Characteristics of tempered glass and how it differs from ordinary glass. For what purposes it is recommended to use tempered glass What is tempered glass

Tempered glass is used in many industries. It has one very important property - when broken, it crumbles into many small squares with blunt edges. This greatly reduces the risk of injury to a person trapped in the epicenter of glass shattering.

This effect is achieved through special processing, which has a technology similar to metal hardening. Glass tempering occurs under the same conditions, but at lower heating temperatures. The processing procedure increases the cost of the material, but its operational parameters become many times better, so hardening is quite cost-effective.

Features of the production of material

Tempered glass is produced by processing a standard material. That is, at the manufacturing stage, no techniques are used that allow the glass to obtain certain mechanical properties or additional durability. Additional elements can be added to the composition, which will enhance hardening, but they will reveal their potential only after heat treatment. So the production of tempered glass is not possible without firing it with subsequent cooling. The material is placed in a special oven in which it is heated to a temperature of 650-680 degrees Celsius.

In this mode, the glass spends a certain period of time, which depends on the thickness of the material and the chemical composition of a particular brand. After heating, the glass is rapidly cooled using an air stream. In this case, air is supplied from both sides, otherwise it will not work to temper the glass. As a result of the manipulations performed, a layer with residual compressive stress is formed on the surface of the material, which, upon impact, does not allow the glass to break into fragments, but simply crumbles into square particles.


The main characteristics of tempered glass are its high mechanical strength, heat resistance and impact strength. This material is several times stronger than ordinary glass. It is difficult to break down, so it is used in the production of shop windows. Tempered glass doors are also widely used and are used in many buildings for various purposes. In addition to strength, the choice of material is also influenced by its safety. If suddenly a showcase or door is broken, people nearby will not be seriously injured.

Tempered glass partitions are installed in the offices of large companies. They provide an excellent level of sound insulation, so that employees from different departments will not interfere with each other. And at the same time, thanks to transparent walls, the bosses will always be able to control the work process without getting up from their place. If someone cheats, it will immediately become noticeable.

Tempered glass panels are installed inside stores to protect merchandise. They are most commonly used when selling jewelry. It will be very difficult for an intruder to break glass with one blow and steal something. And if he fails the first time, he will most likely run away.

Tempered safety glass is also used in the automotive industry. Side and rear windows of the machine can be made from it. But the use of material for windshields is strictly prohibited. Small particles in an accident can seriously injure the eyes, so a different material is used for the front glass. It is called triplex toughened glass. Its peculiarity is its multi-layering. Moreover, all layers are interconnected with a special adhesive film.

In the event of an accident, it retains all the fragments and does not allow them to injure people in the cabin. Triplex is produced by pressing at a high temperature of the medium. This technology provides maximum grip between surfaces. Reviews of tempered glass are purely positive, since with its appearance, the injury rate in accidents associated with shrapnel injuries and cuts has significantly decreased.

The thickness of the tempered glass depends on the function assigned to it. If you just need to protect people from injury, thin material will do. And if glass is supposed to protect material assets from unauthorized access, you will need a more durable model. For example, 4 mm tempered glass is used for the manufacture of table tops and glazing of interiors. It is 5 times stronger than ordinary glass of the same thickness, but still cannot withstand strong impacts from heavy objects.

But the tempered glass in 10 millimeters is perfect for exterior decoration. It is almost impossible to break it with one blow, which should scare off the robbers, since a police squad will soon arrive at the triggered alarm to find out the reasons for the alarm.

Glass is widely used in interior design of premises and building facades. It is impossible to imagine a single window structure without it, and the production of transparent furniture has long been a promising business. However, along with positive qualities, there are disadvantages: when broken, fragments with sharp edges are formed, which can cause an accident. To prevent such situations, tempered glass (stalinite) is used, which, if damaged, breaks down into many small particles.


The manufacturing process is almost completely identical to the standard technology. By mixing sand and quartz to a viscous state, a transparent mass is formed, which is rolled into sheets by rolling.

After that, a multiple hardening procedure is required to change the physical properties of the product. Professional production of tempered glass is done by heating the surface to 700 ° C, and then blowing cold air in order to cool down faster. As a result of this effect, a compressive stress arises on the glass surface, which is the reason for an increase in resistance to mechanical stress. However, with an increase in the load, the entire surface of the product is rapidly destroyed - it crumbles into many small fragments with non-sharp edges.

Before installing the glass, you should carefully read its physical parameters.


Subject to the manufacturing technology, it acquires unique performance characteristics. They are expressed in increased safety of use and almost complete elimination of cuts and injuries.

In addition, it is worth noting the increase in strength compared to conventional glass. The maximum surface load can be about 300 kg per 1 m². Significant temperature changes also do not affect the change in the properties of the product. But tempered glass has some disadvantages:

  • After fabrication, surface treatment is practically impossible. Cutting tempered glass can only be carried out using special equipment - a diamond blade with constant water cooling.
  • High cost compared to standard products.
  • Increase in specific gravity.

The unique properties of tempered glass make it possible to use it in many areas of life.

Processing and cutting

Changes in the structure of tempered glass directly affect the processing procedures. This includes changing the configuration of the product, drilling holes, etc. In order to shape the glass into the desired shape, it is best to complete all work before the tempering procedure.

But this is not always possible - in some cases it is necessary to cut the finished product. With a dedicated processing machine, the configuration change procedure will not be difficult. It is enough to set a specific cutting program. manually is very problematic. But in some cases it succeeds. It should be noted right away that with the help of a conventional glass cutter, products with a maximum thickness of 5 mm are processed. To partially release the tension, the surface of the tempered glass is wiped with a White Spirit solvent. Then, in one motion, it is necessary to make an incision along which a fracture will occur. The efforts for separation are small, and in no case should you tap on the glass.


Due to its unique properties, tempered glass can be used in many areas: from installation in window structures to the manufacture of luxury furniture. Its durability and safety have become fundamental factors in its popularity.

But the main purpose of tempered glass is still the production of transparent structures for building facades. To create a panoramic view, large structures are used. Since the weakest point of tempered glass is its end, precautions should be taken before installing it in the window frame. In the future, the structure successfully withstands high wind loads and mechanical stress.


In appearance, it is almost impossible to distinguish a red-hot product from an ordinary one. The result is revealed only when breaking, or when the question arises, how to cut tempered glass? This is necessary to select the optimal technology for changing the configuration. If you try to cut ordinary glass on a machine with a diamond disc, it may be damaged and broken as a result.

There are several ways to tell the difference:

  • A special device for determining the grade of glass. It is used in manufacturing.
  • Different sound when tapped lightly. The hardened surface resonates with low-pitched waves. The sound is muffled.
  • When viewed through polarized lenses, small mesh contours can be seen on the surface of the tempered glass.

But the most optimal way is to use a spot device. Its cost is relatively high, but it will quickly cover possible production damage caused by processing the wrong product.

Articles on construction Design. Architecture WHAT IS TEMPERED GLASS



In recent years, the demand for tempered glass has increased significantly, due to its increased mechanical strength, compared to conventional sheet glass, and safety during operation. Today, in many countries, glazing of the upper floors of buildings, as well as balconies and loggias, is allowed to be made only with glass that is safe to use in order to avoid injury to people by large glass fragments falling out during its destruction.
In addition, tempered glass is intended for safe glazing of translucent building structures (windows, doors, shop windows, etc.) and is widely used in the manufacture of glass furniture and interior items.
Tempered glasses are made from sheets of unpolished, polished or patterned glass on special tempering installations. If necessary, the required cutouts, holes are pre-made in the glass, the edges are processed, because the finished tempered glass cannot be cut, drilled and subjected to other types of machining.
Tempering glass is similar in some way to tempering steel. First, it is heated above its softening temperature, and then quickly cooled in jets of air. When cooled, the surface layers of the glass are the first to solidify. When the inner layers cool, residual compressive stresses arise in them. It is these stresses that provide the mechanical strength and heat resistance of the glass.
Broken tempered glass disintegrates into small sharp fragments. Moreover, this is regulated by the requirements of quality standards - with a control destruction with a sharp hammer weighing 75 grams, tempered glass must have at least 40 fragments in a square with dimensions of 50x50 mm or 160 fragments in a square of 100x100 mm.
The most vulnerable point of tempered glass is its edges. When installing structures, it is necessary to protect its ends from impacts, scratches and other damage.
The main advantages of tempered glass:
does not collapse from accidental household shocks;
has a high thermal resistance, which makes it possible to use it for facade glazing
when broken, it forms small, safe glass fragments and does not fall out in large pieces that can injure people.
The tensile strength of tempered glass in bending can reach 250 MPa, which is more than 5 times higher than that of ordinary sheet glass.
When tested for impact, the strength of tempered glass increases several times. Tempered glass with a thickness of 4 mm withstands the "soft body" test (a bag with lead shot weighing 45 kg) from a drop height of 1200 mm, and flat glass does not withstand an impact even from a height of 300 mm.
An increase in mechanical strength leads to an increase in heat resistance. Flat glass has a thermal resistance of about 400C, tempered glass - up to 1800C, which prevents the destruction of tempered glass when overheated or temperature drops.
The optical properties of glass (transmittance, absorption, reflection) after hardening practically do not change.
In connection with the recent increase in terrorist acts and man-made disasters, the problem of glazing safety has become aggravated.
In our country, almost all glazing of buildings and structures is made of ordinary sheet glass, which performs well its main function - it provides visual contact between the room and the outside world, but is a fragile material, upon impact, it can collapse and fall out of the frames in large fragments that can injure people ... Particularly dangerous is the fall of large fragments of glass from the upper floors of buildings onto the street when the glass in windows or balconies is destroyed or falls out of the frames.
At present, the requirements for tempered glass are regulated in Russia by the standard: GOST 30698-2000 "Tempered glass for construction. Technical conditions".
Since safety glazing must perform for a long time not only protective functions, but also the functions of ordinary building glass, the specified regulatory document contains requirements for its appearance, optical distortion, resistance to climatic factors: temperature, humidity, solar radiation; depending on the type of glass, its resistance category or resistance class, the requirements for withstanding mechanical and physical stress are established.
Tempered glass during operation is divided into four classes of protection - CM1, CM2, CM3, CM4. These classes relate to safety glass when tested by the so-called "soft body" (leather bag filled with lead shot, weighing 45 kg).
In modern conditions, when the area of ​​glazing is increasing in relation to the total area of ​​construction, the market for used glass is expanding, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of environmental factors affecting glass, building structures, operating conditions affecting the performance and required characteristics of glazing, the possible consequences of terrorist acts. and disasters.
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Every adult has seen tempered glass more than once, even if he did not realize that it was them. Technological progress does not stand still. It is improving from year to year. The same can be said for glass.

Modern houses of large cities differ from their predecessors by the presence of more complex architectural forms, and light-transmitting structures occupy more and more area of ​​the building's facade - designers strive to create house projects for wealthy people, which would combine coziness, comfort and modern technical solutions to the maximum extent.

Tempered glass is used in the construction of shop windows, glass roofs, balcony fences and in a number of other, at first glance, not noticeable everyday structures. Even in every car there are also tempered glass.


The main advantage of this material is its special strength. Compared to ordinary glass, tempered glass is up to 500% stronger! Such properties of glass became possible due to the use of technology associated with its special heat treatment. Its essence is as follows.

The glass is heated to a liquid state (the melting temperature in most cases is about 900 degrees Celsius), then it is processed by a directed stream of cooled air, which leads to an increase in internal stresses in the material. The applied technology for obtaining this kind of glass, ultimately, increases the initial resistance of the material to mechanical damage and creates its own, special structure of its destruction.

Due to the passage of all tempering procedures, the glass becomes difficult to break. If, nevertheless, it is possible to break it, then it does not fly in all directions as usual, but crumbles into small pieces, and without sharp edges. Therefore, the combination "safety glass" refers to the tempered type of material that has the properties listed above.

Another important advantage of tempered glass is its resistance to large temperature fluctuations. Compared to the usual one, it is almost five times higher!

With all the acquired properties, the indicators of tempered glass in terms of transparency and light transmission remain at the level of ordinary, non-tempered material.


Price. The price of tempered glasses with similar dimensions is higher than the price of standard ones. Therefore, with a limited budget for glazing the premises, or modern, the installation of tempered glass in these structures will be unjustified.

Impossibility of further development. This is rather a minus for the factory, where this type of glass is adjusted to the required size. Tempered glass cannot be additionally processed (cut, cut additional holes, etc.), since the structure of the tempered glass itself does not allow this.


Patterned, matte, tinted - you can order tempered glass of almost any kind, everything will rest on the financial component of the issue.

When ordering a double-glazed window, to ensure the safety of people inside the premises, it will be enough to install only one tempered glass in it, and, according to the technology, it should be located on the street side.

Bottom line.

The phrase of one of the heroes of the cult Russian film "Boomer" - "we are not like that, life is like that" - is quite consistent with the harsh realities of today's lifestyle. Therefore, at present, especially among the residents of apartments located on the first floors, the question of ensuring the safety of the home is acutely raised. In addition to the installation and installation of a door with video surveillance, it is necessary to take care of the protection of the window opening.

The unique properties of tempered glass, reliability and safety during operation, make the use of the material popular and in demand in various areas of our life. Such glass is successfully used for glazing the facades of buildings, as it perfectly tolerates high wind loads and other mechanical influences. Also, the material is optimal for the manufacture of luxury modern furniture.


The tempered glass production process consists of two main stages.

  • The first stage is identical to the technology for producing ordinary glass and is a heat treatment of mixtures of quartz and sand taken in the right proportions, the result of which is a transparent glassy mass. With the help of rolling, such a mass takes on a sheet shape.
  • The second stage is repeated hardening, which changes the physical properties of the material. It is produced by heating to extremely high temperatures, followed by blowing with chilled air. This process leads to increased surface compressive stress and increased resistance to mechanical overload. When broken, such glass disintegrates into fragments with characteristic blunt edges.

The physical properties of the material will depend on the number of hardening procedures applied. To avoid surface destruction during operation, you must carefully familiarize yourself with its performance characteristics before installation and use.

Tempered glass properties

Tempered glass, obtained as a result of full compliance with technology requirements, is a material with unique performance properties and performance parameters.

  • The main advantage of the material is increased safety during use. If broken, such glass will not entail injuries or cuts.
  • If we compare tempered glass with ordinary glass made using traditional technology, we can note its high strength and resistance to maximum loads up to 300 kg per square meter of surface.
  • This material is also characterized by increased resistance to sudden changes in temperature.

All these unique properties of tempered glass make it a popular and demanded material, however, there are some difficulties associated with the technology of its manufacture. For example, such glass is much more expensive than usual. Its processing and cutting require the use of special equipment and professional skills.

Tempered glass processing and cutting

Tempered glass has an unusual structure, obtained in the process of its manufacture. The specificity of the structure requires a special approach to all methods of its processing, including cutting. It is recommended to change the configuration of future products, their drilling and other work before hardening.

However, there are times when it is necessary to change the configuration of a previously hardened product. If you use a special machining machine with the ability to set the cutting program, the procedure will pass without failures and surprises. The difficulty lies in the fact that such machines are quite expensive equipment and are used only in production.

The processing and cutting of this material by hand is a very complicated and time-consuming procedure. It is carried out using a simple diamond glass cutter, however, there is a limitation on the maximum thickness of the product. It should not exceed 5 mm. To reduce the tension level of the glass surface, it must be pre-treated with White Spirit. After this, an incision is made, which forms the future fracture of the surface.

How to distinguish tempered glass from ordinary glass

If your production is related to glass processing, it is often necessary to select the optimal technology for changing its configuration, for example, for cutting with a diamond blade. In such cases, it is important to know for sure that you are dealing with tempered glass. A mistake can lead to serious financial costs.

Unscrupulous suppliers often take advantage of the fact that there are practically no external differences between tempered and ordinary glass. However, there are ways to find the differences.

  • A different sound produced by lightly tapping on the glass surface. The sound made by tempered glass is deeper and deeper than the sound from ordinary glass.
  • Using polarized lenses. With their help, you can see the mesh contours on the tempered glass.
  • The most effective way to avoid production problems and financial costs is to use special point devices to determine the grade of glass.