Guest Fantastic Four comics. Fantastic story of a fantastic four. Fantastic Four comic review

After all these years ... All our adventures ... We are still together! Still a team! The Greatest Team in the World!
Reed Richards

Recently, the latest, highly controversial film adaptation of "Fantastic Four" was released on digital services. The team is not doing very well, but this is not the first time. Let's go back fifty years in the past and remember why these guys are so remarkable.

First triumph

Imagine a world where no one knows about superheroes. There live people who know nothing about the Avengers, vaguely remember what Thor is famous for, and reach for a sneaker at the words of Spider-Man. Surely some of our readers would be happy to be transported to such a universe, but, to the great joy of the others, this did not happen in our reality, and the Fantastic Four is to be thanked for this (well, or blamed).

In the early sixties, Marvel was in a creative crisis. The company's products were not successful, and one of the leading writers and editors of Marvel, the legendary Stan Lee, was seriously thinking about changing his activities. However, instead of that Stan, in collaboration with the equally legendary artist Jack Kirby, came up with the Fantastic Four, and away we go ...

To date, there is no single version of these events. The most common story is that Stan came up with the idea for the Fantastic Four after talking with longtime friend and editor Martin Goodman. Shortly before meeting Stan, Martin played golf with one of the representatives of his closest competitor, DC Publishing (then - National Periodical Publications), and he could not help but brag about how pleased the company was with the sales of the Justice League. Martin responded by asking Stan to come up with his own team. Lee immediately jumped on the offer.

The Fantastic Four really revolutionized the comic book world. True to their in-house credo of pioneers, Stan and Jack were the first to introduce readers to a number of previously unthinkable concepts: the world saw superheroes who not only did not seek to hide their second essence, but paraded it and enjoyed the popularity that fell on them. The reader got acquainted with the characters who, on the one hand, were a real family, and on the other hand, they dogged each other almost more often than they fought with real villains.

At first, it even seemed that Kirby and Lee did not just create another superhero team, but they dug a real gold mine. As if from a cornucopia, new heroes, villains and minor characters poured in, almost each of which eventually, if not honored with its own comic book series, at least acquired an army of fans. It was on the pages of the Fantastic Four that the half-forgotten hero of the Second World War - Namor the Submariner - came back to life and first met the readers of the Inhumans, Skrulls and the Black Panther. Moreover, Jack and Stan literally did not give readers a break, and new stories flowed into one another without stopping. As soon as the heroes resolve all disagreements with the Inhumans at the beginning of the release, Galactus jumped into the light, and if the team coped with him, then Doctor Doom was impatiently shifting from foot to foot in the queue.

The creativity of Kirby and Lee has over time served the Fantastic Four a disservice. The scriptwriters who replaced them were often forced to return to previous developments for lack of better ideas. As a result, the development of the Fantastic Four began to slow down ... But we will return to this sad page of their biography, but for now, let's take a closer look at our heroes. So, we ask you to love and favor!

Yes, yes, that's exactly what you thought: Stan Lee and the other creators of the Four. Cameos are not only in movies

Forward to the stars!

Galactus's first appearance was spectacular.

The brilliant explorer and engineer Reed Richards designed and built a rocket capable of reaching distant stars. According to the law of meanness, shortly before the completion of the test tests, investors began to lose interest in the project, and then Richards decided to personally prove his case and go into space. Reed was followed by his girlfriend Sue Storm, who refused to let her beloved go on such a dangerous journey alone. As a free supplement to Sue, Reed received her younger brother Johnny, a self-confident young man with an explosive character. Since none of the trio knew how to steer a ship, Richards had to seek help from his longtime friend, test pilot Ben Grimm, who was in a street gang as a child, but took up his mind in time and entered college, where he became friends with Reed. At first, Ben refused to participate in such a madness, but Sue managed to play on his pride, and in the end Grimm agreed.

The Skrulls made their debut on the pages of the Four - and quickly regretted it

As it turned out, Ben's fears were not in vain. As soon as the rocket was in orbit, the ship came under the influence of unknown radiation. The four managed to return home, but each of the researchers underwent changes: Johnny began to turn into a ball of flame, Sue gained the ability to become invisible, and Reed could now stretch any part of his body at will. Ben was the worst. If his friends could use their new powers at will, then Grimm turned into a monster-like creature with a solid stone hide.

The friends immediately realized that great responsibility comes with great power, and vowed to use their new abilities for the good of humanity. They came up with new names for themselves (Mister Fantastic, Invisible Lady, Human Torch and the Thing) and moved to New York, where they settled on the upper floors of the Baxter building.

The newly minted team of superheroes immediately got a regular job: they had to prevent the plans of the alien Skrull race to conquer the Earth and resist the attempts of the forgotten hero Namor to take revenge on the people for the destruction of Atlantis. But the greatest danger to humanity was Victor von Doom, Richards' university colleague and ruler of the Eastern European state of Latveria. Doom dreamed of world domination, but, fortunately, he quickly became obsessed with the enmity with the Fantastic Four.

One of the greatest challenges in the team's history was the visit to Earth by an alien entity known as Galactus. Galactus was above modern concepts of good and evil and, in principle, was not so bad, it was just that for his existence it was vital to absorb the energy of the planets. For centuries he wandered through the universe, leaving behind lifeless, devoid of any energy pieces of stone. With the help of the Silver Surfer, the messenger and, in fact, the only companion of Galactus, the Fantastic Four managed not only to stop Galactus, but also to take from him the promise to never again try to devour Earth.

And although Galactus's word is indestructible, he then crossed paths with Richards and his friends more than once, until in the end Richards, trying to enlist Galactus's support in confrontation with another powerful creature, freed him from this word.

The Inhumans and the Black Panther first appeared on the pages of the Fantastic Four

Family Children

Sue and Reed were among the first to get married on the pages of comics

Reed Richards was never a model family man, but in the end he figured out how to take Sue down the aisle. Pretty soon, the couple had their first child, who was named Franklin in honor of Sue's father. The birth of a child did not affect the activities of the team: for Reed, work was always in the first place, and Sue was no stranger to portraying a mom for all members of the Four.

Due to her superpowers, Sue had a hard time getting pregnant, and her newborn son turned out to be so powerful that his brain activity even had to be artificially reduced. However, these were still flowers: Sue's next pregnancy ended in miscarriage, although later it turned out that little Franklin, with the help of his abilities, saved his sister's life. Later, Sue still had to give birth - the girl returned to her mother's womb. Doctor Doom had a hand in the birth of version 2.0: he helped with difficult childbirth, and then named the girl after his longtime lover. Valeria always treated the Duma warmly and called him uncle, which made the latter incredibly happy. Although initially the Duma's intentions were extremely far from altruistic.

Despite the fact that the Four were, in fact, one big family, from time to time one of the team members temporarily dropped out of the group, and a person from the outside came to replace him. At various times, the Four included Luke Cage, She-Hulk, Scott Lang (the second ant), Spider-Man, Storm and Black Panther.

Reed Richards is a sexist ... or even worse

Each of the team members was on the verge of death, or even beyond it. Richards was presumed dead for several years after the alleged final confrontation with Doctor Doom, but the whole story turned out to be a hoax, started by another of the Four's many enemies. Doom himself once managed to kill the Thing, but Reed and the others were not afraid to follow their friend to the very gates of Paradise, where the Creators graciously allowed Ben to return to the world.

Finally, Johnny was the last to be seen. He heroically sacrificed himself, saving the temporarily deprived Ben and closing the portal on the other side to the Negative Zone, from where huge hordes of insectoids were about to enter our world. However, then the ruler of the Negative Zone, a villain named Annihilus, found and resurrected Johnny and forced the Torch to participate in gladiatorial battles. After some time, Johnny realized that he had had enough, revolted, overthrew Annihilus and became the new ruler of the Negative Zone. However, he almost immediately returned to his friends.

The four were on the verge of collapse more than once. The most difficult internal crisis occurred during the Civil War. Reed supported Tony Stark and other supporters of the Superhero Registration Act, which significantly alienated Sue. When the Thor clone, created by Reed and the rest of the outstanding minds of Marvel, secretly from everyone, killed the superhero Goliath, Sue decided that she had enough, and together with Johnny went over to the side of Captain America. However, when in the final battle Reed overshadowed Sue and actually saved her life, the girl forgave her husband's past sins. Ben acted the wisest of all: he spent most of the conflict in France, where he helped local heroes to fight local evil.

Reed Richards' inner demons

Doctor Doom helped Sue in giving birth to Valeria, pursuing his insidious goals, but over time, he still became attached to the girl

The Fantastic Four gained such popularity in large part due to the fact that the team members were imperfect. Each had undeniable advantages, but there were also several serious shortcomings in the kit.

Take Richards, for example. A brilliant scientist, one of the most prominent minds in our world, who can consult with other versions of himself living in alternative realities. And at the same time, a terrible family man. Reed spent years trying to find a balance between family and work, and more often chose work. He could disappear for weeks in the laboratory, completely ignore his wife and her requests, be constantly distracted by urgent problems, and so on ...

At the same time, Reed, like the other members of the Fantastic Four, had an amazing talent for ignoring details, concentrating only on the moments that seemed important to him. A rocket lands in Central Park, and a huge, resizable talking monkey falls out and asks for your help? Stop repeating this useless information, tell me again what news there is about Galactus ... Considering that the team members sometimes talk to each other in this way, is it any wonder their numerous quarrels?

Reed was sometimes completely tactless and insensitive. It didn't cost him anything to slap his wife or child, and the early comics are full of his sexist comments like “Leave your female nonsense, you have to work”, “How can you think about a wedding and other nonsense at such a moment” and so on. In an amicable way, the marriage of Sue and Reed should have fallen apart a long time ago, but, apparently, Richards' ability to increase any part of his body successfully compensates for all the shortcomings.

Richards' obsession with Doom once led the Fantastic Four to invade Latveria, overthrowing Doom's regime, and then Reed set about destroying any mention of Doom, nearly becoming an even bigger tyrant in the process. Mister Fantastic also planned to steal Doom out of Hell, because he believed that he was not being mistreated enough there.

To Richards's credit, it must be added that he still has human feelings and emotions. So, for the rest of his life, he will feel guilty for who his closest friends and especially Ben Grimm have become. It turns out that it was Reed, realizing from the very beginning that now his comrades-in-arms could be hated and feared, decided to flaunt their features, turning weakness into strength. In fact, he deliberately decided to make celebrities with stupid names out of the Fantastic Four so that people would forgive them for differences that could cause rejection and aggression. True, even this method did not always work: as soon as a loud man who calls himself the Archangel Gabriel descended from heaven, proclaim the impending end of the world and demand the death of the Fantastic Four, the friends immediately found themselves in the center of an angry crowd.

Typical scene for any fight involving Ben: head-on attack

Sue Storm: half a century of evolution

Nothing fancy, just an adult Franklin Richards heals Galactus with a wave of his hand.

To be honest, the first twenty years of the Fantastic Four's existence, Sue Storm was a useless appendage to the team. She had such limited abilities (invisibility - that's all) that two years later, Lee and Kirby added the ability to form force fields to her. However, this did not help either: Sue was worried for a long time only with new hairstyles and the opportunity to live a normal family life with her husband. She willingly took on the role of cook for the whole team, played the role of mommy for Johnny and Ben Grimm ...

Changes followed only in the early eighties, when John Byrne became the writer of the comic strip. It was with him that readers first saw what Susan Storm is capable of. Her transformation was facilitated by rather sad events - the loss of a child and brainwashing, but from these situations Sue emerged strong and confident in herself and, as a sign of the changes that had taken place, changed her name from Invisible Girl to Invisible a woman.

Now Doctor Doom considers Sue the most dangerous member of the Fantastic Four. Moreover, few in the entire pantheon of Marvel superheroes can match the angry Mrs. Richards.

That being said, Sue still has enough problems. First of all, they are associated with the upbringing of two children. The eldest son, Franklin, from birth possesses truly unlimited powers and in the future has every chance to command Galactus like a trained dog. However, these forces must first be tamed and learned to use them correctly. And in general, when your son risks growing up to be the most powerful creature in the Universe, you need to be very responsible in his upbringing, especially in matters of ethics, morality and the distinction between good and evil.

In addition, do not forget that Reed Richards is a disgusting family man. Sue and Reed's marriage has been on the verge of collapse more than once, and Sue left her husband at least several times. Moreover, Sue never experienced a lack of boyfriends: Namor regularly drove up to her (once he even tricked her down the aisle, but the wedding was declared invalid), and Black Panther, and others.

The tragedy of Benjamin Grimm

In the right company, you can drive to the next world

Ben Grimm also underwent a fairly significant evolution. For a start, he survived the metamorphoses hardest of all. Yes, he turned into an almost invulnerable and very dangerous fighter (properties are extremely necessary for a person with such an explosive character as Ben's), but, unlike the rest of the team, he has changed irreversibly. Only sometimes cruel fate returned him to his normal form, but each such transformation did not last long.

Ben had to say goodbye to his favorite hobbies - playing football and piloting planes. He also forgot about love. Even if there was someone who, like the blind sculptor Alicia Masters, expressed a romantic interest in Ben, his skin was too rough to feel the gentle touch of a woman. At the same time, over time, the Creature had a lot of romantic adventures - it even came to the point that two superheroines openly competed for his attention.

But the worst thing turned out to be different. Former friends are so used to the Thing that they have lost all need for Ben Grimm to exist. When Ben finally returned to his former form, it turned out that no one needed him. Numerous journalists disappeared somewhere, the Fantastic Four replaced him with Luke Cage, and Ben was too old to fly planes. As a result, Ben realized that he really needed the Thing. Fortunately, it turned out that the prudent Reed had long ago developed an exosuit that exactly mimicked the appearance of the Thing.

Ben later admitted that he went to bed for a long time in the hope of never waking up again. However, thanks to a loving family, Grimm managed to overcome everything. Many people forget that behind the facade of an eternally gloomy, discontented and explosive big man hides a rather educated and wise man.

The Bad Luck of the Human Torch

Johnny Storm. The main thing is that the suit fits

One might get the impression that Johnny Storm, compared to other members of the team, has no more serious problems at all than choosing a girl for an evening date. Johnny received superpowers before he could grow up, so for a long time the younger Storm, despite all his abilities, was simply not taken seriously.

It must be admitted that Johnny himself contributed a lot to this, since he often acted impulsively and thoughtlessly. He even tried several times to leave the ranks of the Four - however, every time he returned when his friends were in danger.

Storm was also unlucky on the love front. All his novels quickly ended - either due to too frequent absences for exploits, or due to other circumstances, as, for example, happened with Crystal, a young beauty from the Inhuman race. Johnny and Crystal at first sight fell in love with each other (and here it was clearly not without the will of the screenwriter, because great love came from literally nowhere), but very quickly found themselves on opposite sides of an impassable barrier that cut off Attilan, the hometown of the Inhumans, from the rest of the world.

At some point, Johnny even got married, but chose the wrong person for this. Not only was Alicia Masters a longtime sweetheart of the then absent Ben Grimm, but it turned out that Johnny was not married to Alicia herself, but to a Skrull spy named Lija who took her place. However, the girl really fell in love with Johnny and subsequently even saved him and the rest of the Four from danger several times.

In general, however, it must be admitted that, despite all the squabbles and differences, the Fantastic Four primarily remained a family, all members of which were ready to die for each other, and therefore they were much stronger together than alone.

Expanding boundaries

"Fantastic Four" quickly got out of the comic book series of the same name. To spur sales of Strange Tales magazine, it began publishing twelve-page stories of the Torch's solo adventures. The plot was mainly built around the school adventures of Johnny Storm, who was soon joined by the Thing. Over time, Ben got his own personal series, which was released for three whole years, and then survived an unsuccessful restart attempt in the mid-2000s.

In 1994, Marvel launched the Fantastic Power series, which follows the adult Franklin Richards. In 1996, Fantastic Four 2099 was launched, according to the plot of which the Four is transported to 2099, where everyone around them considers them to be clones of the original team. But both of these series did not last long.

On television, the Four were more fortunate. The first animated series appeared in 1967 and consisted of twenty episodes. The production was managed by the renowned studio HannaBarbera. The animation was pretty cheap, but the writers brought the team's story to the screen almost unchanged.

The next series appeared in 1978 and was remembered primarily by the fact that instead of the Torch (the rights to which were sold separately - by the way, nothing came of this deal), the GERBIE robot appeared in the team, clearly inspired by R2-D2 from Star Wars. Fans of comics instantly disliked the new hero, the series lasted only 13 episodes, but GERBIE turned out to be unexpectedly tenacious and even appeared in several comics.

The third animated version of "The Four" was released in 1994. The first season was remembered for low-quality animation and poor plots, but a sequel was nevertheless announced. By the second season, the situation had improved, but the series was not renewed for the third year. Galactus, the Silver Surfer, Doom and Namor were on the screen.

The last appearance of the Four on television was in 2006 and was intended for a very young audience. The series combined 2D and 3D animation, the characters were drawn in an anime style, and although most of the plots were new stories, the characters' characters and the spirit of the narrative generally followed the original source. A total of 26 episodes were filmed. You can conditionally divide the series into two parts. The first had a cross-cutting story, while the second consisted mainly of single episodes. The show fell victim to an incredibly weird screening schedule. At first, only 8 episodes were shown, after which the channel, without any explanation, removed the "Four" from the broadcasting grid. On the eve of the premiere of the feature film Invasion of the Silver Surfer, the series returned to the screens, but again lasted only 9 episodes.

The business was not limited to animated series. In the seventies, a radio play appeared in which Johnny Storm was voiced by a very young Bill Murray. The plots were taken directly from the comics, and Stan Lee read the introduction to each episode.

In the late 1980s, Constantine Film acquired the rights to film Fantastic Four, but due to a number of circumstances, production still did not begin. Since under the terms of the contract the studio would have lost the rights to the franchise if filming had not taken place before a certain date, a few days before the deadline, producer Bernd Eichinger urgently launched into production a low-budget category B film. The film was shot, but never released. and later, Eichinger was accused of planning to do just that from the very beginning. The director and actors were unaware of such a development of events. Eichinger himself denied everything, stating that Marvel executives decided to remove the film on the shelf, fearing that a low-budget craft with unknown actors would destroy the entire franchise.

Fourth Cinema of the previous convocation.

Be that as it may, the Four had to wait more than ten years until 20th Century Fox and director Tim Storey got down to business. The film was released in 2005 and grossed more than $ 330 million worldwide, although ratings from critics and audiences were very mixed. This did not stop Fox from releasing a sequel entitled "Rise of the Silver Surfer" just two years later, but this picture was expected to be even less successful, and in the end Fox decided to restart the entire series again.

The restart came out in August. Director Josh Trank focused on the Ultimate universe, although the plot was not based on any comic book story, and tried to make the superheroes more serious. Unfortunately, the picture was ruined by reshoots and re-editing at the last moment, turned out to be ragged and inconsistent and failed at the box office. After these alterations, Trunk renounced his creation - according to him, he presented a completely different film.

The 2015 Fantastic Four failed to revive the franchise.

End of an era

The ending of the comic history of the Four. Or not?

Fantastic Four sold so well that no one objected when Stan Lee put the slogan "The World's Greatest Comic Magazine" on the cover. By 2005, the Quartet had sold over 150 million issues worldwide, but to be honest, the magazine has sold worse than other Marvel titles in recent years.

For half a century, the Fantastic Four has traveled a long way, but its essence has remained unchanged.

Yes, Sue Storm during this time has become one of the strongest superheroines in Marvel, and the rest of the heroes have done serious work on themselves, but the rest of the time for the Four seemed to have stopped. About two dozen heroes visited its ranks, but the backbone remained the same. Each of the team members died and returned. Franklin Richards was born in 1968 and still hasn't reached maturity. Every time the writers proposed a drastic change in concept, it was always temporary. Therefore, the readers became uninteresting to follow the adventures of the Four - after all, they knew that the state of affairs in any case would remain unchanged.

It remained. Until recently. It has long been rumored on the network that the Marvel management is extremely dissatisfied with the fact that the rights to the film versions of some of the publishing house's cult series are in the wrong hands (although at one time only these transactions saved the company from bankruptcy). And if Spider-Man or X-Men are selling well enough, Marvel's low sales did not suit Marvel. Of course, if the film was successful, comic book sales could well take off, but the company's management decided not to risk it, and the 645th issue, released in April, was the last - at least for the near future.


Fantastic four in recent years have been haunted by failures - they temporarily leave the pages of comics, and the return to the movie screens did not work out. But all is not yet lost. Rumor has it that Marvel Studios may buy the rights to their heroes and try their luck with the adaptation again. And then the comics will return to the stores. In any case, the Quartet has gone through so much over the past half century that it clearly will not give up without a fight. It's not in her rules.

Fantastic Four Volume 3 Future Foundation (FF) Future Foundation Volume 2 Fantastic Four Volume 3 Fantastic Four Volume 4 Fantastic Four Volume 5

Fantastic Four comic review

Marvel is famous for its comic book series, where the main characters are not one hero, but a whole group. A striking example of such interaction between characters is Fantastic Four, consisting of several outstanding personalities.

Comic Fantastic Four Publishing History

Series comic Fantastic Four is the ancestor of graphic novels about the adventures of a group of heroes. The first publication took place back in 1961, when creators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby decided to answer the DC Comics story about the Justice League.

The Fantastic Four comics introduced several innovations and in many ways moved away from the canons that were established at that time. So, for example, the real personalities of the characters were revealed from the very beginning of the narrative. In addition, in the course of the development of events (and this is clearly visible if you look at the story in the Fantastic Four comics presented on the site), contradictions and scandals arise between the characters. They had their own flaws, doubts and fears, which allowed them to reveal the plot and evoke a sense of empathy in the reader. This technique helps to "feel" the character of each character and later became widely used in the genre.
Fanatastic four heroes biography

In order to get a better feel for the atmosphere of the Fantastic Four series, you should familiarize yourself with a brief biography of the team and the heroes separately. So, four friends - scientist Reed Richards, his beloved Sue Storm, her brother Johnny Storm and longtime friend of the scientist Ben Grimm, go into space on a ship designed by Richards. The purpose of the trip is to study the mysterious cosmic energy.
After their return from the trip, the heroes notice that they began to possess superpowers, and this gift cannot be wasted and the team quite logically takes the path of fighting evil in all its manifestations.

Reed Richards

The successful scientist Reed Richards, better known as Mister Fantastic, is one of the founding members of the Marvel Fantastic Four. Prior to gaining superpowers, Richards already had considerable fame, thanks to the widest knowledge in such fields of science as physics, mechanics, biology, engineering and electromechanics. It was he who designed the spaceship, thanks to the journey on which the four acquired their superhuman abilities. The reputable publisher Businessweek has named Mister Fantastic as one of the ten most intelligent comic book characters in the United States, which is a lot.
As a person, Reed Richards often appears rather cold and detached, but this impression is mistaken. As a scientist, he is primarily accustomed to relying on logic and common sense, so sometimes he forgets that feelings sometimes need not only to be experienced, but also to be shown.
Under the mysterious radiation, the scientist gains the ability to stretch his body like rubber, which he successfully uses in his superhero adventures, as the Fantastic Four comic tells about. In addition, he is a strong and strong-willed leader of the team, thanks to whom she often holds on. He treats friends and family with warmth and has great affection for them.

Susan Storm

The Invisible Woman or Susan Storm is the beloved of Mister Fantastic and the first female superhero in Marvel Comics. First appeared in Fantastic Four comic publication in 1961.
Susan was born into a prosperous family of scientists, but she had a difficult relationship with her parents, and she shifted most of her attention to her younger brother. After the death of their mother, brother and sister Storm moved to live with their aunt, whose house was located near the university where Richards studied.
After flying into space with other members of the group (which can be read about in the Fantastic Four comic in Russian), she acquired the ability to become invisible, as well as create and manipulate force fields.

Johnny Storm

Johnny Storm or Human Torch is another member of the Fantastic Four team and also Susan's brother. Like other members of the team, he appeared in the first series of the comic and was its main character.
Johnny grew up a nimble child and dreamed of becoming a race car driver, but his dreams were not destined to come true. Despite this, the passion for speed and adventure was satisfied, since after he returned from space, John was endowed with the ability to create and control a shell of fire around him, which, in addition to the usual setting fire to objects, allowed him to fly at a decent speed.

Benjamin Grimm

Benjamin Jacob Grimm or "Ben", better known as the Thing, is the fourth founding member of the Fantastic Four team. Ben studied with Reed Richards, but had no particular inclination for science. But he reached considerable heights, speaking for the university American football team. Later he was enlisted in the ranks of the armed forces, and later piloted the very ship on which the four went into space.
After being exposed to cosmic radiation, Ben's skin began to resemble a stone in its structure, and he reincarnated with a Thing. Among his abilities are bulletproof, as well as superhuman physical performance. So Benjamin takes the place of "stormtrooper" in the team of heroes.

Fantastic Four movie 2015

The popularity of the comic book about the adventures of heroes made it possible to adapt it, so the Fantastic Four movie 2015 is a completely logical development of the story. The on-screen tape was directed by Josh Trunk.
The plot of the film has little in common with canon comics and was created "based on" a series of graphic novels of the same name. A group of young people in the course of a secret experiment ends up in another dimension, where they are exposed to energy that changes the properties of the matter familiar to us. As a result, the four acquire superpowers and begin to fight evil, protecting the earth.

The film received mixed reviews, both critics and ordinary viewers, and was received rather negatively. According to the results of the film distribution, the tape became the least profitable among all the adaptations of the adventures of the fantastic four.

We haven't written about covers for a long time. More precisely, no, we just recently wrote about the covers. It was . But we haven't made our own selection for a long time. And today we understand a bunch of covers on which publishers periodically wrote The world’s Finest Comic Magazine! Meet the classic Fantastic Four covers.

Of course, over the 50 years of its existence, a lot has happened to the most famous Marvel family. Just a couple of years ago, the series exceeded the 600th issue, was reborn into the Future Foundation, and then what was not with them ... But most importantly, all this is on the covers.

So, here it is the first issue. 10 cents, November 1961. Full of pathos words in men and their full title in a frame. There are no complaints about Sue Storm: she is blonde, and there are possible complaints about the scriptwriters.

Amazing spider-man # 1

Yes, this is not a Fantastic Four, but Spider-Man (thanks Cap!). But nevertheless, this cover just had to get here! It was redrawn more than once for all sorts of holidays and not only. Why is the entire cast of the fantastic four on the cover of someone else's comic? It's simple: the publishers were afraid that the first issue of Spider-Man would not be popular.

As you know, in the comics industry it is customary to count issues, not years. But either then it was not yet in vogue, or I didn't want to write an anniversary issue in the middle of an important arch ... In any case, this is not only a well-known cover, but also a very famous issue. The Galactus saga is still considered one of the most important in FF history.

Kirby drew often large villains because Stan often slipped such scripts to him. Anyway, that's what they say. On this cover, the villain is by no means the first magnitude, but who cares? The prospect was not invented in vain.

The 100th issue is a very important milestone in the existence of any comic, especially for Marvel fans. The fact is that somewhere very close to the last comic, written and drawn by the most famous couple of the publishing house - Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, 102 to be exact.

The world’s Finest Comic Magazine! The epic battle between the Avengers and Ultron, the wedding of Quicksilver ... and all this is the 150th issue of the Fantastic Four. And comics, meanwhile, already cost a quarter of a dollar ...

By the release of the 200th issue of Fantastic Four, Marvel was criticized by many for rebranding, which consisted of the fact that the publishers changed the fonts. Cruel, huh? The fact that the drawing changed in comics never bothered, but the font ... But the point is simply that the series by that time was almost 20 years old. And let the 200th issue be doubled in size, doubled in tension and action, but the font ...