Technical equipment of events from and to. Technical equipment of events Equipment of the event

If you dream that your holiday will be effective, dignified and luxurious, then you should think about the technical side of the event. Immediately, we note that the technical equipment must be professional, only qualified specialists who know all the features of special equipment should use it during the event. If you contact our agency of holidays "Art-Show", then you will take the right step towards organizing your holiday. We cooperate with the best specialists and will recommend real professionals to you.

Types of technical equipment for a holiday or event

Celebration is a responsible process that requires careful preparation. It will be required not only to think over the script, organize a show program, but also to use high-quality and high-quality equipment. It is the technical equipment of the event that ensures the high-quality conduct of the entire event.

By contacting our agency of holidays "Art-Show", you have an excellent opportunity to order the services of specialists who will use high-tech, modern equipment in their work. Everyone with whom we cooperate is ready to offer the following types of technical equipment:

  • light and sound equipment - during the event, the power of musical equipment is of great importance. In the process of choosing a specialist, it is important to correctly approach the selection of equipment, taking into account the size and volume of the site where the holiday will take place. And in order for the show program or the performance of the artists to be amazing, spectacular and brilliant, lighting technical equipment will be used;
  • projection equipment - recently it is this technical equipment that enjoys incredible popularity. This is obvious, since with the help of such equipment it is possible to demonstrate everything that happens on the stage. Even if the guests sit remotely, in the corner of the banquet hall, with such equipment, they will see everything and actively participate in the event;
  • stage structures - the entertainment program must necessarily take place on a special stage or podium so that all guests in the hall can watch what is happening. Many establishments are not endowed with such a platform and then it will be necessary to install special stage structures. Those partners with whom our agency cooperates are reliable and responsible specialists who are ready to erect structures of any complexity in a short time;
  • special effects - of course, all the entertainment of a holiday or event depends on just such equipment. Lasers, various pyrotechnic effects will be the highlight of the whole event. All invited people will be impressed by what they see;
  • tents and awnings - such equipment and equipment is intended for holding a holiday in the bosom of nature. Thanks to such structures, it is possible to set up spacious, luxurious banquet halls right in nature. They will not only shelter from the rain and hot sun, but also from the wind;
  • event furniture - today it is more important than ever to hold various outdoor events. Organizing an event on the restaurant's terrace is an ideal place. But if the event will be organized remotely from civilization, then you need to think not only about tents and awnings, but also about furniture. All items that are offered by the partners of our agency of holidays "Art-Show" are exquisite and elegant products. They will complement the tents with comfort and coziness.

In our agency you can order full technical support for the events that you are planning. We will help you not only prepare your event by writing a script for the holiday, selecting presenters and artists for your program.

Proconcert agency organizes holidays on a turnkey basis, including the necessary technical support. Of course, we undertake all work on the installation of equipment. If necessary, together with lighting and musical equipment, we will provide a specialist to solve technical issues during the event.

What equipment might you need for the holidays?

The list of required technical support depends on the level of preparation of the site where you are holding the event. Before renting equipment, check what is already in the arsenal of your site. If you are facing a large-scale event and a lot will depend on the quality of the equipment, we recommend that you take the trouble and check the quality of the equipment in advance. To clarify the list of equipment that needs to be rented, and not look for what you need at the last minute.

Proconcert agency offers the following equipment for rent:

  • Professional lighting devices
  • Devices for lighting effects and light control
  • CD - players
  • Mixing consoles
  • Headphones and essential switches
  • Professional DJ equipment
  • Acoustic systems and sound amplification systems
  • Microphones
  • Monitors

They turn to our agency for rental equipment for celebrations and other events. We organize technical support for weddings, corporate celebrations, presentations and opening ceremonies, awards. We are also involved in large-scale day-level events in the city.

In addition to the technical support of events, the Proconcert agency provides a full range of services for organizing and conducting outstanding events. We are contacted if you need to make a "turnkey" holiday, from the idea and selection of artists to the event. The advantages of entrusting the technical organization of the holiday "from" and "to" to the agency are obvious:

  • We are fully responsible for the technical support of your event and guarantee the high-quality operation of the equipment that we provide for rent.
  • Ordering all equipment for rent is profitable not only because of the quality assurance. By renting equipment in one place, you save on both rental and transportation costs. Add to that a precise understanding of who is in charge of the technical support.
  • It happens that when ordering equipment in different places, you can get low-quality equipment for rent. And it may turn out at the most inopportune moment - at the event itself. By ordering us technical support "from" and "to", you transfer the responsibility for technical training to our specialists. We check the quality of the equipment we lease without fail. And in case of faults, we eliminate them on our own.
  • Entrusting organizational issues to Proconcert agency, you can be calm and confident that your event will go as you planned it.

Our equipment rental opportunities are not limited to concert equipment and lighting fixtures. You can rent any equipment that may be required for the event. We are ready to fully equip an event of any scale with everything you need. From children's birthday to the birthday of the city. You don't need to look for anything else. If you contacted the Proconcert agency and entrusted us with the organization of your event, we will carry out all the technical part ourselves.

What else can you order for rent?

  • Tents and awnings for open air events
  • Modular stages and podiums (including editing)
  • Dishes, textiles and necessary furniture
  • Fencing to divide space at your event
  • Electric generators
  • Projectors, screens and press-walls
  • Furniture and equipment for press conferences

If you do not see the equipment you need in this list, call our specialist at Proconcert. Surely we can find everything we need or offer another optimal solution. To get information about what is needed for your event and how much it will cost, call our manager by phone -. We will be happy to answer your questions and recommend the best solution.

In order to organize a scientific conference, corporate event, seminar, product presentation, anniversary or wedding, it is necessary to carefully think over the program, as well as the list of necessary technical devices.

Professional equipment should be selected based on the characteristics of the venue, program, and audience characteristics. Then you get excellent sound, spectacular light and your entertainment or business event will be flawless.

"Mediasystem Group" is an organization that provides technical support for major events. The specialists of the presented organization will select the necessary equipment. The company is able to offer a wide range of LED screens, video floors, video walls, speaker systems of various power, multimedia video projectors using innovative 3D technology, plasma, liquid crystal panels, video cameras, high-quality video signal management systems, video conferencing, touch-screen kiosks, monitors and much more.

In order to ensure complete fire safety of a room equipped with high-tech devices, all work must be performed by qualified specialists.

Every event needs a soundtrack. The selection of the necessary devices should be based on the area of ​​the room, the planned program, and other factors.

Let's consider the main advantages of renting devices for light and sound compared to purchasing them:

There is no need to resolve issues related to storage, maintenance of expensive equipment;

You can order new equipment for each event that meets modern requirements;

No need to independently engage in transportation, installation, professional configuration of devices;

The cost of renting equipment is much lower compared to purchasing it.

The Mediasystem Group company carries out complex equipping with the necessary equipment for any event. The range of services includes the following components:

Selection of the necessary equipment corresponding to the venue, goals and the program itself;

Transportation, installation of equipment;

Stylization, special effects;

Configuring devices.

In the presented company, you can rent all the necessary devices for your business, festive event, regardless of its scale and level of complexity.

Technical support of social and cultural events


  1. Development of artistic and technical techniques. Functions

Technical means at every stage of preparation


  1. Hardware and installation



Currently, the issue of technical equipment for social and cultural events is becoming more and more relevant. This is due to the expansion of commercial activities in the market of symbolic products, the emergence of innovative socio-cultural projects, increased competition between various organizations and a constant struggle for the attention of the audience.

The undoubted success of any social and cultural event is achieved by the effective use of technical means for the director and effective for the viewer. At the same time, technical means can act not only as equipment for the socio-cultural program of the event, but also assist in the development of this program from the initial to the final stage, facilitate the work of the director, creative and technical group.

C there is a field of theory and practice associated with the use of various artistic and technical means in order to create a single artistic form of the event - scenography. If the artistic design presupposes, first of all, the participation of technical means in the design of an already developed stage action, then the scenography poses a different task, more creatively, - participation in the creation of the action itself by various artistic and technical means. All artistic, decorative and technical means, which are used by the club institutions in the implementation of the script-director's conception of this or that program, events, are considered by the scenography as elements that create a single artistic form of this program.

  1. Development of artistic and technical techniques.

Functions of technical means at each stage of preparation


The so-called "complex use of technical means" makes it possible to understand precisely the scenographic approach. The term "complex use of technical means" is often interpreted from a quantitative point of view: the more the organizer (director, manager of social and cultural activities, etc.) was able to use various technical means in the design of the event, the better. At the same time, the main and only criterion for the effectiveness of their use is technical compliance with GOSTs.

Scenography, developing the concept of the event as a whole, as it were, unites within its framework all the main components from which an integral form is created: the action of the participants and the play of the performers, as well as the script-director's solution, artistic and decorative, lighting, sound solutions. In socio-cultural events, we are talking not only about solving the stage area, but also about the entire space: the stage, auditorium, foyer, club building and approaches to it. At the same time, all available means are guided by the solution of the main task - the creation of an artistically integral event with an optimal environment for intra-class interpersonal communication. Thus, the main elements of scenography in social and cultural events are: artistic and decorative solution of the interior and stage space, stage technique, lighting, sound solutions.

If we proceed from the fact that any cultural event goes through three main stages of creation (scenario - direction - performance), then the complex use of technical means presupposes, first of all, their use either directly as means of artistic expression at each of these stages, or as means of optimization actions. Each stage has its own expressive means, and a creative club worker must clearly understand the possibilities of technical means in them.

As you know, script-dramatic visual and expressive means include: plot and composition, monologues and dialogues of participants, a system of artistic images, situations and actions, the atmosphere of an event, etc.

Directing and staging means in social and cultural activities: active actors and real heroes, directed by the director, mise-en-scenes, artistic and decorative solutions, light, sound and all other means of creating an event environment.

Performing means: actions and actions of the participants, their reaction to the environment and assessments, internal monologues, tempo rhythm, as well as professional skill in various types of creativity - song, dance, music, etc.

Thus, the problem of the complex use of technical means consists primarily in the development of artistic and technical methods, their functional application at each of the creative stages. And the development of these techniques is possible only on the basis of an analysis of the accumulated experience, primarily in the field of technology. But what does it mean to analyze the technology of a socio-cultural event? It is primarily to look for an answer to the question "why?" Why is there a screen hanging here, otherwise the projection is on the curtain; why is there a props, and there are real objects; why is there an exhibition here and a radio newspaper there; here marches are heard, and there is chamber music, etc.?

Analyzing the features of the environment in the involved space of various forms of social and cultural activity, two main artistic and technical principles of its organization can be distinguished.The first is characterized by the following features:

  • a real object with a biography and a certain social significance dominates as a detail;
  • the composition of the involved space is the environment in which the real life of the audience takes place;
  • assembly transformations are the result of the real action of the audience, the form of their will.

This artistic and technical principle is inherent in such forms of work as exhibitions, gatherings, grand unveiling of monuments, as well as club events of a ceremonial nature (meetings, seeing off, honoring, etc.). Here, all the technical means used are aimed at emphasizing the symbolism in the arrangement of the participants, in their costumes, to convey or emotionally enhance the sound of the biography of the detail, to emphasize the significance of the changes taking place, that is, the mounting transformation. In this case, these transformations (passages with banners, emblems, etc., cutting the ribbon, dropping the veil from the monument, singing hymns, etc.) always have a great social meaning, technical means strive to fully reveal it to the audience.

The second principle creates a conditional environment, which, moreover, is given through the perception of the world of conditional heroes and is characterized by different signs:

  • a plausible, but decorative detail with a revealed poetic essence dominates, so to speak, with a naked second plan;
  • the composition of the space involved only resembles the scene of the action;
  • the means of mounting transformation are completely analogous to theatrical ones.

In this case, additional tasks fall on the technical means to create the illusion of the reality of the proposed circumstances, i.e., the details and composition of the stage on which the action unfolds, but often also to imitate the action itself. Both of these principles in different proportions and combinations are present in most forms of socio-cultural activity. This artistic and technical peculiarity, with careless attention, often leads to the creation of a false environment, which today is one of the most serious shortcomings of many social and cultural events.

It is the mixing of the artistic and technical principles of organizing the environment that explains the situations when the audience is either constrained by a formal atmosphere of unnecessary pomp and pomp, which is perceived by the participants as cold formality, or paralyzed by an inappropriate game convention, in which the audience is clearly not disposed to participate. It must be said that, unfortunately, very often employees of various cultural institutions create a conditional environment and offer a real audience to exist in it like an actor for a long time. But such a situation is possible only in a mass action of a festive nature, when the audience knows in advance and prepares to play its role in the general game.

A typical example of inconsistency is a situation when a small team (brigade, team, etc.) is invited to celebrate one or a group of their comrades and find themselves in an environment dominated by marches, solemn ceremonial lights, an abundance of slogans and posters, large-format film exhibitions, etc. etc. In this environment, a lively relationship does not arise, this event is not aimed at achieving the intended goals.

It is important to note that when the nature of the event and the artistic and technical content and the creation of its environment coincide, the audience always has a feeling of satisfaction.

Technical means are a bright auxiliary means of artistic expression not only in creating the environment, but also in developing the main components of the creative concept, in particular, the plot-compositional solution.

If we proceed from the fact that a plot, for example, in a club drama, is a combination of some phenomena, events (or game elements) arranged in a certain sequence and revealing the topic in a planned volume, characterizing a particular conflict, then it should be noted that that technical means can play a significant role in its development.

In working on a plot, the main creative difficulties in the development of a socio-cultural event arise when solving three problems:

  1. development of a certain sequence of presentation of the material, the logic of the development of the main idea, which is associated with the search for an interesting scenario move.
  2. the organization on this basis of eventful, i.e. conflictual, action.
  3. development of an artistic and figurative solution to the entire concept, i.e., the creation of a single artistic form of the event.

In solving all these difficult tasks, technical means can act as irreplaceable assistants. Take, for example, the participation of technical means in the construction of an event in a script. To begin with, consider the chain of fact - document - event through the prism of technical means.

All these various means, in which certain facts from our life are recorded, act as documents for us. After all, they not only preserve information about a fact for a long time, but also certify its authenticity. A document is a way of fixing a fact by some means. And when we say that drama is of a documentary nature, we mean, first of all, that it is based on facts that took place in life and recorded in various ways,

Technical means of fixing a fact have a number of advantages over others. First, they have a large so-called "information capacity" (for example, a slide portrait in color provides instant information about a person in several parameters at once: age, appearance, mood, character, etc.). Secondly, technical means have the same ability to convey both rational and emotional information. This is important in the sense that the means of fixing a fact, once in the script, become at the same time a means of influencing the audience, which is always more interested in "watching the facts" than listening to a story about them. Therefore, already at the stage of collecting and selecting factual material for a future plot, using means of fixation, the material is given the necessary color, a different interpretation.

Thus, technical means in modern socio-cultural activities are increasingly being established as the leading means of fixing factual material for two main reasons: technical means increase the efficiency and quality of fixing a fact, the efficiency of collecting material; technical means make it possible to record facts from different angles; against a different background, highlighting the most characteristic, the most significant for us, that is, they allow already at the stage of collecting facts to convey the author's vision of the material, to show local material from an unusual angle of view.

The audiovisual nature of technical means significantly expands the possibilities of using the so-called "recognition effect" for these purposes. After all, the characters and circumstances in the visual and auditory perception of the audience appear as they are known, "as in life." And the more factual material is recognized on the screen or on the air under the conditions of a mass event, the more interest this material is, the weaker the critical attitude to the idea - which that material carries or motivates.

The process of searching for a successful scenario is of exceptional importance in the plot-compositional processing of the material, that is, the way of conducting the story, presenting the plot that passes through the entire theatrical event, is the basis of its entire structure. He has a significant impact on almost all elements of theatricalization, and often even performs the function of the plot itself.

The transformation of some kind of light and sound technical effect in the context of the development of a theatrical action can perform the function of a kind of scenario move (technique) that passes through the entire event and determines its compositional structure, or act as a generalized image.

For example, in one of the New Year's interludes for children, a large crystal chandelier in the center of the ceiling of the auditorium was successfully used. The scenario was built according to the traditional scheme: Santa Claus and his friends are looking for a magic wand stolen from him, without which he cannot light the main Christmas tree of the holiday. In the course of the search, the entire friendly company overcomes a lot of obstacles, fighting the intrigues of the insidious kidnappers. And depending on how this struggle went, the central chandelier burned differently: the closer to victory Santa Claus and his friends were, the brighter the chandelier burned, and vice versa.

The hall followed the change in the light of the chandelier, seeing in this a struggle between good and evil. It is noteworthy that the culminating scene of the search - the meeting of Santa Claus face to face with the kidnapper - was generally taken out of the frame by the scriptwriter: it took place outside the playground. All the friends of Santa Claus and the kidnapper's friends from the stage and all the spectators in the hall "watched" the duel by the changing light of the chandelier. There was a moment when it almost went out completely, to the delight of "thieves" against the background of a quiet audience. And when it finally shone with all its lights, the children in the hall gave a thunderous ovation - it was no longer a chandelier, not a technical lighting fixture, it was an image of a bright and pure holiday, an image of goodness. But at the same time it was also a kind of scenario device, through which the development of the plot was largely realized.

Technical means can form the basis of the scenographic principle of the entire plot-compositional solution. So, in one of the theatrical evenings of the Vyborg Palace of Culture in Leningrad in honor of the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution there was an episode "Acceleration of the demonstration", dedicated to the events of 1905 on the Vyborg side. This mass scene was solved by technical means with the participation of only three performers, although the audience perceived the action of a large mass of people.

Early morning. A lonely lantern burns dimly in the square. In front of him, on half-broken boxes, were three teenagers. You can hear the sound picture of the awakening of the working-class outskirts of the big city. The guys are waiting for the arrival of "our procession". Here, in the square where they are waiting, will be "the most important thing." And finally, the guys heard and then "saw" the procession of workers at the end of the street. The audience of the evening also seems to see this procession with them. The sound picture of the procession of workers, gradually intensifying, on the left side of the hall moves to the stage. The guys on the stage are already echoing their friends in the column, which, it seems, will take a little more and will go on stage. But suddenly, at the other end of the street, the boys "in the frame" saw (together with them and everyone in the column) something that extinguished the general excitement and screams. One of the guys shouts to his behind the scenes: “Cossacks!” - and points to the opposite end of the hall. There, on its right side, gradually growing, another sound picture is moving towards the stage - the slip of a Cossack hundred along the pavement. Here are two sound pictures - a demonstration of workers and a Cossack hundred - as if they stopped in front of each other. We "see" what is happening "behind the scenes", outside the stage. And on the stage - teenagers at a lantern with boxes, caught between two hostile forces. There is a verbal duel between demonstrators and Cossacks. The command is heard: "Checkers out!" Dispersal of the demonstrators begins. The voices of people, crying and lamentations, the neighing of horses, the ringing of a broken lantern, beams of searchlights, in which figures of three teenagers, seeking salvation from this nightmare, sometimes fall, swept across the stage.

Gradually, the sound picture of the demonstration acceleration disappears on both sides of the hall. The square is quiet again. It's morning already. The rays of the rising sun flood the stage. Traces of the pogrom are visible everywhere: scattered pieces of clothing, children's toys, boxes scattered around. Frightened teenagers crawl out from under them one by one. They are shocked by what they saw: "Beasts! Beasts! This will not be in vain for them! .."

It seems that the solution to this mass scene with the help of technical ones is optimal, because if a club director had brought in a lot of performers here with their attributes (not to mention horses), then he would hardly have received a more dynamic, convincing and large-scale picture of the acceleration of the demonstration, than which the technical means have created in the imagination of the audience.

2. Hardware and installation

In order for the attention of the participants of the club event to be focused on the general plan of the stage, the hall or on any particular detail, the mise-en-scenes should be built on the basis of the installation of various stage plans with the active use of technical means. In the structure of most artistic images, to one degree or another, there are elements of montage imagery.

An example of montage imagery can be a student episode from a thematic disco program, "Nature and We". With a five-slide montage and a simple soundtrack, a convincing image of the theme was created:

  • the first slide - a large field of daisies, the sounds of a summer day are heard: the singing of a lark, the buzzing of a bee.
  • the second slide shows a close-up of one chamomile.The noise of an approaching motorcycle is heard.
  • the third slide is a very close-up flower; the sound of the motorcycle drowned out all other sounds, it is already in the foreground.
  • the fourth slide - on the whole screen, only a yellow "eye" of a chamomile and at the same time a deafening roar of a speeding motorcycle. Then there is silence. All that is heard is the noise of a retreating motorcycle, and there is a clatter of the metronome.
  • the fifth slide is a daisy crushed into the ground by a motorcycle wheel.

The first four slides were shown tempo-rhythmically with acceleration against the background of amplifying sound. The last slide was shown to the sound of a measured metronome. Such installation techniques are simple and affordable; they allow in the club screenwriting and directing developments concisely, non-standardly to develop such complex and lofty topics as "peace", "war", "victory", "unity", etc.

As in cinema, editing in theatrical performances can create or destroy the continuity of the action, condense or stretch it. In other words, during editing, images of conditional space, conditional time appear. It is editing that allows you to create an image of a complex, changing space, show it in different directions, from different positions and on different scales.

Editing leads to optimal interaction of all the components of the club event: performances of the participants, mise-en-scène, projection, changes in the sound, sound and sound solutions, etc. Underestimation of editing explains the protractedness, cumbersomeness of many of our mass events, their painful tempo and inadequacy of proportions.

In modern practice, editing with the use of technical means gives scope to the compositional solution in scripts, the ability to freely convey scenes that take place in the present, past or future tense, combine real action with memories, with fantasy, show biographies through their fragments, etc.

There are many definitions of montage: logical, narrative, sequential, functional, crossover, parallel, mute, sonic, rhythmic, musical, intellectual, dynamic, intermittent, color, overtone, dynamic, cellular, analytical, constructive, impressionistic, metaphorical, ideological, thematic ... It is important for us to note that montage can be visually imperceptible, hidden in form, built on the principle of collisions or sound-visual counterpoint, and, finally, it can only be a play of colored spots or geometric shapes and lines.

Currently, in the disclosure of event material in theatrical forms of socio-cultural activity, the first place is given to the installation of such elements as a documentary frame (slide, film frame), documentary word (speeches of participants, texts of documents read out, etc.), documentary phonogram ( mostly with historical material).

Practice shows that the success of this or that episode of the program is due to the bright, imaginative montage. In particular, the so-called "asynchronous sound-visual editing", that is, the combination of elements of the visual and sound series according to the principle of non-coincidence, has great expressive possibilities for a socio-cultural event. When using this method of presenting material, an active positive reaction arises in the hall, and in a number of cases its high educational effect was noted. For example, in a club of a poultry farm, an evening of questions and answers was held, at which the head assured the workers that by the summer the utility rooms ("cabins") would be overhauled. Questions and answers were recorded on tape. And in the fall, on one of the evenings, the following fragment appeared: black-and-white transparencies depicting dirty, dilapidated "change houses" were mounted together with vigorous assurances from the head that everything would be repaired by the summer. Laughter rang out in the hall. The fragment was repeated on another evening, and after that the repair of the "change houses" began. The given example shows how asynchronous audio-visual editing (slide and phonogram) gave sharpness and emotional strength to the factual material, contributed to the fact that the club evening turned into an effective means of forming public opinion.

Modern technology allows you to combine visual and sound in a wide variety of combinations. Editing of sound and video can take a variety of forms in practice:

1. Editing a video sequence in combination with a phonogram of noise or music, or their combination in the complete absence of speech.

2. Editing the video sequence with the use of narration, the text of the presenters, documentary speech.

3. Editing the video sequence and text on some kind of sound background.

4. Editing the video sequence with the hero's internal monologue or alternating the video sequence with the usual conversation in the hall; this form of montage is often used in themed evenings and especially in portrait evenings.

So, at one of the evenings dedicated to the veteran of the state farm, the oldest resident of the village, the story of his youth was based on the installation of two sound and two visual components. The hero of the evening, together with everyone, looked at the slides with photographs from the past village, country, and his life. And at this time his voice sounded: he slowly, as if aloud recollected. This was not a comment, but an inner monologue of an elderly man, his leisurely reflections on life. This story was supplemented by various musical screensavers.

5. Editing a video sequence with a conditional imaginary sound. These are, as a rule, whole sound pictures depicting memories, hallucinations, dreams, dreams, sound juxtapositions, etc. Usually, in practice, in this form of editing, the video sequence is given in close-up with a gradual enlargement of the detail.

On the anniversary of the October Revolution, in one of the Palaces of Culture of Leningrad, a big evening was prepared for pioneers and schoolchildren, in which the central place was occupied by a composition about the boys of the Civil War, built as "revived memories" of a Civil War participant, inspired by a Budenovka from the school museum.

The composition began with the opening scene of the school museum. Each exhibit was sequentially picked up by a ray of light, and sound images of days gone by burst into the hall. They sounded from different plans of the stage and hall, then gradually dying down, then intensifying. And so the first plan sounds only one sound picture - the admission of volunteers to the Red Army, and on the gradually darkening stage, two bright light beams remain, illuminating the face of the veteran and Budenovka. The light turns on - and the stage is no longer a museum, but some kind of room from the 1920s, it is filled with Red Army soldiers. The commander hands over "the same" Budenovka to a thin teenager.

In this case, the montage, based on the alternation and combination of several sound pictures and details (museum exhibits), was a means of creating a kind of scenario technique through which the content of the composition was revealed.

6. Editing of a video sequence with damping of speech and dialogue with noise or music, distortion of speech, mute articulation, action without words, silence. In the composition mentioned above, with the help of this composition, the action returned from the 1920s to the present, to the school museum.

This technique in artistic mass work can perform a variety of creative functions - from showing the time of action to conveying the inner state of the hero. As practice shows, this form of montage has a great power of emotional impact only if darkness as a component of montage has a thoughtful, precisely verified proportionality with the rest of the components, when its duration is justified.


Technical means, like magicians, give us for the duration of the event a wonderful ability to represent the world in such a diverse and mobile form, which is inaccessible to us in ordinary practice. Now there is a kind of "arms race" with technical means, because it is their high-quality and original use that allows you to accomplish two main tasks: to attract the attention of a sophisticated audience and to effectively convey the thematic, ideological concept, the super task of the director.

Currently, it is necessary to adopt innovative experience in the use of technical means, improve the existing technical base of cultural institutions, train managers of social and cultural activities in the basics of interaction with numerous technical resources and their expediency of using at certain stages of the event, installation technology for efficiency in the preparation and conduct of events.

Do you want your party or celebration to bring joy and a lot of pleasant emotions to your guests, and most importantly - to be held at the highest level? In this case, you will have to take care of a whole range of events, including equipping a room or an open area with everything you need: pieces of furniture, snacks, drinks, music, entertainment, decorations, etc. a wedding, a large corporate party or other official holiday is quite difficult, but professional support during the organization of holidays will be very useful.

The site presents a wide range of various complex solutions for holding events of different shapes and sizes. Turning to the services of this organization, you can easily organize a holiday for both 100 and 500 persons, equipping the place with high-tech acoustics and lighting. However, before ordering the services of professionals, you need to understand which specific type of equipment will suit you best.

Technical equipment of events from and to

If we talk about major holidays, which are planned to be held on a spacious territory or on the road (for example, in a botanical garden or in nature), there is a need to attract:

  • video equipment;
  • lighting equipment;
  • stage structures;
  • sound and equipment for creating special effects.

All of the above technical equipment of events can be used for charity events, at auctions, at the presentation of new products or at the opening of companies. There can be many reasons for such a large-scale preparation. The main goal is to determine the type and number of devices needed, preferably based on the recommendations of professionals who know exactly how and where all structures should be placed. Moreover, if there is a presentation of a new product or it is necessary to launch a video sequence on a projector, an important component of success will be the location of the stage structure and the quality of the video presentation. If you work in close tandem with professionals, the holiday will bring the desired effect and help create the right atmosphere, regardless of the allocated budget or the number of guests. Even when organizing a small off-site party, you can attract professionals who will help you install karaoke equipment and DJ consoles, which will become the most important entertainment for the gathered company.