When is the day of agriculture in. How is the Day of Agriculture celebrated in Belarus? Farmer's Day in Russia: date, meaning

Date in 2019: October 13, Sunday.

Every day we go to the supermarket for milk, meat or bread. And we rarely think about the work of how many people invested in such familiar, such affordable products. There is a great opportunity to congratulate all agricultural workers on their professional day, which is celebrated in Russia annually in October.

When celebrated Second Sunday in October
Established In 1999, by Presidential Decree
Traditions Celebration events, concerts. Presentation of prizes, titles, awards, prizes. Organization of harvest festivals.

The naive idea that food comes to our table from the refrigerator is inherent only in very young children growing up in large metropolitan areas. It is far from being a secret for adults that a daily crust of bread and a glass of milk are available to humans, thanks to the tireless work of agricultural workers. We will congratulate these workers, who are not tired of the weekend, on their professional day in October, on the Day of Agricultural Workers.

Who is celebrating the holiday?

Crafts related to the cultivation and production of food products, the first that a person learned. After all, people are not able to live without food. The cultivation of cultivated plants and the raising of domestic animals joined the usual hunting and fishing.

Over time, subsistence farming began to be supplanted by new ways of managing. But trade and industry, construction and service industries have failed to overshadow the importance of rural labor.

In Russia, the agricultural industry had to go through a difficult path. Agrarians are familiar with the results of numerous land reforms. The peasants survived both collectivization and NEP. Residents of the villages were deprived of rights for a long time and worked simply for workdays. The transition to a market economy, to new forms of ownership did not undermine agriculture.

Despite all the vicissitudes, changes in politics and economics, the day of an agricultural worker always began at dawn. After all, a ripe crop and hungry cattle are not able to wait until officials decide how to get rid of pressing problems in the countryside and improve the lives of people working on the land.

Under the influence of ill-considered reorganizations, many collective farms fell apart. Fertile land is overgrown with weeds, and the number of livestock has decreased by an order of magnitude.

Only thanks to new reforms and investments, agriculture has received a new round of development. Huge funds are being invested in the development of the industry, and this has yielded tangible results.

By the end of 2013, the volume of manufactured products reached the pre-perestroika level. In addition, the quality has improved significantly, and the losses from storage and transportation are minimized.

Due to dynamic growth, agriculture took a leading position in 2015 in terms of increasing output. And the import of products has been reduced by almost three times over the past 3-4 years. The export of agricultural products, on the contrary, has increased sixfold over the decade.

In 2016, for the first time in the past half century, Russia ranks first in the export of wheat in the world, displacing the Americans from the pedestal.

Whom will we congratulate on the Day of the Agricultural Worker in 2019? The industry employs 10% of the country's population. So millions of citizens consider the holiday their professional.

These are, first of all, ordinary workers of farms and fields - workers who from dawn to dawn, without days off and holidays, plow and sow, mow and thresh, water and fertilize. Their caring hands look after living creatures, pick berries, harvest crops in the fields.

These are management personnel and specialists who ensure the uninterrupted operation of agricultural farms. These are reindeer herders, beekeepers, and workers involved in storage, transportation, processing of agricultural products.

history of the holiday

The agricultural sector plays a fundamental strategic role not only in the development of the country's economy, but also in the well-being of the population. Therefore, the work of almost a third of the working-age population could not remain unnoticed by the state. On the basis of the Presidential Decree signed in 1999, a village holiday appears. The Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers has become a professional celebration for all farmers and livestock breeders.

On their holiday, the workers of the land and the rural intelligentsia accept congratulations and arrange festivities on a grand scale. Indeed, in many regions, by the second Sunday of October, harvesting has come to an end, and there is an opportunity to celebrate the harvest festival.

Every worker knows in advance what date is the Day of the Agricultural Worker in 2019. The celebrations will invariably be held on the second Sunday in October, and the date falls on the 13th.

About the profession

The vastness of Russia stretches for hundreds of thousands of kilometers, covering various climatic zones. This has left its mark on the regional development of agriculture.

World opinion about the harsh Russian winters has given rise to myths associated with the difficulties of creating an efficient industry. Left an imprint on the spread of tales and the failure of the 90s.

Of course, even today many problems of the industry have not been resolved. The issues of obsolete technology and equipment are especially acute. But, despite the difficulties of rural work, the prestige of professions is gradually returning its positions.

Who is working in agriculture today? First of all, these are workers in the crop sector. In the southern regions, heat-loving grapes and even tea are grown. Large areas of fertile black soil are given over to the cultivation of wheat and other grain crops. The chief, of course, in the field has always been the agronomist, and he subordinates both field workers and machine operators.

Livestock and poultry farming is developed everywhere, regardless of the region and climatic conditions. The industry employs cattle breeders, poultry breeders, pig breeders and milking machine operators.

Russia is also rich in exclusive agricultural products. Natural berries and herbs, mushrooms are just one of the directions. For the cultivation of raspberries and currants, the country is in first place in the world ranking. Beekeeping also occupies a leading position.

The country is also known as an exporter of rare caviar and fish. Reindeer meat supplies, which are establishing farms in Western Siberia, are also gaining popularity.

Russian delicacies are also pleasing:

  • Murmansk scallops or Baltic sea urchins;
  • milk of elk, yak, deer.
  • rare fish: Black Sea anchovy or Arkhangelsk toothfish;
  • mushrooms black truffle;
  • exquisite meat of Tuvan yak or Yakut horse meat.

And in all these areas, their own specific specialists are involved, who know the intricacies of work and love their work.

Congratulations to agricultural workers

We congratulate all agronomists and plowmen, livestock breeders and beekeepers, machine operators and milkmaids on this holiday and bow low to the belt. Let your hands do not know fatigue and there will be days for a good rest. May the harvests delight with their abundance, and the weather with stability.

Your work is noble,

You feed people tirelessly.

For the owner of farms and arable lands

Please accept the words of gratitude.

Thank you for the bread, for the vegetables and porridge.

Thanks to all your hard work.

For getting up from the dawn,

Find harmony with the ground.

We will not tire of thanking you

And give words of delight.

Larisa, 24 August 2016.

MOSCOW, Dec 23 - RIA Novosti. The outgoing year for agriculture can be called anything but simple. The difficulties were different: both within the country and during export; they were associated with both the weather and the human factor.

Nevertheless, either due to these difficulties, or in spite of, the domestic agro-industrial complex in 2017 set a variety of new records, providing more than one reason for the pride of the Russian authorities.

But if 2017 was such a busy year, what can you expect from next year? Will it be as challenging? It's hard to say. Who, for example, in December last year could have guessed that such uncomfortable weather this spring could lead to such an outstanding harvest of 130 million tons of grain?

On the other hand, the tasks that will need to be addressed in 2018 are already visible - these are the development of the logistics infrastructure and support for domestic demand.

Let's catch up and overtake America

The main agrarian event of 2017 for Russia is undoubtedly new records of grain export and harvest. The first record was set at the end of June: according to the results of the 2016-2017 agricultural year (from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017), grain exports from Russia amounted to 35.474 million tons, which is 4.7% more than in the previous season.

Wheat supplies abroad last season increased by 10% - up to 27.075 million tons. These indicators updated the achievements of the previous agricultural year: then the country exported 33.9 million tons of grain, including 25 million tons of wheat.

And although last season Russia lost the first place in the world for the supply of wheat (the United States exported about 29 million tons), both the Russian authorities, analysts, and even the United States Department of Agriculture expect Russia to return to the title of leader this agricultural year.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation expects that grain exports from the Russian Federation in the current agricultural year will amount to 45 million tons, and wheat supplies may reach 40 million tons. According to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) of the Russian Federation, as of December 13, grain exports from the Russian Federation increased by 34% compared to the previous season - up to 24.5 million tons. Wheat was exported 33.2% more - 19.074 million tons.

By the way, one should not forget about the outstanding results shown by the export of Russian sunflower oil. Although Russia is in second place after Ukraine in this indicator (according to the results of the 2016-2017 season, more than 2.2 million tons of sunflower oil were shipped), the achievement of this level, coupled with the expansion of sales markets, can be considered a success of the Russian agro-industrial complex.

"Tomato Wars"

The outgoing year was also remembered for another event related to export, which was quite extended in time. The supply of Russian grain, and other products as well, could suffer from the restrictions that Turkey either introduced or canceled during the year - and this country is one of the main importers of domestic agricultural products in general and grain in particular.

Russia has imposed an embargo on the supply of a number of products from Turkey since January 1, 2016, in response to a Turkish Air Force attack on a Russian Su-24 in Syria at the end of November 2015. In addition, the Rosselkhoznadzor in 2016 banned the supply of Turkish tomatoes, peppers, pomegranates, eggplants, lettuce and iceberg lettuce, zucchini and pumpkins to the Russian Federation.

Since the fall of last year, the restrictions have been gradually lifted. As a result, since the beginning of June 2017, Russia has retained only the ban on the import of tomatoes, as well as the restrictions of the Rosselkhoznadzor. In parallel, negotiations were underway to open the Russian market for Turkish tomatoes - and the domestic market is very important for Turkish producers.

And while the countries were negotiating to lift all trade restrictions, the Turkish authorities took measures that - directly or indirectly - pushed Russia to lift their bans. For example, since March 15, Turkey has changed the procedure for the import of certain types of agricultural products for processing within the country, including wheat and sunflower oil.

At the same time, Russia was not included in the list of countries eligible for duty-free supplies. Later, Turkey announced the abolition of these restrictions, but at the end of May, several Russian and Turkish agricultural associations reported that Ankara had introduced new barriers to trade. goods.

Since October 9, Turkey has introduced new restrictions on the supply of agricultural products from the Russian Federation: it becomes mandatory to certify invoices submitted to customs services when importing wheat, sunflower oil, corn and a number of other goods, the country of origin of which is Russia.

Ultimately, Russia partially lifted the ban on the import of Turkish tomatoes - by the end of 2017, Turkey can supply no more than 50 thousand tons of tomatoes to the Russian Federation. However, there has not yet been any evidence that Turkey's October restrictions have been lifted. And all these events were unofficially referred to as the "tomato war".

The Taming of the Shrew

About the history of another record - grain harvest - we can say unequivocally: "This thing is stronger than Goethe's Faust." And the point here is not only the significance of the very fact of achieving the highest harvest in the entire history of Russia, but also in how exactly this peak was conquered. And the ascent was not easy.

The harvest in 2016 amounted to 120.7 million tons of grain - the highest figure in recent Russian history. The first official forecasts of the Ministry of Agriculture for the harvest of the current year - they usually appear in April, when it becomes clear how the winter crops survived the winter - were quite accurate: more than 100 million tons, more than 110 million.

However, the weather made its own adjustments: April and May this year were very cold, in the regions, even in these months, sleet was observed. And the usual rain was a frequent visitor in the fields. Already in May, the Agrarian Ministry stated: the rate of sowing of spring crops in 2017 lags behind last year.

This posed a threat to the harvest. In early June, the Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev admitted: due to bad weather conditions and a protracted spring, this year's grain harvest will exceed 100 million tons, but will not exceed 110 million.

But, as they say, if it has disappeared somewhere, it has arrived somewhere. The winter crops survived the past winter quite well, and the prolonged rains filled the earth with moisture.

In July, Petr Chekmarev, the head of the crop production department of the Ministry of Agriculture, speaking at the Field Day in Kazan (ironically, to the accompaniment of a powerful rain) recalled 1978: there was heavy harvesting, heavy rains, but then Russia (as part of the USSR) reaped a record crop - 127 , 4 million tons. A good harvest, according to Chekmarev, could be seen this year, if the weather smiled at the farmers in August-September. His words were prophetic. The weather in autumn was really good, and with the course of the autumn work it became clear: there will be a new record.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, as of December 18, the country harvested 140.4 million tons of grain in bunker weight, and the harvest in net weight, according to Rosstat, in 2017 amounted to 134.1 million tons. This is 11% more than last year and 5.3% more than the historic record in 1978.

That the coming year?

The answer to this question from the perspective of December 2017: nothing seems to be wrong.

Agricultural production in Russia is growing and there is no reason for it to decline sharply. Financing of the agro-industrial complex from the budget next year will remain at the level of the outgoing year - it will amount to 241.986 billion rubles. If the export of grain does not fail, then at least one record is guaranteed for the country.

So far, the forecast of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation assumes a harvest in 2018 at the level of 110.6 million tons of grain - not a small figure at all. On the other hand, collecting high harvests for several years in a row, Russia may face a decline in world grain prices, which, in turn, can cause a reduction in the profitability of domestic farmers.

"In a situation of a sharp increase in production, indeed, prices are often reduced on the world market. But Russian products are competitive, therefore, in the long term, the share of Russian exporters will grow," said Daria Snitko, head of the Gazprombank Center for Economic Forecasting.

In turn, Elena Razumova, an expert at the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, pointed out that at the end of 2017, it became obvious that the logistics infrastructure was not ready for ultra-high yields, both in terms of transportation and storage of grain.

In addition, industry participants have been saying for several years that the dependence on imported capital goods in Russian agriculture raises concerns.

"Many agricultural producers do not use domestic seeds, and some are significantly dependent on imported seed material, in particular beet growers. Solving the problem of localizing production of means of production - seeds, machinery, veterinary preparations and much more - will be relevant in the coming years," Snitko said.

In turn, Razumova from the Analytical Center admitted that a decrease in profitability in key sectors of the agro-industrial complex - these are grain, oil and sugar segments - could become a problem. "To support it, the state will have to actively stimulate investments," she said.

Agriculture of the Republic of Mari El

Holiday "Day of workers in agriculture and processing industry" is celebrated in Russia every year on the second Sunday in October. The holiday was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 1999.

In 2017, "Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry Workers" is celebrated on October 8th.

The Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry Workers is a holiday for workers of fields and farms, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises, farms, agricultural scientists, rural intelligentsia, workers in the food and processing industries.

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the economy of the Republic of Mari El, which determines the food, economic, environmental and social security of the region, the development efficiency of which has a decisive impact on the level and quality of life of the population.

The main branches of agriculture in the republic are plant growing and animal husbandry. Over the past years, in the context of the implementation of the import substitution program, the livestock industry in the republic has been one of the priorities. The share of livestock in 2016 accounted for 64.1% of the total agricultural production of the republic.

During the period from 2012 to 2015, agricultural production in the republic developed evenly. In 2016 there was a slight decline and the index of agricultural production in farms of all categories was 95.6% compared to the previous year in a comparable estimate.

Agricultural output
in farms of all categories

(in actual prices; million rubles)






Agricultural products:

in actual prices






in% to the previous year 1)






Crop production:

in actual prices






in% to the previous year 1)






Livestock products:

in actual prices






in% to the previous year 1)






1) In a comparable assessment

The main producers of agricultural products in 2016 were agricultural organizations, whose share in the structure of agricultural production amounted to 57.0%.

Agricultural production
in farms of all categories







Grain (in weight after processing)


















Livestock and poultry for slaughter (slaughter weight)












Eggs, thousand pieces






In 2016, meat production decreased by 12.7% compared to 2015.

For the successful implementation of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food Markets in the Republic of Mari El for 2014-2020, the organizational work of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Mari El is aimed at mobilizing all available resources.

The implementation of the leading directions for the development of animal husbandry in the republic is expected with the help of the subprograms "Development of the sub-sector of animal husbandry, processing and sale of livestock products", "Development of beef cattle breeding", "Support for small forms of farming". This also includes target program instruments - republican target programs (for example, "Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020"), a number of departmental target programs of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Mari El. In 2015, the State Program was amended to include additional goals and objectives aimed at accelerating import substitution and increasing the volume of domestic agricultural products.

In order to increase the sale of agricultural products of local production in the republic, agricultural fairs "weekend", thematic and holiday fairs, participation of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex in exhibition and fair events and agricultural fairs outside the Republic of Mari El have been organized.

Your hard work has not been lost in vain,
The heart pleases with a weighty harvest,
The barns are filled to the brim
Our native land is flourishing!

Agricultural workers,
We sincerely congratulate you,
You create countries of wealth,
Bow to you for this from all of us!

Let in the measure of sun and rain
Will happen over the fields
So that the harvest grows more fun
We were pleased with you.

Also, salaries are stronger,
Good luck and luck.
For you, field workers.
And on a holiday - pleasure.

Happy Agriculture Day
All working people!
After all, by your labors
Our country lives on.

May the yield grow stronger
There will be no rodents.
I wish only the best
Hardy varieties.

I wish you health and happiness
For years to come.
And life is long, long
Not less than up to 100!

You are the pride and support
The breadwinners of the whole country.
Your work is very dear to us,
Its fruits are visible.

All agricultural workers
The holiday is celebrated
Harvest of congratulations
Today they collect.

We glorify the golden hands,
We say thank you.
We wish you happiness, health
To the most glorious craftsmen.

Feeds us and gives us water
Happy Holidays
You are worth today.

We are grateful to you
For your daily work,
For bread, for milk,
For meat and canned food.

We wish you
So that the fields give birth,
Fat herds
We walked through the meadows.

Let them be rich
Your harvests,
We are love and happiness
We wish you on your holiday.

Let the harvest be just like in a fairy tale,
It grows, grows big, very large.
The rosy side of the fruit delights the eyes,
Wheat and rye flow like a river.

Health and strength, and a commercial streak,
Family support, optimism, kindness.
We all congratulate you on the holiday today,
Honor and praise to agricultural workers!

To all field workers,
To those who breed cattle,
To all vegetable pickers -
Thanks for your work!

We want to wish you strength
And high salaries
After all, your work is invaluable
On wide margins!

May a rich harvest
The land will give you
Well, let the drought
Your land is leaving!

Farm and field workers
Congratulations to all of us today.
Work to make it more fun -
We wish you a decent salary.

Taking care of us all
You have dedicated your work and your life.
May there be health and success.
Thank you for feeding us.

Bread, vegetables and milk
You give us every day.
May everything be easy for you
Let you live excellently.

There is nothing better in the world,
How to master this specialty.
The one who works humbly in the villages,
Saves the world from hunger every day!

Gardeners, farmers, milkmaids,
Let your professions are not bright -
Being a programmer is now more profitable,
But your work is more necessary and noble.

Let your troops do not dwindle
And they grow, on the contrary, and get fat.
May everyone honor and respect your work,
And the government supplies finance.

For your work, for the results
Thank you country
You feed the people a lot,
We are always full with you.

I wish you good health,
Favors of fate
So that you can breathe freely in the field,
So that labor will bear fruit!

Holiday "Day of workers in agriculture and processing industry" celebrated in Russia annually on the second Sunday of October. In 2017, "Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry Workers" is celebrated on October 8th.

Holiday Day of workers in agriculture and processing industry was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 1999 No.

On this holiday, not only workers in agriculture and the processing industry are honored, but also all those who, from dawn to dawn, without days off and vacations, work on the land, grow bread and vegetables, supply milk, meat and other food products to our tables. ...

The Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers is a holiday of workers of fields and farms, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises, farms, agricultural scientists, rural intelligentsia, workers of the food and processing industries.

With their selfless and conscientious work, workers in agriculture and the processing industry provide the population of Russia with high-quality food.

Stabilization and increase in the production of basic types of food based on the introduction of resource-saving technologies, expanding the range of products is the key to the successful development of agriculture in Russia.

Agriculture is one of the backbone sectors of the economy of any country. Regardless of the soil and climatic conditions, even the most developed industrial countries are investing very large sums of money in the development of domestic agriculture. The land available in the Russian Federation is a huge productive force given by nature. "Labor is the father of wealth, and the land is its mother" - this postulate of the economic doctrine of the Physiocrats was included in political economy. In agriculture, land and plants, like a huge chemical-biological machine, work using the energy of the sun.

The crisis in agriculture and the decline in its production immediately inflicts a heavy blow on the entire economy, since it leads to the loss of a huge amount of free natural resources, but these losses have to be paid for when importing food.

Most of the territory of Russia lies in the zone of risky farming. In large areas, yields fluctuate greatly depending on weather conditions. You have to spend every effort to achieve good harvest performance.

Agriculture is a strategically important industry for our country. A lot of tasks have accumulated here that have not been solved for decades. Today in agriculture there are a number of systemic problems that hinder the further development of the industry. High production costs and an outdated technological base made the products of the domestic agriculture and fishery, food and processing industries limitedly competitive in relation to food products, which are currently saturated on the world market.

To solve existing problems in the near future, it is necessary to implement a whole range of measures. A federal law "On the development of agriculture" was adopted, which provides for the adoption and implementation of the state program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food.

The state program for the development of agriculture is a document that defines the goals and main directions of the development of agriculture and the regulation of these markets for a medium-term five-year period, financial support and mechanisms for the implementation of the developed measures.

Agro-industrial complex and its significance

All over the world agricultural products are not just a commodity, they are a strategic commodity, one of the foundations of the normal existence and progress of society. Therefore, support for agro-industrial production is the most important task of the state's economic policy.

The agro-industrial complex is the most important component of the Russian economy, where products vital for society are produced, and a huge economic potential is concentrated. It employs almost 30% of those working in the sphere of material production, employs a fifth of production assets, and creates about a third of the gross national income. The development of the agro-industrial complex decisively determines the state of the entire national economic potential, the level of food security of the state and the socio-economic situation in society.

The most important link in the agro-industrial complex is agriculture. It occupies a special place not only in the agro-industrial complex, but also in the entire national economy. The population's demand for consumer goods is almost 75% covered by agriculture. At the same time, food costs account for about half of the budget of an average Russian family.

The state of agricultural production determines the food security of the state.

Agricultural production is associated with biological and natural processes, is directly dependent on climatic factors, involvement in the production of man, land, plants, animals, diverse in its composition and purpose of fixed and circulating capital and is a very complex form of economic activity.

At the same time, regardless of nationality, level of development, forms of ownership, methods of its organization, agriculture has its own specific features inherent only in it, significantly distinguishing it from all other sectors of the national economic complex. These features are most significantly manifested in a market economy with free competition and insufficient government regulation of the ongoing processes. As a result, in most countries of the world, not only the need for state regulation of agriculture is recognized, but specific legislative acts have been adopted, on the basis of which effective directions and programs have been developed that ensure the sustainable development of not only agricultural industries, but also all spheres of activity and living conditions. rural population.