What state does Oleg Tinkov have, and how did he put it together? Oleg Tinkov's condition according to Forbes Tinkoff's condition

The biography of Oleg Tinkov amazed millions of people. Young and aspiring entrepreneurs still touch on Tinkov's success story in order to learn from his mistakes, experience and at least try to become as successful as he is. This man is included in the list of the famous Forbes magazine, being one of the richest in the world. In this article, we will consider the biography of the famous entrepreneur, as well as his most successful projects.

Biography of Tinkov: early years and education

The biography of Oleg Tinkov begins in the village of Polysaevo, which is located in the Kemerovo region. In Leninsko-Kuznetsky, Oleg graduated from high school, and then worked at a mine, and then worked at the Kuzbaselement plant.

In sports, Oleg also excelled. From about 12 years old, the future entrepreneur began to get involved in cycling. He won many competitions, and at the age of 17 he even became Oleg Then and took his first steps in entrepreneurial activity. During trips, gatherings, he bought goods in short supply for the USSR in Central Asia, and later sold them in his native Leninsko-Kuznetsk. Oleg Tinkov, whose biography is incredible, in places very unusual, already in his youth took up blackmail. In 1986, the young man entered the service, his sports career was interrupted.

Immediately after the army, already in 1988, Oleg entered the Leningrad Mining University to study. Even then, the young man realized that at a university with a large number of students, you can earn pretty good money. He started selling jeans, perfumes, caviar, cosmetics and vodka. He traveled from St. Petersburg to Siberia, where he sold St. Petersburg goods, and in Siberia he bought equipment, which he sold in the northern capital. The biography of Oleg Tinkov is full of interesting coincidences. So, he was selling goods with his fellow students, who later founded large companies and became no less successful than Tinkov himself. One of his classmates, Andrey Rogachev, became the founder of the famous Pyaterochka grocery chain.


The biography of Oleg Tinkov is decorated with his family life. It is generally accepted that businessmen, entrepreneurs and celebrities rarely have happy families. But Oleg met his future wife, named Rina Vosman, during his student years. He lived with her for about 20 years, and then only in 2009 they had a wedding. Now Rina and Oleg have three children - Daria, Pavel and Roman. Daria is studying at the famous and Pavel and Roman are still in school. In his book, Oleg Tinkov himself spoke in detail about his wife. The wife also took part in writing this book, recalling some moments from their life together.

Technoshock company

In 1995, a Technoshock store was opened in St. Petersburg, and then several more in St. Petersburg, Omsk, Novorossiysk and Kemerovo. Despite the fact that the mark-up on equipment in Technoshock stores was quite large, much more than in other stores, this technique was in demand among people, people loved it and bought it. Oleg Tinkov realized in time that competent sellers would sell more equipment than those who were not trained. Therefore, when recruiting new personnel, sales consultants were always waiting for free training in successful sales. This is probably the main part of the Technoshock chain's success.

In 1997, Eldorado shops began to open on the streets of St. Petersburg. The competition has grown sharply, so Oleg Tinkov made an important decision for him - to sell the chain of stores. He went out of business in 1998. At that time, Tinkov had $ 7 million, which he received for the sale of the network. He will subsequently put them into a network of semi-finished products.

Daria company

The existence and functioning of the famous company "Daria" began thanks to an interesting incident. In the bathhouse, Oleg Tinkov was sitting with his Greek friend and supplied the USSR with equipment for the production of Italian pasta - ravioli. It was the Greek who gave Oleg the idea to create a company that would sell frozen semi-finished products like others.

In 1998, the company "Daria" (named after the eldest daughter of Tinkov) opened, quickly became one of the most popular in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but largely thanks to advertising banners that adorned photographs of women's buttocks stained with flour, and even with signed "Your favorite dumplings!". But already in 2001, the company was sold to the successful holding of Roman Abramovich. For her, Oleg received $ 21 million, of which he spent 7 on payment for the loan. Oleg Tinkov's fortune is gradually increasing.

Tinkoff Bank

On the beginning of the operation of the bank, Tinkoff was informed about what is in the Pacific Ocean. It was there that in 2005 the entrepreneur notified the people about the creation of his bank and presented the project. It was the first bank in Russia based on remote customer service. At first, he suffered major setbacks in attracting investments, but already in 2008 his profits increased 50 times. Oleg Tinkov's bank functions to this day, is the main field of activity of Tinkov. The entrepreneur owns slightly more than half of the bank's shares.

Beer "Tinkoff"

In 1997, the entrepreneur decided to open his own brewery, but there were big setbacks in finding an investor. But during the search for an investor, Tinkov met two suppliers who offered him two interesting ideas, which he later used. The first proposed to create a brewery based on the real Bavarian tradition, which is to give the beer its own name and come up with a legend. The second idea was to create a restaurant-brewery and in this restaurant to promote their own beer brand.

The search for an investor was not unsuccessful. Already in 1998, the first brewery restaurant opened in St. Petersburg. The first investment amounted to about a million German marks. In 2001, the restaurant was opened in Moscow, two million dollars were invested in the institution. Then points began to open all over the country - in Samara, Sochi, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok, Nizhny Novgorod, etc.

In 2003, two large factories were built. The second plant alone took $ 75 million, which were borrowed. In 2005, there was a deal to sell two breweries for $ 200 million. Already in 2009, we bought out all the restaurants of Oleg Tinkov.

The state of a businessman

Today the Russian businessman is one of the richest people in the world. Oleg Tinkov's fortune is estimated at $ 500 million. Today it is known that in the list of the richest and wealthiest people in Russia, Oleg takes the 169th place (as of 2015). And in the list of the wealthiest people in the whole world, Tinkov takes 1210th place (as of 2014).

History of success

The success story of the world-famous Russian entrepreneur makes you wonder. This is a person who followed his desires, did not change principles and came a very long way. Oleg Tinkov studied for a very long time, already at a young age he felt an entrepreneurial streak and went about his business. Surely his path was not strewn with rose petals: he worked hard, only looking for an investor could take years and years of hard work. Oleg Tinkov himself likes to tell about his success story. The biography, the success story of a businessman - all this is interesting for young people to study, this is in many ways a correct example.

Oleg said that it all started with the will to live. He did not want to live his whole life in poverty, he wanted his children to study at the best universities, he wanted to deny himself nothing. The businessman said that his dream was a residence permit in St. Petersburg and a good apartment. It was then that he realized that in order for all this to be - money is needed. And money requires good training and long work.

Oleg Tinkov, whose photo can be seen above, is one of the most progressive businessmen. They say that he is one of those who personify the modern world.

Oleg Tinkov is a successful Russian businessman who today is one of the richest people in the country. He is considered one of the most eccentric entrepreneurs in the CIS, who has been actively involved in entrepreneurship since his youth and has achieved high results in this area. Tinkov is successful in everything that he will not undertake - in brewing, in the production of dumplings, in the restaurant business and in the serious banking sector.

Oleg Yuryevich Tinkov was born on December 25, 1967 in the southeast of Western Siberia, in the village of Polysaevo, Kemerovo Region. His father worked as a miner in Leninsk-Kuznetsky, and his mother was a seamstress. The childhood and adolescence of the future businessman passed like that of other Soviet children. Oleg graduated from school without outstanding success, where he was more interested not in exact sciences, but in sports. In the sports direction, namely in road cycling, Tinkov achieved success and in 1984 won the title of candidate for master of sports.

After graduating from school, Oleg Tinkov was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army. Oleg ended up in the border troops and served in the Far East. Having paid his debt to his homeland, the future businessman decided to get a higher education, for which he went to the cultural capital of Russia and entered the Leningrad Mining Institute.

In his student years, Oleg Tinkov realized that his biography would be associated with business. Then Oleg began to show entrepreneurial abilities - he earned his first money on vodka, which he bought at the same price during the day, and sold it twice as much to students in the hostel at night. Then the student businessman developed friendships with foreign students. Oleg bought from them any imports brought from home, and then resold the goods at a high price among students or in his native Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

Oleg Tinkov developed his student business to a significant scale. By the third year of university, he already had business partners, who in the future also became successful entrepreneurs. Among them were Andrey Rogachev, founder of the Pyaterochka chain of stores, Oleg Leonov, founder of Dixy stores, and Oleg Zherebtsov, creator of the Lenta chain of stores.


The first large business project of Oleg Tinkov was "born" in 1992. Then, in his third year, he decided to leave the university and devote himself to the dream of big business. At that time, the student opened a trading company "Petrosib", which traded in Singapore office equipment. At first, his business activities were carried out only in Russia, and then expanded to European countries such as Poland and Germany.

A year later, Tinkov's business began to grow - the entrepreneur opened a SONY household appliances store in St. Petersburg, and a year later he founded the Technoshock electronics store chain. At that time, the first specially trained sales consultants in Russia appeared in Oleg Yuryevich's stores, who made the stores prestigious in the country, since people were ready to buy goods from Tinkov, despite the fact that he set prices 20% higher than the market average.

In the mid-90s, Oleg Tinkov expanded his business and acquired the Shock Records recording studio, the first client of which was the Leningrad frontman. A year later, the entrepreneur reorganized his studio into a music store "MusicShock", as the studio turned out to be unprofitable.

In 1998, the businessman got bored with his field of activity, so he sold Technoshock and created the first brewery restaurant Tinkoff in Russia, which became a successful chain in just a year. The products of the Tinkov beer company were popular with both Russians and Americans, due to which they sold well in Russia and the United States. In 2005, Oleg Yurievich sold his brewing business to a Swedish company for $ 200 million.

Along with the restaurant business, the entrepreneur opened a semi-finished product factory "Daria", specializing in the manufacture of dumplings. At the same time, Tinkov was engaged in the production of products under other trademarks, such as "Tsar Father", "Dobry Product", "Tolstoy Kok". In 2001, the businessman sold this business, as he was mired in credit debt.

One of the last "brainchilds" of the businessman was Tinkoff Bank, which in 2006 was the first financial institution in Russia to operate remotely. To obtain a banking license, the businessman acquired Khimmashbank, on the basis of which he created a registered bank. Over the years, the bank has become very successful in the harsh business area and has shown a 50-fold increase in profits in the first few years of its existence.

Personal life

Oleg Tinkov's personal life is as successful as his business career. Since his student years, he has fallen in love with his fellow student of Estonian origin, Rina Vosman, with whom he has been living for almost 30 years. The couple of Oleg and Rina attracted special attention of society by the fact that for many years they lived in a civil marriage, without legalizing the relationship.

Over the years of marriage, Vosman gave birth to Tinkova three children - a daughter and two sons. The wedding of the oligarch with his beloved took place only in 2009, after 20 years of marriage. The wedding ceremony took place in Buryatia, only the closest people were invited to it.

The businessman calls his family the main success in life. He admits that he is madly in love with his wife and children and always tries to behave with them sensitively and restrainedly, despite the fact that he is known for his quick-tempered character and sharp statements in relation to others.

In addition to business, Tinkov continues to get involved in cycling. He is the main sponsor of the Tinkoff-Saxo team, in which he invests at least 20 million euros annually. Also, the entrepreneur is fond of writing books in which he shares with readers his secrets of success in commercial activities, and maintains popular accounts in “ Twitter"And" Instagram ".

Oleg Tinkov now

Today "Tinkoff Bank" raises questions and receives negative reviews on the Internet because of the communication policy that the bank employees and Oleg Tinkov himself adhere to.

For example, in the spring of 2016, there was a scandal over the post of a businessman on Instagram. The company timed a beauty contest to coincide with the International Women's Day, the prizes in which were 100 thousand rubles, the crown and the title of "Queen of Tinkoff Bank". A couple of days before the results of the competition were announced, a young bank employee was photographed wearing this crown. This photo was posted on his own Instagram by a businessman that “our fool” dreams of becoming a queen.

This appeal outraged subscribers. The Internet community reminded the banker of business etiquette, as well as commonplace politeness and respect. Subsequently, Oleg Tinkov deleted the offending post.

By 2017, the degree of dissatisfaction with the actions and words of the businessman and the bank owned by Tinkov had grown so much that in August of this year, the YouTube channel "Nonmagia" created an author's review in which he criticized Oleg Tinkov. In a video filled with obscene expressions, bloggers said that the bank was deceiving customers, and Tinkov did not respect employees, while the authors of the video compared what was happening with slavery.

In response, the businessman demanded that the authors of the video remove the critical video, apologize, and also pay the banker 500 thousand rubles as compensation for moral damage. This requirement was not met, and the businessman filed a lawsuit to protect his business reputation, accusing the bloggers of libel.

Already in September, officers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to the bloggers with a search, while, as the lawyer of the men noted, these investigators flew to Kemerovo from Moscow. It also seemed suspicious to experts and ordinary users. While it is often difficult to initiate legal proceedings, here the investigators showed speed and zeal that surprised the public.

Oleg Tinkov also posted a video in which he said that he knew both the negative consequences and the effect, but could not tolerate insults and lies. By this time, the number of views of the "Nemagia" video had already reached 6 million.

The community of bloggers, as well as people connected in one way or another with the Internet and the IT industry, stood up to defend Nemagia. called on bloggers to distribute a critical video and shot their own videos in support of the guys. Also, video bloggers publicly refused to cooperate with Tinkoff Bank.

Condition assessment

Oleg Tinkov's fortune in 2016 is estimated at $ 500 million. The businessman considers his goal in life to be included in the Forbes billionaire rating and to overtake the creator of the Magnit supermarket chain in it.

Reading 5 min. Views 102 Posted on 28.09.

It is always interesting to observe the achievements of successful people. Their activity and productivity motivates for new achievements. In our country, there are many such examples of the rich who managed to make themselves on their own, without having at hand at the start of a large inheritance or funds that had fallen out of nowhere.

Someone may consider the owner of the Tinkoff brand to be slightly eccentric, to someone his manners will seem too harsh, but everyone will be unanimous that this person has tremendous energy and charisma. Thanks to all these qualities, the current fortune of Oleg Yuryevich Tinkov is $ 2.3 billion.

Oleg Tinkov: a short biography

The future famous Russian businessman was born in a small village in the Kemerovo Region in 1967 in the family of a miner and a seamstress. Cycling was a childhood hobby that he carried with him through life. After serving in the army, the young man entered the Leningrad Mining Institute, but the vein of entrepreneurship already then carried him along the slippery path of fartsovka (speculation) and entrepreneurship.

Oleg Tinkov

How a businessman came to success

In the late 80s, he met his future wife and fellow students, Zherebtsov, Leonov and Rogachev. The latter subsequently became the founders of the Lenta, Dixy and Pyaterochka retail chains, respectively. Oleg does not aspire to graduate from LGI, as he receives more benefits from his speculative activities, therefore he leaves the university in his third year.

In the early 90s, the Kommersant organizes the sale of household electronic appliances from Singapore, which resulted in the organization of the Technoshock chain of stores, working according to the American system with sales consultants. The number of competitors begins to grow, and the margins fall, so we have to part with the stores and switch to the production of frozen semi-finished products under the Daria brand.

In the first years of the new millennium, the dumplings business was resold to Roman Abromovich for $ 21 million. A third of the amount went to pay off accounts payable. Since 2003, the Tinkoff beer period has come. Two factories were built, which produced several varieties that are popular with compatriots:

  • Tinkoff;
  • Tequiza;

The promoted brand was to the taste of the Belgian company specializing in such drinks. In 2005, a sale was made in favor of Sun Interbrew, which increased the businessman's fortune thanks to Tinkoff beer by $ 200 million. Another 10 million to the amount was added by the sale of restaurants of the same name.

Banking activities

The first to whom Tinkov presented his idea of ​​the banking business in 2005 was the American billionaire Richard Branson, who was at that time on his island of Necker. A year later, Khimmashbank, located in Moscow, was purchased for this type of activity. Such a deal made it possible to speed up organizational issues and not deal with obtaining licenses, permits and other bureaucratic wires.

It is important to know that Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank, founded in 2006, was the first bank in the Russian Federation to operate exclusively in the format of remote service.

Tinkoff Bank was founded in 2006

The first couple of years there were difficulties in attracting large investments. However, even during the 2008 crisis, the company managed to demonstrate a fifty-fold increase in profits. The work used progressive technologies, for example, the share of human labor in data processing was reduced, and most of the processes were transferred to computer processing. For a long time, the bank used its own funds to issue loans without attracting deposits from customers.

In 2013, there was an IPO, which, according to Forbes, was the largest deal of the year in the country. At the same time, the credit institution did not have a single ATM or branch in the country. There was only an office in Moscow. Two years later, the “credit systems” were re-branded and the abbreviated name “Tinkoff Bank” appeared.

Only in 2017, personalized ATMs, painted in yellow and silver colors, begin to appear. The first to see them were residents of the capital, St. Petersburg and fifteen other large cities of the country. Licenses were acquired to develop activities in the depository and brokerage areas, and to provide assistance in the field of lifestyle services and financing, in the summer of 2019, a voice assistant Oleg was added.

The bulk of the software is developed internally by the company. About four hundred people work in the central office of the capital. Most of them are analysts, software developers and IT-nicknames.

The condition of Oleg Tinkov according to Forbes rating

The current chairman of the board of directors of Tinkoff Bank was included in the elite list of domestic Forbes in 2013 with $ 700 million. The next year, experts estimated his fortune at $ 1.4 billion.

Then two years turned out to be a failure with an estimate of half a billion, and from 2017, growth began again. First, +700 million, and then + 1 billion. As a result, Forbes published Oleg Tinkov's fortune in 2018 and 2019 in the amount of $ 2.2 billion. Such financial baggage allows an entrepreneur to keep the 47th line in the list of 200 richest people from business in Russia.


An extravagant entrepreneur is not afraid to take on, at first glance, adventurous projects in various business areas. This approach and perseverance bring him considerable profit. Even some of the scandals that have leaked to the press or the Internet have not tarnished the reputation of the owner of the popular bank.

Oleg Tinkov- is rightfully one of the most famous and respected Russian entrepreneurs. Oleg Tinkov is known as a serial entrepreneur - during his career, he made several businesses from scratch in various fields, and then successfully sold them. In addition to entrepreneurial activity, he loves sports. Author of two books on business and his own program on entrepreneurship. He actively promotes the idea of ​​entrepreneurship in Russia.

Oleg advises young people to stop working for "such assholes like me" and encourages them to "do their own thing." According to Oleg Tinkov, the main secret of success is: work, work, work -. Oleg Yurievich is the brightest entrepreneur in modern Russian history.

“All this talk about the quality of work is talk in favor of the poor. It is important how much you work and only when you work a lot - quantity turns into quality ”,

"Those who leave work at 7 pm on a call should be fired"

Unlike most billionaires who received their assets after privatization, Oleg Tinkov did each of his businesses himself.

Success story and biography of Oleg Tinkov

Oleg describes his biography in detail in his book "I am like everyone else." In this book, he tells in what miserable conditions his family lived in Leninsk-Kuznetsk and how he moved to Leningrad and began to make a career as a businessman. Oleg Tinkov received his higher education at the Mining Institute, but since his business was more interesting, Oleg quit studying and concentrated all his efforts on entrepreneurship. He started as many in those years - trade, shuttle business.

There are remarkable moments in the biography of this man. Firstly, in childhood and already in adulthood, Oleg Tinkov was fond of sports and, in particular, cycling. According to Oleg's calculations, he has already traveled more than a hundred thousand kilometers on a bicycle (a lot of mileage even for a car).

Sport teaches you to endure and win, builds your character - this is what Oleg Tinkov thinks.

When he went to competitions, he already began to engage in small trade - already in his youth, Oleg's skills as an entrepreneur woke up.

Another interesting fact from Oleg's biography is that he lived in the United States for a long time. There he looked at the idea of ​​a remote bank and, in general, saw how much entrepreneurship and competition were developed there in comparison with Russia. According to Oleg Tinkov, Russia lags far behind the states in terms of competition and entrepreneurial culture.

After selling jeans and other small goods, Oleg switched to consumer electronics (calculators, video recorders). This is how the Technoshock store appeared.

Oleg Tinkov eventually sold the TechnoShock! Chain of stores, which later turned into Technosila.

Another business that Oleg Tinkov was engaged in was the production of Daria dumplings. Oleg named dumplings in honor of his daughter, who is also called "Daria". There were also other products that Oleg's company was engaged in.

By the way, Oleg Tinkov studied marketing at one of the universities in the United States. In his opinion, this education at the university was useful. More about this can be found in the book "I am like everyone else."

The Daria company was eventually sold to Roman Abramovich. “Sell, but be sorry. Sorry, but sell. " This is what a wise Jew advised Oleg to do. In his words, if you are offered money for your business, sell it.

Having sold the plant for the production of dumplings, Oleg built a plant for the production of beer. Then he was able to sell this business and raise even more money. This money ultimately became the launch pad for the bank.

A small bank with a license was purchased and work began on a bank without branches (credit cards were delivered to customers by courier). The business model turned out to be a breakthrough and successful one for Russia. At the time of publication of this article (Q2 2016), Tinkov Bank remains one of the few profitable Russian banks. The bank continues to grow in a falling market.

As Oleg says, when he was just starting the story with the bank, many laughed at him and almost no one believed. Nevertheless, after a few years we can state that an experienced businessman was able to create the most technologically advanced bank in Russia and now one of the goals is to “fuck Alpha”.

“We all run in the same forest from each other and we all want to fuck each other,” says Oleg Tinkov at Skolkovo University (see the video at the beginning of the article).

Oleg Tinkov called many of his products by his own surname. For example, Tinkoff beer, Tinkov restaurant, Bink Tinkov Credit Systems and so on.

Tinkov also had his own record company. In particular, Oleg worked with Sergei Shnurov (Leningrad on labuten pants).

The second book by Oleg Tinkov, How to Become a Businessman, is no longer an autobiography, but just about the experience of how to do business in Russia. The book is small, but well-designed and contains many useful tips for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Oleg was the author of his column in the magazine "Finance", and also at one time led a video column about business, a video blog on youtube, a blog on LiveJournal and is still active on social networks. Oleg is a media personality, about whom leading business publications such as Forbes, RBC and others write a lot.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are inspired by the "Business Secrets" and "Business Secrets 2.0" programs and also start their own business. Oleg was able to interview a huge number of very different talented and famous people. According to Oleg himself, this is a titanic work that he does for free. This can be called a social project.

In conclusion, I want to say that Oleg Tinkov is undoubtedly a talented, hardworking, expressive person, a marketing genius and a good example for aspiring entrepreneurs. When I started my first business, I was also impressed by what I was talking about Tinkov's entrepreneurship. Without exaggeration, Oleg contributed to the formation of my business.

The founder of Tinkoff Bank admitted that he wants to build his own icebreaker and named one of the key problems of Russia

Oleg Tinkov (Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC)

There is no point in exchanging your only life for "stupid ceremonies", you have to live quickly and cheerfully, Oleg Tinkov, the founder and main owner of Tinkoff Bank, said in an interview with Forbes.

“You can earn money with humor, you don't have to be serious with a billion. I think you can be a gouging billionaire, ”said Tinkov.

According to Tinkov, whose fortune is estimated by Forbes at $ 2.3 billion, in six months he plans to go to conquer the South Pole, and to conquer the North he wants to build his own icebreaker.

“I want to build the world's first private icebreaker. Yachts that are called "Explorers" don't actually have an ice class. This year, yachts were banned from sailing above latitude 80. And I want to build an icebreaker to go to the North Pole, to Antarctica, the Arctic, to pass the Northern Sea Route - to Kamchatka, Chukotka, Kuriles, ”Tinkov said.

Tinkov connects plans for the development of his La Datcha project not only with Mexico, where the construction of a "hacienda" on the Pacific coast has already begun, but also with "exotic" regions of Russia - Kamchatka, Altai and the Baikal region. Another house - a fishing lodge - has already been built by Tinkov in the Volga delta not far from Astrakhan.

“I build my houses wherever I want to go. I visit Kamchatka twice a year. I have just visited Norway, Svalbard, Greenland and Iceland, and I will tell you: objectively, our Kamchatka is more beautiful. I'm going to study Altai. I have been to Baikal twice, but there is no infrastructure. I can already imagine some cool place in Altai, a floating dock near Belukha. But, damn it, electricity, water, staff - it's all so complicated here, ”says Tinkov.

Tinkov generally considers the shortage of trained personnel in the service sector to be one of the key problems of Russia. According to the billionaire, improving the service also delays the inability of Russians to leave a tip.

“In Moscow, in St. Petersburg, they give tips. In Moscow they even give big tips - the service is good. In St. Petersburg, the tip is less - the service is worse. In other cities it is even worse, but in Kamchatka they don’t give at all. Here is a chicken and an egg: they don’t give tips because they are poorly served, but they are poorly served because they don’t expect a tip, ”Tinkov explained.

Tinkov, in his own words, rarely thinks about philosophical questions. “You can go into the jungle: why we were born, what we are meant for. I don’t think it needs to be discussed now, ”he said.

Oleg Tinkov is 50 years old, in the Forbes world ranking of billionaires he is 1103rd with a fortune of $ 2.2 billion, and 43rd in Russia. In January 2018, Tinkov, along with the rest of the Russian billionaires, was in the "" prepared by the US Treasury. Tinkoff's first "personalized" business was brewing: in 1998 he founded the Tinkoff brewing company, and then a chain of beer restaurants in different cities of Russia. In 2005, the brewing company was sold to InBev, and in 2008-2009, Tinkov also sold the restaurant chain. By that time, the businessman was already the owner of his own bank, created in 2006 on the basis of the Moscow-based Khimmashbank. The IPO held in 2013 became one of the largest placements in Russia, and thanks to him Tinkov doubled his fortune and entered the Forbes billionaire rating.