc in the ultraviolet and visible part of the spectrum, which is dangerous for the eyes and skin of the welder. Most often, protective welding masks are used for these purposes.

The designs of the masks are varied. Traditional mechanical masks contain replaceable glass filters of varying shade levels to work with different welding currents and arc luminosities. The body of the masks is made of refractory plastics. They are designed to provide maximum protection for the welder's head, neck and ears, and yet they are strong and lightweight enough that the weight of the mask affects the welder's fatigue. A comfortable adjustable headband and good visibility are also important.

Recently, chameleon welding masks have become quite affordable for a wide range of users, in which electronic self-darkening light filters are used, which are triggered at the moment the arc is ignited. Electronics allows you to adjust the degree of dimming within the limits available for each given model (usually 9-13DIN, which corresponds to C5-C9 according to the domestic classification), as if you had a whole set of glasses of different dimming strength with you all the time. Switching to different modes of current (and luminosity of the arc), you can adjust and dimming by simply turning the knob on the mask body slightly. For each type of welding and the material to be welded, the degree of luminosity is slightly different, and there are tables showing the relationship between the type of welding, the strength of the welding current and the degree of required darkening. For some welding processes (gas welding, cutting, microplasma welding, argon welding at low currents, etc.) chameleon masks have two shade modes 5-9 and 9-13DIN, but the second covers a solid part of welding cases and is almost standard.

Sometimes, in the chameleon mask, there is an adjustment of the speed of opening the light filter, for use in cases where a small delay is required due to the residual luminosity of the seam after the arc is extinguished. In some models it is possible to adjust the sensitivity of the filter.

It should be borne in mind that the temperature regime of use for various models can reach +55 ° С or more, but rarely drops below -10 ° С.

What kind of chameleon welding mask to buy and at what price is up to you. But health, as folk wisdom says, is difficult to buy.

The welder's mask is a protective device that must be used when carrying out welding work. With this personal protective equipment, workers will be able to protect not only the eye and face area from sparks and the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, but also the neck area. With the help of such a mask, you can provide reliable protection of the skin from possible burns resulting from exposure to high temperature conditions.

In most cases, such masks are used when working:

  • with electric arc welding;
  • with non-consumable electrode welding;
  • with semi-automatic welding.
Thanks to such protective equipment, it is possible to prevent serious eye diseases in welders, which may require serious surgical intervention and long-term treatment. Most models of welding masks have a viewing window through which the worker can observe the welding process. The tinted glass for the welder's mask has a light filter to keep the eyes relaxed when looking at the bright flashes of welding.

Currently, there are several types of welding masks:

  • welding shield;
  • traditional welding mask;
  • mask with a light filter that can be lifted;
  • welding mask, which is carried out in difficult conditions.
The most popular today are welding masks called chameleon. This welder's mask is made on modern high-tech equipment, using the latest scientific and technical developments. The mask of this company completely prevents infrared and ultraviolet rays from reaching the skin at the time of welding. It is able to provide the most effective protection for the eyes of welders during welding. For the entire period of being on the domestic market of welding equipment, Chameleon masks have received only positive reviews, due to their excellent characteristics and high quality.

The corundum welding mask has been developed based on the latest scientific discoveries in this field. Its main advantage is the installed automatic light filter, which is a screen consisting of many layers and manufactured using the technology that is used to create liquid crystal equipment. This mask protects the face and eyes of the welder from damage from molten metal spatter, as well as from harmful radiation generated during this technological process.

The fubag welder's mask has a fixed light filter. Thanks to modern technologies used to create this mask, at the moment of ignition of the welding, the screen is automatically darkened. The welder can independently set the ultrasensitive optical sensor to the desired mode, which will be most optimal at the time of welding.

A welder is an important and demanded profession. A good specialist will never be out of work, which means that the load on the body increases. To make a high-quality weld, you need knowledge and experience, and adherence to safety precautions.

The most common injury when working with welding is a skin burn. It can be obtained from a hot burner, glowing metal, or spark. The most dangerous for the welder is considered to be the smallest fragments of metal and sparks in the eyes.

How to understand that the eyes were burned by welding:

  1. The eye became red and inflamed.
  2. The eyes are very watery.
  3. In the bright light, you want to close your eyes.
  4. The eyelids are closed and there is severe pain when opening.
  5. Sensation of a foreign body in the eye (common expression "sand in the eyes").

Every specialist working in this field has encountered this problem and knows how to reduce pain. Most popular tips:

  1. Take a raw potato, grate and apply the gruel to the damaged eye.
  2. Boil chamomile, linden or calendula and apply cotton swabs to your eyes.
  3. Visit an ophthalmologist who will prescribe the correct treatment.

These actions, perhaps, can be useful for a novice welder, but in order to prevent welding from getting into the eyes and so that the eyes do not hurt, you need to have protective equipment - special welding goggles.

Welding goggles, application

In order to prevent fragments of hot metal and sparks from getting into the eyes, according to safety regulations, the welder must work in special welding goggles. Glasses should have a snug fit to the face and hold well on the head. The main purpose of the welding goggles is to protect the eyes from welding and hot metal splinters, bright light and dust.

The most common goggles are chameleon goggles, the lenses of which are darkened by the flash of welding. The glass in the glasses is the most important element. It can be either transparent or darkened, made of high strength plastic.

Welder's goggles must have light filters that protect the eyes from bright light and ultraviolet radiation from operating gas equipment.

Light filters can be activated when working with welding equipment (chameleon glasses), they can be lowered when working. Light filters are divided into categories:

  1. For use in the work of auxiliary workers and gas welders.
  2. For the work of welders in the open area.
  3. For medium power jobs.
  4. For high power work.

Chameleon goggles are the most common for welding applications. Glasses lenses automatically darken when working with welding equipment. Glasses are also convenient when working in rooms with insufficient lighting - they transmit light well. This is a great advantage in the work of a welder - there is no need to be distracted and to take off and put on glasses.

You can buy chameleon welding goggles in specialized stores or online stores. The main selection criterion should be reliable protection and a snug fit to the face. Therefore, it is advisable to try on glasses in order to understand whether they "sat down" comfortably. There is no need to worry that your eyes may catch a "bunny" - modern chameleon glasses will reliably protect your eyes and provide a good view. When working with goggles, the welder's eyes will not become inflamed and the glasses will not fog up.

The most popular welding goggle model among welders is the SKRAB 27610. The goggles are equipped with folding glasses, fit snugly and reliably protect the eyes from welding. The glasses are equipped with ventilation, the eyes do not water when working with glasses.

The advantages of glasses:

  1. Lungs.
  2. Do not squeeze your face.
  3. They have ventilation.
  4. Provides a good overview.
  5. It is enough to raise the glass panes (folding) to check the quality of the seam.
  6. They are used in various types of welding.

Welding masks

The welder's mask is designed to protect the face and eyes of the welding technician. The mask, in comparison with goggles, more reliably protects the eyes, skin and clothing of the welder from sparks and hot metal. The protection principle of the mask is similar to that of goggles. The most common welding helmets are made of plastic or polyamide nylon. These masks are lightweight, so they do not cause fatigue even after hours of work.

There are two types of welding helmets:

  1. Regular.
  2. Chameleon.

The standard masks have dark glasses and the chameleon has an automatic light filter. Experienced welders appreciated the chameleon masks. The chameleon mask has a high dimming rate, more than 1 / 10000s, and in ordinary masks, the dimming speed is much lower. In order not to risk your health and not to lose sight, it is necessary to use a mask when welding.

Mask benefits:

  1. Reliable eye protection against sparks.
  2. Has an auto-darkening filter.
  3. Powered by a solar panel.
  4. Does not heat up - made of heat-resistant material.
  5. Lightweight.
  6. Thanks to the built-in screen, good visibility is ensured.
  7. Additional protective equipment is sold in the kit: a protective screen, a handle, light filters, a head mount.

How to choose a welding helmet

To get a good mask that is comfortable and reliable, you need to know the main types of masks.

  1. Welder's shield. The cheapest option of protection, outwardly resembles the mask of the actors of ancient Greece. The design is simple: a visor with a light filter and a handle to hold the visor. Among the advantages - to see the quality of the seam, you just need to move the mask away. The main disadvantage is that during work, one hand holds the mask, and the other hand holds the welding machine.
  2. Standard mask. Attached to the head. To see the result of the work, you need to raise the mask on your head, lower it with just one nod of your head. Pros - the hand is free. Cons - no 100% eye protection when working.
  3. Moving filter mask. The comfortable design of the mask allows you to protect your eyes. When the filters are up, the eyes are protected by a plastic panel that prevents small pieces of metal from entering the face.
  4. Special. Designed to work with metals that have harmful substances. Protects the welder's respiratory tract from smoke, as it has filters. There are special masks, similar to a gas mask, with air supply. Can be used for work underwater.

Chameleon mask

The most comfortable and practical is the chameleon mask. The light filters are triggered instantly by a welding flash, just one second is enough for the filters to darken. The response time of the filters is influenced by the ambient temperature. At low temperatures, the speed of the filter will slow down. Working at minus 5-10 degrees in a chameleon mask is undesirable, since the filters will not provide a reliable degree of darkening. Every welder working in such a mask has his own secrets. For example, if it's cold outside and you need to work, you can keep the mask warm. The filter will be warm and work faster.

Things to consider when choosing a mask:

  1. Adjusts the degree of darkness. Filters can be adjusted depending on the brightness of the welding (from 9 to 13 Din in accordance with GOST).
  2. Sensitivity. Under different conditions, you can configure the activation of the filter. For example, in bright sunlight, the filter can be turned off.
  3. Delay of opening time. After welding is complete, the metal can be hot and bright, and the eyes still need protection.
  4. Filter cut-off function (used in rare cases).

You can buy a welding mask in specialized stores or order it from online stores. When choosing a mask, you need to be guided by the following criteria: weight, dimensions, the ability to adjust the mask to size. It is undesirable to purchase a cheap mask, as it may not meet quality standards. When buying, you need to ask the seller to present a quality certificate. A quality chameleon mask can cost from three thousand rubles to ten thousand.

If you will work with different types of welding, then it is desirable to purchase a universal mask.

The Elitech MC 777K Chameleon mask received good reviews; it reliably protects the welder's eyes and clothing from sparks. The mask has a light filter that dims and turns off automatically. The mask does not need to be raised and lowered. It is equipped with a special device - the mask is easy to put on.

Modern types of welder's eye protection include an automatic light filter, ease and convenience in use, and an original design. These requirements are met by the Bars welder's mask.