Do-it-yourself inventory for pigeons. Dovecote design options. Requirements for the location of the dovecote

Everyone who wants to breed pigeons sooner or later faces the need to build a dovecote with their own hands. Pigeon breeding is not just a hobby, it is a part of life for many people. Pigeons were domesticated 5-6 thousand years ago and since then have become constant companions for people. In ancient times, pigeons were probably kept simply in attics, but for a modern amateur pigeon breeder, keeping and breeding pigeons is difficult to imagine without a dovecote. The room must meet all the conditions for keeping birds, therefore, it is very important to build and equip the dovecote correctly.

A properly built and equipped room for feathered pets is the key to their safe living in comfortable conditions.

A dovecote is essential for keeping domestic pigeons. The correct arrangement of the dovecote determines the health of the birds, the appearance, the maturation of the chicks and much more. Pigeons are shy birds, do not like loud sounds and the presence of strangers, so it is advisable to place their dwelling away from busy streets and sleeping areas. To allow birds to fly freely, do not place the pigeon house next to tall trees or power lines.

To avoid contamination of birds, there should be no dumps, garbage cans or cesspools nearby. Neighborhood with other dovecotes, poultry houses or pigsties is undesirable for the same reason. When building a dovecote, it must be remembered that pigeons do not like drafts and sudden changes in temperature. The temperature in the dovecote should be no more than 20 degrees in summer and at least 5 degrees in winter.


The simplest is the hinged structure. In fact, this is an ordinary wooden box suspended from the wall of a building. In such a dovecote 2-3 pairs of birds live.

The simplest hinged structure for keeping birds.

Making a dovecote of this type on your own will not be difficult.

However, such a dovecote has a number of disadvantages:

  • inconvenient location of the taphole;
  • unsatisfactory protection from cold weather, dampness and predators;
  • inconvenience of operation.

All these factors make it impossible to use such a dovecote for serious tasks (for example, for breeding thoroughbred pigeons), therefore the hinged structure is used mainly by beginners.

The tower structure differs from the hinged one in increased complexity and functionality. As a rule, this is a structure in the shape of a cylinder or a small house of a square or polygonal shape. The pigeon house is often raised above the ground and fixed on the tops of special pedestals or pillars. Such designs are very popular with pigeons because they are similar to their natural habitat. Each pair has an individual nest and its own entrance. Such a design is also convenient for the owners of pigeons - it is easier to clean and disinfect, it is easier to carry out breeding activities.

However, it is very difficult to make a tower dovecote with your own hands: serious skills of a carpenter or builder are required from a pigeon breeder. However, there are also minimalist concepts that even a beginner fancier can implement.

Convenient dovecote tower structure that you can make yourself.

The attic type dovecote is suitable for rural residents, owners of private houses or summer residents. In this case, the question of how to make a dovecote is not worth it - its functions are performed by the attic. It is necessary to carry out its internal arrangement, make entrances and a place for walking birds. It is advisable to perform high-quality soundproofing so that the pigeons do not interfere with the owners.

You can build a dovecote of your own design. This does not require any special skills in the field of construction, the main thing is to think over and calculate everything exactly.

Consider how to build a dovecote, using examples of a detached structure. The sequence of work will be as follows:

Preliminary preparation

It is necessary to decide on the size and structure of the dovecote. The main point here is the number of individuals that are planned to be kept. A pair of pigeons requires 0.3 to 1 cu. m of space. If we are building a dovecote, relying on the experience of people who have already been involved in similar construction, we note several recommended points:

  • the height of the room is 2 meters;
  • door size - 60 by 180 cm;
  • window area - one tenth of the floor area;
  • windows are located on the south or east side of the building;
  • the size of the entrance: height 15–25 cm, width 10–20 cm.

The location of the rooms and equipment inside the dovecote matters. It is necessary to provide for different rooms for young and mature individuals and take care of a separate room for females in the winter.

The new dovecote is equipped with a separate room for storing feed and household equipment.

Examples of possible embodiments of the dovecote are shown in the drawings below.

Scheme of a dovecote, in which there are sections for young animals and producers, a place for them to walk.

Another layout for keeping birds.

After the project is selected, estimates are calculated and materials are purchased.

Foundation making

Despite the fact that the dovecote is not a monumental structure, it would be better to place it on a foundation. The foundation can be a prefabricated structure, or an ordinary one, made of concrete mortar. In the case of a high level of soil water, it makes sense to take care of its waterproofing.

Making walls

Any available material is used at this stage. It should be remembered that almost all equipment is attached to the walls, so they must be strong enough. The walls are made of wood or brick. However, brick walls require plastering. For their insulation, any insulation is used, for example, polystyrene or expanded polystyrene. So that the birds do not peck it out, it is necessary to sheathe the insulation on top with plywood, OSB sheets or clapboard. As a rule, the manufacture of walls and foundations does not cause any particular difficulties. Painting the walls has not only aesthetic value, but also protects them from external influences.

Doors and ventilation

It is advisable to make the door to the dovecote in two parts: the outer one is a regular door, the inner one is a mesh stretched over the frame. In the warm season, the outer door is kept open, giving access to light and fresh air inside the dovecote: natural light and fresh air have a beneficial effect on the health of the birds.

The first vent is made 15 cm above the floor, either at the bottom of the door or on the wall of the opposite door. A second ventilation hole is made in the roof or on the ridge in the part of the structure that is opposite to the first hole. A similar arrangement of the dovecote will contribute to its good ventilation. The holes are equipped with a mesh with a cross section of 1.5–2 cm.

Important: for the winter, these holes must be closed with tight plugs to avoid drafts.

Roof fabrication

The roof of the new dovecote is made with one or two slopes - it all depends on the project or the owner's desire. The roof is covered with slate, tiles or iron. The use of waterproofing is desirable. The slope of the slopes must be made so that the pigeons are comfortable to sit on them.


In the spacious aviary, the birds are comfortable, they feel completely safe.

Aviaries are structures in the form of a frame covered with a net. The sizes of the cells are selected so that the birds stick their heads in them. For this, a mesh with a cross section of 2x2cm is suitable. Aviary sizes vary depending on the number of birds - 0.5 sq. m of area for one pair. Many pigeon breeders consider the aviary unnecessary, but this is wrong. Pigeons kept in a dovecote with an aviary are less susceptible to diseases. The aviary is located outdoors, although if there is no space, you can equip the aviary indoors. For this purpose, the lightest part of the dovecote is allocated, which is also fenced off with a net.

It is not difficult to make an aviary for pigeons with your own hands - a wooden or metal frame is covered with a net. The roof of the enclosure can also be made of mesh, or it can be covered with roofing material.

Internal work

When the new dovecote is ready, it is necessary to carry out finishing work inside and equip the room. Regardless of the type of dovecote, this procedure includes the following mandatory steps:


They begin to equip the house for the pigeons from the floor. Planed boards go to the floor. You can put plywood or any other covering on top. One of the practical options is to use linoleum - this floor is strong enough and easy to clean.

Conducting electricity

Electrical energy is needed in the dovecote for artificial lighting and heating. As mentioned earlier, the temperature in the dovecote should not fall below 5 degrees. For this, electric heaters are used. Naturally, the connection of electrical appliances is made according to the requirements for the operation of electrical equipment.

Installation of the necessary equipment

Inside, perches and nests are equipped, drinkers and feeders are installed.

  • perches;
  • nests;
  • feeders and drinkers;
  • optional equipment.

Consider the manufacturing features of each of the listed types of equipment:

Making roosts

Each pigeon should have its own place, therefore, the number of perches should be equal to the number of pigeons. It will be correct to make triangular perches in the form of a roof ridge, because it is on them that pigeons most like to sit in the wild. This design is necessary, first of all, for pigeons with plumage on legs and hanging wings: thanks to triangular perches, their plumage will always be in excellent shape. Such perches perform another important function - since they are located one above the other, the side plates prevent pigeon excrement from falling on the birds sitting below.

This equipment for the dovecote is the most important, so it is worth taking seriously the manufacture of perches. A bar with a cross section of 3.5–4 cm and a length of 15 cm is best suited for this purpose. Two plywood or plastic plates 15x15 cm are attached to it from both sides at an angle of 45 degrees. The perches are placed vertically along the wall at a distance of 30 cm one below the other, the distance between the vertical rows of perches should be about 50 cm.


The size of the nests depends on the breed of pigeons. Usually they are made in the form of cells in several rows. The number of nests should be equal to the number of females, since each female incubates only her own eggs. The approximate size of the cells: length 25 cm, width 35 cm, height 20 cm. Nests can be left open, but it is preferable to arrange cages for pigeons. This is easy to do - the open part of the nest is closed with a 1.5 cm mesh, a 10 x 10 cm hole must be made in the mesh, in front of which a small rectangular perch is placed.

Nests for females are usually set in special cells in several rows.

The nests are placed in the shaded part of the dovecote so that the birds are calm and not disturbed. To prevent the birds from building nests themselves, they are lined with sawdust, straw or hay inside. After each incubation and maturation of chicks, the litter is changed.

Feeders, drinkers and baths

The new dovecote must be equipped with bird feeders and drinkers. Here you need to understand that the size and number of feeders depends on the number of pigeons. In addition, for adults and young animals, they differ in size and design. The equipment for the dovecote used for feeding birds can be made independently, but it is better, especially for a novice pigeon breeder, to buy ready-made.

All pigeons love to take water treatments, so it is advisable to equip the dovecote with several flat bathing troughs. Their depth should not be more than 5 cm. It is best to place them in an aviary.

Optional equipment

Additional equipment includes various accessories to improve the quality of life of birds. These are heaters (infrared or oil), forced ventilation devices, video cameras for monitoring the state of birds, and more. In the choice of additional accessories, each fancier is free to do as experience and need dictate to him.


Building a dovecote will not be easy, but having the necessary materials and tools available, and most importantly - a desire, any idea can be realized on your own. This building will be not only a dwelling for birds, but also a small corner where everyone can feel closer to nature, relax their soul.

At all times, they were not only a hobby, but also a source of additional income. And for breeding and growing these, certain conditions are necessary. This is possible when keeping birds in properly built premises - dovecotes. Building them with your own hands is not a big deal, you just need to know all the requirements and rules for buildings.

Primary requirements

Before the start of the construction of the dovecote, like other structures, initially you need to draw up a construction project, in which it is necessary to take into account:

  • the location of the house for pigeons relative to high-rise buildings and green spaces - closely spaced ones will prevent the birds from taking off and landing normally;
  • lack of telephone and electrical communications located on the supports;
  • the construction of a dovecote with respect to the penetration of sunlight - the front of the building should be on the south side;
  • proper arrangement of housing for birds, in which the temperature in the room in summer will not exceed 20 ° C, and in winter it will not fall below -5 ° C;
  • the volume of the dovecote, which must correspond to their number - birds feel bad in small rooms;
  • pigeon age - young and adult birds should have separate rooms;
  • storage space and necessary cleaning equipment.

Important! Since pigeons can become infected with various diseases and transmit them in a severe form, when choosing a place for construction, it is necessary to ensure that it is located as far as possible from all sewage and buildings for keeping pets.

Dimensions (edit)

Before starting construction with your own hands of any dovecote, you need to clearly determine the number of rooms, their sizes.

You can draw a plan of the future structure at your discretion, but you can use the solutions developed over the years:

  • the room must be at least 2 meters high;
  • windows can be made 25 by 25 cm in size, or the glazing area is taken 10% of the floor area. Set up on the south side for maximum sunshine;
  • window openings are spaced from the floor, depending on the rocks contained, at a height of 30 cm to 90 cm;
  • doors must be at least 75 cm wide and 180 cm high for easy passage of a person;
  • notches are needed in an amount of 2 pieces up to 0.25 meters high, up to 0.2 meters wide, you can use a circle with a diameter of 25 cm;
  • nests - length no more than 25 cm and width no more than 8 cm.

Beginner pigeons should take into account: in order for the birds to be comfortable on the same site, it is better to keep no more than 10 pairs of pigeons of the same parameters. If the steam is small, 0.5 m3 of the volume of the room is taken into account, for large pigeons - 1 m3 of the volume.


For a comfortable stay of birds, the construction of the dovecote is completed with internal equipment. In this case, it is necessary to provide:

  • electrical wiring for lighting inside the building and, if necessary, connecting heating devices;
  • double door: the outer one is made of solid material, the inner one is made of metal mesh for good air flow in the summer;
  • ventilation duct under the ceiling with a grate, which must be closed for the winter;
  • an open-air cage for walking birds;
  • poles from the perch, where the pigeons are most;
  • nests so that birds do not waste their energy on building them. They can be made from any available material, pigeons are unpretentious birds;
  • various feed dispensers and drinkers.

Did you know? Pigeons have been domesticated for a long time. Even Genghis Khan and Julius Caesar used these birds as postmen. In the XI-XII centuries, the pigeon was on the same level with the thoroughbred horse for the price.

Popular types

To figure out how to build a suitable dovecote with your own hands, it is worth considering that today there is a variety of designs and its choice depends on your desires and capabilities. Let's consider some designs of houses for pigeons.


This design is the simplest and is suitable for beginner lovers of these birds. Its principle of operation is very simple - a wooden box is fixed on the wall under the roof. Such designs are rarely used due to a number of disadvantages:

  • it is impossible to withstand the temperature regime;
  • no protection from predators;
  • you can keep a small number of birds (no more than 3 pairs).


This type of dovecote is more practical and is used by those who constantly breed birds. It can be made in various shapes - in the form of an oval or a polyhedron. The advantages of this type:

  • the volume of the building allows you to keep a large number of birds;
  • the appearance can be selected for a specific landscape;
  • building height from 4 meters, allows you to make a stepped structure, convenient for birds and the owner. The lower floor is used for inventory and food storage, the rest of the floors are for birds.

Important! Such a design will require high costs for arrangement, but the result of construction is a very practical dovecote.


This type of construction is mainly used in individual houses. Hence the name, since the attic of the house is used to keep the pigeons. With the help of metal mesh or plywood, the finished area is divided into zones, and the dormer window is redesigned for walking birds with a small balcony. The height of such a structure does not exceed 3 meters.

Such designs are used for dovecotes built in urban environments among multi-storey buildings. Industrial production produces standard structures for keeping 12 families of pigeons. The do-it-yourself dovecote aviary is a frame made of a wooden bar or pipe, covered with a metal mesh.

Attached to the bird house on the street and occupies part of the territory. Pigeons living in such buildings are almost not susceptible to diseases, provided that the structure is located correctly. The aviary is calculated on the basis that one pair of birds for a comfortable existence needs an area of ​​half a square meter.

Did you know? Pigeons are very attached to the house where they live. This fact is confirmed by the story of Baron Wrangel. The pigeons, taken by him during the retreat from Sevastopol, returned home one by one, having covered a distance of 2.5 thousand kilometers.

How to build a dovecote house with your own hands

There are no restrictions on the question of how you can make a practical and at the same time beautiful dovecote with your own hands. The main thing is the money issue and the types of pigeons that will be kept there. The construction process consists of several stages:

  • foundation construction;
  • installation of walls;
  • roofing device;
  • laying the floor.
Let's consider these points in more detail.


The foundation is the basis of the building, and the service life of the dovecote depends on its quality. In any case, if the building is on the ground, the foundation is necessary, since dampness in the dovecote is unacceptable. If the house will be made of wood, then you can simply raise it a little above the ground by hammering logs in the corners or laying out the legs made of brick. If the entire dovecote is built of bricks, the foundation must be solid.

Consider the sequence of operations:

  • along the perimeter of the future bird house, we dig a ditch about 0.4 meters deep;
  • we prepare a concrete solution consisting of sand, crushed stone and cement in a ratio of 2x2x1 parts. It is better to take cement grade 400;
  • pour the solution into the prepared trench. For rigidity along the length of the ditches, we lay metal reinforcement;
  • let the solution harden well (at least 24 hours). In hot weather, the foundation must be spilled with water and shaded so that cracks do not go.


With the wooden structure of the dovecote, the floor is made only of wood, which is laid on the prepared frame. The board should be carefully trimmed and laid without gaps to prevent birds from injuring their feet. In a brick house, the floor can be made of concrete, covering it with linoleum on top. For waterproofing and heat, a special foil with insulation can be laid on concrete.


Wood is a good material for walls, but at its high price, walls can be made of brick or foam concrete. Outside and inside, they are plastered and upholstered with plywood or other material. If the house is made of wood, the walls must be insulated to maintain the required temperature in winter.

As a heater for brick buildings, you can use polystyrene, glued from the outside and then plastered. A house made of wood can also be insulated from the outside with mineral wool or foam, then upholstered with plywood, clapboard or siding. For durability and a beautiful look, the walls need to be painted.


Depending on the project, the roof in the dovecote can be either single-pitched or double-pitched. The main thing is that the slope of the roof is convenient for planting feathered inhabitants. The frame is made of timber and any roofing material is laid on it - roofing material, roofing iron sheet or slate. It is good if heat and waterproofing is laid under the roof.

We will not talk about the purposes for which pigeons can be grown in the country, since each summer resident himself determines the purpose of these birds for himself. And we'll talk about how to build a dovecote in the country with your own hands.

Experienced summer cottage builders, who took in their hands a tool for the construction of a rabbit house, birdhouse and even more serious buildings such as a gazebo, a barn or a summer cottage shower, will not be difficult to delve into the process. But for newcomers to the dacha business, we will paint everything in a little more detail.

Let's say right away that it is necessary to build on not only personal opinions and ideas about the structure, but also from the requirements for the birds that will live there. Believe me, this is very important, because if you do not follow some norms, then the pigeons will not be able to exist normally in their new home.

Parameters of the correct dovecote

For the device of a bird's dwelling, certain requirements must be observed:

  • Height - about 2 meters;
  • The size of the windows is approximately 10% of the total floor area of ​​the structure;
  • The size of the doors (if implied) - height and width, 170 cm and 60 cm, respectively;
  • The size of the entrances is 20x20 cm in height and width (the best option, the height of their location, from 20 cm to 150 cm from the floor level, depending on the breed of birds. It is desirable that there are several entrances in the dovecote.

The total size of the structure is calculated from the number of pairs of birds that will live there. It is believed that 0.5-1 m3 of interior space is required for each pair. Also, depending on the breed and age of the birds, the dovecote should be divided inside into special blocks.

It is also necessary to take care of the location of the windows - they should be on the south side of the building so that the sun's rays constantly heat the building.

Also, the house should have light in order to increase daylight hours for the bird, and heating, for winter keeping and maintaining the temperature at the required level.

If you plan to have a large dovecote with doors, you need to make them double - the outer door is made of metal or wood, and the inner one is made of mesh. In the summertime, the outer doors are always open during the day for light and air.

Take care of ventilation, with the help of which it will be possible to avoid high humidity inside the structure, but do not place ventilation windows on opposite walls, because drafts will obviously not benefit the residents.

The floor in the dovecote should be wooden, made of densely folded boards, and aviaries can also be located here, if such are provided for by the breed of birds.

It is also necessary to build perches and nests, but these structures and their parameters depend strictly on the breed of pigeons, as well as their need in general.

The design of the dovecote in the country

Compliance with the above parameters depends not only on the breed of pigeons, but also on the original design of the dovecote itself, because it can be a large cage for breeding pigeons, or a small hinged box for several birds that are now settling on your site.

Mounted dovecote

Small standard construction for keeping only a few pairs of pigeons. Usually, it is just a box that hangs just below the roof ridge. The dimensions of such a structure are calculated from the number of individuals that will be settled there.

To tell you the truth, such a dovecote is often built by beginners who are not going to raise birds, but simply decided to shelter them. Almost always outbred individuals live in such houses.

Tower dovecote

Such a structure is built very rarely, and only by bird connoisseurs and breeders. It is a 3-4 meter high tower with two floors inside. Almost any material is suitable for construction, the main thing is to correctly equip the structure from the inside.

The disadvantage of such a dovecote is only the high cost and time to build, but as a result, you can get a serious house for birds, where they can be grown and propagated.

Attic dovecote

The simplest option for those people who decide to have birds in the attic of a country house or summer kitchen. The only thing that will be needed is to properly equip everything from the inside, as well as make a small balcony - a walking area, fenced with a net. Of course, this is not necessary if you are engaged in construction for wild individuals, about whose population you are not very worried, but simply decided to settle them somewhere on the site.

Dovecote aviary

To be honest, the aviary is more reminiscent of the poultry house, which we talked about not so long ago. By and large, everything is practically the same, only it is necessary to make a protected roof, as well as a limitation of the vertical space. Many pigeon breeders consider such a design useless, but at the same time, there are almost a third of such houses for pigeons in our country.

It should be understood that the location of the dovecote and its external structure, belonging to the style or design of the site are parameters that are important to you. For the bird, the main amenities are inside, and therefore you can choose any design and type of bird dwelling that most closely matches the breed.

Where to install the dovecote

Having independently chosen the type and type of construction, you must decide on its location in the summer cottage. This is easy to do, because surely every summer resident who thinks about expanding the number of summer cottages already knows for himself exactly where and what will be located. But you should pay attention to some mandatory requirements:

  • Dovecote must be built in a more or less open area so that the birds can take off freely. To do this, place the bird house at a distance from the main buildings or tall trees;
  • Also try to remove the structure from power lines, poles with telephone cables;
  • You should not place the structure next to someone else's household yard or near a cesspool, this is fraught with various diseases, serious infections.

Tools and materials

In almost every such work, we manage with one set of tools, but today we will remind it again so that even newcomers to our site know what exactly they will have to deal with.

So, the site recommends using a simple and professional tool, including a hacksaw and a hammer, a hammer drill with a drill mode and a grinder, a set of keys and screwdrivers, a screwdriver and a jigsaw. With this set, you can do all the work.

Speaking of materials, we want to offer you the construction of a house for birds from brick, wood or metal. Accordingly, in any set you will need to add slate or roofing material for the roofing, metal or additional timber for the frame, poles, main internal structures, as well as a net for doors and an aviary. It is also possible to use glass for the construction of windows.

Do-it-yourself dovecote in the country

Before starting construction, it is necessary to determine a work plan, draw up a drawing in order to understand what size the structure will be and how much materials will go to the construction site. We draw up a drawing, draw up an estimate and get to work.

We decided to consider a simple, but serious-sized structure, and not an ordinary box on the roof for 1-2 families, so we recommend that you carefully read the following sequence of work.

Dovecote foundation device

The whole construction will be light enough, but we still propose to fill in the strip foundation, so that in a year or two the bird's house does not mow from subsidence into the soil. To do this, we dig a trench 40 cm deep and only 30 cm wide, throw gravel or broken brick down and pour in the solution, having previously reinforced the trench with old wire, pieces of reinforcement and rods.

It is also recommended to install a timber or just a metal corner in the solution to secure the frame. This can be done literally an hour after pouring, or even a little earlier. In addition, if you think over the structure completely, you need to install the main pillars at the corners of the foundation under the walls.

Installing the frame

On a ready-made foundation or a beam that was installed in advance, we expose a frame made of wood, knock it tightly between ourselves and the main pillars of the structure, fix and form the roof.

Dovecote decoration

Now we enclose the structure from the outside with a board, leaving openings for windows, doors, tap holes. We proceed to the upholstery from the inside, pre-laying a material between the layers of wood, which ensures the tightness of the structure. It can be roofing material or film. You can also insulate the structure by laying high-density foam inside the upholstery. Thus, in the cold season, heating the dovecote will be much easier.

Roof structure

Depending on the project, the roof can be pitched or gable. It is also possible to foresee in advance a small balcony - an open-air cage made of a net for walking pigeons, if the enclosure is not defined inside the poultry house.

The roof is made on the simplest wooden frame with roofing felt and slate. It is better not to use other material, since in addition to atmospheric phenomena, it will also be influenced by the birds themselves. Slate, in this case, will serve the best and the longest.

Arrangement of the dovecote from the inside

At the end of the main construction, it is required to make the most appropriate internal arrangement of the structure.

First of all, we complete the interior decoration with a board, we make a high-quality floor, and we increase the tightness by blowing.

The next stage is the installation of perches separately for each individual. You can make perches using the honeycomb method, or you can simply fill the bars just below the ceiling, 30-35 centimeters away. You can also make shelves on which the pigeons themselves will find a place for themselves.

Now let's move on to the nests. They can be made half the size of the perches, but place them side by side or even staggered with the perches. To do this, you need small wooden boxes, the size of which is determined by the requirements of the pigeon breed.

We build feeders with feeding sections, drinkers with or without automation. We hope that it is not worth talking about the frequency of feeding the pigeons and changing the water, because you, as a good owner, will do this several times a day. Don't forget to include feeders and drinkers for the chicks too!

At this stage, the interior arrangement has been completed. Further, only the installation of the door, windows, fixing the aviary in the area where you decided to install it and other minor worries.

Remember that only a properly designed, clean, dry, well-ventilated and heated dovecote will become a comfortable home for your pets!

Country dovecote (video)

Do-it-yourself dovecote in the country- a new business and even an event, because construction is taking place not only for the sake of satisfying your own desires, but also to ensure the life of beautiful and very interesting birds that will delight you with their presence every day.

If you suddenly have a desire to acquire a beautiful flock of birds of the world, popularly known as pigeons, but you are afraid of any difficulties, we hasten to reassure you and assure you that the main thing in this matter is a thorough approach. One of the most important stages that precedes the appearance of feathered friends in your life is, first of all, the construction of a dovecote. And, since this particular structure will become a real home for your birds, you should take due care in order to make it correctly.

Therefore, you should not rush and do everything anyhow, take care of the health and well-being of your pigeons, as well as the successful reproduction and rearing of their offspring prematurely.

So, it is worth noting that you can make such a dovecote at home, with your own hands. Regardless of whether the building is intended for business or personal use.

Space requirements that should not be ignored:

1. Dryness.
2. Large volume (depends on the number and size of pigeons).
3. Thermal insulation.
4. Ventilation and no drafts.
5. Moderate illumination.

All versions of dovecotes are divided into the following three groups:
1. Attic.
2. Suspended.
3. Freestanding.

Now we will consider some varieties of dovecotes separately.

Mounted dovecote

Since such dovecotes are most often made by amateurs and villagers, they are accordingly called the "rural economy option". As a rule, outwardly such a structure resembles the most ordinary wooden box attached under the roof of the house from the outside. Most often they are used to keep mongrel birds in small numbers, but they are not suitable for breeding.
Advantages of mounted poultry houses: ease of manufacture and low cost of consumables. Of the minuses: make it difficult to properly care for adults and newborn birds; inability to protect birds from attacks of wild animals, wind, cold and frost.

Tower dovecote

These types of poultry houses are more practical than hanging ones, and are also suitable for breeding purebred birds. They are built in the form of a tower with rounded shapes and a height of up to 4 meters. But, despite their indisputable advantage for breeding thoroughbred birds, the price of materials (needed for their construction) will significantly hit your pocket. If you decide to build such a bird's "house" - get ready to deal with labor costs.

Attic dovecote or attic dovecote

This is the most convenient and optimal dovecote, because its location is the attic. This type of home does not require hard physical work from you, as well as special financial investments. All that is required of you is to equip the area necessary for walking the birds. For such a dovecote, you will need a well-insulated attic. Best of all, if it will be an attic in an adjoining building, on the ground floor of which you can store bird food, tools and other necessary devices.

Below we will dwell on the features of the construction of a tower-type dovecote and a dovecote in the form of an attic superstructure (on an adjoining building).

How to make an attic dovecote with your own hands

First of all, it is worth noting that attic spaces can be built of brick, wood and iron. What material to choose depends on what raw materials the base house is made of. If the building, for example, is made of wood, it requires mandatory internal sheathing with plywood sheets, as well as filling the joints with the roof and internal joints. Sheathing is made in order to preserve the internal microclimate, prevent dampness from the outside and drafts. If the building is made of brick, it should not be sheathed, but it must be putty. Metal superstructures are sheathed (from the inside) with wooden planks over the entire area, then with sheets of plywood of small thickness.

The essence of the process of building a dovecote

1. Walls are the first thing to build. If you prefer to make everything out of wood, you need to assemble the frame from bars, then you need to beat it both from the inside and from the outside with boards.

2. The floor in such buildings is made of wooden planks, which are laid one after another. In winter, it is most often covered with soft sawdust or straw. Such floor manipulation is done to increase the internal level of warmth, which in turn will protect your pets from diseases.

3. Next, a frame grille is made for the roof. Any material is suitable for covering. The main thing is not to forget about the importance of heat and waterproofing, which in turn will make it possible to protect the future premises from internal rain and wind.

4. The next step is to install windows. If they are placed correctly, the room will be well lit and heated, which will contribute to the well-being of the birds.

5. After installing the windows, as a rule, they make a walking area. This is essentially a platform from which your birds can take off and also land on it. Such an area is made of a fine-mesh metal mesh. As a rule, the floor area of ​​the walking room is covered with plywood (thin sheets). Do this manipulation over the mesh.

6. Do not forget about good ventilation of the room. After all, if you want your pets to be healthy and not sick, ventilation is it. If we consider a less expensive way of arrangement, this is the most common mesh door that is mounted indoors, right behind a wooden door. It is also a good idea to equip a hood that will pick up unpleasant odors, excess moisture and cool the room. As a rule, it is done on the ceiling. In order for fresh air to always enter the building, equip a couple of small windows with gratings (at floor level).

7. There is no need to make heating in the dovecote. For the comfort of your birds, make sure that the floor is insulated and that all cracks and openings are closed. Watch out for the insulating bedding and do not forget that it needs to be changed very often in autumn and winter.

8. One of the important stages in the construction is the construction of the perches. To do this, place long bars (4-5 cm wide) at a level of 30 cm from the ceiling. Then we equip the sides from thin-walled slats. Further, in rows (going down) we make perches. Then we divide the perches into nests and separate the nests from each other with walls. Outwardly, such nests look like small boxes.

The parameters of one socket are approximately as follows:
length - 75 cm;
height - 35 cm;
width - 40 cm.

9. So, when the process of designing the perches is complete, it is time to think about bedding. But, we hasten to warn you: do not lay it yourself in the nests of your birds. It will be best if you leave, for example, straw, hay and small twigs on the floor of the room and give pigeons a choice. Believe me, these birds are very creative in laying the floor of their nest, choosing for this only the best and softest straw and the most convenient twigs.

10. Feeders and drinkers are an indispensable attribute of any dovecote. Buy ones that automatically deliver content to keep your part in the process to a minimum. Calculate the number of required drinkers and feeders depending on the number of birds. Do not forget to install and fill a couple of three conventional feeders with mineral feed.

As you may already have understood, the equipment of a dovecote is a matter within the power of every farmer. For this, it is not necessary to look for professional builders and resort to their help. You just need to have at least a little knowledge of construction tools. According to the scheme described in our article, you can rebuild an attic dovecote from scratch, without using the first floor of the building as a basis.

Remember !!!
Give preference only to quality materials. Indeed, the health of not only your feathered wards, but also their future offspring directly depends on well-selected raw materials.

Before you build a reliable dovecote, you should choose a place for it. There should be no sources of loud sounds (for example, highways), garbage cans or garbage cans, farmyards, poultry houses nearby. Avoid areas where rats, crows, stray dogs or cats have bred - they attack pigeons and often carry dangerous infections.

An important condition: since most pigeon breeds need to fly, the room should not be under power lines or other wires. As for the interior arrangement, it is important that there are no drafts and dampness in the dovecote. It must have good thermal insulation qualities, since sudden temperature changes are harmful to pigeons.

Types of structures

To build a pigeon house correctly, you need to choose a suitable construction project. If you have a summer cottage, you can attach a hinged wooden box with holes to the roof of the house. This compact house is the easiest to make. True, it is suitable only for a small number of birds, it is poorly protected from temperature extremes and predators. It is difficult to track the appearance of chicks in it. Such designs are usually used by beginners for non-pedigree pigeons.

Much more reliable is a tower structure made of brick or wood. Its height can reach 4 m or more. In such a building, several floors are usually made: on the first, equipment and food are placed, on the upper ones, nests, separated by partitions.

This option reliably protects birds from the cold and predators, provides access to chicks and allows you to fully engage in the maintenance and breeding of expensive breeds. Such isolated structures are also made in the form of houses. In a private house, you can make a dovecote in the attic, similar types of structures are called attic. In this case, the room itself is already essentially ready, you just need to properly equip it and make an aviary for walking birds.

How to determine size

In order for the pigeons to feel comfortable and not to fight, each pair should have at least 1 m³ of free space, if the breed is not large.

Otherwise, the birds will need twice as much space. In general, it is not recommended to keep more than 16 families of the same size in the same room. The arrangement of a good dovecote should include a separate room for chicks, rooms for winter separation of males and females, and, finally, a quarantine room for injured or sick birds. The recommended height from floor to ceiling in the premises is 2 m, the size of the doors is 0.7x1.8 m, the windows are 20x20 cm.

By the way, if you have only one or two birds, they can be kept at home. In this case, you can make cages for pigeons with your own hands, or you can purchase factory ones. For small breeds, the size of the cages should be at least 60 × 40 × 30 cm, for large ones - 80 × 60 × 50 cm. It is desirable that the cage is rectangular. From time to time, the birds need to be released for a walk.

Step-by-step instruction

Now let's figure out how to make a stand-alone dovecote.

Laying the foundation

The depth of the foundation must be at least 0.5 m. It can be made from modern prefabricated structures or, according to the classical scheme, filled with concrete. It takes a year to shrink.

Installation of walls

For the construction of walls, wood is most often used. The frame of the future dovecote is assembled from beams, after which it is upholstered with boards from the outside, then from the inside. You can also use brickwork. It needs to be plastered and sheathed with plywood. Foam or other similar material is used as insulation.

Roof construction

The roof can be single or double sloped. The main thing is to make the slope at such an angle so that the pigeons can sit on it. The frame is made of beams. It is covered with roofing material, tiles, iron or slate. It is advisable to provide insulation and moisture protection.

Windows and ventilation

It is recommended to place windows on the east and south sides - this will provide sufficient heat and sunlight. For meat breeds, they should be located at a height of 20 cm from the floor, for others - at a level of 1 m.For the inflow of fresh air, it is advisable to make a hood at the top, and 2 barred windows at the bottom (they are clogged in winter). An additional mesh door can be made to keep the main one open in the warm season.


When you build a room, pay special attention to the insulation of the floor, walls and roof. It is also important to seal all gaps to avoid drafts and heat loss. In winter, the litter on the floor needs to be changed from time to time so that it does not get damp. Opinions differ as to whether heating equipment is needed for a dovecote. It is worth focusing on the characteristics of the breed and climate.


The walking area is usually fenced off with a metal mesh with fine meshes. It is desirable that it be equal to the width of the wall, near which it is located. The floor can be covered with plywood over the mesh. A notch should lead to the walking area - a platform for take-off and landing of birds.

How to equip

We looked at how to make a pigeon house correctly. Now let's find out what its internal structure should be. Bars 3-4 cm wide are used as perches. They are placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from the ceiling. Cells for nests are installed near the walls. The recommended size for each is 80 cm long, 40 cm wide, 30 cm high. They can be made from boards attached to the wall, but a collapsible design of separate boxes is considered more convenient - it is easier to clean and disinfect the room with it.