How cattle are slaughtered. How to slaughter and butcher a cow and a bull. Slaughtering method without stunning

Most people like to eat meat products. And all meat products are made from meat. Many people are ready to eat meat in any quantity. But it doesn't grow on trees. To get a tasty product from meat, you need to raise a cow or any animal of cattle. After that, the animal will have to be slaughtered and made into a delicious product. Most often, bulls are slaughtered, as cows provide milk. Gobies are slaughtered young, at an age when the meat is still tender.

Slaughter methods

Home slaughter

  • Prepare for the slaughter process... Before starting the slaughter, you need to be sure that your hand will not flinch in the process and everything will go smoothly. It is necessary to kill livestock with a firm hand. After killing an animal, an adrenaline rush will occur in the body, but you will need to pull yourself together and finish the job you have begun.
  • It is necessary to make sure that the animal is at the correct age... The age factor is very important when slaughtering livestock, especially for beef. Most often, livestock is sent for slaughter at the age of 10-18 months. The most appropriate moment is in the 24-30th month, in the event that the cattle are raised in the field.
  • Choose the right time for slaughter... Do not slaughter cattle during fly season. Most often it runs between May and October. It is necessary to slaughter livestock on days when the temperature minimum is ten degrees throughout the day. For countries with snowfall from November to May, slaughter should be done before the first snow.
  • Make sure you kill at the right time of the year or even on the right day... Try not to slaughter cattle or any other animals during fly season, which typically occurs between May and October in most countries except Australia. In some areas, you can score at any time, especially in areas that stay 10 degrees Celsius throughout the day. Do not feed the animal the day before slaughter.
  • Prepare the slaughtering site... Usually, a place is chosen from which it is then comfortable to drag the body with a tractor.
  • Check the weapon... Any weapon can be used: rifle, pistol, knife and more. The main thing is that it must be serviceable.
  • Shoot wisely... First you need to aim well, you need to aim between the eyes. If everything is done correctly, then shoot without fear. When the hit is accurate, the animal dies quickly and without pain. If there is uncertainty about accuracy, you can mark the place to hit. After the shot, you need to check whether the bullet hit the brain. If an animal stops moving, it does not mean that it is dead. It is necessary to check the movement of the pupils.
  • Play it safe... If fear for the animal persists, cut your throat with a hunting knife. Do this in such a way that the blood drains to the ground. This must be done before cutting.

Commercial face

How cows are killed

We have been living in a modern and humane world for a long time, but until now man has not come up with an easier and painless way to kill cows and other animals. Very often they have to suffer seconds before death. Slaughter is carried out by different methods:

  1. A blow is carried out with a sledgehammer or an ax in the forehead area.
  2. Murder with an electric gun.
  3. With a metal tube.
  4. Electric shock or gas mixture.

Before this, cows must undergo a thorough examination by a veterinarian.... After that, all the cattle are washed in the shower. Before the procedure, they are divided into a healthy and acceptable product for sale, as well as an unhealthy one. And only after the performed manipulations are they taken to the pre-slaughter room. Often animals begin to realize what will happen to them soon. At such moments, they refuse to go further, rest their horns on everything. It is extremely forbidden to hit, push and kick cows in such situations. This can scare the livestock and spoil the taste of the meat.

What kind of livestock can be slaughtered?

It is foolish to think that any cow is suitable for the process of slaughter and sale in the future. This should be understood not only in a professional sale, but also at home. Cows can be sick or infected. In order to make sure that the cattle are healthy, they are taken for a mandatory examination at a veterinary clinic. The veterinarian conducts thermometry and selects healthy and sick animals.

There is a classification of ailments due to which cows are unsuitable for slaughter:

  • The presence of a clinical form of an ulcer or even a suspicion of it.
  • Rabies.
  • Tetanus.
  • Fever.
  • Emphysematous carbuncle.
  • Plague.
  • Swelling of various forms.

If some diseases or pathologies are found in cattle, then they are sent for treatment. When it is determined that the treatment does not bear any fruit, the cows are killed and disposed of. It is forbidden to carry out this independently at meat processing plants, farms and private households. Everything is done under the strict supervision of veterinarians in specialized slaughterhouses.

The following requirements are imposed on the processes of obtaining non-processed food products of animal origin in accordance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 034/2013 "On the safety of meat and meat products" and TR CU 021/2011 "On the safety of food products":

1. Slaughter of productive animals is carried out in places specially designated for this purpose. At production facilities performing slaughter, hygienic and veterinary and sanitary requirements for the maintenance and operation of production facilities for the production (manufacture) of meat and meat products must be observed, aimed at ensuring the production of safe food and non-food products, as well as preventing the occurrence of unacceptable risk.

2. Slaughter of productive animals is carried out in ways that ensure humane treatment of productive animals.

3. Healthy productive animals from farms and (or) areas that are safe in veterinary terms are allowed to be slaughtered for use for food purposes.

It is not allowed to send for slaughter for use for food purposes productive animals treated with preparations for protection against insects and (or) in relation to which medicinal products for veterinary use, intended for fattening, treatment, prevention of diseases, have been used, before the expiration of the waiting period for their removal from the body. productive animals.

Before slaughter for use for food purposes, productive animals are subject to pre-slaughter holding.

The base for the pre-slaughter keeping of productive animals must include a quarantine department, an isolator and a sanitary slaughterhouse. In the absence of a sanitary slaughterhouse, slaughter of productive animals sent for stamping out is allowed on specially designated days or in the workshop for the primary processing of productive animals at the end of the shift when all carcasses and other products of slaughter of healthy productive animals are removed from the workshop.

4. Immediately before slaughter, productive animals are subject to a pre-slaughter veterinary examination.

5. After slaughter, carcasses of productive animals and other unprocessed food (food) raw materials of animal origin obtained from their slaughter are subject to post-mortem inspection and veterinary and sanitary examination. In unprocessed food products of animal origin, obtained from the slaughter of productive animals, there should be no changes characteristic of infectious animal diseases.

6. Other unprocessed food (food) raw materials of animal origin intended for the production (manufacture) of food products, with the exception of the catch of aquatic biological resources, must be obtained from healthy productive animals from epizootic farms (production facilities).

7. Aquatic biological resources should come from safe areas of harvest (catch).

8. Additional requirements for the processes of obtaining unprocessed food products of animal origin are established by the technical regulations of the Customs Union for certain types of food products, which establish requirements for such food products and related to the requirements for it processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal.

Preparation of animals for slaughter has a significant impact on the quality of the meat obtained and facilitates the implementation of primary processing. Every aspect of handling from the moment the animal is sent from the feed station to the moment of slaughter (loading and unloading animals, transporting them for slaughter, the condition of the animals during transport, the duration and conditions of holding the animals after transport to slaughter) is of great importance.

Pre-slaughter aging is of great importance - it gives the animal the opportunity to rest after transportation, helps to cleanse the contents of the gastrointestinal tract from metabolic products (negatively affecting the quality of meat) and to better ripening of meat. Carcasses obtained from rested animals are more completely exsanguinated, less contaminated with microorganisms, and the meat is of a higher quality, which facilitates primary processing, eliminates the possibility of contamination of carcasses and organs, and improves the sanitary condition of production facilities. Dirty skin is a source of contamination of meat; in cattle, the front and hind limbs are washed before slaughter.

The technology of slaughtering cattle includes: stunning, slaughter and bleeding of livestock, skinning, removal of the head, lower parts of the limbs, removal of internal organs, division (sawing) of carcasses into half carcasses or quarters, stripping, branding and weighing. After the veterinary examination, the animal is moved from the pre-slaughter holding area to the slaughterhouse.

Stuns cattle, horses and pigs. Stunning leads to loss of consciousness, sensitivity and motor ability, which creates conditions for more convenient and safe performance of subsequent operations. It is considered that the stunning was carried out correctly if the animal is unconscious for 5–7 minutes; time sufficient for the imposition of restraints on the limbs and exsanguination. Stunning is carried out by mechanical and electrical methods: mechanical stylet, pistol, hammer; electrical jamming by high-frequency currents in special boxes.

For electric stunning of cattle, an alternating current with a voltage of 70–120 V, a current strength of 1.5 A or up to 200 V, a current strength of 1 A is used. The duration of exposure to a current is 7–15 sec. (bulls 30 sec.) - depending on the age, sex, weight and physiological state of the animal.

As a result of stunning, sensitive centers are paralyzed, but muscle contraction, the work of the heart and lungs do not stop. Slaughter and exsanguination. The blood content in the body of cattle is 7–8%. Cattle are lifted onto an overhead track using a winch, onto a carcass handling conveyor, by their hind limbs, and hung vertically. Bleeding is carried out in the vertical position of the carcass and, less often - in the horizontal position. The vertical position of the carcass ensures the best sanitary condition of the meat and places of slaughter. First, the skin is cut at the neck, the esophagus is exposed and tied up so as not to contaminate the carcass with its contents. Bleeding is carried out by cutting the large blood vessels (carotid artery and jugular vein) in the animal's neck, taking care not to damage the trachea and esophagus. Duration of exsanguination is 6–8 minutes. Bleeding is considered good if the amount of blood collected from cattle is not less than 4.2%, which corresponds to 50-60% of all blood contained in the animal's body. The rest of the blood remains in the meat and internal organs.

Skinning is a laborious process that takes 30-40% of the time spent on animal processing. Existing methods of skinning include manual operations with a knife and a mechanical installation (winch). Skinning operations are carried out carefully and carefully, since the presentation of the carcass and the quality of the skin depend on this. In case of careless shooting, "snags", cuts of fat and meat are formed, which worsens the presentation of the carcass. Cuts, holes and snags reduce the value of the hide as a raw material for hides.

Skinning includes whitewashing - partial manual skinning and mechanical final skinning. The area of ​​cattle carcasses whitening is 20–25% of the entire carcass surface.

When shooting the skins mechanically, the carcass is fixed by the front limbs with a loop from a chain or with a special lock, giving it an inclination of up to 70 ° to the plane of the floor. The hide from the forelimbs is grasped with a loop from the chain, which is then hooked to the hook of the traction chain of the set and is stripped from the neck to the tail. During mechanical shooting, the resulting scuffs of adipose and muscle tissues are eliminated by cutting them with a knife along the subcutaneous connective tissue. After removing the cut, the skins are sent to the skins salting department.

Gutting or removal of internal organs must be carried out no later than 45 minutes after exsanguination of the mascara. To remove the internal organs, the abdominal wall is cut along the white line, avoiding cuts and damage to the stomach and intestines. The omentum is removed - fatty deposits from the stomach, the stomach together with the spleen, and then the liver (heart, lungs, trachea, liver in a natural joint). Place them on the viscera inspection table (conveyor) for veterinary and sanitary examination.

After gutting, the sternum is cut along the midline, preventing damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Then the pubic fusion of the pelvic bones is cut, the rectum is separated from the surrounding tissue, the udder is separated in females, and the genitals in males.

On the conveyor, the stomachs of cattle are divided into their constituent chambers - a scar with a mesh, a book and abomasum, and they are degreased. The carcasses from which the internal organs were removed are divided with an electric saw or a cleaver into two longitudinal halves, retreating 7–8 mm to the right from the middle of the spine. When cutting beef carcasses, it is important to avoid crushing the vertebrae or allowing whole vertebrae to fit into any half of the carcass. If necessary, the carcasses of cattle are divided into quarters between the 12-13th ribs.

Carcass stripping operations are started immediately after sawing. Thorough stripping gives the half carcasses an appropriate presentation and prevents spoilage of the meat. When stripping, crushed bones, bruises, bruises, abscesses, blood clots, scraps of skin, fringes, kidneys must be completely removed, as well as the tail must be separated, the spinal cord and all residual internal fat and inguinal fat must be removed.

To remove contamination of meat (blood and contents of the gastrointestinal tract), the inner surface of the carcass is washed with water. The outer surface is washed out if it is dirty.

Which you can see at the end of our article refers to very complex processes. Let's figure out together how to properly prepare, slaughter and slaughter a bull.

Before the very process of slaughtering this animal at home, you should go through a number of preparatory stages. Before slaughtering the bull, you should expand the diet by increasing the greens in the feed, as well as concentrates. When the animal has a stable period, it is recommended to give it coarse and juicy compound feed.

Another recommendation is that it is best to cut the bull in the first year of life. In the event that a small goby was born in the spring months, it should not yet be slaughtered. In the summer months, due to the abundant vegetation, the animal will quickly gain weight, and the meat you can get in the fall will be even tastier.

A very interesting fact is that castrated bulls gain weight much worse than those individuals that have not gone through this process. Therefore, gobies should not be subjected to this surgical procedure. It is also recommended to send animals for slaughter to special plants, where they know how to slaughter and it will also save you unnecessary trouble, you will get a good profit.

If you still decide to deal with it on your own, then first of all you need to firmly attach the animal's horns to the support and as close as possible so that it does not escape. Next, you should stun the animal with a heavy object on the forehead. For example, you can use a hammer.

Slaughter instruction

If you see that the bull has lost consciousness, quick and well-coordinated work is required. He may regain consciousness in a few minutes. This means that your actions should be automatic. Take a knife and cut across the lower part of the neck, thus opening up the blood vessels. The leaking blood must be collected in a specially prepared container.

Correct cutting of the bull

After the blood flows out of the bull almost completely, it is necessary to proceed to cutting the carcass itself. It is better to bleed and cut the carcass while hanging.

The first step is to remove the skin. We cut off both ears, cut the skin in the area of ​​the lips and nostrils of the animal. Then the incision goes through the eyes and up to the right horn. We move to the forehead, going out to the left horn and reach the notch that remained after cutting off the ears. We make circular incisions around both horns. From the neck, make an incision to the lips and remove the skin from the remaining part.

We cut off the head of the goby, making an incision near the back of the head and cervical vertebrae. For convenience, you can turn the carcass on its back and make subsequent incisions from the throat through the chest and abdomen and reach the anus. Circular incisions are made on the lower limbs.

After removing the skin, the carcass must be left for two hours in order for it to cool. We proceed directly to cutting.

The carcass of the goby should be cut across the meat fibers, continuously from start to finish. If you do not take this into account, you can get a low-quality meat product. Cutting begins along a line between the 13th and 14th vertebrae. The resulting parts are separated from bones and meat. Next, you need to cleanse the meat from fat, tendons and other things.

After that, the neck is cleaned, and the meat must be chopped and cut into pieces. The ribs must be cleaned completely. The legs are also freed from bones and various tendons and then cut. The next step is to process the shin, brisket and shank in the same way. The last step is to cut the meat off the humerus.

Internal organs should be removed in stages. The first step is to remove the intestines and stomach. Be sure to invite a veterinarian to examine the product and tell you if the carcass is suitable.

Video "Butchering the bull after the bullfight"

In the video, you can see the butchering of the bull after the bullfight.

IMPORTANT! I warn you, this is a slaughterhouse report. Inside - photographs of slaughter and butchering of cows. If you think that meat grows on a tree, if you do not want to look at the blood and internal organs of animals, please do not go under cat. I'm not kidding, there is little pleasant there.

More than anything, I love steaks. I am ready to eat meat every day in large quantities, I can’t help myself. I respect the rights of vegetarians, so on these lines I say goodbye to them: go away! You don't need a cut! Don't read this post any further. Thanks.

It so happened that steaks are made from meat, and meat does not grow on a tree, so for a good steak you need to grow and slaughter a bull. Cows are more fortunate, they have every chance to live to a happy cow old age, since they can give milk. Almost all gobies are slaughtered at a young age, when their meat is at its most tender.

Steaks are made from the highest quality beef. Good beef is not produced in Russia, so if you order a steak in a restaurant, it will almost certainly be made from foreign beef. Previously, beef was imported to us from the United States, then it was banned, then it began to be imported from Australia, but soon it was also banned. Now they will be imported from New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina. For steaks, Angus and Hereford cows are usually raised.

Now about feeding: this is the most important story. When you buy good meat in the store, chances are you will see the inscription on it: grass or grain fed. But not everything is so simple. It is, of course, unprofitable to feed a cow with grass. Too much land is lost, it is easier to plant soybeans than grass for a ladybug. Grass is usually fed in New Zealand, they have a lot of space. But this is not the main problem. If you feed the cows with grass on endless green meadows, then it is impossible to control the degree of marbling (fat content) of the beef. Therefore, in the 60s of the last century, Americans began to feed cows with grain (corn, barley, etc.). It is more expensive, but the meat is of better quality, and you can control the result. The Japanese generally drink beer for cows. Walking with a beef cow is generally contraindicated, since the meat from physical exertion will be tough. Each country comes up with its own diets for cows. For this several years ago, Americans were banned in Russia, they say, they found a growth stimulant in meat - ractopamine. Of course they were banned for political reasons, not for additives. Since March this year, Russia has banned the import of beef from Australia.

Bad news. High quality beef has never been produced in Russia and is never produced. Bummer (((. I heard that Miratorg bought bulls and started producing something, but the result of their creativity is not yet known to meat eaters. As soon as good domestic beef appears in the store, I will write to you right away.

So, before, beef was transported from the USA and Australia, now they switched to South America. There the meat is worse, since the fattening is mainly grassy. Meat is not brought from Japan. All these Japanese marbled wagyu steaks have always been from Australia. Good Japanese beef in Japan costs about 10,000 - 13,000 rubles per kilogram, now imagine how much it would cost in our country. In Russia, premium beef is on average from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles per kilogram.

In Argentina, meat has been made for a long time and successfully. Not far from Buenos Aires is the SUBPGA slaughterhouse, where cows are slaughtered and butchered. The meat is sent from here all over the world, including to Russia.

The business model of the slaughterhouse is interesting. In fact, it is a cooperative. The people took power after the owners went bankrupt. Under Argentine law, workers can take over a business and form a cooperative if the owner is in financial difficulty.

The farmer supplies the cows to the slaughterhouse. The carcass is given to the farmer, and the slaughterhouse itself retains the insides and skin. This is quite beneficial as meat only accounts for 60% of the cost of a cow. 15% of the cost is leather, 19% is entrails (liver, tongue, tail, brains, etc.), another 6 percent is bones and blood. That is, for butchering a cow, the slaughterhouse retains 40% of the cost of the cow. If suddenly a cow is especially valuable, then you can negotiate individually.

Up to 1,500 cows are slaughtered in this slaughterhouse per day. This is not a record, in the United States there are slaughterhouses capable of slaughtering and butchering up to 30,000 head of cattle.

By the way, slaughterhouses appeared in Russia under Peter I, before that animals were killed in markets, on vacant lots, in the hallways of houses or in special “meat huts”. Peter I ordered the construction of slaughterhouses and issued decrees regulating the meat trade.

So, how things are going.

01. The cows are taken from the farm to the slaughterhouse

02. Here they are checked by a veterinarian.




06. All right, it's time ...

07. Animals are washed in the shower

08. They walk along a narrow corridor to the slaughterhouse.

10. The animal immediately loses consciousness.

11. Immobilized animals are lifted by their hind legs onto a suspended track.


13. Next, the arteries and veins in the neck are opened with a knife in order to exsanguinate. Everything happens very quickly, blood is poured out of the carcass literally in seconds. This is the most unpleasant process, I will not show it to you in detail.

14. Do you see the stick on the left? She's energized. The carcass receives a discharge of current in order to finally become immobile. Although the cow is already dead, the muscles can contract.

16. The process is long, about 10 people trim the skin on the conveyor.



19. Everyone performs a certain operation, gradually skinning is removed from the carcass.

20. Everything is sterile






26. Almost done


28. At the end, the robot removes the skin from the carcass.



32. Then the carcasses are cut into half carcasses along the spine


34. Straight anatomy textbook

35. Heart


37. Half carcasses are cleaned

38. Then they are branded

39. The half carcasses are given to the owner or, if he wants, they are cut further.

40. My favorite part is “Skirt” or “butcher's steak”, in Bison it is called “Machete” steak, diaphragm steak, very unusual and bright taste.

41. The meat is vacuum packed and shipped to customers all over the world. There are documents regulating the carcass cutting process and detailing how to cut the fat properly and how each piece should look like. In the US, cutting standards are spelled out in a guide called the Meat Buyer 's Guide. Australians have a similar Australian Beef Product Guide, in Canada - Meat Cuts Manual. In Russia they do not yet know what a steak is, so our producers have nothing to offer can not.




45. Part of the meat is frozen. The temperature drops to minus 30 in a matter of minutes. Thus, the cell walls do not have time to break down with ice crystals. Subsequently, during defrosting, the loss of juiciness is minimal. Such meat, as a rule, comes to Russia by sea: this is the cheapest way. You can work with frozen meat. What's more, you can buy a large piece of chilled beef, chop it into steaks, and then freeze it in the freezer, and nothing bad will happen if the freezer is good.

46. ​​By the way, in order to sell meat to Russia, you have to buy a license, it costs $ 60,000.

48. Wonderful Argentinian custom-made boots.

49. The quality is monitored by a store dog (there are 3 of them!)

50. Customers are measured

51. I ordered my shoes, suddenly they will be invited to a holiday in the Kremlin, but I have nothing to wear.

Shoes take a month, just as long as the meat floats from Argentina to Russia.

Taken from to the Slaughterhouse

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It is customary to slaughter livestock in specialized places - at meat processing plants and slaughterhouses, but in some regions you can kill and butcher a pet on your own. The quality of meat products depends on how correctly the slaughter of animals is made. That is why an experienced cattle slayer should kill cattle and butcher carcasses.

It is customary to slaughter livestock in specialized places - at meat processing plants and slaughterhouses, but in some regions you can kill and butcher a pet on your own.

A thorough examination of the animal and the permission of the veterinary clinic employee that the meat is edible is a prerequisite before such a procedure as the slaughter of cattle. In no case should an animal be killed for the purpose of its further cutting and sale of meat when there is a suspicion of anthrax, rabies, plague, carbuncles, fever, malignant edema, tetanus. Usually, such animals are immediately separated from the rest and subjected to therapy, if it turns out to be ineffective, then the cattle are killed in order to further utilize the corpse. The slaughter of sick animals cannot be carried out on an ordinary farm or in a private household; for this purpose there must be a special slaughterhouse or another room intended for this purpose, where infected cattle can be killed.

There are also a number of time constraints on which to temporarily postpone the killing of a cow or other cattle. These limitations include the following factors:

Slaughter preparation

Regardless of the conditions in which cows are slaughtered - at home or commercial - the procedure should be performed only by a professional who knows all the nuances well.

When cows are slaughtered, the primary concern is that the cow, horse and other animal to be slaughtered does not eat for 24 hours. You should also strictly limit access to water: you can give a drink no later than 3 hours before slaughter. Before slaughtering, the horse or cow must be washed.

An equally important role is played by the calmness of the animal, since it begins to feel the approaching death long before it occurs. Therefore, places for slaughter should be prepared at some distance from the main habitat of livestock.

Regardless of the conditions in which cows are slaughtered - at home or commercial - the procedure should be performed only by a professional who knows all the nuances well


Before you kill an animal, you must first stun it. To do this, it is taken to a specially designated place, where it is tied up by the horns and neck to the crossbar. After that, the animal can be stunned, usually the back of an ax or some other heavy object is used for this purpose. You need to beat very carefully, since it is necessary to get strictly to the junction of the first vertebra and the occipital bone. As a result of the blow, the stunned animal faints. At this time, the carotid artery is cut and suspended in such a way that the blood can drain freely.

Another way to slaughter a cow is by cutting the blood vessels in the neck. In this case, the blow is struck slightly below the spine, behind the lower jaw.

Often at home, in addition to cutting the carotid artery, firearms are used. In this case, it is necessary to get strictly to the point on the forehead between the eyes, located in the middle. Sometimes, when using a firearm, one shot may not be enough, since the animal does not die immediately.

Industrial conditions

The slaughter of cows and other large animals at livestock farms has been put on stream. The cattle are placed on a small rectangular mobile platform. Then each cow is herded into a small compartment, in which all movements are rather constrained. In this case, the slaughter is carried out by means of a shot fired from a special percussion pistol. The shot is made exactly in the central part of the forehead of the animal, and it immediately dies.

Slaughter technologies (video)

Cutting process

After the animal is slaughtered, it follows. The main condition for this procedure is that the carcass of a horse, cow, or other animal must be completely drained of blood by this time. If properly suspended, this may take no more than 10-15 minutes.

Butchering cows, goats and other animals begins with skinning. Butchering the cow begins from the head, for this, first, the ears are cut off, then incisions are made around the nose, mouth and horns. You should especially focus on the cut around the horns, as the hide is much thicker there than on the rest of the parts. Then an incision is made between the head and the cervical vertebra, the skin is removed and the head is cut off.

After the animal is slaughtered, the carcass is cut.

The headless torso must be placed on the back and circular cuts are made around the anus, joints, then longitudinal cuts are made along the legs to the abdomen, the lower hock joints must be cut off. Then, along the incisions, they begin to skin the legs, sides, sternum and back.

Cutting the carcass without the skin begins with opening the chest with an ax blow, after which the trachea is bandaged and removed along with the stomach. Then you should carefully remove all other internal organs of the animal so as not to damage the intestinal membrane and gallbladder, and place in a sterile container.

Usually they cut a cow or other cattle, and then cut it in a horizontal position, but if there are special trestles or poles for hanging the carcass, then all cutting activities are carried out in a vertical position. The cut carcass of the animal is sent to the market or meat processing plant for processing.